Newspaper Page Text
PHTSICIANB AND SURGEONS DR. PHILIP FRANK ' Physician said Surgeon Offices, rear of Star Clothing Co., l*»» \ South Second Street. Residence 216 So. Third St. Phone SI. Office phone, ttl. ■'■ ' ' OSTEOPATHY DOCTORS JAS. P. ANl> AI^MTRA M CEDIKBrt oomblae OSTEOPATHY. Electrlolty, Vibration, Massage, Batnj. Mental and Magnetic forces; llsht. heat traction, Ac. Nine years at *n1 Bast Yakima A»—.: over »••• eases treated. Marvelous success. Licensed end registered. Phone Mala S7I. Consultation free. OSTEOPATHS— A. B. Hun Irk EraiigeUite H<»wlck Graduates A. S. 0., Klrksvllle. Mo. Suite 216 Mulllns block. Phones: Office 475. Res. •»*■ MAGNETIC HEALING PROF. C E. HEIMBAUGH— Phone 78 will reach ms at all times for fever of ~ny kind, also chronic diseases. C. F. HEIMBATJGH. ■ - OPTICIANS DON'T SEND ~~~ your broken glasses sway, save the pieces. We **jrind all ; jam mkm, kinds m _4^ short notice. IPC By T, G. REDFTELD Eye Specialist Miller Building. "hone t«S»J German Optical Co. EXPERT ETB C-RCIAIaTSTS <• Ologg Block, SlffH East Yakima Areas* APARTMENTS MONTEREY APARTMENTS Corner Fourth and Chestnut. Large, airy rooma; furnished or •anfuralshed; day, week or month. Big, Screened Porches. Phone 451. Prices Reasonable. pas»»»»»■■—•—«•»_——— i: I i I ill' ■ Inman & Rose The name means perfect ser vice, faithful execution of your wishes, a reasonable charge, efficiency, competency, punctual ity. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Chapel 109 S. 2nd St. FLINT-SHAW COMPANY Funeral Directors Phone 306 end 351 313 East Yakima Avenue Public Stenographer 402 MILLER BUILDING Satisfactory work in all lines Your Patronage Solicited Phone 515 Mollie E. Parchen READ'S STEAM LAUNDRY— Best work in Central Washington. ■ jeclal rates on Family Washing. :<Jo saw edges on collars and cuffs. Domestic finish. Mending free. $M N. First Phone S«l __U__^____b______b__l Elflfio /£}[_§ _H B_^_ F PURE WATER. and Ho..- to Get it. Soe U. \l LINING Well Driller Fullon Market ***So. First St. Phone 455. HERMOSA Toilet Articles For sale at Pioneer Drug to, Reading Drug; Co., Clark's Pharmacy, Camp's West bun- Pharmacy, North Yakima. Wa.-h ; Peterson's Drug Store, Top peni-h. Wash., Mattle Davis, Millinery Store, Tnppe'iii».li, Wash. Agents wanted everywhere. Ad dress Eva Hall, 217 West Fourth St.. The Dalles. Ore. AUCTIONEER Before holding your auction «ale, get -pricies of J. D. olds. Best auc tioneer la central Washington, line year at cOllegS and six years expe rience. 108 No. I i*-t St. No. Yakima. Ua-li. Phone 299 or Phone 1650-L. I ■»~»~~i~M~^~^~^~u~i—w—m—^—■■—»—■■*■—■—»—mum—■—■■—■■■■■—w—m—_—mm—_—_sw_^ i DAILY HERALD ± "WANT" ADS h - V^ w r» One cert a wofd each iiwerflon. M!ni- 9? am im»m charge, 15c Copy received after «_■ 1 7:30 P. M. will be placed under heed "TOO I fjj LATE TO CLASSIFY." See advertising fp *■* manager for contract terms. The Herald B will not be responsible for errors in ads taken over the phone. q HiClLlAlWlllFlllElOl IAlDl&r HOW TO A,\S\VIOK ADS In answering "blind" ads In these columns please be careful to use the precise address given. Write the ad di ess nlalu'y. Letters brought to The Herald office tfo not require stamps. Always enclose your answers In a sealed envelope. We do not know the name ana address of the adver tiser who uses a call card, or "blind" address. In replying to advertise ments where references are asked for, d- not sand the original reference. Send copies of them only. HELP WANTED—MALE WAIrTED—Men who want a square deal In shoe repairing, see Erlckson & Mackle, 14 No. First St. 2-1-16-13 SITUATIONS WAIVTED WANT3D—Carpets to clean; best methods. Phone 276. The Rich mond Co. Experienced Janitors and window cleaners. Rooms 6-7, Ward Block. 1-5-12 SITUATION WANTED—WouId like position as housekeeper In widower or bachelor's home. Address G., 17 Herald. 11-lmox Japanese general contract and do mestic labor. Prompt service. U. 8. Hotel, 11 East Chestnut. Phone 1154. 1-1-12 X Phone 896 for all kinds of laborers and help a good cause. tfx WANTED—TO BUT WANTED—SOO pairs of men's sec ond h.-jnd shoes at 105 South First street, next to Fulton Market, C. Welland. Phone 1578 R. 8-tf WANTED—To buy, team of work horsus. Weight about 1200 pounds. Apply H. H. Krug, at Yakima Groc ery 00. 23-3tx WAXTLD —Fresh vegetaoles of all kinds daily, also fresh eggs at Bartholct Grill. 23»-tf WANTED—Good clean linen or mus lin rags at Herald office; 25 cents for sack. 72-tf WANTED —To buy, fresh ranch eggs. ritisy Bee Cafe. 15 No. First St. 468. 810-26t W A X TLD—MISCELLANEOUS \v ANTED—The Young Woman's Christian association, 412 East Yak ima Avenue, furnishes rest and lunch rooms; reliable employment, a cer tified list of rooms, educational and gyn.naalum classes. Every woman Is invite i. to make use of the association privilege . tfx HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT — Light housekeeping rooms, also single rooms Lincoln ho tel. Phone 59 6. 206 H West Yaki ma Aye. 262-tf FOR RENT—6-room apartment, at the Concord flats; steam heat, hot and oold water. Phone 1644-J. 19-6tx FOR RENT—Two modern furnished housekeeping rooms; ground floor. 310 No. First St. 22-6t FORy RENT—Housekeeping rooms, ground door, facing street. 229 South First street. S4-rf FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Enquire 103 So Seventh St. 23-26t FOR RENT—Furnished housekeeping rooms. Im-perial Hotel, 18 North Second St. 22-3t FOR RENT—Single furnished house keeping rooma 111 No. Ist St. 306-tf FOR RENT —Furnished housekeeping rooms; modern. 702 East Yakima Aye 19-6t FOR RENT—FIat for rent; Inquire of Dr. G. J. Hill. 278-tf FOR RENT—ROOMS FOR RENT — Furnished rooms, one block from Yakima hotel. Stove heat or gas. Meals if desired. 101 No 3d St. 4-lmo FOR RENT—Furnished rooms at the Glei. Cairn, 116 S. A St.; modern. |»T-tf FOR RENT—Furnished rooms at wri ter rates. 14% So. Second St. 23-6tx HOARD AND ROOM FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with or without board, also for light housekeeping. Oklahoma House, Agnes Johnson, proprietor. 308 S. 2d St. 10-26tx FOR RENT—HOUSES FOR KENT—New nieidßtii ul\ room In.use. t-5 p«r month, fei 1 I'iea-ant A\k. .Phonei 1653-K. 2u-4tx FOR RENT—S-room modern house, 11 No 6th St. Call 40* No. Tth K. 23-lmo FOR RENT-—ROUSES FOB RENT —Four-room plastered house. Address A. IS9. care Her ald < Ice. 808-tf*. FOR RENT—B room house, close In. Phone Sub, 166x1. S-Jan 1 FOR RENT—Modern bungalow, fur nished. Phone 4041. 21-6t FOR BALI9—LAND FOR SALE—The best imposition on the market today, and on very easy terms, 5, 10 or 20 acres In best com mercial varieties of apples, located In the best and earliest fruit section of the laklma valley. Will care for this land for four years absolutely free of cost to you and at the end of that time you will have a full bearing or chard. A fine chance for out of town Investors, who have other business Interests and cannot give it their own time anu attention. Terms, one-fifth cash balance in four equal annual payments. Address G. M., care Her ald. •» 807-tfx FOR SALE—By owner—2o acres; 10a in young orchard; 10a In alfalfa; 2% miles from Prosser. Water right paid. $200 an acre. Terms. Also 160 acres In Horse Heaven under Klickitat ditch. Water signed up for 820 an acre. Finest land in the district. F. Q. Wlnqulst, R. F. D. No. 2, Selah, Wash. 23-26t FOR SALE—A golden opportunity. Have you lots of muscle but not much money. Do you want a farm for your very, very own? See us be fore It Is boo late. Yakima Realty and Investment company. 11-tf FOR SALE —Several very desirable lots In Zlllah. Small payment down and long time on balance. F. X. Nag ler. Rooms 1 and 2, Odd Fellows' block. Phone 644. Dec. 27 FOR SALE—Mr. Poor Man: Here's the chance you've been waiting for to obtain a home. No cash required. See Yakima Realty and Investment company, 12 East Yakima Aye. 11-tf FOR SALE—No money required. Tf you want an orchard tract without any cash payment, Inquire of Yakima Realty and Investment company, 12 East Yakima Aye. 11-tf FOR SALE—HaIf acre tract with fruit and berries; nicely located on south end Capitol Hill. Price right ana terms easy. Address R. M., care Herald. 256-tfx FOR SALE—34OOO cash and balance on easy payments will handle a hop ranch that took In 322,000 this year. See Coffin Bros. It FOR SALE — Relinquishment, 160 acres. Water to Irrigate 80 acres. Would consider a trade. Address J. R., care Heald. 7-lmox FOR SALE—NOB HILL Ten-acre fruit ranch with 8-room house; all improvements. Owner, P. O. Box 89.2. 2-1-llx FOR SALE—AII kinds of land from a city lot to a 40,000-acre ranch, on liberal terms by the owners. Coffin Bros. It FOR SALE—HOUSES FOR SALE—'Seven room house and half acre of ground, set to trees and berries, ft Is a oargain, terms. 1010 So. Tenth Aye. tO-tf FOR SALE—New five-room modern bungalow. Terms. Phone 387. 23-26t AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE —5-passenger automobile; may be seen at Hotel Yakima. Ap ply T. W. James. 19-61 FOR TRADE FOR EXCHANGE—Fine lot. on Cap- ltol Hill, close to Yakma Aye., for work team, harness and wagon, light spring wagon and cows. Enquire Herald, or owner, Box 123 Richland, Watch. 23-12t WANTED — To exchange, pleasant, lucrative business, well located In North Yakima, for acreage near city. Address "Business," care Herald. 20-6tx FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Cut flowers, floral de signs, bouquets. F. A. Huntley green houses. Phone 1488-J. 11. O. Akin, Manager, phone 148&-Y. May B FOR SALlil—Thill*, li\«- Imroe HeJ bogs; s brood saw, furrow in Apm one new i >k j.usui Separator Miun« Farmers 44. "II ol FOR SALK—Cheap, household goods spd home canned fruit. 511 Pleas ant Aye. Phone 1653-R 20-8U FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAT/E—One force spray pump In good condition, cheap. Phone 273. 19-6t FOR SALF—Violin; fine tone. Call 218 No. First £t. Jan 2Ox MD3CEI.LANEOUS Advertisers—the great state of North ..Dakota offers unlimited oppor tunUMEu business to classified ad vertfl^W^^The recngnlr.ed advertising medium Is the Fargo Dally and Sun day Courier-News, the only seven day paper In the state and the paper which carries the largest amount of classified advertising. "he Courier News covers North Dakota like a blanket; reaching all parts of the state the day of pub lication; It Is the paper to use In order to get results; rates one cent per word first Insertion, one-half cent per word succeeding Insertion; fifty c^nts per line per month. Address The Courier-News, Fargo, N. D. ADVERTISERS—Indiana offers un limited opportunities for business to classified advertiser* A recog nised advertising medium Is the Dally and Trt-Weekly Enterprise, published at Noblesvllle, and carrying the larg est amount of classified business In that section. The Enterprise covers Hamilton County thoroughly and Is lie medium to use to get results. Rates, 1-Jc per word; 6 Insertions for the price of S. Nothing taken. under 10c. Address, The Enterprise. Nobles fllle. Inel. tfx NOTICES ASSESSMENT NOTICE .Totlce Is hereb given that the As scsjment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 228 for the construction of a cement sidewalk on Garfield Avenue, C Stree., Lincoln Avenue, Jefferson Ave nu-, Foleom Avenue, Brown Avenue, Lemon Avenue, Sixth Avenue. Eighth Avenue, Pierce Avenue, Oregon Avenue. Custer Avenue, Clarke Avenue and Lewis Avenui pursuant to Ordinance No. 881, has been certified to me for collection and that any assessment therein may be paid to me at any time within thirty days from the dmte of the first publication of this notice, to wlt: Within thirty days from the 21st day of December, 1811; and that after the expiration of said thirty days, bonds payable In ten equal annual in stallments will be issued against the property of all owners who have neg lected to pay said assessments within said thirty days. By paying said assess ment within thirty days from this date property owners will save penalty, -interest and costs. Dated at the office of the Cltv Treas urer In North Yakima, Washington, this 21st day of December, 1911. Office—First National Bank. C. R. DONOVAN, 18-10t City Tre surer. IN BANKRUPTCY—NOTICE OF SALE OF STOCK In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Washington. Southern Division. In the matter of Walter E. Wlthrow. Bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given, that in pur suance of an order of the Honorable E. B. Cresap, Referee In Bankruptcy In the above entitled Court, made on the 13th day of December, A. D. 1911, In the matter of Walter E. Wlthrow, a bankrupt, the undersigned trustee of said bankrupt's estate, will sell at pri vate sale at the store-room of said bankrupt in Prosser, Washington, on V'ednesday, the 27th day of December, to the highest bidder, for cash, gold coin of the United States, all the vis ible assets of said bankrupt, to-wlt: The stock of goods, wares and mer chandise and fixtures as the same is now contained and situate in the store-room of said bankrupt. Persons intending to bid upon said property shall file with me not later than twelve o'clock, noon, of the 27th day of December, A. D. 1911, sealed bids In writing, setting forth the amount said Intending purchasers are willing to pay In cash first for the stock of goods, wares and merchan dise of the above named bankrupt, and second for the store fixtures and fur niture of said bankrupt. All prospective purchasers intending to bid upon said property snd desir ing to Inspect the same may do so upon application to the undersigned Trustee at Prosser, Washington. All sales will be made subject to confirma tion by the Referee In Bankruptcy of the above entitled court. Dated this 14th day of December, A. D. 1911. ARTHUR B. TAYLOR, Trustee in Bankruptcy. Residence and Postofflce Address, Prosser, Wash ington. 14-10t NOTICE TO CaIBDITORS. Notice Is hereby given to al persons having claims aralnst the estate of Websttr L. Stable late of Taklma county, State of Washington, and now deceased, to present the name, accom panied by the proper vouchers, to the undersigned executor of the estate of said decedent, at the office of Parker & Richards, 426 Miller building. North Yakima, Yakima County, State of Washington, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, within one year from the date of the first publication of notice to creditors, to-wlt: Within one year from the 13th day of December, 1911, or the same will be forever barred us provided by law- Dated this 13th day of December, 1911. GEORGE W. BANNING. Executor of the Estate of Webster L. Stabler, Deceased. Parker & Richards, Attorneys for Executor. Dec. 13, 20, 27, Jan. 3, 10. SUMMONS IN I *>11l < I i.-l 111. OK TAX MEN In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, In and for the County of Yakima. E. F. Moore, Plaintiff, vs. Herbert Wil liams, and all persons unknown. If any, having or claiming to have an interest in and to the real property hereinafter described, Defendants. The State of Washington to Herbert William*, and all persons unknown, if any. having or claiming to hay* an Interest iii and to real property here inafter described: You, and each of you, are hereby notified that B. V. Moore is the holder of Certificates of Delinquency num hored 6237, Issued on the 15th day of December, mil, by the County of laklrma. State of Washington, for the amount of fifty-eight and 46-100 1158.45) dollars, the same being the amount then dus and delinquent for taxes for the year 19(17, together with penalty, Interest anil posts thereon, up on rual property assessed to you and of which you aie tliu owner, or re.pu.le-t! owner, »ituusi*-<t In iiio county of vlik imu, .-Hale of Washington, unci pa ill' ni.wly ue;e in.[.l as follow*, to-wlt: The Couth Half lM',l of Hie South eusl quarter iSEWi t-f Section Ttvuul> -L'li Township Ten iiOi. north, Kunge Nineteen *i»*. X W 11. .ml Upon which he tija paid t.ixea ai-s. against -ii.i property as followi Year's Pate las Beet Amount Tux Paid Xo. 1908—Dec. 15. 1911 1 1959 ts7.r>tl 19(19—Dec. 18. 1911-^-16122 66 2 « 1910—Dse. 18, 1911—14901 54.95 NOTlCES—(Contlniird) Total amount of taxes paid since date of CertMoate of Delinquency, 1178.65. All of said amounts bearing Inters* at the rate of fifteen per cent per an num; nnd you are' fuvther notified that I will apply to the Superior Court of the State of Washington. In and for Said County. for a Judgment foreclos ing tax lien against the property here inbefore mentioned: and you are here by summoned to appear wlthfn sixty •ays after the dale of the Hist publi cation of this summons, to-wlt. within slxtv lines after the 27th day of De cember, ltll, and defend this a.-tlon or pay the amount due. together with costs ;and In case of your failure so to do. Judgment will he rendered fore closing the lle-i for sarld Certificate of Delinquency, taxes. penalty. Interest and costs against the innds and prem ises hereinbefore mentioned Any pleadlnir or proce#s msv he served upon the undersigned at the ad dress hereafter mentioned. WARD A GILBERT, and O. R. SCHT'MANN, Attorneys for Plaintiff P. O. Address: 8]( 811 Sillier Bulldlnp. North Yakima. Washington. no,- 27 .1-10-17-24-31 Fob. 7. RAILROAD TIMK TABLHS NORTHERN PACIFIC Nc I i.ath.Min.l Tr H lna . . Depart 2 'North Coast Ltd.. St. PI 12:55 a. m. « Eastern Exp., St. Paul .. 2 10 a. m. IRS Spoken* Limited 6:IB a. m. 4 Atlantic Ex., Chicago ... 2:30 p. m. 4 Burlington Ex.. St. Louis 10.35 p.m. 180 Grandvlev Seattle Local 2:37 p. m. Wepatlmiiml Trnlna 41 Burlington E.... St. I*ou|s 1:20 a. m 257 Spokane-Seattle Limited 2:85 a. m 3 Atlantic Ex., Chicago .. 4:10 a. m. ,1 "North Coast Ltd., St PI. 2: o p. m. R Western Ex., St. Paul.. 8:80 p. m 170 Seattle-Grandvlew Local 10:80 a. m ♦North Coas* Limited transaots n» local passenger business. Saaayelde Branch (Sunnyslde trains dally.) Leave Arrive 7:00 a m. .North Takima .. .10:55 n. m. 2:37 p.m....North Yakima.. .7:20 p. m. 7:10 a. m Orandvlew 9:00 a. m. 5:15 p. m Qrandvlew ... .4:4! p. m 0.-W. R. * N. CO. No. Kimthound Tralas Depart 14 Oas car to Qrandvlew.... 7:30 a. m 5? Mi-ted train to Walla W'a 7:40 a.m. 2 Pass, train to Walla Walla 8:45 a.m. 16 Gas car to Orandvlew... 3:00 p.m. 12 Gas car to Wallula (:45 p.m. No. Westbound Trains Arrive 11 Gas car from Wallula.. .10:15 a. m. 18 Gas car from Orandvlew 12:45 p. m. 1 Pass, train f'm Walla W'la 8:00 p.m. 51 Mix. train f'm Walla W'la 12:80 p. m. 15 Gas car from Orandvlew 7:00 p.m. AH trains run dally and Sunday. North Yakima A Valley Hallway Co. In Effect Feb. 6, 11)11 NAf'lll.M BRANCH (Dally Except Sunday) Lea-re North Vaklnaa—7:9o a m.; 12 -ti. p. m.; 4:00 p. in. Arrive ~.t Naches City..7:42 a. m.; till n. SiJ 4:42 p. m. Leave Naches City—7:62 a. m.; 2:00 p in., 4:62 p. m, Arrli at North Yakima—B:34 a. m.: 8:16 fv m.; 6:84 p. m. (Sunday) Leave North Yakima—9:oo a. m ; 8:45 p. m. Arrive Nortl. Yakima—lo:3o a. m.; 5:15 p. m. MOYKI, BRANCH (Daily Except Sunday) . Leave North Yakima—7:oo a m : 1 :00 a. n.j 4:CO p. m. rrlve Moxee Illy—7:30 a, m.; 10:46 a. in.: 4:30 p. m. Leave Moxi City—7:4o a. t_l 11:45 ii in.; 4:40 p. m. Arrive North Yakima—B:lo a. in , 18:15 p. M.i 5:10 p. m Sunday—Leave North Yakima, 7:00 a. m.; 2:30 p. m. Arrive North Yakima 11:00 a m.; 4:1 1 p. m. Freight—lo:ls and 12:16. SKI, A I TRAINS Lv. North Yakima 8:15 a. m.—5:26 p. m Ar. Nort'i Yakima 9:00 am.—6oo p. m FOR SALE—Small correct maps of the city, 10 cents, 3 for 25 cents. Herald office. tfx Johnny can't understand why all the closets and bureau drawers arc locked, and why he Is forbidden lo go Into the spareroom, nor why there Is so much excitement and mystery when the dellveryman leaves a -pack age. Maybelle—See the beautiful en gagement ring Jack gave me last night. Estelle—Orac-i Mas that Just got around to Go. -s "He talks a gre.-i deal to me g about his platonlc regard for me." "What does that mean?" "A calendar for Christmas, I Im agine." North Yakima, Wash. The heart of the Land of Plenty Unltee Mtacea Dttpo-nUry -»*»ssoof»ae«, $3,300,04)0 400 per cent growth In last eight years. An Inspection of our bank ing quarters Is Invited. Safe deposit vaults. AY. L. STEINWEO. Pres. CHAS CARPENTER, Vlce-Praa A. B. CLINE, Csshler. IC. R. DONOVAN. Ast. Cashier. ! X A- LOUDON. Ast. Cashier. j CHIROPODIST CHAS. R. PARKER Corns, bunions and Ingrown nails treated. Calls made. Manicurist, Margaret Sanders. Em pire Barber Shop, 12 Bast Yakima Aye. iii"l*.- so. CASH FEED YARD lis south Second ktreet First lass jiadcllu liensue for lent Horses bought, Me.iii and as changed. Satisfaction guaranteed. 3n head ot farm and driving horses for sal.-. • JAMES WATSON, Prop. Phone 604 HEALTH'S BEST WAY EAT jPPLES OAILf Expert at Chicago Says to Make Two Apples Disappear Where One Went Before The adoption of a slogan for ad-evr tising tipples and their illotle- value Is being urged by dealers and publicity men In various parts of the country. Stub a one as "Health's best way. eat apples every day." Is vee-oniniended in an address given at Ihe American ap ple congress at Chicago recently by Richard C. Coyne, if It is true, says Mr. CoytlS, that apples are health producers, toil everybody about it. use the catch rhyme In advertise ments, tack it on barrels and boxes of •ipples. ring all the changes on It. If apples lire a cure for the drink habit, as haa boon asserted by some one, let the W. C T. IT.l T. spread ahroad some such ssnttmsnl al this, which will re dound to the credit of, the orehardiets, "Don't drink) pray; eat apples every day " Wlmt Mr. Coyne Said Among the susrgestinns made by Mr. Coyne In his paper wore the follow fcsf! "Newspapers in large cities do not further the cause of tho apple, and the best means to develop the adver tising of Hie apple will be aided most by the rural papers. "It has been said that apples are a great substitute for strong drink. If this Is the case, and it seems reason able, why should no! the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and other great temperance organizations be promoters Of apples or become apple advertlsorw, ami If they do not like the slogan. 'Health's best way. Kat apples every day.' Let their slogan be: "Don't drink, pray, Rat apples every day." "The peddler used to be a. good ad vertiser of tho apple by calling his wares, and his salesmanship depended ■ great deal on tho power and tone of his voice and his activity In measuring out the fruit. Many large and small cities and towns enacted laws forbid ding tho peddlars calling out their wares, thus suppressing their vocal method of advertising apples. What Peddlers Did "In Chicago some enterprising ped dlers, after the ordinance forbidding them calling out their wares went In to effect suddenly changed the names of their horses. Instead of calling their horses Hill, Fan. Jim. etc., they called their horses Apples; If their load for disposal was ripples alone, calling out in loud tones 'Uet ap, Ap ples,' and to stop his horse would call out 'Whoa, Apples,' giving the people a. cue that b*- was advertising and hud apples to sell. "The 'Advertiser of file Apple' Is not limited to the printed form alone, far from It; I hero are many elements that enter into mid are responsible for the popularity of the king of fruits-— the apple. The land owner promotes the sale, of land for growtng apples, the nurseryman who advertises tho varieties and good qualities of apples mid who also experiments with the varieties to bring them up to n high standard of quality us to color and taste; the grower, the oprayer, the Ir rigator, tho cooper, the box manu facturer, the transportation compan ies, all are factors In the advertising of the apple In extent to the service they render. Western Box Apple "The credit of the publicity and ad vertising r>f (he apple has been great ly advanced by the International Ap ple Shippers' association, county fairs, stato apple shows, world's f«lrs, ap ple displays, various agricultural so cieties of many states, fruit trade and rural papers, and the limited space given by the daily press, through wlili h channel of information would do the most good If given In a fair and Impartial manner. Next to the. dally papers 1 believe your apple congrews comes closer to the apple consuming public than any other source, es pecially If held in large cities. "The western box apples create.] an unusual interest among the trade and the apple consuming public, and has helped more than any other force re cently In 'advertising the apple.' The high grade of tho fruit placed on the market, the color of the fruit, careful packing and the package are princi pally responsible. "To do the most good for Ihe great er number should arrest the attention of all Interested In the apple. How It. shall be brought about Is for your consideration. Tho dally papers reach the greater number of the consuming public, and the- people are guided very much by nhat they read In the dally press. 'Health's best way. Eat apples every day.' "ft occurred to in<i that some phrase arhleh Is easily remembered and one that Is .suggestl\ c for good would he one ..f the good means of ad vertising the apple by making the slogan of th.. appl* 'Health's besi way, Kal apples every ele- ' "If you use- this slogan at all apple shows, conventions, associations, mn greases, etc . the public press are bound to use It in reporting it gS news matter. rt would also become known if used in schools, in copy books or writing exercises Dealers could use this slogan In their trade paper or dally paper advertising. Or If need be place a neatly printed card of an ap ple and the slogan printed on It In cnii barrel or boa of apples. "The idea Involves the thought that the slogan "in oreat* .. inner con sumption of apples and a liberal sup ply of health, .ill "f v til. h mli.mid help advertising v,,- agpls ami areata a: world ..r friends and advocates «l lh»i • r iii- king r trmi- Wlllow plumes mads from old plumes. 316 Third Aveaiue North. t-Jan 3z ■at**!-t>a. SEVEN THE BEST IN TOWN Home cooking, good beds, dean room, steam heat. bat!.. Moderate price. 307 So 2nd St. Phone 947. 1 "■", ■—■*»—■_■—_—_—_—!■■■MMMMMlm —« YAKIMA THEATRF J. E. CORT, Manager The Mack Swain Theatre Co. presei Cora King Swain —In— Brown's in Town S££ Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Nights Prices: 10c, 30<\ 30c and 500 n-iii sale Wednesday at 10:00 a. m. YAKIMA THEATRE J. I-'.. Cart, Manager One Night Only 3 A Saturday. December tHI Tin* everlasting musical race MADAME SHERRY Stronger east than ever In. In.linn Flo Irwin, Oscar Klirman< Marie Flynn and others ot note Charming Beauty Chorus New Song Hits. Odd Oaocea. Massive Production Prices 50c. to $3.00. Seat Sale Friday, Deo. a*. THE LYRIC Program Commencing Monday. Deeembcr 25 OPENS WITH MOVINO PICTURE* THE SHOMERS Teeth Verbalist* An artistic act of unexcelled strength LIZZIE WELLER Child wizard of tho piano In her re markable trick piano playing JOSEPHINE JACOB** A CO. 4*oneert Artists The most artistically staged musical act In vaudeville CLOSES WITH MOVING PUT! REX ■MM open ut 7 p. m. Curtain 7:10 p. m. Music by Lyrlo Orcheetra Matinee Saturday and Sunday 3 p. m. Majestic Theatre WE SHOW THE BEST f A ANY SEAT-lvC Afternoon, children. So ADVERTISE or you Want aCook Want a Clerk Want a Partner Want a Situation Want a Servant Girl Want to Sell v Piano Want to Sell a Carriage Want to sell town Property Want to Sell Your Groceries Want to tscll Your Hardware Want Customers for Anything Advertise Dally In This Paper. Advertising Is tho Way to Success Advertising Brings Customers Advertising Keeps Customers Ad'ertlsing Insures Success Advertising Shows Energy Adteitlsing Shows Pluck Advertising Is "Bis" Advertise or Bust Ad \ . rll-.• Long Advertise Well ADVERTISE At w 11-. • In lite Morning Herald