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FIGHT PROHIBITION LAW, BUT WILL THEY STILL Q.ST TIGHT IN ALABAMA? The new state-wide prohibition law has gone into effect in Alabama. It prohibits any newspaper In the state from pub lishing a liquor advertisement. It prohibits any advertisement of liquor being posted on any billboard, or other place in the state. The law cuts out the locker and the club and the near beer stands. It condemns the property where a blind tiger Is run and holds the keeper in damages to the owner. It cuts out the manufacture of near-beer and other so-called temperance drinks which are really Intoxicants. It provides for the raiding of public places without warrant where liquor is supposed to be sold. It makes the drinking of liquors on trains a misdemeanor. It makes the refusal of witnesses in court to divulge the names of law-breakers, contempt of court, and it provides as a penalty for violations a money fine and not less than six months im prisonment . - OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE MASQUERADES TO MILK Indiana Farmer Has to Dress Like Wife to Approach Her Cow COLUMBUS, Ind.. Aug. 30.—8i1l Bankster, a farmer "near here, is not chanting "My Wife's Gone to the City, Hurray! Hurray!'' He hasn't been "hurraying" to any ex tent since he has been left at home to do the milking. The family cow has to be hu mored. Mrs. Bankster always had success with "Bossy" at milking time. On the contrnry, Bill didn't look good to "Bossy." There would be no milk on tap when Bill came round. Now with Mrs. B. away, here was a fix. The husband tried to salve tbe cow with a few kind words, and all he got for his trouble was a kick that sent the milk pail spin ning. In great emergencies great minds TURKISH BATH PARLORS IS CLOSED FOR REPAIRS We will be open early next month With the finest bath parlor in the northwest. We are'spending a lot of money to make it the best Watch for the opening announce ment. Spokane Turkish Baths, cor ner of First and Stevens. *** Agent for Harley, Davidson and light motorcycles for busi ness and pleasure. Secondhand motorcycles, supplies and re pairs. J. F. Stack 209 Browr., Bet. Main and Front FOR RENT Good basement, downtown corner, suitable for elec trician or plumber. Inquire J. A. Watson, Western Drug Co., Main and Stevens. The Style Shop MILLINERY CLOAKS AND SUITS—WATCH FOR THE OPENING OF OUR NEW CLOAK AND SUIT SECTION. A very clever aggregation of women's apparel In tho latest accepted styles for this season Is being as sembled In our new cloak and suit section and will be ready for your selection In just a few days. Watch for our opening. do not throw up their hands (fig uratively speaking). No. They meet conditions with tact and wis dom. Next morning a graceful fig ure in sunbonnet and calico gown approached "Bossy." The cow met it half way, cordially. Evidently Mrs. Bankster was back on the job. That shows how little the cow knew about it. The milking pro ceeded in breathless silence, the farmer daring to utter no word less his disguise be penetrated. When the last drop had been coaxed into the brimming pall, Bankster stole away with it. "Aha, me proud beauty, at last ye are In me power," he mutter when out of hearing. This performance will be repeat ed daily unless some busybody goes to the cow and snitches on Mr. Bankster. WELL SUPPLIED WITH GOLD (By United Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 30 — The United States has a greater supply of gold money than any oth er country, the figures being, ac cording to this table: United States, 1613 millions; Germany, 1044 millions; France, 926 millions; Russia, 917 millions; United King dom, 565 millions; Austria-Hungary, 303 millions: Italy, 258 millions; Australia, 159 millions; Egypt, 140 millions; Argentine, 140 millions; Turkey, 132 millions; India, 113 millions; Japan, 96 millions; Cana da, 66 millions, and Brazil, 51 mil lions. RENO. New —Mrs. Frank C. Bar ton, wife of Rochester, N. V., multi millionaire, sues for divorce; Bar ton owner of one of the largest properties at Riverside. Cal. HIGH-GRADE Watches Howard, $35.00 and up. Elgin and Waltham, $5.00 and up. Hamilton, $10.00 and up. You will do well to call on us before buying your watch. Wegner Jewelry Co. No. 7 Washington St. Guaranteed Main Spring, $1.00. 822 Riverside. SHORT SHA V/NGS They were on their honeymoon trip on the river and wenen't well versed In nautical colloquialisms. That's why they took it so much to heart —especially the bride. She blushed a bright red every time she saw the captain afterward, and she hasn't learned the difference yet. If she reads this, it may set her mind at rest. They were huddled up close in the lee of the pilot house, watch ing the moonlight on the waves and thinking how nice it was to be mar ried, etc. Perhaps they were sit ting a bit close, but then it seemed so nice to have their arms around each other. The boat was keeping close in shore, just a trifle too close, thought the captain, who stood al most above them. So he called to the steersman: "Lay off a little! Don't hug her up too close!" It's like pulling teeth to keep from using the name of this den tist, but friendship and policy for bid. We may need his services sometime. That's just what the trouble was with the dentist and his cook. He needed her services. So when she confronted him one day with the possibility of leaving to seek more remunerative fields he thought a second time before telling her to go. He was paying what he thought was a good wake —..6.50 a week and keep. But she was a good cook and good cooks are difficult to find. He was sure his wife wouldn't approve of paying more, but he didn't relish the idea of try ing out a new cook any better than he thought he'd relish a new do mestic's cooking. So it came to be understood be tweent the dentist and the cook that her official salary should re main at $6.50 but that in reality it would be $7.50, the msater of the house paying the additional $1 on the q. t. Now when the cook made her plaint to the master, she duplicated it to the mistress. The mistress didn't like the idea of a change any better than her husband. To keep peace and the cook she ad : vised the girl to stay and she'd pay her an extra 50 cents —on the side —each week. Both husband and wife congrat ulated themselves that they had saved the day. Also the cook and their digestion. But as all things have an end, so did the reign of this domestic. When she finally had gone, hubby confessed contritely: "I didn't let you know It, Grace, but I was paying her an extra $1 each week." "What? Why, I was paying her WEAR REGAL SHOES REGAL shoes are the BEST shoes yon can get for these reasons: They WEAR best; because they contain the very finest quality of leather, which is made espe cially for REOALS. They FIT best; because they are made in Vi sizes. No other shoe in the world is. They LOOK best; because the REGAL is always made in the very latest styles of the most ex clusive custom makers. You are assured of getting the newest shape last, heel, etc., if you wear REGALS. Where to get it—You can obtain the REGAL shoe in Spokane at the 522 River side, 2 doors east of Howard street on the north side of Riverside. You ought to wear them, for they give you the best value for your money. Watch for an an announcement of new fall styles. * Regal Shoe Store 522 Riverside THE SPOKANE PRESS, MONDAY, AUGUST 30 a bonus of 60 cents myself," said wlfle. < Hereafter all salary schedules in that home will be arranged at fam ily conference. EASTERN MARKETS (Furnished by Walter J. Nicholls ft Co.) Chicago Oraln Market CHICAGO, Aug. 30.—Wheat- Close: September, 97 % c; Decem ber, 93% c; May, 97% c. Corn —Close: September, 64% c; December, 55% c; May, 56% c. Oats —Close: September, 36% c; December, 36% c; May, 39 hie. Pork —Close: September, $22.52; January, $17.60. Lard—Close: September, $12.20; October, $12.17; January, $10.42. Ribs —Close: September $11.75; Octover, $11.65; January, $9.30. Liverpool Markets LIVERPOOL, Aug. 30.—Close: Wheat IVi to 2% lower; corn, % to % lower; September wheat, 7-7?,; September corn, 5-4%. NOT WELL EQUIPPED. Inquirer: The store is all right, except that the show window is too small. Agent: Why, It is considered rather a large window. . Inquirer: For ordinary pur poses, yes. But I am a milliner. And the agent bowed his head In despair, for he knew that the win dow would not accommodate one fashionable hat. The Young Men's Shop Jimme Durkin Says: I would have been elected governor of this state last fall only that there were more crazy people outside the lunatic asylum than there are in it 3 Stores 121 HOWARD ST. 415 MAIN AYE. CORNER MILL AND SPRAGUE If you had your work done by THE Modern Dentists you know you have the best. Our Plates, Crowns, Bridgework and Fillings Can't Be Excelled Come to our office and have your teeth examined FREE. All work positively guaranteed. THE Modern Dentists Corner Riverside and Washington. Spokane Press, 30c a Month. A $30 Suit for $15 Here is an opportunity for you—Men's Suits, made of worsteds, ohev iots and serges—all late styles, fashionable colors; full assortment of sizes; values to $30.00; on sale this week— $15 Miscellaneous & Real Estate Opportunities Bookkeeping and Learn bookkeeping and shorthand and you will never bo out of a position. 300 APPLICATIONS 300 for our graduates since January 1. Positions for sll rradnstes. Fall term, September 1. Send for catalogue. The Blair Business College First Avenue and Madison Street. Men and Boys' Learn Plumbing Parents, have your boy lenrn the plumbing trade, the best paid of all trades. Plumbers are in demand everywhere. They earn JC to {8 per day and linve short hours By my method of Instructing I make you a practical plumber in months instead of years, so that you will be able to fill a good position or conduct a business of your own. Wen can learn as well as boys. Edward McCaffrey Plumbing School Phone Main 1582. 20 Riverside Aye., 3cckane, Wash. Day and night school. Visitors are always welcome. Gonzaga College Conductert by Jesuit Fathers, Spokane, Wash. Fall term opens September 8, 1909. FULL COLLEGIATE, CLASSICAL, ACADEMIC AND COMMER- CIAL COURSES Large faculty. Thorough Instruc tion and military discipline. Special attention given to physical culture. Write for full particulars and year book now. Address President, Gonzaga College SPOKANE, WASH. Walter J. Nicholls & Co., Brokers 3105 Howard St. Phone Main 20 WILL SELL 1000 Interstate Tel. bonds, 97c. 1500 Lucky Jim Zinc, 50c. 10 Spokane Title, $99. 1000 Black Bear Fr., 2000 Holden, 9c. The School That Gives Indi vidual Instruction Fall term opens Wednesday, Sept. 1 NIGHT SCHOOL opens Wednesday evening, Sept. 1 Complete Shorthand and Commercial Courses. CATALOG FREE ON REQUEST STANDARD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Columbia Building, Spokane, Wash. F. R. Murray, President. Jas. M. McConahey, Prin. DAN P. BAGNELL & CO. Mining Brokers. 614 Paulsen Bldg. Main 936. Spokane, Wash. Established 1897. We Have for Sale All or Part. 3000 Snowshoe, 9. 2000 Lucky Jim, 35. 3000 Idaho Giant, 3. 500 Hecla, $3.27. 1000 Tamarack, 82. 1000 Kendall, 80. 3000 Park Copper, 1%. 1000 Monitor, 36. WE WILL BUY 8 Exchange Bank, $145. 1000 Monitor, 32. 5000 Snowshoe, 7%. 1000 Lucky Jim, 31. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Q. S. Mining Co. will be held at the office of the com pany In the August Paulsen build ing, Spokane, Wash., Wednesday, September 8, 1909, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing trustees and the transaction of such other business as may law fully come before the meeting. A. M. DEWEY, President. A. M. POLK, Secretary. For publication August 27 to Sep tember 7, Inclusive. Seehorn's Moving Van will give you the best service in the city. We also do a storage business. We are at your service at any timet Phone Main 539. Seehorn's Transfer A Storage Co, Corner Lincoln St. and R. R. Aye. New England Undertaking Co., 810-218 Wall St. Free ambulance. We furnish children* caskets 15.00 Adults' caskets $25.00 Three hacks, .rave, 4*7^ hearse and casket «J> / O CLASSIFIED ADS TWO lots with house, only $925; $325 down, balance $15 per month; water and near car line; winter's wood thrown in. 04827 Washington st. cor. Wabash aye. Take Post street car. For sale cheap—Three roms of furniture, $75; house reut, $5. 229 Perry street. 160 acres good land, close to Spo kane; will sell part or all cheap. Inquire at Sll2 Howard str. A snap in a four room modern on Euclid avenue at $1600; small payment down, balance to suit; will trade. Five room modern in Lidgerwood, half block to the car; street grade and lawn; $1950, $500 cash. A bargain In a lot 50x126 in Vista Heights; price $275, $75 cash. Corner lot on East Third avenue; $1000, terras. Four lots at Hayford, 120x120, 40 rods from station; $400, $100 cash, or will trade. HYE, WATSON, XIX & CO., 1-2-3 Exchange Bank Building. Phone Main 83. $2000 for a beautiful good view home; 5 room modern; fireplace, gas range, good floors, good plaster, well arranged and inside 1% mile circle on South Side. $3500 for 6 room modern, 1 block from Grand, near 16th. $2350 for 6 room modern on West Montgomery. X-RAY INVESTMENT CO., Main 3024 610-611 Fernwell. Second hand tools, sporting goods. Phone 810. Burch, 232 W Sprague WASHTUCNA VALLEY. The only place to start an or chard Is where it Is a certainty you can raise the big red winter applo. Washtucna valley is a proven apple, district. It has the soil, drainage, climate and altitude necessary to good ap ple culture. Land sold In 1, 2%. 5 and 10 acre tracts with per petual water rights on easy terms. Call or write THE PALOUSE IRRIGATION & POWER CO. 702 First Aye., Opp. Victoria Hotel. FOR. SALE—The Eastern apart ment and rooming house. 226 W. Third. Main 4147. $1600—3-room plastered cottage; comfortably and nicely arranged; nice lot; 'pine trees; woodhouse; poultry house and yard; 1 block from car; % block from park; 3 blocks to school; Inside the 1% mile circle, South Side; good view and easy terms. No. 170. 11300 —3-room cottage; pleasant home; concrete foundation: street grade, sidewalk and sewer all paid; good view. Easy terms; l'a-mlle circle. No. 166. $1600 —3-room plastered cottage; lawn and fruit trees; street grade, sidewalk and sewer all In and paid; % block from street car; 3 blocks to school; fine view. Easy terms. Inside the 1 "4-mile circle. N. T. JOHNSON CO. 1 and 2 Zelgler lilk. Phone 2118 Open evenings by appointment. Wlll sell 1% lots for the price of one lot. Telephone Maxwell 964. tf Choice new furniture, rugs and pianos; lowest prices in Spo kane. 112 8. Lincoln. Miscellaneous. Miss Marie Strasll, first class man louring. Granite block, room 232. Phone Main 9442. Dealers in junk and hides. Kahn & Falk Co., 10-12-14 E. Main. Main 5474. I want your second hand household furniture; top prices paid. Wedg wood. 915 Urldcr. Max 2542. K. of P. lodge meets every Friday night In Pacific halls. Work on the first, second and third Fridays c .en month. Fourth Friday is so cial night Visiting knights are welcome. Cooper ft Co.. eolleclions. 410 Co lumbia building. Phone 9392. Painters and Decorators. THE best and most reasonable house painter and decorator In town. Call C. S. Gilbert, Main 6080. BLUEPRINTS Ulue and black line prints, draw ings, maps, tracings. Washington Blue Print Co., 615 Jamieson build ing. Phono Main 1120. PATENTS Patents, copyrights and trade marks make you money. Advice and patent book free. Herbert X Smith, solicitor of U. S. and foreign patents. Inventions developed, drawings made. Phone Main 1120. 616 Jamieson building. rranifer and Storage. WEDGWOOD Exrress, Transfer and Storage Office 915 Bridge. Phone Max. 2641 Attorneys. Samaei T. Crane, Lawyer, 410 Co- Icmbla Bid. Pbone Main 0391. Modern nine-room house; Cannon hill. W. S. Dawson, 305 Traders block. Brock man Mhlngle Co. for dry mill wood; 11.76 load. Phone Max. 1372. 7-30 For Sale. For Rent. MifccJUiMais & Reel Estate Opportunities Wanted. Good team mares, or mare and horse,' for farm; weight MOO each. W. S. Dawson, 305 Traders^ block. - Wanted — Business people and school teachers who can appro-' elate a first class place to room and board; just like home; refined people only; baths, furnace, tele phone, piano; six minutes' walk from Riverside; best accommoda tions in the city for the money. Main 2648. 5324 Howard street Wanted—Bids for about 17,000* yards of lathing and two coats of plastering; all materials furnish ed. Address, I. T. Peterson, Mar* cus, Wash. Help Wanted—Male I want six men who want a home j In a winter apple orchard tract, that can pay a small sum down and work out the rest; here Is a chance for a home and independence. See me. 8. H. Ward, 610 Hyde block. Wanted—Bright boys to handle The Press; can make good money. See Gates at The Press office, 616 Front avenue. Phone Main 375. Horseshoeing. Charles Staley, Pacific arena* and Bernard st. Hotels and Lodging Houses. The Havana will be a first class place for men only at very rea sonable rates, 25c to 76c per night; good outside rooms $2 to $3 per week. 508% Front. 28 room apartment house; furnlsh- HOTEL DEMPSET ONE BLOCK FROM G. N. DEPOT, NICE ROOMS, 60c TO $1.60. PHONE IN EACH ROOM. TRANSIENTS. LARGE OFFICB. O. C. DEMPSET. PROP. PHONE, MAIN 2346 COAL SLAB WOOD. 3AND. GRAVEL. 220 POST BTREET THE BIG SONG National Irritation Owed Sung by Kuruso Accompanied by Sooia j "Hail Columbia. Sorry Bill, Bought no coal his bin to fill, Paid big price the winter through, Wasn't that a queer thing to do? "Hall Columbia, isn't It nice To buy at a cheap summer price; Have your coal all put away Laid up for the rainy day. "Hail Columbia, dear Spokane, The homeowner —he's the man; Huys his coal with greatest care, Keeps enough; has some to spare. "Hall Columbia, happy land, The Union's got the stuff on hand. Phone your order Just for fun. They will bring it on thj run. "Hall to the chief, to Sunny Jim, No cold surprise in store for him; Puts in his coal —foresight sublime, In the good old summer time." —WAG(aO)NH!R. "Go thou and do likewise."' Phone Maxwell 3333. 1 Phone Main 0404. Exclusive agents for Ounn Quale) Rock Springs coal; Kemmerei Lump and Nut; Brldger Lump ant Nut; Hlllcrest steam ooal. Union Fuel & Ice CoO 407 SPRAGUE AVENUB Mr. R. ScarpeHl, Spokane, Wash. Dear Sir: lam pleased to re port that the macaroni which we obtained from you both In the large and small sticks, known as the Colombo maca roni, made by the company of the same name, of this city, is perfectly splendid, as good in fact as the imported varieties which we have heretofore used. I take pleasure In heartily re commending it to those deslr lng it for food. Very trull yours, C. P. THOMAS, M. Dl Spokane, Wash., August 19. I WASHINGTON." D. C.—Twenfl eighth annual encampment of c&M mandery-in-chlef, Sons ot Veteruß U. S. N., convenes hero. ■ WOOD