Newspaper Page Text
MOB-DAT, MAT IS, 1908 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ATTOBBCHYS-AT-ZtAW. John P. Judson, lawyer, office fourth floor Hyde block, rooms 40S-4. »0-«» BVKCTALISTS. Dr. Boyd's electric coll; best known treatment for rheumatism and dis eases of women. Granite block. 64-0 runt. sßunt, Standard Fuel A lee Co.. K4Ol Front TeL «98. Carbonado, Rook Springs and Hummtt coaL Mortis Dolan. manager. ■BOOHS HAND GOODS. Highest pries paid for second hand furniture. TeL M. 303. 114 River side. 80-9 WJHXCAXh Reemer's orchestra and Inland Em pire band. Latest and most popular tnuslo played for all occasions. In struction. Violin and cornet. Of fice and studio, Riverside hall. WIS Riverside aye. Phone Main 5989. f«V*l CTEINO AITD CLE*.NINO WORKS. Parisian Dyeing A Cleaning Works. ■ 105 Howard street. Tel. M. HIT. L. A. Lehmann. prop. Best house In northwest. No solicitors. Drejs platttngs factory In connection, ttl-S FACXTIO TBANSrXB 00. Freight, furniture, baggage and parcel delivery. TeL Its ilO-S HORSESHOEING. Chas. Stnley, 219 Pacific Aye. Bouth of N. P. deport. 128-20. CLOTHES CLEANERS. The Steam Clothes Pressing com pany will French dry clean and press your suit for 500 or your trousers for 16c; only 6 to 15 minutes required: good dressing rooms; alterations and repairing. C2O Socond avenue. Phone 2252. HAND LAUNDRY. New York Hand Laundry, Helen Larson, prop., 31K fourth aye, phone 5100. All hand work. Specialties. lace curtains, fine laces and embroid ery, silks, shirt waists and lingerie. IGI-2G FOB SALE. House. throe rooms, now, nice lot. two blocks from car. $450. Half cash, j balance monthly. House, four rooms, new, good lot, good |lew; cash; $350. Mtflise, two rooms, two lots nnd 60 ohlckens, all for $ir>o. House, two rooms, huge lot, east of Hlllyard shops, $275. Northern Investment Co., 330 Riverside Avenue, Phone 1232. We have sold In Minnehaha addi tion and Northeast addition to Boss Tark 167 lots. We havo three nice lots lefl at $110 each; $5 cash and $5 a month. Northern Investment Co., 330 Riverside Avenue. CITY REAL ESTATE. $ 1 7r>0 —4 room modern collage and lot ami half on Cannon Hill, near ear line, line view of the city and extra nice home, with barn; J7CO cash will handle this. We also have new, modern houses for sale at $INOO to $3000 on small cash payment and easy monthly In stallments. Llchty * Co., r.4 Jamleson Block. Tel, 120 S. FOB BALE—MISCELLUNEOUIL For Hale—Large go-cert, cheap: al most news. Inquire until Callspel, FURNISHED BOOKS. Newly furnished rooms for trans ient or permanent; free hnths nnd heat. Tel. M 4347. 423 Third ave nue. 60-6* HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Furnished rooms for housekeeping; ground door. W22 Riverside, FOB BENT. Park house, nicely furnished rooms l>y day or week. 28 Sprague aye, iiii-u SITUATION WANTED. Japanese hoys furnished for cooks I In hotels, family and every kind of work. Tel, 1240, 423 Front ays, 139-26 1 MONEY TO LOAN. Loans on furniture, pianos, horses, etc.; private; no delay, A. A. Bar rett 625-6 The Itookorv. 85.| Loans on long or short time. Punlel Bros., 627 Hyde block. 86-0 Money to jonn on real estate. Se- CUrlty mortgages bought. J. W. Mor rison m Co.. 3 and 4 Sherwood block. TAILORING. Clothes dinned, pressed, dyed nt S Lincoln! goods called for nnd deliv ered. Tel. M. 1325. A. Illusson. PAWN BROKERS. if you want n loan, go to P. Blck ford, 338 Main ovenuo. • KOOVINU AMD KIIFAIBINO. Tin, copper, shoot Iron, stove and fnrnnoo work. Dairy supplies. C. Psabak & Co., 0C24 Monroe at. l>4-20 WOH KINdMANS HOME. Free employment btiraau, Beds and bath, 10 cents. 43 Main ave nue. 14S-28 rOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. Good ns new top buggy nnd single ' harness. Call 2N Kprngue avt. 1(11-1 WANTED TO EXCHANGE. First class restaurant on paying basis for real estate ln Spokane; pro prietor called east on account of death. Address A., Press office. BARBER SHOP. The Leroy barber shop removed from 510 Main to basement 420 Main, Michigan block. First class haircut, 2Gc; shave, 10c; bath. 15c. Eight bathrooms, hot and cold shower bath. 94-' WORE MYSTIC NUMBER WON MARATHON. JOE FORESHAW. Wearing a big 7 on his shirt front, Joe Forcshaw won the St. Louis Marathon race Saturday, May G, by 22 minutes. Whether it was tlie athletes sturdy legs and ability to run a grueling race, or tlie number, which is regarded as possessing mys terious power by the Arabs, is open to discussion. HERI3INE will overcome Indlgeatlon nnd dys pepsia; regulate the bowels and cure liver and kidney complaints. It Is the hest blood enricher and Invlgor ator in the world, it is purely vege table, perfectly harmless, and should you be a suffered from disease, you will use it If you are wise. K. N. Andrews, editor and manager Cocoa and Rockledge News, Cocoa, Fia , writes: "i have used your Her oine In my family, and find it a most excellent medicine. its effects upon myself have been marked benefit. I, recommend It un til sitnt inglv." 50c. PRETTY ACTRESS WHO HAS BUSINESS SENSE MISS JULIA SANDERSON, Who Makes May While the Sun| Shines. j NEW YORK, May IB.—"1 am young now, they tell ms 1 am beauti ful," says Julia Sanderson, the pretty actress, now the reigning beauty iv New York, "j know that 1 shall nol be young nor beautiful always, so I believe In making the most of the gifts God has given me." And Miss Sanderson is putting her maxims into practice. She is making key while the sun shines, ami she is putting into good non-perishable in vestments the money she Is making. Will Miss Sanderson endorse Be jone's New Tulip Cream, tlie best thing over Invented for the complex ion? Miss Sanderson w ill for a con siders! ion. May John Smith name a new cor set after the beautiful Ml % Sander son. Mr. Smith may for a slinlit honorarium, Miss Sanderson's name an 1 Miss Sanderson's very beautiful pictures are in demand, and she is smart enough to know their market value and exact It. Wise little Miss Sanderson! THAT BOY ON UNCLE SAM'S FARM TOOK A DOUBLE-HEADER Spokane took the doubleheader frofl Boise yesterday with scores of 7 to 2 and 4 to 3. The games were well attended, notwithstanding the high winds and raw day. The victories yesterdny give Spo kane 10 games won and three lost and place the Indians far in the lead. The tabulated scores were: Morning* Game. Spokane— R. H, P.O. A. E. Raymond, ss 2 2 2 2 0 Ferris, 2b 1 3 2 2 0 Baxter, lb 0 1 6 0 0 Martinke, If 1110 0 Euan, 3b 1 4 0 0 1 Swain, cf 0 2 1 1 0 Stanley, c 0 3 13 1 0 Gilpatrick, p 1 1 0 1 1 Totals 7 18 27 7 2 Boise— R. H. P.O. A. E. Hammond, 3b 0 1 1 0 0 Kellackey, lb o l 4 l o Sehils, 2b 0 0 5 1 0 Mclntyre, ss 0 1 1 I 0 dynes, if 1 l 3 o o Knox, cf 1 0 3 2 0 Irby, rf 0 2 I 0 0 Hanson, c 0 2 5 1 1 Dammann, p o l o 2 o Totals 2 9 23 12 2 Score by Inning*. Spokane 31 2 01000 •—7 Boise 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 o—2 Summary. Three base hit—Ferris. Two base hits —Ferris, Egan. Struck out—By Qllpatrlok 12, by Dammann 1. Bases on balls—Off Dammann 1, oft Oilpatrlck 2. Left on bases—Spokane 9, ffoise 10. FLEET LIES READY FOR TRANSATLANTIC RAGE NEW YORK, May 15.—Aboard the Beet yachts lying In the hay that are to take part in the great trans-At lantic race to begin tomorrow there was much activity today. Every thing was being put in ship-shape In Esntlcipation of tlie start. Public in terest In the contest Is of the keenest sort and it is expected that thousands of persons will go out to tlie Hook tomorrow to witness the beginning of the race for the emperor's trophy. it will be the First time In nearly a score of years that there has been a yacht race across the Atlantic. The last race sailed across the ocean was in ISS7, when the Coronet defeated the Daunth ss. The race was started off Bay Ridge in March of that year and the two yachts raced to Queens town. The stakes were 110,000 a side. The Coronet won. covering 8949 miles and making the voyage in 14 days. 20 hours, SO minutes. Previous (o thlsc race there were several Other contests of tin' kind that excited great interest. The llrst ocean race was between the American schooners Henrietta, Fleetwlng and Vesta, In 1866, the course being from BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS OF OLD LINE COMPANIES By Jos. J. Devney. CHAPTER V did line life insurance companies I are organized on either a Stock or mutual basis, or on a plan which em bodies features of both. These latter arc known as mixed companies. in stock companies the stockhold ers elect directors who take lull charge of the business. Dividends are paiil to Stockholders on their stock from the earnings of the company, bill the rate is usually fixed either hy law or by the company's charter or both, Proper dividends arc legiti mate because they usually represent iii a large measure the earnings on the money Invested. The capital also lends additional strength to the com pany. One of the large stock com panies lake but t comparatively small pari of the earnings of its life depart ment to pay dividends on Its stock, the balance being taken from the other departments in which it trans- WW) likes TO read TO 1118 UNCUS." THE PRESS Hit by pitcher—By Dammann 1, by Gllpatrick 1. Wild pitch—Gilpatrlck. Afternoon Game. Spokane— It. 11. P.O. A. E. Raymond, ss 1 0 1 3 0 Ferris, 2b 1 0 0 2 0 Baxter, lb 2 2 15 0 0 Mnrtlnko, If 0 1 1 0 0 Egan, 3b 0 1 o 2 o Lewis, rf 0 0 2 0 0 Swain, cf 0 0 3 0 0 Stanley, c 0 15 10 Klinkhammer, p... 0 1 0 5 0 Totals 4 6 27 13 0 Rolse— R. H. P.O. A. E. Hammond, 3b 1 1 1 2 0 Kellackey, lb 0 1 16 1 1 Schils, 2b 0 1 0 5 0 Mclntyre, ss 0 0 2 6 1 Clynes, If 1 2 0 0 0 Knox, cf 1 1 1 0 0 Irby, rf 0 0 0 0 1 Hanson, c 0 0 3 0 0 McFarland, p 0 0 1 4 0 Totals S fi 24 18 4 Score by Innings. Spokane 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 o—4 | Boise 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 o—3 Summary. Home run —Knox. Three base hits —Clynes, Raymond. Two base hits —F.gan, Hammond. Struck out—By Kllnkliammer 6, by MoFarland 2. Left on bases —Spokane 7, Boise 4. Hit by pitcher—Stanley, Raymond. Standing of the Clubs. Won. Lost. P. C. Spokane 10 3 769 Ogden « 7 462 Poise 4 7 364 Salt Lake 4 7 364 Sandy Hook lo the Needles. Pierre Lorlllard owned the Vesta, George nnd Franklin Osgood the Kleetwing and James Gordon Dennett the Henri etta. The stakes were a cor ner, making $00,000 in all, The Hen rietta won the race, though both of the other contestants came ln but eight hours behind, The next race was between the Cambria, owned by James Ashbury of London, nnd tlie Dauntless. owned by James Gordon Bennett This race was sailed in 1870 for a cup worth 11250, The British yacht won by 1 hour nnd 13 minutes. The Cambria sailed a northern course, while the Dauntless took a middle course. The Cambria sailed 2917 miles In 23 days, a hours, 17 minutes, and the Daunt less sailed 2063 miles in days, 7 hours. The best time of n yacht across the Atlantic was not made in a race. The schooner Kndymion In 1900 crossed from Sandy Hook to the Lizard in 13 days, 20 hours. She averaged 10 knots an hour for the passage, and established a record for the course sailed. nets accident and other business on a ■took basis. The policy holder! elect the di rectors in mutual companies. As a rule few appear in person to vote, although they are entitled to do so. Many give proxies. The Australian Mutual Provident society of Sidney, Australia, lias an excellent method of enabling its policy holders to elect directors without the trouble inci dent to attending meetings In person. Before each meeting at which one or more directors are to he elected a no tice containing the names of the can didates is malted to each qualified policy holder, and more than 20 per cent of them vote by mail at every election. All the dividends earned by mutual companiea belong to the policy hold ers, those who conduct the business being reimbursed by salaries. Mixed companies vary more In the nature of their organisations than do purely mutual or stock companies. As a rule, though, provision Is made for |glvlng policy holders some voice ln the */ianagement of the company, by granting them the right to vote for directors. At least one company pro vides that some of the directors shall be ejected by the policy holders and the Wst by the stockholders. Each mixed company has Its own rules ns to paying dividends to stockholders and policy holders. Some have an ar rangement by which the stock depart ment' holds the mutual department, and vice versa, to their mutual ad vantage. life Insurance Taxation. Taxes, licenses and department fees which companies nre required to pay to the states in which they do busi ness form a big Item of expense. Last year the amount paid was over tx,- --500,000, and this ln excess of taxes on real estate. Those who are insured must bear this tax, and when the rate Is high It is not only Inconsistent, but, in a measure, unjust. The necessity for taxes arises from the fact that It re ; quires funds to run tho government machinery, a part of the expenditures of Which Is to provide for the support of the Infirm and those who are in destitute circumstances. Since, there fore, life insurance makes provision for this very thing and thus relieves the state of great burdens, It should be fostered rather than taxed. One main reason, no doubt, why the taxes on Ufe Insurance are so high In some states (and there Is much difference between the rates In dif ferent states) is because taxes are usually secured through the lines of least resistance and tlie people have not protested against this method of raising revenue. If the millions of policy holders in this country (especially those in the states where the taxes are exceeding ly high) would demand a reform In this respect, a more equitable adjust ment would result. Sufficient funds should be collected to maintain insur ance departments so that the people's Interests would be fully protected, but no more. At present the amount collected ill most states is many times as much as Is needed for their maintenance. Conclusion. In treating this subject of life in surance I have endenvored through out to give facts rather than opin ions. In ( losing I desire to present another fact by recalling a bit of history which was made during a time, that la still fresh in memory. It is this, that during that period of financial disaster of 1X93, when scores of national hanks closed their doors, nnd hundreds upon hundreds of Arms in various lines of business through out the land crumbled, ns it were, Into dust, the old line life insurance companies, both great and small, young and old, stood as immovable as the pyramids. Not one of them I ceased to do business even for a day, not one of them wavered, not one of them refused to make any concession jto ar.y policy holder for which his contract called. Such is the system of old line life insurance. GROWING ACHES AND PAINS. Mrs. Josie Sumner. Bremond, Tex., writes, April 16, 190.': "I have used Bullard's Snow Liniment in my fam ily for three years. 1 would not be without it In the house. 1 have used it on my little girl for growing pains and aches in her knees. It cured her right away. I have also used it foi frost bitten feet, with good success. It is tlie best llnl mentl c v c ' used.' " 25c, 50c. $1.00. Sold by CASSINI'S SUCCESSOR WASHINGTON, May 15.—Baron Roman Romanovltch Rosen, who will succeed Count Casslnl as Russian ambassador at Washington. is a member of a distinguished baronial family which has contributed many men of prominence to the service of the czar. He is a state councillor, chamberlain of tlie Imperial court and a knight of the orders of St. Vladi mir, St. Ann and St. Stanislas. He speaks English, German, French, Italian and Japanese as well as Rus sian and is nn accomplished scholar BARON ROSEN, and musician. His wife, Harmless Elisabeth Alexeevns Rosen, is a daughter of General Odlntsoff, for many years governor general of Nljnl-Novgorod, Baron Rosen h is been long in the diplomatic service of RttSSiS, lie was for a time charge d'affaires at Toklo and from ISS-' to 1814] he serv ed SS. RusstSH consul general in New York. In 1901 he was sent SS min ister to Tokio and was a conspicuous figure In the diplomatic negotiations that preceded the present war He was popular with the Japanese, who admired his ability and had confidence In his fairness; a trait, they have found, thai does not mark all Hussion diplomats He was against the war but was overruled hy AleglsS, PIShVO Hnd other advisers of the c/.ar who Insisted upon a clash witli Japan, When the war was begun Huron Rosen wis recalled to st Petersburg. SISTERS OF HERNIA * picnic at Minnehaha Park postponed until next Sunday, May It, A POSITIVE NECESSITY. Having to lay upon my bed for 14 days from a severely bruised leg. I only found relief when I used a bottle of Ballard's snow Liniment. I can cheerfully recommend it us the best medicine for bruises ever sent to the sfiitcted- It has now become a positive necessity upon myself, i>. , it Byrnes, mer chant. I'o vera villa, j Tex lie, fiUc, |1." Hold by We Offer $ 1,000 For a Disease Germ That Liquozone Car.*t Hill On every bottle of Llquosone we of fer $1,000 for a disease germ that It cannot kill. We do this to assure you that Llquosone does kill germs. And It is the only known way to kill germs In tho body without killing tho tissues, too. Any drug that kills gornis Is a poison, and It cannot be taken Internally. Medicine Is almost helpless ln any germ disease. It Is this fact which gives Liquozone its worth to humanity; a worth so great that, after testing tho product for two years, through physicians and hospitals, we paid 1100,000 for the American rights. And we have spent over one million dollars, ln one year, to buy yie first bottle and give It free to each sick one who would try It. Acts LiKe Oxygen Liquozone Is not made by com pounding drugs, nor Is there any alco hol In It. Its virtues are derived solely from gas—largely oxygen gas j —by a process requiring Immense ap paratus and 14 days' time. This pro cess has, for more than 20 years, been the constant subject of scientific and chemical research. The result Is a liquid that does what oxygen does. It Is a nerve food and blood food—the most helpful thing in the world to you. Its effects are ex hilarating, vitalizing, purifying. Yet It is an absolutely certain germicide. The reason Is that germs are vegeta bles; and Liquozone—like an excess of oxygen—ls deadly to vegetal mat ter. ' Liquozone goes Into the stomach. Into the bowels and Into the blood, to go wherever tin blood goes. No germ can escape It and none can re- SWITCHMEN ARE IN SESSION INDIANAPOLIS, May 15.—Dele gates from all parts of the United States and Canada were present this morning at the opening of tlie second biennial convention of the Switch men's Union of North America. There are many important questions before the convention ami it will probably be two weeks before Its business is concluded. Chief among the matters to be discussed nnd acted upon is the proposal to increase the death and disability benefits. Concerted action is also expected on the part of the delegates for the strict enforcement of the safety appliance laws, partic ularly that part of them relating to tlie uncoupling devices, and against the discrimination practiced against switchmen seeking work at their vo cation because they arc without one or two lingers, or because they are prominent in the organized labor movement. Protests will also be en tered against the age limit. Tlie ques tion of affiliating with the American federation of Labor will also come til>. Last year the proposition to of- Ollate was defeated when it was brought before the convention, but this year delegates believe that it will be adopted. WORKING FOR PEACE BRUSSELS, May 18. — Important International questions nre to be dis cussed at the meeting begun here to day by the executive council of the International Peace union. Tlie prin cipal purpose of the meeting is to llx the date and otherwise arrange for the next meeting of the Interparlia mentary union, the last session of which was held at St. Louis. Con gressman Richard Hartboldt. presi dent of the union, Is presiding over the meeting of the executive council, and several other Americans are ln attendance. The work will be directed to the making of permanent peace among nations, and a perfected form of arbi tration treaty may be agreed upon. The American delegates also favor an international congress to try spe cial questions and to formulate a law of nations unless such laws are voted hy an agreed number of national par liaments. Emperor William says the Japs are tho chosen Instruments of God to punish RUSSIa because the hitter's Christianity is in such a deplorable condition. That lets Kuropatkln and Stoessel out. OHIO MAIN WEARS WOMAN'S GARB IN SPITE OF COIRTS WASHINGTON COURTHOUSE, 0„ May U.—Randolph MUbourne, who] was arrested here a pew daya ago for appealing on tho streets dressed in female attire, has not received an ■newer tO tha letter he wrote Attor ney General Wade Ktiis asking his Opinion as to whether he can not Continue to wear women's clothes on the streets without violating the law. | Million!ne asserts that the law does not touch Ins ease, as he desires to wear female attire because it belter | suits Ins form, and he feels more. Comfortable when thUS dressed than; when he Is dressed as a man. He! says he never did like to wear men's, ilothliia, and for years he has beep Wearing the garb of a woman about his hobe, where he lived alone, Mr. Milboume says: "It has been my Intention for a long time to dis card men s clothing and dress only in female garb. For years I have worn ladles' garments ahout my home 11 nd I feel much better than when dressed as a man. While physically % im a man, yet spiritually and Intel lectually I am neither a man nor a woman, while 1 feel that In form and spirit 1 Incline more to effeminacy and am gradually taking on more of the nature of womanhood. "There is today too much attention paid to the kind of clothing a person wears. In NOW Testament times men and Women dressed alike. In long, now It g robes, and mow i am arrested fot wearing gui uu-ntu In vogue in IhOSS duv> Why should 1 he ai rested slst It. The results are Inevitable, for a germ disease must end when the germs are killed. Then Liquozone, acting as a wonderful tonic, quickly restores a condition of perfect health. Diseases which have resisted medi cine for years yield at once to Liquo zone, and It cures diseases which medicine never cures. Half the peo ple you mcct —wherever you are—can tell you of cures that were made by it Germ Diseases These are tho known germ diseases. All that modlclne can do for these troubles is to help Nature overcome the germs, and such results are Indi rect and uncertain. Liquozone attacks the germs, wherever they are. And when the germs which cause a disease are destroyed, tho disease must end, and forever. That Is Inevitable. Asthma Abscess-Anemia Bronchitis Blood Poison Brlght's Disease Bowel Troubles Coughs—Colds Consumption Colic—Croup Constipation Catarrh—Cancer Dysentery—Diarrhoea Dandruff—Dropsy Dyspepsia Eciema—Erysipelas Fevers—Gall Stones Goitre—Gout Gonorrhea —Gleet Hay Fever—lnfluenza Kidney Diseases La Grippe Leueorrhea Liver Troubles Malaria—Neuralgia Many Heart Troubles Piles—Pneumonia Pleurisy—Quinsy ' 919 > RiveysiDE CASH TAILORED SUITS All our spring cloth suits, up-to-date garments —no old or shop worn stock, but strictly new goods. Satur day we will offer the following special inducements: 33 1-3 PER CENT REDUCTION FOR CASH 25 PER CENT REDUCTION FOR CREDIT Also a handsome line of separate skirts at 25 Per Cent Off Regular Price. MANUFACTURERS TO MEET ATLANTA, Ga., May 1 :>.— Judging from the large number of early ar rivals the tenth annual convention of the National Association of Manu facturers is bound to be the largest as well as the most important ever held by the organization. Delegates from all parts of the country aro registered at convention headquarters today and more arc arriving on every train. The gathering will be called to order In the Grand opera house tomorrow morning and the sessiexns will continue over Wednesday and Thursday. Secretary Victor 11. Met calf of the department of commerce and labor Is scheduled to address the convention Thursday evening. The discussions of the convention will cover a wide range of subjects, and will include such momentous ques tions as the regulation of railroad rates, the tariff, tin- Panama canal and the relations between capital and labor. "New York has stopped demanding that John Paul Jones' body bo buried there." •Yes, somebody suggested that New York erect a monument to him." for wearing clothing of my choice when 1 am doing n because I think it is my duty to do so? "Or, Mary Walker, a woman of Washington, D. C. chose to wear men's clothing because she thought them better suited to her profession, holding thut In the sickroom men's olothing does not stir up the dust of the floors as women's skirts do, and heme should be worn by her. Dr. Mary Walker was arrested for wear ing men's clothing. She pleaded her own case and won ln the courts. 'If Dr. Walker can lawfully wear men's clothing upon the streets of American cities, why should not I be allowed to wear women's garments If I prefer to do so? Another thing, my form Is better gutted for female dress than for mala attire, and I never feel comfortable In men s clothing, while 1 am at perfect ruse when dressed as a woman. For 10 years I have worn n woman's corset, and could scarcely live without It. "If the authorities Insist upon pre venting me from wourlng the attire of v worn in it Is my Intention to peti tion the legislature at Its forthcom ing session for the special privilege to wear female attire. "I am 01 years aid, and for three years fought for the Union, serving the bist year as drum major ln the Veteran Reserve corps at Detroit burrocks, having been transferred from 'be Mighty-first Ohio, and no one will go further tIISU I will to Bland by tho law of the Und." Rheumatism Skin Diseases .Scrofula—Syphilis Stomach Troubles Throat Troubles Tuberculosis * Tumors—Ulcers Varicocele Women's Diseases All diseases that begin with fever —all Inflammation—all catarrh—all contagious diseases—all the results of Impure or poisoned blood. In nervous debility Llquosone acts as a vltaltzer, accomplishing what no drugs can do. 50c Bottle Free If you need Llquosone. and hare never tried It. please send us thla coupon. We will then mall you an or der on a local druggist for a full sized bottle, and we will pay the drug gist ourselves for It. This Is our free gift, made to convince you: to show you what Llquosone Is, and what it can do. In Justice to yourself, please accept It today, for It places you un« der no obligation whatever. Liguosone costs GOo and $1. I OUT OUT TIH COUPOBT for this offer may not appear again. Fill out the blanks and mail it to The Llquosone Company, 458-464 Wabash avenue, Chicago. My disease Is I have never tried Liquozone, but if you will supply me a 50c bottle free I will take it. • •■essesssssssesseeeeeeee s s • • # 870 Give full address—write plainly. Any physician or hospital not yat using uozone will be gladly sup plied for a test. PAYA LITTLE ATA] TIME.THATSOUR-PLAII CREDIT or BREVITIES Carriage Co. Tel. 457. Fares. tSo. Be kind to the rich—and they'll let you pay their taxes. Wanted to rent six or seven room furnished house. Address L., Press office. One of England's women novelists is abusing the hoopsklrt. Probably a fat woman. Ladles play billiards and pool every day and evenings at Pflster billiard parlor. Some hanker thinks Andrew Car negie should pension bank clerks aa well as college professions. Why not Include the bank presidents? Free instructions to ladles every morning on bowling by experienced lady instructor at Pflster bowling parlors. No on* with a regular Income should put oft saving. "Time and tide wait for no man." In our savings batik department we pay Interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semiannually, on the minimum quarterly balance ln area j dollars. Spokane & Eastern Trust company. Bledieal Lake Extract, manures ' tured hy the Medical Lake Salta Mfg Co., ts the best remedy for rheuma tism there ts In the market. It has been used In this section for years and we can furnish many testb numials. Electric Bath Salts for ths bat! and for the hair are the best thing! that can be usesd for that purpose, For sale by all druggists. Manu< factured by Medical Lake Selti Mfg. Co. 225-7-9 Riverside, BLACK HOUSE NUMBERS The Only Figure for White Houses. Munufnt'tured by Spokane Stamp works l'ostoftlce Hulldlng. Jewelry Auction 504 MAIN ST. inmoiio aaiaui Prevents DiphUkeria lie. Stowell Drug Co., Corner Riverside and Btevens. s Roll Top DesKs From $23 to $50 Sam Crow Phone M. 1494.