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VOL. XXII. OLIVE BRANCH "--fxSEPIED Republican Regulars and Insurg ents Meet and Fraternize over Prospective Campaign PLANNING CAMPAIGN TO DEFEAT DEMOCRATS Harmony and Enthusiasm Mark the Meeting and Reorganization of the Congressional Campaign Committee and Leaders Rejoice WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. —The re publicans in congress caucused tonight and named the committee that will conduct the coming congressional campaign, "Insvnrgstrt" linil "tegu lar" republicans fraternised in a man ner not seen since thr party revolt that sheared Speaker Cannon of ;>n\\ er in the. preceding eonßreM M ■■< result the leaders are enthusiastic over the outlook tor \i i"i-> in the Coming ■truatfle to wrest from the democrats control of the house, Senator Gall'mser. R "regular" pre sided over deliberations, and Repre sentative Woods. lowa a leading "l*i gurgent" was among the first to hold out the Olive brand) of peacs. A res olution extolling Representative Mc- Klnley of Illinois, as chairman of the committee and ursine; his reelection to the position, was adopted amid general applause. Mch'inley has been recognized as one of the staunches!. of the "old guard, Included in the personnel of the n«w Congressional committee are Bur ton \j. French of Idaho. A. W. Laffef ty of Oregon and William La Folletto o[ Washington, LEADERS CONSULT ON FINAL TERMS OF ABDICATION Kmporor Maj Retain Title lint Not llnud It t« Posterity NANKING, Feb. .V--\Vu Tliir Fan*, ami Wang CTtiutig \wi representing the republicans, and Tang Shan Vi representing Premier Yuan conferred here today with President Sun on the final terms of abdication suß^emed by the .Manehus. It is believed they de cided on some modification*, namely thai ihe emperor retain his title dur ing bis life time but it shall not be hereditary and he shall have no po litical power. Also that he be per mitted to reside in the palace at Pekln find have an aniiuaj pension of four million taals. liktohm" In Hiisiiioss ('ash fees during the month of Jan nary at th'> office; of the county audi tor were iI,RS3 For the same month a year ago they were J 1,361.70, This is an increase of more than 11 per cent. SCHOOL PLAYGROUND AT THE STATE FAIR Dr. Kloeber, President of Com mission, to Make Feature of Educational Exhibit One of the things which has great ly Impressed Dr. B. J. Kloeber, presi dent of the state fair commission, In his lni|iiiries marie since the last fair is the interesi in »1W) the provi sion made for educational exhibits at the various fairs of the Pacific North ■tvest. This was made particularly prominent in the discusions which took place at Walla Walla at the meeting of fair officials. One of the results is that Mr. Itloeber has deter mined to have a playground exhibit fit the slate fair this fall. "1 had In tended to h«V" a playground at Un fair last year." he said, "but I «as not so well acquainted with the need or demand for It as I am now. This year, no matter what the difficulties, I will have h playground at the state fair and I propose tn aroUM as much interest as is possible along other lines of education to set as large an Inter est and representation as possible. FEDERATION OF LABOR WtLL TAKE FIRST STEPS TO SETTLE THE STRIKE GrlpvKini'ts of |be Workmen Will Bo Formulated and s<-iu tlie Owmaw UkWRBNCX, Fi-h. S. —The Ameri can federation of Labor will tak* its fli'Bt step tomorrow to end the textile strike which is heing condected by a rival organisation tlie Industrial Workers of the World Officials of the central l**or union which is affiliated with the federa tion, announced tonight at neven that .i uu-t-tiinf wild be held tomorrow In order to LiiWeiii'bit the griwvai^es "t different ot worfcien tote viit> HlatfiliKilt lrtili;h Mill be p:eSfclited lv the mill :iu«lts- The Yakima Herald. NO RECORD ON THIRD TERM Congress Maneuvers Not to Past the Slayden Resolution Mak ing Precedent a Law RESOLUTION AIMED AT COLONEL ROOSEVELT | Republicans Refuse to Vote and Democrats Do Not Care to Go on Record as Fearing Roosevelt and They Defeat Measure WASHINGTON, Fib. I. —Tin- house :odaj avoided going i>n record on the| (residential third term. Just al the moment when the Slnyden resnlu iun aimed principally at Colonel Roosevelt seemed about to pass a ihrewd political move displaced the measure for consideration, it may .c received is»t»-i- In session but its position of vantage i>n the calendar ivas lost. Blayden of TeXM >s democrat intro luced the resolution a week ago. It lOUght tn express the opinion of the louse "that the example of Washing; nii in retiring after ■ second term ih(l become a time-honored custom In- Violation of when would be fraught with peril tn free institutions" riic resolution was called up today Aiih but little warnlni and there' ivax a quick matching of wits. a suspension of rules was required i"il to suspend the rules »i "second" mil to be considered ns ordered. Sims if Tennessee objected to the second )nd a vote by tellers was necessary. rin> republicans refrained from voting :hus putting the democrats in the pb« rttlon of passinw the measure by a party vote and in the opinion of a number (if them Indicating fear of Roosevelt an republican nominee. Hence the bulk of the democrats also refrained from votiriß and the "Bee rind" whs defeated » n< \ with the sec ond defeated Slayden was furred to withdraw his motion fn,r a suspension of the rules and tin* resolution was returned to the committee on rules. <tt riisK PBonadrtoM OOHgNM Would <'ripple lhr Wrst anil I inlander llpr Po>U»H SPOKANE, Feb. S.—OHford Pln cbot in ;\ telegram to Mayor Hirvdiey of Spokane today, said the house com mittee had clipped over $ I .niio.noO from the -proposed fire fiehtliiß appro priations mill asked for an expression showing the sentiment of the West la the matter. POLICE PROBING MURDER MYSTERY Find That Discarded Love May Have Been Motive for Com millitig the Crime nkw y>KK. reb. s.—lnvestigation today Into the musterious murder of Mr-. Helen Taylor by the explosion or v homb In her apartments last Satur day brought o it some alleged facts that the police regard as significant in connection \\i:h the recent move ments of Qharles M. Dickinson, who wa^ with the woman when thr- ex plosion occurred. A few days before the ninnler Dickinson and the woman had a quarrel, the poll c say, the wi» man scratched Dl<*klnson'a race. Later Mrs. Ta.yh>r Balled on her sister and expressed a frar of Dickinson. A let '.■i signed by Dickinson n*ai toand among the dead woman's effects. The police say he begged thai he "be taken back." In IMcktnson's pocket the police declares th»y found \\ h;it appears v ,ik an answer to his letter. Which read: "If >nu know what is good for you you will sta; away from my tlal." (in the da) before the murder, Dickinson spent, many hours, detec tives learned, locked in his room and they arc now Investigating the theor; that tin bomb was manufactured in iiis room Dickinson with the scars and scratches saiil to have been in flirted by Mrs Taylor, still ihowing on hiH face, was arraigned before the coroner today. DicklfMOn'l aged father, who js postmaster at Cham plain, N. f . obtained the consent >f the coroner to put the hearing over until Wednesday. To nw father, the >iiii|C msn protested his innocence. OOE/Oft&DO DKMOCRATH MKKT Harmon Men Control Hut l><> Not I*re» till' I inlorseininl DB7NVBR, Feb 6 -Tlie dmiu>cratir state ueatral eomraittee t<ni«\ »Hected Colorado Springs and April -9 feu mate convention to name delegates v the Baltimore convention. The par ty-« "a—mhlr" to rcconun.-iui oandi .lutt.i ful the atttlir tK'kel IHMMJIH-: wtH ■ t held *' i'Jci.i... iu«usi 6 Mewls Haiu.^ii BOHtrollad mi... I meeting bill 11., atMWPt auv male tC endorse uuj ■mflawittoJ cajidldaui. NORTH YAKIMA, \\ ASH., I )\i;si ).\y. FEBRUARY 7. I »12 Militia at Lawrence Is Increasing Its Vigilance, and Stronger Efforts Will Be Made to Prevent Street Riots LAWRENCE, Mass.. P*sb, b.—Be cause of the street riots In which two persons have been killed and military arrangements in the city approach as closely to a state of martial .aw ay is permissible under the laws of the state, Colonel .Swreiscr has ■.•radical ly supreme charge of th. preservation of order in the c}ty, although ai.tu'aj executive :<utn-i'**it» is .»U*l >T(»sl.wft- (r, the city Officials, , The 'volic- n.iitjKH;.. ities are acting on suggestions "of the militia commander at nearly .every in stance. The twenty-two companies of Infant!*)' and the two troosa of cavalry which are now at the disposal of Col onel Sweetser have been stationed un der his orders in six general districts, with a. reserve force at the armory. Sixteen of the companies are on the north side of the Merrimac river,, to gether with tin- two troops of cavalry. and five companies are pMtod on the south side. SPRING SENSATION IN HER CASE Discharged Stenographer Turns Witness and Tells About "Faked Reports WASHINGTON, l"Wb. *•—nis chartted as official stenographer of the senate Lrorimer committee and awaiting possible further punishment for contempt Milton W. Blumenbergi todaj took the witness stand before the commute:, to tell " liv he branded a« "manirfactnred" the stanographic report by J. E Sheridan, of the al-] lined phonograph admissions by ('harlea McQowan. The statements made Saturday night l.cfore the committee that the notes were faked were repeated un der nath. Tlie tense situation Into which the investigation has been un expeotedlv shunted, resulted in sharp passage* between the 6oun«el and members ot the commute*. Blumen berg'l disiharKe canic after In re fused to explain his conducl Sal in unliTiiK his stenographers to , i tvsorting th" proceedings and reso« lutloOS were,l lookini to his punishment for contempt. The Sheridan testimony was then completed. The witness declared his notes were R"ii'iine though ha reit erated he had not attempted to rurporl Dther than thai part ,> r McOi'wan'a alleged conversation c\i int what he deemed material. I.ih-Uwoiml Not Kllgiblo Word has been received from Sam uel (Jumpers, president ,• t* lvic Amer ican Federation of Labor that Dean Lockwood is not eligible !■» the offica of president uf the looal trades ami l*bur council to which office h« recently electeil 'I'his will nefeasi t«te a new election, which will prob abiy he hri<i th,> avsnlng at ihe meet ing of the Central Trades and Labor meeting I'om Utaduata Oourae in Knru|»- Dr. I'aul Cooper is arraagtQg to leare North faklna ■< n ttw Its of March for Europe where he wil postgraduate course* in several l»l .Wicli,-.- Ut will r-fii,l. Ii; i! li. ma ana KngUind, leturuing bonia ai; u ui me tii bi of in.-<t ;. ■ ID . i Ice " II bi Ii ft in '",■ ' Or W i. M iiiiiv. MAY UNITE TO GET PROPEnECRETARY Commercial Club and State Fair Commission Should Act To gether Suggests Citizen A H Wi cii cornea forward with the suggestion thai ths state fair cum misii.n and the Oofnmerrtal clob unite on a secratary ami procure ■ "big" man To the position. He rec ognizes, he -a>..-. that tin- Commercial club la no-, In a poaitlbn hi this time 1,, emploi »ucl ' nutjn a« it desires mid member* i>f the slate fair com? miss;,,n arc anxious In procure a man nf much l.;ir.u"r callhie than thej ian expect i" obtain ftif (he Hgurea they ■ire pei mit ted to pny- It la th« opin« i., n or Mr W ' e,i that if thu two organisations iwHt* Ihej can nei ■ man who win '»* the making of each jtlon, i i"" mm ii ihej fail to unite thej will '"'ih struggle along under Ihe i Hghi Ins mfluence of im prop< • m mage rm so far ai the Beoreta » oonceroed >miie Do \<>t Approve While thqre, is same u4>pruval In the i a nki of ihe i 'nmtnerrta I club ta the BUKgOSti(rtl thi Pc \>< ais,» some op p,iuitii,;i SS«u r the mem ben of the club >i" not desire to tie them selves i ■ th »tate fair al thli t- ni"i,T thu belief i another ;,r maj mnlxf a decided difference in the rhHr.i'f i and position of th. i-i in itself. The; d,. not, the] taj expect i" iin milch Biore the comtni ..: thai »«l their house In order f,,r business another year. The atoi k taking time l 'a^ come In the elufc . .iml the, are noi ;- to break awai from ihc mark l,i ,ir,t ■ i-ii 1 . I ast»:ii| Ii By aa) .■. mil to v** lhi time to (it i hem »elv«fl r<>r i;i> .iiriiKKle which will i ..Hi,- when tin-; actuall) begtia v piiMh to th? fTOn4 Sliltr I-Vir Ig WilliiiK The Idea of 'Hiitln* ae«rMsrlei meets '.< ith favor, It 's understomi i.ii the part of mo HtHte fair commts ■ion and one retl*on for this I- thai the membm of the commission art , vi- In ii!;hl ii whirls in,i nl ■ • . ! ■ 1...ii. 111. J M OUkl 111..' t. I I'll. --... bi ■ ■ USil -• \ 1.H..10 u< ttOC .. 111. TROUBLE BREWING IN CHIHUAHUA Loyal Troopers Mobilizing and Followers of Gomez Occupy ing Strategic Positions Xl, PABi '. Feb. B. W Ith Inj al troupers said to he mobilizing al Chi huaitua auH armert men, proteased fol lowers of Kmllio Vasquesa Oome7, oc cupying itrateKlc jxi.-iiilons ofi ths Mexloo-Nortliwestern rallrosd, Juares Is practioall; unprotected While tht-re li no indication of trouble., resi dents arc known to I i ■Merliig a pl« II to ,i| ga ''■■'.'■ aIM I ;i rill fill I lie |M " i i.,i ion of t he.msel res and their pi op svO'i saviiiK thai lex than LOO loyal i roops n ma Ij In 1 hut cltN. i)r*>/*<* MilKari Oiicclor MK\ I' ''. I 'ITT, Feb i Pa ><<. ij 11,,,/ i.,, will li 'i olnted mi!it : dtc mi ir oj thi tat< "f fhlhuahua If tho 11 i,iniii' ii.l.' 1 .',u of the i ■■' ■■ governor, ' lutiz ili I* i 1 ,.d h.v the f»dei al ■■ thorl las. 11 is atated tn thi nl< main from i hthuahuj i hal ti" »tiit< bo> eriinie.ul f«ll powerless tn control the lituatlon there and I tonaa-lea Inti tiding i ealgnu lion, offers . iha aho\ < diik^i si ion i a ponslbl« i' 'i'■ Presidenl U : an no in- ..,i . : . Hi ■■ '•- »how n .1' h"\ er, 'ha i he hai i < n i v ,!/<■,, hul II i.i kno\ ii i ■ ■■■ i Jalero of th* 11«] .. rt muni »1 F i Kelatlons. do< s i'"i Shan tllß pi -i ,!. ■ i ; 01 i.liWI) iU'RI HIM Ml - WOHK <»rti<- Mi \liinmiil VV til Hi on,- of lln- Mhlii \V iliic*-* 1-. I.i lore lln in l.i iS ANi ; I'il.i 8 i', ■ ■ probablllt) thi leitdei '"• Indlctud lorn "r> cha rgea growing out of I . , . ri sums its Investigation i M tie Ml M ll.Kal * h , Ii .1 , I' i ; tl til 'tie w ■ tfjitUui to thi ■Ul I «lIIW M .ltk«»M ilTlt - ' ,- -j; t «f: »;»n '.-» W', i' • ' : MURDER CASE ! INTERESTING Jim Johnson Takes "Indian Med icine" from His Mother, Aged 95 Years CLAIM OF INSANITY MAY FREE JOHNSON Claim of Defense That All Con fession* Made by Johnson Were False, Under Persuasion of Deputy Sheriff Henry De Kraay At opening of auperlor eottrl Mon das tnornjng Proßeoutlni Attorney Wai.i announced thai the atate had rr.m.'d its c*B( agatnai tht defendant, .liin Johnson, on trial for th< murder pf \\ ill'iini R, Luah.v. (i. o, Shumate, one of the attorney! fur the iirfrtiiiant. opened iUo defenae i>\ a forcible ami detailed Btat«nenl of w lint the defenae would attempi •> prove, According to ins utatement ihrv win prove thai on the Blghi t»f the murder of Mr. [<uabj the ile(«nd iiin tvae home In b*d; thai In tha month of October, 1810 defen.ifa.nt wai atruch on the head and had a portion of ins -,xi\nii removed, «hlih resulted In making him an invalid. That since thai time he Has noi been in hi- right niiml ii till has ha.l lltUe ur mi ns,' of his lefi !<•« or arm. Timt he spend* moil of his time King: around the house and i* wnable to inn place without the aaalatance ot some other person. 11.- also said thai it would be shown thai on th« das following the tragedj ii man i nveri'd with blood railed at tha hniiio of Tulee, an Indian, and wantVd siinictiiiiiK to eal and whan questioned as to whare the blood cams from i" 1 ran toward tha timber In tha mountains, pursued bs Tulea, who « is unable to overtahs him. Mr. Bhumat« sahl that nil iho run fasalona thai had been taatlfled to vrere falae and » pit made bj the da» (endani ai ta* auggaatloa or xmi on dfi- Ui>' persuasion nf ■ leputs nin'i-iff 61 Orsngor, Henrj l)«Kr««r, who ,o|, i .-.I th ■ -Vf, ■i.lanl If >•■ ".Hl'il make ii . nnfeaslon of thai kind rta could go in. k to Toppenlsh and his home i he nex< das ImmedlHtel; after the opening statement Attornej W H. Hhoa, began to Introduce the testimony of the da fense, «hlch lasted until court ad journed at ."»: 3"i The witnesses who testified Moti on were all Indiana, who were slthar living at th. same place *lth tha da r. v.lam or relatives, The} wets ax (Continued on page •■iKh.t) SCHOOL PETITION IS NOW WITHDRAWN Ladies Take Back Request for Appointment of Mrs. Wilson on Teachers' Committee There Is to bs no patitlon lo '"« K hool board asking thai iho mim* of Mrs, Wiiwni, tbe nawly ♦•i<-<-t .<t member, b« placed on ih« taachars' iotn,nnli.r 111 ill.' til "f STMtIS olh.T mem-bar. Su. h a patltlon, II wns aald, a few days SCO, «■»« to bs prs pared bj the laidlas of the Advtaory ,.ii,iuiti,-,. [I '■•'» deotdsd M.iinlav to withdraw ii Thla a*tloti waa takaa iii.r , iimfarenca wKh Buparlntan si.riiiiK al bis "ifiii- in th« liljrh ichool Mr Si.TlmiK, it is n»poru>d, called iii« meeting «n<l saplalflMd to tin la.u.'K thai iiiuir meeting, havi.iig i,, ,n held wHhoul notlflcatiuo to him wa< noi proper and vas dtalojwl La him. \i ,tn'. rate the mailer wan pli iin -iiirh liklii Hiai tha petition ft as '.' II h.l r;i "ii )«teil tor l'rc*iil<-nl Hull l.ii.ii.'i win> are members of Mis (torninll ■■■. •■'■ '■' <■ tiol prepared t" < < n ' !,-■ inn ■[ - i 11 beini iii* id ' ii terUm h«j -laixi i tint th.' ilfalra of ihi n IvlMot 111 tee be noi per mliinl tn Ik.i.iii" pilbHi g :;,, ■ i ntendeui Bterltng, n hen i ham the matter relating i,, the v. rd Ii itu i a pel it lon from taxpn --is, should he lubjact .if >h - LTUSvion between him as iupi»r!nten il,'ni and the ttilvl v oommlttee ■ iha I at Ihe requesl »l Pre ildenl Watt of I ii :i id taken Ihe ■ i the !.. ,i i.-H. [minting tn i ion "i i! 'i ii| oul i ii.-n ih. mem 1,! .■ < 1111111 111. ■. h w i - i part I rom I heir Held of id BKI \M«>\\\ i<m: HKfi, II \/./. vim HtarvaUon Dorlor I lid.-niu I |i>n bj \ , nil, I of 111,- ,lllr> .it- \ri(> |. ■ .. i Mra t Bur 111 Id Haasarri con Ictcd Sunila ■ 1 1. i thi i of Clalri . 11, i ■. kiluwn ■ still i t n i, p ' Iff at J :i»u« s ■ \t tU ju' \- ■■ it v ( M APPLE TREE CENSUS MADE Fruit Growers* Association Is Preparing Valuable Statistic* for Yakima CHARACTER OF PLANTINGS MOST RECENT ORCHARDS Newcomers Will Be Able to Aj certain What the Relative Pro duction in the Respective Kinds Is Likely to Be An apple tree CAMUS has- ri<>r>n un dertaken >>\ the faklma Vallej Fruit liiMwi'i-H aavoeuvtton nmi the figures already in hand show Rome Interest inn I'ni-is \vl;h rnlntinn to the flavored vari.'lios, Mp«eMlt) in the orchard! moll racwitljf planted, or lathir in thi* >"in'«- ag eonvpared with the old nrch« arils. I ion iiost mtl iiimi|i» !>y ilio m sni'laticMi in (Is tni-mlicrs for Kid In the stHtlntlr* «nd though tho tahlwi ar« to ba preparsd will prove to be" ■ ii' iniu'h vn!in>. uHmiately, to mi oreti« ii i. lists, the fact iviiim In* thai thprn Mr.- I milßfefr, in Curt. « Inixt" pro. portion wh« have not responded to th« r#»< | ui'si Mmiv lull i.> tnawer A* :i matter of fa*l th* answers, whloh hnvf coma from iis growers* da not reprwsem a Court n of the mem* bershtp it is easy to pee thai la* (lain n-hloh will hi- up from the Rfursa whK'ii win be fathered win enabi* the oltlesrs i>f the aaanclatton to iiftfrnilni' f:\ru si'isnii. allowance bemg nmdi' for ilamn«i> l.> crop, Hi.' probable aggregate of the tvpv^n for ihi' si' Hii.t aiMu iho probable aw gregttts of aacn uimi of apples. Such Information an lhl», at hand early ..r hi »n> time thornughoni the »ea un, «hi Facilitate tin- handling of bull ni's.s an.l l.i thai ''vl.'in will he h.'iii flolal i.. ih.' mem ben mid In i hie bast Interests pf the frtiM producers, in this connection .\lanau,'r Itolihlm iiaya thai at am- time he ask., r siatiftirnl information h. will be ula.l i.i hoar from an\ p«j on who la in p..s ;.'-o<hin at the fa. Is r ■ii | rhe rari.x. v h«ther tltfty are men >i i Hi' the m.-iii iaii<.fi Mi- noi or wh.'thrr ihi j are pi ndurnr* nr n.>i. «•■ lung as they have Inforniatlnn whli h available and whloh can i>i> turned In us.' I'ur Hi,- puhHc irnrod Wxt.v mn.-r.MM Mini si\iy different Iclnda of tipping lire ■«mad ii\ the i i s grower* nhu ha i a ahawarad the Inquiry ami in anawari, win. h rover the • tat tat lex of (.1 iniinit nf .'j t ,-h \ ear for the past nigitii years, Th# WMneaap la in tin* l.'iid ;ih in thai time 32,A2^ have been pianliMi m Rgalnal 18,8(4 of .|.in;i- bhaoa, whli h ran aaonnd The leaxf* its in thf HM Hri. :tx folb>W«: Hplt» •nbarg, 1,1(1: F«llaM Kawton, 8,848; \\ 'im»hhii. It, sit { ArkM.iiMtis Black, I.88T; FJimi.' Beamty, nr,T"i. Joeathan, 18,844; ',!.. m il.>ld>-n. 1,024; .SMuy -111.111 « n.'H.i|. t a TM| I'"-' i "if :■< I IS4; '\ ai,.-M.r. 1.19H; d-i«.-i...iih. ;i,:, h:,. only j "ii i-it i-i-i 1,-* hstvo .-■• i !!'•!►■ iilar . n<i<«rli *f> r«m-h. c. nAiii iri'<tft.i'<r I hun a hi»ni(li>><l lT««ii •mi.-ci. TkMV »r« Whli» Wlrmr MtrWtg,' SIS; Kin« l>>iviil, 258; VClmimp Ui«\ni!,i. r!l; Vaii(lßrixx>t. HfiH; y»lnw TTanopmrt"ni. Ili>. Hiwnmor, 11«. V\in Until nt rr»i««i iilhiii«<i, Maardkw ko ''"• xnitutifn la 8>1,251 mmil ■HJiriMiiH i<> )«ura th« num ber \n iliv!.rt»»il s» I'otTwwiH »>n« .v.'.ir, 1,(45; tVO .■«*>•, lU.»t'K thre yetra, Z l.nii I; f«Klr )w»rx IT.JfIT; flvn yp'ird. 11,18*) six. yi«.r», IJ.401; aevmi j-^ari), «,»I9; cdKhl yyni-B. 12,«) ii. T.>«cU 91, --a;u IVrloiU •» l'<,|>iilnm \ Xiv« )-#iii« iiejo w««i fh« raoat pnv uin r parted for Roma EJ**a«uy ir»..< ami thiHc jraajM >a.> for Toanattmin ,ii") nl.*) fur VVlni^aii. I>i'll<;iouh uiM'» nnir.« [i>..|;, iilar a j«ar aga and fcwa ytHU'n ak>. lh:jxi prior to Ptoit 11 ■ vt- , While ill hvia:Vit .if P"i7>ul»rnv wirh the Sint7. Ims raa<clja)d four v.»*rs :ign.<» >-Ktt«iKl^il ilmir«M may nh.>w !»iiiin>wlnil <<lllii'ii», an 111 fai-i miKiii be expected from the old orchard Hgurae, Tha i<i(h; i,> ilata, hou.iviir, iii'm very lnlor««tltlB. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AMONG LOCAL BOYS Probaftly few wt our oHlßa>na ihni there nr* a/brvui ha,tf h rlozen bo; ■ • thl» rttj Rxperimentina i h,- l| tie iol ■ ■ " tulwgraph . -in,, John w Orslg ■ unat . . •! i.,n mi i..p ..I i bul ■ ftouth Wrai itree.t, i ad . hange i H to ihe ■ nrni r ■•' I . i -■... i north ■ ■ h i ■ i . ,i .-,ppanil h., f,,in m nlcal .■■■ ■ ' i > who have atatlona, lmi Khudi i ■ | lob H mil Lo i at ! ii.i ■; X ' .if... ihai their prPßi-nl ■ ■ ■ i , ..■ I, , . ,ii■ 1: i iha ex ii ■ - i i" bi o ble !<> b lommuii . < imsi for -• f111<• c rigaHrt*ea ■ •' i-1 t I room, rtlli • Li ' . '■. ! . i. ■ Ht nf T, K. YiMlb ... NO. S