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-'Atl.t EAST ORKOQXIAN, PDLETOW. OREOO. THCRSDAY, NOVK MBER , 1M4. PAGE THREr OREGON'S COLLEGE ;2alBargain Week li . n.wrnl bargains to offer toi ft H E Hcf mient ha bargain to offer yon , m on""- GOODS j e ,terial you want .ooo. ...50 y-i gooda 2-5 J i dre SILK; AT REDUCED PRICES 60c China Bilks, all colon . . 88o yd 75c tafeta silk, all colors . . 60c yd 85c taffeta silk, all colors . . 65c yd $1.00 crepe de chines, all col or 80c yd $1.!!5 fancy silks .... 88c yd Money Savins Prices on La dies', and Children's Shoes A trial will convince you. ' We don't try to see hoyr much we can get for our shoes. Our Idea Is to see how good a shoe we can give you for the least money. All 11-50 shoes ta this sale $1.15 All $200 shoes in (his sale $1.40 All $2.60 shoes in this sale $1.85 All $3.00 shoes In this sale $2.85 Sorosls shoes for ladles .... $3.50 faction on allcWIdiwi OTd misses' shoes. Alexander Dept. Store j THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES I 4 THE BEST SMOKE ON THE MARKET tori .. m w"" Hantrfacttired by A. ROHDE war S. 1 J 1 Monarch Ranges Malleable Iron and the kind you cannot break. I have a full line of Ranges, Heaters, both wood and coal, and In vite you to call and examine the same before nylng. T. C. TAYLOR The Hardware Man "Moat his cadre Furniture business and must reduce his xkbekw January 1st, 105. MlG STOVES, COOK STOVES, STEEL RANGES, AT COST. KWre Mupfe Dueswers, .Chiffoniers, and Waahstands are Wmnwtlj reduced jirioe. fcainf Machine "dfeKriptlou, fruui $5i00 up. New Mudiines at actual JOE BASLER L" I Remember Joe Basler ltVXNING CPA BILL for your Jaundry work la not neces sary to 'Insure proper care If your washing ds entrusted to .us. We take f ains wish the smallest orders, and our prices .are so moderate that the weekly uharge need not be burden some. We dnvite" a fair trial of our service. Pleased to call on short no tice. "Phone Main $01. DOMESTIC STEAM LACTJDRY. $$$$ f PLUMBING laating Quall- i fnl",Tay9 U,e c,enpesf ha. i(to,PU",ber8- "orce to mle p of the be t ' .T 01 ",t0"" Paid to sanitary features of X -k. GIVE I0D PIGCKEg fluoie rlght prl0M ,nd on,r ?-TI"mpson Co. W PANICS Write the East Ore Altera. 1 c-f, gonlaafor a free cat- Sass5wpplTniyf kept to stock. iT tae n .. 7 NOW 600 STI DENTS IX AGRim.Tl RAL IXSTITITIOXS Fully 700 Expected Before Close of Year Oregon's targeta Institution ' of lieaniliifr Receives Roth State and Federal Aid Over 500 Gradu ate Holding Lucrative Positions W. F. Herron, a Graduate, Draws $70,000 Per Year Salary as an At torncy for Southern Pacific. The Oregon Agricultural college, located at Corvallls, Is by far the largest Institution of learning In the state, six years ago half a dosen schools outranked the Agricultural college In point of numbers. At the present time the O. A. C. has an at tendance of about 600 students, and the list will swell to 650 or 700 this yeur, which Is twice the patronage of any other institution of higher learn ing in Oregon. The Agricultural college Is the richest Institution In learning in Ore gon, for the reason that the state and the national government are both lib erally patronizing It A half million or more han already been spent In buildings which are 13 In number; and these are handsomely supplied with the latest appliances in phar macy, chemistry, physics, mechanics, agricultural, horticultural, bacteriol ogy and other departments of science. Thirty-five Instructors are regularly employed with Doctor Thomas M. Gatch as president. Under Dr. Gatch as president, more students have graduated .than under any other president in the Northwest. ine college otters nine regular courses of study; viz.: Pharmacy, agriculture, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mining, house hold science, literary commerce, In cluding bookkeeping, typewriting, commercial arithmetic, commercial law and stenography, Instrumental music and vocal music. The first seven of these being free to all, while a small charge Is made for vocal and Instrumental music. In addition to these regular courses of study, many students take special courses In free hand drawing, elocution, literature and other culture studies. As stated, tuition In the first seven courses Is free. Board is about $3 a week for the 36 weeks of school; and books cost from 17 o $11 per year. The ordinary students earn $T0 at odd hemrs during the school year and a large number of boys save $109 dur ing the three months of summer va- "cotkm. This Ib proof conclusive that a fine priictlcul education Is what we are ready to give any boy or girl with sufficient determination. The Ort-gon Agricultural college has 500 graduates holding lucrative positions, -while -the highest salary paid on fne Pacific const $?U,000 Is received by W. F. Herron, coun sel for !the Southern Pacific railroad at San Francisco, Is a graduate from the (). A. C. Mr. Herron was a poor boy and woi'ked his way through col lege. Hy his example he has proven to many poor boys that those through Industry muy obtain u first-class edu cation In 'Oregon. There are 13 churches located In Coiwallls, hence the city hus become muted for Its rtffined society. On ac count of the healthy location of the town the -state board of health has made special mention of the high sanitary condition of the town. Students ffrom Eastern Oregon as a rule rank high In their work. On account of the sparseness of first class rurul schools in some localities. it sometimes happens that they start In school a little behind their class-1 mates in some .of their studies, but! almost Invariably, they make good the deficiency In a remurkably short ; period, graduating with their fellow I students. A hirge number of the .Salutatorlans and Valedictorians who j have received honors from the O. A. C. were from Eastern Oregon. The Agricultural college is open to all High school students and 8th grade graduates not accessible to any 1 high school, may enter the sub-fresh-( men department. Students are ad mitted at all times -of the year. Per- , sons Interested should address the 1 president, who will furnish catalogs' and other necessary Information, free ' of charge. ! WARNING Don't allow your grocer to sub stitute any other brand for Mono pole. Something just as good only exists in the brain of the dealer who wants to sell inferior goods that pay a larger profit. Assert your rights and insist on receiving this brand. After one trial you will use no other. WADHAMS & KERR BROS. WHOLESALE GROCERS 81-83-85 Front Street, Portland, Oregon , MAMA won't let me take any other brand of canned fruit or vegetables from the grocer 'cause 6he says Monopole is the best. Since Mama has been using Monopole canned fruit she has to lock it up, as my brothers, Jim and Jack, would eat it all up, it's so good. PAPA says that Monopole canned oysters, lobster and crab are the best he ever tasted, and the salmon is out of sight, what ever he means by ,that. The oysters are all full size and have a delicious flavor. The Standard of Endurance Our Guarantee Covers All Responsibility PHOENIX PURE PAINT TAKE NO ONE'S WORD-TRY IT YOURSELF E. J. MURPHY 121 Court Street NEWS OF MILTON. Moving From Walla Walla to Pendle ton Moving From .Ml I Ion to HK kaiio Will Winter on Franklin County Homestead Have Returned From Month's Visit In Kansas. Milton, Nov. 2. Paul Mestel, who for several months conducted a butcher shop In the Strain building, moved his shop Monday to Freewater. Harry R. Hogue, formerly of thin place, who was formerly with the Orumheller Hardware' Company, at Walla Wulla, was here yesterday en route to Pendleton, where he has ac cepted a position. Mrs. C. E. Berry will leave tomor row for Spokane, where she will here .after reside. Mr. Berry being em ployed there in the Frank Bros', dry goods store. W. A. McOhee left yesterday for his homestead in Franklin county, to spend the winter Improving the place. Mrs. Ida Keen of Walla Walla, spent Saturday and Sunday here vis iting friends. Miss Lida Nell Is expected home to morrow from Elgin, where she spent the summer. Mrs. C. E. Gibson ami daughter. Mrs. Delia Hughes, returned Monday from a month's visit in Kansas. Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness Ib responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from throat and lung trou bles. But since the nilveut of Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion.coughs and colds, even the worst cases can be. cured, and hopeless res. Ignntlon is no longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Crugg of Dorchester, Mass., Is one of many whose life waB saved by Dr. King's New Discovery. This great remedy Is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by Tallman & Co., druggists. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottles free. At Hamilton. Mont., John Tyler, aged 6, and Tressle Marvel, nge.1 S, were playing train robbers. The boy pointed a small rifle at the girl, pulled the trigger and shot her dead. Building Material OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to Order Building Pa per, Mine, Cement, lirlck and Suml, Wood Glitters for Burns ami Duellings a Speclulty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta Street, Opp. Court Ilouse. Be Knew Better. Dr. Woodberry Mann I claim that the Vermiform appendix la worthless Dr! Ch.r.m HUh-Ohl 1 don't know. Th. appendix of old Koyne, the millionaire, wa. orth hundred dollar! to met four HOT DRINKS Vis-oral, Clam Bullion, Aaparox, Chicken Broth, Tomato Bullloa. Chocolate, Cocoa. THE CABINET Candle, Hot Drinks, Cigar anal Fruit In season. 101 Court Street. f II. J. WILKINSON, Prop. Expert Collectors W have located a branch office ka Pendleton, and will make collecUnc defunct bill a specialty. No ac count too old for us to handle. Our plan la: "No collection, as charge. Suit Instituted, Judgments advertised. The Van Abrtl ne-Gordon Co., Mer- canuie Agency, H. v. Up . Co., Mgra. 11$ E. Court St. Telephone Mala I1L roR HALK AT TUB EAST OKEOON1AB office large bundle of acMpra, coe talnlDg over 100 bl( papar, caa b aktahv w ivr 49 cvuu a suaeis.