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t f*"" M '"** w ""* M "*"*i > uhliahed Every Evening Except Sunday |y|Qmr * By the Spokane Newspaper Co. mi t »CHIPP> NEWS ASSOCIATION PRESS SERVICE ™Vl, t per copy Blx oentg per week, twenty-live cents per montn ■«r, delivered by carrier; %'l a year by mail. No free copies. BY C. XL SUBSCRIBERS—The date when your subscription expires LOS ANGKddress label of each paper. When that date arrives, if your Mental plctu-on has not again been paid in advance, your name is taken est-faced oriist. A change of date on the address label is a receipt. fellowme" _ — ——— strong d>«y subscribers who fail to receive their copy of The Press berore liquor s/o'clock p. m. will confer a favor by reporting such to Main 375. t»l6 Front Avenue. Telephone Main 375. Pestoflce Box 4. WILL CONGRESS SEE PACIFIC SLOPE NEEDS? With an American naval fleet worthy to represent the power and majesty of this nation in Pacific waters, we will hear less impudent talk from the Japanese. It was high time that President Roosevelt called the yellow bluff, and there is not a patriotic citizen but will applaud this action which is an unmistakable sign to the world ihat this country is prepared to defend her own in the name of justice ana fair play. Japan is like some inrliviiluals we have known. Treat her deferentially and kindly and she looks upon your generosity as a sign ot weakness and attempts to take selfish advantage of it. Bob Evans' guns at her head will materially reduce tho inflation thereof. Astute and farsighted Americans have for years seen a danger In the east. Our Pacific slope has been notoriously neglected both in the matter of offensive and defensive war preparation. The naval force in Atlantic waters has been constantly expanded until our navy became recognized as a standing force pivoting in the occidental ocean, and all this despite the constantly growing American responsi bility on the west coast and in the green waters beyond. This newspaper has repeatedly called attention to this condition of affairs. Our unpieparedness wis acknowledged at Washington, but the answer to the insistent demand that some action be taken on the Pacific was that naval strategy looks in the other direction. Perhaps we do not realize how close to tbe war danger line we have been in the past few months. It is an acknowledgement on the part of the administration that this danger was growing when our ships are rushed around the Horn to make a demonstration of power for the instruction of Slant Eyes. Perhaps congress, at the forthcoming session, will pay more attention to the requests of citizens of the Pa cific states for an equal share of ammunition and machinery of war. What It Means TO SPEAK KINOLY TO YOUR WIFE Everything had gone wrong In (he house that day. The cleaning was only half done, the place waa upside down, the butcher's boy came late, the dinner was miserably cooked. She expected bim to be cross. He bad every right to be cross, she knew. She had mismanaged every thing. She was just a failure. And she threw her arms around bis neck, sobbing. But the man was more of a man than she thought. He did not apeak 1 unpleasant word. He did aot ntter a single syllable of blame. He did not even frown the least r bit. \ \ Instead, he put hia arms around ber and held her close, and said: . "Cheer up, little woman. It's all right- It might have been because he disliked a scene, but it wasn't. It 1 $40,000 FOR A POSIE. Princess Sophie of Austria Helps Out a Show. DON «f lOUKL AND SON VIENNA, July 10—The ladies of Vienna Bavo a flower abow to pay C*T the debts ot a music exhibition. SpoKane Press might have been because he under stood that disagreeable words would not make things any better, but it wasn't that either. It was because be was a man with a heart big enough to know the magic of a kind word. Poets and authors have written volumes about kind words, but none of them nor all of them have ever come anywhere near expressing all the beauty, all the power, all the comfort that lives iv 1 little word of kindness. The world was a different place to that woman. Her tiredness van ished. Her tears were dried. Her disappointment in herself was taken away. Her love for her husband was magnified a thousand-fold. There was only sunshine where there had been clouds. It was a little bit of heaven for her. _And It cost the man—nothing. All Vienna was interested, but as the show neared its rlose there was I still $40,000 wanting. Princess ! Sophie of Huhenberg, wife of the heir to the Austrian throne. When she heard of the deficiency she pick ed one bloom of the Sada Yocco flower and handed the ladies in charge her check for $40,000. t vey ukpmthe shrdiu cmfwypa GETS FEW HOURS IN JAIL HELENA, Mont., July 10.— Twenty-four hours in Jail and a, fine of $250 was the sentence given John Forester, the Miles City stockman who pleaded guilty to fencing nearly 10,000 acres of public land. Judge Hunt applied this peculiar penalty. Forester took the sentence as a joke, paid the fine and went to jail to serve out his "terro." Entered at Spokane, Wash., as Second Class Matter, Enslaved by a Pirate 1 OR ROBERT'S RENDEVOUS WITH THE RED-HANDED ROVEQS BY F. W. SCHAEFER. "FIVE DOLLARS, PLEASE," COL. CRUST ANNOUNCED CHAPTER XII. Yes, Robert was entirely alone on the island. Unless you count the fiddler crabs and the mosquitoes. Robert was overjoyed at it. "Now this is something like the books," he murmured. "I will live here de lightfully a few months, like Robin son Crusoe, and finally get back to civilization with a story to tell." To begin the romantic existence of a marooned pirate he brought but a fishing line and began fish ing. At that moment a man sailed up in a catboat and hailed him indig nantly. "Hey, you! What yer doing here on this island? Don't you know it's posted? You get right off the prop erty of the Mobile Merry Bachelors' Fishing club. Beat it!" Robert was inexpressibly shocked at such a harsh reception, which contrasted strongly with the hos pitable treatment he had received at the hands of Colonel Crust and the other pirates. As there was no other way to get Robert off the island, the man, who was the camp caretaker, took Rob ert to Mobile in his fishing boat. HOST ANYTrI I m A WORD FROM JOSH WISE. ""People who borrer trouble pay th' high es' rate o' int'res'." They have a hale old gentleman of 102 in New York who still uses whisky and clgarets. However, if it's an endurance test, the betting is still 1000 to 1 on the whisky and cigarets. Where, where will be the birds that sing, A hundred years to come? Why, like today, they'll mistly be On women's hats, by gum. It may be his fa'e that, cocktails will make Fairbanks famous. Perhaps they weren't really served at his dinner at all. Perhaps it was only frozen punch. In one way the gelid gentleman from Indiana is to be commended for making it a dinner campaign. It will not cause half the distress a 5-cent cigar campaign would cause. Poor Old EueretU»No. 4 Mobile wasn't far away, either. There Robert was astonish, to see the Baby Mine in port. But Robert did not want any more of the Baby Mine. "Show me the way to the depot," our hero wailed. "I want to so home." "One of them hacks will take you there," the surly watchman said. "Ken, sir?" If was Colonel Crust who spoke. But Robert was entirely through being surprised. As in a trance he entered the pit ife's ramshackle vehicle and was d iven to the railway station. "Five dollars, please," Co cfnel Crust announced, holding out 'his hand, a fiendish smile lighting.■■up his grim features. Robert ga 'c iff to him. How can you beat ack man! i "What's the answer?" Robert asked plaintively. J "I've reformed," said CWonel Crust. "I've sold the ship. The Ter ro r-of -1 he- S pan ish -M am game isn't good any longer. This 4'as it skinned, gum dast my gafftijps'ls. Honesty is the best piracy."' s And Robert agreed with hrm, re luctantly. (The End.) That Michigan educator who de clares that the "unwritten law" is anarchy and "a thousand times worse than dueling" might just as well make up his mind never to look for a job in Virginia. A man at Kokomo, Ind., laughed at his wife when she had the tooth ache. Now he has the heartache, because she is suing him for di vorce. A new law in Pennsylvania pro vides that school teachers must be paid not less than $40 a month. Af ter a while the educators may hope to make as much money as the janitors. Sometimes the weather is so cool, It seems as if summer was taking its summer vacation, too. Seeing as Harry Orchard was overlooked when the Undesirable Citizen list was made up, isn't he eligible now? Asparagus tongs are selling in New York at only $45 a dozen, yet some persons will insist on seizing the succulent vegetable by tbe butt end with the fingers. TURN DOWN MR. DROWN Councilman L. C. Brown, the butcher, met with a frost from the other councilmen last night when he wanted his proposed ordinance annuling the meat inspector or dinance taken up and passed. They wouldn't budge. Brown, as a butch er, by his proposed ordinance, is merely trying to get back at Otto Bittrick, meat inspector, by doing away with his office By making a common sanitary inspector of Bit trick meat inspection would be a dead letter and Bittrick woWd re ceive a salary of $85 a # month in stead of the $110 he now receives under the ordinance creating a special meat inspector. Brown has been the butchers' representative In the council in working against the present meat inspection. The old law providing that poisonous preservatives or coloring matter should not be used, and only saltpetre should be used, was knocked out by the courts that decided saltpetre was pot the only non-poisonous preservative. Bit trick has been working under an other ordinance and has promised to get busy with the butchers. Butcher Brown is after him. WAGE SCALE FOR HARVEST FIELDS Owners of threshing outfits have met at Pomeroy and agreed upon the following scale of wages for harvest: Fireman with watchman, $2.H0 per day; fireman without watchman. $3; sack sewer, $3.50; hoetlown, $3; forker, $4; derrick driver, $2.50; roustabout, $2.50; cookhouse, $3. Engineers, separator tenders and straw stack men are not included in this scale. The threshing rate was fixed at 12 cents per 100 pounds for barley and 14 cents per 100 for wheat. HE "PRETENDS" TO BE KING, Don Miguel Wants Portugese Throne From King Carloa. DON MIGUEL AND SON. LISBON, July 10.—The revolt against King Carlos, of Portugal, is largely in the Interests of Don Mi quel, of Braganea, the "pretender" to the throne. Don Miguel is a des cendant of one of the kings of the earlier part of the last century. BATHING AT LIBERTY LAKE Visit Spokane's bathing and pic nic resort and enjoy the delightful bathing. Trains leave Electric Ter minal 6, C:3O, 8. 10, V.IM, 3, 4:25, 5, 6 and Saturday and Sunday only 7:30 p. m. Trains leave the lake up to 7:30 p. m. daily and Saturday and Sunday 10:38 p. m. —13 **• Let us fill your prescrip tions; no substitution; prices right. Watson Drug Co., 233 Riverside ay. Budweiser seer H's the highest In price to the whole sale dealer of any beer Brewed In the U. S., Any other beer costs the deal er less money. Insist on Budweiser 25c Per Bottle DURHIIN'S 121 Howard Street Also Wall and Sprague The Daily Short Story A WESTEBir LOCHIHTAX By 3. Culllns. When young Loehinvar came out of the went he wasn't the last of Ills kind. In Oregon there lived a young girl with her 3 strapping brothers and her mother and father. In this fam ily the daughter, Margaret Black, was regarded as the idol —also the slave. Bhe was to be worshiped so long as she obeyed. When she wanted to disobey, then she was to be ruled. One day Margaret happened to walk farther away from home than usual and got lost. In this predica ment she was fou»d by a young man who carried a rifle under his arm. He was not lost. He smiled when the girl confessed tb%t she was. Of course he had to take her home. Then they both laughed and the work was done. "I'm Edgar Roy," he said. " live within 10 miles of you." To walk 10 miles out of your way just to see that a lest girl finds her way home is nothing—in Oregon. They do worse things than that. But, here began the story. After that Margaret's disobedience com menced. When the 3 large brothers and the father discovered this they found that they did not like young Roy and discovered all manner of reasons why he would not do. They communicated these reasons tn Mar garet. Finally tlie family brought matters to a crisis by locking Mar garet In her room. Roy at last found out that Mar garet was a prisoner. He also learn ed that he was the cause of It—and he Imagined some, too. Being a young man of decided convictions he acted promptly. He went to the nearest town and secured a minister and a marriage license, took his gun and set out for the Black home. Roy and the clergyman walked up to the house and knocked on the) door. The oldest brother threw It , open, revealing the whole family J seated at the table. Margaret had been allowed out of her room to eat ' dinner and she had been sitting si- ' lently, refusing to discuss her love 1 affairs with her hi others. | Before 1 could move Roy had his rifle In position where It could be useed rapidly and affectively. I "Just stand where you are, ! please," he said. "Mr. Black, will ! you sit down again. Margaret, come out doors a minute? "I Just wanted a moment's talk with Margaret. I heard she was ] keeping the house bo I had to come ' here to see her. I understand that j you were looking for me, so I j thought I would avoid trouble. "Margaret, I Just wanted to ask you If you would marry me?" "Yes," snld the disobedient Mar garet. "I won't be a prisoner any longer. I won't stay in this house." Our Merchant's Lunch Every week day at 25 cents cannot be excelled In the cltr. When you want a nice steak or chop cooked just the way you'll like it give tie a trial. We have everything that's tempting in hot weather foods. White's Hotel and Restaurant CORNER SPRAGUE AVENUE AND STEVENS STREET. JOSEPH A. WHITE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR? Inland Electric Company Chandelien and Shades. Electric Wiring. PHONE MAIN 1259 1011 SPRAGUE AYS. PHONE 9047 OFFICE AND FACTORY 1124 EAST SPRAGUE AYE. SPOKANE, WASH. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR THE PORTNEUF TEA A COFFEE CO., 1717 BROADWAY. LEE WE EKS, MGR. GeneralE-lectricalContractors EMPIRE ELECTRIC CO. r* r ' ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND FIXTUfItS m P—< Sir—t, Spokw. Phona, Main 1011 "Then If your brothers and fath er will Just step outside," said Roy, and he pointed the rifle toward each In succession. In certain parts of the west a gun play means business und not a bluff. So the 3 brothers and the father came outside. "Now, If you will just move about 50 feet away," said Roy, and they moved. The minister had been standing through this proceeding, a rather startled man, but one who was be ginning to see the part he was to play. 1 I secured a license before I spoke to you," said Roy to the minister. "Here it is. Now marry us." Margaret came out of the house nnd took Roy's hand. He used the other to keep the rifle pointed in the direction of tlie "witnesses." $15 Reward Paid For Return of Balloon Lost Last Friday From Natatorium Park A. lngersoll O. J. Sand, Pros, and Mgr. J. P. Perkln». Secy. E. C. Sharp, Vice Pres. and Supt. Henry Taylor, Treasurer THE 0. J. SANDS MANUFACTURING CO. MFRS. OF SPECIAL FURNITURE OFFICE AND STORE FIXTURES Special Mission and Plate Glass Doors. Mirrors, Mantles, Grills, Partitions and Special Interior Work, Window and Door Screens, Mission Furniture. Miss Bessie Tannehlll Prima Donna Soprano VOCAL TEACHER Available for Concert, Recital or Opera. Studio, Ellara block. GREAT DISPLAY OF GRAND PIANOS IN "The House of Quality" SHERMAN CLAY « CO. 810 BPRAGUE AVENUE. CAMPING OUTFITS, Tents, Street Covers, Camp Stoves, Tinware, and everything that goes to complete the home of tho man or woman who wishes to live In the open during the com ing hot season. We rent tents. 227-29 Riverside Ay. Phone 2494 W LEARN SOMETHING f~ ORTH WHILL Day and Night Classes. Knowledge of music not necessary. Western School of Piano Tuning and Repairing 222/2 DIVISION BTREET FOR GLASSES AND TREAT. MENT3 WHICH WILL CORRECT ALL EYE DEFECTS CALL ON DR. MEANS 318'/ a MAIN AYE. Phone 6118 Don't take "Busy" for an an swer when you want 469 for we have two phones ef the same number. INDEPENDENT MESSENGERS TELEPHONE MAIN 2208 Inland Junk and Hide Co. Office, 10-12-14 East Main Aye. OO TO S.H. RUSH SCO. Dealers aad manufacturer! ot Haroeas and Saddlea, Whips, Robea, Blanket!, etc. It will pa* you ta call oa vi for anything tn ear Una. Let ua do yoar repair ln ß . 918 Sprague Aye. Phone Main 11M FURNITURE CARPETS HARDWARE A. D. McDonald Supply Co. 212-214 Rlveralde Aye. Phone, 9583. 915 Spragne Ay. POPULAR GRILL A THOMPSON, Mgr. Late Chef at Spokane Club Good Coffee with Pure Cream our specialty. Quick Service. Reasonable Prices. Thefxchange furniture House HOUSEHOLD OOOOS. ■OUGHT AND SOLO 022 24 26 Sprague Ay. Tel. 21*5. PINE PICTURE FRAMING OUR SPECIALTY G. M. Ross ART STORE Successor of C. J. Gandy Telephone 1040. 1025 Sprague. •TAMPS, SEALS, CHECKS, PRINTING, ENGRAVING Spokane Stamp Works SIS First. Opp. Hotel Bpokime SING, FAT & CO. Importers and dealers In Chi nese and Japanese Fancy Goods. Ladles' garments urn lo to order. 612 FRONT AYE. Oldest Bank In the City The Traders National Bank Capital and Surpljs $925,000 Bpokane Press. Si emu a mouth. Sam Crow