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THERE'S NOTHING NOWADAYS LIKE BEING A FLOSSIE LITTLE DOG BY FIDO (A dog's own description of New York's new dog hotel.) NEW YORK. July IT).—Fellow dogs, get wise. If you ever come to New York, don't fail to stop at the new mil lion-dollar "dog house," or, per haps I should say, the "dog hotel. (Jee. it's great! It Is so Frenchy! It has a regular sheath-gown at mosphere throughout, But I am getting ahead of my story. I am a little dog. My mis tress is rich. 1 travel consider able. I see many things rural dogs don't know exist. That's why the editor asked me to write of my visit to New York's "dog hotel" — for the enlightenment of country dogs. Coming into New York on the Murentania —wo have heen doing Europe all spring, you know —1 overheard my mistress say: "Chswles, 1 shall stop at the Hotel Wolcott. I unlerstand they have Just opened an extensive annex for dogs. Darling is much fatigued, you know, and it will afford him an ideal opportunity to recuperate, By way of explanation to coun try dogs — who may not be accus tomed lo aristocratic dog conver sation—•] will state "darling" means Fido. Other epithets ap plied to me are "dearie," "sweet heart" ami "wootsie." My master has it longer name. He cnlls me "an Infernal pet." "Well, anyway/ 1 as Bobby Gay lor, the comedian, used to say, when 1 arrived at the hotel a hi dog a regular scene occurred. My mistress broke down completely Frightful Leap an Automobile Took This picture was taken after it recent automobile accident near Heachy Head. England., where a cur. getting beyond the driver'! control, left tie' road and jumped over a dirt' 800 feel high. Its two occupants leaped out just before the machine reached tho edge and •soaped almost unhurt. The cur was utterly demolished. HEINE MAKES HIT WITH ABE ATTELL Heinle Hitter's boxing has made a bit with Abe Attel. Heinle hook ed up with the Hebrew yesterday and afterward Abe said of the lit tle S. A. A. ('. star: "That kid Is about ai fast >ts a lightning hug, and he can tukc a punch, too. 1 Bracked him some hard ones und because we wer? to be parted. She Kissed me several times. "Darling," she gurgled between her sobs, "you are going a—a-a-wy. Q-a-gOodd bye, .<r-g" Just then a nurse came to my res Just then a nurse ramp to my rescue, and grabbing me out of the downpour of tears, bustled me away to the annex. I wa first taken into a room con taining several shower baths and placed beneath one. First hot water was turned on. It gradually cooled until ice cold water made me shiver. About me were several little porcelain b;>ths. I was finally plunged into one of these, aud washed with tar soap, and later on with scented soap. Then I was rubbed and massaged and per fumed. After I had been thoroughly dried I was given my dinner on a beautiful silver service. Water was served in a sanitary cup. After dinner I was allowed to take a little exercise. A leash was connected from my collar to a wire sifting across the room, and I trot ted back and forth until tired. It was then lied time. The nurse showed me my sleeping place. It was a wicker basket, with a curved top to protect it from draughts. In the bottom of the basket was a down cushion, covered with a fine white linen case, which Is changed daily. I managed to get a good night's rest, and was awakened at 8 o'clock for breakfast, My mis tress visited mo at 9. and we went out for a spin in tlie machine, Surely these are the golden days of dogdoni! _ spun him around hut he came back like a fury. I'll hack him to clean up any of the pennyweights that I know of." Here's what Heinle tells about it: "I never was treated so rough in my life." The only damiges resulting from the "friendly" mix-up is a hump on Heinle's nose. MIKE DISCOVERS NEW MOUNTAINS Mike Lynch Is more of a comedian every time he conies to town. He died hard to pick war witli someone all through the game, but t'ntp. Hobby Carrnthers lias the Injun sign on him and he didn't start hostilities until after he had lost. 'I hen he discovered thai there was a lump about the size of il full-grown pea in tlie whitewash line between home plate and third base. Mike figured that Hilly Hulen beat a bunt be cause the ball had rolled so slowly up this mountainous pen that Waters couldn't handle il in time to put Hill out at flrst. Following Mike's complaint Carrnthers went over and annihilated the bump hy stepping upon it. When he stood upon II Mike gssed far off into the heavens as if Bobby was on top of Mount "Tacoma." It's likely he had a lump of dirt in his eye. SEATTLE HELPS SOME All the world looks brighter to day—Vancouver lost. it took Hairy Hush t 0 hold the Canucks down and Ston their winning streak. The final score was tt to 2 in Seattle's favor. They secured only six hits off Harry. This helps the Indians mightily. CATS WIN AT BUTTE At Unite yesterday Aberdeen won 7 to 4. Claflln pitched for the Miners; Califf and Pernoll foi the Cats. TAILOR MADE SUMMER SUITS $25 We will make to your Order any $X r > to $4. r i unit In stock. A number of tine Imported woolen novelties included. We have never before made suits of this quality at such a low price. We guarantee every stitch CARL STEDT, The Tailor 422 FIRST AVFNUE TANNING TIGERS GREAT SPORT Won Lost P. C. Spokane 41 26 .612 Vancouver 41 31 .569 Tacoma 35 33 .515 Aberdeen 32 40 .444 Butte 25 32 .439 Seattle 32 44 .421 Spokane 7, Tacoma 4. It was a game that was Interest ing from start to finish. Up to the ninth Rasty Wright could do al most as he pleased with the Tigermen, and even in the ninth he did as he pleased ,it seemed, for he deliberately allowed Mar tlnke and Bresino hits. The Tigers made two runs in the ninth. Their first two were secured in the third and fourth. Here is the way things broke for Spokane: It was in the fifth when a gloom was beginning to settle. The batting order started at the top of the list with Dave Rowan Ike Butler was smiling, for he had had prospered hugely for four in nings. The Indians had negotiated three runs in the third, but Ike thought he had their measures and prepared to fit them. Well. Dave Rowan found him and sent the leather away off Into left field. Billy Hulen rapped a snappy one past shortstop. Then Kippert and Clynes singled in succession. Bobby .lames walked. Then Stevens and Mackin singled. Rog ers went out second to first and Wright sent one over to first base and went out. When it was all counted Spo kane had four runs, which added to what they grabbed in tho third made a total of seven. That was enough and for the rest of the game they didn't worry. Tlie big batter was Billy Hulen, who got a two sacker in the first inning, got to first on an error in the third, singled in the fifth and another two bagger in the sixth. Bobby James couldn't run much and was put cut at first twice, when if he had been able to run up to form he would have won lilts. The new lineup looks mighty good. Dave Rowan plays as good a first base as Hulen. He missed a fast grounder yesterday by being over confident. Billy Hulen is good anywhere and played a dandy game at second. James did well at third. . NAB ANOTHER FRAUD PORTLAND. July 15.— H. E Cooke was brought here last night by a deputy U. S. marshal from Baker City, where he was arrested for land fraud in connection with the operations of the Oregon Ranching & Timber Co. A party of land seekers caught by Cooke are still in Baker City. Cooke will be taken to New York, AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington 7 St. Ijouis 4; De troit 5, Boston ;l. NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati 9. Brooklyn 2; Chica go 2. Philadelphia 11. HOW'D YCU LIKE TO BE BILL? wAIExtiL AMD j* nEb&ati tests-cms* .. Special Corraapondenca to Tho Praia SAX JOSE. (.'al.. July 15.—Say how'd you like to be BUI? Look at this photograph and then think It over. Tho group is a portion of tho graduating class of the San Jose normal school. Tho solitary main figure hemmed in on all sides by bewitching feminity, ts that of "Bill" Walbel. If -you ask "Bill" What his sentiments aro he will tell you that his ••Job is no pipe." Commencement week brought with it many complications and many trying situations for Waibol. Ho paid impartial attention to 270 fair classmates, he upheld the man ly honors at a class reception where all the other guests were girls; he marched alone in prores ■ton with 270 fair graduates before the assembled friends of the class; he took prominent part in the senior jinks leading "Susan's hand" of 100 feminine players; he posed unabashed l» the class group among row after row of white gowned graduates; lie stood out bravely for every tradition of tho f.AFF IMPFRIAI j^**"*** \Jril L II Til LIIIML rirst and Howard D UP ies.,. Gu n„ Lades Orchestra SPOKANE PRBBS, JULY 15 .!<**> IF WICKLEBRIDGE WERE PRESIDEM By F. W. Schaefer "Now, don't think nic silly, Cice ro," murmured Mrs. Wicklebridge. "1 am only supposing. Your attain ments are abovj the ordinary, and some day it might happen to you, you know." "What happen to me, Guinevere? Get arrested for porch climbing?" "Of course no; Get elected presi dent, iv such a case, would I have to entertain la* istily or would I have the choice of living a retired life, devoting myself to good works?" "Er-hem," coughed Mr. Wickle bridge. "I do not think it would be obligatory upon you to cut a very wide swath. There are some perfunctory social duties, however, that you could not well duck." "Just so." cooed the wifely Wic klebridge. "I think at first I would be somewhat ill at ease in my exalted position, but later I would become inured to the —the what-do-you-rall^t—'fierce white light that beats upon a throne." "'Throne,' eh?" grunted Mr. Wicklebridge. "Funny idea you have of republican simplicity. You'd get a rise out of the papers in a minute. "Gorgeous Fete Cham petre! White House Scene of Mon archal Splendor.' Couldn't you pull off something more simple?" "Now, Cicero, that wasn't in my thoughts at all. 1 never intended anything more elaborate than a bal poudre or some little function like that." "Didn't, eh? Woman, you would crab my career at its zenith. Think of the roar that would go up. 'Pres ident's Wife Wheely over Old World Magnificence! Revival of Bourbon Pomp and Pageantry. Common People Peeved at Un patriotic Performance." "Tush, Cicero Wicklebridge, you have the perverted imagination of an opium fiend. I" "Never mind, madam. They'd have the goods on you, all right. 'Tons of Empty Champagne Bot tles! Mrs. Wicklebridge Seeks to Obliterate Tell-Tale Marks of Ex ecutive Mansion Orgy.' Oh, you'd be up against It!" "You insignificant idiot! I wouldn't either, for the reason"- —- "Well, I was just picturing what a delicate position you'd be in if you were to cm loose in the White House." " For the reason. I say, that such an ossified old onion like you is In no earthly dinger of ever be ing president. There, now!" Which held Mr. Wicklebridge for a little bit of a while. BRUTAL NEGRO FINED Judge Hinkle yesterday fined E V. Armstrong $100 for assaulting Peter Larson. The latter, who is aged, was not, able to appear in WILLIAM h. WAIELT. school and he came through the ex perience with high student honors. As a mark of esteem In which he is held hy tho other members of his clasH Walbel, at the last meeting of the seniors, was unani mously voted "The Only One," and ho will be officially known by that title at all meetings of the normal alumni. court until ye.iterday afternoon. Armstrong is a big negro employed in laying asphalt, and his attack on the old man was caused by Lar sen accidentally stepping into fresh paving. The crowd that wit nessed the affair wanted to hang the negro. SWEDE WINS WITH JAVELIN LONDON, July 15— E. V. Lem ing, Sweden, won the final javelin throw at the Olympic games today. His mark is 178 feet 7V4 inches. In the final heat of the three mile team run, M. W. Deakin, Eng land, was first, American team sec ond, France third. Deakin's time is 14 minutes 39 3-5 seconds. Delightfully Cool Trolley Rides to Coeur d'Alene There is pleasure for the whole family at Spokane's bathing and picnic resort. Liberty lake has the finest boating, bathing and most ideal picnic grounds, and is quick ly reached by trolley. Trains leave Spokane terminal direct for Lib erty lake daily at 6:20 (except Sunday), 8:30 a. m.; 1:15 and 5:15 p. m. On Sunday an extra train leaves for the lake at 10:20 a. m., and also at 6:45 p. m., enabling patrons to spend the evening bath ing; and returning, leave for Spo kane at 9:30. Round trip, 75c. *** Durkins Sell Good WHISKIES $1 Full Quart 121 Howard Street Sprague and Mill Phone 731 NATATORIIJM PARK All Amusements Open Daily From 1 to 11 Free Outdoor Attractions Concerts Afternoon and Evening Abundant tables and special accommodations for picnic parties. Swimming Pool Now Open Dancing Every Evening 8 To 11 P. M. PANTAGES' THEATER E. Clarke Walker, Mgr. UNEQUALED VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fitzsimmons in a refined comedy sketch; Zanzibar Arabs, whirlwind acrobats; Zlska and King, comedy magicians; The Ferraras, eccentric whirlwind dancers; Florence Saunders, Amer ican soprano. Prices: Matinees, 15 cents except Sunday. Evenings, 15 and 25 cents. WASHINGTON THEATER COOL AND COMFORTABLE Home of HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Week Commencing Matinee July 12 THE PANTZER TRIO Comedy, Novelty, Gymnasts Florence Modena & Co. in "Bar gain Mad." Don & Thompson, Song and Dance Artists. Alice Robmson, Prima Donna Soprano. Jules Garrison & Co., "A Mod ern Roman." James & Prior, "Captain Bar nacle's Courtship." Matinee every day. Two shows every evening. Prices: 15 and 25 cents. THE AUDITORIUM H. C. Hayward, Mgr. Phone M. 1242 THE JESSIE SHIRLEY CO. 154 th Week Presenting tonight and all week, Saturday matinee A BROADWAY FAVORITE Prices—Evening, 50, 40 and 25c. Matinee —Adults. 25c; cbiidren, 10c. Base Ball COMMENCING TUESDAY AND ALL WEEK NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE SPOKANE INDIANS VS. TACOMA RECREATION PARK Game called at 3:15 p. m. Take E. Broadway or Gonzaga Traction cars. Big Inland train leaves Wall and Main at 2:40 p. m. Sunday for grounds. Northwestern Automatic Machine Co. 512 MAIN AYE. Coin controlled machines of all kinds. Northwestern agents for Mill Novelty Company, the largest manufacturers of coin controlled machines in tlieh world. Write for information and catalogues. SHERMAN, CLAY $ CO. Steinway CEL. Other Pianos Victor Talking Machine* 810 Sprague .Aye. Tho Press. 25 rents a month. THE GREAT KIRON ORIENTAL. SEER In the ver yheart of the city, 713 Sprague ay., the Baldwin House, Kiron is the man of today. He is world-famous for the many predic tions lie has made and have come to pass. Ho tells your name, tells when and whom you will marry. He seems to reach the secrets of one's very soul. Truthful are the words that come from his lips. Would you like to know as to changes, travel, love, marriage, law, old estates, wills, deeds, lost friends, mines, real estate, patents, investments, divorces, sickness; as to whether you will receive a let ter; if your husband, wife or sweet heart is true? We will say, see Klron. He hastens marriages, set tles lovers' quarrels, unites those who are separated, develops per sonal magnetism, teaches the Kast Indian method of fasolpation. How fee, 50c. Cut this out and bring it with you. Remember the name. KIRON THE GREAT, 715 Sprague ay. Home 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. ST. CHARLES IS RELIABLE Nine years in Washington. Ad vice that will do you good. He will make you happy and successful. St. Charles has made thousands of dollars for Spokane people. He has deceived none. If your mines or stocks are a failure he will tell you. If you have money to invest, do not throw it away. St. Charles will guide you and show you a way to success. He gives you the power to in fluence and control others, develops magnetism. Through that subtle power you can draw money and in fluence into your life. He tells your name and every secret of your life without asking a question. Special low fee this week. Sy mons block, corner Howard and Sprague. PROF. ST. CHARLES Special low fee today. MflDsfield-WoßfJcrlu! Palmist Greatest .Icail trance clairvoyant, spiritual life reader, oldest, most re liable spiritualist, business and test net odium, dMp psychopalma reading of the highest order; strange power to help you. Tells Just what yoj want to know, with IMinft*, dates, facts, location; each hope, trouble, fear, wish In love, marriage, business, sli k ness, cliang.', Journey, friend, enemy; Investment; causes speedy marriage, unites those separated, advises and assists you to good conditions. Spir itual treatment for development and wealth. Cures lost memory, lark of ambition, all weaknesses, renews vi tality, removes evil Influences, makes you well and alroig In thought, pur nos*. itieul. 814 1 j RIVERSIDE, ROOMS 5-6 PACIFIC HALLS Phone Main 469 PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE AT ALL HOURS H. F. Bowles, Mgr. INDEPENDENT MESSENGER SERVICE Parisian Dye Works Has no branch offices nor sgeuts. Office 60$ iirst Ays. Phono 2137. . . . L. A. .ehmann The Press, 25 cents a month. Classified Ads Miscellaneous & Real Estate Opportunities LYNNE HOTEL. 319 Wall sf., right by the river; no nicer place In town for regu lar or transient roomers; coxy, quiet and respectable; secluded but close In; only 2V» blocks from Riverside ay.; rear entrances from Post st ; hot water all tbe time; moderate prices. HOTEL DEMPSEY. ONE BLOCK FROM O. N. DEPOT. NICE ROOMS, SOC TO $150. PHONE IN EACH ROOM TRANSIENTS. I j LARGE OFFICE C. C. DEMPSEY. PROP. HOTEL RICHTER One half block north of the Mon roe street bridge. Monroe. Everything strictly modern. New building, new furniture. Elegant place for city roomers. Transients a specialty. Hot and cold water In every room. Rates reasonable. Phone, Maxwell 1541. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light house keeping. 907 W. Third. Fot rent. 4 room new modern house, full basement, E1317 Marietta; $17 per month, including water. Apply next door north. For rent —Madison hall. 9 Madi son st. Phone 2200. FOR SALE IT'S THE VALUES! Best bargain of its kind in the city. A beautiful 6-room modern house in splendid location, north west part of city; $3,200; terms. THOMPSON-GILLIS INV. CO.. So 5 Wash. St... ground floor Hutton Blk. Phone 2530. Open evenings. Two dressers for sale cheap: apply at Bavaria block. 117% N. Post. Lots. Lots. Ixrts. $100. $100. $lot). East Spokane, the manufacturing district between O. R. & N. and N. P. R. R.; $1 casn, balance $1 week; no interest; no taxes. Sparks Bros., 14-10 Bernard st Lunch counter on Main ay. doing $35 a day business; only $325. 5-room house, on lot 50x142. Kauf man's additiou; east side of town; splendid i uy for $1500; $200 down. $15 month. SULLIVAN INVESTMENT CO. Phone 2433. 12 Bernard st. Brand new Sterling wiieel Tor sale at the Penny Parlor; regular $45. Cheap. Lost or stolen, a white Spitz pup, about 3 months old. Reward for return. Apply 247 Alley ay. HELP WANTED MALE Wanted for Army—Able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information ap ply to Recruiting Officer, 126V4 Howard St., Spokane, Wash. HOMESTEAD Half million acres of land soon to be opened near Spokane. News and authentic map just out. RESERVATION INFORMATION AGENCY, 220 WALL ST. SPOKANE, WASH Send 22c In silver or stamps and I will give in return a prescrip tion for making a pure camphor liniment. Write Inland Mfg. Co., Box 2491, Spokane. Cooper & Co., collections. 410 Co lumbia building. Phone 9392. CHOICE CANNON HILL LOTS Reasonable, and monthly pay ments. Also choice lots in other localities. GRAY A McCUNE CO. Phone 320. First Aye. and Wall Spokane Trunk Factory—Trunk3, traveling bags and leather goods. Store 9 Stevens st. Phone 3248. GEORGE A. WEDGWOOD Express, Transfer and Storage Office 915 Bridge. Phone Max. 2542. Pine wood. $4.00. Sparks Bros., 14 and 16 Bernard st. Phone 1947. The place to eat and get your moneys worth, Peacock restau rant, 107 Division st. HORSESHOEING Charles Staley, Pacific avenue and Bernard street. 128 26 Spokane Artificial Limb House, legs, arms, trusses, braces, made and repaired. Sherwood bldg. Strayed—soo men from Queen Restaurant and Coffee House, 337 Front. Reward. Chubb prints business or calling ■ ■uds cheapest. Fone 9349. 5 and 6 Golden Gate block, 824 River side. Any face blenvsh removed without pain or sea'; guaranteed. The Derma Inst., 824 Riverside ay. HAVE YOUR BHO E S RE PA IR ED IN THE NEW WAY Women's bslf aoles sewed for SOc Men* half aoles sewed for 75a Phone 1535 and we will call for and deliver your repairing. LE CLAIRE SHOE CO. I 823 Riverside. Loans on furniture, plaao, norses, etc. A. A. Barnett, 624 The Rookery. ATTORNEYS M. T. O'Connor, sttorney and coun selor at law. civil and criminal practice. Rooms 508 Hyde blk. Phoue 1830; residence, Main 710*. 3