Newspaper Page Text
DAILY EAST OREGOMAV. PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER t, I- PAGE TWO. !' ! 'j r Hundreds nf atvkML to to ft M DOLLS tyles I NAVY NEEDS MEN t t t J I'nbreakahle dolls, bisque dolls, Rubber dolls, etc. Taney Duties, Cups and Saucers ENLISTMENTS SOI GUT . BY THE GOVERNMENT. Large Number of New BauleMhlps Has liicrea-ed Demand for Mali Itic crultlng Officer to lie in Walla Walla on December 1 Only Young Mea Wanted l'sy Ranges From $18 to MO I"r-r Month. 1 New Styles for the Holi days. 10c l"p. uruitn StrrtflMTS, Two Styles. Walla Walla, Dec 6. On Friday, December IS. Uncle Sum's recruiting: officer will be here to enlist men for j the navy- The large number of new' war vessels just being completed has ( caused a great dearth of men In all lines. Large posters, posted conspic- : uouBly about the city, tell of the dif- ! ferent kinds of men wanted and the ; salaries which the government will pay. j As on land, skill in a particular line counts. For Instance, un ordinary landsman, with nothing but his wll- ti mis nanus ttiiu strung uuu), can gel i only SIS a month for his services .' T! J 1. N.lf "h"e "r-muker. r instance.1 a? I CUCI Iv,- alUll ; gets 165 and a coppersmith 155 for the same time. A good seaman re- .f ceives $24. Machinists are also want ed badly. In this department service , begins at S40 a month and promotion , is possible to 1180 a year for head I men. I J Rations are furnished free in addi- W. E. Frost, president of Westford ( tion " wages and besides this free amademy. Lowell. Mass.. fell dead i medicines and free medical attend- ! srkfle teaching a class, at the age of ance. Toung men only are wanted. j M I the age limits are from 18 years 'to 1 5 years. Another class of men wanted is 11.45 to 2.5. The VS.. III. I tiaiviit M i la oijK, GENERAL, NEWS. James W. been 111 Hendricks, who had a day In his life, nor j alted a physician, dropped dead the street lh Louisville,' Ky aged years. Senator Stewart admits that Nevada clerical men. These are railed yoe men. They must be able to write a ; legible hand and use a typewriter. ! They get 130 a month. If In addition to these qualifications they are ste- wm mis winter elect a straignt re- i ,,h ,h ;. ,., xabllcan to succeed him In the sen-, ond.c,a8a i oemen and get 35 per ' at and expresses the belief that It nmnth wltn chance of promution to ' " George S. Dixon. I chief yeomen at 160. ' -the blunder of a brakeman at The recruiting officer is now In Sa Jrsmrrmnd. Mont.. Conductor Zierbel lem. Or. He will arrive on December wad Brakeman Chesbrough were 16, and will Btay here four days. I exsught between two cars on a round esse track and killed. j "Who's Brown?" Is Good. j The generally forgotten fact that ' William Morris and the others who neral Nelson A. Miles is a democrat , make up the cast in "Who's Brown?" Is brought to mind by Governor-elect f are comedians of the finer sort. jMglas. of Massachusetts, offering to ( Morris is every Inch an actor, and his asvolnt Miles adjutant general of that . support Is excellent. The three-act state. 1 comedy gives ample room for a clever ' During the last eight months 42 j man to display his talents, both as a Inters have been accidentally shot prevaricator and an actor. It is ; awl killed by other hunters in Wis- ; catchingly funny. Its plots are stlr snedn and the Michigan peninsula. ; rl"g and Its climaxes thrilling. There ' BOaeteen others were wounded. A ! Isn't a bit of "horse plav" In the en- j w Is being agitated for both states "tire piece, and those who saw the at- amklng killing on the game range. ! traction at the Frazer last night mm matter how accidental it may be. J laughed until their sides ached. ' tsnlclde. i"Who's Brown?" will be repented this X S. McClure, proprietor and edi- ' evenl"g. By special arrangement the ! zar ef McClures Magazine, has made pl,,v wa Produced last night. j a compilation showing that the Boer ' war cost 22.000 British lives, and Seamen's Convention. 4tat during the past three years there ' San Francisco, Cal.. Dec. 5. The nave been 31.395 murders In the ' International Seamen's Union of ZMted Slates, and 21.S47 persons America began Its ninth annual con-' SBed on the railroads In the United ' vention in San Francisco today. Dele- 1 Rates during the same period. j gates are present from the Atlantic i coast, the Great Lakes, the Gulf and NORTHWEST NEWS. j the Pacific coast. The principal - I matter to come up for consideration ; There is no hope for the recovery ' ' the proposition to consolidate with af Patrick McDonald, of The Dalles, ! ,he longshoremen, with a view of ' srhose leg was amputated as the re- eventually making one unfon of all salt of a railway accident a short marine employes. sne ago. The output of the La Grande sugar afcrtory was 60 per cent larger this Convention of Miners. San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 6. The than last, while It Is probable California Miners Association, repre- j. Hat Its capacity will be doubled in "entlng a membership of nearly 8000 : xete. for next year's crop of beets, j miners, began Its thirteenth annual Frlamta of 20 dead Chinamen at ' cnv"ntlon in this city today and will ; fcai mrre secured a permit to ex- rem8,n e"lon until Fr'nav- The j tame the bodies for the purpose of bulrtne "ewlons are to be devoted; .ending them to China: a performance j to pater" and addresses on mining! at religion and custom inexorably ' and k'"red topics. Excursions and , aemands. Four thousand Malheur, Grant and Baker county cattle are being driven , atrough to Winnemucca. Nevada, by ; aw Pacific Livestock company, which wfft ship them from that point to I other forms of entertainment will oc- I I cupy the afternoons and evenings. Hill Postern In Sewlon. ! Pittsburg. Pa.. Dec. 5. The annual I I convention of the National Alliance I : of Bill Posters and Blllers of Amert- HOTEL ARRITALS. Hotel St. Geortje. T. C. S. Smith, Kansas City. Newton Ford. Portland. E. L. Hart. St. Louis. W. D. Grover, Salem. M. D. Alhertson, Dayton. 1 Miss Josephine Albertson. K. Smith, Walla Walla. B. Brown, Walla Walla. W. W. Pangburn. Boise. W. D. Burgess, New York. Frank K. Johnson, Salt Lake. N. B. Krause. Seattle. J. R. Norris. Chicago. F. A. Chase. Union. George McGilvery. Spokane. J. L. Williams. San Francisco. W. T. Hlslop. Portland. W. C. Kilts. Everett Frank Wells and wife. Boise. F. F. Waffle and wife. La Grande. J. C. Murphy, Chicago. R. E. Whltson. Seattle. B. L. Dunn. Chicngo. R. E. Freeman. Portland. G. L Burke. San Francisco. G. D. Manning. Chicngo. J. D. Barnes. Fort Worth. J. E. Simons. Butte. George B. Farnsworth, Chicago. J. L. Korul. Portland.' Hotel Bickers. W. C. Potts and wife. Athena. E. J. Taylor. Athena. Mrs. Pickle. Pilot Rock. Douglas Glenn. McKay. Fred S. Draker and wife, Denver. Thomas O. Vitter. Milwaukee. R. S. Pennington. Walla Walla. S. S. Gill, Spokane. G. Hesse. Portland. Eliza R. Forrest. Portland. Howard N. Smith. Portland. William Redford. city. Victor M. Houston. A. Shenerman. Walla Walla. Dr. Rttikeslee. city. P. H. Sones. Helix. W. H. Taylor. Farmlngton. Elmer Lewis, Spoakne. Shull and Rogers. G. F. Hays. Mrs. S. G. Worden. Boise. S. G. Bickle. Pilot Rock. J. M. Matson. Baer City. J. H. Van Gene. Elbert on. S. A. Doolin. Adams. D. Sweeney, Milton. J. B. Kennedy. Walla Walla. J. Daud and wife, Fulton. T. O. Hays. McMlnnvllle. Mrs. J. M. Pleroe and daughter, Prescort Mrs. L H. Kretzer. The Dalles. Harry Mills. Margaret E. Herrln, Portland. Mrs. M. N. Mulloy, Sumpter. E. B. Mullory. Sumpter. George Halsell. city. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hlckerman, Wil lamette. The Pendleton. C. R. Cox. Portland. Willium Maher. Portland. C. M. Smith. Portland. George D. Hedrlek. Boston. A. O. Donogh. Berkeley. W. D. Burgess. New Tork. S. C. Moxes, Sidney. O. B. Prael. Portland. W. R. Glendenfng and son, Portland Edward Golden. Spokane . C. S. Allen. Spokane. John W. Nysteun. Spokane. F. J. Allison. Sturbuck. fi. J. McEvoy. Starbuck. George D. Galley. Portland. Charles Carey. San Francisco. W. W. Evans. St. Joseph. H. B. Catton. Portland. G .M. Logan. Seattle. Mrs. B. Logan. Seattle. Mrs. Ira L. Heck. Payette. Sol Harris. Portland. E. T. Rice, Rochester. A. Berg, San Francisco. A. E. Hedrick. Chicago. G. M. Piper. Los Angeles. W. E. Hlir, Walla Walla. W. N. Estes. Walla Walla. George Stevens, Spokane. E. R. Carr. Spokane. ,fi. G. Dunn. Portland. E. Costello. Starbuck. Arthur Carrels, St. Louis. W. R. McRoberts, Spokane. T. B. Woodard. Kansas City. i ! 1 1 ONE MORE WEBB OF SENSATIONAL IT is i- rmiia - ij CLOSE OtT. Ladles' trimmed hats at HALF PRICE. Street luits, good ones for 75c and 50c i miir a fenlett at II ALP PRICE. I-adles' Jackets, aU sizes, new styles at cost. Men's extra pants, to per cent rwJocUoa. Shoes, guaranteed to be satisfactory, every pair P ott Oils week. THE PMIR Missea' coats, to dose out at 20 PnTZT" Men's suits and overcoats at big dT? ". Men'se underwear at mt "n. . '. IV. YOC CAN DO BETTER HERE. ! ' ! ! - ! : a i a a ! :: ! H a : : a i 1 Christmas TIME Naturally brings thoughts of Jewelry. It make, y,, handsomest and most durable of all gifts. Perhaps you have been thinking of buying Jewelry, but have been afraid It's too expensive. Then come here and let ni show yon your mistake. ' Good Jewelry, such u we handle, costs money, of course, but you will flna , prices as low as GOOD GOODS are ever sold for. Our holiday stock comprises a wealth of the good and beautiful, In the newest Jewelry. We haven't any old goods to work off our store, our stock, and our prices are KEW. We believe we have the largest and choicest assortment In the city of Solid Gold and Hist Grade Gold.. We are showing an elegant line of diamond-set Jewelry.. Filled WATCHES CHAINS LOCKETS SCARF PINS CUFF LINKS BRACELETS and BROOCHES THE RING Is the lime honored seal of friendship and affection THE GIFT OF GIFTS. II you are think ing rings, our stock Is worth coming many blocks to see. Our stock of diamond and h"1 combination stone rings Cora prises over 600 different styles. ii'lwfninmHinimiiiHHiiiiTpS We Invite you to visit our sum- and look over our goods, whether yon wish to buy or not WINSLOW BROS., Jewelers, P. 0. Block A A a A a a.A A a A Aa. m s.a a a A A Asm a a b. aaA a. sa awa am a, am a, am a. am a, am a am aw& am am A k. aa a a a aa aAaAhSi 4 III llll HT4-t4"ri4 ltimtHI4 tnilllllHIIIIIMI C( - SB1 lr feeding yards in California. i ul D1" rosters ana miters or yimen- u cun is leeumg suu neau oi I nnAns4 haw Inrlav 1Vsam wab a I att port si t T J flnnrla fni nar nrlna?' A general round-up of hoboes was , . .ri. , H.i ! market Th. f th. . h , -effected In Arlington. December 1. i 1V,. ...., .... . .. I . ... the principal cities of this country pulp (the residue from the sugar fac- ... . j j ' u.. u ...u an(, Canada. A number of questions tory) mixed slightly with hay and rt out of town. Everyone not having ; . ,,. ..f. .i. people and other advertisers using billboards, will come up for consider ation. CHIN AWARE, GLASSWARE and CROCKER .....CUT TO COST ? among them and started on the -Jke." Louis Rath and Charles Eberhart at Redding, Cal.. fought a duel, one armed with a dirk, the other with a stick of stovewood. Eberhart, who wielded the club, will die. Rath has keen arrested. A Spanish woman as the source of the trouble. On account of an order received from ' ' headquarters shortening the soars of work from 10 to eight a day sad making a proportionate cut in ISO men employed In the steel laying new sO-pound rails on ase Southern Pacific line on the mountain division between Grant's rasa and Cow Creek Canyon, have strock. It la more of a walk-out than a strike, as the men simply laid down rlr tools and refused to work on ase eight-hour schedule. There are but very few desirable scant lota left in the residence por ton of Pendleton.. These we bare Jut llxted and the prices are very seasonable. We have a new list of residences for sale. Come and see na, and look over saw list. We have anything that yon want in aanntry property. B. T. WADE SON. Office E. O. Building. New Bank at Prairie City. M. A. Butler of Portland, passed through on the forenoon train, bound for Prairie City, where he goes to DISCRIMINATING LADIES. BaJar tTatas; BeraleM. aa Accent t Its PlaUacll wsm. The Mies wbo have used Newbro's Herpldde speak of K In the his best terms, for its quick effect In cleansing participate in a meeting to be held Un. scalp ef dandruff and also for It. ex- tomorrow for the purpose of organis ing a bank. He says the furniture. stationery and supplies have , been purchased and the institution will open for business about the 18th Inst He knows nothing about the Canyon City bank putting in a branch at Prairie City, except what he saw in the Miner, a report to that effect. Sumpter Daily Miner. , salience as a general hair-dressing. It makes the scalp feel fresh and H allays that Itching which dandruff will cause. Newbros Herplclde effectively 'cures dandruff, ss It destroys the germ that manses tt. Th. same germ causes hair to tall oat. and later baldness; in killing It. Rerpielde stops falling hair and prevents baldness. It Is also an ideal hair dress ing, for It lends an aristocratic charm to the hair that is quits distinctive. Sold by leading druggists. Bend We. In stsmps for sampl. to The Herpicide Co, De troit. Mich. A. C. Koeppen & Bros., special agents. Rend Soon to Be a Town. -County court held an extra session last Saturday to act upon the petition of the Bend residents for the incor poration of their town. The applies,- j eeeeeeetetieteeett 1 1 un was preneuieu vy A. L- uoouwmie t and G. C. Steineman and the court : ordered that an election be held with- m In the district on December 12. Crook County Journal. There Is one rational way to treat nasal catarrh: the medicine Is applied direct to the affected membrane. The remedy is Ely's Cream Balm., It re stores the Inflamed tissues to a healthy state without drying all the life out of them and It gives back the lost sense of taste and small. The sufferer who Is tired of vain experi ments should use Cream Balm. Drug gists sell It for GO cents.. Ely Brothers. 6C Warren street. New Tork, will mail It At Dallas. Texas, Solomon Oronoff Interfered with two burglars who were raiding his store, and was shot dead. The murderers escaped. Good Dry Wood ALL KINDS I have good, aound wood which is delivered at reasonable ' prices FOR CASH, W. C. 1MINNIS a Lea re Orders at i Cigar Store. I HAVE DECIDED TO DISCONTINUE THIS DEPARTMENT OF MY BUSINESS AND DISPOSE OF MY ENTIRE STOCK AT ONCE. EVERYTHING MUST GO. PRICES ARE CUT TO THE VERT BOT TOM. THE OBJECT I HAVE IS VIEW IS TO DISPOSE OP EVERY PIECE OF WARE IX THE STORE BY JANUARY FIRST. Note These Cut Prices Ironstone handle oops and saaoers, regular price, per set, lie. Bow Ironstone plates, regular price Me; now ' Ewer and Basin, regular price H.I5; now White and yeHow chambers, regular price, J5c and tOe; bow Water glasses, regular price SOc per dosen; bow Half gallon Jugs, regular price, 50c; now Dinner sets, 100 pieces. Johnston Bros. English porcelain, regular price 1I.S; n "" Dinner sets, 100 pieces,' white and gold, regular price, $14.60; Dew NOW IS YOUR TIME to save money. The abort) are tat a few specimen Prtce made on every article In the stock. I C. R.0HRMAN ' i For Rent, Four acres good garden and or chard, all under irrigation, at Echo, Or. Address J. H, Koontx, Echo, Or. The choicest things out are the nut brown stiff hats. They can be seen at Sullivan Bond's. jialV A Standard for Quality. acanlinessanj r'J., Hand MadtOcar Havana.- FIXKN 4"