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THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN SPOKANE UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION SERVICE GREEK CONFESSES DYNAMITE PLOT Hired to Destroy Graft Witness in San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, July 14—De tectives today are searching every corner of the city for Peter Clatidl anes, Greek, age 21, who was im plicated in dynamiting the houses of James Gallagher, chief witness in the graft prosecution, by a re markable confession made by his brother, John, who says he himself actually exploded the charges of dynamite. His confession was made Satur day night and guarded In the hope of catching Peter, whom John ac cuses of making a deal with other people to kill Gallagher for money. He says he was to receive $5000 as his share of I loud money. He did not get it. That is the reason he confessed. He went over the ground with District Attorney Langdon in Oakland and pointed to HEPPNER, ORE., AGAIN RAVAGED BY FLOOD HEPPNER, Ore., July 14.—Hepp ner Is the scene of ruins today as a result of a cloudburst late yester day. Bridges were swept away and sidewalks are floating in the streets. Homes are filled and the occupants have all fled to the hills, recalling a cloudburst which cost 200 lives in June, 1903. Willow creek is flowing through DON'T SEND BR VAN MORE THAN $10,000 BIG YEAR EOR SRIP BUILDING WASHINGTON, July 14.--The fiscal year ende<; June 30 has been the record year of American ship building, according to reports to the bureau of navigation, and the center of the Industry is on the Great Lakes. During the year, 1506 vessels of 588,627 gross tons were built and numbered in the United States, of which 75 steel steamers of 304,379 gross tons were built on the Great Lakes. The largest annual output heretofore was lv the year 1855 when 2024 vessels of 583,450 tons were built. In that year the Great Lakes built only 263 vessels of 45,- -423 tons. This year steel vessels built numbered 142 of 417,167 gross tons compared with 580,666 tons built last year. These two are the years of the largest steel construction In the United States The tonnage built Is entirely for domestic transportation, no vessels exclusively for foreign trade hav ing been built lv the United States. Of the 142 steel vessels, 85 ex ceeded 1000 gross tons each, 55 on the Great LaVes, the largest being the William M. Mills of 7962 tons and 30 on tho seaboard, the largest being the Columbian of 8579 tons, built nt San Frnncisoo for trade to Hawaii. Pout wooden sailing vessels ex ceeding 1000 tons each were built during the year the largest being the Kdward J. Lawrence of 3350 gross tons. Won't Change Her Religion to Marry Special Gorreepoudence to Tho Press MADRID, July P.—lf It wasn't for a difference of opinion on re ligion, a wedding would almost. Im mediately occur between Don An tonio of Bourbon Orleans, a cousin of Spain's king, and Princess Beat rice of Saxe-C'ohurg, a cousin of Spain's queen, The young couple nre desperate ly In love, nnd there Is considerable worrying going on among royal rel atives for fear the marriage will take place without the question of religion being settled. Princess Beatrice says she will not become a Catholic before mar riage, but if she feels drawn to the church after marriage she will then accept Catholicism. "I will marry Beatrice if 1 have to quit Spain, leave the army and forfeit my princely privileges," de elated Don Antonio. "No sacrifice is too great for me to make for he sake, though I hope sho may yet he come reconciled to the Roman Oath ollc church." , < the caches where they hid the dynamite before the explosion. "We used 30 pounds of dynamite on this job," said the Greek, point ing to the wrecked vestibule of the Gallagher home. They then went to the scene of the other explosion at Perkins and Belmont streets, where three empty houses belong ing to Gallagher were blown up. "We used 30 pounds of dynamite here," he said, and declared that after failing to kill Gallagher they decided to destroy his property. He' said he bought dynamite in Arizona and got $10 dally for watching the house in Oakland. The prisoner was trapped through a letter written by him to a brother in Chlco, Cal., threaten ing to expose the plot unless money was forwarded. tbe city, a raging torrent. Dry creek canyon is overflowed. The flood struck the upper end of town and completely Inundated C St., striking the home of Judge Ayers, filling the first floor with two feet of mud and water. Houses In the path of the deluge were carried from their foundation, s Gardens and lawns were destroyed. LINCOLN, July 14.—The demo cratic national committee has de cided to hold a Bryan notification at Fairvlew farm August 12. The committee adopted a resolution under a provision of which no con tribution more than $10,000 will be received. The notification of Kern will be held at Indianapolis on a day to be fixed later. On Bryan's suggestion ail con tributions from $100 up to $10,000 are to be published. FIRST BLOOD FOR BRYAN WALLA WALLA, July 14.— Walla Walla woke today to find that for the first time in 18 years they had elected a democratic mayor and by a landslide into Bry an ranks so far as majority is con cerned. Eugene Tousick won over W. P. McKean, republican, by 1404 to 4t!2. This is the largest majority ever given a mayor here. The city has a normal republican majorltv of 700. McKean is an Ankeny man and was elected president of the Taft league by the Ankeny faction. LIGHTNING KILLS IDAHO RANCHER BOISR, Idaho. July 14.—1n one of the Worst electrical storms in this part of the country for many yeais John Daly jr.. a ranchman, was killed last night. Ho was struck hy lightning. ROOF BLOWN OFF BURNING COTTAGE Fire of an unknown origin at 2 o'clock this morning totally de stroyed a one-story frame cottage owned by Carl Dorlck, f>4x Bcott ay. It is said that when the fire department reached the scene, the roof of the building had been blown off. Dorlck was not at home at the timo. Mayor Moore sent a Communica tion to the council yesterday ask ing thai the saloon license, of the Knlsnr hotel bar be revoked. The place is a notorious hang nut of disreputable people and there have been constant complaints of it. 0, \Y. Sims and K. H. Stout brought suit against h. 0. Henry tills morning asitng judgment for 18910.11, alleged to be due for grade work on the line of the Mil waukee, near Tekoa. It Is Alleged that Henry, original contractor, Hubia to the plulmiKa. THE SPOKANE PRESS TO BLOCK IDE AY. AT ANY COST That bribery and bullying have been resorted to in an effort to de feat the Ide ay. improvement, or dered by the city council over a protest of alleged representatives of the North Coast railroad, is the charge made by residents of the North Side who have been strug gling for more thaD a year to have the improvement completed. The fact that a number of prop erty owners had been paid $200 down on prospective deals for their property on coniuion that they sign a remonstrance against the Ide improvement was brought out last meeting of the Ide ay. and Summit Boulevard Improvement league. Six such deals made after 4 p. m. yesterday were reported to the meeting held at 1912 Ide. Mc- Crea and Merryweather were the agents making these deals. The same firm, with railroad assist ance, has held up the improvement for the past year in the board of public works. The property bought yesterday lies on Ide from Oak st. west. It is this property that the railroad in terests are trying to block from improvement in order that right of way may be secured at the lowest figure in the event that the rail road builds through that section of the city. In many cases reported to the league threats were used to com pel agreement to sign a remon strance. Property owners were told that their property would not be wanted after the council meet ing tonight when the improvement assessment role comes up for nnal confirmation. Then, McCrea & Merryweather, the owners say, de clared they would condemn pr line the street with railroads so that the property left unsold would be worthless. But the condition of every sale was that the property owner sign a remonstrance against the im provement of the avenue. The deals were not made final, the property owner accepting $200 and signing a sale agreement in several of which no final price was fixed. The threats are said to have been used largely to women found found al home in order to induce them to Influence their husbands to help block the improvement. They were told that the improve ment already ordered would be held up in th< council meeting tonight if it cost $20,000; that it would not be permitted to go through. Residents interested in securing the improvement were told today that the board of works had au thorized H. L. Lilllenthal to with draw his bond deposited when he was awarded a contract for the Ide ay. work a year ago for $19.- -000. The work has since been held up on request of McCrea & Merry weather. The withdrawal of Lilllenthal means tnat a deal has been arranged whereby the pro ject is to he finally abandoned even after a committee of the council and interested parties had visited the ground and the council, acting on this report had ordered the work proceeded with. Pres. Goodall, of the chamber of commerce, was enlisted in the fight to override the wishes of property owner;: and that falling, the promoters of the railroad deal have apparently resorted to the boldest possible means to carry out their plans. As a result it is expected that a showing will be made against the improvement tonight that will put an end to It entirely and leave that section of the city wholly at the mercy of the railroad people and their agents. JAP CABINET NAMED TOKIO. July 14.—Marquis Kat sura, leader of the progressive par ty, who was ordered to reorganise tlie cabinet today, announced his appointment as follows: Marquis Katsura, premier and minister of finance; minister of war. General M. TerSUShl; minister of navy, Vice Admiral M. Saito: minister of for eign affairs, Count Komura, now ambassador to Kngland; minister of communications, m. Goto; presi dent Manchurlan railway and min ister of education, X Komatsuhara; minister of justice, Viscount Okabe; minister of agriculture and commerce, k. Oura, PASS KEY BURGLARS. A watch and $5.26 was stolen last night by house breakers who entered the home of Mrs. Nat Salnner, 8811 First ay. with the aid of a pans key. LOSES TWO TOES. Otto Myers, on employe of the Grimmer Transfer Co., sustained an injury yesterday afternoon which necessitated the Imputation of two of his toes He was lifting a heavy rail during the' work of moving the old gas plant when ii fell upon his foot. Weather —Probably showers , to night and Wednesday, SPOKANE, WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1908. SENT TO JAIL BECAUSE SHE PUT ON MAN'S CLOTHES TO MAKE A LIVING Special Correspondence to Tbe Presa NEW YORK, July l;.—"I must try to bear it like a man," sighed Mrs. Augusta Seib with philo sophical resignation and the trace of a smile as she started with oth er prisoners to seve a five-day term in the workhouse for mas querading as a man. Dressed in a man's gray suit, with striped shirt, man's collar and tie and heavy, square-toed shoes, she could have continued to pass as a man anywhere, as she had done, in fact, for nine years, with out having once been suspected. "It never occurred to me as a crime," she continued, "to dress like a man. I meant no harm and could see no harm in it. I found out it was easier to make a living, and, having a living to make, didn't waste any time on theories. I just jumped in and tecame a man." The story of Augusta Seib's life for the last nine years is largely one of tragedy. Known as "Gus" Seib" in many hotels and restau rants of New York, where she has worked as a waiter, she has com bined her struggle for a livelihood with a persistent search for her husband, Geo. Unferz.agt, who was arrested as a bigamist three months after she became nis bride, Dec. 10, 1897. They were living in Newark when her husband was taken from her, leaving her friendless and penniless, without even a know ledge of English. She obtained em ployment in a cheap eating house, where she picked up a knowledge of English and became expert as cook, carver ani waitress. She learned that waiters earned more than cooks and became a waiter. She gathered her male wardrobe piecemeal, practiced walking and talking lige a man, and tried unsuccessfully to grow a mustache by shaving her upper lip. She also learned to smoke cigars, drank over the bar occasionally, and used "little cuss words" when the occasion demanded. For 18 months she was a waiter at the Marlboro, later at the Astor, Savoy and other places, and man aged to save $400 with which she recently opened a small restatiant. It did not prosper. "Gus" decided to become a waiter again to earn money to keep the restaurant go- BRYAN TALKS 18,000,000 WORDS IN EFFORT TO BE PRESIDENT W. J. Bryan has talked approximately 18,000,000 words in 3000- speeches and traveled 300,000 miles seeking to be presi dent, since the day 12 years ago when the free silver delegates nominated him the first time In Chicago. He estimates he delivered 250 speeches and traveled an av erage of 25,000 miles each year, Including his around-the world trip; that each appeal has averaged half an hour and that his audiences averaged 1000. If Bryan has spoken 1500 hours. 90,000 minutes, in the 12 years, the estimate that his enunciation averages 200 words a minute brings the grand total of words to 18,000,000. IRISH BOY BEATS WORLD LONDON, July 14.—Running ir>oo meters in 4 minutes and 3 2-5 seconds, which is two seconds shaved off tho record, Melvin W. Shepard. Irish-American Athletic club. New York, won the final event for Ameiiea today, breaking the Olympic record and profes sional and amateur records of Great Britain. John J. Flannagan. New York po liceman, captured the final in the hammer throw today with a mark of 170 feet 4 1-2 inches. Martin J. McGrath. another New York po liceman, took second, his mark be ing 107 feet 11 Inches. The first heat in the 20 kilo meters bicycle race was won by L. Meredith, Kngland. in 33 mm TAFT'S STYLE OF CAMPAIGN TICKLES HIS FRIENDS Special Correspondence to The Free* WASHINGTON, July 14.—T0 say that Taft's friends lv Washington aro pleased with the way in whlen he plays the political game on his own hook Is putting it mildly. They are prophesying that before the campaign ir, over the country will be convinced that it was Tatt shrewdness that made the Roose velt administration such a pictur esque success, It is estimated that the presiden tial nominee is about to pull off some stunts in the Ohio political situation which will make old politicians sit id and take a second ■quint tit Buckeye Bill. There is no denying the fart that the Ohio aggregation, Which has been hold ing the whip hand in that state since last spring, is sore at the (allure of Arthur I. Vorya, of their midst, to land the chairmanship. They wanted the big prl/.e for the prestige that it would give to the machine that they have been la boring on ever since Taft started out to get the Buckeye delegation to the Chicago convention. The recent repeated visits of Senator Dick of Ohio, to Private Citizen Tart has led to the belief that the presidential candidate is seeking to pacify all factions in Ohio at one fell swoop. Previous to the offensive and defensive al ing. She walked hour after hour and visited many hotels and other places, but there was nothing to offer her. Heat and exhaustion overcame utes 21 seconds; C. B. Kingsbury, England,-captured the second heat in 32 minutes, 33 4-5 seconds; C. G. Weins, United States team, won third heat in 33 minutes 39 4-5 sec onds; B. J. Jones, English, won fourth in 32 minutes, 39 seconds; C. Cameron, American, finished second. N. A. Hanson. Sweden, won the fifth heat of the 20-kilometer bi cycle race in 34 minutes 53 3-5 seconds. A. J, Denny, England, was first In the sixth heat, making 20 kilometers in 33 minutes 40 5-4 seconds. G. E. Lamer, England, finished in 14 minutes 56 seconds, 10 yards ahead of E. J. Webb, Eng land, who won second place, and Kerd, Australia, finished third in the 3500-meter walk. 1 liance between Sen. Foraker and Sen. Dick, caused by the White House opposition to some of their plans. Sen. Dick's closest allies in his Ohio fights were the present Ohio bosses who have been trying ito put the Buckeye senators to sleep. Walter Brown, chairman of Ihe state central committee; Harry S. Williams, chairman of the state executive committee; and State Auditor Walter Oullbert, were as thick with Dick as hops. For Sen. Dick to go to these Ohio leaders v. ho thought they were about to blossom forth Into national politicians, and with bared breast, show them how, in the interest of party success he has set them an example hy get ting onto the Taft band-wagon, would have a wholesome effect. It would also have a tendency to make them believe that if they were to be Taft's representatives in Ohio they must not let the other crowd in Ohio get onto the ground floor ahead of them. Senator Dick made arrange ments with Judge Taft to see him at Hot Springs shortly after the subcommittee selected a chairman of the national committee. At that time it is believed an understand ing will he reachet which will bring these two men closer to gether. AUG IOTA her and she fell. At Roosevelt hos pital it was discovered that "Gus" was a woman, and she was ar raigned In night court, and she said she had nothing to say. PUBLIC MARKET ORDINANCE READY The city council tonight will be asked to approve Mayor Moore's market scheme. The ordinance is now in the hands of the city clerk. It does not stipulate any particular mar ot site, merely authorizes the establishment of public markets by the city and provides regulations therefore, as follows: it shall be unlawful to establish any market stand or booth at any other point except as shall be des ignated by the city as a market place; wherever a market place shall be designated it shall be the duty of the street superintendent to mark off space for stands not less than seven nov more than eight, feet in width and to cause said stands to be numbered; any rig or booth from which articles are offered for sale must be placed at right angles to the curb. A market superintendent for each market to be tinder the super vision of the board of works, ap pointed by the mayor and con firmed by the council, Is provided for. No salary is stipulated, it be ing left to the council to designate what salary shall be paid. Market hours are to be from 5 a. m. to noon on week days; 5 to 9 p. m. on Saturdays and not at all on Sundays. Peddlers will be allowed to sell goods the same as now. The following market fees are provided: For the privilege of selling In the market places for one month, $X; for one week. $2.50; for one day alone, 50 cents. FITZ TO BOX SIX ROUNDS HERE The 9. A. A. C. secured a big card this noon when the directors authorized a boxing match for Tuesday night in which Boh Fitz simmons w ill go on for six rounds. The (dd champ will take ou Fred ('reel first for three rounds and then Mike Butler for a similar ses sion. It has been s >me time since Fit/, put on the mitts to hit anybody, but he's always in good shape and the chances are that the principals who get in with him hare will re member the occasion for some time. He Is under bond, however, not to hit anybody tlie same way he hit Corbett at Carson City. In order to give the bout a proper setting the club has ar ranged a card with Heinle Rltter and Art St. tiertuaiu. Louie Long and Joe ltaeger matched foi three round goes in addition to Fitz's performance. The latter"? vaude ville engagement ends this week. =F ONE CENT SIXTH YEAR, NO. 213. 25 CENTS PER MONTH MORE IRAN $100,000 ADDED TO COUNTY'S f ' EXPENSE IN ONE YEAR The county government during the year just past has spent more than $100,000 than was expended last year. One item is the over hauling and refurnishing ot the treasurer's office, another the wir ing of the courthouse for electric lights. An addition was also put onto the building for the sheriff's benefit. The administration of Commis sioners Collin, Rohwer and Spence is responsible for the expenditure. The following comparative fig ures have been secured from County Auditor Greene who sub mits them without comment in a report which is being turned out by the printers: One of the greatest Increases is in Assessor Galbraith's depart ment. In 1907 the expense was $28,676.18; in 1908 it was in creased to $59 821.62, more than twice as much as for 1907. It is stated that for almost a solid year Assessor Galbraith has kept his favorites in the field doing assess ment work. Another largo increase is noted in the expensed of conducting the county jail under Sheriff Doak. This amounts to $11,362.36 against $9,182.37 last year. Prosecutor Barnhart has also added considerable to bis expenses and this year it is $15,050.14 com pared to $13,558,48 last year. The Increase in the superior court from $43,097.50 to $52,621.47 Is explained by the addition of a superior court judge and the added expenses of more bailiffs and witness' and jurors' fees. SEN. ROSENHA UPT FOR PROGRESSIVE MEASURES State Senator Harry Rosenhaupt, Spokane, is the first candidate for congress under the direct primary in the Third district to declare for tbe initiative and referendum. Of this issue he says: "I am in favor of the initiative and referendum, and pledge my self to work for these measures. I have studied the question a great deal during the past few years, and am convinced that direct legisla tion can safely be trusted to the voter. "The passage of initiative and referendum laws is merely extend ing the power of the voter along the lines already started by the direct primary, and every legislator in favor of the latter measure should also favor the other two." The balance of Sen. Rosen haupt's congressional platform is concisely stated in the following official announcement issued today by his campaign manager, David F. Laws: I am for — A continuation of the Roosevelt policies. The revision or removal, as the case may demand, of the tariff on all trust manufactured goods. A proper guarantee to depositors in banks. The postal savings banK. The conservation of our natural resources. A liberal appropriation for tho opening of the Columbia river. The exclusion of oriental labor. The direct primary. THREE BRUTES IN JAIL Three brutes are to be arraigned before Judge Huneke within the next few days on a charge of de bauching young girls. A few days ago Goldie Hinckley, age 13, and t'na Koss, age 14. disappeared from their homes. Deputy sheriffs yesterday found them In a tent at Liberty lake with John W. Kneppcr, age 31, a bicycle repairer, and W, A rente*, age 20, an employe of Hosier and Knepper. At first the men denied their rela tion! with the girls, hut finally ad mitted It. Late last nigh' Deputy MaePugh went to the lake again and arrest ed (:. C. I vers, age IS. a boatman. He is not accused of debauching tlie girls, but with giving them liquor and keening them out in a launch all one night while they were sought for by the officers. He confesses. All three are locked up In the county jail During the p'ist few months ful ly a score of men have gotten into t'-ouble for debauching girls. This crime is Increasing at an larming rate. DEMAND DAMAGES V. g, Harmon & Co. furniture dealers, tontgtn will ask the city council tut 1373 damages, alleged j The game warden expense has Increased from 1849.64 to $1237.87. County Physician Morrison has added more than $1000 to the ex penses of his department, the in crease being from $4482.90 to $5443.13. A material increase is noted in Coroner Witters depart ment—from $1842.95 to $2180.90. The same number of county com missioners have added more than $2000 to their own department—a difference between $8589.35 in 1907 to $10,906.33 this year. The expenses of the justices of the peace has increased from $10,- -112.88 to $14,261.06, accountable by the addition of an extra Justice and consequential expenses. General expenses of the court house have been almost doubled but there seems to be no reason for It on casual observance. Tho increase is from $21,857.37 to $51,- -191.19. The county hospital expense has increased about $8000 explained by the addition of a pumping plant and new buildings. Last year it was $19,565.58; this year, $26,- -t02.58. General stationery supplies have about doubled as have also the ad vertising expenses. These, how ever, are accountable to additional business demanded during the past year. The only material decrease is in the fruit inspection department. In 1907 tae expenses were $1115.81; this year, $468.07. The grand total of county ex pense last year was $407,767.35. This year It is $549,186.44. The in crease is $141,319 09. The Initiative and referendum. A square deal for all. Senator Rosenhaupt has started on a trip through Ferry, Stevens STATE SENATOR HARRY. ROSENHAUPT and Okanogan counties and his campaign is formally launched with the opening of headquarters in 306 Fraternal building. From these headquarters 30.000 circulars and 15,000 postals will be mailed this week In the interests of Sen. Rosenhaupt's candidacy. Manager I-aws has three assistants. to have been caused to their ware house. Railroad and Adams, by the bursting of a water main last August. At that time the bill was sent to the board of works which did not see fit to send it to the council. BOY BURGLAR GETS SPANKED FOR TRYING TO SHOOT HIMSELF SAN JOSE, Cal., July l/.—Leon Frost, age 12, who Is in jail for burglary after an attempt to kill himself, will probably be sentenced to the reform school. When he was taken to the sheriff's office he made an attempt to shoot him self. The only thing that saved his life was his delay in shoving cartridges Into the pistol. The sheriff took the weapon away, put the boy over his knee and gavg him a good spanking. PARK COMMISSION ASKS PUBLIC SQUARE The city is to be asked to estab lish a nubile square in Chamber* tin's addition in an ordinance which will be submitted to tho council tonight. The site will take in al) ot blocks l(i and 17, and L'.U and 33. The cost and expense ot the improvement is to be itusesseil against the property directly bene fited. The ordinance has no father as yet, but before It Is introduced the park commission, which haa asked for its passage, will secure some councUmau to sec It through.