Newspaper Page Text
DAILY EVEHBiBEDITIOH WEATHER FORECAST. Tonight ami Saturday fair. PEN DLETON, OREUOXV F1U DA Y, ()( TOIJEU 28.' 1 904 . NO. 5190. U- .-- - - - - I WHITMAN IAND WTTHBH.AWN iBffllB 'IIEIIES Quarter of a Million He-Owns United Cop ' Company. i ' f, unto HOME jog DISABLED MIXERS. HMttM Mmir Deckle Ue Bet-flas- Clown uwon. But tsvys He r' ta ike Pecs liUO mam That He Siiu C guk-arlnK VTU Make w UK Government Rmbw a Tract for 1rp Patoaw Irrigation xVoJoet. Walla Walla, Oct. 28. The "Walla Walla public land office yseterday re ceived Instructions by telegraph to withdraw from entry three sections of land tn Whitman eounty, Situated near Hooper, which Indicates that the gevernment la about to undertake the immense Irrigation project tor which the people ot this 'section of country have hoped m lone time. The tele graphed Inatructlona are ma follows: "On account of Palouse irrigation project, withdraw from all forms rf disposal tnder flrat form withdrawal sections 34, 25 and 2( of township 16, range 27 east. W. A. RICHARDS, !Land Commissioner." THE Hi t Ann DRIVES AWAY THE WAR CLOUD PARKER THANKS BRYAN. CandWIate IXirresses Appreciation for Work fI the "Nebraskan. Esopus, Oct. 28. After reading Bryan's closing "speech in the Indi ana newspapers this morning, Parker sent the NebrasWan the following tel egram: T wit to thank yon for 'the splen did aervtoe you haVe rendored"to 'the amnocraaic pa My In Indian and else where during the present campaign." Oct . Hehus" is vat hi -a imttnerit Uiat he will bet Law-' L,IM, to be posted la any luk. that be still oaatrwia the I ftpper Company, tbe decis i k reached by five men, one tm the Winer' Uniaa, the art Union, the Engineers' 1 ae American Federation f ud tot American Labor tilt toter to build a some for I mil disabled union men at peat in Montana with tbe wln- Kttaces the offer with a Har ms of Uwooa, bat says he is a forego the source of the tn mile aguloat him, in order inn to the people of HunUina m b sincere. AcddeouUx Killed. Walla, Oct' 28. Orley uott. butataa. nu fatally wounded I afternoon by tbe accidental mm of a ihoUjun lu tbe bands iom Rngera. The accident oc- W n Eureka Flau U miles from n V'lla. Scott wan wounded in ' thigh and died lu the arms Statu ho ihot him. while being first the elty. pokai9Unrlani Cot $1000. Spokane, tt. 28. Expert burglars made a big haul some time this morn ing try cracking the safe in the bar of the "Golden "West hotel, First aven and Washington street, securing near ly 11000 In money. The .safe was blown -open." without disturbing the many sleepers in the hotel rooms above and the burglars left no clue. England and Russia Agree to Submit the North Sea Incident to a Court of Inquiry. Only Minor Details Remain to lie Agreed Upon Difficulty Will Come Be fore The Hague Tribunal Most Get Spain's Permission to Hold Ships in Harbor at Vigo Until Inquiry Ends Warlike Atmosphere at Once Cleared by tile Proposition to Arbitrate. NO HELP FOR TYNER. President Says He Must Be Guilty ax Determined at Trial. Washington, Oct. 28. The presi dent this afternoon sent a reply to a letter received ' this morning from General Tyner. The president says he Is unable to right any wrong In the matter, be cause he considers no wrong has been done Tyner. The president further says "The question of your guilt on the criminal charge on which you were tried, having been passed upon by a jury, the president acquiesces In Its finding. The evidence seems to be overwhelming, that you were guilty, either of moral obliquity In your performance or of the grossest Inefficiency." The letter Is over Secretary Loebs signature and contains 2000 words, London, Oct. 28. It is authoritatively stated that the proposi tion to refer the North Sea dispute to a court of inquiry, haa been accepted in principle, although several details and formalities remain to be arranged. ' v The' appointment of the arbitrators will be discussed by Benck endorff 'and Lansdowne tomorrow. Tbe final Inquiry will be held at The Hague, under rules of The Hague convention. The only detail which remains to be arranged is the consent of Spain to permit that portion of the Russian fleet uoncerned In the North Sea Incident, to remain at Vigo until the Inquiry la completed. E42overnor Nash Dead. Columbus, O., Oct. 28. Ex-Governor TSunh itdroppeM dead in his bath room;, at ll .o'clock this morning. Heart trouble of long standing was the-caniwof his death. The ex-governor haa declined rapidly since he re tired from the executive office last January. He was a widower and lived with his step-daughter. Wltr of Jlanilauslitrr. Walla. Oct. 28. a i f". an Italian laborer, who shot "W a fellow countryman 1 T a month an u na ' WW ef manslaughter. The in mperior cunrt a-u wt -e W Keel In Portland. . Ocl. tS Th T .... f OMftea, adjourned to meet th the Lewis and Clark Portland. All the rw mlnj public lmprove w adopted. ISOS IKKIGATIOX BAIM.I-X lok tla- Oriitlimtor of . Up-I Uwigr, Ab)mt w Long. Ogden. there were no ' FlaT8 lar,ie ei,ou8h lo 'Jhlbrook. a delegate from V""" " he "flBinated rirjTr?? tHe mo"t n- and 30 lnche in 'Ve"er" tnat coer 1 kdT banner. , "Wat? J""" was pinned the 0reon ""laiwi .not t0 mo,ie to lltof rlhbon, and they &fal1 esatthe br0ught Wettrl" them ; Puo congresa, ."""FRRIOh-. ' kjhoT MM,ntlu. Wn ?old CM' ad Z"" u the Moun- ""wney, -LiU.mnf." h. that 'boot ZthlJ1- This . 0wn a pack J?- hJT. J"- eepeclallv talc's. LfAVSON ARRAIGNS THE COPPER KING K.VTS ITt lNZK IS A ItKAWLKU AND RASCAL. mm Ho GKe 1.0()0,0o0 'to Butte nuers if Helnae Can Prove That lie Did Not Sell Out to Uie Amal pimoteil Coiier Company Law.n Says Time. Has Come to Put Vp or Shut I'p and Helnzc Must Either Vutl Talking or Baek I'p Ilix Sutc-mrnui. Butte, Moot., Oct. 28. Thomas W. LaWKo;;, the millionaire Boston cop per broker, In a signed statement this morning: declares he n-lll distribute to the miners at Butte, If P. Augustus Heinze disproves the statement that Heinze has sold his eopper mining Interests to the Amal gamated. "I bitterly hate the men of the Amalgamated, because I know they nave foully robbed thousands of I nocent and honest people of America. end Kurope, and driven scores to sui cide and to the prison," says Lawson. "In concluding, Luwson declares: "Helnse, the time haa paased for you to talk; either furnish the proof that you are not lying and that I am not tening the truth, in which event the miners of Montana, who have use for renl money, can secure more of It than they ever had from you, or else aamit you are a -public brawler, cowardly rascal, who is attempting to use honest citizens and honest labor ers for his own base ends. Heinze, your time has come to put up or shut up. . . ... Now Jersey Mothers' Coogriotw Trenton, ' N. J. Oct.. 28. The New Jtrney Congress of Mothers opened Its fourth annual meeting today in the high school building, Mrs. Ed ward E. Grice, of Riverton, presiding. The large attendance Indicated an un usual degree of Interest, aroused In Part by the election of president and other Important officers, and partly by the Interesting topics scheduled for discussion. The feature of the open ing session this afternoon was an ad dress by Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett of Alexandria, Va., on "Guardians of the Junior Citizens.", The sessions will continue through tomorrow. ' Among the distinguished visitors present Is Mrs. Theodore Birney of Washington, honorary president of the National Congress of Mothers. . Agricultural Convention. Oklahoma City, Okla., Oct 28 There was a good attendance today at the opening of the territorial agri cultural convention, the sessions of which will continue through tomor row. Prominent among the sched uled speakers are President Hartzog of the University of Arkansas, Prof. H. E. Smith of Sherman. Texas, Prot John Fields of the Oklahoma Agricul tural college, and W. J. Splllman of the United States department of agriculture. London, Oct. 28. Balfour this evening announced definitely that the Anglo-Russian dispute has been re ferred to an international Inquiry. Baltic Fleet Proceeds. Mudrid, Oct. 28. A telegram from Vigo states that the Russian fleet de parted today for the Far East. lleet Goeu to Portland Itde. London, Oct. 28. The first divis ion of the home fleet sailed from the Firth of Forth today for the Isle of Portland. -. V . ... . .. . - ' BrlUnti "CrulHer lo ijco. . London. Oct. 28. A dlRpatch to the Central News from Gibraltar says that six British cruisers have left there, heading eastward. It is believ ed their destination as Tangier. A dispatch to the Exchange-Telegraph says the cruisers have gone to Vigo. ITotent From Sweden. St. Petersburg. Oct. 28. A protest has been received from the Swedish government, regarding the firing up on the steamer Albebaraen by a Rus sian cruiser on Friday night. Repairs to the engines of some of the warships have not been completed. Storks Closed Stronger. London, Oct, 28. As a result of a feeling that a conflict between Eng land and Russia haa been averted, the stock market closed with a better tendency.- Twenty-one Days Is tlio Limit. London, Oct. 28. A period of 20 days has been allowed for an Inves tigation at Vigo. r ' Mam Immediate Iuaulry. '. - ... - London, Oct. 2. A dispatch from a, Russian news agency says the Ru. slan minister of foreign affairs has notified the British ambassador that Russia consents to an Immediate In qulry at Vigo, regarding the North Seu affair. . . BROOKLYN FIRE COSTS A MILLION JAPANESE ORDER FLOUR. Munt Be Delivered With Expedition, No Matter What the. Cost. . Portland, Or., Oct. 28. It became known here this morning that great orders for flour have been received from the Japanese government with urgent Instructions to ship with great expedition. ' The orders . contain a statement that the delivery and not the price is the desideratum. To Celebrate Mitchell Day. Wilkesbarre,. Pa., Oct. 28. It Is ap parent that every colliery In the an. thracite region will be Idle tomorrow and that the mlneworkers will turn out in a body to celebrate John Mitch' ell day. The feature of the celebra tlon will be the big parade, for which elaborate arrangements have been completed by Grand Marshal John T. Dempsey and his aids. It Is confi dently expected that more than 160 local unions will be In line. Fairbanks In Thirteen Sfieeclies. Springfield, Mo. Oct. 28. Fair banks began a series of 18 speeches scheduled for today, by addressing a crowd at Monet. He will arrive at St. Louis tonight on his way to Cin cinnati, where he will apeak tomor row night "c ' OFFICER One Policeman Dead and Fodr Steamers and Cargoes De stroyed. "V , 1 ; dollars . In an . Settlement Has Been Readied. Fighting at Port Arthur. Chee Foo, Oct. 28. A Chinese Junk just arrived from Port Arthur and brings the Information that 'minor events over small portions of the fiel occur nightly. Japanese shells have found lodgment In several Rus sian warships. The garrison aggre gates 10,000 men, who are .wearing their last winter uniforms. Large Tnnn flt 911 Tha u hi net met this morning and discussed the dls- ; Ku8 continue to arrive at Dal pute between Russia and Great Brit, aln. Every member was present. The meeting ended at 1:45. the mill iners laughing and chatting. Indicat ing that a peaceful settlement tjf the dispute hud been reached. Just before the meeting ended Beckendorff arrived at the foreign office and luter he and Lansdowne conferred at length. It Is presumed the ambassador was Informed of the cabinet's decision. King Kdward Not Concerned. London, Oct. 28. King Edward attended the races at Newmarket this afternoon. This fact Is taken as an indication that the issues between KusHia and England will be amicably adjusted. British Ships Prepare for Sea. Halifax, Oct. 28. Orders have been received o prepare the ships of the North American squadron for sea. If the fleet sails, it will probably Join the fleet at Portsmouth, England. KxiMHfa Speedy Settlement. London, Oct. 28. At the Russian embassy the following statement was issued today: "We are In constant communication with the British gov ernment. As a result of these com munications the embassy hopes there will be a speedy and satisfactory set tlement. The whole aspect of the situation has decidedly improved. Ambassadors In Conference. London, Oct. 28. The Russian am bassador had a conference with Lans downe this morning lasting until nearly 11 o'clock. The French am bassador also called and discussed the situation. Just before the meet ing of the cabinet, Lord Rothschild called on Premier Balfour In the In terests of a peaceful settlement of the questions at Issue between Great Britain and Russia England Would Arbitrate. Paris, Oct. 28. England has offer ed to submit the Issues of the North Sea Incident to an International com mission. It is believed that Russia will accept this arrangement, . Warships Detained at Vigo. St Petersburg, Oct 28. Admiral Rojestvensky haa been ordered to de tain at Vigo all the warships which participated In the North Sea affair. Vessels Cannot Iitwve Vigo Yet Vigo, Oct 28. Notwithstanding the report from Madrid, the vessels of the BalUo fleet have not left this port ny. Firing Into Port Arthur. Toklo, Oct. 28. It 1b reported here that the Japanese mude a desperate assault on the eastern forts of the Keekwan group, October 26, and si lenced the Russian batteries. The Russian betteries on Rlhlung moun tain and Sunghohowaln are also si lenced and the forts In front of these mountains were occupied. A shell exploded In the Russian magazine. That night there was fire In Port Arthur, and the following day a shell struck the battleship Sevastopol, and two Russian steamers were sunk. Alexleff Goes Home. Harbin. Oct. 28. An order was Is sued today announcing the departure of Alexleff for St. Petersburg, by command of the czar. Alexleff thanks the officers of the Pacific fleet for Its sacrificing work during the past 10 months. He particularly mentions the seamen at Port Arthur. Chicago Wlieal Market. Chicago. Oct. 28. December wheat opened at 1.18 and closed at J1.13H- May opened at 11.12 Vb and closed ' cent lower. Corn opened at CO cents and closed of a cent lower. Oats opened at 2 cents and closed U cent lower. , . Discuss Fair Exlilblt. Members of the Pendleton Com mercial Association, the county court and Dr. A. Le Roy, of the Oregon Information Bureau, met at 4 o'clock for the purpose of discussing an ap propriation for a Umatilla county ex hibit at the Lewis and Clark fair. An attempt will be made to secure an appropriation from the county for this purpose. of Jury Still In Session. The coroner's jury is holding other session today In the office Coroner Henderson, In the Investiga tion of the Swauger case. It Is believ ed that they will not be able to con clude the Investigation until some time tomorrow. Stallion Weighs a Ton. Among the consignment of horses to the McLaughlin company, which Is expected to arrive today or tomor row, Is a 2-year-old Percheron stal lion which weighs 1980 pounds. After 50 days of . marching over swamps and steppes, the crow of the Novik. the Russian . cruiser driven ashore on the Island of Sakhalin, has reached Vladivostok. . ; ; INSPECTS CARLOAD OF IMPORTED GOODS TRANSFERRED HERE. George II. Knuggs, of Portland, Sn lieriiitemling the Transfer of Clil- nene Goods Front a Broken Car at This Place Goods Consist of Mai ling and Must Be Closely Inspected to Prevent Smuggling Part of a Shipload of 3.VKI Tons Consigned to the East Prom Portland. George H. Knaggs, an Inspector the Portland custom house, arrived this morning and will Inspect the contents of the box car which broke down near Pendleton night before last while eastbound. An axle gave way, but the car reached Pendleton without further incident. Mr. Knaggs was sent for to take charge of the transferring of its contents to another car, at this point. Mr. Knaggs' duties in this Instance are simply to see that all the contents of the car, which Is loaded with im ported goods from China, are trans ferred to another car without break age or loss by theft or from any other cause, and incidentally to see that the old and new bills of lading exactly compare, as a precaution ugalnst smuggling. The contents of the car consist of 20 tons of matting, upon which clearance papers must be given by Mr. Knuggs to the final des tination, which Is Norfolk, Va. The goods In this car were a por tlon of a shipload of 8600 tons of goods from China, every pound of which was consigned by rail from Portland to Atlantic coast ' points. Nearly all the goods ' consisted of curios, teas and matting. Mr. Knaggs has been a resident of Oregon E0 years and was never In Pendleton until this morning, though he has repeatedly been through the place by rail, to all the towns of the eastern part of the state, and he has been to Umatilla, Wallula and Walla Walla many years ago, before and since the railroads were built. He Is familiar from acquaintance and ob servation with all the larger towns In the state aide from Pendleton, and also many of the smaller towns, and Is viewing Pendleton with a great deal of unfeigned Interest. INCENDIARY AT WORK AT BUSH TERMINAL. Department ' Fought the Fire - for Three Hour Cargoes of Wool, Hemp and Cotton Runted Like Tin der Freight Steamers Nebraska, ' Arizona, American and Cltta dl Pal ermo Were-Badly Damaged City of Palermo Received Serious In juries Fire Raged for Tluree Honrs Without Abatement Patrick Cush lug Dead, New York. Oct 28. One man is dead, one severely ' wounded, several are missing and a million worth of property-dlstroyed early morning fire which burned four steamships and several piers and warehouses and the Bush Terminal Company's store at South Brooklyn. A hundred thousand dollars worth of cotton, hemp and general cargo was destroyed. Policeman Patrick Cushlng la dead and Benjamin Walsh, a fireman, la seriously Injured. Other dead may be found later. The department fought the fire, which is believed to be Incendiary, for three hours. The vessels which were badly damaged were the Amer-, lean, Arlzonlan, Nebraskan, of the American and Hawaiian line, ' and Cltta dl Palermo, of the Italian line. The Palermo Suffered Most The Palermo suffered the most. her valuable cargo being ruined. The. fire spread so rapidly that tugs could not reach the blazing vessels. The watchman and crews of the vessels Jumped Into the water, from which they were rescued by firemen. There has been much Ill-feeling . in the neighborhood against the company. Lust Tuesday a mysterious caused a loss of (50,000 cotton. Ranger Burned Ont. The office of the Long Creek Ran ger was burned last Monday night, completely destroying the building and contents. A blacksmith shop on one side and an undertaking estab lishment on the other side were also burned. This is the same office (with the same proprietor, Charles E. Coe.) that was dynamited last year. Messrs. Clark and Kuhn. of Pendleton, were In Long Creek the day following the fire, which Is best described as being undoubtedly of Incendiary origin. fire worth of O. R. & N. IMPROVEMENTS. Projected Work Planned by President Moliler lo Be Completed. It transpires on good authority that the reconstruction plans of the O. R. & N. Company begun two years ago by President Mohler and now being continued by General Manager E. HJ. Calvin, have been so enlarged as to Include change of line near Coyote, where a cut-off will be built which will reduce the mileage very ma terially, take out curves, and enable the management to make a great sav ing tn time; this cut-off will extend beyond Umatilla and to a point near Echo. Another set of curves will be cut out just this side of Hood River and the only obstructing grade out of The Dulles will be reduced. Ballasting of the lines Is proceeding with vigor on the division eust of La Grande, and new rails will be put In the line where they have not yet been laid. It Is Mr. Calvin's Intention to make the main line between Huntington and Port land as solid as the main line of the Pennsylvania railroad, Most of the track now Is In as good a condition as any Eastern trunk line. As fast as the ballasting Is put In it is lined up evenly so that It presents the same handsome appearance as an Ki.slern rondbed. With better track comes better time for freight and pas senger trains. . ,' PRICES AT TANANA. Cost of Food in Alaskan Camp Was Very nigh. The Seattle Star, speaking of the , prices of food in the Tanana mining district of Alaska, says: . Flour waB 136 per 100 pounds; dried apples, rice, corn meal, sugar and lard were 60 cents per pound; bacon could be procured at the rats of 86 cents and $1 per pound. Candles were 126 per box and picks and shovels were 110 each. Salt was tl per pound for a time, but some- one brought In a load, which sold like hot cakes at 60 cents per pound. . On- his way down Barber passed through Nome and said the conditions there was the reverse. In Nome con densed milk Is 6 cents per can, maple' ' sugar three pounds for 86 cents. The storekeepers there desire to sen out their stock as soon as possible, as conditions' are very poor. He estimates that at least 12,000,-. ono has been taken out of the Tanana district during the past summer. He says that the country Is developing rapidly and this fall people are taking 1 In machinery and Implements to use In the mines, rather than household utensils, as last fall. There are be tween 7000 and 1000 people around Fairbanks. .- ; ' '