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Thursday, .tun.- I, I'M 1 Patronize Washington Socialist Advertisers and tell them about it. $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ W SPECIAL ON WHITE AND BLUE BALMACCAN COATS Z \\ $12.50 FOR I $7.75 : «■ LADIES' $20.00 rt Ac " suits . |5.95 Z *> 810 BARGAINS IN PANAMA BATS '" «* UNION MADE MEN'S SUITS <£ •»■ % SPECIAL PRICES FOR FRIDAY <« * r TODAYS STYLES TODAY^^ ' ~"*~~~ 1812 HEWITT TRADE AT THE OLD RELIABLE CREDIT HOUSE •J $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ B ACHELDER (& CORNEIL Better Clotkes for Men and Boys PREMIER "NON-PUNCTURE AUTO TIRES Guaranteed 7,500 Miles Service These tires bear the greatest known mileage guarantee, yet are sold at a ' price even less than tires of ordinary guarantee. This guarantee covers punctures, blow-out» and general wear. Guarantee covers 7,500 miles service against everything except abuse.' These tires are intended for most se- j vere service. Orders have been received for these tires for use In United States Govern ment Service. As a SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY; offer, we will allow the following pric es for the next ten days. F TIRES—TUBES Tire Tube 28x3 $ 9.20 I 2.00 30x3 10.25 2.30 30x3% 10.25 2.30 30x3H 13.50 2.80 32x3% 14.05 3.00 34x3% 15.25 3.20 £■ 31x4 17.00 3.25 32x4 18.00 3.30 33x4 19.50 3.40 34x4 20.40 3.60 35x4 21.00 3.80 36x4 22.00 3.90 35x4% 26.00 5.00 36x4% 27.00 5.10 37x4% 27.50 5.15 37x5 32.60 - 5.40 I All other sizes. Non-Skids 20 per | ent extra. 5 per cent discount if pay , nent in full accompanies order and if two are so ordered, shipping charges will be paid by us. C. O. D. on 15 | per cent of amount of order. Our output is limited, so we suggest early ordering. We sell direct only, giving purchaser the advantage of all mid- J dlemen's profits. . NON-PUNCTURE RELINERS Use our famous reliners, they elim inate blow outs and 90 per cent of punctures besides giving many thou- j sand more miles service to each tire. When in your tires you ride without j worry or tire troubles. For all 3 inch tires $1-95 j For all 3% inch tires $2.20 j For all 4 inch tires $260 For all 4% Inch tires $2.75 For all 5 Inch tires • $2.90 tor all 5% inch tires $3.00 iNON-PUNCTURE TIRE FACTORY *■ Dayton, Ohio S.D.CLARK 2820 Rockefeller Aye. Wall paper, paints and glass, papfrhanging, paint ing, kalsomining. Esti mates furnished. All work friiaranteed. Everett, Wash. Phones: M. 213, Ind. 299Z J Northern Transfer Co. , I No hauling too large or small i Storage In connection | Office phone Ind. 292, Ban. 11l J ! Residence Ud. 417 ; 3000 McDOUQALL AYE. ! Special Hosiery Offer Guaranteed Wear-Ever Hosiery for Men and Women Ladies' Special Offer For Limited Time Only— Six pairs of our finest 35c value la dies' guaranteed hose in black, tan or white colors with written guarantee, for $1.00 and 10c for postage, etc SPECIAL OFFER FOR MEN For a limited time only, six pairs of our finest 35c value Guaranteed Hose any color with written guaran te and a pair of our well known Men's Paradise Garters for one dollar, and 10c for postage, etc. You know these hose; they stood the test when all others failed. They give real foot comfort. They have no seams to rip. They never become loose and baggy as the shape is knit in. not pressed in. They are Guar anteed for fineness, for style, for su periority of material and workman ship, absolutely stainless and to wear six months without holes, or a new pair free. Don't delay, send in your order be fore offer expires. Give correct size. WEAR-EVER HOSIERY COMPANY Dayton, Ohio RILEY- COOLEY SHOE CO. 1712 Hewitt Aye. I B. & M. I | $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 I y Shoes will save you money 4> <£ B. & M. CASH SHOE STORE *' ',? Corner Hewitt and Hoyt Aye. j| ,/'•/•/?; r *~ i Our Shoes Are Better Fisher, the Shoeman. Cor. Hewitt and Wetmore j Fifteen Year* In Everett • .•.»..••••-••.■•-••■•• ■•-••••-•"•-•"••••"••-••"••-•"•"•-•-•-^ Always go to C. PETERSON Oldest and most reliable iho« re- j pair shop in the city. ■§M WETMORE AVI. Next to People's Theater fc l M M jp » ■ ■»■■■! II ■■ ~ I If ■ ■ I ■!■■-■ - I 100 BEAUTIFUL AND COLORED POSTCARDS Many are rich, rare, pictures of BEAUTIFUL MODELS AND ACTRESSES Also a Self-Filling FOUNTAIN PEN All for only 50 cents The greatest bargain in beautiful cards and rare art pictures ever of fered. Many are hard to obtain and have sold singly for the price we ask | for all. These will go quickly to all lovers ofthe beautiful in nature who appreciate rare art pictures of well developed models. A reliable self-filling fountain pen free with each order. Th*se alone have sold for one dollar in stores. The 100 beautiful cards and pen all for but 50c a"nd 10c in stamps for post age. ART PORTRAYAL CO. DAYTON, OHIO FREE LEGAL DEPARTMENT OF THE WASHINGTON SOCIALIST Answers will appear In the legal column of the Commonwealth h loon a* possible after receipt of tin1 Inquiry, nil no charge will bo matin the up plicant for advice. Heretofore it has not unfroqucntly happened that comrades in trouble houk&JL tin. ndvico of 111 tulltor of this paper. Bui your editor li not a lawyer, nor has ho tin- tlmn to devote to such matters. So from now on our readers am invited to address all questions involving point! of law to comradn Pater Husby, Room 209 Stoke* nidg., 1616 1-2 Hewitt Aviv. Everett, Wash. LEGAL DEPARTMENT Q. I should like to know something of women's property rights in the state of Washington, through the columns of the Washington Socialist. If awoman, not living with her hus band, should buy a piece of property with money earned by herself, would her husband have an Interest in the property? If she should at any time wish to dispose of It, could she deed It to a third person without his signa ture? A. R. A. Tin' property and pecuniary rights of every married woman at the time of her marriage, or afterwards acquired by gift, devise, or Inherit ance, with the rents, Issues, and profits thereof, is her separate property. The earnings of a married woman is gen erally community property. Hut if a married woman conducts a separate business, and the husband and wife make a definite and unequivocal agreement, that the wife is to have as her separate property all that she earns, then that agreement will hold; also If a married woman lives separ ate and apart from her husband, her earnings are her separate property anil she may sell and convey without her husband signing any papers. N. A. M. EXPECTS TO DEFEAT CLAYTON ANTI-TRUST MEASURE. Information has just been received at this office, from Washington, I), c, which shows that a 6trong effort is be ing made by the National Association of Manufacturers and its lobbyists at the capital to defeat tho labor exemp tion provision of the Clayton antitrust bill when it goes to the senate. James A. Emery wrote a circular • tter in 1910 to members of the X. A. If., detailing the forces set at work to offset the legislation of the house re garding the exemption amendment above referred to. We quote but a portion of the letter below, just by way of example, showing how the bosses "do politics." Here is the letter, as furnished by Representative W. J. McDonald, a member of the special committee that dug it up originally: "June 24, 1910. "Mr. John Kirby, Jr., "514 Reibold Building, Dayton, Ohio. "My Dear Mr. Kirby—l had (be pleasure of wiring you last night the news of victory on the. Hughes amend ment after the closest and hardest struggle of the session. "Returning here Wednesday morn ing from our New York meeting, an interview with the colonel, Mr. Dwight, and Senator Heyburn - showed the .sen ate to be determined, the bouse ex ceedingly weak. Mr. (iompers made his headquarters In the office of Rep atatlve Cary of Wisconsin, In the house office building, and had some thing in the neighborhood of 100 aides about him making office: canvas, petitions and editorials being piled in from every union source, I called at the white House, and being unable to see the president because of ■■• ■ments, took the matter up with his secretary, who showed the great) li interest and declared he believed the president would take personal part in the fight, and this the president did . Wednesday night In the meantime, after an hour's conference with Mr. Dwight, the whip of the house, at his office, the program was outlined and carried "lit to the letter. To the colonel was given a list of fourteen names, some Demo crats, some Republicans, who voted with Hughes. He accomplished his work so successfully that of the four teen but one failed to either absent himself or vote with us yesterday. I communicated with Mr. Bird request ing certain telegraphic assistance through his office, and this was carried out, with extensions suggested by him self, with splendid success." The letter, signed by James A. Emery, goes on to show how the forces of the invisible government worked when the National Association of Man ufacturers and its lobbyist, Col. Mul hall, succeeded in defeating the labor exemption bill in 1910, and appears on page 10015 of the Congressional Rec ord. In view of the apparent victory Of the labor forces In securing from WASHINGTON SOCIALIST ST. LOUIS SOCIALISTS AGAINST PROHIBITION An InstriK live Resolution. Resolution Adopted bj General Mem barahlp Meeting Maj 8, 1911 Whereas, tho advoca* o( obrlety and ti iii" am • habit bai at nil tlmei been a itroni fester* of the Bo riaiiHt movement, bt ■ ■ no iri at and world wide loclal movement of Hie Importance or the International Socialist n>i • i Labor movement can ever be made a success if Intemper ance, ini'lirii't\, or llTeiponilbility ]<n\ all. Whereat, the Boi lallil party hat at all timei advocated the strictest rei ulatlon of the liquor traffic under the pri eni capital Ib( condition!, while mh an ultimate objed it almi to abolish the abuses and evils connected with the present production and sale or alcoholic liquors i>y entirely ellminal Ing the profit :'. ilctii. which Im at Hi" bottom of all evils in connection with capitalist production and distribution; Whereas, prohibition has been made one of the "burning I mum" In almost every municipal, state and national political campaign o( recent pears and promises to be made more ho In the near future; Prohibition Has Not Made Good. Whereas, the Boelall I part) <>f Bt Louis, in general meeting assembled, exprei »< ■ Iti com let lon thai the pro hibltton movement is not only ■ fail are, so far as achieving the objects it pretends to achieve! namely, to In prove the moral. Intellectual, material ami social conditions of the gn at mass Of the people; but we are of the opin ion that it is being used by capitalist interests to sidfctrack the working class movement and get people to fight for and against liquor in order that they may forget <-nd get away from the greater questions and prob lems which affect the Socialist and Labor movement today; Whereas, experience demonstrates the fact that the condition of the work ing class in those Etates where pro hibition has been practiced for years is no better than In localities where, up to this hour, prohibition could not find a foothold; Whereas, the Socialist party of St. Louis considers tho liquor businel I legitimate and as honorable as the coffee, tea, medicine, meat or any other business, and It Is to the abuse of the business where tho proper remedies must be applied; Whereas, the Socialist party of this city, during its many successful so ; cial affairs and festivals, where li quors weT6 sold, has proven to the | people that the sale and consumption |of liquor can ho conducted as legiti mately and honorably as any other I business; therefore, be it Resolved, that the Socialist party of St. Louis, in general meeting assem bled, declares itself most emphatically against prohibition in any form wheth er local, state or national; that we consider prohibition a failure, so far as improving the general condition of the : working class is concerned; that in its efforts to remedy an outgrowth of capitalist production and sale of liquor prohibition resorts to extreme meas ures, which, if carried out are not less dangerous to the health, moral, intel lectual and social development of the people than the evils complained of today which it pretends to remedy; Resolved, that among the rank and file Of organized wage workers of America there is no group that has done more for the advancement of the really progressive Trade Union anil born fide Socialist party movement than the International Union of the .United Brewery Workers, who rank among the most intelligent wage work ers along industrial and political lines, which is In itself the best argument against prohibition, and it is this claBS of workers wfio would be hit hardest by prohibition; Kesolved, that we will do all in our power to defeat prohibition; but that at the same time the Socialist party of St. Louis pledges itself Jo do all in its power to bring about radical re forms in the liquor business and by doing so make said industry as re , spectable and as useful as any other business. A line of lumber-carrying steel steamships will be established between Mew York and Willapa Harbor on the opining of the Panama canal. the house an exemption provision in the Clayton anti-trust bill, this letter is important. THE EVERETT DAIRY for rich fresh milk, cream or butter Phones: Ind. 708 X, Sunset 616 Pioneer-Alpine Dairy Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered to All Parti of the City md 4032 Sunset IHSB 1008 Lombari Aye, Jas. Balmain Expert Walch and Clock Repairing Engraving and Jewelry Bpecial prices during the iiimiiili of .lime. All WOTI gmir anteed for one year. At new address 2811 OAKES Oakes Hotel • • • I Thompson's j I Hewitt Aye., Near Maple St. Something for Everybody • ••*•••••••**•*.•.•••'•*•. 5 FOR YOUR DEN 5 Beautiful College Pennants Yale and Harvard, each 9 in. x 24 In. Princeton, Cornell, Michigan Each 7 In. x 21 in. All li.ii quality felt with felt head ing, streamers, letters and mascot ex -1 'Hi' il in proper colors. This splendid assortment went, postpaid for 50 cents and 5 stamps to pay posatge. Send BOW, HOWARD SPECIALTY COMPANY Dayton, Ohio THERE'S A DIFFERENCE in Hulling clothes down-stairs, both in rents expenses, which means you can save Five to Ten Dollars on your next Suit or Slip-on if you trade : with Kettleson's Up-Stairs Suit Shop Rooms 20-21 Clark Bldg., cor. Hewitt and Wetmore. Removed from Riley bid. g. McAllister Practical Interior and Exterior I lecorator Fine Paper Hanging a Specialty Shop and Residence 2222 Baker Aye. Phcne Ind. 609 Y. I.(inn Thomas Frank Vallif-r PARIS LAUNDRY We gauarantee all our work and prices are right. 2818 Grand Avenue Phones 1157 I. X. L. HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. House Furnishing of All Kinds. Hardware, Fishing Tackle, Roofing, Etc. 2813 and 15 Wetmore I. O. 0. F. Bldg. PETER HUSBY Attorney at Law Room 209 Stokes Bldg. 1616% Hewitt Aye. The best Coffee for the money is our Favorite Blend, 3 lbs. for $1.00 or lVi lbs. for 50 cents M. H. Clausen, |2812 Rockefeller. Telephones 581. Bargreen s Golden Drip Coffee, Im perial Tea ( c. Automobile and Gas Engine hand books at Hill's Boole Store, 2929 Colby Aye. S. <£. H. Green Trading Stamps Sale Continued for a Short Time Upon request of many who were unable to take advantage of the two weeks as advertised. To Save "Hurry" BRODECK-riELD CLOTHING I CO. 1711-1713 Hewitt Avenue THE NEW STORE An Economical Place to Trade MODEL SAMPLE No More $2.50 N° LeM SHOE COMPANY For Men For Women 'ill" Upstairs Shoe Shop That Saves You Dollars How do ire do it? Small expenses Low rent, no clerks to pay FOBES BUILDING, Room 18 Neil Door to Star Theater 1806-1808 Hewitt Avenue UPSTAIRS I GOLDFINCH BROTHERS % I I •'• Wall Papers, Paints, Glass 2 j> 2812 Hucker Avenue 4 '< <■ i |> Both Phones 285 j. /*/*/s>'*/w*Js We recommend you to the —. HOTEL HOLTON Iliioins are nice, large, pleasant and modern. 2928 Wetmore Phones: Sun»et, 646; Ind., 953 X CoTOner'i Office JOHN F. JERRKAD Undertaker and Embalmer State License No. 3 Phone Main 330 Brerett, Wn. Do You Want a Bargain In BOOKS A 33-vo!'jme set of the Ency clopedia Britanlca and a 32 --"volume set of the Makers of His tory—s2s takes the bunch. HILL'S BOOK STORE 2929 Colby 9 A y •% For Harness and Auto; '"' '.i\ A &> * fiV'^SJxTyj Tire Repairing Try the ; V . 4> •/ ''in-1 \ ■ \ I f*.|| | 1 I Wf\ I RIVERSIDE HARNESS- I *(ii ' SHOP ! I 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4> Carpenters' and mechanics' • J" tools, small locks, hinges, build- "-. --•f Ing, builders' and shelf hardware. J> | I ARTHUR BAILY - I '!>' Sporting Goods and Hardware I ¥ . 4 (^•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•"•-••••-•-•-•-•-••••••••••-•-•••^-•■^-^ i J. 0. SOVDE j I GROCERIES. DRY GOODS AND t T NOTIONS ! • 3419 Everett Aye., Cor. Summit I I . Phones: S. S. 1818, Ind.-470 -: $ i t The City Grocery Staple *nd K»ncy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Produce, Etc. Both Phone* m 3.410-11 Everett Avenu* fOHMSON & I.iIJENBERG WEINZ (St EDSBERG GROCERIES & PROVISION Si andard ?oods at reasonable prices. We pay no rent or clerk hire and can sell as cheap as the cheapest. Give us a trial and be convinced. Cor. 37th and Rucker. Phones Ind. 492, S. S. 684 PULT-OST AND DRY MUTTON. | TRY THESE. AT EIDEM'S GROC ERY. 2709 LOMBARD. THUESON GROCERY CO. Agent Dr. Fahrney Msdicinea Groceries, Flour, Feed, Fruit and Vegetables 1209 Hewitt Avenue Phones: Ind. 14X, Sunset 1358 TEA, COFHEE, SPICES, Etc. EVERETT TEA CO. Under New Management 2806 Rockefeller WESTBERG GROCERY Staple and Fancy Groceries Phones 342 2933 Broadway We Give Green Trading Stamps EVERETT, WASH. DAIRY SUPPLY 2008 HEWITT BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE OUR ENTIRE LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS, FURNISHINGS AND LADIES', MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES IS NOW ON AT SPECIALLY LOW PRICES COME IN AND SEE JUST WHAT WE MEAN The Brodsck Co CORNER HEWITT AND WETMORE PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY Complete Housefurnishers Cor. Hewitt and Lombard KITTLESON GROCERY CO. Good Things to Eat Phones: Ind. 47, Sun. 1540. 1701 Wetmore Aye. Chance of a Lifetime Great Clearance SALE of fine Summer Millinery during the month, of June at Mms Balrnain's NEW STORE In Oakes Hotel, 2811 Oakes Aye. Opposite old stand, half block north of Hewitt. H WOLD BROS. & WEST JB 18 Nineteenth and Broadway M , I Staple Groceries, Dry Goods, jl EDW. ECKLUND Dealer in Fancy and Staple GROCERIES 2707 Wetmore CHARLES L. LINDBLAD Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Flour, Hay and Feed Sun. 1064, Ind. 465 X LOWELL WASH. HIGH SCHOOL GROCERY Both Phones 1166—25 th & Colby HIGH GRADE GROCERIES Our Motto, Quality and Service MOON & REEP Successors to REEP GROCERY .. . 1912 Hewitt Aye. Phones: Sunset 197, Ind. 437 Good Groceries at NEVILLE & STUMFALL 1901 Broadway Phones: Sunset 214, Ind. 692