OCR Interpretation

East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 03, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88086023/1904-12-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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trHfri!inrrniTinM i
"511 tv twiwuLyiijy!!!
"fuWve leaned that the
Bl"T . ...o.hpa nearly all
.-.h to cut.
TonluM tin J Sunday fair.
NO. 5221.
of w
r jo0.
. ij
'ational and unexpecieu
indi During the Prose-
I bent of Uie Ieirwnem In.
j in the Frauds, According to
with Rcnecrjons, Cast
ftmsby, Also of the liuerhw
at Cue Will Close WIUi
torainents by Uie Counsel, Uie
did they get within two mile bf any of
the claims which Loomis was sent
t i Investigate.
Heldecke asked Loomis whether he
iii going to vlBlt any of the claims.
Loomis. answered:
"You have seen Ptfter, haven't
you 7"
"Tea." replied Heldecke, "but I
doVt like that plan.
Mini's the Word," Sayg Loomis.
"Mum's the word," said Loomis. "'I
am special asrent. tinh whatever 1 m.
port will be all right. Tou need -not t Russians M.llfin.T Prp-naratinnc tn Rnch All War.r.inc Pinm
be afraid." " ' r " ai cu.po i i umi
"What about Ormsby ?" asked
"Oh, Ormsby has no kick coming."
Loomis thn took out a map 'of the
township and said, "Where Bhall we
mark th cabins on these claims?"
Heldecke marked the location of im
aginary cabins on the bogws claims.
No further investigation was made.
They retrrrnea to Detroit, where
Loomis made out vouchers Tor a four
days' trip into "the township and gave
Heldecke J10 in cash, sending him
15 none flay or two later by mall.
the Harbor When the City Surrenders.
I 1 Witounot Oeaifesset.
Vm Having Ko Wiuicases to Rrpnrts iff Enormous Output Rears
W or Otlier Defense to Muke. ''the Market.
j New 'Orleans, Dec. 3. It is an
i notmced that the government cotton
Meats, report placing tne crop at 12,102,000
I bales -caused a heavy slump on the
I Ootven .'Exchange today. Prices fell
i from 48 to "62 -points. Only the fact
I that the glnnera report had Indicated
' a beariBh estimate, saved the market
from a :rmlch heavier slump.
Toklo. Dec. 3. Advices Trom Port the purpose of burying the dend. and
Arthur state that the activity of the lasted six hours.
Japanese has not relaxed with the' , The' Russians) continue mine-clear-capture
of 20S Meter Bill, but there j b"Sr "fT, 'w V 'T h.T
I "or, which is taken here to Indicate
already has begun placing of big guns j the fleet will attempt a sortie when
In position on the 11111, and positions ! ever the harbor becomes untenable,
for 20 of them have been constructed. 1 11 evident most of the Russian
I ships are badly damaged and unfit
Seattle Police Relieve Tliey Have Ex
posed a Cane of Double Life.
Seattle, Dec. 1. In the arrest of J.
F. Mace, the police believe they have
cleared up the strange disappearance
of James P. MacUouran, at one time
a priest of the college of Our Lady
Lourdes. Mace is held on a charge
of forgery. It being evident that he
has used the name of Mrs. Margaret
Kennedy, whose bank account la kept
In the Canadian Bank of Commerce
In Portland. Mace Is the name Mae
Oouran went by In this city, but his
mall came addressed to James F.
For this reason City Detective
Adams believes that the two men are
the same. MacOouran left the
Georgetown college two years ago
and took a little boy away wlthh Im.
but the boy was afterwards returned.
Since that time nothing has been
heard of the priest.
forUand. Dec. 3. The reat-
i Mellon In tne land fraud
am UUs afternooa at I
feck, "hen Frank Walga- !
t om of the defendants, in- i
fattel Hall's speech and
L-l -knnA Vila nl.u fcrt m '
wcv w uwic win jn.u iw
t guilty, and by confes- !
Implicated all the other a !
Vinton In a long chain of a
kj uii perjuries. He is the a
i( tne defendants to show a
of weakening. ;
To AdaotniMtar Korea.
London, Dec. S. It is reported In I
official circles that Marquis Ito and
the former Japanese minister to Rus
sia will come from Europe to Amer
ica early in 1806. It Is understood
their mission will partly be relative to!
the future administration of Korea,
and transferring the business of the
Korean legations to Japanese minis
ters. ArmlsUce at Port Arthur.
Tokio. Dec. 3. December the first.
'Chicago Grain.
Chicago. Dec. 3. December wheat
trpeneB 31'-09tt. closed $1.09; May
wheat opened $1.104, closed ti ll li
Corn opened 4H, closed Oats
opened 2 9 "14, closed 29.
Argunents Begun. 1
M, Dec. t : The proseea- '
I lie land frauds cases this :
I eloeed and the attorneys for
Ik at ones did likewise, an- j
: wT had no witnesses to
111 ant. District Attorney
I this ulternoon opening his !
Jt the jtrj-
' ot the Bribery. !.
til the confession of J. A. '
k. In the land fraud casea. i
riven hi the Oregon
fnal ot yesterday: i
I to me that a speciu:!
Into townshln 11-7 1
faayand he wanted m in
k him. Pnter -salfl: ! win i
UN In cash and my per- I
r' m 12M if you will go !
get this
0 ' I said
mm. fire
for service, but still have some fight
ing power.
War Krcltrht Rates.
Antwerp, Dec. S. It Is reported
that Russia Is offering 122.60 per
ton, including risk of capture, to ves
sels taking provisions and ammuni
tion to Vladivostok.
Must Have Etqierlal Permlmlon.
Colombo. Island of Ceylon, Dec. 3.
The authorities here have been no
tfled from London that no coaling fa-
faclllties shall be given belligerents
Ilnltle With Trumps.
Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 3. One
man Is dead and two seriously wound
ed as a result of a battle on an Iron
Mountain train near Newport. Traln-
I men attempted eject a party supposed
to be tramps. The Intter opened
fire, hitting Brakemen Rpeer and Ir
win. Both are In a serious condi
tion. One of the tramps was killed,
and his body .was found In a coal
armistice was agreed to between the j without permission of the local s-ov.
n posing armies at Port Arthur for , ernment.
Manaaer 'Taylor ' of Uie Frazer Says
Pendleton Wants llttrh-ClaMS Slums.
Threatened disruption of the
Women Well Pleased With the Result
or the Two Days' Sulfa.
The Presbyterian basaar which
two days'
closed last night, after
business, netted the women about
1240. WIjIIb all the small bills are
not yet paid, Mrs. C. J. Smith esti
mates that the clear profit will be
fully this amount.
"We are highly pleased with the
result ot the bazaar, and wish to ex
press our gratitude to the patrons
JSorthwestern Theatrical association,
and the prospective substitution of 10
cent vaudeville for the legitimate
dramuttcal companies now on the cir
cuit, hus not disconcerted nor alarm
ed Manager K. J. Taylor, of the Fra
ser theater In this city In the least
A strong effort Is being made to
abolish the circuit and place a line
of 'vaudeville shows (n place of the who made It possible for us to dls-
hlgh-class theatrical entertainments, pose of the goods placed on sale,"
now coming to the northwest. In said Mrs. Smith to the Kast Orecon-
fact, the Great Falls. Mont., opera lan this afternoon.
.lonllor Burned to Death While Try- j house has severed Its connection with j "The expenses have been greatly
ilna- to Save Lives Narrow Escape !the c,rcult and has Tlven 118 ldors-; reduced by the commendable wllllng
..... . ... 11 I ment of the 10 cent house project. 1 ness of everyone to help and to the
for All the Inmatee. and Working Th ,he ,., ony theater CTCeUent work of tne commUtee anrt
. I'oroe, and Two Nurses Are Don- dojng and Manager Taylor In speak- friends who assisted them, is due the
.geruuMly Hurt by Jumping I-'roiu a I ing of the matter this afternoon to success of the bazaar."
Third Story Window Patients All tne fcast oregonian. says. 1
1 ms cny is nui reauy 10 sunen- .; Itiic MortKUge Oil Opera House.
der its first-class line of theatrical . .. ...
, . . . ' One of the largest foreclosure suits
companies for cheap shows. Vaude- , ..
MasHHchusettM Village Burns.
Hyannls. Mass., Dec. 3. Fire this
morning destroyed a portion of the ' Ing a receiver appointed.
business section of town. Loss. 3160,. j he has no intention of going to
Creditors Trying to Secure
Themselves by Getting Holtf
of Personal Property.
Irfintllfird of the Holland House
strained Prom Allowing Her Ct
tels to Leave Ills Hotel Third I
' thiiiance of Uie Case llaa
Taken In Cleveland Receiver Baai
Been AMlnted to Take Charge aT
Mm. Cliwlwlck'st Property NrtdTar
of ('arnegle's Calls at Ho
' New York, Dec. 3. Mrs. Chadwkr.
Is still at Holland House, It is leana
ed this morning. She was deterranf
from going to Cleveland last
by the action of the creditors In
It Is
IoHtiiutHter at New York.
Washington, Dec. 3. The president
has decided to appoint William R.
Wilcox postmaster at New York City.
Ml LniiiR TW .1 .lurk RiMrtn. ttn u.a line l """'""
thi"lth niir ...nnnri tn hnv out of the auction In Pendleton.
can't dn : ia . a . . . ... 'The neonle would not acceDt It In
i n lme.-. mnea, ana iu nurses in i.ne wiKoun i .
no improvements upon j :Hapltat muLTlum -n North avenue, f the P.""" 8now"' They
"-imrHl That hs
Looml. 7S Z . ' burned to death
"ml and Indicate to ; , th hn.
In a fire which de
stroyed the hospital dormitory early
educational in nature, and more ar
tistic. Vaudeville In the large cities.
where there is large cosmopolitan
1th' al. settlement.1 """"01,l"en " ".ury i-j whepe lnere , ,a,.se COBmop0lan
?'n72"en..,!!.hem 'i Kuban, lost his life while makung ' Population to draw from is possible.
under Investigation.
"Uemurred hlr . . heroic effort to arouse the occu- "u ""'"' """" "' """
hit ' afmla Pa.us.0f the building. Nurse. Mor- Joflry of theater-goers are people of
1 on His "Pun,"
gan an'd Laderde leaped from the
thli'H ui.br,, l tliuii. nlfrh imrmMitll
IZ.'? lMo trwble. I and both were seriously injured. Miss "ne ' V:
FWntedwith Bln.er h.. ni. . "I do not
I Mil . . -
v.iio.1 11.
the best tastes and culture.
never be substituted for the
it can
believe the association
The firemen, nurses and attendants ! "
renlUA ... t. I nroETesalve and satisfalctory policy.
. succeeaea 111 removing aaieiy hji me
tllum.u- . It Id Itrliitfliiu- u flmt -oIhum llti. nr II t
"I Washlne- , luitlMiitii Ih Iho lnt tut nn In num- " "r...
was that filed yesterday by Frank E.
Oeiser. by C. A. Johns, his attorney,
against the Baker City Opera House
The suit is brought on a note for
IS. mill, dated May 1, 1901, running
for five years, with interest at 6 per
j cent, payable semi-annually, covered
' by a mortgage on the real property
to secure payment of the principal
and Interest on the loan. The note
provides that in default of payment
. of interest the entire debt becomes
due and payable. The complaint
asks for Judgment for 316.487 and
37UO attorneys fees. Baker City
k.i. ' aning- 1 patients In the institution, 62 in num-
j it into any trou- ber.
the i
ir1 le forest re-
' mm a place if ne
"fa Of him
Iw about to start
IT'' Ave
twenties out
it. m.. .. ,nRm to me
, nt M do the
1 f-i CLI wnen
tw ' ne apDolnt-
-WWT . 1
UjewJ "rrngements ;
TloKtiHi More and Savings Bank Pluy
Uie Snviul inie of a Series of
The bow'llng game between the
Boston Store and the Savings Bank
I. anA th. ..annlA
not ready to take vaudeville, a, a; Xortla-m Idaho,
regular Hue. The circuit should keep Norman Jackson, chief clerk of the
up Its reputation, and let such towns Blale land board, who returned Tues
as feel that they cannot support the day from North Idaho, where he had
higher Class of shows, adopt vaude
been conducting land sales, repurts
big prices rule up there.
In Kootenai county he sold nine
Ill-acre tracts at prices ranging from
136 to 366 per acre. A few pieces
fell below the above figures. Mr.
last night resulted In a victory for; r.naUII. River Fanners Incur-thm hM MUa furm
the Boston Store, making one game
each for the contestants. The "rub"
will he played next Thursday night,
when both teams are confident of vic
tory. Following are the individual
1st 2nd Total.
Bell 152 148 800.
Bonney ..- 138 .118 264.
Peters 1 161 818.
Venter . .... 126 160 276.
Bailey 119 lie 286.
7?.lp. -'. and the na1l "cores
the Aftat-H RltUI HtAarV.
me aa
h thev
Nhlp u" na Heldecke
' the ... "s UD the
Vie Portion of
S2 h,rf.
1 hu. : 'nM that
I... " lnv...i. .
' 1 rU-..
1 . now .1
He-v .
hC?"r mve.
KtaS.maD th.
ixirate lor irrigation 1 unwm ,anc left vacan, n Kootenai and It Is
This afternoon Eugene DeHaven, much sought after.
Charles Marph? and Ed Dupuls, three in Idaho county he sold 30 40-acrc
farmers living near Horseshoe curve, j tracts at prices ranging from 810 to
filed articles of Incorporation for the 18. 60 per acre. Idaho has a large
Happy Canyoa Ditch Company. acreage of tillable land yet unsold.
The object of the company will be Boise Capital News.
to construct about three miles of
rigatlng ditch, .covering about 200
lucres of alfalfa land belonging to
them. The ditch will be taken out
of the Umatilla river near the Hop-
tSavhiga Bsrnik.
, 1st
Kltner ......... 120
Hchmeer ...... 142
Thompson 07
Mayberry 88
Lembert 133
. 1880
2nd Total.
122 . 242.
128 270.
' 127 224.
84 170.
168 283.
Total 1118
Both teams are practicing to the
effort to raise the score and one of
the best games of the season 1s ex
pected next Thursday night. Some
f the members of both teams are
new players, and the old players seem
to be about equally matched. The
winner of thla contest will be imme
diately challenged by several other
business houses, and a aeries of games
Jo last for the entire winter is now
ln Prospect
Woolgrowers Meet December 12.
The officers of the Idaho Wool
growers' Association have addressed
the following communication to the
I per place, at riorsesnoe curve, ana ; member, f the association, Mr.
( will reclaim some new land, .besides Qwnn the secretary of the assocla-
' W I" Take Off Uie Balh-y Ciataert.
The winter trade hardly Justifies
he company In keeping three boats
beside the smaller boat on the river
"n. and after a few more trips the
""'ey Gataart will be taken off the
"yer until spring. The Dalles Chronicle,
covering the farming lands of the In
tlon stated this morning that the In
dications were that the meeting to be
held In Pocatello December 12, would
be largely attended on account of the
Important business which is to come
AND MINE IH $ 10,000,
A man who called himself "Case
man Carnegie" called at the has
early this morning and asked faar
Mi'B. Chadwlck.
The much heralded atateiaesst
which her counsel clulmed In.
Chadwlck would Issue, clearing asa
certain questions regarding her anaae-cer-nts
and flnun al perutioru. vaai
mil forthcoming loduy. Her uttoraear
refused to be Interviewed on the sbs
Ject. Deputy .Sheriff Klnn this afternoiaa
served a writ of attachment on Maus
uger Herrlmun, of the tlollanat
House, Instructing him not to peratttt
any of the woman's property to ba saW-'''
moved from the hotel. The writ ana
served on Herrlman, as M rs. ClaauaV
wick Is a non-resident.
ItH Capitalization Is 8.1.IKHI.0OO Will
Third ConUnuance.
Cleveland, Dec. 3. A third corns
Not Be Leased to Prusshig, ButUanCe was taken today In the
Will Be Sold .lunuury 5, 11)05 The of Herbert L. Newton against C
Ouarts Mill Cost IOO.OOO and U10 l" Chadwlck, In which an appllcatl
Equipment and Shnfta Are All In
;kmI Shio and Ready for Olecranon.
Circulars calling for a complete re
organisation of the Golconda Gold
wus made for a receiver for Use
Chadwlck securities. The matter, ansae
laid over until December 10 by stst
tual agreement.
Attachment Issued.
New York, Dec. 8. Justice Cor
1 In Ihe cltv court this mnrnlnir
mines company nave oeen issuea oy ., ltll.hlrlent naninst the nronert.-
of Mrs. Chadwlck In favor of Loss
Secretary J. S. lieckwlth. of this clly.
A complete recapitulation of the
condition of the famous mine Is
given In the circular, and an assess
ment of 10 cents per share Is called
for, for the purpose of bidding In the
valuable property for the stockhold
ers. The Oolconda company Is capitaliz
ed at $3,000,000, all of which stock Is
now held by the stockholders, ex
cepting 117.832 shares, which Is re
served as treasury stock.
x Co., Fifth avenue millionaires!
The amount Is 31000. The . shertfaT
Immediately Blurted ln search asT
property upon which to levy.
Former Cashier Gives Away the la
stllutlon's Secrets.
Buffalo, Dec. 8. The run on th
The (n. j German-American Bank was rene
debtedness on the mine and equip- " tn" morning, tne bank beiasr
ment Is about 340.000. and mortgages I crowded with depositors demandrssr
on this property may be foreclosed, the,r money. A string of perssssa
thus depriving the stockholders of "n'd UP ,or hu" block,
the entire property for but a fraction I Former Cashier Wehpner, who rav.
of its actual value, signed by request of the bank ofrss-
At a recent meetlnir nt the slnnl.. u '"w a' oul
Butter Creek MeeUngg.
Revs. H. 8. Shangle and M. V.
Howard go to Butter creek to hold : before the association. The commlt
a series of' meetings, commencing tee In charge of the program are
next Wednesday evening and contln-1 now working on it and It will be
ulna- over the following Sunday. The . ready for publication within a few
second quarterl ymeetlng will also bt . days. Boise Capital News.
held there, at the Thompson school
house, Saturday and Sunday of next
Has Cancer of the Tongue,
Jerry Despaln returned yesterday
evening from Spokane, where he vis
ited his father, James Despaln. who
Is seriously 111 with cancer of the
Ralls ftr Uie Great Soulltern.
Instead of securing rails and equip
ment from the foreign market for the
Great Southern railroad, they were
ordered from the Colorado Fuel ft
Iron Company through Portland
agents yesterday, the first delivery
to be made in 60 days. This will
tongue. Mr. Despaln a fattier has, greatly facilitate work and, as W. F.
been 111 for about four months and j Nelson, one of the officers, told the
little hope for his recovery is enter- reporter, we may take a ride to Dufur
talned. He lived for a number of on the Fourth of July. 'The equip-
years In Pendleton,
city In 1871.
coming to this
The school census of Idaho, ac
cording to the report of State Super
intendent Miss Mae Scott, has in
creased from 63,31 In 1908. to 68,637
in 1904.
ment ordered will cost 8160.000.
Within a few months the road will
be pushed on to Bend. The Dalles
McGowan, Wash., near Astoria,
will dedicate a new Catholic church
Sunday,. December 6.
holders In this city, the proposition
to lease the mine to Alexander Prus
slng was rejected and an order was
Issued to sell the mine, mills, and
equipment at public auction. In this
city, on January 6, 1906.
In order to be able to bid In the
property for the stockholders, and
retain It In the possession of Its origi
nal and rightful owners, it has been
proposed by Secretary Beckwlth, that
an assessment of 10 cents per share
be levied, the amount so raised to be
used In bidding ln the property for
ll.e stockholders.
The mill on the property Is a 20
stamp Bryan quarts mill, installed at
a cost of about 8100,000, the water
rights are valued at almost as much
and the work on the mine consists
ot 400 feet of tunneling and thous
ands of feet of drifting, all of which
is in good condition, ready for Imme
diate use. If the work Is resumed on
the mine.
Should the property be purchased
for the stockholders by this
ment for the morning papers flu
which he declared the Institution havsi
made too many big loans.
JiiHineMO Finance Stated.
Toklo, Dee. 8. Premier (Kalsara.
and Finance Minister Bone today ne
sented the war budget to the hoasa
of representatives. It calls for a ts
tnl of 3390,000.000, Including provis
ion for Interest on outstanding la
The minister of finance said it
be necessary next year to borrow aat
Shoot at Pumping Station
Duquoln, III., Dec. 3. Several
were fired at the pumping station
Zelgler last night, but none hit. 1
troops responded, firing about
Bull Pupa Christened.
E. E. Turner has named his pasr
of pit bull terriers, which he recent
ly secured from the kennels of H. M.
assess- R. Miller, at Croton. O., Oregon Tenr
ment, a new company will be organ-1 and Umatilla Jude. The pups' aiar
ized. the stock distributed to those highly bred, and Turner expects ts
paying their assessments, and after I carry away some blue ribbons at 1
reserving a development fund, for
the purpose of putting the mine In
working order, the remainder of the
fund collected by this assessment will
b redistributed to the stockholders,
pro rata.
It Is hoped by Mr. Beckwlth to ac
complish a reorganization and resume
operations at this rich mine. The
ore bodies are said to be the richest
In the entire Bumpier district, and
but for mismanagement, the mine
would now be producing large dlvi-1
dends. It is well equipped for work,
and expert testimony of engineers
who have recently made complete
examination of the property, Is to the
effect that it can be made the great
est producer In Eastern Oregon. The
or bodies lie deep, but they are enormous.
next Portland bench show. As Agist
ers this breed of dog Is considered sat
the top. The pedigrees of the rasa
dogs show a long list 'of celebrated
Constable Was Killed. 1
Chicago. Dec. 8. In a fight
over a slot machine by rival
gangs of constables, Joseph 1
Blederman. a constable, . was
killed In Brunner's saloon at
Bluestand this morning. The
police made three arrests. Ble
derman's friends claim a plot
to kill him.
I 4

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