Newspaper Page Text
RoYal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum bakine powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKINQ PQWQtff CO., NCW YORK. XOKTH V\KIMA AND VICINITY. Jowpb Mrtiger, "f Seattle, mv a Ynl< iiTin vitltor iin Monday. 001. and Mr*. Dr. Adair liHve returned from an outing "ii the seashore. Railroad rates on the tfortbern Pacific railway, second clase, !nv» been redaced from HB. to $4i>. Money to loan on improved city prop erty; 7 percent.; no delay. Inquire of; ol Douel a. Dam. 27-tl Taylor A Dsflley and Thomai Land huve tix t: • * n[i ;i line ol l.ii' .in,; U > -Is Hiid railing in the r tar ol Lund'a new building Congressman nr,d W. 1.. Jones, of North Vnkinui. are guests ol Mrs. .1 m-w' sister, Mrs. O. C Oowdy, ol South Ts coma. —Tacoma Ledger ■ Articles ol incorporation, Ti .1. Lynch ami John Lynch, Incorpnratori, have been tiled for the Aurora Mining & Tun nel Site Co., capital Itock $100,000. The eniiaL'iMiii'nt heretofore announced in Tiik EIBBALD between (iiiesie Hoggins and Key Vetnon Rote will be comum manated by their inarrai^" shortly after the holiilays. The Yakiinti Abstract .t Title Co. bus Bled Hrticli'M of incorporation. The cap ital stock i» |4,600 and J. T. Fnxter, E. K. KeNo, K. I'aikerarnl \V. L. Steinweg are the incorporators. The luetnbers of the Christian church are looking forward to the coming of one of the greatest evangelists of that denom ination, Rev, Updike, who h coming west in November and will visit N^rth Yakiroa, Arthur Coffin and Malcolm McLennon returned Sunday from Chicago, where thej went with a trainload of sheep, .Mr. Coffiio purchased the full stock of merchandise (or the firm of Coffin Bros. while hwhj\ Keith Danlop returned Monday from London. He left !::..•' mil lor hnrr.e via Montreal and Canadian Pacific on August 84. He report! that tlie travel in ho eoormoat to America as to necessitate weeks of delay in securing passage on the steamships. Con. Lynch and lien Whitson returned to their homes in North YakifDß last Wednesday after a short visit with friends in Ellensburg Hon. Walter A. Reed, receiver of the U. s. Land of lice at North Yakima, wns a passenger cm Monday morning's train for CleElum Mr. Keed lai.l out that town and is heavily interested there at the present time.—Ellenibarg Localiser. A prominent dentist in this city re ceived recently a letter from his old col lone classmate, now located at Sydney, New South Wales, in which he gives the prices received for dental work, which if received in this country would soon tix the members of that profession so that they could retire to their country homes. Single rubber plates brina $•!"> to|so;a tcold plate is worth |160; extracting a single tooth bring! in 12.60; a told BUing $5.1K) or mare; gold crowns come at $15. and upward, and other work proportion ately hiifh. Highest Cash Prices Paifl for All Kinds of GRAIN. Km' itOflgt <»n ffftla to tin- «-n<t of the GRAIN BAGS, Kew Mini old, lold «t i.i>»r«t Prtoet. ill fin I Go. O|ip. I'otlilldir. Wanted— Wp will pny $12 m a w(*k to pither ii man or woman to represent t*ip Micllnnil Monthly MagniM as a mit> Hiription Bnlicitor. Tt.c MMImmI is thp H*tnc Hizp 88 McClnre'w or the OoMMPOi* it»n. It is now in it« nixth yp««r ami \n the only tmtuHzinp ofthis kiml putilixhP'l |in the «rpat Cpntral Went. A hand umiie prpminm ({'V(>" '° each snliHcri hiT. Spnd 10 cpntH for a copy of the \tiillarni ami premium tiHt to the Twenti eth Century Pablitblßf d>., St. l.ouis. Mo. :l. r» 4t DtpßtjP I". 8. Marnhal Dillfv MttmMd rum PpokMC ilOOJay. Kil Phomer, «ho wae tineil f'H) in the Superior rourt for nearly kllliag another Indian on the Wenas, did not fare so well in the Feii : pnil court, winch fined him $HH)., and I MMtenced him to MY*H months in jail. DftVinewho went from here, »M likewise I puninhed. Cirville, an Indian, wns I dentpncpil to euht months imprisonment, ' and |100 tine. John A. Kinifslmry rode to town on Moii.lav on Me hiki", or rather walked most of the way, from Prossor. The plucky yoimn UPnlliTuiin «ot here alive, lint rowed that the railroad would !"■ ] ltitilieil in olmrKintf $•">. from I'rogspr to Yakiinit. And be would nUdly pay it rithcr tlnin whllc and ponfa his wheel throDsb the wind iitfuin. Notice: [ havt paStOK for lifty head ol borsea on the Beaton place, on the Aht.inuiii six miles West of North Yak it ii ii. Rye grass, lall Krasn. and wheat and barley itnbble and the best of water. For terms, call on or address, D. .1 Wynkoop, Abtanum Poetofflce. 34—tl Art !i ur CSoffln has returned from Chi- Cam and broucht home a car load of clothing, lie brought a car load ot rc^ let Bred Cotswold and Shropshire bucks from Chicago, and a car load of ewee from Montana. He ntutea that the lambs from tlii* stock will brinj? |2 BO net next >prini». l'.ir Salt — Mv entire lot of household goods, consisting of bed rornn suites, chairs, tables, carpets, stoves, etc., alno one [ver-Johnson bicycle in good repair. Call at my residence, corner of Ist ami 1) streets, and see how cheap you can se cure some first class furniture. W. H. Qbtts. The joint Bilver weddinn o( Fred 0. Hull hiiil wife, ami I>r. T. B. (iiinn and wife, at the rMldeOM of the former couple tomorrow, promises to be the most notable social ati'iir of the MMOO. Seventy invitations have been iMOed. Owing to his removal to The Italics, Ri v I. F. Hawk anniiunces his hoase hold Knods, embracing some cbaica pierea of furniture and ttoyes, for nale. Some genuine haruains can he secured if taken at once. Thone new silk waißts at The Wonder must be seen to be appreciated. They were received direct from New York and are the nobbiest and the latest things In that line ever shown in Y'akima. John Kndkln, county attorney, left Sunday for t>lympia to be present the fol lowing day at the session of the state hoard of equalisation on county business. A letter recently received in thin city by a friend, states that C. W. Badger, formerly of thin place, was recently mar ried and is now located at Ogden, I'tah. The engagement of Ming Mat'tfie Wall, late of Ireland and now of Snohomieh, and John Barry, of Yakima, is said to be off by mutual consent. I'ost mauler Sperry has purchased two lots on the north side of Natchez ave nue, north, and will proceed at once to erect a co/y e\x room cottage. Mihs Anna Wiley is on the sick list and as a consequence the opening of the pub lic Kbool at I'ronser has lieeu deferred' another week. Imported and domestic canned ami bottled goods at Ditter it Mechtel's. They have just added a choice new in voice. 35-tf A P. Eulin made the first sale of hops for tinl -in- ii He disposed of one-half of his crop to A. K. l'oole for I3)j rents. He sure and price Thomas' new line of up-to-date clothing before you buy. He eaves you money every time 35 Wheel for Sale—High Grade '(>!• wheel new June Ist; will sell for |20. May be seen at SAWbridge'l Hardware. It Chae. Clary, I. S. naiioual bank ex aininpr, rii in the city on Monday on official bniaiDflaa. E. W. Dlsoß, special aueti' of I lie V. S. land olive, was in the city on Monday. Thomas' saves yuii money every lifflt you c|>cii.i a nickel with him. 35 Chase & Subora'e celebrated teea and eoffeee, e£ Dilter A Meebtel'o. SVU L*dl«a' have you seen the new Milli nrrv a! The Woiuler? ;',4 E- Bring your Boys in to F ds for their Fall 1 jt Clothinc • 3 Wp havp mi pconomiral sur- ; ■ »p in store for Ihe mollti ■ uh'i likiM to liave her lioy look as good !»<• the bent. Tin 1 B?^ boy will br phased him 1 your pom liPtietitted at the Name limp N'pvpr before haw we shown such h ci in I assort. in tit of "^^k P Children's Soils J us we now have on our talill s uly f'>r inspection. I • 9^ condMvftbto pattrrn Bnd stvl<> '"in,; shown, nn<l wp kn ■ ' wp »rp tjii'iti it|f thp I p?t price*, ('niiip and opb for irnwii eiitiefiti't inn. iu.inco.i Fur crocki — all aises—ro to.Ditter .^ Ifecbtel's. 35 tf Tbomu Invitet yoat loipsctloD, and Kiiarantoet toiftveyoa monaVi '■'<■> The cms of Walker v« Pion vu in progreM in the land ollice yesterdny. I>. L. l>rn«e h»» 11 splciuliil display of Ins'inns peacbei in ttie window of Doual A Dam. The fluent lines of uluhs ami i|iieei)B -ware in the city i'an lio (oaad at Ditter & Mechtel's. 3Vtf John SftWbfldgS has ifime to hia gold pliiims, nt Gold Hill. The reports from there art wry anoooragiog. Monday nigbtftwo paiaanger car loada of ho|p pickers arrived from Seattle. Abonl Ix) hail previously arrived from there. .1. J. Bchlottoldi vs HowMr, is the title ol a suit flltd in the Superior court for ejectment The complaint asks for judgment of HIT). Snin IlpihiiHii, a ihsep buyer from BIUIdRI, Montana, is in the hospital, where he hiis bseo attended l>v Dr. Gur ilrn for typhoid fever. K. <>. Kpck is baildioK a line barn on his vacant lot on South Natchez avenue. It in -'ii.! that it is his Intention to build a residence there this fall. Kdward Maker, who served at Yakimii City and wbh lonated at disown re<jup»t, has been raadmitted to ths cooference at Spiiksnc, hrvs the Chronicle. Mr. Lirsnn It having the plans for his new theatre drawn up in the east. The architect selected in an expert in all ile ttiils such an am necessary fur the struc ture. \V. H. (iftts is nfl'erinir bis hnusphuld effects for sale. Mr. and Mrs. fietts will Ipbvp shortly for the cast, when Mr. (ietts goes to in institute for medical treatment. Prof. Kingshury, who has been en- L'ageii jv principal of the I'roßscr public school for this year, arrived in town Thursday. The Professor honored the Record's sanctum by a very pleasant call today.—Proßßer Record. Several hnp pickers in Lombard & Ilorsley's hop yard «rr> lately from Manila, where they served in the Oregon regiment. They pronounced the weather on Monday "hotter than Munila." The weather, however, was delightful the subsequent days of the week. Miss Marie Druse returned to her home at North Yakinia Thursday. She has liect) the nuest of Mra. Almon Baker since the openrinn of the institute l'ii,n E. Chappell is taking a vacation from labor. He hag gone to Yakima for a short outing.—Goldendale Sentinel. i Tiki Pc» Those who shop around and want to buy the Cheapest, always boy their Fancy Cakes, Cook ies and Biscuits of us. They are fresh and crisp. Try our confectionery. We have Fruits and To bacco also. Mrs. Anna Elmer Second Street, opp The Herald. IHSINESS SUGGESTIONS. Ynn KPt Ihe best at ihe lowest price at i Thomas. See his n<l<l. 3 r> Qo to Gilt 1\ lv" Htore for fancy lianm S unil baron. l'B-12t I'■■ntm mil Uwmry Camp Outfits at Coffin Bros. L'ti-tf I'haetou ami harnpss for bbla cheap. j Hcrnaril Wilkinson, oHiceof- il. 1.. Scud der. .!4-tf A I'.ih- of pntiy ami etyliuh Silk and ; Wool Wiiists just received at The Won- j >lur. 34 ; With'evcry purchai-e at Coffin Bros.' , Bin Department Store you receive tickets | | for Fine Cliinaware. M-lfl JooM 1 Chain Gear Mowers itnd Kakea j i Kixh Btot.' Hacks, Wanons and Itii|;t!ipg, i Sold very cheap at Collhi liros. 18 tf: I'll.- Yakiinu Hardwar? Co. haa been coni[>elled to put on extra men and work , ovcrtitne to gpt out their orders for Hop ' PafSMM and I'ipes. For S.ile—A line black marc, suitable! I for family drirtOfli wtitths ISSO |K>umls; lirokt'ii -d.f mi.t double, perfectly i ! gentle. Call at O. K. livery stable. 3,'i-tf F>ow raotli l.iw prices. We have I 1 them at the biu tent Second Hand Store. ' Wu buy, te.l or trade in nil kinds ol ■(.'I i..iri. Set uihl Strtet, eolith of Coffin Bros., North VHkima. _!i-tl,' X .''. ■'. li.-ji |. i.i Cure is-a scientific | compound bftVioK the endorHement of eiiiineiii phyficiatiH ami the nudiinl . prMS. It "diirestH what you eat" and | |ioMitively cures dyspepsiu. M. A. Ket run. Bloomiagdtle,TftDD., says it cured him of lodigMtioa often yeuru' xtandin^;. , Jam iks Drtitf Store. ii iliit-s i'in:\r ti.oi r Is tirst-i'luHS. Awk your (jrocer for I it. 21-lfl FOR SALE. Port) Acres Nciir Woodcock Aiad-I emy, on the Ah tan v 111. Known as the Evan* Place. Improved. House 20x34, barn, etc. Price, $900 —#500 cash, balance on time to suit at 7 per cent interest. Address J. G. EVANS, Waitsburg, Wash. Mmm Sale. $- Shoe Sale. i i I . Now they Go I 1 | At and Below Cost! 1 L»dien Mack .hi i Tan OxfoMs, turned, AA -^JTrjBL- $3.60 grade, this sale 2 «5 W. wAGKVMk Ladies Black and Tan Oxfords, turned, jjjjm IkMwTMR^" >.; lthili', tiiiH naif v ito&Ki lulH \ In.lies black Suiitlieni lien, turn «flt,S)>j] ■X ■ $:i grade, this eale 2 JJOnffll l^/i " I.miles black Soutliern tips, turn welt, pX ?W /I a *" Br«i|(i.'"'»Ha|e - •*<*f-ral ikF jfev I. "lice black »ml tun two strap clipper. !i,-i ll Bfv f:S grade, thie sale . J or, vj BK Ladip* black and tan Oxfords, *-'.'.>'' Tgj |CV grade, IhisHHle. I ST. feffl Ladies black and tun Southern ties, |J '-'■"'S>j] W>is ' urHilf, this filf I «>."". i'!i Ladies black Southern ticß, $1.75 irrarip, this sale 1 :S.V '' ■' Uf, VP.WttW &•». lihuk Oxfords. *1.50 grade, this^ WM sale - I HUM Ladies Summer Tan Shoes: USti -t4.50 «rade this sale 345 $3 00 (jradP, this sale ti :M> (Ml jSS *4.00 grade, thin sal.- '2 J»5 *J. 50 urade, this sale . 108 j^y $:< 50 (trade this sale . 270 tSaOOgmde, this sale 155 l^ra Gent's Summer Tans: '■'':;■ Light, tiennine calf skin, $4 50 ,{ fo\ |tl)^ tirade, this sale Jl ttO %^T^T^|l i l*«4-J>?-k ''^l IM Chocolate, Vici Shoe. $4.50 j \«\ \ I |^| [Sq Liuht call skin, $4 urade. this M \ ' WA Chocolate Vici, $3 50 grade, X P"'^^V \ ji II Chocolate Vici, *3 ijrade, this '^^S^^^^^lk s(g Chocolate Vici, $2.50 grade, ''llp^^fe^ /y 'wk this sale 1 7O V^ft^gj»a^B % @>ij V^■e likvi' all sl/,p< and widths of the «b< v, aad ar- (he latent style Ttiey S^ Pffl MUST go ac we need the room (or our new full stock, which M g^ coming in every day. ijg I r;» schott shoe co. i Agrora Miiiflg aid Tunnel Site Coihv. .1 of FISH LAKE, i'li- Klum District Will nil a ItmltH amount •>( MOOfc for 'lcvplojtint? pVfpOMi only. (°n|>itHl WMt 11110,1X10 TheM 1 tnlno art' better known as The Lynch Group, MntMai mum itttlt. with mill Kile, water pnucr ami mill, one UstKinji mill, 1 frue v»niT, 1 '> tmrv ]io\mt I'imino hih! bolter, ■ fmtin' liuilillni; SxM foot, liv (nu hinucf. otr. Hero is one "f oftbtflowl Inmtmrati In fin nortliwcNt u|!Vtc"l hi the low pric« of ton CWlti |kt <ttiaro (non asfs Mbto)i iqiMli ili'Hlliit? In all OMM, Aboat Mm ii't'l of Khafts hii-I runiit-N in on-of good ijuali ity A MOM COi tunnel NO fi'i'f deep tn nit nil Ipilkh* lia« lici'ii romniciiioii. This property El o|m>ii to ill for InvrMiKHtinn. BlocktoU in bloeki of from MS (o 1000 ibiw to om* psnon ( InqalN of .... T. J. LYNCH, I.ih k I'm :<■!■>. North V;ikiina. Wash. A FINE LINE OF HIGH GRADE * Watches SCfiINDELER S Hop-Growers Booura your tickets for picking parpotM from ni Free of Ckaine. BHHM Ki'hl Khtatt 1, Abvtrr.ctiii^ au'l Insurtuico. AwtUH fot N. I 1 I.hthN. COfTWpolldsnoo soiirired aid [nfon&attoo cbeerfuUv irivcn.