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DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON1, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1904. PAGE TWO. f DOLLS Hundreds of styles, lc to S9.90. Unbreakable dulls, bisque dolls, Rubber dolls, etc. Fancy Dishes, Cups and Saucers HELIX HAPPENINGS RAYMONDS RETURNED FROM SOUND COUNTRY. Returned to Seattle Gone on an Ex tended Visit In tlie East In Idalio on a Land Deal Miss Curtx' Health Is .Much Improved Returned to Nebraska Kasket Soclul for lien eflt of School Library Literary Society at Myrlck. HOTEL ARRIVALS. : : : ! New Styles for the Holi days, 10c Up. Curtain Stretchers, Two Styles, ilia St. 15 to 82.05. The Moving Pin Style. I Frederick Nolf GENERAL NEWS. G. W. Allen la the newly elected president ot the Portland Board of nt ? Helix. Dec. 2. Mr. and Mrs. rt. i j, ! Raymond have returned from a trip j to the Sound country, where they J I went with their daughter, Miss JeBsle. j j for the benefit of the hitter's health. i ! Mr. Keller, who hns been visiting I his sister, Mrs. Sones, left Wednesday j J j evening for Seattle. J j Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dale left a few j I days ago, with their family for an ' $, extended trip In the East, including . Missouri and Indian territory points. 1 D. B. Richardson and Charles Stun- I ton are in Idaho, looking into some 1 Lund propositions. j . A large party from this vicinity nt- , tended the theater at Pendleton , Thursday evening. Miss Arlle Curls, who has been so seriously 111 at the home of her sister. ; Mrs. A. B. Montgomery, Is now much Improved and able to be about town. ' H. J. McNett, who has been mak- i ing an extended visit with relatives 1 Helix. Wallula, Hunts Junction Hotel St. George. A. Bailey, Portland. George Harris, Portland. W. H. Gwln, Union. C. A. Griffith, San Francisco. A. Ezelle, Seattle. . W. E. Potts, Athena. F. T. Rese. Denver. H. C. Todd, San Francisco. George W. Campbell, Minneapolis. E. J. Taylor, Athena. I. M. Bates, Detroit. F. B. Wood. Elgin. J. T. Pennell, Westhop. E. A. Crull. Portland. W. H. Bennlnghoff, Portland. Charles F. Cramer, Chicago. 11. L. Stevens. Seattle. 1). B. White. Kansas City. J. C. Allen. Chicago. F. P. Barton. Seattle. D. P. Whitney. New York. A. G. Talbott. New York. W. H. Hllburn. Greenville. Frank Alexander, Philadelphia. ONE MORE WEEK OF SENSATIONAL CUTS IN PRICES ON A FEW LINES TO CLOSE OCT. niisses- coats, h close out at SO Per men's suits and overcoats at ble ren.i Ladies' trimmed hats at IIALF PRICE, o . I...,, cwui mini for 75c and 5(c. . .....,. ..i.'. ....iv n. fe.vleft at HALF PRICE. Men'ae ladles' Jackets, all slws, new styles at cost. Men's extra pants, 20 per ociit redoctton. Shoes, guaranteed to be satisfactory, every pair 10 per cent ou uiw eea. underwear at mr ..-i- THE IR YOU CAN DO BETTER HERE. l Trade. The first snow of the season fell at Chtcago and through Iowa and as far aa Eastern Nebraska, December 8. There are now four and a half times as many murders per 1,000,000 people i:i the United States yearly, as In 1381. Michael Supple. December 1 fell 0 feet down a shaft at Rossland, B. C. and broke his hip and skull and will die. and Pendleton, Is to start for Nebras- ; ka Saturday. Mr. McNett has made ! many friends in this locality, who will I be sorry to have him leave. i The pupils of the public school are to give a basket social in the near future, for the benefit of the school j library. I A very successful basket social was i held at the Myrlck school house Fri- day evening. j A literary society has been organ- j ized at Myrlck, with Miss Myrlck as ' I president; been 1 Re G. L. Hall and Mr. L. E. Pen- Tha mIuIb In Xan,..,n !....& very successful of late and have cap- , land of Pendleton, were guests of Mr. ! tured Eucarnaclon, the second larg- and Mrs. F. H. Richmond, while at- ' est city in the country. I tending the Sunday school conven- ' Rev. Edward Lounsbury, 70 years tlon' . 1 .1 n-1, I 1. 1 ,1 i Ithaca, N. T., fell headlong over the i pulpit rail dead with heart failure. 1 F. J. Potter, a lineman at Mace, Idaho, was horribly burned by com ing in contact with crossed wires December 2. He may recover. j "Gen." Jacob S. Coxey, of Mount Vernon. O.. the famous erstwhile leader of Coxey'i army, has filed a petition in bankruptcy. His liabilities ! are given at 1287,000. : Lewis Delgel was tried .two years ; ago at Lancaster. Pa., for the mur-1 der of Isaac Stigel and was acquitted. ' Lately he has confessed to murdering Stigel, and has been again arrested, j At Corbln. Ky.. Mat Earls, accused i of the murder of the Curd brothers, i objected to being arrested by his two cousins. Will Earls and Arthur Ad- I kins, and shot and killed the former. 1 The "system" by which the repub- j licans hope to retain Peabody In of- j fice as governor of Colorado, is the simple one ot entirely throwing out the vote of all contested precincts. They do not propose either a recount or another election. I Mrs. J. T. Stockman of Pendleton, was a guest of Mrs. Charles Belts, during the convention. Rev. J. W. Jenkins of Athena, was a guest of Rev. G. W. Simons, and delivered an address at the Sunday school convention. Mrs. John Montgomery will visit with her mother for about a month, and during her absence Miss Sarah Montgomery will take charge of the household affairs. District Convention. The District Sunday school conven tion, which was held at this place Friday and Saturday, has the follow ing interesting program: Friday Afternoon. lintel Bickers. Charles Graves, Portland. A. J. Hall, Spoknne. William J. Moore. Spokane. Jo Murphle. Jr.. Saxe Station. W. J. Caldwell. Pipestone. W. Langfnrd and fnmlly, Pipestone. Miss Lizzie Nlebel, Pomeroy. Mike Fry and family, Freeport. W. H. Murray. Walla Walla. U. E. Willis. La Grande. W. P. Fulton, Adnms. Mrs. Mary Enlyle. Adams. Charles Lawrence. Seattle. Dr. McRean, Spokane. The Pendleton. E. Allen. Cincinnati. Captain Dryfus, Louisville. H. G. Rentoul, Portland. W. M. Spencer, Klona. J. W. Irwin, Tacoma. O. S. Toungman. Portland. E. B. Comnn, Portland. H. B. Rowland, St. Louis. W. 1). Owen, New York. F. W. Schoffer, New York. J. Wr. Reed, San Francisco. George E. Waite, San Francisco. G. McCully, Spokane. A. B. McEwen, Athena. M. H. Patton. Spokane. S. S. Butler. Starbuck. M. C. Wade. Spokane. Andy Nylander, Portland. J. Prince, Cincinnati. S. McMahon. Portland. L. Wall, Rochester. I. Van Elsberg. Minneapolis. ! j:: mm Christmas TIME Naturally brings thoughu of Jewelry. It makes th handsomest und most durable of all gifts. Perhaps you have been thinking of buying Jewelry, but have ben afraid It's too expensive. Then come here and let show you your mistake. Good Jewelry, such aa wt handle, eoats money, of course, but you will find our ' prices as low as GOOD GOODS are ever sold for. I H ! I i Our holiday stock comprises a wealth of the good and beautiful, in the newest Jewelry. We haven't any old goods to work off our store, our stock, and our prices are NEW. We believe we have the largest and choicest assortment In the city of Solid Gold and Hljk Grade Gold.. We are showing an elegant line of diamond-set Jewelry. t F. R. H. CREAMERY TOPICS. Many i IT ll i niicd WATCHES CHAINS LOCKETS SCARF PINS CUFF LINKS BRACELETS and BROOCHES THE RING Is the- tlnie linnored seal of frlendslilp and affection THE GIFT OF GUTS. If you are think ing rings, our stock la worth coming muny blocks to see. Our stock of dlumond and combination stone rings com prises' over 600 different styles. Fresno Convention Discusses Issues. , Fresno. Cul., Dec. 3.: At the con cluding sessions today of the annual convention of the California Cream- l ery Operators' Association papers were presented as follows: j j "The Farm Separator; Its Use and I Abuse." J. V. Sheppard, Petaluma; J I "Benefit to be Derived From Pasteur- ization in Buttermaklng." A. Jansen, , Ferndale; "California's Great Need I Better Dairy Cattle," Prof. E. W. Wo Invite you to visit our store mid look over our goods, whether you wish to buy or not WINSLOW BROS., Jewelers, P. Q. Block TttttI! NORTHWEST NEWS. 2:00 Devotional, "Christ's .Call to i Major. University of California; "Is Husv People," Rev. O. W. Simons. a State or District Creamery Ex- 2:30 "What Should Those Who do I change a Possibility?" C. C. Ridge Not Attend do for the Sunday j '" Portervllle; "Proposed Leglsla School?" L. E. Penland. . ! ,lon Relative to Prohibiting the Mls- 3:00 "Incentives to Sundav School , branding of Butter." A. B. EvanB, Work." Rev. J. W. Jenkins. Fresno. The convention will close ann "FMurntionai Asncet of the , tonight with a banquet, for which 3un(itiv iirhnni " ttv wifr Pnvne i elaborate preparations have been 4:00 Election of officers for en suing year. Friday Evening, 7:30 Devotional. "Voices of Praise." Rev. R. C. Michael. The Seattle Chamber of Commerce! 8:00 Solo. "Lead, Kindly Light," completed. will ask congress for $962,000 to re commence work on the Lake Wash ington canal. In a 100-yard foot race at Seattle Harry Smith, of Vancouver, Wash., defeated George Ash, a colored sprinter of Seattle, by a three-foot lead, winning $600. The officials of the Big Bend Na tional Bank,- at Davenport. Wash., serve notice that the institution will pay all depositors and stockholders In full and will resume business soon. This year's salmon pack on Puget j Walker. Sirs. P. S. Rogers. 8:10 "Workday Influence of the Teacher." Miss Emma Green. I 8:30 "The Sunday School age." Rev. G. L. Hall. , Saturday Morning. 9:30 Devotional. "A Test Love," Rev. G. L. Hall. 10:00 "The Teacher's Opportunity as an Evangelist," Rev. J. W. Jen kins. I 10:30 "How Best to Secure Co operation of Parents," Mrs. H. G. Sound was 238,000 vases and Is ac counted a failure. The Columbia river pack, both aides, was 525,000 cases, which was fully up to the aver age. . . The Montana state board of agri culture, labor and industry reports that Improvements In the way ot new buildings and additions to old ones in that state during the year ending November 30, equaled in value $7, 1H0.341. British Columbia Is all torn up with a virulent discussion of the question whether the province shall subsidise the Grand Paclfio . Trunk railway. The liberal press Is a unit acalnst, and some of the conserva tive press Is with them. ' A. J. Nelson, ex-sheriff of Lake county. Oregon, who was sentenced to the penitentiary In the spring of If 01 for embezzling county funds, has been pardoned by Governor Cham berlain sn a petition signed by S20 of the B3S voters of Lake county. He was sentenced for a five-year term. 10:40 "Who Can Teach How." Rev. R. C. Michael. 11:00 "What Interest Have Tou as a Citizen. In the Sunday School?" R. E. Beck. 11:30 "The Sunday School as a Missionary Society." Rev. P. 8. Rog ers. 12:00 Adjournment. HAIR TELLS CHARACTER. Color of Hair Said to Indicate a Per sob's Temperament. Many people believe that blonde, or light hair deaotes affection aad dark hair constancy. A person without hair is not devoid of character; far from it. The disposition of the average bald headed man is to show such solicitude for the welfare of others, that he neg lects himself. A germ causes baldness. Prof. Sabouraud, of Paris, France, in nocculated a rabbit with Dandruff germs, causing It to become totally bald in Ave weeks' time. To rid the scalp of thwe dangerous germs it Is necessary to apply Newbro's Hflrpidde. "Destroy the cause you remove the ; effect." and i 8'd by leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps ior sample to Tne tierptcias to,, Detroit. Mich. A. C. Koeppen Jk Bros., special agents. Leak- of ife Safe! CHINAWARE, GLASSWARE and CROCKER, CUT TO COST There are but very few desirable vacant kits left In' the residence por tion of Pendleton.. Tliese we nave Jast listed and the prices are very reasonable. We have a new list of residences for sale. Come and see tu, and look over onr Use We have anything; that you want In country property. 9- T. WADE BON, Office E. O. Building. Atlteua Notes, Mrs A. Masterson Is in Walla Wal la this week in attendance on her daughter, MHw Myrtle Thompson, who is 111 in a hospital there. John Walker and family and Ira McDonald left yesterday morning for Alberta. Their intention is to look over the country with the ultimate object of Investing In land, and inci dentally will visit among friends In that northern clime. J. N. B. Gerklng. accompanied by his son, Otis Gerking of College Place. Wash., started Tuesday evening for an extended trip through Crook coun ty and thereabout. Should they find land suitable for their purposes, they will probably invest. Misses F raker and Latourette of Pendleton, will be here Sunday and will assist in the song service at the Baptist church, morning and evening. These ladles are accomplished musi cians and none should miss hearing them. A freak Is to be seen at the farm of Frank Oagnon. five miles south of town on the reservation. It is a well developed pig, born with a litter of several others, but differing from them In this point: For one leg and foot It has a perfectly formed arm and hand, and on the remaining three legs, instead of feet, are nanus, tne mother sow refuses to accept her freak offspring; and Mrs. Gagnon la raising It "on the bottle." She has refused two offers, one of $50 and one ot (100 for the animal. Athena Press. TRAINING SCHOOL FOR HORSES Wanted On hundred head of on broke horses. I am located for the winter at the Dutch Henry feed yard, corner of Alta and Lllleth streets, where I conduct a first-class training and sale stable. If you want to- boy a horse I will take your order and se lect the best horse for yea. or It you have a horse to sell I am well ac quainted with the best buyers. I am well equipped to break and bandit any horse from the finest blooded stock to tht wildest and most desper ate broncho. There Is ,no horse bat can be broke and be made to drive or work nicely It he be handled cor rectly. . I have broke one hundred and twenty-three bead In Pendleton, some of which bad become desperadoes. I guarantee satisfaction .In every ease. Lee Kennard porosis shoes for women. WTalkover shoes lor man at Alexander Depart- I Good I i Dry Wood ! ALL KINDS e I have good, sound wood which e is delivered at reasonable . J prices I FOB CASH. W. C. MINNIS ? Keumau's Leave Orders Clear Store. Tht choicest things out are the nut brown stiff hats. They can be seen leeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee at Sullivan 4 Bond's. 4'.- .-wsiTrT v fc , . I HAVE DECIDED TO DISCONTINUE THIS DEPARTMENT OP sTT BUSINESS AND DISPOSS OF MY ENTIRE STOCK AT ONCE. EVERYTHING MUST GO. PRICES ARE CUT TO THE VERY W" TOM. THE OBJECT I BAVE IN VIEW IS TO DISPOSE OF BWBtf PIECE OF WARE IN THE STORE BY JANUARY FIRST. Note These Cut Prices Ironstone handle cups and saucers, regular price, per sat, 75c, now Ironstone plates, regular price tve? now .Ewer and Basin, regular price $1.23; now ........ 1 .......... . White and yellow chambers, regular price, "So and Me; now ; ; . ; Water glasses, regular price 50c per dozen; now Bait gallon Jugs, regular priee. Sec; now Dinner sets, 100 pieces. Johnston Bros. English porcelain, regular price $ltMi now " Dinner sets, 100 pieces, white and gold, regular price, $14.50; now " ' ' NOW IS YOUR TIME to save money. . The above are but a tew specunn P made on every article la the stock. ' as . silt Illllllllll HIH For Rent. Four acres good garden and or chard, all under Irrigation, at Echo. Address J. H. Koonts, Echo, Or. Or. AStandard for Quality. Cleanliness fc ' Hand MadcClear Havana. FLX oh Ml N! m 111 III III lit hi, ".77! 'Ho 7U Mi Or-