Newspaper Page Text
CLAMDIGGERS LOSESCALPS BENDERS DEBUT MAKES HIT WITH FANS AND ERICKBON PLAYS STRONG GAME IN THE BOX AND AT BAT. Won. Lost. P.O. Aberdeen 37 16 .6/8 Tacoma 34 25 .57P Spokane 29 36 .537 Seattle 29 26 .528 Butte 26 27 .491 yajacouver 9 45 .167 ! TJiv principal feature about the Ibaae ball game In which the In dians scalped the Clamdiggers yes terday was Bender's catching. John ny shows great form. He didn't set the grounds afire at the stick, bbt the Indians didn't have to do that. But he showed a willingness to break his back in swinging at some of the sinuous ones delivered by Pitcher Coy, who had all the Indians except big Erick on his staff. Big Brick by the way, •pitched a great pame—not sensa tional, but headyand steady. He was the only Indian that had it on Coy with the stick. He made a 3- Ibagger and single Brick allowed Seattle 10 hits and on paper it look ed that he gave them hits enough to win the game But he didn't. Spokane, with her 4 measly hits, in cluding a 2-bagger won 3 to 1. Spokane showed a system of team work that the bunch from the Sound couldn't get next to. The only heavy hits of the game were a 2-sacker by Swain and Krickson's 3-bagger Coy struck out 6, passed 0. Erickson struck out 1, passed 2. Suess in left, made the only error for the Indians. At Butte yesterday Aberdeen was defeated 9to 1. The Lumber jacks couldn't field worth a cent. They made 7 errors. No more satisfying a report has been received here this season than the news that Vancouver yesterday defeated Tacoma 5 to 1. it Isn't because it's Tacoma we're glad, but because Vancouver appeared to bave forgotten how to ever win again. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Boston (>. New York 2; Detroit 1, Cleveland 4; St. Louis 0, Chicago 1. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago 7-4, St Louis 6-1. COAST LEAGUE. Loi Angeles 9, Frisco 2; Oakland 6, Portland 3. SPORTING SNAP SHOTS i ■ Louie Long went to Vancouver, It. C, last night and on July 1 will box an unknown Jack Koarns, who was offered tie match with the conqueror of tho Mexican, decided >tbat there was ujt enough money tn It. Cornell won th? 8-oared race at the intercollegiate regatta yester day. The time over the 4 mile course was 20 ')2 2-5. Columbia was second, U, R. naval academy third; Pennsylvania fourth; Wis consin fifth and Georgetown sixth. lAt no lime were Cornell and Colum bia more than 25 feet apart. Gordon Glass, the Spokane boy at No. 6 In the Harvard shell, will not be able to row in the race with Yale at Red Topp, Conn., today, on account of Illness. Capt. Bacon will take his place. Postponement of the Brltt-Nelson fight, dated for Jn'y 3, to July 31, Is aunounced. U is stated that INelson has not been ablo to got In condition. This scrap was fixed up *s a graft on the Burns-Squires mill July 4 and i romoters of the latter have evidently bluffed out the Neisou frame up. 1 Louise of Saxony Has Gone to the Bad KING FREDERICK'S FORMER CONSORT DRESSES IN MEN'S CLOTHES AND IN THAT AT TIRE PLAYS PART OF HALE FELLOW FELL MET—CHILD BORN AFTER ELOPEMENT BEING RAISED LIKE GIPSY. •rectal Correspond*-.* to Ths Pre.* FLORENCE, Italy, June 27.— Lf_oulse, tho divorced wlfo of King ; Frederick Augustus of Saxony, is > living the life of a Bohemias in her nrllla on the outskirts of Florence. {Jlnce the culmination of her mart ovo adventures In her elopment .-(with M. Oiron, the tutor of her children, the former queen of Sax > ony has been running faster and [.fester down hill, until now she is an outcast of society. In hor house all the rooms have Bold stone floors and m(»st of the uralls are entirely devoid of papers and other decorations. The win dows are badly fitted and the ceil- are full of cracks. The whole §»lace has an Indescribably cold and Cheerless aspect. Queen Louise aises early and wears male attire during the morning hours. Her ■ult Is close fitting and shows off tier good figure to advantage. She dresses Mko a man because •he Invariably devotee the morning to fencing and levolver shooting. Bhe drives In an open carriage through the streets of Florence to the fencing school, where she asso ciates with the young Italians of the locality with a freedom that la' Astonishing. In this school she quite forgets Iter royalty and handles shocking Jokes with tha men. When at home In her villa she ia fond of going •bout in most extreme dishabille. IWhen she had men servants in the Souse this habit exposed her to •nany annoyances because they mis (took its significance. Finally aha Enslaved by a Pirate OR ROBERT'S RENOEVOUS WITH THE RED-HANDED ROVERS BY F. W. SCHAEFER. "THE LONG TOM ON THE FOR'ARD DECK BELCMED A WHITE CLOUD." CHAPTER I. It was a beautiful day on Salem harbor. Not a ripple marred the placid surface. If there were any ripples, they were at the bottom. Our hero who was christened Robert while quite young, could be his dory. Robert was a boy. If he was an old lady we would say so. An honest, industrious lad was Robert, never too idle to go fishing. Beside, he was the sole support of a news stand which sold dime novels. Just then a low, rakish craft slid into the h;irbor like a wraith. It was In full sail, with every stitched of canvas neatly close reefer. TOMMY BURNS DOPE No. I—HOW I FOUND THE PUNCH BY TOMMY BURNS My parents were troubled when I told them I must leave home. I had got. the craze, I would be an athlete. My age was 15. I was a fairly good lacrosro player. When 1 started out I mnnaged to become a member of the Gault, Ontario, team, which organ 1 nation won the championship of Canada that year. When the season closed 1 was still determined to be an athlete. La crosse had given me stamina, quick ness and soreness of eye. After leaving Cault a job as as sistant baggageman on the teainer Lake Erie, the largest passenger craft on the lakes, running from Buffalo to Cleveland, started me on the way for the states. The sec ond engineer was a fierce type of bully. He had the crew thoroughly scared. The first day out he had me spotted. He took every oppor tunity to addres< me with the foulest language that ever dis graced the mouth of a sailor. I tried hard to stan ! it In silence. When the watch was ended and the crew was gathered In the cabin the boys crowded round me ami Joined in warning me. They told me tales of the nun he had mauled and of the awful lickings he had handed out to every man that had yet dared to stand up against him. The trouble finally came, i had gone to the ship's storeroom to get a lamp. I lit the wick while on my knees and roso to my feet to go, when I turned face to face with Hob (Jaunt. "Now, you darned cub of a she KING FREDERICK'S ELOPING WIFE AND THEIR DAUGHTER MONICA, WHO IS BEING BROUGHT OP LIKE A GIPSY. dismissed all her men servants and now has only women in the house. There is not only a total lack of ceremony In her household, but she allows her maidservants to treat her with absolute disrespect. She has so few rooms at her disposal that she generally sits In her bed room and in fact actually receives visitors in this chamber. Louise has practically no lntellec. tual tastes and has some difficulty in amusing herself Indoors. One of her favorite occupations Is to read over and over again the newspaper accounts of her- Right frasu Dies "Ah, a pirate ship," said Robert, expectorating upon his bait. It was indeed a pirate ship, the lugger baby "Baby Mine," whose name was execrated from Kenne bunk to Puerto Cortez because of its predatory proclivities. The evil craft tame to; in fact, revived. The LoiifT Tom on the for'ard deck belched a white cloud, and a round shot danced across Robert's bow. (They were all out of square shot). In this Jocose fashion do pirate ' ships hail their prey. Robert was a brave lad, so he hoisted the w-hite flag of surrender j which he had with him for the pur pose. | (Continued.) ■hunk, stand up and fight," he yelled with a mouthful of curses. Before I could drop the lamp he had nailed me square between the eyes. Down 1 wet!*: like a bull that Is pole-axed. 1 f3' 1 on the lamp, which luckily went out without ex ploding. Gaunt fell on me like a i mad dog. We wrestled and fought of the floor and rolled to the lurch of the steamer. At last I loosened his grip and staggered to my feet. Ho was after me hot. 1 knew nothing of boxin™, hut thoughts as tao my course of action came to me quick. Three times I ducked under his wild rushes and left and right swings for my jaw. Each time as 1 stooped under them I poked my left hand hard ami stiff into his wind. This pulled him up blowing hard. I was growing cooler and felt good but for a sensation like paper burning in my nostrils, the effect of that treacherous first smack between *he eyes. We be gan to spar. We stepped around, hands feinting, eyes agleam. Sud denly he stepped in and swung a wicked right hook for my Jaw. 1 took it on my left arm and as he fell into me over went my right hand straight from the shoulder. It landed fair on the corner of his long bony chin. He dropped like a man that is shot through the heart. When he came round, 10 minutes later, he fainled again. His career as bully was ended. The crew was delighted. As for me, I had found the punch. NEW HAWAIIAN GOVERNOR OYSTER BAY, June 27.—Judge W. Frear, of California, has been appointed governor of Hawaii to take effect August 15. 1 den and her elopement with Ulron. >. jShe has collected thousands of f I these clippings. e| Louiae apparently feels no shame t for her elopement, for she has col e lected the newspaper stories of her 1 J wrongdoings because, she says, I- they will be interesting for her del a cendauts to read." Little Princess Monica, the child :- born after her elopmont, Is being y brought up rather M an Italian gly than as a princess of Saxony, d j and her father, the king, Is expect r j ed to soou take rai'ical measure* to i- regain possession of her parson. SPOKAWB 27, 1WT Theaters THE SPOKANE. About all there is to "Captain Jinks" is Ethel Barrymore with her leading man, Bruce Mcßae. The play is a frothy sort of comedy ele vated clear beyond its merits by the skill of the star. Tonight Miss Parrymore closes her engagement with "Cousin Kate." The piece iB old but has had a uniformly successful run. THE COLUMBIA. "An Egyptian Mummy" is playing to good hot wea'her businegs this week. It is rather a warm produc tion. AUDITORIUM. The Shirley Co. bill, "A Great Temptation," gives Laura Adams good opportunity for the quiet com edy work which is her strong point. Fat Jack Amory also has a hand in the fun-making. WASHINGTON The vaudeville bill has a couple of clever comedy sketches this week. "Taming a Husband" is 1 of the most popu'ar numbers on the bill. ________________ m __,__ FINE FEAST FOR WOODMEN The W. O. W. banquet at Daven port's last evening was 1 of the pleasant social events in the local history of the order. An elaborate menu was provided and the speak ers chosen to respond to the toasts were fully equal to the occasion. One hundred and fifty-five mem bers were guests. The banquet celebrated the clos ing of a membership campaign, as a result of which 100 new names have been added to the rolls of camp No. 99. FOOT BALL PLAYER. Will Be in Charge of the Interior Department. Special Correspondent to The Press. WASHINGTON June 27.—While: directing the maneuvers of piksgin warriors G. W. Woodruff acquired G. W. WOODRUFF, Harvard's Noted Gridiron General, a knowledge of men and affairs that has enabled him to be of much assistance to Uncle Sam. For the next 2 months or more the famous Harvard foot ball coach will be in charge of the interior department. Secretary Garfield will COEUR D'AXiENE PARLOR CABS. Beginning Saturday morning the BhosNone Flyer, electric boat train, ISSVInc Spokane at 9:00 a. nt., and Coeur d'Alene at 4:10 p. m., will car ry parlor oar. Also trains leaving Spokane at 1:10 p. m. and Coeur d'Alene 11:03 a. m. Chairs 250 ad ditional between any two .stations. Reservations made only at Spokane terminal and Coeur d'Alene thket of flee. —28 FALOUSG ELECTRIC TRAINS Leave Spokane terminal, Main and Lincoln, for Spring Valley, Oakes dale, Garfield and Pa louse at 7:33 a. HI., 1:30 and B:00 p. m. Kor Rosalia and Intermediate stattlons 7:00, 9:10 S, m., 1:00 and 5:30 p m. —3 Notice to tKe Public Frederick R. Scot ford is no long er the representative of the Quoin Club, nor has he any authority whatever to associate the name of ihe Quoin (Tub with his in conneo tlon with any business transaction whatsoever. Any communications should be addressed to the Secre tary of the Quoin Club, 111 Fifth ay„ New York City. The Mason & Hamlin, Ivors & Pond Ivurtzmann, Oabler, Kroager. Starck, t'apen and other good pianos; all strictly high grndo, at reasonable prloea and terms to suit. SPOKANE PIANO HOUSE D. If Bowers, Manager. Heath Block, 23 Monroe Street THE FERN CONFECTIONERY and CAFE GEORGE PORTER, Prop. Have you tver dined at THE FERN CAFE? If you have not you are missing the treat of your life. Get out of the rut and join the rest, where you pet meals as mother used to cook 322-324 RIVERSIDE Phone 3197 BtUTELSPACHER DOES CORRECT WATCH REPAIRING 509 Peyton Blk. Tel. 5)5. NATATORIUM PARK A MODERN FAIRYLAND DIRECTION INGERSOLL AMUBEMENT CO. . ■ Audley Ingersoll, Director General SPOKANE'S CONEY ISLAND Amusements Open Dally From Ito 11 P. M SCENIC RAILWAY GALVESTON FLOOD YE OLD MILL HOUSE OF TROUBLE JAPANEBE BALL GAMES DARKNESS AND DAWN CHILDREN'S PONY TRACK FOOLISH HOUSE HALES TOUR of the WORLD CIRCLE SWING Dancing afternoons and evenings; afternoons free.. Balloon Ascension and Parachute Drop every day at 5 p. m. Band Con certs every afternoon and evenings. Large Swimming Pool al ways open. Free Attractions every afternoon and evening. Davenport Bros, Aerial Bicycle and Trapeze Performance, 4 p. m. and 9 p. m. Latest Moving Pictures at 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30 p. m. NEW FEATURES EVERY WEEK The Pfister A Family Resort, Catering to Ladies and Gentlemen. Bring Your Family and Spend a Pleasant Evening. Listen to the FINEST MUSIC IN THE CITY The Metropolitan Orchestra and Miss Bessie Taunehill Singing "The Nightengale" and "Last Rose of Summer." Every Evening at 8 o'Clock Sunday Matinee 2:30 P. M. Admission Free. THE PFISTER, 815 SPRAGUE AY. go west for the purpose of looking after government interests in the Rocky mountains. Assistant Secre tary Ryan is too 111 to look after the department, so former coach Woodruff, now assistant attorney general, will be acting secretary of the interior. OFFICIAL ROAD RECORDS Here are the official road records that have been established this sea son in road races sanclioned by the National Cycling association: Five miles, 14:09, Charles Nerent, New York city; 10 miles, 24:08, Henry 9chaefer, Dunkirk N. V.: 15 miles, 34:47 4-5, I. Lewin. New York city; 25 miles, 1:08:30 1-5, W. F. Blum, Chicago; 50 miles, 3-14, Charles A. Sherwood, New York t 9 SPOKANE/A »■ bS*D.INv THa-\rwjfc TONIGHT LAST PERFORMANCE, Charles Frohman Presents Ethel Barrymore in One of Her Greatest Successes Cousin Kate Prices —$2.00 to 50c. Seats now selling. Columbia Theatre Geo. M. Dreher, Mgr. Tel. 811. TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK Only Matinee Saturday THE LEWIS A LAKE MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY Presenting the Mirthful Musical Comedy "AN EGYPTIAN MUMMY" New Songs, New Dances, Pretty Girls Galore. "The Mummy ain't had no fun for more'n 5,000 years!" Kxtra —Between the acts, illus trated songs, moving pictures. Btices—Night. 20c, 30c, 50c; matinee, 10c, 25e. 4-room dwelling, with a 50x150 lot. THE AUDITORIUM H. "C. Hayward. Mar. TeL M. 1241. JESSIE SHIRLEY 00. PRESENTING SUNDAY M and all the week, with Saturday matinee A GREAT TEMPTATION Prices—Reserved, evening: 60c. 40c and 25c. Matinees —Adults, 25c; children, 10c. WASHINGTON THEATER Geo. C. Blakeslea, Manager HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE WEEK COMMENCING JUNE 23, 1907 Beatrice Moreland & Co. Al Jolson 1 leery & Francis Harry Tsuda Cavana Grace Orma Two performances every eveulug. Matinee every day. Prices—ls and 25 cents. LEAGUE BASEBALL NEXT TUESDAY AND ALL WEEK RECREATION PARK SEATTLE vs. SPOKANE Came Called 3:15 Admission, Grandstand, 50c. General Admission, 25c Take E. Broadway or Gonzaga Trac tion Cats Eastbound CITY LE AGUE Base Ball NATATORIUM PARK SUNDAY, JUNE 30 Cuba vs. Powell-Sanders Fairbanks-Morse vs. Union Iron Wk Two Games—Cno Admission. Grandstand Free First Game Called 2:30. Messengers Main 488 Prompt, reliable ser vice, day and night. City Messenger Co. Grand Hotel Building BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS J. F. STACII 10 RIVERSIDE AYE. Tailor Made Skirts For 2 month* only $4.50; regular price $8.00; Linen and silk suits it reasonable prices. Don't miss •his opportunity. HOFFMAN, Ladles' Tailor. 510 .. ohawk Block. Phone 7386. Parisian Dye Works Has no branch of?es nor agents. Office 605 Aye. Phon* 2137. . . . L. A. Lehmann FIREWORKS Headquarters for all kinds of Fireworks. We are the Jobbers and can undersell any dealer in the city. Wholesale and retail. Bamboo Furniture, Chinese ana Japanese Bazaar. SUN CHONG A CO. 824 SPRAGUE AVENUE Real Estate Inducements Be&uch&mp $ Wotting 418 RIVERSIDE AYE. PHONE 46 f975 —4 room plastered bunga low; $150 down. $1,200 —4 room and pantry; plas tered; $150 down. $750 —4 room bungalow; new; $150 down. Lots in all parts of the city on easy terms. park lots $250 and up. $950 Nice 4-room home, with chicken house and woodshed; lawn, gar den and fenced. W. 1670 WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY Real Estate, Loans and Investments 10 Bernard 8L Phone 2250 $475—2 lots in Lidgerwood; 50x 142; fenced In. $950 —3 room house In Monroe park; lot 60x136; $200 handles this. See us for bargains In vacant or Improved property. We have snaps. CARR BROS. & CO. GALENA BLOCK PHONE 178$ $3200 Brand new 6 room modern cottage, full attic and basement, piped for furnace and gas, bast of curley Nr finish, Heath's ad dition. $500 cash, balance to suit. $3500 6 room modern house, Cannon Hill, best of location. Terms to suit purchaser. BabcocK ® Moss 829 Riverside Spokane Advertising Novelties Signs, Calendar*, Sticker*, Etc. Window Lettering and Card Signs Special Ready Mad* Sign Card*, for any business. 15c each, $1 doz. Send for li*t or Samples J. M. MOORE. 315 Jamieson Block. Phon* 2120. A SENSIBLE IDEA One that should appeal to everyone, is to have a little home of one's own; one where the soil is fertile; where the water is never failing; where the transportation facilities are such that you are assured of a good market for your producta; where you are not too far away from the city to enjoy its advantages, yet far enough away to escape its disadvantages. Sounds good, doesn't it, yet it is easily achieved. Just Buy Irrigated Land at East Greenacres You can't get a better, no, nor half so good, an Investment for your money, and It you will call on us we'll prove It to you. Becher & Thompson 110 Stevens Street. Phone IBM. POM SALS. THREE GOOD HOMESTEAD RE llnqulshments for sale In Biff Bend country, or will trade for city property. See Fred Berg, cashier Standard Oil Co. 7 1 1800 — NEW SMALL. HOUSE, with everything for housekeeping. garden, chickens; all fenced. Post st., Monroe park. Phone Ml*. No. 98—«.80; Manito; OraM fine; street grade and walk paid. No. 117—Cannon hill lots, $558 to 17.0. No. 116—Liberty park lot. $.00. No. 122—11,760; 6 room: ear; 8400 cash. GRAY * McCUNK. First Avenue and Wall Street HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED—BOYS TO SELL THB PRESS on the street; good cor ners provided. Hustlers can make good money. See Marshall at Press office. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY—AbIe bodied unmarried men between <he ages of 11 and 35; cltlsens of United States, of good character and tem perate habits, who osn speak, read ■nd write Kncllah. Men wanted now for Philippine eervle*. For Informa tion, apply to Heerulttng Offlcer, lit 1-2 Howard it.. Spokane. WE WANT TO UPHOLSTBR. polish or repair your fnrnltnre. Prices reasonable Standard Up holstering and Cabinet Works, 403 East Front. LAWYERS McWtlllams and~McWilliams. 61218 Peyton block. CAST OFF CLOTHING. Positively highest prices paid for esst off clothing. N.2S Stevens. ML 17M. HORSESHOEING. Charles Staler, Pactfle avenue a»l Bernard street, llf-ta PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. Freight, furniture, baggage and parcel delivery. Tel 898. 810-0 When you want a Homestead with lot of timber on, see me. GEO. R. MEYER, 0414 Howard, cor. Great Northera Railroad Pioneer Employment Company Late Peerless Emp. Co. HEADQUARTERS COOKS AND WAITRESSES Cooks, waitresses, dishwashers, Kitchen Helpers, Chalmbermalds, wanted all the time. 512 GRANITE BLDG. Phone 1199. /10.128 |POSTST. Six Room Modern House 6 room modern house on Providence, to trade for farm or relinquishment. Corner lot, 2-room house, woodshed, cellar, fenced; $475; terms. 5 room modern house, cor ner lot; good barn; $1,500; terms. 8 room modern, Clitt park, on car line; $5,000; terms. 33 room lodging house; good location; good lease; $1,600; terms. 10,000 shares of Montana Schotlsh Bonnet to trade. Only 3,000 shares of tha Carlson Taber Switch left at present price of $1 par share. You will . have to hurry If you want to get some of this stock before the price advances. w. f. websier ft CO. 412 Mohawk er _