Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1904. DOLLS Hundreds of styles, lc to $9.00. Unbreakable dolls, bisque dulls. Rubber dolls, etc. Fancy Dishes, Cups and Saucers New Styles for the Holi days, 10c Up. Curitiiii Stretchers, Two Styles, I O.N- $3.05. Tlie 'in Style. $1.15 to Moving : Frederick Nolft & Co. I GENERAL NEWS. Puderewskl. the pianist, carries ls.soo accident insurance on his tends, and Josef Hofmann, the same mount, expressed, however, as J500 ti each thumb and finger. Charles Mcllwain, aged 25, mar Tied lust May, out of work and dis couraged, killed himself at Salem December 7, by drinking an ounce of arbolic acid. His family relations sot were pleasant. Turkish authorities, under oi tiers from the porte, have stopped the selling of Bibles In Treblzond, and the porte is preparing a defense to be filed with the American and Hi lt- I Mi governments. A New York Heruld correspondent who has' Just completed a 1000-mlle journey through Southern China, de clares that the entire southern part f the empire is rotten with dlscon- tent and ripe for revolt. Sweeping reductions In the prices ' tion af sheethiKS and some grades of; the Smithsonian Institute. riut goods have been made of late j lion is of 9000, of which 3000 are for by agents of New England cotton . the use of the senate and 6000 for manufacturers while dealing with I the use of the house, wholesalers, and the reductions are ! expected to respond all along the line JEFFERSON BIBLE REPI.ICA OP REMARKABLE BOOK IS IX PENDLETON. Is a Compilation of All Those Scrip tural Passages Wliich Apiieuled Most to Thomas Jefferson, TVlth Annotations In Ills Handwriting The Text Is In Five Language With Marginal Notes by tlie Com piler Is a rare and valuable curiosity. A neat volume, bound In red mo rocco, is on the shelf at Nolfs book store in this city and Is known as the "Jefferson Bible." The book is from the government printing office at Washington, D. C, and came to Frederick Nolf as a gift from Con gressman Williamson. The books are not for sale and are obtained only through the members of congress -or other high federal officials. The book was compiled by Presi dent Thomas Jefferson and contains favorite scriptural texts cut from English. German. French. Greek and Latin bibles. The book Is reproduc ed in Its entirety, even down to the age-hlackened fly-leaves of the orig inal. Throughout the volume are auto graph notes by the author and In bold, uneven letters on the first page is printed: "The Life and Moruls of Jesus of Nazareth." The original Is the property of the United States na tional museum, which obtained It by ! purchase In 1896. I The author In a letter to John Ad lams, written October 12, 1813, thus I explains the volume: we must reuuce our volume to the simple Evangelists, select, even from them, the very words only of Jesus, paring off the amphlbollglsms Into which they have been led, by forgetting often, or not understand ing, what had fallen from him, by gibing their own misconceptions as his dicta, and expressing unintelli gibly for others what they had not understood themselves. There will be found remaining the moBt sub lime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man." It is one of the handsomest exam ples of the work of the government printing office, and has un Introduc- by Dr. Cyrus Adler, librarian of The edl J. E. J. D. L. F. J. M. to the consumer. The Morrlssey, B. C. coal mine gas explosion of a few weeks ago, where in 13 miners were killed, blew down 4e0 tons of coal and broke the rec ord in that respect. In all the his tory of coal mining, It Is not known ttwt more than 1500 tons was ever Brought down before by a similar nose. 1 SOUTHWEST NEWS. Eugene Is to have a now opera bouse, erected by George Mldgley. a naval recruiting officer will have an office at The Dalles from the 8th to the 15th of the present month. A. C. Gage has sold the Lane coun ty Leader, republican, at Cottage drove, to the Leader Publishing Co. 6us Magnison, a Clancy, Mont., finer, was caught by a cave-In De cember 5 and his back broken. He died the 7th. There will be an examination at Helena, Mont., December 2S-29, of applicants for the position of teacher Si the Philippines. There were 22 additions December 4 to the Presbyterlun church at Eu gene, and It was considered only a jir day for valley Presbyterians at that. The total property valuation of The Dalles Is 41.283.eiS; of Hood River, $254,585: of Dufur, (89.945; f Rhanlko, $51,235: of Antelope, $44,966. Every town in Washington that cms "dry" before the municipal elec tions of December (, went "dry" on Hut date, but the prohibitionists did at gain any new towns. The regents of the State University save concluded to sell and tear away tke eld- observatory building, which tats not been used for eight or 10 icsrs. and has become an eyesore. Republic, Wash., is the only town Is that state that put up a demo cratic city ticket to be voted upon December (, and .furthermore, the sjeket was elected without a break, The Cascade Canal company Is Is ssjfng bonds for $76,000 that mature Is 1924 at per cent. This Is the ccenpany made up of local men that tmm Just completed an irrigation i sal 43 miles long, to cover 13,000 of land In Kittitas valley. There are but very fear desirable meant lots left In tlie residence por tion of Pendleton.. These we have Jsnt listed and the prices are very seasonable. We have a new list of residences for sale. Come and see us, and look over car list. We have anything that you want In aoantry property. E. T. WADE ft SON, Office B. O. Building. NEWS OF MILTON. Student of Columbia College From Portland Dr MortciiHcn Huh Re turned to Dultith Will Return From Visit to Pomeroy Very Large Attendance at the Presbyterian Re vival Several Visitors From mid to Walla Walla. Milton, Dec. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Ar. mur e. Guild left this morning for Lewiston. where they win hereafter reside. Mr. Guild will have charge of a large nursery near Lewiston. Mrs. Mary C. Brooks of Walla Walla Walla Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hen Osbnrn, three miles south of town. A. H. Metcalf of Portland, arrived Saturday and will attend Columbia college. Mrs. Sylva Jones is at Wnlla Walla the guest of her cousin, Mrs. William Wormingtoti. Dr. W. S. Mnrlensen. who was here attending his mother during her late Illness, left yesterday for his honn in Duluth, Minn. ., Mrs. S. E. Bowlus, formerly of Mil ton, but now of Walla Walla, was the guest of Mrs. W. S. Mayberry. Mrs. H. E. Bean Is expected to re turn today from Pomeroy, where she has been visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. D. C. Sanderson. Miss Myrtle of Walla Walla Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hlgby Harris. The revival meetings are still In progress. The attendance at the Pres byterian church became so large that they have been holding the services in the new opera hall since Saturday night. BISHOP POTTER'S PLAY. Subway Tavern Scheme to Be Pol lowed by a Theatrical Perform ance. New York. Dec. 8. Bishop Pot ter, who gave the ministerial and temperance world something to talk about by standing sponsor for the subway tavern, la now to present a stage drama. The play is a drama entitled "The King's Highway." writ ten by William Oill, and will be pro duced next Friday at the New York theater. Bishop Potter Is the president of the Actors' Alliance, and when the officers of the order recently sug gested producing a play he Immedi ately fell In with the scheme and gave It his hearty approval. The Rev. Walter E. Bentley, once an actor, but now national secretary and organiser of the alliance, and Harry Lelghton, actor, stage manager and alliance enthusiast, have the matter in charge. ' "THE ASSASSIN OP SORROW." Haverly's Minstrels at tlie Opera House Tonight. Billy Van, rightfully dubbed "the assassin of sorrow," "'Souse) Me Jim my" Wall, the Beau Brummel of minstrelsy, and a score of other clev- mlmlcs, buriesquers and singers, are In Pendleton today and appear at the Fraxer this evening In Haverly's minstrels. This aggregation Is one of the oldest minstrel shows on the road and stands at the top. The fame of some of the men who appear with this troupe Is International. Last night "A Little Outcast" was HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel St. George. Flnley Jones, Spokane. Fred S. Davis, San Francisco. Fred Olsen, San Francisco. W. H. Dlnnore, San Francisco. W. C. Winks, Portland. Will Wells, Athena. Miss Lillle Dazor, Portland. J. G. Bridges and wife. Wulla Wullu H. Connell, Umatilla. A. F. Eagan. St. Louis. A. J. Cody, Portland. J. A. Allison, Portland. F. J. Gardner, Portland. J. 8. Aikman, Denver. Harry E. Rose. Harry Morton. Will M. Peterson. Athena. J. J Kauffman, Walla Walla. U. J. Kale and son. Walla Walla. Jack Lane, Portland. George T. Coyne, Portland. H. Kellengoran, Milwaukee. L. J. Gibson, Walla Walla. C. A. Iver, Baltimore. J. A. French, Chicago. J. A. Parson, San Francisco. A. P. Whitney, Chicago. Leavltt, New York. Harris, Lansing. Ball, Seattle. Hotel Bickers. McCorky, Republic. Wulter F. Harmon. J. W. Qulnn and wife, Wallace. Luclle Whltecliff. C. M. Weisenflue, Walla Walla. Delance Barclay. Elmer Kinney. Lulu Howlund. F. Beltel. Pilot Rock. James Calllsou, Fulton. J. R. Murphy, Portland. W. Brady, Athena. B. Saylor and family, Echo. Crane, Kuhsas City. Fred Anderson, Chicago. E. Ritchie. Weston. Lucas. Kansas City. H. Grler. cltv. George Hulseli. T. J. Berg. Walla Walla. Edith Bartlett, city. H. E. Frans .Spokane. N. O. Johnson and son, Weston. Andrew Nordean. Frank Wllcoxen. J. S. Ogllvle, Denver. A. W., Grove, Helix. P. Sones. W. E. McCone. E. M. Thompson, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. William Powers, Wes ton. Mrs. M. J. Powers, Weston. Mrs. M. A. Barker, Echo. The Pendleton. Edwin L. Cooper, San Francisco. W. M. Klce, Portland. L. A. Crinkshank, Portland. F. S. Myers, Portland. G. K. Patterson, Chicago. J. C. Murray, Portland. It. G. Turner, Portland. G. H. Wyler, Portland. A. Oppeuhelmer, San Frunclsco. Hurry W. Smith, Denver. .' J. B. Crosfleld. Ella Clark, Portland. W. Markelll, Portland. R. E. Parr, Chicago. K. R. Patterson, Denver. H. B. Catton, Portland. John D. Kayland, Portland. O. L. Warden. Portland. T. a. Halley, city. W. Rlchllng, St. Louis. C. E. Carter, Portland. John R. Meyers, San Francisco. D. Llpman, Philadelphia. F. Muellhaupt, Portland. W. H. Frost, Chicago. Clark S. Allen, Spokane. William Maher, Portland. C. M. Smith, Portland. N. P. Young, Portland. G. McCully, Spokane. M. H. Patton, Spokane. E. Costello, Starbuck. ttlssai I Special Holiday Sol From now until Xmas every one will be Interested in goods suitable for Xm a BETTER STOCK of such goods this year than ever before. See our wind a"" 1 ' SPECIAL PRICES ON LADIES' SKIRTS. TEN PER CENT SAVED ""P1 4,1 ...Special Reduction.,. of 20 iior cent on WOOLEN mid SILK WAISTS. Ladles' Short Jackets, newest . this week. Wk ' Misses' Coats and Jackets reduced 20 iier cent tills week Men's Suits cut 20 per cent from regular prices. Men's Overcoats at a BIG REDUCTION.' Shoes of all kinds REDUCED 10 PER CENT tills week RUBER OVERSHOES of nil kinds away below all competitors' price. THE FHIR a. J. H. j. H. F. G. A damp, slushy snow fell at El Puso, Texas, December 6 the first snow to be seen there In two years. IT 18 FOR LADIES, TOO. Tker Cm Stcs Their Hair rallies Out With Herpldoe. Ladles who have thin hair and whose hair Is falling out, can prevent the hair falling out, and thicken the growth, with Newbro's "Herplcide." Besides. Herpi cide is one of ths most agreeable hair dressings there Is. Harpiclde kills tho dandruff germ that sate the hair off at th. root After ths germ ht destroyed, the root will shoot up, wnd the hair grow Ions' as ever. Even s sample will .cos vlnce any lSdirthat Newbro's Herplcide Is an Indispensable toilet requisite. Tt contains no oil or grease, It win not stain or dm Sold by leading druggists. Send Mo. In stamps for sample to Ths HstdI elds Co., Detroit, Mich. A. C. Koeppen t Bros., special agents. The Colambia Lodging House Well ventilated, neat and com fortable rooms, good bads. Bar In connection, where ths best goods are served. Main street, center of block, be tween Alta and Webb streets. F. X. SCHEMPP PROPRIETOR. Oregon Tannery For all kinds of fancy leathers and furs. Tana all kinds of leather for all purposes. Mounting and cleaning furs and fur garments. Best work manship. OTTKE SON, 4. H.yest Alts Street 1C . Filled 1 CHRISTMAS TIME Naturally brings thoughts of Jewelry. It ma,,, I hundsomest and most durable of all gifts. Perhapij P huve been thinking of buying Jewelry, but hare ba afraid It's too expensive. Then come here and t u t show you your mlstuke. Good Jewelry, such u vt I handle, costs money, of course, but you will find ou f prices as low as GOOD GOODS are ever sold tor. kt Our holiday stock comprises a wealth of the rood t and beautiful, In the newest jewelry. We hamni 1 old goodB to work off our 1 store, our stock and our prices are NEW. We believe ve have the largest and choicest assortment In the city of Solid Gold and High Grade Gold. We are show ing nn elegant line of diamond-set Jewelry. THE RING is the time honored scul of frlendslilp mid urtcctlon THE GIFT OF GIFTS. If you are think ing rings, onr stock is worth coming mane blocks to see. Our stock of dlumond and combination stone rings com prises over 000 different styles. We invite you to visit our store mid look over our goods, wliether you wish to buy or not. WINSLOW BROS., Jewelers, P. 0. Block $ WATCHES CHAINS LOCKETS SCARF PINS CUFF LINKS BRACELETS and BROOCHES SI - ' t, .'r.H i 1 1 1 14.WfrM"f.W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 llllllt P H6 I Gtosimg I Omt Safe f CHINAWARE, GLASSWARE and CROCKED CUT TO COST..... I HAVE DECIDED TO DISCONTINUE THIS DEPARTMENT OF MY BUSINESS AND DISPOSE OP MY ENURE STOCK AT ONCE. ' EVERYTHING MUST GO. PRICES ARB CUT TO THE VERT BOT TOM. THE OBJECT I HAVE IN VIEW IS TO DISPOSE OP EVERT PIECE OP WARE IN THE STORE BY JANUARY FIRST. Note These Cut Prices Ironstone handle cap. and saucers, regular price, per set. 75c. now Ironstone plates, regular price 60a; now Ewer and Basin, regular price $1.25; now White and yellow chambers, regular price, 76c and 80e; now . . ! ! Water glasses, regular price 50c per doxen; now Half gallon jugs, regular price, 50c; now ' Dinner sets, 100 pieces. Jho Bros. English porcelain.' fZ, price 12.50i now .... Dinner sots, ,00 pieces, white .d gold, regular price. $14.50; new NOW IS YOUR TIME to save money. The above are but a few specimen price made on every article in the stock. ... ... ... .. 0 .a i sb CRJ rfX TUT Usse fa SI. the bill at the Fraser. Prsh trultd'ly at Msrtln's.