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3 Hi . J 'It? a ir ifPAlCT EVENING EDITIOnT I MggCBaaiSMi VNw' MjnTM WW"!i I Tonight and Tuesday fnlr. jlgDITlON -J that th . w-v, enrneu - '" reaches nearly WEATHER FORECAST. 1 0m" a " .no luvc PENDLETON, OKKGON, MOTS' DAY, DECEMBER 5. 11)04. NO. ."2'-,'- Lees Persistently", Lobbies and Galleries Crowd- Carnegie in the Chad-Irouble. HARNETT WOOI, CONTRACTED. Prank Johnson Gets 1.000.000 Pounds ' at IS rents Per Pound. Raker City. Dec. B. Frank Johnson the well known Boston wool buyer, who has Just returned from a trip to the Homey country, claims to have contracted 1,000,000 pounds of Har ney county wool, ot the 1805 clip, at IIS cents per pound. UST SESSION 58111 CONGRESS A OF FORGERY I inree MtRB, uuynig 1HUB WOOI, and ' says that 15 cents Is the highest price j ; paid. He predicts that prices will go j higher than this next season, but fears that congress will tinker with I ' the wool tariff rates and demoralize ' ! the market. ! Mr. Johnson savs that thl. nni. ' II ONCE TO THE FRONT, j rrmse takes out the cream of the Har- i ! ney county clip, and that little will ; he left for buyers going Into the ' Miutt Bp Shown in ' county next spring. He found grow- : . ,rrj,.i..i will !er" willing to te this price, and was f B""k orrl-""s iglad to close with them. In. view of ! ConcrriitiiR Them Several the fact idaho wool has been j yea Are inner -'i - 1 viiiuravieu lor as nign as K cents. Lrf-Anollier liank Official, lB Securities the Value of i waja S1,LA "SHY, Mi. But Inferential!' Tliey kurtbk Securities. , ed When Order Was Called at High Noon. FLORAL pieces cover MANY MEMBERS' DESKS, airhanks and Cook roll Arc Centers .of Attraction Burton, of Kansas, Is Not Present Speaker's Ixibby Bcsicged With Schemers, All Anx IniiK to Get an Early Consideration of Tlielr Plans Hie Clerk's lesk Is IMIcnI High WIUi Rills to Be In triHluced. DOCTOR S AT JETTY Loses .Ais Way Near Drain and Undergoes Remarkable Experience-. HE HAD BEEN MISSING SINCE THVRSDAY LAST. Washington, Dec. 5. Congress convened promptly at noon today, In Only fKOOu oT the Portage Road Fund Now Raised. Walla Walla, Dec. 6. Strenuous ef forts are hplnc mnrie hv lha nntrimo-- 1,4 Dec 5.-The two notes.: , , aMoclatlon raige ... rema,n,n. liM.OOO, the other for 260.- 1 32000 of the portage road fund. Meet- k luve been mentioned in .j ings are being held at the different 1 the last session of the 58th congress. L wltb the Oberlln bank and, owns the county and there is every Senator Pro Tern Frye called the prunpev:' inai ll will oe pieageu Wlin- . - , .' ,.. i senate to order and Speaker Cannon .."'. , . performed a similar duty for Solicitors have been employed and house a vtKomuB campaign is 10 De carneo t ..hhi,,,, a ii i , . -vvuit.B oil4 BOIICI ICO WCJC UIUHU Willi HI Horse Hp Crossed the Suls Ihw River, Half a Mile Wide and Then Endeavored to Proceed on Foot -Exhausted by Futigue and Cold, lie Fell Into a Tank Collect ed With tlx- Government Jetty Works and Drowned Was a Hos pital Kii)ciiutendpnt. JAMES N. TYNER DEAD. Ex-INistiimster Gecnrul Passnl Away at Washington. Washington, Dec. 5.' James N. Ty ner, former postmaster general, died at his home at 8:55 this morning. He was at the head of the postal depart ment under Grant. He was removed from the office of assistant attorney general of the post office department hist year, and was afterwards Indicted, together with his nephew, Harrison J. Barrett, on the charge of conspiracy in connection with the United States malls, in rela tion to alleged "get rich quick" con cerns. Of this charge he was acquitted. T SIX-DAY niCYCI.E RELAY. Italians Drop Out, V liable to Follow The Race. New York. Dec. 5. At 7 this morn ing all the contestants in the six days' bicycle race hud made 157.2 miles. This Is five miles and two laps over the world's record. Some Fallinjr Behind. New York. Dec. 5. At 9 o'clock this morning the score was 197.1, sev eral riders being a lap behind. Italians Drop Out. The Hobo, Italian team king, and Kosillo. found the pace too strenuous Man in Charge of Express Car Resists and Robbers Leave Him Dying. XEGItO AND WHITE MAN CjUUtY OCT THE SCHEME. Gained Access lo the Express Car by a Ruse and I .cave It I'ndelecteil I nlll the Next Station Is Kewhctl Train Traveled Forty-five Mile While the Deed Was Being Enacted Failed to Get Into the Safe, Hut Secured SHOIHI and Make Tln-lr Getaway. Sun Bernardino, Oil.. Dec. 5. The Simla Fe overland, No. 1, was held up Inst night between Dagget and ililck cue, beur the slgnaturt hi Carnegie. The smaller i found In the Oberlln bank, !m b the possession of the Saw sovernment authorities . ii,i . -no. ! ed and the private galleries filled with kund. This reads.: brj 7. 1904, one year from fcnnlK to pay to C. L. Chad- grd. K50.000, with Interest !r cent. FlKhcrnien Will Fight. Portlund, Dec. 5. One- of the bit- (Slgned) Andrew terert a"a mo8t P"lr.ffed fights to members and overflowed Into the lob come oeiore me coming session oi tne Des. bit Indorsed on the back, : ,rK'"mlure wl" De "'ougni ny lower; As usual, the main Interest cen- 'Wwlck." : r,ver inmermen against up-river : te.ed' about tne gnort proceedngl Jn w for 1500.000 is supposed'"'""""- Dmn w'" "" w the upper house. Drafii, Or., Dec. 6. The body of Doctor R. H. Barber, superintendent j and dropped out four hours after the and owner of Gardiner hosnltul. was ! sturt. There were several snllls dur- found last night in the bottom of a ' tl,e enr'y morning hours. Patsy Ludlow, and the express messenger shut and wounded. He Is suffering too much ta give an Idea of the amount stolen. The robber Is supposed to be a negro, wearing a cap, who entered the rear door of the cur by breaking a chain. FATAL ACCIDENTS. H-foot tank at the government iettv i ReeKan or V.we"' naa nl" r,,ce Da,"y the works. . cut ,ne ralL He was a prominent surgeon, and i answered an urgent call from Flor- j ence. 10 miles distant. Thlnmiuv nlshr ! fashionable women and men. friends : He went on horseback over an unfu-! of the president, and the diplomatic mar country, missed his way and corps and members of congress. Flo- plunged Into the Suisluw river. His I rai pieces covered tne desks ot the wide. U lately deposit box of , resented and will take up the time of llili-en lose Their Lives lit Differ ent litMiilltles in Sunie Town. Raymond. Mont.. Dec. 5. The 2- horse swam the river, half a mile I months-old baby girl of Hiram Chit tenden fell from the arms of her Beckwlth, of the Oberlln 'Ewai for Robert Lyons, re- tne Oberlln bank, was Is Mitrlct Attorney Sullivan ptol, ordering him to appear miminary hearing of Beck- Cashler Spear, and bring all me or Chadwick securities lliebtnk. rial queiitlon now Is, "Are forged?" M Omcislii In Llmln. Nt Dec. 6. President Beck- Ouhler 8pear of the Ober rnved here this morning lk In charge of federal of- o re taken at once to the Ike 1'nlted States commls- ilk eould have secured re- nm bonds, but preferred Cleteland at once. He said. f to M, snd let me face the ' aave no friends left, and to to Jail now us luter." m,i will be arralined h- KWoner Surk. If proven P m liable to Imprisonment rears. "ed KeciirlUes. M Dec. 5. The C'levelBid ffrt there was at least H KUrltie m.nn u.hlh P'ick u enabled to borrow 'w this attest was wrlt- , WW head of the Wade Co.. of which the fol- 0hlo. May 3. 190 the Besslon until the matter Is settled. T ;e ROAD Sn ST BE COM- l'LETED BY MAY A. J. McOulie Aetvpts the Sum of $151,000 from the Suite and Takes .fire early. w nen the doctor evidently started j brother, alighting on her head and dr oit foot to rench a settlement In the Ing. ' 'WW1 darkness, he fell Into the tank and, I The 3-year-old daughter of John W. IlUmhed from CXnoSUre. rirnwneil 'lM uhll. nlnvlnir In thn Ifllnhen Centers of Interest. j The entire route taken by Dr. Bur- stumbled into a tub of sculdlng water. Senator Fairbanks, vice president- ber and hlK norae ha en traced by cooking her to death. c.i. ... ni, me conspicuous , the footprints of either the horse or figure. The galleries craned necks himself. It Is a matter of great sur to see him. prise that the doctor was not killed Senator Cockrell, of Missouri, also , or disabled at the point where his came In for much attention.. horse fell with him over the bluff The desks of the late senators Hoar Unto the river. Atthnt noint .h and Quay were draped In black. Sen-; bluff , o feet high, and so nearly I alor Burton, of Kansas, waa 'not pm-' perpendicular that It was Impossible ent- ' to recllmb It, and at Its foot the water In the house, where the 3S6 mem- i 30 fleep. bers occupy the available floor space, j Finding himself anhurt after the there was perhaps less dignity and : fu over the bluffi Dr jber is pre more noise and laughter than among I ,Umed to have chosen the alternative' the 90 veterans of the senate. of swimming the river with the horse I Speaker Cannon's room was be- : t0 freeing the horse and clinging to I sieged by a long procession of mem- the undergrowth in the edge of the I uers seeaing to get meir irons in me water along the preclnltons side of NO. 2 NARROWLY ESCAPED GOING INTO COLI'MIIIA. lias Pledge of Honor From tlie Olieii IMver Association for tlie Re inniiKler of the Cost, Amounting to About 40 O00 Work Regius at Once Ivvrve of 100 Men to Be Employed. The clerk's desk, was covered with i bills for early Introduction. ! the bluff. SOl'YENIR GOLD DOLLARS. Contracts for the construction of the portage road having been signed by A. J. McCabe. that gentleman now ha until Thursday, December 8. in which to file a bond for 350.000 with ; demand (or ,he 80uvenlrl! me state portage commission, lor wie faithful performance of the work. Lewis and Clark Coins Selling Rujilil ly Suitable for Mounting as Jew elry. Portland, Dec. 5. Lewis and Clark souvenir gold dollars, which sell for j 4H PERSON'S IXJl'RED. i PusHciigcr Train Goes Through 11 Bridge In Post Oak alley. Wurrensburg. Mo., Dec. 5.-rNo. 1. westbound Missouri Pacific passenger train, was badly wrecked two miles east of Holden this afternoon. Forty eight persons were injured, some so Murder and Robbery. San Bernardino, Cal., Dec. 5. Mes senger Roberts was shot between Lud low and Daggett on the desert. When the ugent at Dnggett pound ed on the door for admittance of ex press matter, no sound came front within. The conductor then entered by the front door. When It wus open ed the messenger wns found In u pool of blood. The messenger gnsplngly told them that two men had said they were pas sengers mid wanted to get on the and hatn e mes senger twice on the head. He made Inn effort to fight und was shot I through the breast. The robbers looted the safe of ' drafts and money amounting to H, 1 nno. The robbers left the train us It was entering Dagget. The robbery was committed with- E LOST n D 111 r llllirri "'lh' Hu unlocked the door II Kill I lAJHrrl l,,"lf' 11 '"" tenting the Uil'lL ll II LLL lo""'' The Intruder struck tin As the Wheel Left the Engine H"1 Piston Rod Was Tom Out anil Only In a distance of 45 miles. There was a Lucky Futallly Kept the Rial From (inline I'llder Hie Wheels 1 heavy gale and no sounds. The messenger was taken through In Los Angeles, becoming unconscious Accident Oceurrcd on n Sharp 1 ami w die. Curve Not Fur West of I'niiitilln The robbers fulled to get Into the Train Conlliiucd Kustunnl Willi An- t ":'f''- other Engine. j " """' ,n;'" ".""hT j white man and one negro. A sher- ' Iff's posse has gone to the scene. A drive wheel torn from Engine i expected, and the first issue of 25.000 coins will soon be exhausted. If .the When the appropriation was made for the fair by congress, a clause In I.FI ' MEAD A FOIOTNE, man escaped death Is amazing. It was flagged at Centervlew. the first station west of here, and there The state portage commission has ,. , .H , , ; vlo rt Hi,i nreeu lu pay mr. mtuiw xu.vvw, the sum now remaining In the portage the gold dollars, the Issue being Urn- No. 130, drawing the east-bound pas- i senger train from Portland last night. ' ' delayed the arrival of the train In Bilker City Man Receives Estate of Pendleton for more than an hour. I f 2.10,000 In Tonopah. received an order to run slow over . "The broken whig." occurred as the linker City, Dec. 5. W. H. Mead, the Post Oak bridge between Center- j engine was rounding a sharp curve (he well known Baker Cllv business along the Columbia river, west of ,,,,,. venlerduv received Ihe hui.nv Directly In violation of this order. I Umatilla. Lews In n i-it.r from the m,,,,.i -leri. fund. The Open has pledged Empire for the t tract price, which fwmcern. I herebv cer-! reach 4w.0fl. , In my nnnsouinn The state commission has added a Ita In 'tmt flHn TVin nnlm nf ha 1 I ho Iruln rlinhot dnurn Ihrnnirh Dny, Tl, k...... ..ku..l ,1 1 . ... ... ... t..,i vvv- " v-v.i.o . i " ' . , nuHr l" c ",1L 1 i""1"" or Nvc countv. Nevaila. mm cnuntv in T1. lhp ,nttnd : glle of the dollar Khich M "- )ak val,,'y "l ,ne rat of 45 m'lp ! " " we"1 spinning away from whch Tonopah is situated, that Tom- h. iJmalnder of the con- i merly current' bel"K womewhat hour. . the engine, and railroad men declare j ni,B o'Hrlen, who died a few days XchT Is estimated will ' emaller tna" a dlme- They are dlf" The englne a,,', f,r"t bMKe car that if the rod had dropped onto the ,1fo, ha(1 ,e hlm he,r to tt Mt prop. jnicn n is coiimau . ferent from any other coin ever clr- went over the bridge all right, but j rails the entire train would have ertyi consisting of mines in the (lold- u... "wiiion live . OM()00) ,n wuri J? CMle '" Chadwick. tTZ "0"wlr nor tne Wade Z,'ly ther perlKn h8 t,P ""me- (Signed) rtJl recent Interview kr,,h Cleveland Press, I which I have regr- ,hat t,m- 1 f - 1 I was n c, . Em" Chadwick. h ';16 ,hl" m- " Tork , ''Ported to Wk flight on a ?"- of the Chadwick '"UtDlllo kTr! M Udrld. "We Ium " government ? by thT,ference ovr ni.h ' JPanese be- ll. ,,flMt to cal telephone line the entire length of i the portage, -a new passenger coach and a new locomotive, to the speci fications In the contract. Every par- tide of the material and equipment . Is to be new from the factory. No . second-hand or old material nor cars are to be used. The road Is to be completed by May culated In that they have two hesos or obverses. This was made necessary by the fact that It was desired to give credit on the coin to both Meriwether Lew Is and William Clark, the explorers whose expedition a century ago. In the words of President Roosevelt, "marked the beginning of the process of exploration and colonization which thrust our national boundaries to the Just a,they reached the other side been piled Into the river. there was an awful crash and in moment the remainder of the train, consisting of five coaches. Including one Pullman car and a diner, wre thrown Into a confused heap. Some of the coaches went Into the bed of the creek and down a declevlty of 80 -or 40 feet. The force of the con--cusslon was terrible. Heavy 90-pound rails were bent Another engine was secured Umatilla and the damaged one will be taken to the repair shops. i field camp valued at 1250. 000 ii urn Mr Mead will leave today or t" FOR VIOLATING SCAB LAW. Eugene Slieepiiiaii Fined 12. Keeping Dlsetued Sliecp. morrow for Tonopah to take posses i sinn of the property and expects to be gone about six weeks, when he I will return to Baker City to attend to his business here. Behind this hare 'or j Information is a romance. 'inree years ago Mr. aaeaa was in Eugene, Dec. 6. -John Maxwell, a 1. 1906. and it Is now an assured fact , pgcrlc .. Cn tne Me of the ; like hoops and thrown clear outside I well known former residing neur Irv- i that next year's wheat crop will re celve the benefit f the portage. I A force of 100 men will begin work at once on the frrade. Much of the work will be aolid rock work, requir ing the services of expert powder men. Forces of men will begin work at different points en the grade sim ultaneously, and several camps will be maintained. Tunopah when that camp was un-' known. Mead was taken seriously sick and O'Brien nursed him and bearing the likeness of Captain Clark j the right of way. Ties were crushed 'ng. was arrested this morning fr j Cltred for hlm untn ne became well. Id,. ,enrJohn p- vaC' """man t da,t with KI1XTKIC KOAD TOK MISHOCLA. Senator Clark Pay r.50,000 for Ter mliiaii! and Water Power. Missoula, Dec. 6. Senator W. A. Clark today paid over 2,eo0 to John Mccormick as the purchase price of 160 acres of land near Bonner, which the senator bought for electrical pur poses. The purchase carries with It an excellent water right and power location and within 30 days work on the dam across the Missoula river will begin. The plan Is to build a trolley rlne between Missoula and Bonner and through the city. The line will be extended to Fort Missoula Immediate ly and Inter will traverse the Bitter Root valley. The senator has large holdings of timber lands near the new purchase, and within another year h)s big lum ber mill will be removed from Lot li mp to the ranch he purchased today. The theaters of New York City, ac cording to the World, took In 3100.000 by admissions Thanksgiving night. are the words "United States or America," and "One Dollar." On the other side are the portrait of Captain Lewis, the words "Lewis-Clark Ex position, Portland, Ore.," and the date "1904." The coin has neither wreath nor stars. The sale of the Lewis and Clark souvenir coins Is being pushed In various way. In September the exec utive committee of the Portland Commercial Club appointed a com mittee of 60 young women to take charge of the sale. . The committee met and It was decided that each member was to secure four others for the committee, giving the completed committee a membership of 260. The committee also adopted a resolution requesting every man In Oregon to wear one of the coins. to powder and the bridge was broken having scabby sheep In his posses- Into many fragments. Moat or the : "Ion without notifying the county coaches were turned upside down anditck Inspector. He appeared before some of them were badly broken up. ! Justice of the Peace Wlntermeler and The engine and one baggage car went . was fined 326 for the offense. Walla Walla Pioneer Dead. - Walla Walla. Dec. 6. William R. Bender, for many years a resident of this city, where he was formerly en gaged In the butchering and saloon business, died at an early hour Sun day morning at his late home. He had been broken In health for several years, but the news of his death will be unexpected to many of his friends. Chicago Grain. Chicago. Dec. 6. December wheat opened 31.1014. closed 3111: May wheat onened $1.11. closed $1.1S. Corn opened 41. closed opened 28 ft, closed the same. Oats over 300 yards before the engineer discovered the train had been wreck ed. The wreck occurred at the Holden waterworks pump house, about three miles west of Doran, where a freight wreck occurred about three months ago and about 14 miles west of Dead Man's Curve, near Warrensburg, where 30 persons were killed In Oc tober. The arrest was made at the In stance of A.Q. Mathews, county stock inspector, who has commenced a cru sade against violators of the stock law In this respect. This Is the second arrest within a At thut time O'Brien was only a poor prospector. When Mead left the camp he gave O'Brien his tent, blankets, outfit and grub. O'Brien, true to the miner's Instinct, has remembered ths man who grub-staked him. TWO HUNDRED TALESMEN, t - Seid Trial of Kan Patterson Has Begun. New York, Dec. 6. A special panel of 200 talesmen has been summoned for the second trial of Nan Patterson, charged with the murder of Caesar Young, which begin today. It Is expected the present trial will attract even more widespread attention than the first. v Mrs. Cox Was Murdered. Los Angeles, Dec. 6. Mrs. Carl Fox, shot hurt night by E. Harcoux. died this morning. Henry Labonte failed to escape from the Massachusetts state reform school, and In his desperation hung himself. He was 14 years of age. St. Petersburg, Dec. 6. The su preme prize oourt today upheld the appeal from the seizure of the Five r. . i . r . hnard from week for violation of the sheep scab "' ; ,:' :., liner steamer lUUI onrf ..ill i I.... r noiianu, aiiu " ... spector Mathews says that he la deter mined ot endeavor to enforce the la.v strictly In an effort to stamp out the scab which seems to he spreading rapidly. Virtue Mine Resume. Baker City, Dec. 6. After an Idle ness of several months, pending liti gation, the Virtue mine, eight miles east of this city, has resumed oper ations. The Virtue is one of the first mines to be worked In Eastern Ore gon, and has been a heavy producer of gold for 30 years. A large force of men left here Saturday evening and the old mine will be worked at full capacity, after water Is pumped out of some of the lower levels. Buffalo Itauk Close. Buffalo, Dec. 6. The German liank, of which President Emery, of the' German-American is also presi dent, closed Its doors this morning, owing to a run on the bank. Arabia captured by tne vi.... . squadron July '20. and quashed he original decision In the case. Sinking the German steamer Theron was also declared Justifiable. m Alderman William Murphy. of Milwaukee, has been sentenced to the penitentiary for one year for sell ing his vote on a iruncm .i.,i-tlon. Peasants Cut In Pieces. Monastlr, Deo. B. Eight Greek peasants who were cap- tured by Bulgarian revolutlon- Ists near Borrvltz, have been cruelly massacred, being cut In pieces with axes and knives. This is a revival of the hos- tllltles fostered and encouraged by the Turkish government. I V