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I'nirr Two K^j^j^^fl^ Oreen 6. A. H. si.imp-. with £th{{\ ifiK\^TjSSkV TRUNKS- LADIES' HAND J3wJ^!»W iINVIB^O UACIS MATTING SUIT GASES pSBjj^^JBJS«Vi AND REPAIRING, AT |l»nl)* *amv^ EVERETT TRUNK FACTORY The Best Prophet of the Future Is the Past Many a man has lost a good opportunity because ho was not able fin ancially to grasp It—lnsure the opportunities which the future holds In store for you by opening a savings account at once—Snvo and watt. . AOf INTEREST PAID rh/O on savings CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO, M. L. GREENSTEIN. Manager Both Phones 96f NEW YORK SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN CLOAKS. SUITS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ETC.—CASH OR CREDIT—ISO 4 HEWITT AVENUE. EVERETT, WASH. NOTICE!!! HAVE YOU SIGNED THE 8 HOUR PETITION AND THE -SEVEN SISTERS?" IF NOT, DO SO AT ONCE PETITIONS MAY BE SIGNED AT 1905 HEWITT AYE. The Wonder Mercantile Co. Up-to-Date Clothing Store ESTABLISHED 1S YEARS Hewitt and Hoyt S. Yeo & Son, Props. AMERICAN DYE WORKS S. ROBUCSON & SOU AfebJmi LIADIMG CLEANERS AITD aoiai Webnoti ' DYERS The Maize CAFE Carl A. Schlettwein, Mgr. EVERETT'S POPULAR CAFE (Under New Management) Quick Service —Open Day and Night Wetmore and Hewitt Weiser's Grill A Good Place To Eat W. J. WEISER, Prop. THE ICS, CR£AM SEASON is now on. We make the best. Wo also carry everything in the dairy line at reasonable prices. Meadownvoor Dairy, 1916 Hewitt The most modern equipped plant in Suohomlsh county. Ladles' or gents' suits cleaned and pressed. $1.00. Why pay more? Expert tailor for alterations 2810 WETMORE AYE. [The White Stone Baths I J. O. SHAJJPLESS, Prop. Barber Shop and Bathi I ,905 HEWITT CARL RZICHELT, Prop. COMMERCE BARBER SHOP Commerce Bldg., Everett, Waih. Two Good Baths Bon Ton Waffle House 2911 WETMORE AYE. Superior Coffee NOTHING BUT THE BEST QUICK SERVICE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT HORSESHOE LUNCH Open from 7 a. m. to 12 p. m. We solicit your patronage HORSESHOE BAR GEM DYE WORKS PHONES: Ind. 663 X, 8. 8. 516 THE PANTORIUM DYE WORKS yr. / -»X«XvC^^V<^<!>X«A'»X'«.-<«/<*«X'»K»^XV^><V/'»> Cut rates means a cut in the quality of work turned out. We do neither. A fair price for hon est work. All cleaning free from odor. Phone* 809 2815 Hoyt ORGANIZATION NEWS WAGE FUND DAY SET TO KOOST SOCIALIST PROPAGANDA WORK Oortrxuntnt Ownanhlp of Mines iind Kudoan Situation Aro to Be M.ulo Issues of Campaign NEW COMMITTEE IS FORMED National Body Empowered to Take Prompt Action In Strikes of More Than Passing Significance. By J. L. ENGDAHL. Chicago, May 84, QoYernmem own enftilp of the nation 1! mlaei and rail roads,|>i.>\tn.-tii, ih,. Mexican situation, the land question and the lessons to be drawn from the tarrlftc Industrial struggles waged during tin- Wilsoa admlnlßtratton will be made tiu> Issues of tiii:< fall's oongreasional oampaign by the Boolallit party. Tins recommendation of tbe com mittee on organisation ami propagan da wai adopted unanimously by the Socialist party national ennimlttco and It «;is votcil to Iwue an| ial con Igressional campaign committee ohoeen from Socialists living in Illinois anil adjacent stales ho thai it can hold ■ tiiiKs on ihorl notice In Chioago. Chicago. July 15 to Bo Wage Fund Dny. Wi'dncsilay, July \U, was let I Idf Wage Fund Day, when every Bo eiallil in the country will be asked to contribute Ma day's wages to the party for the purpose of carrying on its propaganda and organliatlon work wiiii tin* congressional campaign eipe- Clall in view. Fifty per cent of Ihin fund will go to the national head- Quarters; ■:'< per oeni to the state and N per cut to the local organizations. The committee also provided for a nationiii committee on Immediate ac tion to consist of the executive secre tary, the director of the information department, the genera] correspondent of the national woman's committee and members of tho nationul executive committee living near Chicago, This committee was given power to initiate IB in behalf of the Socialist party when demanded by important events arising on the political and industrial fields and to call upon the Soehriist party locals to take suitable action. Believe Troubles Will Increase. As a result Of this measure It is Doped to make the Socialist party a bigger Hghtfng factor in the working class Struggle. It tS believed that straggles like the West Virginia, Mich igan and Colorado mine strikes will ! eeome more frequent In the future and that it in necessary for the So cialist party to he in a position where jit would be able to take immediate ■ on. It was decided to set aside one week I in September, each year, as "Socialist 1 Week." corresponding to "Red Week," celebrated by the Socialist, parties of Europe by the distribution of litera ture, the holding of meetings, the se curing of new members and subscrip tions for Socialist, publications and • vise Intensifying 'he work of the Socialist party. The executive committee mid the campaign committee will act jointly in drawing up a program for the con gressional fall campaigns. It was also provided that the ex ecutive secretary send out a monthly letter of advice io 'he Socialist party t&te ■ cretarles. I! was VOted to make tli<- Social::! par's- literature di partmi nt the ci nter for the distribution of books for the entire Bo ovement, as well as r,. ]n and I.", cut booklets, wliib' the preparation of leaflets coverinc all phs es ~r the Bodall ' movement wai led. Wh< never an o\ent of , -.11 ;n.i dinary rum s taki places it wai decld .-I that special leaflet dl aling with that event shall be prepared and a vig orous campaign carried on for the ■ distribution of aflets, A speak ', ers' bill' ail was favored It was de ,.,,|, ,i to ian •• on ■ i Igorous propa -1 gaada among the labor unions in be '■ half of SOcial and labor |egi lalion and [ to adi i;e local .i to « cure 1 dates for speakers to address labor organlsationi I HOPE TO UNITE THE PARTY IN WASHINGTON Afier an extended discussion the na tional committee bj ■ rots of 80 to M adopled a substitute motion offered bj Committeeman Morns Htllquit, New J York, for the recommendation of the | special committee appointed to hear ' ti M . evidence in the Washington state controversy. The substitute was: "Resolved, that Comrades i Stitt Wilson, N. A. Richardson and s. \v. [JARVIS& JACKSON j J CLEAR HAVANA CIGARS IN ALL STAPLE AND FANCY SIZES ' WE BLEND TOBACCO TO SUIT YOUR TASTE J ' 1617 HEWITT AYE. EVERETT, WASH. J , Independent 36 t THE WASHINGTON SOCIALIST MUKILTEO NOW HAS LOCAL. Comrade Ulonska (lenders Valuable Assistance. On Friday evening, May 19, Com rades Carl Ulonska and v. <:. Crosby paid tin ii visit mill gave a soap-box oration which was well received by a Kood-slzod crowd. a good quantity of literature was alto disposed of. a local was organized at (ho conclusion - of the meeting, Monday, June 1, the first meeting of the newly organised local wns hold in the school house, Carl Ulonska, of Everett, gave a short talk on organ ization, and also helped to expedite matters with which we were not bo j well acquainted. Wo have started i with a membership or fifteen member* and hope to Increase It rapidly. Yours for the working class, V. BRODZKY, * Organizer. Local Muklltoo. I A SOCIALIST MAYOR IS ELECTED IN COPENHAGEN j The Danish Socialist party haH elected Its candidate as mayor of Cop enhagen] the largest city In Denmark. I This was the first time 111<- office or i mayor was elective, the mayor being heretofore appointive. FERNWOOD ORGANIZED. I A local or eleven members bat just i been organized In Fcrnwood precinct I between Everett and BothelL J. N. • MoCuUough la secretary pro tern. A ' little group of farmers and loggers boosting for the social revolution. j Motley bo elected a committee to bring ; back organic unity between the Social -1 tut organization in the, Stale of Wash ' lngton and the seceding organization. j "Such unity shall bo established on : the basis of a full and unqualified ac ceptance of the national platform and constitution of the Socialist party and shall be effected by the adoption of a ' new constitution and a choice of new j officials of the state organization. "The mode of adopting such state constitution and electing such state officials shall be determined by the committee in consultation with the ! regular state organization and repre sentatives of the seceding faction, and all disputes that may arise between the opposing sides in connection with . such new state constitution and new State officials shall be determined by the committee. "Either party to the dispute dissat isfied with the decision of the com mittee shall have the right of appeal to the national executive committee. "Should tlie regular organization of the party fail or refuse to comply with the decision of the national executive j committee the latter is hereby author ized to revoke the charter of the state organization in Washington and to re organize the movement of the state; should the seceding Organization fail or refuse to submit to the decisions of the national executive committee, the latter shall give sole recognition to the regular organization." This action is expected to restore harmony within the Socialist move ment in the state of Washington for the fall campaign. Honor De Leon's Memory. The committee unanimously arose in honor of Daniel De Leon, notice of whoso death in New York was received while the convention was in session. The committee adopted a resolution endorsing the proclamation issued by the national executive committee on the Mexican situation and calling upon the government to bring about an im ■ mediate cessation of hostilities. The Seattle riots of last fall were also dealt with in a resolution, which reads: Resolutions on Seattle Riots. I "Whereas, a number of drunken sail ors and marines from a United States warship, with the apparent consent of their officers and without any attempt on the part of the police to prevent it, sacked and burned the Socialist head quarters in Seattle, demolishing furni ture, fixtures, books and other valu | ables, causing a loss to the party esti ! mated at several thousand dollars; and, "Whereas, bills have, been intro duced in both houses of congress pro posing financial reimbursement for the damage done; therefore, be it "Resolved, by the national commit tee of the Socialist party, that the na tional executive, committee be author ized and instructed to bring pressure to bear to secure adequate reparation by the passage of these bills." Directory Socialist Local* If imy local him paid for entry In I this directory and has been omitted from lh.» list, pIMM notify this OfflO* hi onoe ami correction win be mate. The rates for t.liin directory are $5.00 per year. Beattle, Fifth Ward Local -Meetn every Friday at 8 p. in., 2012 Westlake Avf. Neslu Wellß, (secretary. Local Everett No. 1 Meets every Sunday i veiling, 8 o'clock, at the Socialist party heailtniartera, IGI2 Cali fornia si., Everett, Wash. Peter Hus by, Secy. Qratilte Falls Meet* every Friday night at X o'ClOOk In Miller Bldg, Julia Herman, FleO. nnd Cor. Secy. Hlllyard Meets every Thursday night al 441 BanßOfl Aye. .1. C. Darkness, Secy-Treas., llox :'.07, Hillyard. Mountain view Business meeting the second Wednesday in each month at the homes or the members. I'ropa ganda n ting the fourth Sunday in each month at the Mountain View school bouse, D. ('. Buchanan, Cor. Secy. ■ Local Port Angeles No. 1 Meets every Sunday at headquarters at 2 it. in. Fred Qooa, Secy. Pro«ser Local, S. P. Meets at the of fice of H. IF. Mason, attorney, op posite postoffloe, on the first 'lues day of each month at 7:110 p. m. John ('. Mathews, Local Secy., llox 2. Silvana — Meets the second and fourth Sundays at 2 p. m. at Union Trading hall, Silvana. Nels l.ruscth, secy.- In-iis.; Ole Larson, organizer. AUTOMOBILE TIRES AT FACTORY PRICES SAVE FOR 30 to 60 PER CENT Tire Tube 28x3 $7.20 $1.65 80x3 7.80 1.96 80x8% 10.80 2.80 ISL'xl'.Vi 11.90 2.95 34x3M> 12.40 3.00 32x4 13.70 3.35 33x4 14.80 3.50 34x4 16.80 3.60 36x4 17.85 3.90 35x4% 19.75 4.85 IKIxlMs 19.55 4.90 37x4% 21.50 5.10 37x5 24.90 5.90 All other sizes in stock. Non-Skid I tires 15 per cent additional, red tubes ten per cent above gray. All new, clean, fresh, guaranteed tires. Best standard and independent makes. Buy direct from us and save money. 5 per I cent discount if payment in full ac companies each order. C. O. D. on 10 , per cent deposit. Allowing examina tion. TIRE FACTORIES SALES CO. Dept. A Dayton. Ohio World Almanac 1914 at Hill's Book Store, 2929 Colby. Melang Grocery Co., both phones 207; 2104 Hewitt avenue, Everett. Wash. SEXUAL KNOWLED6E ILLUSTRATED 32D PAGES Tells all about sex matters; what young men and women, young wives and Husbands and all others need to ' know about the sacred laws that gov ern the sex forces. Plain truths of sex life in relation to happiness in marriage. "Secrets" of manhood and womanhood; sexual abuses, social evil, diseases, etc. The latest, most advanced and com prehensive work that has ever been issued on sexual hygiene. Priceless instruction for those who are ready for the true inner teaching. This book tells nurses, teachers, doctors, lawyers, preachers, social j workers. Sunday school teachers and J all others, young and old, what all need to know about sex matters. By Winfield Scott Hall, Ph. D., M. D. (Leipzig). Newspaper Comments; "Scientifically correct." — Chicago Tribune. "Accurate and up-to-date." —Philadelphia Press. "Standard book of knowledge."—Philadelphia Ledger. The New York World says: "Plain truths for those who need or ought to know them for the prevention of | evils." Under plain wrapper for only $1.00. Coin or Money Order, postage ten cents extra. MIAMI PUBLISHING COMPANY Dayton, Ohio IS IT THE COST YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT? If bo, it will cost you a great deal less than medical doctors, and you are sure of a tremend ous difference in results. Have the cause of your disease re moved by means of chirpractic adjustments and nature will make you well —and our charges are very reasonable. Consulta tion and Examination Always Free. A. LEE LEWIS Registered Chiropractor Office Hours: 9 to 11:45 a. m., 7:30 to 9:00 p. m. 3078 Colby Bldg., Everett J TRADE ON ROCKEFELLER AVENUE AND SAVE MONEY \ ; COAT BARGAINS SUIT BARGAINS ' ; \ , Ladies' long gray mixed Coats, 20 pretty Suits, worth to $17.50. J t Balmaccan stylo (waterproof), Sale price $9 95 t ' $15 value. Sale price....sll 75 ••••a>».wo J 5 18 fine fancy Spring Suits, ' ' Ladles' fall length Serge Coats. worth. $25.00 to 186.00. Sale 5 , Nadlea full lcriKth Serge Coats. nr i r _ (M . ftc ' * Tailored stylo. Bale p $14.95 * ' )rlc<) $11.90 New Fall models of Tailored * ' Suits. No better made; $27.50 i , Ladles' Spring Coats, all styles Vlllli"- Sale prlce- ■ *19- 75 ' ' reduced. , \ WASH DRESS SKIRTS '* t WASH DRESS SKIRTS J , Toadies' white P. K. Linen Dress ' i Ladies' Wash Dress Skirts, white Skirts, worth to $2.49. Sale ' J linen and checks, worth $1.49. price $198 ' * Sale price 98 C '- ' J I PETTICOATS PETTICOATS \ ', ... . , x , Fine Italian cloth, black and ' , Wash Petticoats, pretty styles, colors, better than silk; worth * J worth to We. May Sale. .59 C $1.49. Sale price 95 C ' I ; ; ; i -1 J ! DOLSON <&. SMITH j j THE STORE AROUND THE CORNER ON ROCKEFELLER \ j MURRAY SHOE CO. [ I Union Made Shoes ! ]: CUT THIS AD OUT AND GET DOUBLE GREEN TRADING 3 1 i: ■ stamps :: <> < > | MURRAY SHOE CO. l| jj 1715 HEWITT AYE. EVERETT WASH I I When in Borne Do is the Homans In Likewise, When in Everett Visit the GRAND GRAND THEATRE "THE HOUSE OF FEATURES" ROSE THEATRE "EVERETT'S LIVE WIRE" ALWAYS THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN D. KAMKkMAN Ererett's Reliable Jeweler 1616 Hewitt Arenu* Ind. 227 V, Sunset 71« For high grade Watches see A. J. MOHN 1418 Hewitt City Dye <& Cleansing Works 1416 Hewitt Aye. BOTH PHONES 1196 ONLY FULLY EQUIPPED CLEANSING PLANT IN EVERETT Thnraday, .June 4. I'Ul. WATCHES Elgin, Waltham, Hamilton, Howard and Hampden watches sold on a very small profit at our store. AUSTIN'S, 2004 HEWITT | Chris Culmback j : FOR i f TOBACCO i | CIGARS t CANDIES j 1 504 Hewitt Aye. t } PHONES 237 >— ■ ■ ■ « «,■,-■■■- ■■■■>■,«,, „»„., The Horseshoe BAR 1805 Hewitt Avenue—Near Commerce Building COOK AND ZAEPFEL *-~, ■ i ■■ ■ ■■■....,