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S0EVEHINGEDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION Zywibve learned that the jiible customer,, you have tooth 10 C WEATHER. FORECAST. Tonight and Thursday fair; warmer Thumday. VOL. 1" PEXDLETOX, ORECJOX, WEDNESDAY, DEOEMliElt 7, li)()4. NO. 5224. I1D TIDES FOUND GUILTY j penalty of not more than $10,000, or I to Imprisonment for not more than two years or to both fine and imprts onment. In the discretion of the court." Section 5440. Revived Stat utes of the United .State. SKAMEVS COXVEXTIOX. Vy Speedily Convicts the four Conspirators at Portland. 'jURIE WARE WAS SPARED FURTHER DISGRACE I Bitterly Fought Lrsjal ulc Enr Waged In Federal Court Room s.ean sliartN of Sarcasm Hurled s, anornrys WltnessfH Merciless ly AsMlksJ Government Will Not gfO the HUrlicst Official in Hld ttof the State of the Frauds Mltcli ft and Heroiaiia Sd OKe Testi bmj h) Comt. Sailors Plead for Amalgamation and Icgislation. San Francisco, Dec. 7. A resolution urging the amalgamation of the Inter national Seamen'i Union and Interna tional Marine & Transport Workers' Federation was presented at this morning's session of the Seamen's convention, and referred to a special committee, A resolution urging the passage by congress of a seamen's manning and efficiency btll was presented. The bill provides that each ship shall carry a specified number of men, according to Its capacity, and the authorities shall have the power to pass upon the efficiency of the men engaged. FAVORS CHINESE. Testimony of Mining Man in Califor nia emigre!. San Francisco, Dec. 7. At this morning's session of the California Miners' Association, Thomas Liggett. In the course of an address on South African mining conditions, declared the importation of Chinese Into that country has been its salvation. He said since the Chinese were brought In the production has increased. Li. J. Bohl, speaking on gold dredg ers, said dredging is sure to take the place of other methods, where condi tions are favorable. E ANOTHER 1L I More Disaster Attends Upori the Russian Fleet in Port Arthur Harbor. RUSSIANS ARE ROUTED Ignoring Fact That Mrs. Chad wick or Others ForgeJ His Name for $750,000. Seven Jurymen Selected, New York, Dec. 7. Seven jurymen were in the box when court opened at the Putterson trial this morning. Miss Patterson looked more bright and happy this morning than usual. More than h dozen talesmen were examined at the morning session, but none were accepted. OPPOSE TOLLS L EXRLETOX MERCHANTS E.XI'KESS THEIR OPINION. Portland. Dec. 7. It required Just M minutes time for the jury In the kid fraud cases to find a verdict of guilty, yesterday afternoon. The Jury tired at 1:11. and at 2:40 delivered their verdict to Judge Bellinger. All tbe defendants excepting Marie "Ware ten found guilty as charged. Those wnvlcted are S. A. D. Putex, H. Q. HcKrnley. D. J. Turpley and Emma Cation. II is thought all of the con victed parties will appeal to the su preme court. Assistant Attorney General Henry recommended the acquittal of Miss Wire. (tenilor John H. Mitchell and Con- fresrmin Binder Hermann have been mhpoemied as witnesses to give tes timony In further cases to be heard on ' December 15. , Argument of Attorneys. The closing hours of the lund fraud , as were filled w ith dramatic lncl- ' dents. It Is declared to be the most bitterly fought legal battle ever waged ; m the federal court room "here. Attorneys on both sides have made ! brd fights and every legal phase of Ihe question has been exhausted. Speaking of the possibility of In- i voivrnr high officials In the crimes. 1 Henry said. In his closing argument: I fte have brought even- one here : Would Have tlie Oregon City Locks oo was necessary to the case, be- ue the government of the United . tes Is In earnest. We are seeking I "M merely to punish these defendants o on trial, but to put a stop to the i rrtbery of The public domain. We i to stop it, whether the rob- ! J committed by railroads, by , luted states senators, by congress- 1 i:e Pendleton Commercial Asaot-I-en. or by others high In place or au-: atlon at Ub regular monthly meeting IJorlty. If we have taken the tools of , laat night, adopted .a resolution urg "Cter men and placed them on trial; lug the delegates In congress to use " Puter Is the tool of hir : n II honorable means to secure ait ai- sre Irvine htm Wuiim i.ivn.rluhnn t lthr imrchasp or to J evidence against him. Whenever acquire by condemnation the locks on w ) willing to follow the example the Willamette river at Oregon City. Wilxarnot and oenfess his guilt, 1 In the absence of President J. A. " " will go after the bigger game, i Borte. Vice President C. E. Roosevelt jou will find me here prosecuting j presided at the meeting. The only mi criminals as earnestly us the other business transacted was the ex- ! tending of the spectuJ dispensation rate for new members until January . JDu'i. The resolution adopted follows: "Whereas, The Willamette river Is !t.the .,trner mia t nat ry a great public highway in the state " set will come honestly while I UJ -" eKon, niio , J dollar Judge O'Day gets will be! st?am ve88el" ever ,he mM"' proceeds of the tfceft of these Jtl- i nH'nt of th,B cou"tr': a0'1' anas." 1 "Whereas, For years the govern- FROM THREE EMINENCES. Our Russian Warship Aground, An otlicr Sunk ami a Tlilnl Badly IJst 1 -One JniMilOHC Cruiser Sunk by a Floating Mine Armistice of Five) Hours In Which to Ilury the Dead Trcmeniloua Rouilmrdmeni of Pontilofr Hill by tlie Jnpa, lrcr-. Ing for AsHHiilt Rustdnti Vwvls to the East. Toklo, Dec. 7. On December 6, ut 4 p. m., In response to the request of the Russian commander, an armis tice of tlve hours was granted for re moval of the dead. KiiNtdan Battleship Itiilned. Toklo. Dec 7. The commander of the Japanese naval guns at Port Ar thur, reports that the Russian turret ship Poltava has sunk, and the bat tleship Retvlzan is listing heavily to port. Seventy-nine shots took effect on the vessels. On December 4 the Jupnnese occu pied the entire fort on 203 Meter Hill at noon. Subsequently they dis lodged the enemy and occupied the eminence north of Suerhkou, and two eminences north of San Lichlan. .SPECIAL tilt Wit Jl'KY HAS BEEX Nl'MMOXEl). I'MU'rallon Authorities Are Trying to Attach Ihe TamoUM antl Mysterious Securities 1"miii W hich Mi's. Cluul ulck Itormvted HiimlmlM of Thous ands of Dollars WnU'lietl ly Secret Service .Men, Mrs, Cluttlwlck Mukes a Bold anil NiHH'tueular (atuuway. But Is Intercepted Sihiii. New York, Dec. 7. Andrew Carne gie today said he would not prosecute Mrs. Chadwlck. Up to 1 o'clock neither Receiver Lyons nor anyone In terested Insthe mystery has called up on Carnegie relative to the alleged forged notes. - Case for (iraml Jury. Elyrla, O., Dec. 7. A special grand Jury has been called to Investigate the Oberlln bank and Chadwlck affair. hotel, and attendants took her to a room. The secret service men ap peared at the hotel a moment after the arrival of Cie coupe and took up the watch. The attempted escape was engineered by Phillip Sweet, a private detective employed by Mrs. Chadwlck. Possible Sister of Mrs. Chadwlck. San Francisco, Dec. 7. Living in au elegantly furnished flat in this city is Mrs. Alice York, a widow, said to be a sister of Mrs. Cassle Chad wlck. The woman admits her maiden name was Rngley, which was also the maiden name of Mrs. Chadwlck, but the Yorke womun denies that Mrs. Chudwick Is her sister. She also de nies alt knowledge of Mme. Devere, or Mrs. Hoover, said to be nlllases assumed by Mrs. Chadwlck. Mrs Yorke admits having lived In Cleveland and Oberlln, cities In which Mrs. Chadwlck did business with a number of banks. Mrs. Yorke claims to be In straight ened circumstances, having been un able to secure any part of her late husband's estate. N She bears a strik ing resemblance to the pictures of Mrs. Chadwlck. CLEVELAND IS ItOHDEIr. 2.IMIO Taken While Cashier's Buck Is Turned. Cleveland, Dec. 7. The waterworks department at the city hull was robbed this morning. It Is believed about $-'a00 was secured. The money was taken while Cash ier Patterson had his back turned. TJivoc thousand dollars it rdMi rind chccki: were taken. No cite to Ihe l't'i)iirators. Either Condemned or Purchased by the Government, on the (grounds of Their Muiiitcnuiice us a Source of lrlvate JCeveiuie Being Contrary to Custom. Ijiu and Public Policy. Russian Cruiser Aground. Toklo, Dec. 7,-7-It is announced the Japanese yesterday captured and oc cupied Akasaka Hill, another eml 1 nence la the vicinity of Port Arthur; also that the Russian cruiser Bayan Is aground in the harbor. Triiiisort Sails From Tunglers. Tangier, Dec. 7. The Russian transport Dnieper, of the Baltic fleet, sailed for the Far East today, having In two two destroyers. This has been in order to save coal. Attaching; Securities. Cleveland. Dec. 7. At the Instance of Receiver Looser, appointed by the federal bankruptcy court to take charge of Ihe uftairs of Mrs. Chad wlck, Deputy United States Marshal Fanning last night served papers at the home of Banker Ira Reynolds, at taching securities which It is claimed he holds for Mrs. Chudwick. Rey nolds Is in New York, and It was claimed in the petition that he had threatened to transfer the assets to certain creditors of Mrs. Chadwlck. Chicago (.111111. Chicago, Dec. 7. May wheat open ed $1.13, closed $1.1014. Corn open ed 4h. closed 46. Oats opened -Sfe, closed the same. BUTLER FAILS TO -MIKE "! criminals." 'Onuxby ami lasusid Uvlhy. Seferring to Judge CTDav's " f ra- us!on to the large fee which luiianeHe Cruiser Sunk. London, Dec. 7. A Vladivostok dlB patch .reports a steamer has arrived there from Shanghai bringing news thut hte Jananese armored cruiser ' Adsuma struck a mine and sunk. Will Iave Tomorrow. Island of Perlm, Dec. 7. It is re ported the Russian squadron com manded by Admiral Voelkersam, will leave Jlbutul tomorrow, having coaled and provisioned. (Cruiser Arrives. Malaga. Spain, Dec. 7. The Rus sian cruiser Izumarad arrived today. I Is to receive from the govern- I t Winched hy Secret Service Men. New York, Dec. 7. Mrs. Chadwlck, with her son Until and maid, occupied a suit of three rooms on Ihe fifth tloor of the New Amsterdam Hotel to day. United States secret service of ficers occupy an Hdjolulug room. The woman is under such close surveil lance that escape Is Impossible. A secret service man atood at her front door and another watched the win dow, and two more paced Ihe lobby of the hotel, 'arte management of the Holland House say Mrs. Chadwlck left of her own volition, and paid her bill two days ago. ALDERMAN DOES NOT BACK I'ltAli) CIIAItfiES, Refuses Point llliitik to Testify in Special Council Committee, But Will Tell Ills story to the (irnnd .lury He Mny He Exdli'd Prom the City Council Unless He SupiKirts Charges of Hrllrcry. WAN TS TO REDUCE REPRESENTATION Southern States Would Be Victimized by the Senator From New York. WILL VOTE DECKMBEH 1 OX PHILIPPINE MEASURE. Hellenic for (ovcrmiient of Alaska Is Partly Elective and Partly AMlnt Ivc Senator Dietrich Favors) a System of Mounted ('(Hislabulury In Alaska Similar to the Philippines CiiUroruiit Senators Strongly Op Mise Tiirirf Revision and Extra Session, anil Believe There Will Bo None. Washington, Dec. 7. Senator Piatt, of New York, Introduced In the senate a bill providing that after March 3. 1D07, the representation In the house be S67 Instead of 186, a reduction to be made In 10 southern states. The senate 'reached an agreement to vote on the Philippine franchise bill Friday the 16th, and adjourned at 2:15. lu Bed AU Day. New York, Dec. 7, Mrs. Chadwlck caMed for breakfast early, and had all the morning papers sent to her ; oom. The hotel employes said she was going to remain In bed all day. Attorney Squlra called for a confer ence with Mrs. ChadwJck. fforts auu I. ,nc oetenaania to i . . themselves behind the statute ! ed Jurisdiction over the same and ap ""Wtattons were mercilessly ridi- i P'opriated money for the improve- md. . . : nwnt thereof:: JLntL ' ment of the United States has assum- Tremendous Bombardment. Mukden, Dec. 7. A tremendous bombardment of Poutlloff Hill took place from 6 yesterday morning until r this afternoon. It Is thought the bombardment Is the beginning of a Japanese offensive movement. TWO ARRESTS. MADE. snent thereat: anvL t WherM. The locks at the falls .ol --ti z Loomis and ' "uperlntendent B. H rtrh.'the Willamette at Oregon City .are private oorporauoR sna tolls are charged all vessels for the freight and passengers carried by Mbetn through the same, which is a great embargo upon the commerce of the Willamette valley; and. Whereas. It has been the policy nii aeetarea t v.., . . owned hv m uanieti io ine con- 1. II tmt In 8. B. Oraasby es to the conspiracy, w r conspiracy, whole case of the govern JT fall to the ground. The (wdd have called Loomls and "or to the sUnii i . iireii viniicn tree, and if ik . kwn 'nolved in the conspir- 1 of the government of the United States all vrnment had not nlsced to make all navigable rivers free; Vegro and WHIte Man Are Under Suspicion. Los Angeles, Dec. 7. Messenger Roberts, vho waa shot in the Santa Fe hold-np, Is still alive this morn ing. He stands about one chance in 100 of recovering. He la considered toa weak to make on attempt to iden tify the man who shot him. A negro suspect waa arrested at Barstow yesterday and lodged In Jail this morning. H ,J?? ,h because convtne- dsnt. Were Kumy wltn the de" aah J tha their testimony f'tl for tlie CMmea. dJl! y tor ,h crime of which t,Z?i"u' ve been convicted WT. rev" atatutes as tol- two hbe, " more Persona conspire 4. U.!M!lmK ny offense against Urno any manner, or for Nrtle, "d one or more of such th. " to effect the oblert Z,,,r&Cy' 'he Parties to snail beliable to - : " a now. Therefore. Be It resolved that our senators and representatives In con gress b requested to use all honora ble means dn their pow er to secure an appropriation to either purchase or acquire by condemnation the locks at Oregon City, and thereafter main tain and operate the same, so that no charge shall be made vessels or pro ducts passing through them. "Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to our delegates in 1 congress." raw From Ambush. a early thi. . d. . nclt was shot !:lnmntly Wed by an . Uk!' Tht murler 1. . as ,k! th re,ut of a , robber, " " ttempt a Twenty-eight New Menihers Added. Twenty-eight new members were added last night at follows: Albert L. Kearney, W. L. Creswell. William Caldwell. M. M. Wyrick. R. A. Cop pie, C. A. White. Loren Harris. Oro ver Swaggart. Bert Smith, O. L. Renn. Elmer H. Storle. Percy Folsom, Ralph Cresswell. Herbert Ruppe. James Harvey. H. A. Vincent, Fordle Taylor. Ed L. Forest, 1. H. Garrett. W. 8. Ferguson. Karl F. Leonard, Frank Pierce, Roy W. Leeser. Glenn Scott, Will Peters and Roy Alexander. The World's Fair buildings 'cost $16,000,000 and will be sold tor $386,- 000.. White Man Arrested. San Bernardino, Dec. 7. Officers are still scouring the desert country for the safe and express robbers. The officers believe tha negro who did the Job rode In a horse car. The operator ut Daggett saw the negro who was arrested at Barstow crawling ever the horses as the train pulled In. He gives the name of Wilson, and waa taken to Los Angeles. N. K. Fltxpatrlck, a miner wha ad mits arriving In Daggett on ths train uatA Hn hM been arrested. He answers the description given by the wounded messenger, ana win oe to Los Angeles for Identification. His parents live at Denlson, Iowa. SUBPOENAEING WITNESSES. Preparing lr Investigation of Reed Smoot Case, ci. t.u nw 7. Six witnesses In the Kmoot Investigation at Wash ington Monday are subpoenaed to leave tomorrow. Today two profes sors in Brigham Young University at Provo were served. They are expect ed to testify that polygamy Is taught In Mormon schools. There are aald to be 20 witnesses who cannot be lo-j cated by the United States marshal. Attorneys Wont Talk. Washington, Dec. 7. At the con clusion of the conference of Attorney Oldham and Comptroller Ridley re garding the Chadwlck case this morn ing, neither will say anything. Dis trict Attorney Burkett of New York, came here last night to consult the de partment of Justice regarding the case. Will liallct Attorney. Edyria. o Dec. 7. Prosecutor Stroup said this morning It Is not un likely the grand jury will return an in dictment against the New York attor ney who attested to the genuineness of the slgnaturea on the Carnegie notes. A subpoena has been Issued for Pres ident Backwlth, Cashier Spear and six directors of the Oberlln bank. Mrs. (luulwlek III. . . New York, Dee. 7. Mrs. Chad wick's condition, mentally and physically, took a violent turn for tha worse shortly before noon today. Dr. Moore was hurriedly sumoned. After ad ministering remedies, he aald, "1 have grave fears of the outcome, If the nervous tension under which she la now laboring, continues." Mrs. Chadwlck Flees. Ten minutea after I o'clock Mrs. Chadwlck made a sensational escape from the New Amsterdam Hotel, ac companied by her son. In a two horse coupe. They drove rapidly to wards Twenty-second atreet, follow ed by secret service men, reporters and half a doxen cabs. It la reported on the best author ity that a messenger arrived from Toledo this morning bearing affidav its and a warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Chadwlck, issued by federal au thorities. FUgiit Checkmated. At Twenty-second street and Broad way two mounted policemen who were pursuing the fleeing ooupe, com peted the driver to reduce speed. At Twenty-ninth and Broadway the coupe stopped Inside the entrance ef the Brealln hotel. Mrs. Chadwlck, In a fainting condition, waa ushered by I her son Into the waiting room of the Chicago, Dec. 7. The expected cli max lo the charges of bribery In con. nectlon wllh Ihe Northwestern Ele vated extension hill, made by Alder man Butler lu the city council meet ing Monday, did not materialize as ex pected before the special council com mittee toduy. Kutler refused point blank to tes tify on the ground that the commit tee had no authority. He said he would tell his story to the grund Jury when called upon. The council will probably take steps to expel Butler unless he makes his charges good. NO JURISDICTION. Position Taken by Ailolph Weber's Counsel Auburn, Cal., Dec, 7. Adolph Web er was brought Into court this morn ing to plead to the charge of killing his mother. The defendant's attor ney again raised the point of Juris diction. The defense also argued that the evidence did not state when and where Mrs. Weber was killed, or that the bullets found in her body were put there, by Adolph.' Weber seemed to be in good spirits and frequently called the attention of his counsel to some point omitted. Judge Prewltt took the question of venue ynder advisement. Scheme to (invent Alaska. Washington, Dec. 7. The president Is considering a plan to create a com mission to govern Alaskn. He hud a long talk this morning, with Senator Dietrich, who made a trip through the territory In the summer. Dietrich's plan Is to divide Alaska Into three or. four districts and elect one commissioner from each and have the president appoint an equal number, the governor of the territory lo act as presiding officer of the board. He thinks Alaska Is- sadly in need of a mounted , police, copied after the constabulary system In the Philippines. Ill Session for IIV Minnies. Washington, Dec. 7. The house was In session for lfi minutes today. Itlnghain, of Pennsylvania, offered a legislative, executive and Judicial appropriation bill carrying $28.3, 7ii!t. which he will call up for consid eration tomorrow. Adjourned at 12:15. Against Extra Session. Washington, Dec. 7. Senators Hard and Perkins, of California, called on the president today and discussed leg islation. "We do not believe there will he an extra session to take up tariff revis ion," snld Mr. Perkins, after the visit. "There should be none. The people of California arc satisfied with pres ent conditions. The vote showed that. The west Is prospering and we need no meddling with the tariff to dis turb conditions." FIVE TEAMS QUIT. mssaUsfled Willi Ruling In the Bicy cle Kale. New York, Dec. 7. Only li teams remain In the big international six day bicycle race this morning. At I the Vanderstuyft-Rtol and Root-Dou-ton- teams were leading, both with a score of 1025. t. Five Teams Quit tlie Race. After protesting against . allowing ' ttt. RURAL DELIVERY SERVICE. Over 121.000,0(10 Expenses Annually for 82,000 Homes. Thirty-thousand rural free delivery routea will be In operation in the United States on July 1. lnfi, accord ing to the report of the ' postmaster general. This service will cost the government a little more than , 000.000. IrV the next fiscal year, be ginning July 1, 1905, 6000 additional routes will be established, making a total of 36.000. The cost of extending and maintaining ' rural free delivery In the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1005, Is estimated at 126,000.000. There are now. pending In the post office , department 4000 petitions for routes awaiting action as compared With 11.000 When Vniirlh Hrlatnur lnL n ,1,1. .1 1 . . 1 1 n of the postal service. The cost of the service Is expected ... to decline proportionately from now . on, due to the diminished available territory for rural routea Up to tha last six months special attention has been given to individual petitions, but lately county service has been given more consideration, especially In the northwestern and middle western Stol the lap which he gained after changing places with his partner, Van derstuyft, five teams left the track early this morning. ( Gamblers Fined. New York, Dec. 7. Richard Can field and U. B. Bucklirr this after noon pleaded guilty to keeping a gambling house and were fined $1000 cash, which was paid. Large Crowds at Funeral. Cape Town, Dec' 7. Large ctowds today participated In the funeral ser vices of the late President Kruger and escorted the remains to the station for shipment to Pretoria. By the next fiscal year the officials expeot to be up to date with their work. Routes have been establish ed with such rapidity during the last 16 months that Fourth Assistant Brls- tow la only 4000 behind, and his or ders are that these cases shall be dis posed, of as soon s possible. Eight thousand gallons of fresh wa ter are used In a large battleship dally. About two-thirds of this Is taken np by the boilers, and the remainder Is used for drinking, washing, etc' ' Retired Rancher Suicides. Santa Rosa, Cal., Dec! 7. A. B. Hlgglns. a retired rancher, sulslded this morning by throw ing himself under an engine at the California ft Northwestern depot. Financial troubles result ed In mental breakdown. He had given no signs of a suicidal tendency.