Newspaper Page Text
ifffil )! tffiV . . 1 1 DAILY CTENINB EDITIOnI f th l h" I I Wk I ' 1 TiJ-Xl T'"' m m rmjmimJ J Tonight. Increasing cloudiness; H gjrt Oregonlan .jHSMBBBPIIBIJ S5 ""turday, raln an(1 probablr U3"" rEXlLKTOX, OHEHOX, FRIDAY, XOYEMHKll 4. 1iK)4 NO. 5 19. U ' : - II II ja Alliance Issues an the Wotere of County. OIVWENTS GIVEN mWh e Claim Tliat - - fB Many-fold Mr w - ! titan of Immorality jBll0,000 b Spent An 'fn up In Pendleton, Diverted Into Other bnhun Lincoln f j if the campaign In Unla id, oo the liquor question, i,lt It otrtinely warm. The Mu bue arranged a pro-fn-Kh-maklng for nearly junto the county, as well as tiriu of literature, and the Lumn force are alBO con- 1 . ht n-lth mink. ; au-mcnuurc. ijHtrtil Alliance of Penrtle- tntd l lait appeal to the ji tit ihipe of a circular let kn printed below. The antls latter In preparation, which pikmtmi tomorrow or Mon ti tit list days of the cum- lo It filled with oratory himent on the prohibition Following 1b the circular jFtatlllnliterlul Alliance: (Mag Speeches. Footer Stone, who recently tot to a large and appreela w, will attain visit our city H u follows: Friday eve jmmlier t, In the Methodist Wl church; Saturday evening, ft 1, la the Baptist church; 1 ml, In the Presbyterlun I'iKctal lecture to men evening, In the Chris- jwl All evening services will P speaker of national All ihould avail them. fl the opportunity of heurlng Wirei, with an address by it Echo Monday nlirhi. will M the moot vigorous and r.pnnce campaigns f" 1'matllla enimtv trk Pw clearly put before the I r rely upon the f the voters at the ten T, .,,.... right and Just and should succeed. It: Is not party prohibition. Each man j votes his own party ticket and then votes yes or no on the saloon. The absence of the saloon will not kill business but will turn 2fi0.00 now spent for liquor In Pendleton alone. Into other avenue of trade and Investment and. as soon as the read justment Is made, business of the town will be stronger than ever. The Moral Point of View. But greater than all this, hundreds of boys now being sacrificed to strong drink as well as all others who are touched by Its vicious associations, will be spared the sorrow that now overwhelms them. Head -these extracts from Abraham Lincoln's addresses: "The liquor traf fic is a cancer In society, eating out Its vitals and threatening destruction, and all attempts to regulate It will aggravate the evil.' There must be no attempts to regulate the cancer. It must be eradicated, not a root must be left behind, for until this Is done. nil classes must continue in danger of becoming victims of strong drink. Springfield, 1853. "And when the victory shall he complete when there shall he neith er a slave nor a drunkard n the In earth now proua tne tine c mat land which may truly claim 4a be the birthplace and the cradle et both these revolutions that shall have end ed In that victory. Hew msMy distin guished that people who tThuill have planted and nurtured to maturity both the political and moral freedom of their specie." 8prta.jrTieia, Feb ruary 25, 1842. Our fathers fought and died to lib erate the slave. We honor their memory and are Justly proud 'Of 'them today. Let. lis be as true and brave In our generation as they ;nnH bring moral freedom to those enslaved. Let the ballot of next Tuesday be a 'moral emancipation proclamation In Uma tilla county. Ministerial Alliance of "Pendleton. ROBERT WARKHTR, Pres. W. L. VAJJ KTDTS, ec. DEFENDERS OF PORT T OF THE ARTHUR LAST DITCH Stoessel, With 10,000 Men, Will Retire to the Inner Fort- ress in a Short Time. Only One Warship IX Mloat In Port Arthur, the Remainder Being father Sunk or Bajmaged Beyond Repair Reports of Vast Japan ese Advantages Being Confirmed Through Sluuighai Texas Cotton o Japan Russian Poles Make Trouble over Conscription Laws CAN'T RAISE VK8SKL. Mulnlnndcr Sunk in 822 Feet of Wa ter in the Sound, Seattle. Nov. 4. The officials of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company announced this morning that If the location of the sunken steamer Main lander, as reported by Captain Lan ter, Is found to be correct. It Is not likely that any attempt will be made to raise the steamer. The vessel, ac cording to the estimation of Captain Lanter, lies in 131 fathoms of water, or 822 feet. Negotiations are now pending with the Neptune Salvage company, which will, if it be thought practicable by the officials of the steamship com pany owning the Malnlander, be en gaged to search for the steamer with the aid of a diving cage, with which Captain Finch and the Inventor, Smith, located the Islander. 11 ACTIVE No Accounting Made of Mem bership Which Does Not Hustle for the Lord. Rome, Nov. 4. A St. Petersburg correspondent of the Giornaile dl Itnma asserts that General Stoessel wired the Czar that he had made his last attempt to defend the forts to the northwest of Port Arthur and Is .preparing ito retire ito Lima Tisang and Tiger's Tall with 10,000 soldiers and -seamen. Even Golden Hill fort ress will be abandoned. Of the warships only the Pobleda Is afloat. The decks of the Sebasta pol and Peresviets are only two feet above water, while the others are sunk. The Retvlzan was burned with several wounded who were on bourd. Confirm Japanese Advantages. Shungial, Nov. 4. The steamer Victoria arrived from Port Arthur after running 'the blockade with a cargo of beef, and confirms the re port that the Japanese have captured all the main northeastern positions of the fortress. RIOTING tiK.HMAXS XSTt rrAIJl.VNS FMSUT IN AUSTRIAN TOWiV A llivtrl Hat ItnnuilHdicd .and a I'lil versity Buikltng VmojiM Were Called Out juid One Man Was Killed and CUimnt Wounded Mill) of CicrniaiMi Betdegliur iPollce Sta tion, Trying lo Get Hold of 133 Im prisoned Italian :HtudentM. I k, ffm In Hu " at tlai county shall con- outiness. j"? to be fair to all We have studied W!! ,el,t",n "1 feel " 18 a .ueatl cemi the whole county Is a leual of the state! W nrernment are sup- 'taMyer. of the entire accruinK from UPn the coun ,., " as the city, the leJ"4 y the saloons "ther or not they i!!l!K.remalnier ot ie 'iZlA lnl(1 the In- Cw"' reprssen- Triftk, Innesbruck, Austria, Nov. rl The or!nliig of the Italian branch of the Imeprlal university with an Italian faculty last night resulted in rioting by Germans, which uontinued throughout ibe clglit. The Germans armed with revolvers attacked the Italian eUadents. The latter took refuge in a hotel, where they were besieged. The hotel was demolished, together with the unl- I veisity buildings occupied by the Ital ian faculty. This morning troops engaged the German rioters and dispersed .tliom. One German was killed nnd nine wounded. A German mob is now be sieging the police station, where 1.15 Italians are imprisoned. Will Meet In Paris. Paris. Nov. 4. Foreign Minister Delcasse announced today that the Inquiry commission which will Inves tigate the Dogger Bank tragedy will meet In Paris. Russia and England, he said are In perfect accord aB to the terms of the convention and com position of the commission. Through the Straits. Gibraltar, Nov. 4. The Russian Baltic fleet passed Gibraltar bound east at 5 o'clock Ihls morning. De stroyers and torpedo boats will watch the movements of the fleet. Texas Cotton to Japan. Fort Worth. Texus, Nov. 4. A trainload of 1200 bales of cotton left here today for New Orleans, consign ed (o Nagasaki, Japan. Large quan tities of Texas cotton are being ship ped to Japan. Must Not Furnish CoaL London, Nov. 4. Lord Lansdowne has Informed British owners not to charter their vessels for the purpose of following the Russian fleet with coal. Charged Mob of Poles. meslau, Nov. 4. As a protest against mobilization, three thousand Poles marched through the streets of I'zeslochowa, Russian Poland. A de tachment of Infantry charged the mob with bayonets. Six were killed and 20 wounded. Women Lawyers In Oregon. Salem, Nov. 4. Yesterday Mr, George E. O'Bryon and his sister, IMss Lida M. O'Bryon, were admitted to the bar, and will locate at Port. land. These young attorneys are from Washington. D. C, where they received their degrees. Miss O'Bryon is the fifth lady to be admitted to practice law In this state. Seattle Is Growing. Seattle. Nov. 4. The number of building permits Issued during Octo ber was 680 and their value was $371,934, according to the report of Building Inspector Place, filed with the board of works this morning. In October of last year the value of the permits Issued was $389,614. Itl.l.lAIII.E DATA ABOVT THE SALVATION A RUT Recruiting at Astoria. Astoria, Nov. 4. A recruiting offi cer of the United States navy will be In Astoria between November 16 and 21, In order to give all patriotic young men a chance to assist In furthering the glory of the country. CHARLES OIN'GLKS 1EAI. 1"4,diw1. ; 8 ",iuw State, Is ll41. "" , ?!l!ch' T1,en't 4-'tt,?,!0on, of ;th. """ttan else- I . 46 tUlUk, ..... CP a " Of tills received - 4t . f 1 bo care. N " incor- HtaT" ot te " Uw. . Coun. UU "Mil - "ran i.- ... sa a"ect- of the i7 '"on It, 5 ST- 4A of 1 rlo, ,a"' Injul Thonuut om ring Per. re MISSISSIPPI W. C. X. V. I'lirge AtloiHlaiice at 23d Anmud .Con vention. Huttlesburg, Miss., Nov. L. The twenty-second annual convention of the Mississippi w. C. T. U., which will adjourn Monday " evening, as sembled at the Main street Methodist church this morning. The convention was called to order at 9:80 o'clock by Mrs. H. B. Kells, the president of the state organisation. The roll call showed that practically every local branch of the society In Mississippi was fully represented. The opening session was devoted to addresses of welcome and. responses, reports of officers arid .oommittees and other routine business. At its subsequent sessions the convention, In addition to transacting its regular business, will listen to addresses by Mrs. Mary Jewett Telford of Ten nessee, Mrs. Callle H. Howe , of Mis souri, and other W. C. T. U. leaders of nntlonal prominence. Women Burred From Caboose. Walla Walla, Nov. 4. The ex-' elusive sanctum of the conductor of a local freight train will no longer be invaded by woman. Word has gone "ut along the line of the Northern Pacific that hereafter women "vill not be allowed to travel In cabooses. The operating department has ruled that freights are bad enough for men, out wholly impossible when' it comes to affording accommodations to wo men. A female commercial traveler nd a dosen trunks are the cause of tha new regulation. Vesuvius la Eruption. Rome, Nov. 4 ML Vesuvius Is sraln In violent eruption, with a avy fa of ashes over Naples and "Mrotindlng districts, Wvll Known Character of Maker County Died From Injuries Re (vlved In Mountains. Haker City, Nov. 4. Charles Gln gles. a well known character, died last night at St. Elizabeth's hospital from Injuries received by being run over by n wagon loaded with wood last Monday. Gingles was hauling wood from the mountain near here, and In trying to rescue a brother from a perilous po sition, in coming down a steep moun tain grade, was run over by a heav ily loaded wagon, and fatally injured. The family is one of the most noted in the Inland Empire. Gingles, It Is alleged, was wanted for stealing horses ul different places in Eastern Oregon and was brought through Pendleton from North Yakima re cently on a charge of horse stealing. HARDOIt COLLISION., Ferry limit Sinks as the Lust Passen ger leaven It. New York, Nov. 4. During a dense fog this morning the steamer City of Lowell collided with the ferry boat Columbia. The ferry boat was badly(l damaged. The steamer assisted the ferry boat to her slip in Brooklyn. where all the passengers were landed, As the last passenger reached the duck the Columbia sunk, carrying down 11 horses with trucks. Will Extend C. R. & N. Railway. Goldendale, Nov. 4. The C. R. N. railroad will probably be extended lo the eastern section of Klickitat county In time to haul off next year's grain crop. Manager Campbell said the road would be extended If 600,000 bushels of grain were raised east of Rock .creek. There were over 800, Olitl bushels raised this year and next year 1,000,000 bushels will be raised In that section. It Is hoped the road will make connection with the N. P. R. R., as It would be a great benefit to the Klickitat lumber industry. Killed by Flying Hook. Astoria, Nov. 4. Ed Hoover, young man: employed in a logging camp near Knap pa. yesterday receiv ed injuries from which he died al most Instantly. The accident was caused by a hook loosing its hold on a big- log and flying with tremendous force, striking Hoover In the head. The young man was about 80 years of age, find was a native of Virginia. Religious Festival. Rome, Nov. 4. The pope this morning decided to maks December 8 the 60th anniversary of the pro mulgation of the doctrine of the lnv maculate conception of the Virgin, a great religious festival. An enor mous Dlcture of the Virgin will be placed over the altar In St. Peter's and dedicated that day. Steamers Collide. Bonne, Algeria. Nov. 4. The steamers Oironde Schlaffino collided off the Algerian coast today. The Oironde sunk. One hundred people are reported drowned. ' BANCROFT APPOINTED: Relieved to Be TeiiiKirar.r Arrange ment Willi Calvin to Siuxved Him. SaltLake. Nov. 4. Circulars have been issued, signed by E. H. Harri man, appointing W. H. Bancroft as vice-president and general manager of the Oregon Short Line, as acting general manager of the Pacific sys tem, Southern Pacific, vice Mark ham, resigned. Bancroft has left for San Francisco. It Is announced us only a tempo rary arrangement and it is believed that Calvin will be appointed us soon as a suitable man is selected to suc ceed hiin as general manager of the O. R. & S. at Portland. OFF FDR EL NOVEMBER 9 A. KING WILSON I HGKS A LARGK. ATTFXDAXC1 In the Northwest Are Also Thres) Hundred Officers Finances Are In Good Condition The Chunti Owns a Five-story Workingmear Hotel III Seattle and a Similar Oaa In Tacoina Postponement of OoL French's Lecture at tills Place Be cause of Confusion of Dutes. Owing to a misunderstanding ht the, date set for his lecture, Col. Gea. French, commanding the Paclfla province of the Salvation army, wul not speak In Pendleton this evening. The colonel and Major Robert Das bin arrived In Pendleton last even ing, but were obliged to' go on as Portland last night, as the former must reach San Francisco as soon a possible. "I'am sorry to disappoint anyone," said Colonel Franch. "The mistake in the date of my lecture was occs slnoed by the recent change of efft cers In the local corps. I understaaC that a number of tickets had beea sold for the lecture, but those holsV lug them will have their money re funded by applying to Captain BUf ney, In charge of the barracka" Colonel Franch Is an Englishman by birth, but has resided in th United States for 13 years, and Is sat j American citizen. He is on his tay home to vote,, for he believes In the duties of good citizenship toward ma state, as well as In looking out for ' the moral welfare of men. He ns . j been actively engaged In Sulvatlaa 4 army work for 23 years. He enlistee1 ..Alt... 1.T..A 1.. hl native land, and was later assigns Pnrtlund is After tlie Next National Convention and Can Only Get It by j to work In Holland. In the land f Having a Large Dek'gHllon From i dykes ami windmills French estaa- Orejron at El Paso November 1.1-18 A Round Trip Fare Will Cost llshed schemes for the betterment at the condition of the laboring class. Since coming to the United States LAST IIOI'RS OF CAMPAIGN. Roosevelt Children iu Inocuoiis Des uetude Till After FJinlon. Washington, D. C, Nov. 4. Par ker's charges of corruption, aimed at Chairman Cortelyou and Roose velt, will be answered again by Sen ator Knox at Pittsburg tomorrow night. Knox spent all lust evening at the White House and practically this forenoon, consulting with the presi dent over portions of the address. Roosevelt in Scculi-iou. Washington, Nov. 4. Society peo ple are whispering that Alice Roose velt is being kept In seclusion at the White House for fear she might say or do something to hurt the presi dent's chances for re-election. Young Theodore Is said to be at home for the same reason, Instead of at school at Gorton, Mass. Alice and Ted are both outspoken on the negro question, und might air their friend ship for the race. Quiet 'Trip from New Haven, New York, Nov. 4. Judge Parker arrived at New York from Hartford at 9:40 this morning. He left the Connecticut capital at 7 o'clock. The trip was quiet. At Merlden 200 persons gathered at the station, but made no demon stration. A group ot school children greeted the nominee at New Haven. Mr. Parker expects to spend the day quietly at the Seville. Captain and Crew Massacred. Aden, Arabia, Nov. 4. The cap tain and 21 members of the crew of the Glasgow steamer Baron Innerdale were massacred after being wrecked on the Arabian coast.' Troops have been sent to avenge the murder. SllT FOR I830.W. Notice of Attachment Is Served, but Store Is Left Open. Suit to collect $830.90, alleged to be due for services rendered as clerk and for money loaned, was Instituted in the state circuit court this morn ing by Paul Brlnkman againBt F. W. Schmidt, J. A. Strowbridge, of Port land, Ore., representing the plaintiff, is in Pendleton; and Is at the stors this afternoon with a deputy sheriff. Notice of attachment has been serv ed, but the place has not been closed, pending an attempt at settlement. $70, and the Round-! Will Be lit h,, HH(M) Bervlce In nearly an Tarta of this country. He was sent to the Pacific province ns Us head officer four years ago. His headquarters are In San Francisco. , Colonizing Scheme. " "Throughout the coast slates," he said last night, "the work of the ar my Is very encouraging and we see advancing forward with rapM strides. Recently we purchased 6M acres of land In the Santa RoBa val ley, near Lytton, Cal., where we hav established a r.esort. The place Is JS miles south of Sun Fruuclsco ami Portland. Secretary A. King Wilson, of the Oregon Irrigation asoclatlou, has written a letter to the East Oregon lan urging every Irrigator In the coun ty, who can possibly get away from home to attend the meeting of the national association at El Puso on November 15-18. Portland desires the meeting for 1905, and It is hoped by the Oregon : coft u8 jgiooo. up It Is our plan to cat will go irom mis suue, in oi uei u. tn4,.tM, Here we w), alBO locat)) our have a strong Influence In landing sltte OI.,)hullage ttlld ittter on a work trie 1906 meeting. ,K peupi,,., sanitarium. Mr. Wilson Is an indefatigable , , . ,. , , , . ,, . ! Fluunclul Condition Good, worker In the Interest of Irrigation, and will be one of the most tireless '"rhe financial condition of the enthusiasts from Oregon at the con-j Brm' sound and heulthy, as la gress. A round trip fare of $70 lias ! ""own by our ability In securing been secured from all points In Ore-jt''ee homes and resorts. Of course, gon, and the Oregon delegation will w "id not pay cosh for the resort, leave Portland on the night of No- j ,,ut we secured It on very liberal vember 9. All Eastern Oregon dele-; terms for the people are beginning ta gates are cordially Invited to be at Portland In time to join the delegation. COLIJiGE CHAIRS STOMA. Whitman Roys Hide 2110 Scuts From Billings Hall and Force Students to Help Return Them. Two hundred dining room chairs were stolen from Billings Hall, the boy's dormitory at Whitman college, were stolen by Hallowe'en Jokers, and not until Thursday did the missing chairs return. Four boys who refused to help car ry the chairs back, were taken to the "cache" of 200 heavy chairs and a chair lashed to the back of each, when they were forced to carry their burden Into the hull, in the presence of the assembled students and facul ty. No trouble resulted as everybody took their part in good spirit. Sev eral meals were eaten standing, dur ing the enforced absence of the seats. ' Juiues A. Fee, "of Malheur." The Salem Journal has run the name of the republican presidential elet'.ors of Oregon at the head of Its editorial column all summer In par donable seal, but has given the home of James A. Fee, of this city, as "Malheur county." Judge Fee feels that his majority will be Just as large as if he were a resident of Mal heur, and if it has dona Malheur county any good to have him desig nated as a Malheur county man, he Is glad of it. However, Umatilla will claim her own when the time comes to count the votes and send a man to Washington with the news from Oregon. have confidence In the army. It al ways pays its debts." At Seattle the Salvation army has recently purchased a five-story building, which Is being fitted up as a wo klngman's hotel. This hotel cost $36,000 and Is known as "The Consul," In honor of Consul Mrs. Booth-Tucker, who met her death ta a train wreck October 28, 1903. The establishment will accommodate Sea persons. Recently a similar establishment was opened at Tacoma. The Tacoma hotel will accommodate 125 men. It Is provided with hot and cold baths. Persons may secure lodgings In this place from 15 cents up to 50 cents a night. The persons coming to this shelter are fed and are assisted la securing employment. 3000 Members In Northwest There are at present about 800 Of ficers and about 8000 active members at work for the Salvation army la Colonel French's province. "W never attempt, like other churches," he said, "to keep track of the mena bershlp. It Is the active workers that we keep an eye on." .... Escaped With 130,000. New York, Nov. 4. Four masked men blew the safe In Blodgett's private bank at Her- mltage last night and escaped a with from $25,000 to $30,000. The explosion aroused the cltzens. In their haste the rob- bers dropped several bags of money. ' t V ;' a 1' . (', i