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volume xxn ARE NO LONGER INDIFFERENT X Ranchers Who Held Out From i Fruit Growers Movement Are Joining .KNOWLEDGE IS SPRfc**'°'vb «.'J REGARDING OBLIGA i * *$l And Fact Is More Generally Un derstood That Those Whose Money Is Invested Must Con struct Marketing Machinery Indications multiply daily that the ranchers of the Yakima valley are more than ever interested in organi sation of the apple industry of this I valley and determined more strongly ; than ever to stand together and con * trol thorugh their own machinery • the marketing and distribution of the orchard crops. This Is manifested in many ways, one being the fact that ranchers who had hitherto paid no attention to ef forts at organization are now identi- I tying themselves with the movement to that end. Kaeh season as it passes brings about a more general under standing of the situation by the aver age grower so that sentiment la stronger and more deeply intrenched than heretofore. "I was a member of the committee of the commercial club," said Alex Miller," which investigated various phases of the fruit business at the tn etigation of the club and as a result we made a report which pointed out that the solution of the marketing problem is one that is up to the growers themselves. I do not care to go into the subject as an individual at this time but will merely refer you to that report. But One Result "The growers, in working out the Ibest ends in their own business can come to but one result. One big thing to remember is that the apple is a staple crop and can be !*arketc.; through a period of nine months. It does not have to be sacrificed as sott fruits -bive been sacrificed. Tbe 'tfrVT* has/ i past when the grain and flour men have sold other than f. o. to. Such sales must come for the apple man and he must bring them about himself. "So far as the soft fruits are con cerned the organizations which the growers will build up will have their plants for canning and evaporating and will, as a part of their own busi ness be prepared to eliminate such an awful waste as we have had in past seasons. "The time is rapidly coming when such waste cannot be endured for the reason that the old seasons of ab normal prices are passing. There may he unusual prices at one time or an other for some special crop, but the business Is getting to a permanent, profit-giving basis and as such must be organized to look after its own in terests In a way that the individuals cannot do it. The time is coming, in brief, when the competition from other districts will be sufficient to keep us busy rather than to continue this proposition of competition by a neighbor against a neighbor." WATCHED MONOPOLY "MERGE AND MERGE" W. J. Bryan Says When Trust Was Doubtful It Asked Roose velt and He Said Yes LOS ANGELES, Sept. 23.—William Jennings Bryan, who is following in the trail of Colonel Roosevelt,, at his own expense in interest of Governor Wilson, departed from Los Angeles tonight for Sacramento where he ex pects to speak at the State fair to morrow. While here he devoted many Word to Roosevelt's candidacy. From tarly morning until late in the atter noon he kept busy speaking, although only four addresses had been sched uled. Discussing Roosevelt and the trusts, Bryan said that Roosevelt had de clared that the trusts had come to ■itay and that he denounced the Demo crats for wanting to make it impos sible for private monopoly to exist. Roosevelt, he said, just wanted to "regulate." He declared Roosevelt had watched monopoly "merge and merge" and when it got to In* a doubtful point when it didn't know Whether It could merge or not It went to him and asked him, and he said, ••Yes, merge." Bryan, apparently referring to what he recently termed "stolen planks" of democrats, said: "Wln-re Roosevelt's position Is good on na tional issues, Democrats have been there long before him. I think it would bo only fair if Rosevelt would do with issues like they sometimes do jaith eggs, mark a date on them." The Yakima Herald. OIG WEEK FOR LOCAL MASONS Dedication Ceremonies to Be Held Friday Evening at Ma sonic Temple ISHRINERS TO INITIATE ■fj* CANDIDATES THURSDAY Lodge History Will Be Made Dur- j ing Week and Hundreds of Prominent Masons and Shriners Will Be in City Another great day in the history of Yakima lodge No. 24, F. and A. M., will be Friday of this week, when the handsome seven-story Masonic temple on Yakima avenue will be dedicated according to Masonic rites. It is estimated that from four to five hundred persons will participate di rectly or Indirectly In the ceremony. The week will also be one of note for the Shriners of Afifl temple. At 7 o'clock tomorrow morning a spe cial will reach the city from Tacoma, where the headquarters of the lodge is located, bringing in the neighborhood of 200 members. There are about 150 North Yakima residents who are members of the lodge. The Shriners will initiate new candidates Thurs day at their club rooms in the Ma sonic temple. The temple band, quartet and patrol will be in the city, and with the other members will take in the fair during the afternoon and be present at the tradational banquet to be given after the initiation. Dedication Ceremony The Masonic dedication ceremonial will be performed at half past seven o'clock in the evening by Grand Mas ter Frank N. McCandless, in the lodge rooms. He will be assisted by other oflTfcers of the grand lodge, among them being A. H. Henkerson, senior warden, and Morris G. Tyler, grand secretary. Grand Orator James Mc- Cormack will deliver the oration. The local lodge has extended invi tations to all Master Masons and their wives. The reception to visiting Masons will be tendered by the local body at half past nine o'clock, when the 'graffd master will be socially in troduced. Refreshments will be served and a general social time en joyed. Mr. Heath Active Worshipful Master Charles Heath is busy with other officers and members of the Yakima lodge arranging for the event. The general committee comprises F. A. Morgan, J. A. Corbett, B. T. Barton, B. F. McCurdy and D. M. Rand. The refreshment committee is com posed of J. H* Corbett, H. L. Ansart and G. AY. Davis. The program and printing committee comprises J. F. Barton and W. F. Tuesley. The re ception committee Includes all past masters and the trustees of the Ma sonic association. Mr. ■ McCurdy is chairman. The entertainment committee com prises D. M. Rand, E. M. Smithers and M. S. Scudder, and the music committee W. W- DeVaux, H. E. Wight and ... O. Meigs. The officers of Yakima lodge No. 24 are: Charles Heath, worshipful master; F. A. Mor gan, senior warden; J. H. Corbett, junior warden; James Williamson, secretary; E. E. Streilz, treasurer; J. Al. Xesley, senior deacon; W. W. De- Veaux, junior deacon; Harry L. An sart, senior steward; Oilbert W. Davis, junior steward, and F. J. Ja croux, tyler- Masonic Building One of tho interesting features of the handsome Masonic temple is the. keystone over the entrance. The stono was procured through the American consul at Jerusalem on February 4, 1910, and Is said to have been quar ried limn the same stone as was used fur the building of King Solomon's temple, The stone was put in place on April 1, 1911. The building was opened about the first of the year. Yakima lodge was chartered Sep tember 24, 1575; Chapter 21, R. A. |f„ was chartered June 8, 1901; Yaki ma I'ouncil No. 12, Royal and Select Masters, chartered June 20, 1911, am 1 Yakima Commission No. 13, 1907. T'.._* Byrlnga chapter No. 38 O. E. S. was chartered June ]_, 1595. FITZGERALD WINS MARATHON Speedy Canadian Runner Easily Leads His Field All the Way Jimmy Fitzgerald won the mara thon at the baseball park Sunday aft ernoon in what proved a runaway match. Tile first rive miles was a contest between the winner and Paul Westerlund, but Fitzgerald made the pare so hot for that distance that the Californlun began to drop behind and bail lust four laps at the end of the race. The lime tor the race 1:57:10 was guud considering the roughness of the track and the fuel that there wai a Oold v\ md blowing tv chill the run ners. •Fitzgerald showed champion ship form ami ran the first ten mil s at a uniform pace nf abnut five min utes for the mile. He finished strong and could have bettered bis race throughout. Victor Norman dropped out at the tenth mile his stomach having failed him. NORTH YAKIMA, WASH., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1912 Vacationers Who Earned Trip s Expenses by Working Land at Agricultural School WASHINGTON, Sept. 23.—A num- l her of Virginia boys and girls have just returned to their homes after at three day sightseeing trip in the cap ital. The entire expenses of the trip | were paid from their earnings in working land at an agricultural I school. Dr. P. P. Claxton, United I States commissioner of education, com- I mentlng on the experiment, said: I "Real farming did it. The money I RETURN GOVERNMENT TO COMMON PEOPLE Governor Wilson Says That is ! What the Democrats Have Been Doinsf FoT Years*"' SCRANTON, Pa., Sept. 23.—-Gov ernor Wilson rodo through rainy Pennsylvania today. Campaigning as he went and addressing thousands of persons, who crowded wayside stations to see him. He arrived here at six o'clock tonight and participated in an umbrella parade to the armory where a big meeting was hold. Prom tho moment tho democratic candi date crossed the state line at Phil lipsburg and stopped al Easton, Del aware, Watergap, Portland and Stroudsburg, there were umbrella covered crowds to greet him. Mr. Wilson again today ridiculed the contention of his opponents that tho Democratic party did not have the Interests of the country at heart. He asserted that Pennsylvania voters who had long been suspicious of the Democratic party showed signs of turning away from the party that had not satisfied the people and entrust Its confidence to the party that is now seeking a new set of policies in order that the country as a whole may be served. "The Republicans are not even satisfying themselves," said Mr.' Wilson. He declared there was evidently "some family trouble" in the Repub lican party, and expressed the, belief that It does not know exactly what it wants to do. He said that tlinne "who have been with us for sixteen years have seen exactly what vv.rn coming in the year 1912." He said he wanted it noted that the Demo cratic party has had substantially lis present program of returning the government to the people for more than sixteen years. Sells Many l(o»s "I have been thinking," said H, Stanley Coffin yesterday, '.about a •tatcment I saw in your paper from Mr. H. H. Ward, of Portland, in which he told of millions of dollars sent from the Pacific coast annually east of the Rocky mountains for 'logs anil have been wondering why we people In the Yakima valley cannot get more of it than we do. Incident ally 1 have been figuring to deter mine how much money I have re ceived myself this season from hogs sold from our Wenas ranch and I find that we have sold close to $2000 worth. "Those figures were a surprise to me for, as you know, we make no pretense at raising hogs and those we have sold are merely those We raised incidentally on the ranch. They do not mean any special Investment for they have been fed alfalfa and hay grown on the premises and noth ing mure. If we can do that mvi Ii Without really knowing that we are growing ho_s It would seem that there is an opportunity for tin man who really makes an effort We cer tainly need in pay mure attention to the stock possibilities of Yakima." Messrs. Coffin Brother! shipped out from Yakima yesterday a carload of young Lincoln bucks fur Pendleton, wl.ii h had been sold to a Stock nan there. The animals will lie on ex hibition at the Pendleton lair this week. earned from their Individual garden patches In connection with the study of up to date farming paid the ex penses of the trip —just $13.78 for each pupil. The children came from the .Second congressional district ag ricultural school at Driver, near, Nor folk, Va. They were in charge of J. B. L. De Jarnette. The student makes regularly profit of from $25 to $100 on the individual garden patch he or UNORANGIZED GROWERS AT MERCY OF DEALERS (From tfie Nebraska Farmer) Since early In the season tha produce papers representing the apple dealers have been crying 1111 enormous production of apples for 1!)12 in" almost all parts of the country. These forces are evident ly trying to force the prices down while the fruit is yet in tho hands of tho producers so they may be able to buy at their own prices. Reports received by tho State Horticultural Society from other societies and experiment stations In all parts of the country, as well as the government reports, show but a slight increaso over 1911 and the quality not so good. Selling associations and co-opera tion among the producers are what are needed to cope'with tho shrewd dealers in apples. The commercial growers of purely fruit sections where the growers are organized for selling their fruit pay no at tention to such reports as they "keep wise" to the situation, but the growers of this section, who are not organized are up against it nt the present time. AFFECTIONATE INDIAN CHARGED WITH THEFT Will Not Allow Saddle Out of Sight When Charged With Stealing It Seated on a black, medium weight saddle which, it is charged he had stolen along with a horse and bridle on September 18, William Cree, a sturdy Indian about fifty years old, protested his innocence in the county jail yesterday. The saddle had been found in his possession, according to Deputy Sheriff James Dew, who ar rested free in Yakima City yesterday afternoon, and when brought to the jail Cree, asserting that the saddle was rightfully his, would not allow it out ">■ his sight and preferred it to any thing Mr. Dew could offer in the Jail in the way of chafrs. It was finally shown to Cree that the court would decide the ownership of the property and the mere fact that In- would In- relieved of the saddle un til that time vvuiild not necessarily mean that be Would not SSS it again. 'Iln- saddle was then placed in the Storeroom and the Indian accepted a chair. Tin- complainant against eras is U. E. Betes, whu asserts he owns the liiirsi. and saddle. MuriH-rvr Mas BOSTON, Sept. 24.—Cheater 8, Jordan, condemned us the murderer four years ago of his wife whose body b« cut ii|i and packed in a trunk, WM 'vi i iited in the electric chair at the Stats prison at twelve forty this morning. she cultivates." Mr. De Jarnette de clared that with a seventy-five acre farm, soon to be purchased, the boy. and girls will be able to earn their own living while attending school. This .school is of the kind advocated by tho bureau of educiition as a help in retaining children on the farm In preference to going to the city to live when they reach maturity. TALK OF YAKIMA MAN FOR SUPREME COURT Lawyers Speak of Judge Preble to Fill Vacancy But Nothing ■ Done Although there is talk Unit North Yakima should be represented on the Supremo Court bench of the State, no action has been taken and nunc is being immediately contemplated by members of the bar In tlii.s vicinity, so far as can lie learned. It was stated yesterday by a prominent attorney nf the city that there was a general feel ing that the Yakima and Kittitas val leys should have a man In Ibis place, The argument advanced for Ibis is that (he irrigation country should be represented. There is some puzzle ment at present concerning Ihe method of electing or appointing a SUOO6SSOI to Judge Dunbar, whose death last week created the vacancy and there is, therefore, a hsitation evident in advancing a candidate fur the place until this situation is mads clear. The general mlxup it was pointed out was due to the fact that JU Ige Dunbar was a nominee for re-election at the time of his death. The name most frequently men tioned locally in connection with the place at present is that of Supi 11 n Court Judge Preble. It may be, a North Yakima, lawyer stated yester day, that tho sltuntiiin will arise where the appointment of Judge Preblo to the place would be feasible and logical. Tbe argument beard out side against Yakima getting the va cancy is that as the Supreme Court bench stands at present the country this side of the mountains has the majority, five to four, and only one third of tho population. With ths naming of a man from North Yak ima the count would bs six to three, it was pointed out. suvo the Pheasants Golden pheasants hays begun to feed themselves In the Yakima valley. Half a dozen pairs were released at various time by Pstsr Bach, of l-'ruil vale, some Intentionally and Some by accident, and a few of the birds es caped at other times from other fanciers in this valley. These birds have taken kindly to their frssdom, have mated and raised their brum! and tho young have besn reported from sections as widely separated B4 tho .Selah and the Ahtanum. I. H. Dills, who has been making an Inquiry, is satisfied thst the birds will readily propagate themselves In this country. They arc much less nervous than the Chinese pheasants, are a good game bird, are not _•• etructivc and are very beautiful. "1 hope," said Mr Dills, "that when the law is taken off for fifteen days that Chinese phsssants may bs bunt ed that tin- boys and the new sports men will make it a point nut tv shoot at the Guldens. The old sportsmen who knuw how few the birds are will, I know, refrain fiuin pupping at them, 1 think the birds ought tv be given another few season but uf course they win be in great danger during tho open season If wo do mil Unit* In agreeing to let them pass unharmed." R. N. Thompson, uf ths Portland Oregnnian, is in North Yakima to re port tha stock department of the fair here fur his paper. STATE FAIR IS OPENED, DISPLAYS ARE COMMENDED Massachusetts I'riinmirs BOSTON, Sept ii. — Republican* and Democrats of Massachusetts will hold :i joint primary tomorrow to w* led n candidate for the November election*. The two paries are the only one.i recognised by the stale but other parties may obtain a position on thS bailnl by petition. Interest center* In the dual contest for fov« ernor in both paries, ilovernor FoSS is opposed by District Attorney Pelletler in the democratic party in Republican ranks former Speaker Joseph "Walker is candidate against „. c. Benton. ANOTHER OLD TIMER IS TAKEN BY DEATH Daniel Sinclair, Former County Commissioner, Passes Away After a Long Illness Daniel Sinclair, formerly a com missioner of Yakima county, died at his horns, 108 North Sixth street, yes terday morning alter a lingering ill ness. He was sixty-seven years old and had been a resident of Yakima since 1879. He war* a native of Nina Scotia, where be lived until Ills nine teenth year, When lie removed to iuwa, where lie lived lor tivc yeara, after which lie removed to Seattle in 1X72. making the trip across the plain.'!. lie conducted a, logging camp on the flnbhomlsh river, purchased land where the city of l.vcrctt now stands. In 1879 he came to Yakima and took a. pre-emption claim of 120 acres and a. homestead of so aores in the Ni ches valley. Later h4 milled by pur chase in his holdings anil for a score of years was' a lariiu r and stor-k raiser in this county. He moved Into the city of North Yakima in 19111. Mr. Sinclair married in Califjornis Miss Annie M. Cameron of Nuv.t Scotia, vviin survives him. Three children were born, hut initio are living. lie i-r survived by a sister, Mrs. Mary M. Bishop of this city, and a brother, John 11. Sinclair, who is a member of the canadlah parlia ment ami who was representative of bis country to .England at the coro nation of the present king and quc-i. Mr. Sinclair was very well known and greatly esteemed In North Yak ima, by ths older residents. He was of sturdy Scutch ancestry, a slaunch Republican In politics, a member of the Presbyterian church, of which he was an official and a member of tho odd Fellows, Hi- bad always up In Ihe time of his lasl Illness, which bad been of several years' duration, taken an active inter est in lb" affairs of the community, ISrving In various public offices an 1 as a citizen always shouldering his ■hare of ths burden of devslopmsnt and progress. YELLOW STREAKS IS ROOSEVELT'S SUBJECT Sees Yellow Taft Buttons and Says the Color Is Very Appropriate JOPLIN, Bept, 23. —Governor Had- Isy, or Missouri, In the opinion of I'lilnnrl RoseVSlt, SS he SXprsSSSd It today, will join the progressive party in tin- National campaign, Mr, Rooso-* veil saw nothing uf iiu- governor lur ing his trip through this state in- Kiiining the day in Kansas, CoIODSI Roosevelt cams into .Missouri and spoke at Springfield and Joplln, with a number nf shori speei ties from the train al other points. iii! attai ked the Republican Na tional Committee, saying it had sep arated forever the people from trie Republican party and bad "boarded up the party until you i mild not g- I Into H with a Jimmy." He told Uf peopli in .-' i'lark's liiirno State that Clark had been bsaten In the- Democratic convention although 'v bail In.iti n tVllson ill til primaries. People cams nut in crowds to he,if iii lone), greeting him with chssri mi ' Hull MOOSI calls until he had trouble tv make hlmsslf heard. No ticing a earning a banner .' Lamar bearing the words, "We want Taft. let win enough alone," Roose velt Mini. "Any man who supports a re. civil of stolen goodi stands mi tin* level with tin receiver ol stolen I! I I'll In I III! 111 i until to associate with honest man," win ii tin- colonel reached Bprlng fleld he found another Tafi bannei and saw a numbei of un-n n-eariog 'i 111 badges. Itooaevi it i. rei ilt iin i ■ ild i h ai'' an appro priate i "lor of j din v. Tin i c nev «r w.i- a yellower performance than that of tin- Republican managers at th Chicago eunvontinu and (he badges are Juat the right color. 'I h man who puts one on shows he lij.j a btreak ol __Uow somewhers," Managers of the Several Depart ments Arc Optimistic and Eager for Crowds HORSE RACES AND ELECTRICAL SHOW GOOD Word Comes That Japanese Aviator May Not Be Able to Make Flights Because cf Damage to Machine S|H'cial I'Vnfures Today This Is North Taklma Day and Seattle Day. Apple packing contest today at twelve o'clock. Dairy cattle judging begins to day, Racing program begins at two o'clock. Music by Crawford's Band. With tho superintendent In every department confirming the statement that they never havo had a better ex hibit nor gone Into tho opening day with their exhibit more nearly In stalled the sixteenth annual Washing ton Stale fair opened yesterday and presented its first program of enter tainment to tho fair visitors- Indeed, the general preparedness of the ex hibits murks the feature of tho open ing day. "I want to lay claim" said Harry IT. Collier of the poultry department, "of being the first department ready on the ground for tho Judges to begin work. Kve-ry thing will be In the p_>n by three o'clock and the judges will begin work In the morning." But the honor could not go to Superintendent Collier for Miss Sue Lombard, of the Woma&'S building hud everything in readiness In her department by noon and the Judges begun their work at two o'clock yesterday alternon.i and decided the cut flower display 1 before, they stopped. Hut this spirit of emu lation marks the. work In every de partment of the lair from the sup erintendent's office to the keeper nf tho grounds. "I feel Unit we nrc ready for th" opening day in every department,' said Secretmv Harry 11. Averlll, "anil that In even department we have a show that will please the people." in- Dtsplay in iiniticiiiturc "There is every aviiliable foot of space taken in this building und I could distribute more if I had it," was the comment that S. M. McKee, of the Horticultural department In speaking of his work. "And you can say," he continued, "that everything will he In place Tuesday morning and ready for Judges and visitors." Tho display In tho horticultural building will full meet the expecta tions of visitors who believe that hor ticulture is the great Industry of this section of the state. The district com petition will be keen and tho rivalry among individual exhibitors win keep the Judges busy. "I havo visited all tho fairs In the northwest that havo opened this fall," said Charles E. Arney, Industrial ugent for the'-^lgrth- i crn Pacific," hut the finest rilspla><--»{*-# have yet seen is here In this hall. The coloring In the apple display is the best I have ever seen." Children's Display a Feature Tho north end of horticultural hall is devoted to the display from children who are competing for prizes for gar den display. Commissioner T. X- Henry who has charge of this feature estimates that be will have a thous and entries In the line of vegetables in this pari nf tin- exhibit. The larger part of the display is in potatoes, with corn ranging next but nearly every kind of vegetable Is shown. The eom ln iitiiui will he keen and the ex hibitors aie enthusiastic. Poultry Department "Bast Ever" "The poultry department Is best dis play ever mads ami I have been here every year slruo 1894," said -Superin tendent Harry 11. I 'oilier. "I attribute the InoTSased number of exhibitors to the Interest created In the egg-laying contest. For the first time we have B state wide exhibit with competition In BVSIV class. The bantam show is the greatest ever put on in the north west. Then' is an exceptionally fine show of water fowl. The Judge will be 1.. ('. Brands, of Summit, Mo., a member of the revision committee nf tin' American Poultry association, and he will address the poultrymen Thursday on this question." The Judg ing in the poultry department will begin this morning. I,lv<* Stork a Big IMisplay "Bvsry department In live stuck [ Up tv tbe standard of last year." s: M i' K. Monroe, uf that department T^B_£ ■bowing In datrj cattle will be a* feature ah the Hoistem iue< *r« thut competed here lust year are '*MBn again. The judging in this dipai i/i-nt Will be by Hugh Will l'elt. of V\.i.,.,_ 100, lowa, a Judge or national r. «ita linn. He will begin his work Jt\___ daj morning." / mtinuei' from jiagc two). NO. 39