OCR Interpretation

East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 27, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88086023/1904-10-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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' Tonight and Friday fair. '
ssSS!Sh.-rg of goods
f .t 17. - - , - - ----- - , - , - ,
'-n Uu miPiiTrurn niippmnin nmn
NO. 5189.
W of Great Banking
.oration is
rfer Charges.
.oi to MKET
L Defendant 1 Accused of
Burning the of
JcbkW, Car UK-."'"'
r(i,elt Sensation 4n Many
Tnn' History of Clam Banking
Financial Circles-Aiillates t"
World's Fair Kxliibltor StiRRCst tlic
(rowing of CocoonH an In Japan.
St. Louis. Oct. 27. Louis B. Magld,
president of the Silk Culture League
of Tullulah Falls, Ga., and an ex
hibitor of silk in the Georgia iieciion
at the World's fair, says this year's
cocoon crop In Japan will reach
109,000,000 pounds, the producers of
which will receive about J38.600.000,
which Indicates that the Russo-Japanese
war has In no way affected the
Bilk crop of the latter country.
The Japanese government, accord
ing to Mr. Mugid, has given more at
tention this year to Its silk crop than
at any other time, realizing the Im
portance of that Industry and what
It means as a source of revenue at
this particular time.
In the opinion of Mr. Magld. If the
federal government would give one
tenth the attention which the Japan
ese government gives to silk, the
southern states would soon make a
crop of cocoons equal In pecuniary re
turns to the cotton crop, and, while
to make a successful crop of cotton
It requires 11 months, on the other
hand a successful crop of silk is made
In six we'ks.
along the Shakhe river was resumed
at 10 o'clock last night.
Skirmishing at Mukden.
St. Petersburg. Oct. 27. Sakharoff
reports today: "The Japanese open
ed fire on our forces last night,
whereupon the Russians advanced
and repulsed them, subsequently re
turning to our own positions."
- : s
Admiral Rojestvensky Declares His Captain Saw Two Hostile
Ships Among the Fishing Vessels.
Reply of Russia Is Not Entirely Satisfactory, Rut Both Government
Ixiok for Amicable Settlement Admiral Ponies That He Left a Ves
sel Behind for Six Hours, Which Rendered No Assistance to the In
Jured Rcsrets the Accident, Bnt Says He Was Not Aware of Having
Injured Anyone by Firing.
,u. nrt. 37. Th attorney for
l K. Perry, unlll today president of
At lank of Norm nnmivi,
,j,t noon that Perrf -has decided to
Hinder hlmaelf sr.ll unswer any
rtmm made agahwrt him.
Tbto action, together with the sale
rftke bank this msmlng to the Con-
, B nllmav
tkaUl Kauonii, mm" - -
eosttlonal ennrses cuihhsuiuih
mm of Perry with the alleged fel
asloai burning of the works of the
Oltaio Car & bwomotlve Company.
Dtart Itesult "f Hie ltiissn-.Iiipane
War. '
New Tork. Oct. 2". An advance In
tae price of carpets is expected in a
h days as a direct result of the Hns-M-Japanex
war. The war hun forced
the price of carpet wools so high Ihut
tie manufacturers have been making
goods at a toss iTor some time.
Russia and China ate the two great
sources of supply for carpet vraoHE.
Both cannulas have been denuded
practically f liuir supply. Russia
sunken. her own wool for clothing
her soldiers, and Japan has bought
IP all the available Chinese sapply..
What Is left hiiR advanced In price
Mil II Is almost on a level with the
fine clothing wools, and in addition
to this the increased valuation has
pt II Into a class paying much
hither duty.
San Franciscan Did Not Bare Pace
Trial for Attempted Murder.
8mi Francisco, Oct. 27. Rather
than appear In court On the charge of
attempted murder, W. W. Casteet a
solicitor, suicided this morning with
carbolic acid. The tragedy occurred
aji hour before the case was called.
A few months ago he shot and se-
rttiualy wounded R. M. Dunham,
president of the California Business
College, while school was In sesaim.
A quarrel .over money caused the
Student on Ills Way to VnlvcrsiXv of
California Blew Out Use liars.
San Francisco, Out. 27. Keltfl Ku
do, a Japanese student, aged 37. and
Miss Ouha Jemasuaka. a school
teacher, were found dead in 'a rroom
In a Japanese lodging house this
morning, asphyxhited by gas.
It is believed to have been -accidental.
The boy came from Jaipan yes
terday and Intended to ejvter
the University or California,
man was 81.
TPhe wo-
Rojestvonsky's ItoH.
London. Oct. 27. Admiral Rojestvensky's report reached Count
Seeckendorft this morning, and was quickly conveyed to the govern
ment. It la understood the admiral sSates he never had any Inten
tion of firlns; on the trawlers, which were early noticed by the Rus
sian fleet am It passed Dogger Bank.
Among: the trawlers the Russia officers naftlced two steamers
moving at high rate of speed, which looked exactly like torpedo
RojMttvensky concluded these were Japanese torpedo boats, ana
adds that In his opinion the squadron fired against these two
ships. He denies that a Russian warship was left behind for six
hours nd never lowered a boat to asslBt the 'injured.
Be says: "The Russian officers were itntally Ignorant of the
shots having struck the trawlers." On behalf of himself and the of
ficers und men of the fleet, We regrets that the trawlers and fisher
men suffered.
'One of the foreign torpedo boats dtoutppeared after the firing.
Th. ih.r remained usitll morning, waiting for Its companion. The
rt,i.ai ..! what warwhtp It was that was noticed hovering near
the scene, and declares that both the ships
unmistakably of the warship . type.
Chicago Wheat.
Chicago, Oct. 27. December wheat
opened at I1.15V4 and closed at
J1.14H- May wheat opened at
11.12 '4. Corn, at &3tt, and oats at
' linker County Taxes.
Raker City. Oct. 27. Assessor
George B. Jett yesterday evening
completed the footings In Bauer
county's assesment for 1904, the total
valuation being $3,965,035. The total
nnmhtr nf cattle In the county Is
2B.9S4. valued at 3215,860; horses,
4301. valued at 146.785; sheep. 99
572. valued at $77,165. The 44 miles
of narrow guage roadbed of the
Sumpter valley Is valued at $89,500
and the 67 miles of the O. R. N. Is
valued at $371,800. There are only
70 nan acres of tillable land In the
county, valued at $702,665, and 306
"60 acres of non-tillable valued at
Rigid Steamboat Inspection.
Washington, Oct. 27. As a result
of the report on the Slocum disaster.
the president has instructed secretary
Metcalf to order a searching Invest
igation of steamboat Inspector serv
ice In every department. Rear Admi
ral Kempff will Investigate the dis
trict whose headquarters are in San
he fired against were
Walla Walla Teachers to Meet
Walls WaTla, Oct. 27. The second
etlng of the Walla Walla county
ecaoel principals' association will be
"W In this city next Satan-day.
iBoni the speakers will be Qrant i.
asa, repaatioHn candidate for couti
T aaperlntendent. and V. M. Davis.
Ik tfmocrntle nominee.
Ills AlKluilKMl.
UAngHea, Oct. 27. George W.
Mthman sstolded In the city jail by
it hla afbdomen In a horrible
Representatives of the Coaaa-
"erctal Association,
.tooem J. A. Borle. of the Peta-
mswoiul Association, has
Jed Judge 8. A. Lowell, Bert
taan and C(C. Berkeley as dele-
rendlaton to meet the del
iuu i T "'"Monday night from
IT ,"" K nd Coyote, to
JT the matter of the Butter
Mgau aroJecl. u ,g under,
, sauwir.50Verni,"!"t htt,, decided to
""Mon the nn,w,i ..j ,,
a, . "' "o uonier-
Ma, T ' " c""ed for "e
a as i.k whut action
w 7 mr- Borie this
,,eleiate.r'T"Ue""!1 ' ap
'mpt On,eren0e-'m
Ike Mk..
trasni ,i lwr"on"' who will be
: tnm Z V""'"" Monday night
- ... r. . aannonn. '
c J.
i Clave,
''rar tZ n ' D- 'Teel and 3
aat ' ,rora Coyotc. M. War
Han.. , .
tktt-.Z.T""0" of thee callinar
au ppoint
lna. inU;a Em",r before
harge of th. pro-
uT ,urth development
1 Death In rui
!hr -. pU'
hK """" 0W
H i tu-" oon
Now York's Mayor StarKifl Olie Cur
rent WIUi av Kllwr lrvm, on tlie
Subway System of Use Me.troKlls
RO.OOO Invited Usarmts lUsle Through
the Vast Tunnels tor tlie I'lrst Time
Will Be Opened to Ike Public
I'oriiially at 7 O'clock Tomorrow
New York, Oct. 27. The ew rapid
transit aubway was formatli' opened
this afternoon. The first train was
started by Mayor MeCletlaav with a
silver controller, which went Hhrough
the tunnel with specially Invited
Simultaneously trains were aturted
ifrom the various stations. Pnacedlng
the movement, appropriate' .cere
monies were held In the aldenmanlc
chamber of the city hall.
A signal was flashed all over the
city, whistles were blown and bells
twtre rung. Fifty thousand taoapie.
who received free transport, tatton
rode up and down the subway during
the afternoon. The road will be
tfarawn open to the public at 7 o'asasck
tosnrorrow nUjht. .
Lasmion, Oct. 27. The opinion of
the Russian embassy Is flisM the sit
uation will very shortly be cleared
now. that KojeRtvensky's report Is re
oelved. A pacific solution. It Is said.
maj be reached at any moment.
. British Fleet Avmlt tHrtlera.
Kdinburg. Oct. 27. The home fleet
liH at anchor in the Firth of Forth
awaiting orders. , '
RumiuiiH Fired tf Swede.
l.nn,l,,ir Oct. 27. Lloyd's has a
telegram .from Gufle. asserting that
the Swedish steamer Aldebarnn, had
been fired at by a BuJJic ship in the
Kkagorack to the north of Belt. The
hot did not take ecl.
Russia Won't Punish Offlceiw.
LK.nd.on. Oct. 27. The deadlock on
the punishment of the Russian offic
ers continues. Kusslu maintains that
the demand for such punishment of
the Russians Interferes with sover
eignty rights and caiiuat be entertain
ed. America SnpKU-i Kngland.
London, Oct. 27. The Centra)
News asserts that the secretary of the
American embassy, Henry White, has
assured Lansdowne of America s .eu
tire sympathy and moral support.
Cabinet Will Meet to Consider.
London. Oct. 27. Premier Balfour
at midnight dispatched a summons
for a meeting of the cabinet today.
This act Is a result of the failure of
Rassia to send a satisfactory rertir
to .the British demands, and is taken
as. a symptom of the Increasing grav
ity of the situation.
Del Casse Would MMllate.
Birmingham. Oct. 27. The Poat
learns that the French Xoreign mln-Is-ter.
Del Caase. has offered his ser
vices .as a mediator between England
and liussla should such services oe
needed. He makes the offer as an
Parker l.cvcs New York.
New York, Oct. 27. Parker lefi
for Esopus at 10 o'clock this morning.
He will arrive at Kosemont at 12
and will spend the remulnder of the
day preparnlg a speech which he wll'
deliver tomoirow to a delegation of
democrats from Oiaiige county. Gov
ernor Udell's home.
ally of RuHsla. and a friend of Eng-
. British Stcumcr Released.
Naeasaka. Oct. 27. The .British
sHeamer Sishan, captured before Port
Arthur by the Japanese, an alleged
carrier of contraband, has been released.
lsrath of a Pioneer.
Walla Walla, Oct. 27. Mrs. Caro
line McKlnzle, aged 63 years, Is dead
at her home In this city. Mrs. Mc
Klnzle came to Walla Walla 30 years
ago. She was the widow oi isaac mc-
Klnale, one of the prominent citizens
of Walla Wa!la In the early days.
Puntjrsd of Hie V
Hull, Oct. 2". The funeral of Cap
tain Smith and second officer Leg
gott, of the Ill-fated trawler Cxaae,
was held today. Immense crowds
attended. All business was suspend
ed and flags on all buildings were at
half mast. A hundred wreaths were
received. Including one from King
Will Stop Use Bailie Fleet.
London, Oct. 27.- It is learned that
England will refuse to accept Ro-
Jestvensky's explanation. In case
that no agreement Is reached, Eng
land will not declare war but will
inform Russia that the Baltic fleet
will not be permitted to proceed
Baltic Fleet OetH foal.
Vigo, Oct. 27. Spuln has granted
permission of the Baltic fleet to take
on 400 tons of coal each. The fleet
will probably leave Vigo tomorrow.
Dr. A. Ije Hoy Visits Milton Today on
Business Connected With the Bit
avass Has (lie Names of Over 150
Families Tlutt Have Been Located
Through the Bureau This Summer
.Magnificent Collection of Pro
ducts Collected .Many Willamette
Valley Towns Represented.
Mrs. C C. Van Orsdall, Grand
Guardian, Returns From the
Attended Meeting of Board of Mana
gers at l-cadvllle and Was Present
at Hie Fraternities Congress) at 8t.
IOiils Woodcraft Will Be Eight
Yearn Old on January 1, 1905, and
Has 05 I,ocnl Circles With a To
tal Membership of 46,000 Finan
cial Condition is Floiu-lsliliiar
Headquarters to Bo Selected.
Mrs. Cui'rle C. Van Orsdall, grand
guardian of the Pacific Jurisdiction,
Women of Woodcraft, accompnnled
by her daughter. Miss Carol Vun Ors
dall, returned this morning from St.
Louis and points In Colorado, where
she visited on business connected
with the order. Mrs. Van Orsdall
was absent from Pendleton over a
month. She attended the meetltig of
the bonrd of managers at Leadvllle,
Col., of the the Women of Woodcraft.
Later she was ut the national fruter
nltles congress at St. Louis and on
her way home she attended the rallies
of the order held In different parts
of Colorado.
"I saw -250 candidates Initiated at
a meeting held In Denver on October
14," sutd Mrs. Van Orsdall. "Every
where I found the local circles in
flourishing conditions. The order will
be eight years old January 1, 1906,
and the present membership is 46,000
with 606 local circles. The flnunclal
condition of the Women of Woodcraft
could not be In better condition. There
Is talk of building u grand ludgu
temple and having all the heud offi
ces In It. The grand clerk's-off lea Is
now at Leadvllle. Denver declare
It Is going to have the headifuartera
In that city. Portland and Oakland
are, both putting forth strenuous ef
forts to secure the permanent head
Mrs. Vun Orsdall says she doesn t
know where the head offices will go.
Pendleton may be the place select
ed," she remarked. "It Is Improbable,
but not Impossible." --,
During the latter part of Decem
ber grand rallies will be held In
Portland, Seattle and San Francisco.
Several hundred new members will
be Initiated at that time.
'OTie New Divorce Canon.
TWe .Protestant Episcopalian con-
vanttaan somewhat unexpectedly pass
ed by as. heavy .majority a compromise
canon permitting the remarriage of
the Inmoent party to . divorce
crantes) for adultery. Such remar
riage rmsst not take place within a
year franai the Issue of the decree,
and any clergyman whose conscience
forbids hhsa to marry a divorced per
son may refaise to do so.
This provision Is practically that of
the Church f England; For almost
50 year the law of that country,
which la ala the law of Its state
church, has permitted such remar
riage ana has authorised clergymen
who have conscientious scruples to
decline to marry dimmed persona.
The new canon will at least prevent
within th church the scandal of the
hasty remarriage of . divorced per
sona Meanwhile the dlsousaton will
oontlnu. An Irrepressible conflict
la in p roan-ess between th forces of
order and of disorder for the pos
session of the Amarioaa horn. New
York World.
The countries that nave th largest
population. China, India and Russia,
are not th atronceat nations, either
Industrially, oommarotally. 1 any
other war,
Russia Ready to 'Apolugiae.
London, Oct. 27. The Paris cor
respondent learns from the highest
authority that within 24 hoars, Rus
sia will give a complete satisfaction,
Including apology, payment of In
demnity and a full Investigation.
Japanese Capture a Village.
Mukden, Oct. 27. The Japanese
have advanced to the village of Jorda
gan, capturing the place after au all
night fight.
Fighting Is Resusned.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 27. A dispatch
from Mukden reports that fighting
There have been no developmenta
during the investigation by the coro
ner's jury Into the circumstances sur
rounding the death of Seymour
Swauger, although some Interesting
facta have been brought to light and
some Interesting theories advanced
There Is now no one who believes in
the possibility of foul play from any
source. All the evidence Is conclu
sive that the death was purely acci
dental. No one can be found who will tes
tify to seeing Swauger on the train
from the time it left Pendleton with
Swauger on the top of a .box car. A
short distanoe this side of Bingham
(the body was found a mils and a
half this side of Bingham) Conductor
Waffle, on hla way from the caboose
to th front of th train, found a
bundle, on to of a car. Which has
been Identified as Bwaugers minsie,
but, Mr. Waffl supposed It betorsged
t some hobo., and having no knows
edg of Bwavusor, .brought ft into the
oaboos. This was Friday evening.
Neither Mr. Waffle nor any ' sMmsjajr
of that ersw beard of any aecidaot
until on the return trip from Hunt
ington Sunday morning. ,
Some who have heard all th testl
mony beilev Swauger fell off th
arid atf the car and either went to
sleep on the track or undertook to
walk tbt track and was run over by
another traiin when killed. There was
a great profusion of blood at the
most easterly point where there was
evidence of an accident. A short dis
tance to the west from this point was
evidence of th body being dragged.
and lesser amounts of blood to a
point snnetioned, and there was found
ths trunk and. another great quantity
of blood.
Still others who have beard all the
testimony, believe the man was k
d by No. tl. by falling between oar
while walkina on th top of us
train, and that th mors or lass mu
tt lasted body was dragged first in on
direction and then In another until
K was left where feuad by th engi
neer f th light angina perhaps 1
hours after faUlmat om th train.
.rs jthaarv that ksvsaa rtsnaaj on
! .soda, has been- abandoned. Th
Jan, wJU aussf.' ajossoarew.
- 1
Dr. A. Leroy arrived yesterday
from the west, en rout to Milton In
the prosecution of his work as super
intendent of the Oregon Information
Bureau. At ml I ton he will finish th
work of collecting the exhibit of pro
ducts peculiar to that famous Irrigat
ed district, and arrange for forward
ing the results to Portland.
Since he was last In Pendleton Dr
Leroy has visited the following points
which have taken actively to the work
of contributing to the exhibit In the
Portland union depot: Albany, Salem,
Corvallls, Philomath, Toledo, Yaqulna
Bay, Newport, Forest Grove, McMlnn-
vllle, Falrview, Gresham, Cascade
Locks, Hood River. The result of
this trip and those preceding It Is that
Dr. Leroy declares there Is now on
exhibition In the union depot the
finest collection of Oregon products
ever gotten together In the state,
without any exception whatever. In
the doctor's own language, "It Is sim-
rply magnificent."
Dr. Leroy spent four days at Hood
River Inspecting ths beautiful ex
hibit of Hood River district products,
but In spite of his utmost endeavors
he was able to secure but II boxes of
selected fruits for the Portland ex
hibit What he did secure, however,
is very fine, and is an assorted lot
comprising every variety. The rea
son ha did not get mora was because
the Hood River business men and
other citisens realise ths value of ad
vertlsing and simply bought up and
shipped through to St. Louis, for tne
World's fair, all but It boxes which
Mr. Leroy was ao fortunate as to get
hold of.
Th Information bureau has th
name and places of location of II
families from the Bast which havs
found homes in Oregon through the
direct Influence of the bureau during
the past summer. It Is altogether
likely that at least an equal number
have 1 scale in the state through th
Influence of the bureau of whom th
bureau has no direct knowledge, or
perhaps none at ail. Thee 15 fam
ilies, by ths way, are all In Linn,
Lane. Douglas, Marion and Multno
mah co untie.
Robert Burns Expecta Walla Walla to
Receive State Aid Hereafter.
'It Is more than probable," re
marked Robert Burns, agent for the
O. R. V N. company at Walla Walla,
that Walla Walla county next year
will appropriate money to assist the
fair and racing association. There Is
a state law In Washington that pro-
vlds that after a fair has been In
succosfiul operation fur two years,
the commissioners may render assistance.
"I believe that Walla Walla coun
ty will put up 16000. With that
amount of money backing the enter
prise It should be one of the greatest
successes of the kind ever known in
the history of Walla Walla county.
"The race meet and fair Just closed
was a success. I speak from th
standpoint of an outsider. Ths
crowds were large and there Is no
doubt but that the association cam
out with money ahead. Heavy
purses were hung, but the entry
money alone was almost enough to
pay for the prises. Few of ths men
with horses came out with much
money ahead."
Mr. Burns came down to Pendle
ton last night on business. He win
return home tomorrow.
Walla Walla Perjurer Guilty.
Walla Walla, Oct 17. John Adam .
Schmidt found guilty of perjury In .,
naturalising Russians for slectlon -purposes,
nearly a year ago, must
serve a sentence of six years at Mc
Neill's Island, and pay a tin of
11000, th superior court having sua- ,
talnad th finding of th district ,
court in th case. . i
llltis99fS' .
Rio of Villagers. ' a. ;
Roms, Oct 17. Ths arrest or, i
th bead peasant Logua, on a
charg of swindling ths villa .
of San Plervernotlee, has arous- , i
sd It t0t inhabitants to the
point of riot In attempting to i
liberal th accused man, a
conflict occurred with eau-bl- .
liters. Tbrss soldiers were in-
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