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THe Spokane Press Published Every Evening Except Sunday By the Spokane Newspaper Co. SCRIPPS NEWS ASSOCIATION PRESS SERVICE On© cent per copy, six cents per week, twenty-nve cents per montn or $3 per year, delivered by carrier; $2 a year by mail. No free copies. TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS—The date when your subscription expires la on the address label of each paper. When that date arrives, If your subscription has not again been paid in advance, your name Is taken from the list. A change of date on the address label is a receipt. City subscribers who fail to receive their copy of The Press berore s:3O o'clock p. m. will confer a favor by reporting such to Main 375. 616 Front Avenue. Telephone Main 375. Postofflce Box 4. TRY TWO MEALS A DAY IN HOT WEATHER A learned English physician, Sir James Crichton-Browne, comes forward to tell you that you eat too much. But you know that al ready. Your own stomach has told you so many a time. Yet you have gone on heedlessly, just as though you were p-'t here to live to eat. rather than to eat to live. I Eating is large'y a matter of habit—almost as much of a habit as drinking whisky, smoking a pipe or sleeping 10 hours a day. Neither whisky nor tobacco is necessary to the well-being of any man. Neither is 10 hours of sleep. No more are 3 meals a day, especially In hot weather. Is it any wonder that you fret and fume and grumble at the heat when tbe mercury gets up into tbe nineties, when you go around with your stomach distended and sagging with a lot of unnecessary food? What good does it do you t 0 All yourself up on beefsteak, potatoes, pie and pudding and to go around sweating like a cart horse, when you could get along with one-half or one-third of the food which you crowd into your stomach on a hot day? Yes, what good does it do yon? The human stomach has been compared to a furnace, which burns np food as a locomotive burns up coal. But the careful fireman never overloads his engine, though bis tender may be heaped up and run ning over with coal, yet you overload your stomach simply because there is an abundance of food on the table. The result is that you are dull and stupid afterwards, and are compelled to slow down in your work, just as an engine would do if it were choked with coal until there was no draft to consume it. You think you are generating energy when you are only inviting dlscomTort. Gentle reader, and still gentler purchaser, allow us to suggest a little plan to you. Try 2 meals a day for a while. It cannot possihly hurt you. You may lose a little avoirdupois at first, but you will experience a Joy In living such as you have never dreamed of before. Give your poor old tired stomach a rest. Send your liver on a vacation. Instead of prodding it with calomel to make it work over time. Eat less. Walk more. Take hot baths often, no matter If the mercury is 100 in the shade. Curb your appetite. Don't worry. Keep away from the thermometer. Don't read the reports of "heat in other cities." Keep your blood cool by these means, and next fall you will aay to yourself that the summer of 1907 was the pleasantest on record. Enslaved by a Pirate OR ROBERT'S RENOEVOUS WITH THE RED-HANDED ROVERS BY F. W. SCHAEFER. "SURRENDER!" CRIED OUR HERO. CHAPTER VIII. i. "Oh, what Is the most approved knot hod of disposing of prisoners Captured by piratesT* Robert de landed of Colonel Crust. ! "It is considered very artistic," •aid the experienced ruffian, "to re jniove the treasure from the prize, *fcheu blow her up with all hands on . /board. First, of course, we allow ibe victims to plead for their nvCs. 'his la done, because, after the ex clusion it is too late to have them llead." f "Have you ever done this?" t "Ok, yes. several times. It was a (fraud success each time, except i jHiat tbe powder would not go off. 'We lay several miles off waiting •for the 'boom' of the explosion, but tt did not come. They must have extinguished the fuse, and that is p/hat I call dirty ball." I At this Juncture Robert discerned Jh Spanish schooner coming from the south. The pirate ship Baby feline hailed aer as a prize. Coming £ongstde of her Robert found her be the Man ana. Captain Conchas, im< from Honduras to Mobile, ■rfth fruit. It was with Joy that the pirates swarmed over her side. Re sistance was useless. Seeing this, th* captain and state did not stop ft game of moots they were playing pita, an unlaundered pack of cards. "Surrender," cried Robert with ffestooej Crust by his side. 1 "We have,' said the captain, "10 minutes ago." The pirates therefore took posses sion of the ship. There were 4 pas sengers aboard, who strolled out on deck and inspected the pirates with much interest. The camera fiends among tbe captives took snapshots right and left, and bemoaned the fact that they were short of films. (Continued.) GYPSIES RAGS HIDE $20,000. SPRINGFIELD, 01., July 5--Wlth $20,000, mostly In gold pieces, .con cealed about their clothing, 2 gypsy men aud 2 women with their children have been arrested on a charge of stealing chickens. When deputy sheriffs at the ajll searched the pockets of vie gypsies the officers' eyes bulged out in as tonishment. In 1 canvas sack tIO.OtK) In and $10 gold pieces was found. An other bag contained several thou sand dollars in gold and silver. The folds of the women's dresses aud the pockets of the men's coats were lined with bills Of all denom inations. Let us fill your prescrip tions; no substitution; prices ritfht. Watson Drug Co., 233 Kiverside ay. Entered at Spokane, Wash., as Second Class Matter. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE A WORD FROM JOSH WISE. "Of course, feather brained people are easies' ickled." A monocephalic monomaniac, whose monogram we have forgot ten, has written a monoglot, mono syllabic monograph upon the mono rail, and had it monotyped, but his argument was so monocentric that it was monotonous as a monologue on monomtntalism. Whose Verses Are These? The shades of night were falling fast As through an Alpine village passed A creature covered all with fur A Teddy bear whose contents were Excelsior! The Husband Prty. The Husband Party is the latest social diversion. The women bring their husbands to the party and make them com pete for prizes awarded for good qualities. A committee of unmarried ladies does the judging. They are supposed to be unprej udiced. A sweepstakes prize for the "best" husband Is usually offered. Then, there can be prizes for the handsomest husband, the most ami able husband, and the most punc tual husband. The Judges get tbe necessary evi dence from printed question blanks filled out by the wives. The questions relate to the be havior of the husband in emergen cies and In the ordinary affairs of life. This is such an excellent chance to give a delinquent, husband a grill ing that some day one of them is going to get shown up at. a party in a manner that he will not forget to his dying day. "I see Mabel has got one of her stockings wet," said the girl in the fallormade bathing suit. "Yes, her chaperon has to watch her like a hawk to keep her out of the water." responded the girl in the musical comedy bathing suit. It Is claimed by a Texas news paper that as many men as women can be seen at church in that state. Then there is evidently a shortage of churches in that part of the state where the most women are. HOW A MAN PROPOSES AT A SUMMER RESORT He—Ob, I say, er-u-M iss—that is—dear Helen, may I call you my own? She —Yea; but forget it by October. SPOKANE PR3S& JULY 5, 1907 WOMAN'S CURIOUS SUIT VERNON, vt, July s.—This place is stirred with interest in the suit that Miss Edith Hill has brought against Mrs. Herbert A. Staten, a bride of only 6 months, and formerly the dearest of Miss Hill's friends. The suit is for MISS EDITH HILL $7,000 for the alleged violation of a contract between the 2 women which bound both not to marry. Miss Hill claims that her former friend solemnly promised to always remain single, be a sister to Miss Hill, support her for life and share her home with her. AUTO-COWCATCHER The automobile has appeared in a new role. This time as a cow catcher. In Indiana 2 gallant tourists claim to have driven their machine Into a swamp at the request of a Posey county bell and rescued 3 bovines that were mired. Honk! Honk! The Daily Short Story HENRY'S PROTECTOR It seemed a shame to take a watch "from such a mild mannered young chap. Business is business, though, and the watch was a valu able one, so I put the ticker in my side pocket and forgot it. The crowd waiting at the scenic railway entrance was so great that I was sure I had been unobserved. In rushed a train of the little cars; out scrambled the pleasure seekers. Pushed forward, I Jumped Into a front seat. Someone clamb ered in Reside me, and my anticipa tions of a pleasureable 3 minutes rose when I observed my seatmate. "Wh-why, you're not Henry," she softly exclaimed as the train got under way. She was pretty. "Yes, I am," I reassuringly re plied. "But you're not my Henry," she objected. We had started down the first incline, and she brushed the stray wisps of brown hair from her face with a small hand. "But I'm perfectly willing to serve," I urged. Even though I make a living by picking up trifles here and there, I try to remain chivalrous. My well-meant offer of protection was completely Ignored. "It was so like Henry," the girl sighed, "to let. me get away from him like this. He can't take care of himself, to say nothing of taking care of me. It's a wonder somebody hasn't kidnaped him long ago." "If I were a horrid kidnaper," I ventured, "I should not take Henry. I think I could And someone much more attractive." "You mean you'd like to steal me, I suppose," the girl flashed back. "Far be it from me to deny your inference," I replied. We were going down a long, steep grade, and I thought my com panion leaned toward me just per ceptibly. As we slowed up on an other Incline, she looked at me through narrower lids for a mo ment. "Well," you can't nave me," she announced positively. "You have a way about you of taking what you want, and girls like a man who knows what he wants and gets It, but I'm a little afraid of you. Henry may be slow, but he's good to me, and I'm sure he'll never be rash enough to get into trouble." I protested. "You yourself," I ar gued, "enjoy the spice of adventure. You like the novel, the unexpected, the unconventional." The girl looked at me doubt fully. "Well?" she questioned. "You are having a good time right now," I said. "This incident will stand big in your memory like a spreading shade tree on a July day." "You will cultivate this recollec tion as the 1 green oasis in the midst of Henry's mild common places," I said earnestly. "Aren't you Just a little afraid of Henry?" Thus had the charm of a soft cheek and a. bright eye and a rounded arm made me turn pros elytor. I leaned nearer as we swept down the steepest Incline yet. "What you say may be true," the girl said softly. "Sometimes — sometimes I think " "Tell me," I suggested. I was willing to aid. "No, no, I cannot," she replied with a little start. "Henry needs me, and I must not leave him. What would he do if he didn't have me to take care of nlm?" "But think of yourself!" I urged warmly. The end of the course was in sight. "It's no use," she said with calm finality. "Goodby now, and please go away when the car stops." I obeyed mechanically, as the girl hurried to meet the youth who had been left behind. "Henry may get the girl," I re flected with rising spirits, "but there's some consolation in having Henry's watch." As I moved away into the crowd I felt In my pocket for the ticker. It was not there! Visiting Baptists ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THE ONLY LIQUOR STORE IN AMERICA Whose Windows were Decorated by a Baptist Minister MIRKIIN'S 121 Howard Street Also Wall and Sprague or iau or stock roxt To whom It may concern: Notice is hereby given that the following number of shares in the Erie Consolidated Gold Mining Co., held by the following persons, or so many as necessary to pay the amounts set opposite each name, with cost of sale, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder (being the third assessment of 1 mill per share), at the east door of the court house, in the city of Spo kane, Wash., on the sth day of Aug ust, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day. Shares Ami. Miss M. E. Brundage 3,383 $ 3.35 Mrs. j f Brundagw. ,v i,667 1.16 Chas. H. Blair , 183 .16 Mfcrk Baskervllle. . . 2,333 2.26 Mrs. Augusta Boyd. 1,000 1.00 Ethel Brundage .... 1,666 1.65 Geo. Benson 5,000 6.00 T. Benson 600 .50 Thos. Dobson 333 .85 John Dobson 833 .85 Milton Gabol 1,667 1.65 J. C. Holmes 5,000 6.00 J. R. Hutchenson. . 1,333 1.35 Mrs. J. R. Hutchenson 1,333 1.35 Mrs. tt, W. Hunter.. 333 .35 W. W. Hyslop 1,000 1.00 George Use 300.000 300.00 F. J. Lewis 500 .50 Frank Merriam .... 10,000 10.00 C. F. Munice 3,333 3.35 Mrs. Ruth Merriam. 333 .35 N. J. Mclver 2,667 2.05 W. A. Minnlx 500 .50 A. F. McFarlan .... 3,333 3.35 N. N. Nattestead. .. 1,667 1.65 J. B. Onstlne 666 .65 C. 8. Propst 3,000 3.00 J ■ H. Pugh 3,333 3.35 E. 1.. Riggs 667 .65 Mrs. 1,. S. Roberts.. 833 .85 J. P. Sehnlnck .... 1,667 t.65 G. H. I. Sparling.. 1.333 1.35 J. 11. Swadling .... 1,833 1.85 A. W. Smith 333 .35 Levi Tlsson 480 .48 H. C. Walker 667 .85 Victor H. Wolf 333 .35 J. B. Whelen 167 .20 S. M. Williams 1,953 1.93 Arthur Flnley 333 .35 C. A. Chandler 267 .30 May L. Browning... 883 .90 By order of board of trustees. WILLIS K. MERRIAM. Secretary. 339 Rookery. Spokane, Wash. First publication July 5, 1907. Last Publication August 8, 1907. Ovir Merc Kant's LuncK Kvery week day at 25 cents cannot be excelled in the city. When you want a nice steak or chop cooked just the way you'll like It give ns a trial. We have everything that's tempting in hot weather foods. White's Hotel and Restaurant CORNER SPRAGUE AVENUE AND STEVENS STREET. JOSEPH A. WHITE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Inland Electric Company Chandeliers and Shades. Electric Wiring. PHONE MAIN 1259 1011 SPRAGUE AYE. PHONE 9047 OFFICE AND FACTORY 1124 EAST SPRAGUE AYE. 3POKANE, WASH. 9 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR THE PORTNEUF TEA 6\ COFFEE CO., 1717 BROADWAY. LEE WE EKB, MGR. GeneralElectricalContractors EMPIRE ELECTRIC CO. ~ r ' ELECTRICAL SUPPLIED AND FIXTURES 811 Port Street, Spokane. p hon . Ma ,_ Iflll COAL and WOOD Domestic and Steam. Summit and Ull Coal. AH Kinds of Wood Martin Dolan Fuel and Ice Co. TELEPHONE 33*1. MARTIN DOLAN. MANAGER SHOT FOR PLAYING WITH NEGRO CHILD WILMINGTON. Del., July s.—Be cause his 2 children had been play ing with a negro child, John Zenne became so incensed late last night that he. shot both as they lay In bed and then killed himself. The children are not expected to live. They are Rose, aged 2 years, and John, aged 6 years. Returning home about midnight Zenne was told by his wife that the children had been playing with a colored girl. He threw her on the floor and rushed upstairs, where the 2 children lay asleep, and shot both. He then turned the revolver CARLSON'S FURNITURE, HARDWARE New and second hand. We buy and sell new and second hand goods. Highest cash prices paid. 1119 First Aye. Phone 3925 \ PLEASURES F Surpass all others and are the lasting kind. Don't overlook one this year. Let us show you our line of Kodaks and Cameras and teach you how to use them. ALL 3IZES AND PRICES G. W.Jones ® Co. ' Successors to Jones A Lovejoy NEW LOCATION 903 RIVERSIDE AVENUE 0. J. Sand, Pres. and Mgr. J. P. Perkins, Secy. E. C. Sharp, Vice Pres. and Supt. Henry Taylor, Treasurer THE 0. J. SANDS MANUFACTURING CO. MFRS. OF BPECIAL FURNITURE OFFICE AND BTORE FIXTURES Special Mission and Plate Glass Doors, Mirrors, Mantles, Grills, Partitions and Special Interior Work, Window and Door Screens, Mission Furniture. Mitt Bettle Tannehlll Prima Donna Soprano VOCAL TEACHER Available for Concert, Recital or Opera. Studio, Ellers block. GREAT DISPLAY OF GRAND PIANOS IN The House of Quality" SHERMAN CLAY * CO. 810 SPRAGUE AVENUE. CAMPING OUTFITB, Tents, Street Covers, Camp Stoves, Tinware, and everything that goes to complete the home of the man or woman who wishes to live In the open during the com ing hot season. We rent tents. 227-29 Riverside Ay. Phone 2494 WLEARI4 SOMETHING fT ORTH WHILL Day and Night Classes. Knowledge ot music not necessary. Wsstern School of Piano Tuning and Repairing 2221-j DIVISION STREET FOR GLASSES AND TREAT MENTS WHICH WILL CORRECT ALL EYE DEFECTS CALL ON DR. MEANS 318! a MAIN AYE. Phone 6118 Don't take "Busy" for an an swer when you want 469 for we have two phones ef the same number. INDEPENDENT MESSENGERS TELEPHONE MAIN 220S Inland Junk and Hide Co. Office, 10-1214 East Main Aye. GO TO S.». RUSH & CO. Dealers and manufacturers of Harness and Saddles, Whips.- Robes, Blankets, etc. It will pay you to call on us for anything In our line. Let us do your repair ing. 91ft Sprague Aye. Phone Main 1198 FURNITURE CARPETS HARDWARE A. D. McDonald Supply Co. 212-214 Riverside Aye. Phone, 9583. 915 Spragne Ay. POPULAR GRILL A THOMPSON, Mgr. Late Chef at Spokane Club Good Coffee with Pure Cream our specialty. Quick Service. Reasonable Prices. The Exchange furniture House HOUSEHOLD GOODB. BOUGHT AND SOLD 922 24-26 Sprague Ay. Tel. 2188. FINK PICTURE FRAMING OUR SPECIALTY G. M. Ross ART STORE Successor of C. J. Candy Telephone 1040. 1028 Sprague. STAMPS, SEALS, CHECKS, PRINTING, ENGRAVING Spokane Stamp Works 518 First. Opp. Hotel Spokane SING, FAT A CO. Importers and dealers In Chi nese and Japanese Fancy Goods. Ladies' garments rna-io to order. 612 FRONT AYE. Oldest Bank in the City The Traders National Bank Capital and Stirphs $925,000 gpokauo Press, to cents a inontb. Sam Crow