I You Can Ward Off |
I Sickness - |
Anybody can. Guff's Chill Tonic is
WARRANTED a positive prevcntative
and effective cure for Chills and Fever.
"A stitch in time saves nine," is an old
maxim, l'erhaps a bottle or two of this
Wjji palatable tonic may keep you on your
feet and save you many dollars in doctors
i bills. The experiment is worth trying.
A. D. SLOAN. Prop. W '" DRUGS"
1). L. Crowder has gone to The Dalles
on business.
The third cutting of alfalfa is about
ready at l'urker.
Coffin Hrog. shipped this week 2,000
muttons toFrye I'.ruen StOo., Seattle.
Corporal .'as. W. Spahr, late of Com
pany IC, Manila, is registered at the
The Wonder has secured the services of
a Oral class dressmaker, who will arrive
<m Monday next.
Claude Brings, the piano man, has
some wonderful snaps in pianos and or
gans for somebody—who can have them
for little money. 3')
The Fashion stables are enlarging.
An addition is being put on fronting
Fourth street that is an large as the orig
inal building.
W. 1. I.ince left this morning fur Vic
toria, B. O.| in responee to a telegram
requesting his presence at the bedside of
bll brother, who is seriously ill.
Six hove have been drilling and will
coon be ready to enter a silver mudal cou-i
test to be given during fair week. The.
medal will go to the best speaker.
Further particulars later.
\V. H. Sebftftsr and wife are in the city
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford. Mr.
Scbafler is the manager of a ready-print
establishment at Cleveland, Ohio, and
together with his wife in spending his
vacation in the west.
Jonen A. (tuthrie have tiled a rait for
divorce for Kdith Fletcher against her
husband, Frederick, whom she accuses
of cruelty and neglect. They were mar
ried in Wauknu, Wis.. and lived awhile
in Waukee, lowa. She wants her boy,
I .ester, aged two years.
The sister-in-law of \,. F. Diteinan is
quite ill. A child was horn to her on
last Thursday. Mrs. F. 11. Benson Inn
been caring for the infant, which was
brought into town from the Moxee, the
precarious condition of the mother ren
dering its removal necessary. Mrs. Dite
inan is slowly improving.
Leigh Miller Freeman answered, on
Tuesday, I^eigh H. Freeman's complaint
against the management of the Kanch
and Range. He defends his actions, as
editor, in refusing to publish his father*
personal atnl political contributions.
He also says he refuged a flashy "ad"
for a cigar company an being beneath the
dignity of his publication.
JfC m 1^ JK ?PC JK »Pf..Jv,
/W/ Opening
| s^. 22 ( »IJ2J, |
<££ Grand display of *
g French pattern #
'M hats and novelties W
1| in Millinery.
* y?// an? respectfully g
*g invited.
Mrs. Gary's millinery opening; will be
the event of the mm for the Indies
of Yakima Her store has recently jjeen
renovated und with the addition of new
furniture and draperies, is one of the
most artistic parlors in the city. Mrs.
Cary has recently returned from Port
land where t>he spent two weeks in at
tending openings ttn d studying the must
up-to-dute millinery, bnngtug home Rome
of the beauties. 35
Clara (Jrac Cook, aged ;i years, B
months and lv day*, died on Monday
Ins 1., of typhoid fever. She was the
daughter of Win L. and 0. L. Cook, re
siding two miles south of this city. Fu
neral services were held at the family
residence by Elder J. (i. Smith. The
interment took place at ttie Yakima City
It is rumored that at Ihti school Umnl
meeting tonight l'rof. Wftktfield, late of
the Wilßon business college, Seattle, will
he chosen superintendent of the city
schools in place of l'rof. St. John, re
signed, l'rof. Wakefield made quite a
favorable impression here while in at
tendance on the teachers' institute.
I. H. Current wired over to Goldendale
! to ascertain the truth of the reported dU
' appearance of his brother, the deputy
auditor of Klickitat county. He could
net no definite information, however, of
hix brother's whereabouts. He believes
he has gone to Nebraska to visit their
I mother.
A local paper, in npeakiriK of the death
of Mrs. Thoman Maher, in Taconm, was
in error in statins that the lady was re
lated to A. F. Sntllinff, as she bore no
rd-iturn at all to that gentleman, who
waß the former partner of her hunband.
Claude Brigics has tit his piano and
music store, next do3r to Yakima Na
tional bank, the only complete stock of
all kimU of musical instruments and
strings- Call and Bee his attractive dis
play iv musical lines. 35
Congressman Jones stated to an asso
ciated press reporter at Tacoma, on
Monday, that he would wire the secre
tary of the interior protesting against the
removal of the sheep from the Rainier
The land contest of Gbo. M. Reed
againßt John B. Crews, involving land
near Tampico, haß been continued until
October 4. Whitson & Parker represent
Reed, and I. M. Krutz eontestee Crewe.
The "lit'iu'fu.i'iit it< announced ol Miss
Yera Phillips, the handHOine anil accomp
lished daughter of J. F. Phillips, to
Frank Oliattield, a popular young citizen
formerly of <ioldendale.
Claude BrlgKß still deties competition
in -'ylrH iiinl pricen of piunos atnl or^Hiig.
Now is your time to buy v good piano or
or^iin —while lie is di'fyinn competi
tion. 3d
Key. Mr. Baker, formerly of Yakima
City, has been assigned to the M. K.
church at Arlington, Oregon, by the Con
ference at Spokane.
Mrs. Haines, a skillful trimmer from
St. Paul, nan been employed in the
trimming department of The Wonder.
Dills & Co. are showing the largest line
of children's suits and reefers in the city.
Everything that is late. ;i'>
The First Washington arrived safely
on Monday at Nagasaki, Japan, enroute
Fruit packers in town get 3 cents and
double that at Parker and board them
Two apprentice girls wanted, to learn
dressmaking. Inquire at The Wonder.
Dick Me Daniel and bod, Karl, left yes
terday for Dawson City.
Yakimi Hotel Bulldlni Sold.
N. S. .li.|iii»<ni. proprietor of the Roch
ester hotel, Taroma, it i« re|>or|p(l, has
piinhatKxl tlif YakiniH hotel l>iiililiii|i,
not the hotel proper, for #1-"),IXH) Irotn
i'ortlaml partiea. It i» underntnod Mr.
• Indus hi mteixlH t:ikiiiL- the hotel hueti
ne»s at Hie expiration of the preneiit
lease of Mr. Urillith. What effect this
will have upon the rerent Dxiley opti >n
on the hotel anil bar liiigitiffs remains to
be seen. Mr. (irifllth has a three years'
leiise and K. W. I>oii|hv ha" an option on
that, which expires today. The saloon
lioMM oxpircs in Ffbrnary. It is fur
ther reported that Mr. Johnson is anx
ious to posses the hotel hnniness, which
he wants to etlarne unit refurnish
Made a Hundred Per Cent
A hop picker from the Sound went
into Keene's and anked for a pair of
■pact, BitmaNnnd by the oaeallat
and after a half iionrV work the DM was
"How much ." he neked.
"$1.80," Mid Kan*.
"Why, that's nore than 1 can pick in
a day ; ain't you got any cheaper?''
"Yes, here's a pair for 2.") cents," said
Keene, tossing out a cheap article.
"That seems dear,'' said the near
sighted man.
"Well," said the optician, losing
patience, "here's admit your size; you
can have 'em fur a dim*/ 1 and ac the
■H left the whop with his rubber nose
iiiiiNseti, Keene chuckled. "I made a
hundred percent in that deal, anyhow."
Another Boundary Survey.
Pn(. Kernhardt, of Washington. I).
('., is in the city. He goes soon to the
reservation to re-survey the west bound
ary lines of the Vakinia Indian reserva
tion. He will consume about a month's
time in the work. The Indians claim
that the Klickitat boundary is wrung;
that in consequence they have beeu de
prived of a hundred thousand acres or
more of land they are entitled to under
tlie. treaty.
Sunnyside Sittings.
Frank Vetter is visiting his brothers
at Spokane.
C. A. Kern was a Mabton visitor on
Mrs. Joseph Kunz led the Christian
Kndeavor meeting Sunday evening, Mrs.
Cline being oat of town.
Mr. AdaniH, from the Huadgate, was a
town visitor.
Most of our people from town and
vicinity have gone to the hop yards and
the town is ntarly depopulated.
Mr. Jordan, formerly of ToppenUh, ac
companied by several of his friends from
Kiitlhlriim, Idaho, nre looking over the
valley and enjoying the,shooting.
W. H. Clinc wa* a North Yakima vis
itor on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ju. HendersonJ'are re
joicing over a daughter which (arrived at
their home on Wadnagilayjllast.
Jack Huhlc's family arrived on last
Thursday and are nicely settled in the
Cline cottage north of town.
Tobias Beckner, of Mabton, spent
Monday at his ranch north of ;lhe town
To the citizens of North Yakima.
The citizens committee on entertaining
visitors to the State Fair would most re
spectively urge those having| rooms that
they can spare for use of visitors during
fair week to report to the committee at
once. Ueo. S. Hough, A. S. Dam, and
Claude Brings. Committee.
Viti'i' of ItiKsolution "I (n-l'artncrilii|i-
Noti^B is hereby uiven that the firm of
W. 'j. Mallny A Co. is ttiis day 'Un
solved. The iinilereiunfMl will in the
future eomluet the liuginesd atu) will
settle all accounts due to and from the
late firm. A. K. I>owns.
September 13, 1896. 86-3t
Go to (iilt Kdge More for pure epioes
and Baking powders. 2H-l^t
No growling
at the table
When you buy your meat* from
im—whether a prime noef roa«,
Kpring lanili, veal or pork« it* 'I' 1
llcfous, juicy hpiil tender. Wp buy
all our itock on the hoof with these
eftHeutialfl in view
If you seuil Tour orden by the
children you will receive a« grxt(\
raeata aa though you came yourself
Mi li da,
Fint Street Telephone 3f>
| Fall Opening—* I
V o! /vrtistic Millinery $
V,- Thursday, Friday and Saturday
i? All arc cordially invited to attend this, L
the event of the season in Millinery 7^
r circles j« Elegant Eastern patterns 'A'
}/^ and prettiest effects ever shown here
General Merchandise, o» ntD5w c tct:
Ho|i Picker*' Supplier .it Wholesale Cost lor no Days.
SngHr, per sack |5 TAor 111 lbs for $1 OO
Kenno, small white, ppr Ib. !11.,e
Rolled Oats, per Ib 4,.
Soiii', Lennox or Smiliix, -♦ bars tef !!."»<■
Coffee, 2") c It), quality, for . . 1 .V
• iloves, rftfulsr price ~>oc, sppcisil s«le price Jtlic
" •!■>'-. '...'.'.'.'.4lh
lint<, regular price, $'.'.">(), special nls price. $1 !>O
86e, ..".'..". <S.V
Shoes, reijular price $J 76, " " " ... .... $U OO
" *-•"><), . U SM)
Shirts, regular price fiOe, " " " 40
1 '«•->' Calicots, regular i.rice Be, special Hale price. oil
" se. ..!... 04
fl^^We nmniifHi turc the PKOMBB FLOUR ud nmUn every Mok. Try «
sack. H.ild l.y nil the laMlni iroetfl 111 the i-it> .
you Cave
4O to SO SSr
At the PAIR STORE on all kinds of goods.
Ladies iip-tn-datp Shoes ... $1 <ti>
Men's Calf Shoes . $1 95 to I ftO
Hovh' Calf Shoes . 1 OO to I 2."»
A patent dust pan given with every ten dollar purchase.
Outing Flannels B, «, 7, H, J>, 10, 190 per yard. All other goods in
proportion. KverUhing at rook bottom prices.
F. A. ALEXANDER, Proprietor.
* EVery one a Gem
I. We have just rerpivpd another carload of Btudcbskar BnggiM
-4^> —over 40 styles to select from. A line lUadtfd make top <>
A- buggy for $O;». An open buggy for f4rt. lint/ relinUt ijnwh ,\
. /rum ii rrlidblf ilftiliT. These vehicles stand the lunt of time. "*i r*'
We can furnish you the names of dOMBf of Yakima citizens ii
t using oar goodi, who will {recommad them *k
♦ Front aihl Chestnut SU. .NORTH IllflU, WASH.
A' 4 f vA ♦ A' A A A ffl® A A/ A A A, -1.,!^ ■
I>. Is. Andrews, state senator, of Se
attle, was in town I .n - 1..\ rtobaobblog
with CoiiKreeßmaii .lones ami other I 1 chl
MARK A 1.0Y1.H
If-ih t'lrni"! w illi ll~_'i]s! Ir-.rn ail other
wise liveable uirl with an dAmmlt*]
breath. Karl's Clovt-r Root Tea purities'
the hrt'Hth by its action ou the UjwelH, ;
etc., as nnthiiiK else will. Solil for yearn
on aii-..; iii- t"' ir.-»ni•■•-. Prioa 26 ami BOc.
I. O. Janeck's drtiK store. 2
"l)on't rnll me a jail hird," protege!
Meiinderinie Mike.
"What il'i you want to be <:s!lftil?" in-
I qaifsd Ploddisfl I'ete,
"Well you iiiii<ht BOmpromlM an call
me v hiril o' paraijioe. After une o 1 desH
loiiK trip-t uver bad roadn. jail kind o'
seeing like paradise.
mi THt IT.
If Bbiloh'l Coiikli and ConHumption
Cure, which lgiuld for thermal! price of
25c, Me and $1, (loea not rure, take the
bottle back and we will refund your
money. *old for over fifty yeare on thi«
guarantee. I'rice L\jc and "k)c. L. 0.
Janeck'a drug more. 1
UoloOill ICdgt store for bwt eoflMl
iiml tfl'ia. iH-lJ
I Facts Count— x
5 not Wind. *j
* TllfllfPF livery ::
« tnmUb**th»MM»mßmmma
0 y ilHiiinix, I'liurtiMiiii .Iri'Mtim-nr %0
J ■ iiml iif. tiiilatu|tiirii»uti< Hint"^JJ**
( It lihp hlwhjh iM-fii DoUd lor. "5C
0 Ilii' |»-<)|,|.s klum M hem ■• M
3 pntriiiilM* n> **
J B«! lip, Carriages am! faCMMttN %P
£— 1 in tbH'itt. **
Jl'mckiiiK mill [irnwiik' ■
mirtiiu ZS
\iL L- TUCKER, Propr. X
« ~^Ti-lei.hiine if yuii niwl~in nr JJ
o_^__< nil m_thr I.urn i.n .Knmt .~t. JJ