Newspaper Page Text
I i .1 i , ' ,ton yu hv I i , jujggg'CP j4 SkV ' yy Tonight ami Friday cloudy. ... " . . frEXDLETOX, OliECiOV, TI1UKSDAY, DECEMliEU 8, 15)04. XO. 5225. jSDK ssfir - PORT ARTHUR FLEET BEING r-:: WALL STREET IS miinii nniipunrn MMP U n V ANN U mn Lrswrsjrjs MHbH lilllulhMI UUiVM LLI LLI nilllllllLniLU Jp5in D. Rock- Wed n With ck's Creditors. PASTOR BE Hill. ATCT. inhrirk IIKW " Watla till- ! vMtk sac obtained baualiiatinn I'ost- Liaber 17. ami lh- U m KB.000 Portland, "Dec. . The gratifica tion of the Interior department over the news that the government had won the tend fraud case, was dem onstrated 'in the follow! g telegram renewed 'today y Co). "A. R. Greene, who gathered evidence In the big cane. ahil to those to -wYiose untiring efforts the government's success Is riainly due: "Colnnel A- R. amine. Inspector: Accept thanks and sincere congratu lations on the result announced by ! telegram last eventns. -E. A. HITCHCOCK, 'Secretary the Interior." I t The Pre liiraoruna; U throw lop of Mrs. Chas- r Newton of Boston, Cleveland woman bo Hill minim" .the filial Jlra. Chad wirk's i rr' out of an in h Boatoa attorney i A. Eton, pastor of ih Baptist church at Men John D. Kocke ng member, an'd: that i tape Out his claim d ih based on the teller wsald eome to f favorite niwrnr. who ime a party -to the idkea a statement In Ma Cbadwlak never inrch, but appeured aiied Ilia advice re- nclal alTulrs. He ad to several legal firms filon to -place iter af Indi Since that time wbtnt of the .-woman. horn Mra. Chadwlck ton relative of Eton's, the taroduertnu to Mad "i r'alirrlnt; Condition K I. Bra. ChiMwIck Breslln at 8:4i this of Uarahal Hen- le the federal bulld III be given a nre- k before Commleslon- Ef aon accompanied arrived at the fede woman was In a and leaned -on the so maid. Two inar- w Into the elevator. a csuch hi the r1 as Kiin reached fU hearing and an ""Uhl Into court at ' llMtlal m...n., . rn recovered her " ivr ise moni- t bhc reaa ac " Attorney Ph- lth n (-- rwvrers Will lck. asked for wiinuu nis ell l'iice the officials P tall ,.i e lter left t- f "widHnieii. L ? Mni Chadwick "M State. ,n,ar H swooned on V In order to L -T " forthcoming i J." rnoon. Mrs. l night In the r Wd 1 the foiiow- nT" "Igned UJ . Have KL?" arrange I 'Th Lorain .'"'Wlgatta,, - Wft? Ul by ARE TUVINW CiHil.ESPIE. 4VB-) KnijnalM'lIdd ' for S(-rnlc Trial of One- wfenilant. (Using Bun, tr.d., Dec 8. Judge ffornell this morning overruled the motion for th 'discharge of the Je lendants in the'Oillesple murder trial. The defense fld a bill of exceivttofis to this ruling, fand the work of wlart.- Ing a jury tarex. began. aniiirMlnl HrHUe TrkaL Rlslvig Sub. Dec. 8. James Gilles pie, dwmanoted feparale trial, a!'3ury biilng 'eunpsmelled for that pur-pjse. Jawnese Have Range on Harbor and Are Burning and Sink ing Everything Therein. They Can See It- ltosiilt of Their Work Irolil 2(l Meter Hill, and Alw) t'oiiiniaml rba Roadstnad Outside of the Harbor lapan Will Re Hop- resontcl at The Hat. aw General irtieiiliwg Has Arrived to Take 'Persona) targe of the Second M aiicliurlan Arniy. ia r Minnrntiai. l)lrworj- ittX at llornnr Newr jria. Twn. Aurgusta Kia., Tko. k Kenijamin lluKhes.-'his wife and twvi dukghleis, residing as Trentww. were found mur dered at ho me today. The house hud been fired tio 'hide the crimes. Hughes was shm throuKh ti e heart and skruil each, and the Avoman's skull was cr-ushed -with :an ax l:ii'ii Twuim Alt Itatng. K-rw Sorlt, Deia. :aldw?ll Hoop er dropped out nf the l-day race this Trmrniing. Ji-ai'lng II ftcanis to conteHt. At 8 Jtila muriiluR ihe lead ers mwnv I loot-Tinulaix. A'awlerstuyft Stoli; ch 13 Fill FEEH FEEDING sin ami A a st All i:SK IHJMMCISS BKJNK WTTKn I'KKKK.. Tokio, Tec. 8. The Oonimander of the Japanese naval biattery at Port Arthur reports: "Observations taken December 7, from 803 Meter Hill, show the turret "hip Poltava has sunken, as reported December . and te 'tiattleshlp Ret vlsan seems to have sunk, her stern being xindvr water. 'The bombard ment Reormber 7 heavily damaged the battleship PoKieda, which is list ing to the stararjard. 'showing the westward portion of the hull, which Is rtalntfvi red." Will stop Rtockaric Running. Tokio. Dec. '8. The placing of heavy cannon on 203 Meter Hill will enable the Japanese to sink junks inrt other craft bringing supplies fori army, has arrived the garrison from Chee Too. Petersburg. l icet Annihilated. Toklo. Dec. 8. Dispatches from Port Arthur state the remaining Rus sian ships have been annihilated. The cruiser Bayan was fired by Jap anese shells, and Is now burning without the slightest chance of being saved. The Sevastopol has been sunk. in pan at The Hague, Washington. Dec. 8. Japan has accepted Roosevelt's Invitation to participate In the second peace con ference of The Hague. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 8. Mrs. Carrie E. Langdon pleaded guilty to the charge of forgery In the circuit court today. After being sentenced to six months In jail, she was paroled on condition that she return home to California. Judge Foster said he hud doubts as to Mrs. Langdon's sanity. She was accused of forging checks on the- estate of the lute Huttle McCall Travis, with whom she associated at the World's fair. l'OSTI'ONE EXTRA SESSION. Till ItcllCYCil Not to lie Advisable Next October. Washington, Dec. 8. As a result of a conference with Representative Watson, of the ways and means com mittee, who Informed the president It would be Impossible to prepare a tariff revision schemer by spring, Roosevelt has practically given up the Idea of calling on extra session of congress before October. Lawson Heaks a Bear Move ment That Creates s Panic in Many Stocks. TRADING REACHED AN UNPRECEDENTED Rl'l.K. Sale of Drnga'K .Tewcls. London. Dec. 8. Considerable pub tic Interest Is manifested In the auc tion sale begun here today for the jewels and costumes that belonged to ! the murdered queen, Draga of Hervla. ! One of the articles to be sold Is a ' bracelet given to the queen by the czar as a wedding present. .OripiH'iibwg Arrlven. Mukden, Dec. 8. General Grlppen berg. the recently appointed com mander of the second Manchurian here from St. Water Ruined Kloek. Raker City. Dec. 8. A water pipe in a large furniture establishment be longing to the Standard Furniture company, burst last night, and the building, was flooded, doing $20,000 damages to high priced furniture stored on the frst floor and In the basement. DIED IN HOSPITAL. Skull Fractured .lumping From a HVelglu Train. Wt.Ha Walia. Dec. 8. a A. Bums died at the Walla Walla hospital yes terday from injuries received In tail ing from a moving train at Wallula. Hums was on his way from the Pa Ituis to Ptlriland, and xra riding on l freight car. At Wallula he at tempted to get out of the car while the train was In motion, rfnd fell flir.mgh a'nestle. fractarlng his skull on Hie rocks 10 feet below. Thw man vim a susiiRer here, but papers on him showed that he was 22 years Off age and formerly resided In Port limb- Mnn -:More CiUto--re Ih-lng Held and Fe il for httcdtiiK PuriioHefe, amd ie AKEratro'e as klarli Greatnr THmu n Year Ajn vocable to Usn Mot llitKinexN, lh lim iii y. Cent null d. Will Ke Tried December 12. Autairu.'K'ul., Dec. Judg Prenw- Itt 'tills mo-nlng overruled the motion of Weber's attorneys to set axlde the commitment on the alleged grounds tlwtt ithe tfjf'Hiimony a4 'preliminary did not determine the wenue w juris diction. The defendant tkereupon Vcatl-r In F-,eud 'mu guilty, and next Monday is ser as tae date ol trial. Man. '. ChaT k b.lJm W,,h -'"Iton Ik! !rmed Wth Nte( 1,0W- wno r im rsM,t urt Jale B! Jfternoon i, " Bradh. . """i thl h,n h 111 I? te 8a " P anil i ltt Ialle,i l J. -B. 8u;f lor. une of Lbe. most ex tensive rcatr.le Iwers .md '-eders of the Butter . : Cnwek civjntry. accom panied by his family, is tn the city today. Mr. Knvlor eatlmutesXhut 00 head of cattle- are- betg :fetl for .i eef this winter in thi Kc.lie and Butler Creek districts, besides large tumlf-rs that are being wi nteref .for ."breading pur poses. , This Is j.i much greter tuumber than washed for market In the same territory wlmer. Ht tar. cattle have fared remarkably well. The cold, dry weather 1a Ihe beat (visslble kind of weather for fattening. The Htock eat Wielr feed well and thrive better than in maOdy r -stormy isweather. Hay is titentlful and the prospects or the laraust output -of fat eattle n-ver marketed from the Butler iVeek ountry, are slow very good. 1B01 tXHJN CROP LAGK. Ijolnuues KImiw That It la Sewntd st- ly toTluat of 1902. ITbe governtaent crop retiert h November 10 dhows the com cro to be over l.4juO0.0(IO butmela The l8 crop was 1224, 176.000 bushels. and -that of 1902, 2,623, 000,000, the largest ever grows. The quality of last year's crop a-aa only KtA. The present crop is of much better quality In all the corn states except Ohio and Indiana, where It mill be about at last year's average. In Illmws and Iowa corn is now selling to feeders at S to .86 cents. Nebraska It Is reported to be as low as 26 cents. In the corn belt of Ohio growers are mostly holding for 50 cents per bushel. The furmer today is In much bet ter shape, financially, than a few years ago. and is able, to hold his crop until the price is saatisfactory. He has also learned that It Is unwise to sell his entire r.ron. and wilt crib more for future possible needs than heretofore. While the crop Is bearish, other conditions are bullish, and the future Slate of the market Is hard to nredict. The lowest December cash price for rn in Chicago was In 1898, when it "old for 22 V, cents. The yield that year vaa 2,283,000.000 bushels, or 120.000.000 bushels less than Ih. es timate for 104. '.sr Senator Bairtim. Wushlngaon. Dec, 8. A supple ment I brietf of the government In the caw of Hniutor Barton of Kansas, was tiled with the supreme court of tile United States today. It contends wrongly for the guilt of the defend ant although it admitted the senator's uourse In Me support of the interests ot his client, the RiaJLo iTompuny, iww ntr .--always clear. Kleet OHloem. San Fruncisco. Cal.. Dec. 8. 'The Miners convention this morning eluded he 'following offeer: Pres 'itlent. 'Bdwnrd Benjamin, San Fran cisco: vfBie-prtsident, G. K. IDunton, Wooi-ada. Cal.., treasurer, J. Henry, San Francisco. The other officers will be efuonen'-by the exeeutlw, com- nttttne. PATTERSON Jl'RY. I'rofcress of the Second Trial of the Aiirrws. New York. Dec 8. Eighteen tales men were examined In the Patterson rrlal this morning, but none were se lected as the twe'ifth juror, and a re cess wat taken antll 2 o'clock. Later. The Jury was completed at 4 o'ciocik this alfternoon- I'loullne ('orpne Found. La Crosse, Wis., Dec. 8. There is mystery surrounding the corpse fount-) floating In the Mississippi by the police thl morning. An unused tickst for passage on the steamer Junle from Seattle to Sun Francisco was found n the pocket and bore the name of J. Anerson. The pnllce believe Mhe man was murdered and thsownMnto the rtver. I'ainiil 4)hxiaUl. SParls. Ikec. 8. Deputy Gabriel Syv el.m. wbo recently slapped former Minister Andre In the face during the drbate on the army bill, was found iisphyxiated at 'his home this after noon. He wua 'to be tried aomorrow ii eharjpes braught against him by andre. Adjvurnrd Till MftrHlaqr. yi'avhlngvon. 'Inea. 8. The senate did 'nothing but routine business at Its brief session today, and adjosrned till Moiiday. Tb! legislative, execu tive .nd Judicial appropriation bills were taken up by the house cooamlt tee of ifhe .wbole. Tr1 wring TiieHoIutioB San Francisco. Dec. 8. This morn ing's sskn of the teamen's conven tion was devmd to routine and t1ae preparation of resolutions which will be presented at tonigjht'a session. TWO TIUNS TO HK AJIDED. 'm H N. Men Expect Many I '1111110 Ikhih Soon. 'The railroad boys are -anticipating nth mnch elation, the addition of H.o extra passenger trsjjie on the O. Ia. & f. to ttiundle the Lewis and Ctatk travel. 1 no, snore trams means the pro imitlon of about 20 engine men, four fwlght iMmductors and jgbe employ ment of dozens of new men to fill the Jces in trie freight'ce, vacated by the promoted men. ill is rarrently rumorad that the twt addltiosal trains will be ready by April 1, at the eatalde, as the tourist travea will be heary, even be fore the fair opens, and the company will wish to have the facilities In readiness t t meet any .emergency. The ipresenl oxavel taxes file two pas senger trains to the full capacity, and with the early spring tosrlst travel the present 'trains could not begin to bundle the-velume of business. Within the past two years about 2 firemen asd brakemen have been promoted, and with the addition) of two furl passenger train crews, fully 20 more new men would be needed, In the 4jitJuKis of flremea and en gineers. Chicago Firm Fulls. Chicago, Dec. 8. The big grocery firm of Charles H. Stack & Co., went Into a receiver's hands today. The liabilities are estimated at Slf7.000 and assets at 1100,000, Chicago (.ruin. Chicago, Dec. 8. May wheat open ed H.IOMi: closed. tl.Utt. Corn opened 44, closed 4 4 ty. Oats open ed 311, closed 30 Vi. HAS DEFICIT FIRST EXCI'RSION A FINANCIAL FAIU'RI SIXTEEN KILLED IH TAGOMA COAL MINE -Burnett. Wash., Dee. X A terrific ly all the party of rescuers had nar- exploslon. presumably from ' a gas j " escapes for - their lives, but drag. Rr.i . 1 1 mil. iw lilt 1. IS pocket, was ignited by fuses at 8 yes- Thirteen of the victims were nar- terdajr afternoon In the South Prairie some .with large families. Company's Acme mines here, and It The state mine Inspector Is making are believed to be dead. Twelve 1 an investigation. The coroner of Ta- bodies have been recovered, all badly coma .will hold an inquest as soon as burnd. The debris Is so dense there a Jury can safely enter the death is no hope for the men still In the chamber. mine. The mine machine shops are i The mine has been regarded as one turned Into a temporary morgue. I of the safest in the state. There were 40 men working, most I Burnett is 28 miles from Tacoma. of whom are Germans, and off shift In the coal region on the western at the time. Of those in the scene of side of the Cascades. The mine em- (he explosion but one man Is recover- ployes about 100, mostly Finns and ed alive. He is Joe Forsyrhe. the In- j Poles. side foreman, and he la probably fa- ! Searching parties this afternoon tally burned and bruised. ,nre being headed by the mine In- Gus Strand, in a searching party of spector. and are working Incessant- six, had a narrow escape this morn. ly. noping to rescue or recover tnone lug. being overcome with gas. Near-, Imprisoned. I he Cunlen City Must Dig p $l!.lo la Square Itself With the O. It. -V The Train Wua I'ut on Willi the Kuine Requirements Imposed of Walla Walln an of Pendleton, Rut Wtli DlKUHtriHiM Erreela u tl( Former Town. 1 ne rust walla Walla excursion tinln from Pendleton has passed In nmiuiy, nun w ii mi walla mer chants find themselves 1IK.10 "shy" in their 1150 guaranty for the train. The O. It. & N. exacted a guaranty or 11 Ml from Walla Walla merchants. before they would run the train, the same arrangement that was made with Pendleton merchants. The re sult was highly disastrous to any hopes of securing Umatilla county trade for the beautiful Garden Cllv. Following Is the exact patronage of the train, from the different points aiong tne line: Pendleton, seven passengers; Adams, 12; Athena, eight; Weston. 22; Milton and Free water, 23; making a total of 72. As the fures from the different points were fixed at II from Pen dleton and return, SO cents from Adams, Athena and ' Weston, and 10 cents from Freewater and Milton, the toiai tares collected amounted to but $34.80. leaving a deficit In the 1160 guarantee, of 111. 10. The company charged full fare, and passengers were rebated by Walla Walla mer chants 'to the fares ouoted her. FOU, Y. M. C. A. RI'ILDING. tte Secretary of tlie AsHotHation Will Visit Pendleton Soon to losik Over tiie Ground. E. G- .Estabrook is in receiDt of a iener from H. W. Stone, state sec retary or the Oregon Y. M. O. A., In which Mr. Stone says be will visit Pendleton after the first of the year. for the purpose of looking, over the prospects for a Y. M. C. A building here. . ( Mr. stone says that a building to cost between 110.000 and 116.000 w-ill be erected here, If the project Is undertaken at all. Pendleton Is considered one of the best locations for such an organiza tion In the Northwest, and every ef fort will be made to complete arrangements. Events Shaped TliemnclveK as l.nunon Predicted To Days In Advance I'nlleil State steel, Simla Fe, Can adian Piii'il'lc mid Other Standard Stocks All Involved In the Flurry Muniilpuiulor Predict tlie Involv inenl , Will Spread Widely One. Firm Hum Failed. New York, Dec. 8. Scenes of wild excitement occurred on the Slock Ex change this morning, and at times the situation bordered on panic. Trading reached an enormous vol ume. Luwson's prophecy of Tuesday was fulfilled, and Amalgamated led In the downward crush and fell nearly 0 points from last night's close, sell ing down to 59 around 11 o'clock. United Slates Steel, common pre ferred, sugur, Missouri Pacific, Erie 11 1 ul Ciiuniliuii Pacific lire among the stocks which took the toboggnn. Law-son's first bulletin today ad- vlned Ihe holders of Amalgamated tn 'sell your lust share," he coptinued. "Roosevelt is Just beginning bis work. It is' tobacco today. When it gets to Insurance iind trust compunles, business will begin." He concluded: "Sell sugar and the entire lint for the time being." He also advised the sale of Southern Pa cific. I'nlon Pacific mid Antchlson, mid the sales of stocks the first hour reached nearly the million mark. After' II what appeured to be an organized attempt to stem the tide, was made, which was followed by 11 mart rally. ' l-'lr.-it I'ltllui-e itx n Result. New York. Dec. 8. The failure of T. Iiadeau Is nniiounceil from the Consolidated Exchange. New Servian t'uhlnci. 1 Belgrade. Dec. 8. A new cabinet hits been organized. The former cabinet resigned December 2, on ac count of a disagreement over building a new rnilroad. . er IMOIINSON'K IIIRTIIDAY. Norwegian Author Is T2 Yours or Ago and Vigorous. t'h liHllHlilit. Dec. 8. The seventy second birthday of TIJornatJern Bjorn son, the Norwegian poet, dramatist and novelist, whs widely celebrated throughout the country today. The city was decorated with flags, and a' congratulatory address from the peo ple of Denmark was sent to Italy, where the famous poet is spending the winter. Despite his 72 years, BJornson Is still full of energy and vigor. His new play, just published. Is pi-niioimc-ed by the critics to he equal to any of his former work. It is called "Da glanuel," and in It BJornsons strong subjectivity has received a , power, a color and a life, which lifts the piece, to the authoritative sermon on beauty and goodness. The piny will be pro duced at the National theater here early in February, and It will also be given this season In Sweden, Den mark. Germnny and other countries. BJornson writes that he will return to Norway in the spring and will bring with him a new story, which he believes will Interest literary circles. 1HINSOLIDATION. Finer Sjobioom, a Finn, aged 28 years, suicided ut Astoria December by getting down on his knees and leaning his head and shoulders over the edge and into a washtub one third full of water, and drowning. NortliwiMtern Uss A Elurtrio Co. Ab sorbs tlie W. & O. Power Co. A deed conveying all the real property. Including power plants. electrical lines and 24 deeds of right of way of the Washington st Oregon Power Company to the Northwestern Gas a Electrical Company, was to day filed with the recorder of con. veyances of Umatilla county.. The deed Is signed by Isaac Anderson, as president, and Robert . Allen, as secretary of the Washington A Ore gon Power Company. The deed was executed In Walla Walla on December 6. before Carey M. Hader. a notary public. The con sideration named In the articles Is 110, but the property involved In the transaction Is worth many thousands. The transfer is the merging of the two companies. The deed comprises 31 pages of typewritten manuscript. The bodies of Daniel McCusker and wife, of Los Angeles, have washed ashore at Redondo Beach. Both suicided by drowning, prompted by utter discouragement. There aoe 11,000 milch cows In Tillamook county, and fewer than 1000 voters.