ssssSrned that t I
!IrUche. nearly all
?LZI tooth to cut.
in" -
Tonight and Sunday cloudy with
probably occasional light rain.
NO. 5215.
City's Famous Write;
U ft. Trial ResolO! : 1" Con-
a frndu)Pa 4-se -oi ra
LfrWatnid a Srcnd Trial
Vtmilrdi Wis Guilt
LarJTp by His reIiar Mh-
i oaster of a "Million on aa
of TWtriy Thousand
write rp pendleton.
Pilot Kock Record Suggests That
rsmtograssi of Vmatilla Ortchrl-
shea Be Printed in That Paper.
Aa a means of offsetting the effect
the payment by the city council
of Pilot Rock the sum of $50 for an
alleged write-up of the city, the Pilot
Rock Record suggests a dire revenge
which will be visited upon Pendle
ton. The following notice from the
i last issue ot the Record la explana-
n Will l.mrwl0':
rroniUtC " -The Pilot Rock Record has In
S.r.-UWno- nniiwr. contemplation the publication of a
a 01 """'B' lwis ana Clark edition some rime
( during the summer ot 1905. The
edition will consist of several thoua-
' rrTV WHEN and copies. A special effort will k.
made to givo the town of Pendleton
the apace it deserves for which the
city council of that city will he asked
for an appropriation not exceeding
150. Judge Balleray, Judge Fee.
Judge Lowell, Judge Kills. Xtodd, at
the Tribune, J. B. Perry Charley
Brownfleld and C. C. Hendricks will
be called upon for their photos, which
will be accompanied by brief write
ups of their success in business and
politics lor which each mill be charg
ed 12.75. The edition will be sent by
freight to Pcrtlawd to be distributed,
or sold at so much per. among the
visitor to the Oriental "Fair. Save
No.-!. Letson Bal- ;yoor money and your -photos for the
Lull known mining promo-1 special Pfrot "Rock 'Lewis and Clark
. .. . I
KSWIIiences IO nirce iih.mii... i
Assistant Secretary of State is
Under a Cloud and a Negro
is Implicated.
asml penitentiary by Judge
as. tt ine ieoerai court, up
kasg plea "of guilty of the
fraudulent use of the
sanction follows the expose
Sunday School Scleral.
At the Baptist church last night
9uper1tAeiident Simmons gave the
chndYen of the Sunday school a splen
did evening11! enjoyment The entire
ghltt Swan gold mine scheme 'evenm. "was devoted "to the entertaln-
its Cltr. Or., with offices at mem oi me scnolars. Games and
t-wnco. Testimony wa to the ! music, refreshments and -a good time
iu BtUlet realized something
saner of a million on the
tra a investment of 116.600,
sal the abandoned shaft is al-
UWtHlBB. i
ui u convicted after aa ex
it mil, bit secured a new trial
tm second hearing pleaded
L-Ts; sentence Includes a fine
made the -evening on long to be re-
mem berna.
Wa k a Kew Jury In Parter-
soa Case,
tort Not. The Patterson
W "UI Monday, on access of
I tan nea) of a Juror.
ST Necessary.
am bo caused the postpone-
ran u Edward Dressier.
i stroke paralysis
noting It imDossible
mend any farther -
court It u uderatnod
sill acme an a-
ft t an Jury will be selected.
"at lamltuie Waa Xect
aarr t-s.
Not. tt
IT"" "n-Amertcasi Meal
r"5 nearl
P the furth annual
L ,T, . next, it,
WZT't m PfcWclans
rorernn.".. u
- ;. ,or entertalu-
ai Panama win ti-
Of I.K.
i. , , largely jjif
, "id the urnt,
, Wps and to alal
jrh Theft m
ul. "tending- far
W; " defend
TV Charles 8Uck
aar Chy for the
tJ,r.tm nI bugg,
lBft i"m UmatUU
"Ikei k2efcftanera de-
tiV ixa-esaed
TsL!llWn h. it
. CrWskcr. the
JajnJT Provlaion
' -rLJ hn this
rtL,,0h0 Day
iH!rV,r"klln and
I kngjjr r well
' -fatir overland.
'I SS fj)
X .
"X fc" other
- not
Xarue ftetoctea Isr Both by Admirers
of the Town of Hermlston, Scot
land Tlie Jlmrtll Land & Irrita
tion Company the Backer of One.
and Skinner aV 'Newport of the
Other A Pomtblllty of Litigation
to Bottle lisj,me Is Hinted at.
There are Dow two towns of Her
miston in UmatBla county that Is,
two flirserent companies are striving
to apply -that one name to two dif
ferent villages. There are names and
names, and these are towns and
towns, but there S only one Hermis
ton, Scotland, and loyalty for that
oeanniiul city among the heather
compels las former residents to reside
only In a village that is Its namesake.
Tor several wefcks It has been
known that the Maxwell Land & Ir
rigaffiion Cearrpany that owns the site
of the O. R. & n. station of Maxwell,
waa to start a town and name It In
honor ot the BcottWh residents of the
place, after Hermlston, Scotland.
But adjoining the proposed site Is
land held fcy Skinner t Newport
Tney. to, otmcetved the idea of
tvundma; a town and when their plat
mm fUed two dars ahead of the one
recorded by the Maxwell people, it
bore the name f Hermiston. Now
there are two new townstte plats on
flle with Che cosmty reeorder f con
veyances and each bears the name
Hersniston. There are nrnts that the
law courts may he appealed . to to
settle the difficulty.
Frank RoMnaon, Fusnttily -at 'Ven-
Vott, FlneU His Kew Txwarkm
Very ftuistaetorr.
rVank Robinson, formerly fnwprie
tor of the amazement parlors ta this
dty, now a resident of Wetser. 1a In
the dty on a visit. He reports 'Wei.
r as being very prosperona and pro
sresslTe. Throo large brick bmnoThnw
are now In course of construction.
Knighu of Pythlaa temple Is beta
erected and the new 125.000 ateel
brlda over the Snake river, at the
edge of town, la almost complete.
This bridge will be the means of
bringing a large amount of trade Into
Wetaer that now goes elsewhere.
Heretofore the only mean of cross
ing the river has been by ferry, and
as this was a costly and tedious meth
od, many people were driven away by
t This county bridge will be free,
a modern structure and one of the
tnost useful public . convencles In
, Spain Will Participate.
Washington. Nov. tt. The oecre-
ry of state announced today thai
Spain has announced a willingness to
participate In the peace conference
Th Hague,
Sullivan ms Bond's bowline team
challenges, the Boston Store bowline
t'nra to a series of cameo to bo play
d neat Tuesday evening, November
"t FRED KEES. Captain.
Tlie Negro Is Suspected ot Drowning
the, letter. Who Was a Special En
voy to Abywdnia Prrtdilential
Party Has Arrived at Su Louis and
Is the Center of Great Festivities
Cloud of Secret Service Men and
Soldiers Much Concern Felt About
tlie Anarchists.
Washington, Nov. SC. A big shake
up is expected in the state depart
ment, and Assistant Secretary Fran
cis Loomis is said to be slated Tor
removal on account of the Ellis and
Abyssinian matter.
Ellis, a' colored man, was with
Kent Loomis, a brother ot Secretary
Loomis. when the latter mysteriously
fell overboard and was drowned. Ellis
was suspected of causing his death.
Now Ellis is In Washington, holding
a club of some sort over Loomis'
head. Loomis Is thought to ne mixed
up in some deal that EHIs has dis
Arrived at f. lipids.
St. Louis. Nov. 56. The president's
special arrived at TTrrton station ct
3:40 this morning, and was immedi
ately transferred to the Wabash and
whisked to the fair grounds, where
it was parked In Ride the transporta
tion building. A detail oT the 16th
t'nlted Stares Infantry formed a cor
don about the entire structure. Jef
ferson gnari, platoons of police and
secret service men were stationed at
various points to protect the chief
executive from possibte "harm.
The president and party arose
about 3 and nreakfusted on the train.
The presidential day began at and
ends at :3j tonight- 'Every minute
of the day win be spent in the grounds
and bnildtines ontfl S, when the pres
ident, Mrs. Roosevelt and Alice go to
the Thompson residence, tn Llndell
At it the reception committee and
exposition officials caned on the pres
ident, who greeted Thvm warmly. At
0:3 the presidential awrty began the
tour of the grounds, reaching the
government haHdrng at 10:30, where
they were met by the entire govern
ment guard. After leaving the build
ing the president reviewed a military
parade. Cfcowds cheered the presi
dent at every opportunity.
Watrhrng the Anardllsts.
The police and government secret
service officers are making every ef
fort to prevent an attack -txf anarch
ists on the life of Roosevelt. It is
positively known that wtfhln three
weeks. Heir Most and 11 rher con
fessed anarchists from Paterson. N.
J., have bewi In this city. A house
near Second and Market streets has
been under close surveillance by se
cret service men since the Most par
ty arrived.
The police visited the anarchists
Friday morning and asked Them to
leave the city. They promised to de
part by 3 In the afternoon, but Fri
day night they are still here. The
police today are trying to kee) a
close watch on them. The secret ser
vice has assumed all responsiMlrty
for the president's proteetiosu
Wlinrmed FooOaJI.
The president witnessed the open
ing of the Carllsle-HaskeH football
game at the Stadium, frota horse
back. President FraneU entertained
a box party, Including Mrs. Booaevekt
and Alice, at the game. .
They Destroy One Side of a
Fortress and Kill Several
Hundred Russians.
Hnmbardiiient In Prreii When m-
Reports Were Isrcerved at Toklo
Japanne lloiiiburd ana Then At
tn ck PontUrf Mil, .Rut Are Repuls
edSnow Is Falling In the Region
of Malnlcn Tlie First Division of
tlte Baltic Fleet Uoing Through
Sues Canal Did Kot Tmvel I-ast
Kosue, l. .26. A dispatch to the
TtaUa llllUuIre rfrom Toklo, says the
whole north side of Fort Ehrlung has
been blown up by the Japanese. Sev
eral hundred Russians were killed
and SO guns rendered useless. A
concentrated bombardment of Fort
EferlnnR by SO .Japanese guns began
at & this morning.
Oiling Through the Canal.
Suez. Nov. S6. The first division
of the Russian Baltic fleet passed the
night tn Bitter Luke, fearing to pro
ceed In the darkness, owing to a pos
sibility .of Japanese attack. The
squadron Is now moving towards
nt kit; PF.RB1.ES.
Will Take 300 Carloads Front Straw
berry Beds.
Pickers are engaged nt the present
time on the Freewuter strawberry
beds, but they are not gathering fruit,
but rocks. It Is a well known fact
that the country lying north of Free
water and Milton is the rockiest por
tion of Umatilla county, as well as be
ing one of the most fertile garden
To construct the mile of experi
mental road that Is to be laid near
Walla Walla, under the superlvslon
of government engineers, a large
quantity of small rook Is required,
and It Is being hauled from Freewa
ter. The owners of the land from
which the pebbles are being taken
are more than willing thnt the stones
be removed, and the only cost to the
rond builders Is the transportation uni
loading. It Is estimated that 300 cars
of the pebbles will be required.
'Arrived at Sues.
Sue, 'Nuv. 26. Two Russian battleships-
arrived here today.
Metropolitan Life Coming to Pendle
ton to EstabllHli Headquarters.
Herbert B. Warren, an Inspector
of the Metropolitan Life Insurance
Company, was In the city yesterday
evening en route to Baker City, where
he will probably locate offices for the
company and establish local head
quarters. He mill return to Pendleton In a
few days and make arrangement to
open offices In this city, bring two or
three permanent employes here, ami
make this a distributing point and
district headquarters for a large ter
ritory In Eastern Oregon. The com
pany now has headquarters In Walla
Walla, and does a large business. Mr.
Warren Is very favorably Impressed
with the surroundings of this city,
and feels that It Is the best field In
the Northwest now unoccupied by his
Japanese 'Were. Repulsed.
Mukden, Nov. 20. The Japanese
made another preliminary bombard
ment -oi Poutllff hill, under cover of
which fhey attacked, but were re
pulsed. Snow fell yesterday.
TliH'iiinatl "Men AcciiHed of Murder
of Samuel Weakley.
Cincinnati, Nov. 26. Thomas
Bracken, charged with complicity in
the murder of Samuel Weakley,
non-union moulder, October 7, was
held to the grand Jury today without
ball. Edward Trainer, his alleged
uoonmpliee, was placed under $5000
Asrested on Suspicion.
'Chicago, SNov. 26. Edward Ora
daw was arrested last night at Jollet
on suspicion of connection with the
murder of Chauffeur Bate near La-
munt .a week ago. but was declared
not to be the mysterious "Mr. Dove,"
who Is sought by the police. He will
probably be released today.
I Portland's Sewer Hmmlal.
i Portland, Nov. 26. Mayor Wll
iiams refuses to take steps to remove
jClty Engineer Elliott, although the
I special sewer committee from the city
council has reported .that he has
! proved to be negligent and incompe-
I Militia Oarionxl Our.
Springfield, III., Nov. f . On an or.
oer or the 'Sheriff,, wno tears more
Itrouble, a company of mllltla was
I ordered to ISeigler today. The union
nttners have established a permanent
' casnp near the Letter mines.
. Blew MtsGowan's Head Off.
I San Francisco, Nov. 26. Joseph
i Smith, aged TO, with a shotgun, blew
I off the head f Joseph - MeOowan,
aged 10. The cause was the dlvls-
Mn of a beefsteak to be given a dog.
Brother-in-law Not Found.
New York, Nov. 16. The story to
the effect that J. Morgan Smith, Nan
Patterson's brother-in-law, who fled
after being subpoenaed by the grand
jury, had been found and locked up
at headquarters, is denied by the po
I Ctilcasso rain.
Chicago. Nov. 26. December wheat
opened -tl.0H. closed II. 06; May
wheat opened 11.1014, closed 11.10.
Corn opened Vi, etosed II V Oax
opened 2K. closed tt.
Not Encaged to Mrs. Tevis.
Kew York. Nov. 21. A. Hart Mi
ke, of Pittsburg, ust returned from
Europe, emphatically denies he Is en
gaged to marry Mrs. Hugh Tevls.
Mrs. Tevls Is passing the winter In
South France.
Marriage License Begot d.
License to marry was granted to
the following: Joseph Fiedler and
Elizabeth Crahen, both of Umatilla
Jung Hand, a Portland Chinaman,
In Jail at Belllngham for a minor of
fense, hung; himself from tht bars of
his cell Friday.
Portland. Nov. 26. The principal
feature of the evidence Introduced In
the land fraud cases this morning was
that S. A. D. Putter and Mra Emma
Watson occupied the same room In a
hotel at Prlnevlllt and were known
there as man and wife.
This evidence Is offered for the
purpose pf showing sufficient reason
why they bo considered together In
the land fraud cases.
Ths name of Frederick Cribbs, the
big Wisconsin lumberman. Is brought
into the case by the admission of a
certified copy of a deed which trans
ferred certain lands alleged to have
been fraudulently secured to him- by
Mrs. Emma Watson.
IXSI'RR THAT Nl'Mlll'.lt.
Rates Will Remain the Same Except
V for tho Hound Trip From Wallu
Walla A System of KobutliiK Will
Be Put In 0H'ratlon During 1H'
comber tlie Excursions Will Take
Place on the 1st, 8tii, I Mil, I'Oth unil
23(1 Scheme firows In Popularity.
Five weekly excursion trains will
be run from Walla Walla to Pendle
ton und return during the month of
This Is the decision of the mer
chants of this city, and the O. It. A
N. Co. has promised the trains, to be
run on the following dates, which
have beeu arranged by Pendleton
business men:
Thursday, December 1.
Thursday, December .
Thursday, December IS.
Tuesday, December 20.
Friday, December 21.
The same excursion rates will pre
vail that have been In effect on the
two former train, except In the case
of Walla Walla, from which point the
return trip rate will be 11.60 Instead
of f 1. Patrons of the train must pay
the O. R. ft N. Co. the full round trip
fare, and on arriving at Pendleton,
call at headquartera at the Commer
cial Association, where the difference
In the full fare and the excursion
will be refunded In cash. No trade
requirements go with this arrange
ment. This la to be an excursion train,
and while the O. R. ft N. Co. has de
clined to grant an excursion rate for
future trains, Pendleton business men
are determined to make an excursion
rate, Independent of the road, and will
pay back the difference between the
full fare and the excursion rate.
All that Is required to get the full
benefit of tbe cheap rate Is to call
at ths Commercial Association parlors
in this city and exhibit the return
ticket, when the difference in the two
fares will bo refunded.
In order to prove that It Is not the
Intention of Pendleton lo secure
trade that naturally belongs to Walla
walla, they have declined to give
Walla Walla patrons an equal show
with Umatilla county points. Here
after, the excursion rate from Walla
Walla will be $1.60, Instead of II.
whlls the former excursion rates from
all Umatilla county points will remain
In effect From Milton and Freewa
ter the rats will be fl; from Weston
and Athena, It cents, and from Ad
ams, 60 cents.
Republican Supreme Court
Decision Fences Him Out
by a Technicality
I'lotM and Coiintcr-plotM In font Evert
lK-alltv In Colorado Republican
Acciinc the Democrats of a SdsMsss
for Election Frauds All Over that
State Tlie Democrats Charge
. Conspiracy to Count In Pea body ha
Spite of Adams' 10,000 Majority
Naturalization Fraud Charged.
The supreme court today modified
Its previous order restraining the
election commission from Issuing orr-
tiricates of election Including
dentinl electors und congressmen.
Unless the court rescinds its order
by January 10, Adams cannot obtiasa
a certificate of election, in time to bat
Inaugurated and Penbody will remans
WliulfMiile Fraud Charged.
Denver, Nov. 26. Republicans no
charge that democratic fixers froaa
Denver are alleged to have operated
In all parts of the state In the inter
est of Adams. It is claimed by des
ocrats that thin Is Intended to wot
up u sentiment In favor of Peabods
and Is preliminary to an attempt as
count him In.
Contests are framed by republicans
nsaissl nemocratic aenators In Pueb
lo and Boulder counties. The repub
licans charge naturalliatlon and other
The democrats Ray they have en
deuce of a plot of the republicans
to alter the returns of Pueblo counts'
hy means of acid. They also charge
questionable tactics at Boulder to
leverse the unofficial vote on the
Enjoined From Attending Church.
Walla Wallu. Nov. 26. Superior
JuilBe Thomas H. Brents has sustain
ed a peculiar Injunction suit wheross)
certain former members of the Fro
Kvungellrnl Lutheran Congregations
church are prohibited from entering
the church for the purpose of coa
trolllng In any manner the delibera
tions of the congregation. Jaesa)
Herget, John Fries, Philip Fries, Ja
cob Nuts and Conrad Rleal, the de
fendants In the suit,' according to ev
idence Introduced, threatened to tres
pass upon the church property ear
the purpose of Interfering ' with Bsc
services. -
W. It. I'rcy and Wife Write In I ha
East Oregonlan on Their Lssar
Voyage to Now Zeland.
The East Oregonlan has recelrad
a personal letter from W. R. Pres.
written at Suva, FIJI Islands, on No
vember J, while en route from .Pen
dleton to Dunedln, New Zealand.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Frey were en
joying the best of health on the Tow
age and send their greeting to aa
inerous Pendleton friends. They saaV
ed upon Rev. Potwlna while la Hon
olulu, and found them all enjoying
life in the Sandwich Islands.
Ths first five days of the voyasja
out from Vancouver, B. C ware very
rough, and only five out of 75 pas
sengers took their meals during ta
entire five days. Neither Mr. aor
Mrs. Frey were sick, both having had
extensive experience In ocean travsL
In Folios Court.
Walter Emerson admitted In no Una
court this morning that he had bsasi
drunk yesterday. "I didn't realise
when I waa arrested," hs remarassl
by way of explanation, "but I kassr
it this morning by ths feelln'." Three
days Is his sentence. George Morjs-'
sen paid a fine of IS for drunkeanaaa
and for a similar offenss Ed Habor
day was given three days In Jail.
fTOBch Acceptance.
Washington, Nov. 26. The French
ambassador this afternoon formally
preesnted bis government's accept
ance of Roosevelt's Invitation to a
Drunken Woman In Jail.
La aged woman. In a stats of
maudlin Inebrity, was picked up on
th streets this afternoon by tho po
lls and placed la tho city JalL
Bank Bowlers Won.
The Boston Store bowling team sssm
defeat last night at ths hands of that
Savings Bank team by. a Scots of SaS
to 117. Bell, Bean, Bailey, Mscy aa
Peters represented ths Boston Stars.
and Maloney, Thompson, Lamsasm
Schmeer and Rltner mads up the
bank team.
Brokerage Firm Falls.
New York, Nov. . 26. Th
Stock Exchange firm 'of Jacob
Berry t Co., assigned today.
The liabilities are estimated at
1200,000. It Is ons of ths old-
est brokerage firms In ths city.
It succumbed to Russell Sage's
latest bull movement.