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HUSH JENNINGS NOW KING OF COACHING LINE MANAGER OF DETROIT AMERICANS HAS CAUSED GENERAL AWAKENING IN BIG LEAGUE CAMPS. PICTURE SHOWS HIM IN CTION. Have you ever listened to half a dozen talking machines all con versing at tbe same time? if so, you «nay have some Idea of Hughie Jen nings as he is heard on the coach ing line. Mr. Jennings hold all records as the leather lunged rooter of the American league. And this is no Joke. The veteran manager of the Tigers has introduced a brand new line of coaching conversation. He makes a loud impression wherever ho appears and lias received enough complimentary proas notices to fill CANUCKS TOO EASY FOR IKE BUTLER Won. Ixiat. PC Aberdeen 38 19 .titi7 Tacoma 38 27 .585 Seattle 32 27 .542 Spokane 30 28 .517 Butte 29 28 .509 Vancouver 11 49 .180 At Vancouver yesterday Tacoma ftlin 2 shutout games. In tbe morn fi\g Pitcher Butler shut them out 8 to 0, and In the afternoon he felt no confident that he had tbe hoodoo sign on the Canucks that he went Into the box and shut them out again, 5 to 0. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago 5, Pittsburg 2; Brooklyn «-3, Boston 3-2; Philadelphia 2-0, Js'ew York 1-2. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Boston 5, Philadelphia 1; Chica go 4, Detroit 2: Now York IG-8, Washington 15-4; Cleveland 5, St. Louis 2. SPORTING SNAP SHOTS William .lay Murphy has returned | from a visit to the east. Ho says •astern sports like our llttlo feath erweight, Freddie Weeks. William : Jay says there Is only 1 kid hack i. there who has it on Weeks —Tom- Ma* O'Toole, who can beat them all ! for the G round route. Murphy, by the way, has brought some fresu eastern comedy. "Jockey" Higgins went through , town last night on a stopover ticket. IHe will "make" Butte. The racing season there promises to be the best In yeurs. At Vancouver yesterday, the la crosse team defeated the champions Irom New Westminster, 8 to .4. Many applicants have been re ceived for entrance In the Country rlub lawn 'tennis tournament, set for July 4, 6 and 6. Miss Catherine Williams, the wonmn expert of Salt Lake, will be here. Martin Sheridan. New York cop. copped a new record by throwing the discus 130 feet 10 inches. The Indianapolis Atheletlc club may match Abe At tell wit h Walter Little, crack Chicago fighter. Five thousand bicycles bought In 9 weeks Is the record established by Johannesburg, South Africa. Larry Lajoie is trying hard to throttle the hard luck hoodoo this r*yew- Ho is carrying only 8 pitch ers and 3 backstops. Manager Fielder Jones, of the world's champions, wants to ar range a deal for Catcher Spencer, of the St. Louis Browns. Cy Seymour Is clinching his hold on the title of slugger for the Giants. His count now is 2 home runs, 4 trlpples and 13 doubles. Chas. W. Oldrleve, the "water walker," will attempt to cross the Euglish channel for a $10,000 wager. Arthur Burn, long distance run ner, will meet Tom Longboat next] month In the Marathon raco at Ob* tawa. Burn lives at Calgary, B. C. He will travel 2,000 miles to run a C mile race. With the rlso of the thermometer, Wee Willie Keeler's batting aver age Is beginning to rise. Old "Oy" Young has won more games than any other member of the Boston twirling staff. It would take a likely pair of youngsters to beat "Cy" aud "Doa- a scrap book. Hughie is not heard alone. He is also seen and in about B0 different postures per minute. For speedy action some contend that he has the Dance of the. Seven Veils skinned to death at every curve. It wouldn't be a had idea if some of the other moguls would follow the example of Mr. Jennings. Earn est, good natured coaching adds gin ger to the game, and, besides, en courages the athletes to their best efforts. In fact, a little coaxing now and then makes a big hit in almost every walk of life. con" McGuire, if the latter ordered himself Into action. Jack Hobens, golfer, of Engle wood, N. J. made tbe 10th hole in 1 shot at Philadelphia, Bob Fitzsimmons has been match ed to fight "Lil" Arthur Johnson C rounds in Philadelphia. Anyway, Bob can claim he isn't get tin off color in bis old age. PROMISED INCREASE GRANTED CHICAGO, July 2.—The street ear lines have made good the prom ised increase in carmen's wages ot from 7 to 10 per rent. Elevated carmen are also benefited. The raise was promised on condition that municipal ownership of street car lines be defeated In the last election. Enslaved by a Pirate OR ROBERT'S RENDEVOUS WITH THE RED-HANDED ROVERS BY F. W. SCHAEFER. "NOT SICK OF THB SHIP'S MOTION. ARB YOU?" ASKED 1 KINDLY BARBADOES BLACK. CHAPTER V Tbfly were now on the high seas. Some of the seas WW higher than others, which made the going rough for Robert, even though ho kept next to the rail. "Not sick of the ship's motion, are you?" asked a kindly Barbadoes black, with a head like a cocoanut. "No, no," Robert responded with a wan smile. "1 think it was some thing I ate." "You must get your sea legs," the pirate said. "I haveu't unpacked them yet," our hero answered, at the same time wondering who put rollers under his land legs. There was only one comfort in It all. Colonel Crtist. the terror of the Spanish main, was also un well. "A sail! A sail!" cried the look out, from his position on top of the caboose. "Eire or clearance?" asked Colonel Crtißt. feebly. "Neither. it's the battleship Connecticut," was the happy reply. "Well, I suppose we've got to HZMRD TAKES AUTO PRIZE l PARIS, July 2.—Nazzarro, In a Fiat automobile, won the Grand Prix raoe today with Dieppe sec ond. Ho covered the course of 477 miles in 6 hours and 45 minutes, making an average of 65 miles an hjour; There were 38 entries and N&z baro was the eighteenth to get away on the start. Three Ameri cans, Christie, Heath and Shepard, Were among the number, and the contest was witnessed by George Could and other American auto en thusiasts. More than 50,000 spectators watched the machines fly around the course. Troops kept the crowd back nut of danger. Christie was put out of the race at the end of the first round by an accident to the machinery of his auto. Francis Sziesz, the Frenchman who won the Prix 'n 1906, was sec ond in 6 hours 53 minutes. G. Du ray carried the hopes of the crowd with his French car. His machine broke a bearing in the eighth round, leaving Na'/aro, Italian, in the lead by 4 minutes. Lands was third. FATS AND LEANS ON FOURTH OF JULY The ball game between the Fats and Leans of the S. A. A. C. is the cause of great excitement among club members. The game will be played on the afternoon of the Fourth of July at Recreation . park. The Leans seem to have it on the Fats, as the lineup is com posed of most of last year's team. Nevertheless, the Fats are confi dent of winning and predict that big Doc Callahan, a former National leaguer, and who now tips the scales at over 300, will have the slim ones busy finding his slants. Attorney Edge and McCaugherty will lie on the Bring line for the Loans, with Blair at the receiving end. SHOOTS FINN IN JAIL KENNEWICK, Inly 2 —The mar shal of this town was compelled to shoot a Philander in the jail last night to avoid being; stabbed to death by his prisoner. Tbe latter was arrested for drunkenness and attacked the officer, who tried to search him. He scratched the mar shal once with a kn'fe and was fol lowing up tne attack when the marshal put a bullet through him. The wound is not fatal. FEARED FIFTH MARRIAGE ELDQN, lowa, July 2. —Harrison Rabney, of this place, stood in the road just east of town a few days ago and cut his throat from ear to ear with a razor. He had been married 1 times and left a note say ing that he had boon unhappy in his married life an.l was afraid he might be married a fifth time. capture it!" Colonel Crust an nounced, looking to see If his horsopis tols were primed. "Man the nine-pounder." Onward came the magnificent ship of war, running into danger the same as if there wasn't any. "Pirf!" It was the nlno.poun'der that spoke. The solid iron shot rattled against the side of the Connecticut with a crash resembling the Impact of a marble ngalmt a tin can. On board her the jackles could be seen scrubbing the deck, unconscious of their peril. The doomed vessel was sweeping right athwart the course of tbe Baby Mine. "Plff! PUT! PUT!" the nine pounder repeated its remarks. By all tbe rifles of pirate lore the American navy should have lost Its chief ornament, but the dum dratted thiug sailed right on and was lost to sight on the horizon. It never knew what struck it. "Now what do you think of that?" muttered Colouel Crust, peevishly. (.Continued ) SfrOEAWB PKBftg JULY 2.1907 WINEGROWERS' GREAT; COMMANDER Snapshot of Marcelin Albert, leader of the ruined and rebellious winegrowers of southern France. The picture shows him making an address to a great concourse at Narbonne, center of the revolt. Un- MARCELIN ALBERT til 10 months ago M. Albert was a comparatively obscure winegrower in Argeliers. In that, time he waa developed into an almost Napo leonic leader of men. His every order has been obeyed and It is re quiring the whole power of govern ment to overthrow the organization he has bult up. The government has only lately succeeded in arresting him. BURGLARS TO CALL AGAIN. SOUTHAMPTON, N. V., July 2— Thieves entered the summer cot tage of Dr. Albert H. Ely, of Man hattan, and after removing all the solid silver, left i note reading: "Leave silver out tonight; we will call again." Plated ware was pla carded with a note reading "No good." JULY 4TH AT THE LAKES Spend a quiet Fourth camping of picnicing at liberty, Coeur d'Alene 'or Hayden lake. Special trains all day long, beginning with big 3-car train at 6 o'clock. New equipment, furnishing clean, cool, comfortable travel. *♦* —3 EAT WHERE YOU GET THE BEST OF EVERYTHING 111 SEASON. Delmonico Restaurant 220 Riverside Aye. Phone 3182. STOCKHOLDERS' NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Ophir Gold & Copper Mining Co. will be held at the office of the company, No. 5 S. Howard St., Spokane, Washing ton, on the 27th day of July, 1907, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., for the pur pose of ratifying and confirming the sale, exchange, leasing, bonding and mortgaging for the consideration of ninety thousand ($90,000) dollars, to be paid therefor within eighteen (IS) months, and for ten per cent of the capital stock of a company to be organized, to Henry H. Arm stead jr., made on the 15th day of June, 1907, at a meeting of tbe stockholders and trustees, of all of the following described property, theretofore belonging to said com pany, and situated in Ophir Mining District, Powell county, Montana, to-wit: The Ophir lode mining claim, sur vey No. 7501. The Ophir No. 2 lode mining claim, survey No. 7502. The Spokane lode mining claim, survey No. 7503. The Sunrise lode mining claim, survey No. 7504. Tbe Katie Allen lode mining claim, survey No. 7507. And also to authorize tbe sale, conveyance, leasing, bonding and mortgaging to and by him of all tbe following described property be longing to said company, and sit uated |n said mining district, county and state, and which was, intended to be transferred to hifcn by said stockholders and trustees meeting, in the resolutions passed thereat, and by the deed given for the before-mentioned property to him, to-wit: The Ophir No. 3, and the Tiger quartz lode claim, ani all leases, bonds, deeds and agree-' ments with reference thereto, and also all of the rights of said con* pany in and to any property or* property rights, situated In said Ophir Mining District, and You are hereby notified that the foregoing comprises all of the min ing property and mining rights of said corporation, and especially alt of the same situated in said county and state; < And you are further notified that said meeting will be held for the purpose of transacting any and all other business which may come be fore tbe same, and authorising the sale, conveyanoe, leasing, bonding and disposing of, for money or stock In other corporations, any and all of the property of the com pany, and the ratification and con firmation of all and every act done by the stockholders meeting, or the trustees with reference to the sale, transfer, conveyance, exchange or disposal of any and all of the prop erty of the corporation for money or stock in another corporation, or in a corporation to be organized, and the transferring, leasing, bond ing or mortgaging of the same. Dated this 20th day of June, 1907. w. v. McCarthy, Secretary. NATATORIUM PARK j A MODERN FAIRYLAND DIRECTION INGERSOLL AMUSEMENT CO. it Audley lngersoll, Director General SPOKANE'S CONEY ISLAND Amusements Open Daily From Ito 11 P. M SCENIC RAILWAY GALVESTON FLOOD YE OLD MILL HOUSE OF TROUBLE JAPANESE BALL GAMES DARKNESS AND DAWN CHILDREN'S PONY TRACK FOOLISH HOUSE HALES TOUR of the WORLD CIRCLE SWING FERRIS WHEEL SHOOTING GALLERIES LARGEST DANCING PAVILION ON THE COAST. LARGE SWIMMING POOL ALWAYS OPEN. BAND CONCERTS EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. BALLOON ASCEN SION EVERY AFTERNOON AT 5 P. M. NEW NOVELTIES EVERY WEEK The Plister THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN The Largest and Finest Family Resort West of Chicago. Crowd ed Nightly with Ladies and Gentlemen. The Metropolitan Orchestra Finest Music In the City Last Week of MISB BEBBIE TANNEHILL, Spokane's Favorite Singer. MR. HARRY V. BAY, Xylophone Soloist.. Grand Concert Every Evening, 8 o'Clock. Mat. Sunday 2:30 p. m. Next Week—McCall Sisters, High Class Voca lata, Direct from the Orpheum Circuit Admission Free. THE PFISTER, 815 SPRAGUE AY. BRIDE LOSES WEIGHT CHICAGO, July 2—To bear oft her claim of unkind treatment on the part of her husband Mrs. Frederick S. Miller testified in her Divorce plea that tv 60 days of mar- HI _ ried life she lost 25 pounds. This is at the rate of something like half a pound a d.ty. : "Do you know, judge," she said, "prior to Dec. 7, 1904, when we were married. I weighed 165 pounds. I lived with Fred until Feb. 6, 1904, when I weighed only 130 pounds." After she left him, she said, she regained her normal weight. Columbia Theatre Geo. M. Dreher, Mgr. Tel. 311. TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK Only Matinee Saturday THE LEWIS & LAKE MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY Presenting the Hilarious Musical Mixture "THE BEAUTY DOCTOR" A lively melange of mirth and merriment. New songs. New dances. Extra —Between the acts, illustrated song, moving pictures. Prices—Night, 20c, 30c, 50c; ma tinee, 10c, 25. Next week: "The Girl from Chili" THE AUDITORIUM H. C U.yward. Mr. Tel. M. 1141. JESSIE SHIRLEY CO. 7 PRESENTING. BUNDAY sod all the week, with Saturday matinee A BACHELOR'S t HOUSEKEEPER Prices —Reserved, evening: 60c, 40c and 25c. Matinees—Adults, 250; children, * WASHINGTON THEATER Geo. C. Blakeslee, Manager HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE WEEK COMMENCING JUNE 30, 1907 The Columbia Four Perklns-l.appln & Co. Arthur Rigby The Hartelmes Fyvle Dcnch Matinee every day. Two perform ances every evening. Prices-—l 5 and 25 cents NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, 50C TO $1.00 HOTEL MONICA OPPOSITE CITY HALL Corner Howard and Front PHONE 9082 BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS J. F. STACIt 10 RIVERSIDE AYE. Parisian Dye Works Has no branch offices nor agents. Office 605 lurst Aye. Phone 2137. . . . L. A. Lehmann BCUTELSPACHER DOES CORRECT WATCH REPAIRING 509 Peyton Blk. Tel. 635. Messengers Main 488 Prompt, reliable ser vice, day and night City Messenger Co. Grand Hotel Buildiru Baseball Suits See VARNEY HE MAKES 'EM 175 So. Howard St. Phone 2450. UNION JEWELRY ft LOAN CO. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY 7 WASHINGTON STREET Flags Flags Flags All kinds for the Fourth, also a line of Fireworks. Standard brands. Talcum powder, 15c. $1,200 soda fountain, good as new, $350. CLUB PHARMACY $02 Cor. Riverside and Bsrnard Phono 704 FIREWORKS Headquarters (or all kinds of Fireworks. We are the jobbers and can undersell any dealer tn the city. Wholesale and retail. Bamboo Furniture, Chinese ana Japanese Bazaar. SUN CHONG A CO. t24 SPRAGUE AVENUE Classified Advertisements Real Estate Inducements Beauchamp & Wolking 418 RIVERSIDE AYE. PHONE 46 $975 —4 room plastered bunga low; $150 down. $1,200 —4 room and pantry; plas tered; $150 down. $750 —4 room bungalow; new; $150 down. Lota In all parts of the city on easy terms. park lots $250 and up. 6 room home on Cedar; corner lot; $1,700. A dandy 3 room bungalow; $1,550. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY Real Estate, Loans and Investments 10 Bsrnard St. Phone 2250 $475—2 lots in Lidgerwood; 50x 142; fenced in. $950 —3 room House in Monroe park; lot 50x136; $200 handles this. See us for bargains In vacant or improved property. We have snaps. CARR BROS, ft CO. GALENA BLOCK PHONE 1781 $3200 Brand new 6 room modern cottage, full attic and basement, piped for furnace and gas, best of curley fir finish, Heath's ad dition. $500 cash, balance to suit. $3500 6 room modern house, Cannon Hill, best of location. Terms to suit purchaser. Babcoch $ Moss 829 Riverside Spokane The Mason & Hamlin, Ivers &Pond Kurtzmann, Gabler, Kroagvr, Btarck, Capen and other good pianos; all strictly high grade, at reasonable prices and terma to suit. SPOKANE PIANO HOUSE D. U. Dowers, Manager. I Heath Block, 23 Monroe Street You Can Build a Home that will be of ever Increasing; value, one that will mean an income for life, by making the first payment on an irrigated t#... tract at East Greenacres The first payment is all you need worry about —the land will do the rest; the finest Investment in the Spokane valley la awaiting the man who grasps opportunities. Your first pay ment is a small amount, the future payments the land will earn. I It is the best Investment for your money today. Let us prove BecHer & Thompson 110 Stevens Street. Phone ttM. FOR SALE. $800 — NEW SMALL HOUSE. with everything for housekeeping, garden, chickens; ail fenced. Post st., Monroe park. Phone 9219. No. 98 —$050; Manlto; Grand ay.; fine; street grade and walk paid. No. 117—Cannon hill loU. $550 to $750. No. lift—Liberty park lot, $300. No. 122—51,7(0; 6 room; car; $400 cash. GRAY & McCUNE, rirst Avenue and Wall Street HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED FOR U. 8 ARMY—AbIa bodied unmarried men between the ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United State*, of good character and tem perate hablttt. who can apeak, read and write English. For Informa tion, apply to Recruiting Officer, 126 1-2 Howard st.. Spokane. WE WANT TO UPHOLSTER, polish or repair your furniture. Prices reasonable Standard Up holstering and Cabinet Works, 403 East Front. CABT OFF CLOTHING. Positively highest prices paid for east oft clothing. N233 Stevens. M. 17W. HOR3EBHOEINO. Charles Btaley, Pacific aveaue anl Bernard street. 129-14 PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. J\ Freight, furniture, baggage and parcel delivery. Tel 399. 220-0 When you want a homestead with lot of timber on, see me. GEO. R. MEYER, 0414 Howard, oor. Great Northern Railroad Pioneer Employment Company Late Peerless Emp. Co. HEADQUARTERS COOKS AND WAITRESSES Cooks, waitresses, dishwashers. Kitchen Helpers, Chainabermaids, wanted all the time. 512 GRANITE BLDG. Phone 1199. THE FERN CONFECTIONERY and CAFE GEORGE PORTER, Prop. Have you tver dined at THE FERN CAFE? If you have not yon are missing the treat of your life. Get out of the rut and join the rert, where you get meals as mother used to cook 322-324 RIVERSIDE Phone 3197 Six Room Modern House 6 room modern bouse on Providence, to trade for farm or relinquishment. Corner lot, 2-room house, woodshed, »cellar, fenced; $475; terms. 5 room modern house, cor ner lot; good barn; $1,500; terms. 8 room modern. Cliff park, on car line; $5,000; terma. 33 room lodging house; good location; good lease; $1,600; terms. 10,000 shares of Montana Schotish Bounet to trade. Only 3,000 shares ot the Carlson Taber Switch left at present price of $1 per share. You will have to hurry it you want to get some ot this stock before tbe price advances. Lot in Manlto park, $300. W. E. Webster ft CO. 412 Mohawk PHONE «77