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turn PAGE TEN. IIIIIIIIIMtMl 4-H DAH.! EAST ORKOOMAJf. PEXDLETON. OREGON. SATIRIAY, NOVEMBER M, '- i I 4 ; l i .i Port Arthur has attracted a great deal of attention of late, but when a few more Japanese sheila drop Into It and It Has Fallen Into the hands of the enemy, we mar attract your attention Ions enough to convince you there la only only one fine flavored, strong coffee namely "OUR 4M BLEND." A NEW SHIPMENT of the celebrated French T. at V.. hand-painted china has reached us. The rose are so real that by looking clow you might Imagine you saw them grow. Ask to see the chop plate, salad bowl or chocolate set. The values In china are bet ter this year than for three sea- ! SOCIETY iSf EVENTS til 'ii NOTE WE ARE NOW DOING OUR OWN DELIVERING, AND PROMISE YOU QUICK SERVICE. OWL TEA HOUSE TSt WOMEN'S CLUBS Thursday Afternoon Club. The Thursday Afternoon club was entertained on Friday by Mrs. J. Rosa Dickson, Mrs. C. F. Colesworthy and Mrs. Fred Lockley, and was the most delightful afternoon of the season. Selecting this as the best is choosing from an embarrassment of riches. The subject, "The Husband," was unique and gave a broad field for original work which was proven by the entertaining papers that were given. On the theme, "The Ideal Husband," Mrs. T. C. Taylor spoke from notes, and said In part that the ideal man was largely a creature of education and environment, and It required the ideal wife to model the perfect man. Mrs. James A. Fee, In an original paper, treated the "Real Man" in an ideal manner and cited from the paat to prove that the strong character who went forth to battle with life, returning with honor and In triumph, would peceasarlly carry back some cars. Ha could not be all saint and no sinner, Mrs. John Hailey on "The Hue-' band's Allowance, and How He Should Spend it," gave a strong, bright paper, full of pertinent sug gestions. She was of the opinion that he ought, at least, be able to buy boxes of candy for the young Jadiee without creating a storm at hotae; that he should be given as liberal an allowance for "pipe" money as He of "pin" money and It should not be doled out as occasion demanded. "The Ideal Wlfej From a Hus band's Standpoint," written by Peter West, was an able, witty and Inter esting paper and created a great deal of merriment among the ladles. A paper on "How to Roast a Hus band." was read by Mra. A. J. Owen and was "done" In splendid style. Mrs. J. Rosa Dickson, in excellent voice, sang "A May Morning," and "Because of Ton," Delicious refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses, who were as sisted by Miss Reba Oanz and Miss Roxene Epple. I Current Literature Club. 1 The Current Literature club will be entertained by Mrs. W. J. Furnish Friday, December 2. The program, as printed In the year book, is as fol lows: History Study Chaps. LXXI-II- m. Roll Call One of Hofmann'a pic tures with brief sketch. Music from "The Meaaiah." Paper The Artist, Hofmann. Short Paper Hofmann's Home Life. Discussion. . Woman's Club. ! members were In attendance. It was 1 decided to place receptacles for waste paper on all street comers, and also to institute an active campaign for civic cleanliness. Weather Report. Following is the weather report for the past week, furnished by local ob servor, H. F. Johnson: Max. Mln. Ruin. November 19 B4 20 November 20 65 SI November 21 9 46 November 22 65 49 November 23 56 32 November 24 53 24 November 25 46 35 .06 in. Mrs. Hamblen to Idaho. Mrs. Ida Hamblen, supervising deputy of the Royal Neighbors of America, will leave on Monday morn ing for Sand Point, Idaho, for the purpose of holding a school of in struction for the local deputies In her district, which comprises Montana, Idaho and Oregon. The meeting will convene on Wednesday, Novem ver 30, and It Is expected a large number will be In attendance. Waived Examination. George D. Pltty, whp was arrested In South Dakota charged with the larceny of a horae. the property of David McCarty, of this county, was arraigned In the Justice court this morning. He waived preliminary examination and was admitted to ball In the sum of J1000. Carter & Rule- are attorneys for the defend- Pnpular Minister in Town. Rev. Leonard W. Riley, who Is the Raptlat general missionary and secre tary of missions for this state, will speak at the Baptist church twice to morrow. He Is popular In Pendleton with the general public as well as a great favorite with the Baptists, and his meetings are always largely attended, 1 The Woman's club met at the Commercial Association rooms Tues day afternoon. A large number of ; Keeps Oat fee CoM : ? The normal temperature of 9 the body Is 98.4 degrees. It Is very essential to health and comfort that this temperature be maintained at all times. A 2 chamois vest or chest protector a kelps to do it. j Keeps in the Meat : and protects the body from cold 2 winds and sudden weather changes. Guards the wearer St from the danger of pneumonia, s coughs, colds, etc. Everyone 0 should wear one. We have a a complete stock of chamois vests 2 smd chest protectors. . Debate In Rcnonl Room. Owing to the fact that the assem bly hall of the public school Is occu pied by two school rooms at present, the debates of the high school debat ing society, will be held In the high school room, until the hall Is vacated. The first debate will take place next Friday night Football at Weston. Baker City and the Eastern Oregon State Normal elevens are. playing football this afternoon at Weston. The Baker City team left Pendleton this morning for Weston and will re turn this evening and take the train home. . Tn Quarterly Conference. Rev. H. 8. Shangle. of Milton, pre siding elder of the Pendleton confer ence of the Methodist church, south, left this morning for Heppner, where the quarterly conference of this dis trict will be held tomorrow. Members of Ramona Temple No. 24. Rathbone Sisters, tendered a fare-, well reception Wednesday night to their chief, Mrs. Robert Renn, who will go to Spokane to reside. Mr. Renn, who was formerly agent for the Pacific Express Company tn this city. Is now on the messenger run out of Spokane. Mrs. Renn was present ed with a piece of cut glass by the members of the temple. The party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Maloney. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames A. L. Knight, E. B. Conk lin, O. E. Hult, C. J. Whitaker, Mark Patton. A. Kunkel, C. R. Dutton, J. E. Rust, T. G. Montgomery, H. C. Craig. M. A. Rader, N. D. Swearin- gen. Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Henderson, L. B. Reeder. Mrs. J. W. Privett, Mrs. Robert Renn; Miss Winnie Privett, Miss McNett, Miss Bessie McBrlde, Miss Minnie Renn, Miss Celia Renn, Miss Agnes Fletcher. Farewell Party. A pleasant farewell party was ten dered J. A. Herron, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crank, on Tues day evening. Mr. Herron leaves for Seattle tonight, where he will make his future home. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Graham, Mrs. Zetta Rey nolds. Mrs. B. F. Nlckolas, Miss Hazel Bickers, Miss Nellie McMullen and Joseph Owenhouse and Frank Hays. Cards were played and light refresh ments were served. Reception to Pastor. One of the most pleasant events of the week was the reception tendered to Rev. T. R. Egerton, pastor of the Congregational church, last Tuesday evening. All the churches and thlr friends joined In gioU ng tne new pasinr and hiB fanvly. Skiles-Spoore. Miss Mazy Sklles, who with her pa rents made her home in Pendleton the past summer, was married at Chicago at the home of her grand mother, on Thanksgiving eve. to Mr. Thomns fpoore. of Mason City, Iowa, where she will go to make her home. Mr. Spoore was formerly connected with the Brock & McComas drug tore. A Stag Dinner. Dr. F. W. Vincent was host for a stag dinner on Thanksgiving evening to the following gentlemen: Messrs. E. H. Clarke. Fred Waite, Judge Bul leray and E. Boettcher, of Chicago Social and Personal Notes. Cecil Wade attended a party given by friends at Walla Walla Thursday night The Wednesday Duplicate Whist Club met with Mrs. Llna Sturgls this week. The San Soucl Club will meet with Mrs. Thomas Warner on Monday evening. The Entre Nous gave their fort nightly dance at Music Hall Friday evening. The Monday Duplicate Whist Club will meet next Monday with Mrs. R. Alexander. The Saturday afternoon "500" Club met this afternoon with Miss Ida Thompson. Mrs. Thomas C. Warner entertain ed a few friends at cards on Thanks giving evening. Miss Neva Lane will entertain this evening at a chafing dish party, In honor of Mrs. Henry Judd. Miss Anna Bracken, of Walla Walla, will arrive next week to be the guest of Mrs. C. J. Ferguson. Mrs. J. M. Mitchell, who has been seriously ill for the past week, was slightly Improved this morning. Mrs. John Vert, who has been quite ill with appendicitis. Is Improving and will soon be able to be about again. Mrs. Leon Cohen entertained a few of the clerks of the Peoples Ware house at dinner on Thanksgiving evening. Mrs. William Thompson will enter tain the Saturday "500" Club and their gentlemen friends, on Tuesday evening. Miss Kathalene Furnish Is confined to her home, owing to a sprained ankle she received Friday from a fall while at play. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Judd entertained at dinner on Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Marshall. Mrs. Anna Williams and daughter, of Asotin. Wash., are the guests of Mrs. Williams' sister. Mrs. W. L. Thompson, of Water street. Mrs. Jack Sklles Is expected home ! from Chicago In a few daya, where she has been visiting the past few ! weeks, the guest of her mother. ' The engagement of Miss Anna ' Marshall, formerly of this place, and i Mr. Herrlck, of Chicago, Is announc-; ed. The wedding will take place on December 6. at Detroit. Mich. ii t t FIGHT POSTPONED. 1 Mitchell Is Having Trouble Arranging Boxing Bouts. j The boxing contest that was to have taken place December 2, be tween Jack Mitchell and Eddie Mar tin, of San Francisco, has been post poned because of Injuries sustained by Martin in a recent fight Word has just been received by Mitchell that Martin in a 20-round go with Australian Tommy, broke 'his left wrist Mitchell has been attempting to se cure a fight with Jack Madden, of Wallace, but that boxer le also laid up with a disabled hand. In a fight not inside a ring. Madden placed his fist too hard against his opponent's teeth and the mitt is being carried in a sling. : Tallman (D Co. : 2 ' LEADING DHUGCtSTS I Boys Were Fined. The two boys arrested yesterday morning, were fined 110 each for disorderly conduct. Recorder Fits Gerald. In passing sentence, deliver ed a severe lecture to them. ' Notice. All Royal Neighbors and Modern Woodmen are Invited to attend a so cial at the Odd Fellows' hall on Tues day, November II. The managing committee announces the completion of the work of rais ing (606.000 for a national monument to William McKlnley. Schilling's Best are not ex travagant ; quite the contrary, Teas and coffeei good-enough; baking-powd flavoring ex tracts and spices pure and best and yet economical; coda com moo. PRICES ARE REDUCED. On Every Article In Joseph Raster's Stock Going Out of Business Sale In Progress. The big .retiring from business sale at Joseph Basler's Is attracting a great deal of attention among buyers of furniture, carpets, rugs, stoves. chlnaware, etc., as the low prices be ing quoted on goods Is a big Incentive to buy now. , Basler proposes to retire from bus iness January 1, when the remainder of his stock will be turned over to his successors. The sale is a genuine one, as the stock has got to be reduc ed to come within the limit of the purchase price, and It la absolutely necessary to dispose of the bulk of It People will find It to their advan tage to call and examine the splendid stock handled by Basler. and get the retiring from business prices. A sav ing can be made on every article In the store, as a guarantee Is given that everything Is offered at less than reg ular prices. LH BtmOLAR- WE PROTECT TOUR MONET and pay you while we keep It safe for you. That Is, we allow 4 per cent Interest (compounding It semi annually) after It's been In our hands six months and thereafter until It'a withdrawn from our custody. How well we can safeguard It la shown by our safe deposit vault facilities and our standing In the commercial com munity. Conunettul Motional Brak of Pendleton HOT WATER FOR I1AKEK. City May Be Heated From Hot Wells to Be Bored There. A new enterprise Is proposed for Baker City that may mean much to the business community as well as the ordinary property owner and householder. If the scheme carries It will revolutionize the fuel question In this city. Fuel here is now quite high In price, wood averaging $5 and coal 17 to $7.50 per ton, says the Ba ker City Democrat. . A local firm Is in negotiotlon with Eastern capitalists to construct a plant for Baker City for the purpose of distributing natural hot water throughout the city, which can be utilized in the public buildings and residences for heating purposes. It has long been known springs of hot water are contiguous to this city. Sev eral of these springs are now being utilized by the natatorium In the eastern suburbs of the city. This company has Just let u con tract for the sinking of another 1500 foot well with the expectations of striking a vein of water much hotter than anything that has heretofore been used. It Is suppo?"-! that the vein lapped at Hot Lake flows through this section and by deeper sinking can be cut here. If this Is the case cheap heating for the people will soon be a reality. The capitalists referred to are mak ing further investigations and If con ditions are found right, will do some experimental work and put In the necessary plant. Their agent Is now on the ground. Rev. W. S. Holt to Freewater. Rev. W. 8. Holt field missionary of the Presbyterian church, of Oregon, wilt pass through this evening en route to Milton and Freewater, where he will hold a aeries of meetings dur ing the- coming week. On Tuesday evening, November 21, Evangelist Needham and a special singer are al so expected to assist In the meetings. Mixed Blood Arrested. Charles Bellinger, a mixed-blood, waa arrested this .morning by Dep uty Marshal Jacob P roe betel, charg ed with selling liquor to allotment Indiana. He will be given prellmi nary examination this afternoon be fore United States Court Commission' r John Bailey, Jr. New JevMti Firm, Royal M. Sawtelle, who has been associated with Hunaiker, the jeweler, for the paat rear, will go into the jewelry business himself at Athena, December 1. One swallow will sot at least (III The Peoples Warehouse has the best assortment of men's Dent and women's Dent gloves carried in Pen dleton. Of the men's we wish to make particular mention at this time. We carry the silk-lined and the nnllned. and we carry the Glace and 8nede, Tn colors tan, brown, grey and Rnrilah red. Prices are $2.00 and $2.50 per pair. You can find cheaper gloves, but there are none better in the world than the Dent You will flndJ mat a trial pair will be satisfactory both from the standpoint of fit and service. You know the art department of the Peoples Warehouse Is on the sec ond floor and that Is where the 'or chestra furnishes music, so you will have the pleasure 'of looking throurh the handsomest variety ef art goods to be found In' Pendleton and at the same time listen to the strains of sweet music manufactured by Prof. mcMinn s orchestra. For this Saturday night the Peo ples Warehouse offers for sale a lot of white duck wash, waists and a lot of fleece-lined waists, to Mow out the lot at 19 cents each. wuiiam M. Bpenoer, a prominent Business man of Ban Francisco, is be. Ueved to have jumped overboard from "earner between Eureka; and San ) A sT J 1 s.'V I EDITION OF THE i ROOSEVELT NEWS COLUMN Our Own Shoe Sale Is saving thoughtful buyers some money Are You One of These? Our Clothes Line Is attracting men of taste and discrimination Are You One of These? UNDERWEAR. Out, of the box and on the counter. Marking down prices on lots to close out. ROOSEVELT'S Boston Store lilP Big Discount on Overcoats IF YOU INTEND BCTESfl AX OVEKCOAT COMB A BEE THE CIT WF ARE IXG ON THEM. 4 - Baer & Daley CrrtaCtoUier. Fursisbw m He . , , . . . miff -- " : . . nittt ' i Sweets for You . Gunther'a and Lowney'i GhoooUlM and Boa Bona. ZiM.) nM tiahniini YrrocM. '" . Don't Forget Our Fountafl For Bat and Cold Drinks. Everything Use beat. All the latest rml- Brock & McComas Company DRUGGISTS BYERS' BEST FLOUR Is made frosa the choicest wbeat that grow- wtoest Brers' Beat Floor la need.. Bran, bort barter slnn an PENDLETOW ROT LER W. I. BYERS, Proprksw. i J t files a day. rTsnmsos.