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WARCLUBS LAND ON CLAFLIN INDIANS CHASE DUO OUTFIT TO THE WOODS IN A SHOWER OF BWATS THAT NET 11 RUNS. Won. Lost P.C. Aberdeen 38 16 .704 Tacoma 3E 25 .583 Spokane SO 26 .545 Seattle .59 2T .518 Butte 26 28 .481 YMemiver 9 46 .164 Indians did some great bat ting yesterday. They pounded Claf lln for 9 hits and everyone of them meant something. Both teams made plenty of errors. Spokane cinched things In the 6tb and 7th innings hy scoring 4 and 6 runs, making a total of 11 with the 1 secured in the second. The best Seattle could dl was 3 runs. They secured only 8 hits off Jensen, who also passed 4 and struck out 3. Clafiin passed 5 and struckout 2. The big hit of the game was James' home run. Three-baggers were made by Rowan and Swain, who also made a 2-bagger to keep things going. MyerF was the only Seattle man who got better than a single off Jensen. He secured a2- bagger. McKune, Rowan and Swain got 2 hits apiece. "Tamp" Osborn will pitch this afternoon's game Swindells will catch and Bender play the bench. "Rasty" Wright has a mask for sale. At Vancouver >osterday Tacoma •hut them out 6 to 0. At Butte, Aberdeen won 7 to 5 With Stark.'ll In the box. THE CITY LEAGUE The twilight game at Natatorium park last night resulted in the Var ■ey Mfg. Co. defeating tho Union Iron Works 5 to 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago 0, Pittsburg 3; St. Louis 1, Cincinnati 2; Brooklyn 1, Boston 4; Philadelphia 0 New York 2. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Detroit 4, Cleveland 5; New York 15, Washington 7; Boston 1, Phila delphia 0. BIG CROWD WILL SEE FIGHT (Scrlpps News Association.) SAN FRANCISCO June 28— The seat sale for the Squires-Burns fight opened this morning with advance orders for $5.01X1 worth of seats re ceived by the management before tickets were on sale. Despite the car strike there la every indica tion of a big crowd. Betting has switched and Squires Is now a 9 to 10 favorite. Unless more Burns money appears the price will shorten. Squires con tinues to work hard, but could step Into the ring tomorrow If called upon to do so and give a good ac count of himself. Burns worked at Oakland today, having arrived from Harbin Springs last night. The fighters wl'l begin to taper off about Monday. Both are now down to fighting weight—Squires 182, Burns 178. SUNDAY SCHOOL GIRL GREAT HORSE TRADER MISS EMMA SCOTT, HORSE TRADER NASHVILLE, Term., June 28.— , "l would rather be a horse trader - J i than follow any of the lines of work usually undertaken by business women." Thus does Mls« Km ma Scott, 18, ■un-tanned and healthy, declare her aelf. She makes her headquarters on the haymarket, where ahe is known as one of the shrewdest dealers In horseflesh. "You would, perhaps, say that 1 drifted Into honfe trading," ex plained Miss Scott. "1 was raised In the country aud as a very little tot delighted to have my father throw me up behind his srfddle ■when he went on horse buying ex peditions. After I became % little older my father underwent % opera tions that rendered him unable to attend to his business without as sistance So he taught me how to tell the age of horses, the sixes to buy to meet the market demands •f the different seasons, and the good polnta of the animals. "In time I began trading alone, Enslaved by a Pirate OR ROBERTS RENDEVOUB WITH THE RED-HANDED ROVERS BY F. W. SCHAEFER. I ... - .i n .. I—.1 —. "TREMBLE!" ROARED CRUST, DRAWING HIS TRUSTY CUTLAS; CHAPTER n. Observing that Robert gave up, the pirates eagerly put out for him in the long boat. At any rate, that's the hind of a boat it seemed to Robert, for it was a long time com ing. It was manned by a richly cos tumed male chorus Robert did not know this. Bach man Jack of them had a wicked looking knife in his mouth, and he thought they were sword swallowerp. Flakey Crust, the pirate, was pacing the quarterdeck (marked down from 30 cei-ts, positively not moro than 1 to each purchaser). He was Indeed a hulking, villainous figure. "Tremble!" roared Crust, draw ing his trusty rutlass, as Robert was led before him. It was a vicious looking weapon with a nail file on the back o! it. "Captain Crust, I believe?" re marked Robert, admiringly. "I BOY CLIMBS IN GUN AND IS SHOT IN AIR. SOUTH NOR WALK, Conn., June 28. —Young Henry Remsen was playing hide-and-seek nnd hid In one of the old spring guns or "mortars" once owned by P T. Barnum, the showman. He had hardly gotten himself comfortably fixed when he suddenly shot up in the air and landed in an appU l tree nearby. He was bruised, but not seriously hurt., The mortar was one use In the old circus "human cannon ball' act, in which a young woman was shot to the top not. Ren.sen went through the act, all except the net. USE WATSON'S CLOVER CREAM FOR TAN AND SUNBURN—IT'S FINE. aud now my father and i are in partnership. I like the work, per haps because I love horses. I en jjoy being out of doors, and tho sat isfaction that comes to one, as it did to David Harttm. when he made a good trade. My policy has been absolute honesty. This, perhaps, bas made me more successful than some men In the fame business. "I have never been a housekeep er, and most of my schooliug has been with the horses, but I do not regret either fact for a moment. I have been brought up as a Sunday school girl, and this fact has, per haps, greatly assisted me In meet ing many of thi obstacles that na turally confront a young woman who is engaged in work such as mine. "it is my belief that any deter mined woman of ordinary Intelli gence, who loves horses and Is will ing to bo true to herself and honest with others, can make a success as a horse trader." j have read of you In the 'Lads Li ' brary of Adventure." " "Call me colonel, you lubber!" shouted the pirate, menacingly. "I've been promoted since then." "I suppse you want me to sign as a member of your criminal crew upon penalty of being hanged to the yardstick," Robert said, hopefully. "Bilge my binnacle, I do," said Colonel Crust. "Oh, very well," replied Robert, seeing no alternative —at least not where he could lay his hands on it. "Well, thimble my rigging," Col. Crust said, menadngly. "You can't matriculate in my Preparatory School for Pirates without a certi ficate from your school teacher that you're a very good boy." "Oh," said Robert, "I'll have to go ashore and get It." Springing overboard, Robert pulled for Salem in his dory. (Continued.) EACH COLLEGE WINS RACE. NEW LONDON Conn., June 28. —Harvard freshmen won the 2-mile 8-oared race from Yale today in 11:15. Yale won the 4-oared race by 14 lengths. LONGWORTHS AFTER BEAR. BUTTE, Mont., June 28 —Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth arrived yesterday and hare gone for a 2- weeks sojourn in Yellowstone Na tional park. Afl n r the park tour the Longworths will go to Honolulu for a month. The Pacific Telephone & Tele graph Co. will issue a new directory about July 20. Contracts for ad vertising space can be made at the business office of the company, 117 Wall st. —1 COEUR DALEIfE PARLOR CAM. Beginning Saturday morning the Shoshone Flyer, elect He boat train, leaving Spokane at 9:oo a. m„ and Coeur d'Alene at 4:10 p. m., will car ry parlor car. Also'trains leaving Spokane at 1:10 p, m. and Coeur d'Alene 11:03 a. m. Chairs 25c ad ditional between any two stations. Reservations made only at Spokane terminal and Coeur d'Alene ticket of fice. —28 COLD BOTTLE Budweiser Beer 25c 5c a Glass MJRKIN'S 121 Howard Street Also Wall and Sprague Phone 731 iP6fcANB tfKm&rJVK* 28, 1907 TOMMY MIIIB DOPtJ RINGCRAFT VERSUS PUGILISfI 1 BY TOMMY BURNS. It has been pugilism versus ring* craft in all my 3 matches with O'Brien. In the first I traveled I from Seattle to Milwaukee to meet him. To be entirely truthful. I wills; tell you that I needed the matchni very badly. I traveled without ac Pullman for 4 days and 3 nights. On arrival in Milwaukee I was stag gered to find the fight billed for the next Friday night. It was Tuesday evening. I found the manager and asked him what he meant by put ting such a double cross on me. He replied. "Oh, don't make a noise about it. O'Brien is round behind the house, come and have a chat with him." We went. O'Brien was there waiting, smiling and full of bull con as usual. He treated j me, as he said, "like a brother pro- . fessional." "You re in good enough condition. Tommy," he said. "This is not going to be a 25-round cham pionship fight, bat a mere 6-ronnd bout. We can box pretty and make a good show for the public—that is all that is needed." The manager screed and assured me that there wouM be no decision, and likewise no attempt to land a knockout. I needed the money bad ly. I was down to my last $10. I agreed. I trained Wednesday and Thursday and entered the ring Fri day night. O'Brien had gone through 10 days of splendid train ing. When the fight began he said to me as we were starring In the cen ter of the ring, "Mind, Tommy, no knockouts. Box pretty." We went along as agreed for 4 rounds and for those 4 rounds he certainly did lay It all over me and my face was a lovely mess. Before the fifth a second in my center said, "Look out, that fellow is going to double cross you, Tommy " I knew his bad reputation and began a bit careful. Three times In that round he miss ed 3 vicious uppcrcuts at close range, and said each time, "It's all right. Must make it look hot for 2 last rounds." When I went to mv corner for the last time my second called me down in very strong language, and sent, me out to fight. j In the sixth round I tried In real earnest and had O'Brien going. Ho was awarded the decision. It was a cruel double crura. He came over to me smiling and said, "Shake, Kid. I see you a r e there with the' goods." I refused his hand and re plied with some temper, "You wait, you filthy double crosser, I'm bound to get you." Those who know the history of our last battles know whether El have kept my word ST. JOE SUNDAY EXCURBION For delightful 200 mile outing by trolley and steamer take 8 o'clock electric train at Spokane Terminal, Main and Lincoln, connecting at Coeur d'Alene with big, comfort able steamer Idaho, for beautiful shadowy St. Joe river. Returning Sunday evening Round trip, $2.50. —29 Notice to tKe Public Frederick E. Seotford is no long er the representative of the Quoin Club, nor has he any authority whatever to associate the name of (he Quoin Club with his in conneo Hon with any business transaction whatsoever. Any communications should be addressed to the Secre tary of the Quoin Club, ill Fifth ay., New York City. The Mason & Hamlin, Ivors & Pond Kurtzmann, Qsbier, Kronger, Starck, Capen and other good pianos; all strictly high grade, nt reasonable prices and terms to suit. SPOKANE PIANO HOUSE I"). Ln Bowers, Manager. Heath Block, 2? Monroe Street Tanner S Day REAL ESTATE Phone 2097. 815 Main Aye. Down by the Postoffice. KOMK PLEASURES Surpass all others and are the lasting kind. Don't overlook one this year. Let us show you our line of Kodaks and Cameras and teach you how to use them. ALL SIZEB AND PRICES G. W. Jones ® Co. ' Successors to Jones A LovejOy NEW LOCATION •03 RIVERSIDE AVENUE BEUTELSPAGHER DOES CORRECT WATCH REPAIRING 509 Peyton Blk. Tel. 535. NATATORIUM PARK A MODERN FAIRYLAND DIRECTION INGERBOLL AMUSEMENT CO. )- Audley Ingtrsoll, Director General SPOKANE'S CONEY ISLAND Amusements Open Daily From Ito 11 P. M BCENIC RAILWAY GALVESTON FLOOD YE OLD MILL HOUBE OF TROUBLE JAPANESE BALL GAMES DARKNESS AND DAWN CHILDREN'S PONY TRACK FOOLISH HOUSE HALES TOUR of tho WORLD CIRCLE SWING Dancing afternoons and evening*; afternoons free.. Balloon Ascension and Parachute Drop every day at 5 p. m. Band Con certs every afternoon and evenings. Lsrge Swimming Pool al ways open. Free Attractions every afternoon and evening. Davenport Bros, Aerial Bicycle and Trapeze Performance, 4 p. m. and 9 p. m. Latest Moving Pictures at 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30 p. m. NEW FEATURES EVERY WEEK The Pfister THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN The Largest and Finest Family Resort West of Chicago. Crowd ed Nightly with Ladies and Gentlemen. The Metropolitan Orchestra Finest Music In the City Last Week of MISS BESBIE TANNEHILL, Spokane's Favorite I Singer. MR. HARRY V. BAY, Xylophone Soloist.. Grand Concert Every Evening, 8 o'clock. Mat. Sunday 2:30 p. m. Next Week—McCall Sisters, High Class VocaMsta, Direct from the Orpheum Circuit Admission Free. THE PFISTER, 815 SPRAGUE AY. Columbia Theatre Geo. M. Dreher, Mgr. Tel. 811. TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK Only Matinee Saturday THE LEWIS & LAKE MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY Presenting the Mirthful Musical Comedy "AN EGYPTIAN MUMMY" New Songs, New Dances, Pretty Girls Galore. "The Mummy ain't had no fun for more'n 5,000 years!" Extra —Between the acts, illus trated songs, moving pictures. Prices—Night. 20c, 30c, 50c; matinee, 10c, 25c. 4-room dwelling, with a 50x150 lot. THE AUDITORIUM H. C. Hayward, Mar. Tel. M. 1241. JESSIE SHIRLEY CO. PRESENTING BUNDAY and all the week, with Saturday matinee A GREAT TEMPTATION Prices —Reserved, evening: 50c, 40c and 25c. Matinees—Adults, 25c; children, 10c. WASHINGTON THEATER Geo. C. Blakeslee, Manager HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE WEEK COMMENCING JUNE 23, 1907 Beatrice Moreland & Co. Al Jolson Decry & Francis Harry Tsuda Cavana Grace Orma Two performances every evening. Matinee every day. Prices —15 and 25 cents. CARLSON'S FURNITURE, HARDWARE I ' New and second hand. We buy and sell new and second band goods. Hlgheet cash prices paid. 1119 First Aye. Phone 3925 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, 50C TO $1.00 HOTEL MONICA OPPOSITE CITY HALL Corner Howard and Front PHONE 9062 Baseball Suits See VARNEY HE MAKES 'EM 175 80. Howard St. Phone 2450. UNION JEWELRY A f LOAN CO. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY 7 WASHINGTON BTREET LEAGUE BASEBALL NEXT TUESDAY AND ALL WEEK RECREATION PARK SEATTLE vs. SPOKANE Game Called 3:15 Admission, Grandstand, 50c. General Admission, 25c Take E. Broadway or Gonzaga Trac tion Cars Eastbound Base Ball NATATORIUM PARK SUNDAY, JUNE 30 Cubs vs. Powell-Sanders Fairbanks-Morse vs. Union Iron Wk Two Games—One Admission. Grandstand Free First Game Called 2:30. Messengers Main 488 Prompt, reliable ser vice, day and night. City Messenger Co. Grand Hotel Building BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES ALL KINDS OF REPAIRB J. F. STACIt 10 RIVERSIDE AYE. Tailor Made Skirts for 2 months only $4.50; regular price $8.00: Linen and silk suits at reasonable prlcea. Don't miss this opportunity. HOFFMAN, Ladlee' Tailor. 510 .. ohawk Block. Phone 7386. Parisian Dye Works Has no branch offices nor agents. Office 605 sirst Aye. Phone 2137. . . . L. A. Lehman n FIREWORKS Headquarters for all kinds of Fireworks. We are the Jobbers and can undersell any dealer In the city. Wholesale and retail. Bamboo Furniture, Chinese ana Japanese Bazaar. SUN CHONG A CO. 824 SPRAGUE AVENUE Classified Advertisements Real Estate Inducements Beauchamp $ Wotting 418 RIVERSIDE AYE. PHONE 46 $975-r4 room plastered bunga low; $150 down. $1,200—4 room and pantry; plas tered; $150 down. $750 —4 room bungalow; new; |150 down. Ixits in all parts of the city on easy terms. Man!to park lots $250 and up. $950 Nice 4-room home, with chicken house and woodshed; lawn, gar den and fenced. phonl f1.1676 WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY Real Estate, Loans and Investments 10 Bernard Bt. Phone 2256 $475—2 lots in Lidgerwood; 50x 142; fenced in. $950 —8 room house in Monroe park; lot 50x136; $200 handles this. See us for bargains In vacant or improved property. We have snaps. CARR BROS, & CO. OALENA BLOCK PHONE 1788 $3200 Brand new 6 room modern cottage, full attic and basement, piped for furnace and gas. best of curley fir finish, Heath's ad dition. $500 cash, balance to suit $3500 6 room modern house, Cannon Hill, best of location. Terms to suit purchaser. Babcock © Moss 829 Riverside Spokane Advertising Novelties Signs, Calendar*, Stickers, Etc. Window Lettering end Card Eigne Special Ready Made Sign Cards, fer any business, 15c each, $1 des. Send for Het or Samples J. M. MOORE. 315 Jamieson Block. Phone 2120. A SENSIBLE IDEA One that should appeal to everyone, la to have a little home of one's own; one where the soil is fertile; where the water ia never failing: where the transportation facilities are suck that you are assured of a good market for your products; where) you are not too far away from the city to enjoy its advantages, yet far enough away to escape its disadvantages. Bounds good, doesn't it, yet it is easily achieved. Just Buy Irrigated Land at East Greenacres You can't get a better, no, nor half so good, as Investment for your money, and it you will call oa us we'll prove it to yo*. BecKer & Thompson 110 Stevene Street. Phone ISM. row •ALB. , , -1 THREE GOOD HOMBSTBAD RJB* lloquiahments for sale In Bit! Bend country, or will trad* for cRy . property. See Fred Berg, reenter Standard Oil - m ' 1800 — NEW SMALL HOUSE, with everything far housekeeping, garden, chickens; all fenced. Pest st., Monroe park. Phone 1119. *» No. 91—1650; Manito; Oread ar.; fine; street grade and walk paid. No. 117—Cannon bill lota, $550 to $750. No. 116—Liberty park lot, $30*. No 122—11,750; 6 rooaa; car; 1400 cash. OR AT * McCUNE, First Avenue and Wall Street HELP WANTED—MALB. WANTED—BOYS TO SELL THB PREB3 on the street; good cor ners provided. Hustlers can make good money. See Marshall at Press office. WANTED FOB U. 8. ARMY—AbIe bodied unmarried men between the axes of tl snd 16; cltfawns of United State*, of good character and tem perate habits, who een apeak, read and write English. Men wanted now for Philippine aervto*. For Informa tion, apply to Keerutttn* Ofscer. 1H 1-2 Howard St.. Spokane. WE WANT TO UPHOLSTER. polish or repair your furniture. Prices reasonable Standard Up holstering and Cabinet Works, 409 East Front! LAWYERS MeWllliama and McWHHanee. 512-18 Peyton block. CAST OFF CLOTHING. Peelttrelr ktsheet prieee seta ret east o« clothing. NJII Stevens. M> 17M. HORBEBHOBINO. Charles SUley, Paciflo avenue en-1 Bernard street. ltt-Ii PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. Freight, furniture, baggage and parcel delivery. Tel SSI. 220-0 When you want a nomeetead with lot of timber on, see me. GEO. R. MEYER, 0414 Howard, cor. Great Northern Railroad MPOSTST. Pioneer Employment Company Lata Peerie»» Emp. Co. HEADQUARTERS COOKS AND WAITRESSES Cooks, waitresses, dishwashers. Kitchen Helpers, Chalmbermalda, wanted all the time. 512 GRANITE BLDG. Phone 11M. Six Room Modern House 6 room modern house oa Providence, to trade for farm or relinquishment. Corner lot, 2-room house, woodshed, cellar, fenced; $475; terms. 5 room modern house, cor ner lot; good barn; $1,300; terms. 8 room modern. Cliff park, on car line; $8,000; terms. 33 room lodging house; good location; good lease; $1,600; terms. 10,000 shares of Montana Schotlsh Bonnet to trade. Only 3,000 shares of the Carlsoa-Taber Switch left at present price of $1 per ahare. You will hare to hurry if you want to get some of this stock before the prioe advancea. W. f. WCDSICP SCO. 412 Mohawk mi