Newspaper Page Text
HOLY CARPET STOLEN. Ar.ib. "Swipe" the Kellc, at Which lli« M.i-lr in World * t i ml* Airhaat. The "holy carpet," or klswn, which has btM stolen by Iteodliln Arabs en route fur Mecca, ((insists of a scries of •Mcag strips of blnck brocade rii-hly embroidered In go.d ninl silver with Arabic Inscriptions from the Koran. It Serves tbe purpose of beautifying the tXteftaf of tfea ka'aba, the sacred thrrM within the precincts of the . i THF rAKI'KT IN MOCSMKMI IS CAIHO. mosque at Mecca. It Is renewed and Bent every year nt the expense of the! Sultiin from Constantinople via Cairo, where, with its escort of Hushi Il.i zouks. It forms part of the great Egyptian cnraviin. the most Important of the many which annually converge toward Mecca. Hartag done duty for n year, It Is cut up nuil the pieces sold Bs relies to wealthy pilgrim*. The 11-! lustrations represent a portion of the Carpet l>elng carried on men's shoul ders through the streets of Cairo, dur- ' Ing the festival preceding Its departure, ! with two symlxjllcal tropliles that each yenr accompany the pilgrimage from Egypt These are the mahmul. a kind of canopy, and a pyramidal construe-1 tlon containing a copy of the Koran. ! Botb lire exquisitely embroidered In gold upon green cloth, and are held In TIIK HABMAL A.M) KORAN RKCEI'T ACI.E. superstitious rtTWtnw lij- the nniltl luilc. Tin- Intrinsic vahif of the holy carpi't Is some (25,000, and Its capturo by a tribe of marauding Bedontna, be tween Medina ami Mecca, Is a matter to arouse the pious luiliguatiou of th» whole Moslem world. MEXICAN SALVc. Defined by ClirU Ilallcr for I.lngen felter'n Irnrflt. "What Is this Mexican salvo I hear M much about lately T asked Jesse Llngenfelter, the veteran officer. "What is it?" repeated Chili liallor, the wit of the local police department. "Why, the greatest tiling In niateria medlca." I "I told my lieutenant the other day that ho was looking better than I had Been him for some time," said Jesse, "and he told me to cut out the Mexi can salve." "He was wrong," said Christian; "you wen- limply pumping hot air Into him. There nre different kinds of Mexican salve, Jesse, nnd as the pro cession seems to have skipped by you I will endeavor to enlighten you. A book agent calls at a house and an old maid about .r>s comes to the door. 'Howde do, Miss; Is your ma In?' spiels the agent. • She smiles and her chest expands, and he Is given entree to the house. Then he sells a book because the old muld plugs his game along. That, Jessie, Is the salve. When a man grabs you with both hands and tells you how glad he Is to see you, and then trios to make a touch, that also Is the salve. When your barber tells you _that three applications of his famous pold brick tonic Is bringing the hair back to your bald nut he Is trying to salve you." "Well, well, well," muttered Jesse, aa a prln overspread his face. "Yes, Jesse, you don't have to go to the apothecary any more for salve," continued Chris. "Nearly every guy you meet has chunks of It concealed about his person. You even get It at home. For Instance, the old lady tells you that your step Is more springy than it was before the war and asks you for a new dress In the same breath. Before the chesty feeling disappears you consent to cough up for the dress. When you begin to dig for the coin then you realize that you have been Halved. Oh. I tell you, Jesse, It Is great medicine. Some people call the appli cation of salve Jollying."—Cincinnati Enquirer. Cavalry on the Wane. Carefully collected fißures show thai the proportion of cavalry to other armi Ims been steadily diminishing for a long period. The artillery has been In creased, the cavalry diminished. Aus (trla, Turkey and Spain are the only icountrles whose cavalry exceeds theli force. By "consultation of physicians" In piost cases of sickness Is meant the attending physician and some friend ol the family'! who oace practiced. fmprnipil Tmln Equipment. The (). l:. <fc N. and OiaiuM Short Urn have adJad a hiiffet, MMkiMg mid library <;ir to their I'ortlHtid-Cliir-ign thi(iu_'li Haiti) nml a •Ititinvr BBf service Ml been ItmogUratwli The train ia equipped With the IfttMt cbnir tart, day co h'> mil liixnrioiia Iftt-olaM nnd or»iif»,try t-leepi-i*. Diteoi coimeo tion limdi' Ht (iiaiger with Union I'll citic, and at Ogdva with Rkl UtMHla line, from all points in Oregon, Wufh- Ingtoa mid Idaho to ull Eastern cities. For information, rules, etc., call on miv O. K. <& N. agM)t< or address W. 11. Bnrlbart, General Passenger Ayent, I'dlllalnl. Llyod Mifilin, tho poet. i» o man of fui'li retiring nnturp that few of big fellow-townsmen of Columbia, i'A., would recognize him on the street. A correo|Kindent recently vinited the town and aafctd fur the house of Mr. Mitrlin, the poet. "There's a Mr. Lloyd Miftiin lives here," said the trolley cur conductor, "but I didn't know he wrote, hooka." lii (iermnny potato twill is used by the natives of TliuringlH to feed tlieii horses, MlMOialljf when they lire worked bud in veiy cold weather. The ani- BMll thrive on it, and their liealtli utnl btrenuth Hie excellent. Mothers will find Mr?. Window*! Soot hing Syrup (tie best remedy to use for their children during ilie teething permd. The Cincinnati zoo refuses to sell Hiiy more hicons anil its directors ex pect to have in a few ream the laigest bent of huffaloe.i in the woild. fITC lVnimrifnUy Cnrrrt No fllnorncrvonvi-.i ! ■ 110 mi. r llrst il»> « utp of Dr. Kline i i,i»i,t Nprvo KeMnrer. St-nd t,r I it kk kmiii trial buttle an.l Iri-aliw. D I. It. 11. KLINE, LuL, »JU ArcU ■ 11. i-, l'hlladelphia, I'u. (leneml Maitiinor Mc(iowan, of tlie isdiaitapolii Htieot Railway Company, lihh urr:iiiy(<(l for the erection of a car plant, ami the the eoiiip»nr will build ninl repair all of It! own cars. 1 Headache I © Sick headaches! Always trace them to a lazy liver or a sick stomach. Poisonous matter, Instead of being § X thrown out, is reabsorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion © g and that dull, awful, throbbing, sickening pain. CASCARETS remove the cause by stimulating the liver, making § JK the poison move on and out, and purifying the blood. The effect is almost instantaneous. Ladies, whose sensitive X g organisms are especially prone to sick headaches, do not suffer, but find relief in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. g X Look, out for Imitations arid Counterfeits 1 § f^ jis" funeral!' 1 Kansas ' it'y Independent. * tL ft Qj ,^S^r mo "Both Bt vir« aad myiclf have been Dpi*. 4C* X ' unliie CASCARETS, Br.d Ihes arc th< best * Cv DO 4i'.' medicine we have ever had tn the h uv-- I.avi us ' 2ft i^r fl UMt •, . »>ik my wife was frantic with li> .ui.ichr lor inp \u& DO D two days: iihUrtod some of your CASCAHHTS jK >C d| B^V Bf uple and they relieved the pain In hrrhrnd altnoat '''r Cy DO VMB ■ B -.1,.,! inimcuutcly We lx>th rßcotnmen'l C.'ucca- am <TA 5t ■ ■ fl nf ' ' rets < n »-■ SxniEroHi). ' ' jk \Q m .^kflßr I'ittsburg Safe & Depoßit Co. I'ltnburp. Pa. Kter |Q) fl H - "Sonny," taid Uncle £b«n, "J^okout fob r KM 2|K © ANNUAL SALES. 5.000.000 BOXES. g 1 £9 25c. s^c. G> I THE TABLET DRUGGISTS 1 Jh' CASCARETS an absolutely hjrmlfii. a purely vrgrtaMp compound. Ho mercurial or other mineral pill poison In Cancareti. Caicarett promptly, effectively and permanently 09 09 •"•• every diaorder of the Stomach, Liver and Inteatinea. They not only cure constipation, but correct any and every form of irregularity of the bowels, including diarrnrca and dysentery. QQ «> Plcaaant, palatable, potent. Taate good, do good. Wever sicken, weaken or gnpe. Bt sure yoo get the genuine! Beware of imitations and substitutes ! Buy a box of CASCARETS 3C Jg! to-day, ana if not pleased la every respect, get your money back I Write as for booklet and free sample I Address STERLING RSMEDT COMPANT, CHICAGO or HEW TORK. XX William Dean llowelln, asked when be found time to apply himself to liter jttare, replied: "I did go before I really had the time. As a boy I wn» | perpetually imitating the great authors to tlio neglect of the duties generally lixpected of a boy." BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. ry.VOTE THE WAMK. CARTERS INK To food and 100 cheap to be with ►■ out it. YOUNG MEN! For G<inorrh<r« *»<* *'W-( m ft Ptbflt'l Okay Kperirtr. II i ip the o»*LY :i.r:. i.- whtrli wlil rare ■■»<!, »n(] on > e*JM. NO CASK known It hu rver '...-■: to ■ -■■ r. mattrr hi* wrionH or m bow lonfr -;.*ii<lliiy ke«<ilu from tv use wili ajft»m«ti T.m It i« almoluWlf wife. fftrirturr. ami nn he tafcen without ir in»» i:.. m ! .Ulfr.ii-i,!: .'n :.,.!»..* I'hH'E. ftt.OO. J , r I tv fill rflULIv druvirmu. m wnt it- imul bj ezprcM, »i»iii.j *rmpp«d f on rrcrtr* >.' prtr«. Mr r UiKt CIItMiCAL CO., CUugo, lIL Otv"ul»r mallrd on n-ijuest. ly rr^s *<r~i »"tr-fTii;. ijj B B«« Cou«k trrup. Tut** o •-I Cm B B r. : 11- r-j, ;''),ii" .JSI. f^MfiW»iJUt"i7.i^iL»i?WC|i H»..m rr.>in the llanka. Prince Chilknw, the. minister for railway! in Raaata, gMmfMfd Mt career liv making » tuni of the Work) in nriloi m take MM <il all ifco 1..i"-t invention", ;u ! fapeulally to flu Iv the inner Kntkint* :ui I control of torei»(n mil wart, Hr But took a poatiinn id an ordinary meenauid in the Ivoninn tin- noiks B| Livripool, ami, aiirr ■eiving n.nm year« HI laborer, wa» miscfi to tiif noti nf railway yuan], and afteiwardt itatioa aiaatw at « mall siihnrhmi Mation. When lie letiuned to RaaeJa lie again woifced ir.» way fioni mechanic to station master, and after working for BWOfSJ ywn in the. latter capacity on the Frans-Caspian nini Vuimiviß lyitaia, he wat m Mi' In tpoetor-geneial Inally uinltterol iail ways.—Chicago TimfS-Hi'iald. l>iar»T«ry of I.ilV I'litnt Bo full of rigor that if one of IttlfaYcsbt ! )>imu'<l t'i a warm uiiil iiuothrr Itlatlt Will >;rii\v. It is tin-'' iimi principle irliicli cnitblf Hortctter'i ftonmch Bitten vi aroUM to life and duty tlic overworked (toiuaoh. Tlip ralTerer from djrtpe|mia or in v ttomarfa troulile iu>edi it." A ttrivat* Reveuu* m.iiuh cuven lh« neck of tin- but tle. , Freparatioim are now being m ule to start a co opeiativu oolonv on t ■ elmrea of Ijiikw Eiio, near Tnleilo, (). Bemember that jron ran buyjnrc Moore A. A. Wbiikey for the. Fame" price that is paid for ordinary whiskey. For sale by all tirat-class dealer! and druggists. It is paid tint the peasant of the tooth of Franca Hpcnds on fond for a family of five an average of two pitice a day. Piso's Cure for Consumption is the only cough medicine uted In my huune, I). 0. Aib'iKiit, Mittltuburf, Pa.,' Dec 11, "<x>. At Cllippawa Kails, Wis., the bar lierß have buried the hatchet. A reao lutior has hei'ti adopted allowing every shop to keep open Sundays hereafter, and the prire of shaving on that day will he 1") MDtft, ROBUST AND STRONG. Prtch a t'ptimn \* Ihe cruiKiant envy of the «< Hk. ner\<»u» person of the person *JUi thin, impure blood. The way to build up tit'uith in thinugh Die blimd. Moore's Revealed Remedy Miu.« irnjiuro blood pure. It rrratcf a ir/rfwi H|.)..-*]Lt- hi.<i MdflUdlffettion. |: "v ptf bottle at yuur druggists. 'MACHINERY, all kinds . .TATUM A. BOWEN... 29 lo 36 Hut Street rORTLAND OR. SURE CKRETOR PILES ITCHlllOPllMpro2«r* .■■ ). » ,-■ - , I Thit farm, ■■"■ > ■ ta (■ ■ !'«•;. MPr <tru<lit>c ; PH«« am curt 1 hy Or. Boianko'f Pil« Remedy UtnpH iWhJDC •u<Milf>*<lint(. Ar.-. ri.k'im r- Mcl i ... ■• r ■ r - f• Th -h l ,.-,--. Writ* * me »bi..iH! case. I>K. BUHANKU, »'t. .-»■ ;*,!'», OR. GUNNST; Rv o E v Ri 0 PILLS ! ONE FOR A DOSE. Om IM m ■.. l ; jnrj Djsp«- t ,.ia, HFruoir Timplfi »nl PurKr lh. j BI.Kxl. Ai<i l'lK'«tiouandPr»<»itfliliuuiniHn. Do | Bat Grip* urMlrkrti. Tocon»inc» toil w^ will mail ! , •«rupl« frep. f.r full W,j foriV. I>K. IIOHANKC CO., PhiUfin , fcnna. Hold by I>ru,(Kin«. 3*^ Rupture \jfcja ' UrrtiMMtnci C. H. WOODARO « CO.. 108 fucond St. Po tlind. ALL THE YEAR ROUND. I'npnlnrltjr (.ui'cr.l by \n r>rtlrtil«r •*«•»•♦, ii. TVI fart ie now MtaMifliefl that tho tno'i nKiccnifal railway roote, whether you take it in the iprlnK, iiuliiinii or winter, i- liM Kio iiran'le Wectern Kalliray, :.<■ only tranaeonti* nelital line paMinn iliractljf through Ball l-.ike City, that quaint am) »l«- Inffrtqw city on the ilt«rM of Aimri ta'l Dead Sea. The ilmiate of Itah and Colorado is ti'inpetate the year lonnd, which makes the tiavcl over the Kio Qianda Westetn Railway, In Oonneotion with either the Deliver & Kio (irande or Colorado Midland rail roada, mi nnboomied ineoam and do llgllt. Tha Dining Car lerViOl is un paralleled. The load operates only the newest ot I'nlliiian I'alace and Ordinary Bleeping Car equipment, ai well an Free Rootining Cliair I'am. Foi Ulus tratod niHtter apply to .1. I). Manstield, 853 Washington Pti>-et, l'ortland, 01, i'iu\t" OAXXOT IIR i i iikii By local dri'liCßti""'. "■ """!' '■nnnot rcurh the dUcased }>oriloil *>i (ht» f-nr." Tbeie Uonly one Wijrtocuredrafne**,atid tlmr is by snnHtlttH tlonnl remedies. DeAfnev It raueed.bT an In* flamed condition of th# BiiirouallDinao(th4 KiiMHi-LiHii Tribe. Whpn tlis tni»e Kflt* i?. Banned jon baTearanblinicioand or Impel lr« i h-%nrii'c. ami wh'ii it n entirely c'n»ed deafne*i ip tna re^ul*. nrnl nnleai thetnflfttnma iion run be taken out niml Ihla inbe rert ired to its normnl rondltlon, lietirmK wlllbedealfoyeil foreTer; nine eaeei out ol i*d arecauiedb] mlxrrli,»hlrh I' nothinx bat an iulUrutil ■.. ir ii ■ ■ the Biuouutpurfaoea. V^pMiHpive '' •• Hinuircil t'ollarn for uny UaeolDrai new (canted by mtarrh) that rxh not liorunrl by Halls < atnrrti Cure. >>-u.\ lor cir<'ular», free. K. J. CHKNKY A CO., Toledo, O. Fold by liruKKl*'". ".'* liall'sFamlly Hills are the beat. Contrary to expectation! entertained a week or two ayo, there is littlo ohanoe of the Heati for shop Aeaiitanti t hill patting throngb England's parlia ment this session. An English niPchanio has discovered tliat salt restores apparently drown animals. I PORTLAND DIRECTORY. FMIM an<l Hlr. Works. rfIKTI.AM) \V[I:K IROK WORKS: WIRE and iron toiiclnv;olßmrolling.Me. M Alder. Mki-h tilery himl Sii|i|ill««. CAWrrOM A CO.i ENGINES, BOILKKS, Ma. ctnni'iy. inii'liw- 4»*l FlniSt.,Portland,Or. JOHN POOLE. I'orti.anp, Oricoo* rnu pive you the best buryati)* In gcMfrai iiacliinery, enßines, boiler*, tanks, pumps, pious hHts and windmills. The nrw ■MM I X L windmill, sold t»y him, is 1111 --■quaJled. \Vliulf»itle DrugicUta him! rti<»l(»grM|ililc BM'MACF.K FRANK DRCO CO. HIANDJ46 Fourth BtrMi, Partlftn4, Oregon. well UmU drill "IrntMniroofrlii iirllMnrlni.a.iiKl »r..»! .„. k *r bffM Flirc I.OOMII «fc N YUAN. TIFFIN, OHIO. ,"T\ PR- MiRTTT.-S BOOK, Relief for Women" M^^<?W w*nt/r*#. in T»!*Jn, ■•»]*-( eo»»-io|«. Write imf^^S. t4..1»> f T nun 8.,.,» r nUlnlliil P«rtlrq. W^French Female Pills. * <'" »' » •/■ re i»tj •■ ati<l without &n "«c-al A^ »• ldb?»lf(Jru^*.pttiD nrUl Ik>x, fr' WC oa top In Biu«, WLlt»k:.vl T'.~l. Ta»»- n.. oth*r. irr.uub Drutf Cv.,381 * d(a i ,» £ i a... Haw Vurk City " The Laborer is Worthy* of His Hire." tßut A tv.t3e-ca.rncr cm e.nn mere if he his vigowm kußh. 77i,- blood is the Ufc-gi-.'ing£nd ttftttgtH-iruJungpart of the system. If Uis pure. aH is <wtil; if not, it should be purified wM Hood's Sirs* /•jrnVj, >which mAkes the tve^h strong. In I l' ■ ' i, tlifl , in r-i .iji in :\ roynl ninl philanthropic Institution. Aut profit timt is made it fpent in charity. A Drllfhtrul Trip. A journey Eiist via tlio Dpnvor & Kio Grand* Railroad Ibroagb Uw hf« f.innMl Rocky Moontairu ■ ■ in ItMlf v iimrvi'l of Hrt'iiir graotlcar inntpasMd in the worlil, eroMlnn monntaia rangM, d*cp pttvctiating eanyoni, ml* lnp ItQpMiloM 'it!-, and, in :i WOtd familfariiinf the tooritt witli tlm (rand and bnntlfnl in natnte. Pat* Mngvn |oiti| Bait ihonld by all umi tiki' this rca.l hh it allnnls h trip Told df tin' >lul) monotony of desert hihl plain, with t'<iiiipiucnt up to dato in t'very rotpoet. IVrfcct dining earsorr let, thlOVgh llaoping earn anil fipp re cliiiini{-i-liair earn. For tioketn or any information regarding iliik Imp call on or aililre«s R, C Ntohol a (lononl A^ent, Denver & KioOramle Railroad 161 Washington Btroct, Portland, <>r., or any BgtDt of the Soutliptn J'acitic Company, (). li. & N. Co., or OttgOfl Bbort Line. Women as well n» men oan riilo on the oan —Hnrh in the translation of paragraph No. 2 in the ralot to th« publii', prepared by tli« Korean pie»i (lent of the Seoul electric railway. 1...Q0 EAST... life. ThrouKh PaIMM anil Tnurlit Nlr«>pera l»i n i in; i ■•«) i. ii ■». i tsuiok ing LI '-I.I!, * I -. ....FAST TIME.... F*»rvifp nn l Sccntry PnriißiHad. Kur TlckrU hikl ail nilorinauon »m';' to your ati''lit, or lilnn A. It. C. DENNISTOV, P. I', and T A , PorUko4. : R. C. STEVENS. 0. \v. P. A.. Htuui". ii *-, '.iin^r t. Wo I LIN IT BICKtuKn. KKuhlnglon. 0. C.. IhtyTlH r~- II <»n<- quick rt-ihp.. H. Hh N. H. Veil. t-i»!T -'nb ( ur|n. I'roarcutlnß clauni iiiict liTS. gj\V"+ ■ CURE YOURSELF.' I ICKk^H r ... H,^u fur iihij.i.irnl <n i i.. . >•.. li-' tiar ■*.-*, inrtiiaimatintjM, JBV iiHttioi^M V r utrviMti>tia E~J..'" w *"""" of niuruut niemUrnri.s. r 1' '""•'■ "'■•■■■•' "■ >'■' ill' --. >nd ii. i uluu- WV»I •i-ICHfM UiCO "'"' ur P>i"«illuui. Uflk " " ■■ * '" DracvUta, i .-. a r • nl "i iil.un wm|',»r, '.^^^^^^^^^^^ '■_• v, : -. I'l^xsi I : r ■ ' ir- ul ir -.ii( ..ii r**i|u»ut. ~N. r. ««. V. NO. »7-'t». VVIIICV wrlllnj to> plaatu I? unntluu ii.i. i«4" i