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VOL. V. NO. I .FJLJP-JNOS TO HONOR NATIONAL HERO CANNERY WOWS' UNION ASKS FOR DEE'RMEN'I‘ OF V EXPERIENCED CWRY MEN Writing to the Manpower Commission in Seattle, the Canhery florkers' and Farm La ‘rcreru' Union, Local 7, 010,“ asks for the <9z‘i'ev‘aent 01‘ its members who are needed in the L.g-zration of the fish oanneries in Al m‘na next 'sumner. ' Following is en etcerpt from the 1600 word brief submitted to the Manpower Com mission by Local 7: "Normly, we dispatch 3:000 men from the United States to'the approximtery 60 oinneries undo! 35 companies: 'BOO to Brio tol Bay: 600 to the PGninsula of Central Alaska; and 1600 to South and Southeastern Alaska. " ' ' "Our members occupy all t): key posi tions, skilled or “builds, in the can ner‘ies. The only other workers in ,the processimf of the fish iithin the cannery, or under our Jurisdiction, are i few na tive women who work as patchers on the ta; bias in some canneries. There are" also many canneries in whiéh there ii no native help at aIl. These Women Work ofilu durirg we rush of the season from two to five weeks, depending upon tre run of fish. The Gaming withiu'the cannery has, therefore w, and is done practically by our mem bers, all of them scattered in the United States. ' "last season we shipped 2,400: 1,300 experienced, and 1,100 new men, a drop of .521?! than 50%‘in experienced men over the previous Season. me to'the heavy enlist ments of our'membors into the armed force! we figure about I,loo'are left from our diepatch last year, to be available for the condhg'sezson. ‘ "out of these experienced men, IP proyimavwly 750 are skilled. We can read -11;; see the need of retaining these expe rienced men. If the Industry needs 88 1m" my men as last year, or 2.000. theée 1.100 experienced men Would be enough to “a” with and keep the canning of salmon going and supply: 5111‘ 5:1 diers '3l th the Vital fwd, One 01' the biggest factors in re twining these men is DEH‘PQWT; “-9 90% of CLl'.‘ manbers are draf’oabie.‘ FULUIT‘S‘UNQ FQRUM smm, WASHINGTON CHIEF JUSTICE SIMPSON TO BE GUEST OF HONOR AT PROGRAM 0N :EC. 30 The invaaeion'of their homeland' by an welcomed foreign power has not dampened the Filipinoa' love of their Etria'and reverence for their nation al hero. ' "On Wednesday, Ibcember 30,‘ at 8 o'clock in the evening, Filipinos in Seattle and Vicinity will gather at the Chamber of Commerce auditorium to' put respect to the mathory of their no.- tional hero'and'patriot, Ir. Joee‘ Ri zal, who Championed the liberty of hie people. ' ' ‘ ' , Guest of honor of the evening lill “be Chief Justice George B. Simp lon of the eupmme court of'the‘ state of Washington. Seattle Mayor William F. Deyin will also deliver a message. Filipino music will be ‘featured in the prod-rem, while the'hero's life 'will be eulogiaed with an oration by Moises A. Abaquita, graduate student f 1 om the Univeréitv of Chicago. Rizal’s fare well poem will be recited by a. young Filipina girl. ' ' ' . The commemoration program is un der the auspicee of the Seattle Filippo ino'Comrminit/ Council headed by Pio De CB4IO. ‘ acteeeeecaeot U.'.V. FILIPINO ALUMNI ASS'NA To GIVE TRADITIONAL DANCE The traditional annual reunion and dande of the U. cf W. f:-ilipinc 2.} «Wll Association will be 1192.3. .l‘:' the '.~.’~'."3A, December 31, starting at b meldc‘c 9.33. P. lZori, president, 8.1n().1f.(‘-.:d Bothy. Because of wartime :ondi-f.‘.'-ra_. the traditional banq‘xec'will t 5 115' wired with, but'the reunion of former village men uni women iq still expeozei *9 Ti; marked by a. hilzirinzae 'L‘l'lc. ..~n‘. mar-23:3 ed by people who will be m .Ivying, fsom their varloue defame 5:35 Ir 3;»; :19:- pate in the jail: get-fog mm" 4:. w”.- missim al' 131.?) '15.?1 ‘: '1";.:.1... mo. 24, 1942