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NO MERCY ON POOR CRIPPLE SIWASHES NEARLY TEAR A LEO OFF OSBURN AND THEN FALL ON HIM WITH CLUBS LIKE THE SAVAGES THEY ARE. Won. Lost P.C. Aberdeen 38 18 .667 Tntftnu 36 27 .571 Stifm 32 27 .542 SpCkane 30 26 .617 Butte 29 28 .509 Vancouver 11 47 .189 '■ ■ Seattle won yesterday, 4 to 3, due entirely to the mishap to Pitcher Osborn; and won on Saturday, due In most part to the poor work ef Umpire Howlett. Those games gave Seattle 4 out of 6. In the fifth inning yesterday Os born cnught a lino drive on tne Inside of his shin hut bravely field ed the ball when it bounced off. He sruck out the Inning and tried to twirl the sixth, but was forced to retire In favor of Jensen, who couldn't undo the poor work done l>y Osborn on account of his injury. Last night Osborn was a cripple. All manner of means are being re sorted to to get his leg Into nor mal shape again. It has a lump on 4t like a knot on a stick of cord wood. In tho sixth all the Siwashes be gan to hit the cripple. When 2 runs were scored against him, Os born put up tho distress signal and Jensen was sent in with the bases full and no one out. Two more runs ■were scored before tbe side retired. After that, as it bad been up to then, Seattle was blanked, Spokane got all her 3 runs in tbe first in ning when it looked like Harry Bush was pitching his old high school game once more. But he wasn't, as It afterward turned out. Osborn allowed 6 hits, struckout 1, passed 1; Jensen gave 2 hits, Struckout 3, hit 1; Rush gave 5 hits, Struckout 3) passed 2, made a wild pitch. James was the only Indian who secured a long hit —a 3-bagger. Rowan made 2 singles and 2 errors. One error was caused by Terrence McKune sending such a hot one (rom short, the first baseman could not hold it. The other was plain, ordinary, common, garden variety of error. The Spokane team is spending to 4iay at the penitentiary of Deer Lodge, Mont. Tomorrow they play a series with Butte and won't come home off the trip until August. It is hoped by that time Umpire ■Howlett will have stepped on him self and "Little Johnny Bender" wili have proven that ho Is not the gold brick ue now appears to be. If Terry McKune continues his fast, sensational work at short, it f ill be the big league for him in •other season. Terry plays every osition when necessary, and can even do a good Job in the pitcher's box. "Boss" Swindells is good enough for a backstop. His work Is better appreciated when a comparison is drawn on Bender. "Rasty" Wright proved disap pointing on Saturday. It is not gen erally known, but Rasty is still a sick man. His work, until he got weak, showed that when he does get right, there'll be nothing to it hut winning. Spokane at Butte this week; Ta coma at Seattle; Aberdeen at Van couver. At Butte yesterday Aberdeen was beaten 3 to 11. Vancouver beat Tacoma 2to 0. "Bull' Croll is said to be playing a sensational short for the Canucks. SPORTING SNAP SHOTS «, Nig Clarke's shin guards are said to be perfectly "legitimate." Those Introduced by Roger Bresnahau must be fatherless, judging by the way they have been abused. A St. Louis boy fell from a tele graph pole while watching a ball game aud was electrlcuted. Nothing like the knot hole after al„ Cincinnati has been shut out 7 times on Its own grounds—4 times by the score of 1 to 0. The American Turf association ■■' 1 1 - - ii*™* 1 -* Vale varsity eight—Auchinclo >h, now; Mayer, fs<>. -; nice, No, .i;noppui, «o, i; iait, i\o. .>; Howe INo. ti; tde, No. 7; Bouiton, stroke, and Bark low, ooxavaln, Harvard vurslty eight—Tappln, how; Fish. No. 8; Fawner, No. 3; Bacon, No. 4; Severance, No. 5: JDlass, No. 6; Richardson, No. 7; Farley, stroke, aud Blagden, coxswain. win fight Sunday racing at New Or leans. It Is estimated that the bail, teams of the country hnre lost $300,000 as a result of the backward season. The latest auto novelty is a mos quito mask. This Is hardly neces sary around a gasoline car. Umpire Setley, of the Three-Eye league, established a new record at Peoria, when he fined every mem ber of the Clinton team $5 eachfor protesting against his decision. Pitcher Mike Lynch, of the Pirate crew, has been released. He has returned to Boston to begin the practice of law. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago 2, Detroit 0; St. Louis 1, Cleveland 3. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago 3-4. PbTTsburg 5-5; Cin cinnati 1-6, St. Louis 4-3. COAST LEAGUE. Oakland 4-1, Portland 6-2; Los Angeles 4, San Francisco 3. GIRL HORSETHIEF FREE. WALLA WALLA, Wn., July I.— Through the intercession of the W. C. T. U. Myrtle Tipton has been re leased from the penitentiary. She was sentenced from Colfax for 2 years on a charge of stealing horses. Her parents gave her no care nor schooling and she grew up wild and wayward. When arrested she had sold a team of horses she stole and was buying the first good clothing she ever had with the pro ceeds. In prison she was defiant and made no effort to strengthen the plea for pardon made in her behalf. Enslaved by a Pirate OR ROBERT'S RENDEVOUS WITH THE RED-HANDED ROVERS BY F. W. SCHAEFER. "NO SKNOR. ALL DX TRBABAIRH KKS IN DAVY JUAN S LOCK AIRK." CHAPTER IV. It was a surly welcome Robert received on board tho "Baby Mine." "Blow my spinnaker, but I've got a good mind to make you walk the plank," growled Colon Crust, as Roliert handed him his grip aud bade him stow it away. "I have already done so," said Robert, "on the boardwalk at At lantic City." At this tbe pirates groaned up roariously. "Say. do you think we'll get much treasure this trip," Robert re marked pleasantly to a soar-faced Portuguese who was polishing a oarronade with stove polish. "No, senor," said the swarthy cutthroat, "all do treasairo ees in Davy Juan's iockaire." "Dad blast my capstan," Colonel Crust chimed in, "it won't be safe even there if I can find a jimmy." 8 to i on the Australian 'Serines Mew* Assoctatton.) SAN FRANCISCO, July I.—With the Squires-Burns fight 3 days away, interest in the match is mounting to the fever point. Out of town sports are beginning to ar rive and the seat sale is booming. In statements issued today both fighters say they don't expect the battle to go over the 45 rounds scheduled. Burns expects to win inside of 15; Squires inside of it. Squires is now ui\ 8 to 10 favor ite over Burns, with but little Burns money in sight. Burns backers will wait until the last minute before sending In coin. Pool selling is to be permitted in the arena on the day of the fight. Jeffries, who will referee the bout, arrived this morning. He will visit Squires this afternoon and Burns tomorrow In talk over ar ticles and conditions of the bout, so there will be no misunderstand ing when the men step into the ring. Squires is in perfect trim and will do little work during the next 3 days. Burns will enter at 176 pounds, Squires 181. The fight will start at 2 p. m. PALOUSE ELECTKIt; TMA3XB Leave Spokane termlnnl, Main and Lincoln, for Spring Valley, Oakes dale, Garfield and Palouse at 7:35 a. m., 1:30 and 6:00 p. m. For Rosalia and intermediate stsittions 7:00, 9:40 a. m., 1:00 and 6:30 p m. —3 "Ship ahoy!" yelled the lookout. "Where away?" cried Robert, glad of a diversion. "Just port of our lee bow," came the answer. "It's a brig bound for Boston with rum." A cheer from the bull-neckeu crew would have made tbe welkin ring, but it did not. The welkin had a crack In it. "Wait, men." said Colonel Crust, seizing a glass. (Tut, tut, not a glass of rum—a spy glass). 'Aha! Hlow me if it ain't a cargo of bay rum." "Aren't we going to capture it?" Robert was Quick to ask. "No, you hammer-headed loon," the pirate answered. "Do you think we are a lot of barbers?" Looking at their whisery faces, Robert had to admit that he did not. (Continued.) SPOKANB PRESS, JULY 1.1907 UNCLE SAM HAS BARN FULL OF HONEY' WASHINGTON, D. C, July I.— The fiscal year just closed was 1 of the most prosperous In the history of the nation. The treasury shows a surplus of $87,000,000. The gov ernment collected $665,306,134 dur ing the year and expended $578,- --376.709. There was an increase of $10,000,000 lh expense, but this was more than met by the big increase in receipts. STOCKHOLDERS' NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Ophir Gold ft Copper Mining Co. will be held at the office of the company. No. S S. Howard St., Spokane, Washing ton, on the 27th day of July, 1607, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., for the pur pose of ratifying and confirming the sale, exchange, leasing, bonding and mortgaging for the consideration of ninety thousand ($90,000) dollars, to be paid therefor within eighteen (18) months, and for ten per cent of the capital stock of a company to be organized, to Henry H. Arm stead jr., made on the 15th day of June, 1907, at a meeting of the stockholders and trustees, of all of the following described property, theretofore belonging to said com pany, and situated In Ophir Mining District, Powell county, Montana, to-wit: The Ophir lode mining claim, sur vey No. 7501. The Ophir No. 2 lode mining claim, survey No. 7502. The Spokane lode mining claim, survey No. 7503. The Sunrise lode mining claim, survey No. 7504. The Katie Allen lode mining claim, survey Nc. 7507. And also to authorize the sale, conveyance, leasing, bonding and mortgaging to and by him of all the following described property be longing to said company, and sit uated in said mining district, county and state, and which was intended to be transferred to him by said stockholders and trustees meeting, In the resolutions passed thereat, and by the deed given for the before-mentioned property to him, to-wlt: The Ophir No. 3, and the Tiger quartz lode claim, and all leases, bonds, deeds and agree ments with reference thereto, and also all of the rights of said com pany In and to any property or property rights, situated in said Ophir Mining District, and Tou are hereby notified that the foregoing comprises all of the min ing property and mining rights of said corporation, and especially all of the same situated in said county and state; And you are further notified that said meeting will be held for the purpose of transacting any and all other business which may come be fore the same, and authorizing the sale, conveyance, leasing, bonding and disposing of, for money or stock in other corporations, any and all of the property of the com pany, and the ratification and con firmation of all and every act done by the stockholders meeting, or the trustees with reference to the sale, transfer, conveyance, exchange or disposal of any and all of the prop erty of the corporation for money or stock in another corporation, or in a corporation to be organized, and the transferring, leasing, bond ing or mortgaging of the same. Dated this 25th day of June, 1907. w. f. McCarthy, Secretary. OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE OF 25 years' standing, manufacturing staple line of goods in constant dally use, wants good man to man age branch business: salary, $1,800 per year and all expenses, payable monthly;-also extra commissions, which should amount to more than the salary. Applicant must furnish good references aud $2,000 cash, which is satisfactorily secured. Ad dress, Manufacturer, P. O. box 51, St. Louis, Mo. A Little Jimmie Durkin Goods In Your Picnic Basket Will Be Appreciated By Your Friends NATATORIUM PARK A MODERN FAIRYLAND DIRECTION INQERSOLL AMUSEMENT CO. Audley lngersoll, Director General SPOKANE'S 1 CONEY ISLAND Amusements Open Dally From Ito 11 P. M SCENIC RAILWAY GALVESTON FLOOD YE OLD MILL HOUSE OF TROUBLE JAPANESE BALL GAMES DARKNESS AND DAWN ,CHILDREN'S PONY TRACK FOOLISH HOUBE HALES TOUR of the WORLD CIRCLE SWING FERRIS WHEEL SHOOTING GALLERIES LARGEST DANCING PAVILION ON THE COAST. LARGE SWIMMING POOL ALWAYS OPEN. BAND CONCERTS EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. BALLOON ASCEN SION EVERY AFTERNOON AT 5 P. M. I NEW NOVELTIES EVERY WEEK The Pfister THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN The Largest and Finest Family Resort West of Chicago. Crowd ed Nightly with Ladies and Gentlemen. The Metropolitan Orchestra Finest Music in the City Last Week of MISS BESSIE TANNEHILL, Spokane's Favorite Singer. MR. HARRY V. BAY, Xylophone Soloist.. Grand Concert Every Evening, 8 o'clock. Mat. Sunday 2:30 p. m. Next Week—McCall Sisters, High Class Voca ists, Direct from the Orpheum Circuit Admission Free. THE PFISTER, 815 SPRAGUE AY. Columbia Theatre Geo. M. Dreher, Mgr. Tel. 311. TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK Only Mattnee Saturday THE LEWIS & LAKE MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY Presenting the Hilarious Musical Mixture "THE BEAUTY DOCTOR" A lively melange of mirth and merriment. New songs. New dances. Extra —Between the acts, illustrated song, moving pictures. Prices—Night, 20c, 30c, 50c; ma tinee, 10c, 25. , Next week: "The Girl from Chili'' THE AUDITORIUM ft C. Wayward. Mgr. Tel. M. 1141 JESSIE SHIRLEY 00. PRESENTING BUNDAY and all the week, with Saturday matinee A BACHELOR'S HOUSEKEEPER PriceB —Reserved, evening: 50c, 40c and 25c. Matinees —Adults, 25c; children, 10c. WASHINGTON THEATER Geo. C. Blakeslee, Manager HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE WEEK COMMENCING JUNE 30, 1907 The Columbia Four Perkins-Lappin tt. Co. Arthur Rigby The Bartelmes Fyvie Dench Matinee every day. Two perform ances every evening. Prices —15 and 25 cents THE FERN CONFECTIONERY and CAFE GEORGE PORTER, Prop. Have you tver dined at THE FERN CAFE? If you have not you are missing the treat of your life. Get out of the rut and Join the rest. Where you get meals as mother used to cook 322-324 RIVERSIDE Phone 3197 Watson's Anodyne Corn Cure exterminates the com; 25c; guaranteed. CARLSON'S /FURNITURE, HARDWARE JNew aud second hand. We mty and sell new and second (land goods. Highest cash prices paid. 1119 First Aye. Phone 3925 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, . 50C TO $1.00 MOTEL MONICA OPPOSITE CITY HALL Corner Howard and Front ' PHONE 9062 BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS J. F. STACK 10 RIVERSIDE AYE. Parisian Dye Works Has no branch offices nor agents. Office 605 *irst Aye. Phone 2137. . . . L. A. Lehmann BEUTELSPACHER DOES CORRECT WATCH REPAIRING 509 Peyton Blk. Tel. 635. Messengers Main 488 Prompt, reliable ser vice, day and night. City Messenger Co. Grand Hotel Building Baseball Suits See VARNEY HE MAKES 'EM 175 So. Howard St. Phono 2456. UNION JEWELRY & LOAN CO. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY 7 WASHINGTON BTREET Flags Flags Flags All kinds for the Fourth, also a line of Fireworks. Standard brands. Talcum powder, 15c. 11,200 soda fountain, good as new, $350. CLUB PHARMACY 302 Cor. Riverside snd Bernsrd Phone 754 FIREWORKS Headquarters for all kinds of Fireworks. We are the Jobbers and can undersell any dealer in the city. Wholesale and retail. Bamboo Furniture, Chinese ana Japanese Bazaar. SUN CHONG A CO. 821 SPRAGUE AVENUE Classified Advertisements Real Estate Inducements Beauchamp © Wolking 418 RIVERSIDE AYE. PHONE 46 $975 —4 room plastered bunga low; $150 down. $1,200 —4 room and pantry; plas tered; $150 down. $750 —4 room bungalow; new; $150 down. Lota In all parts of the city on easy terms. park lots $250 and up. i-»—«easa*aa»—i ■ M6MMKM— — mmamm A 9 acre tract near Trent, $1,000. 5 acre tract adjoining Manlto, $3,000. An Opportunity tract, 5 acres, all In wheat, $325 per acre. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY Real Estate, Loana and Investments 10 Bernard SL Phone 2256 $475—2 lots in Lidgerwood; 50x 142; fenced in. $950 —3 room nouse in Monroe park; lot 50x136; $200 handles this. See us for bargains In vacant or improved property. We have snaps. CARR BROS, ft CO. GALENA BLOCK PHONE 1783 $3200 Brand new 6 room modern cottage, full attic and basement, piped for furnace and gas, best of curley fir finish. Heath's ad dition. $600 cash, balance to suit. $3500 6 room modern house, Cannon Hill, best of location. Terms to suit purchaser. Babcock ® Moss 829 Riverside Spokane The Mason & lamlin. Ivers & Pond Knrtrmann, Gablor, Kroascr, Starck, Capen and other sood pianos; all ■trlctly high grade, at reasonable ptinSS and terms to suit. SPOKANE PIANO HOUSE D. L, Uowers, Manager. Heath Block, 23 Monroe Street A SENSIBLE IDEA One that should appeal to everyone, ia to have a little home of one's own; one where the soil is fertile; where the water la never failing; where the transportation facilities are such that you are assured ot a good market for your products; where you are not too far away from the city to enjoy its advantages, yet far enough away to escape its disadvantages. Sounds good, doesn't it, yet it is easily achieved. Just Buy Irrigated Land at East Greenacres You can't get a better, no, nor halt so good, aa investment for your money, and if you will call on us we'll prove it to you. Becher & Thompson 110 Stevens Street Phone tttfc FOR SALS. THREE GOOD HOMESTEAD Re linquishments for awl* la Big Bend country, or will trade for city property. See Fred Berg, cashier Standard Oil Co. 7 1 $800 — NEW SMALL HOUSE, with everything for housekeeping. garden, chickens; all fenced. Post St., Monroe park. Phone Mit. No. 93—5650; Manlto; Graad aw.; fine; street grade and walk paid. No. 117—Cannon hill lots. $650 to) $760. No. 116—Liberty park lot, $300. No. 122—f1.760; 6 room; car; $400 cash. GRAY ft McCDNB, First Avenue and Wall Street HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED —BOYS TO SELL THB PRESS on the street; good cor ners provided. Hustlers can make good money. See Marshall at Press office. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY—AbIe bodied unmarried men b«t*Mn the ages of 21 and 35; citisena of United States, of good character and tem perate habits, who can apeak, read and write English. For Informa tion, apply to Rc-rultln*- Officer. 126 1-2 Howard St., Spokane. WE WANT TO UPHOLSTER, polish or repair your furniture. Prices reasonable Standard Up holstering and Cabinet Works, 403 East Front. . LAWYERS Mc Will lams and Mc Williams, 612-13 Peyton block. CAST OFF CLOTHING. Positively highest prices paid fee east off clothing. N22J Stevena. at, I 71«. HORSEBHOKINO. Chsrlea Staler. Pact fie arenue aivl Bernard street. 11S-M PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. Freight, furniture, baggage and parcel delivery. Tel 399. 220-8 When you want a homestead wltk lot of timber on. see me. GEO. R. MEYER, 0414 Howard, cor. Great Northera Railroad Pioneer Employment Company Late Peerleas Emp. Co. HEADQUARTERS COOKS AND WAITRESSES Cooks, waitresses, dishwashers. Kitchen Helpers, Chalmbermaida, wanted all the time. 512 GRANITE BLDG. Phone 1198. Six Room Modern House 6 room modern house oa Providence, to trade for farm or relinquishment. Corner lot, 2-room house, woodshed, cellar, fenced; $475; terms. 5 room modern house, cor ner lot; good barn; $1,500; tertns. 8 room modern. Cliff park, on car line; $5,000; terma. 33 room lodging house; good location; good lease; $1,600; terms. 10,000 shares of Montana Schotish Bonnet to trade. Only 3,000 shares of the Carlson-Taber Switch left at present price of $1 per share. You will have to hurry if you want to get some of this stock before the price advances. Lot in Manlto park, $300. w. f. \vebsier ft CO. 412 Mohawk PHONE 9277 i