Newspaper Page Text
HGHT FACES. DAILY BAST PRECOMA. PENDLETON, OBBOOy. THURSDAY, DECEMBER S, 1XK. PAGE SEVEN. i AMONG THE EXCHANGES jj OF THE INLAND EMPIRE 1 .. . Bilker City Jendent Terrell, of the Ba n watershed forest reserve, has down the Rock Creek power 'Sd 'he Baker City Oos & Eleo fT Light Company. The power "L was closed by order of the In ,1, department, because the elec "Timht company has violated the fL and regulations of the depart , , regard to forest reservations, "rue flume which conveys water to sower house runs across that por ,on of the forest reserve for a dia Mce of three-quarters of a mile. The l require that where It is neces , to occupy any portion of the -round of a forest reserve for private kiln iihp. a formal application. nth plats and Burveys of the ground ceopled, must be filed with the de artment and approved by the secre ,ry of the Interior. This formality ru neglected by the electric light mpny, when It built Its pipeline croH Uncle Sam's reserve. The company was duly notified of u Eolation of the rules and the ln tation was to comply with the regu iiioni, but the matter was neglected nUl Superintendent Terrell received eremptory order to shut off the wa ir. Fortunately the company has a iem plant In Baker City from which .hii to aimnlv llclit and Dower. fat the steam plant Is scarcely equal ttlK demand. Sumpter Miner. N. P. Tux in Not Perce. Jay Sedgwick of Tucoma, assistant Ijimlnloner of real estate, right of iy and tales for the Northern Pa- Ific. yeiterday paid Tux Collector (lord 110,653.57, this sum represent- texei paid here by the company ir the year 1904. Of this amount i".!S la for city taxes, the balance :ng the county tux. Since the con- -uctlon of its lines Into this country, Northern Pacific has been the gat taxpayer In Nez Perce coun- tnd no taxpayer has been more prompt In the payment of taxes. The company has 66.79 miles of road In ... 5unty- !n addition to the $10, 66S.67 paid yesterday by Mr. Sedg wick, In September last, he paid the Lewlston Independent district tax. which brings the total amount of money turned Into the public treas uries bv thp f.nvnr,in.. 4kl . - 1 j mis yea.r up 10 about 11,000. Lewiston Tribune. Sixty Horses Shot The Grangevllle Standard says: Re ports come out frnm lh c i that about 60 head of horses had been shot on Kelly mountain, about 45 or 50 miles from Whltebird. The ani mals were the Robie and W. A. Scott. Kelly moun tain affords some nr th v,UDt In the Salmon river country, and the horses had been taken there on ac count of the short range in the vicin ity of Whltebird. Prom appearances there is some settler in the region of Kelly mountain who Is extremely Jealous of the good range and relies on the practice of shooting the ani mals to get rid of them. It is also said that a year aeo a man tnntr bunch of sheep there and had several nunorea or tnem shot In the same way. At Dresent thr uami Ka but Bmall chance of Identifying the culprit BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS AND TRADES PHYSICIANS. D!S ? MNGO PHYBICtAS) AND SDK geon. Koom g. Bavins. Bunk building vincfj aoori, iu xo u i. m. : lmi KJI'a m TellftPhon: Office main iuiiu xaoi. DRS RUlTn M. Divr-rt Ann.AM - thm n Vi ! '-3j, vrrura UVKS ftor. va:u?-v". - -"wont iciciuuuq main lOUl. 11 ? ?ARfIELD, M. D.. HOMROPATHIO kr,jrlnmTI",tTOr"e)11- Office In Jndd ?Jb": 0ttu- Dl "! DR. D. J. M'FAUL, JUDD BLOCK. TBLBV mam ; rasiaence Discs let. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHT8ICIAN wiinp ia savings Hank building, room 1. Office -phone mala Raker City Finances for a Year. The following Is a sumary of the city auditor's report which Is well worth careful reading. It covers the period from December 1, 1903, to De cember 1, 1904, and is as follows: Receipts from all sources except for special funds, $126,662.83; receipts from sewer assessments, $19,714.24; assessments, $361.25; receipts from street improvements: Claims allowed and paid, $138,729.61; canceled war rants, $91,957.63; canceled warrants, $19,308.67; total cash in hand of the city treasurer, $30,232.19. Baker City Herald. DR. LYNN K. RLAKESLEB, CHRONIC s.TuuB wBraaa idq (UReaseS Of " "".u. duuu uuuning, corner Halo and Court streets. Office 'phone main 721 : residence, red 1158. X Ray Therapeutics. IJR. LENA ALLEN BOONE, OSTEOPATH Residence, Thompson street, between Court and Water streets. Theme black 1024. Nervosa diseases a specialty. MRS. M. N. 8AWTBLLB, COUNTY MAN aeer of the Northwest Vlavl Co., 620 Cosble street, Pendleton, Orepon. VETERIXAIY SURGEONS. VETERINARY 8CROEON DR. D. ' C. McNabb. Office at Tall man's drag store. DR. T. J. LLOYD, GRADUATE OP THB Grand Rapids Veterinary College of Grand Rapids, Mich. All ailments of do mestic animals scientifically treated. Specialty of dentistry, speylng and castra tion or rldgllng horses. Office at Brock a McComas drug store. DENTISTS. FRATERNAL ORDERS. P" SL'q KLK8, pBNDLETON LOUGH. . . , , - " neauiar meetings n rat ana third T, . - t . , - "'"J. vi wd moaiD. All in Tr".Tl,lt,n lB ,h clty mmt tora- w, " lw ina. nan in 11 low b .?n2 r"- Thomss Pits Gerald, - n. oau, aecrecary. PEMni.irrnit mmi ... . . . meets the flnit anit third Mondan o! each Tuning orauiien are invitea I.IVF.KY AND FEED STABLES. DEPOT 8TABI.E. COTTONWOOD STREET Phnna hiI i odi i . ttabie. Horm bemght and aold. Ooort rllTB at PMinnihU at.-a. a. - m - "'-v ow ptmrura T week or month. Ring ns up, day or S.i-irt II- " seme u-j( ifmiirieiors. CITY LIVERY 8TABLB, ALTA STREET, v..ur, siM-nneay, l'ropa. Livery, reed V.i u ubl- "ood rim at all times. ' m TOnnwnop. -rnone main 701 MISCELLANEOUS. THB MENS RESORT. CLEANING AND ironing pariors. Ladiea' and men's r, t "K"" "iremi attention. Despaln t mi ' ' Court t"et Telephone main PENDLETON STEAM DYB WORKS 730 --" v irmuuiK, ajeing , uuu uiata iowi. istory of 24TH ANNUAL MEET i m m m w sr m m m ass w Osteopathy I The prlnlcples of Osteopathy were nounced by Dr. Andrew T. Still In (or ten years he labored alone iblirtlng the system. In .1894, h a few Rtudnlo i,a .... 1 .t. I UI'CIICU IMC Snrtcan School of Osteopathy at flrksville. Mo., no wgrown to a col- oi over seven hundred students, other colleges have boon f,,,,H bf graduates of this school,- some i"), others mere dlnlnmii min. F''lr of aradiml,. ne i, now number over four thous- U was set apart by the World's .u u usteopathlc day, when taoumnri . . "on for g week.s se88loni ,"uy-me ,ute have passed laws the practice. Legislation Is l uked for in ninny more states ,Z ' gon ne,n" one- To be ""Potent ninoi, . In . iuuires a ldTiTi t0 the meJlcaI hools Li.T. ana ""Perlor In some. 7lu w" doubtless come to r, V ' ""u " Protect the rjr '"'"'ntans, who In this I numerous, to the rt., r-?trttta public, and to the 1- """rupHUiy; pa88e1 -k for uipioma. LEAGUE TO PROMOTE THE CIVIL SERVICE REFORM. "mur. . I " '"nt on request. C'ORS HOISINCTON rWBLncir DLETON rBLoCK !eol Estate ! wthn S V J toweeue la rol. i I w J atat. ....... i -at 8T. . . . , I "a... ieopaths" j U. .pjwln build- J Ka. Phon "d 1181. ! ( VrrEK AND l iVa Wus Organized to Comlmt Uic Ancient Belief and Custom That "To the Victors Belong the Spoils" Presi dent Roosevelt Was a Pioneer Mem ber of the Movement, Which Em braces a Large Number of Eminent People. Washington, D. C, Dec. 8. Several score of civil service reform idvumix among them several who have given tne best part of their lives to the fie-ht against the iniquitous theory that "to tne victor belongs the spoils," have rounded up in the national capital for the 24th annual meeting of the Na tional Civil Service Reform I The meeting opened this afternoon ana will continue through tomorrow. resident Roosevelt, who was one of the pioneer members of .the lenmi wlll receive the visitors at the White House and In nil probability will take occuslon to sny a few words to them regarding his views on civil service reform. During the meeting a number of in teresting papers will be read, among them: "Extensions of the Competitive Service," by Clinton Rogers Wood ruff; "Appointments Without Exam ination Under Special Exceptions to the Rules," by Nelson 8. Spencer, for mer member of the Municipal Civil Service commission of New York city; "The Establishment of Civil Service Districts an Administrative Reform," by Frank M. Klggins, chief examiner United States civil service commission; "Regulations for the Employment of Laborers In Civil 8ervlce," by Albert de Roode, assistant secretary Nation al Civil Service Reform League; "Re striction on the Power of Removal," Joseph P. Cotton, Jr.; "Political As sessments and Offensive Partisanship on the Part' - of Officeholders," by Robert D. Jenks, secretary -Civil Ser vice Reform Association of Pennsyl- vanla, and "The Presidential Offices, the United States Senate, and a Merit System,-"- by Richard .Henry Dana. COMING EVENTS. December 1S-15 Oregon ' Good Roada Association, Salem. December 20-21 Oregon Dairy men's Association, Portland. December XI Washington ' Live stock Association, Spokane. January t -Oregon legislature con vene! at Salem. ' January 10-11 Oregon Historical Society, Portland. January 10-14 National Livestock convention, Denver. June 1, 190S Opening Lewis and Clark exposition. , . i Revolntlon Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble In your system 1 nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never falls to tone the stomach, regu late the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual -attending ache vanish under Its searching and thorough ef fectiveness. Electric Bitters Is only 60c, and that Is returned If It dont give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co., druggists. The Boys' and Girls Aid Society of Portland can furnish a limited num ber of boys and girls for adoption, for light work, for chores, while attend ing sohoo -and for people wlshlnr to Dtt. M. S. KERN, DENTAL 8UROBON. Office, room 15 Judd building. 'Phone black 1261. E. A. tVAUOHAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN juoq Dunmng. 'i-none red 3411. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA, Oregon. Capital, i0,000; surplus and prorits, sr.oou.uu. interest on time de posits. Deals In foreign and domestic ex- rnange. collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, president ; T. J. Kirk, vice-president : F. 8. LeGrow, cashier ; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. THB FARMERS' BANK OF WESTON, WeBton, Orepon. Doea a general bank ing busluess. Exchange bonabt and sold. collections promptly attended to. R. Jame son, president : ueorge w. rroebstpl. vlre presldent : J. R. Kllgnre, cashier ; directors G. A. Hartman, M. M. Jones. T. J. Price, G. D. Grew. J. F. Kllgore, Robert Jame son, 0. W. Proebstel. TUB PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, Pendleton. Oregon. Organised March 1, 1880; capital, (100,000; surplus, 75.000; Interest allowed on all time deposits. Ex change bought and sold on all principal points. Special attention given to collec tions. W. J. Furnish, president; J. N. Tenl. vice-president : T. J. Morris, cashier ; J. W. Maloney, assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLB ton. Capital, surplus and undivided profits. $'200,000. Transacts a gen eral hanking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. In terest paid on time deposits. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi An kney, president: W. F. Matlock, vice-president; Q. M. Rice, cashier; George Hart man. Jr., assistant cashier. ARCHITECTS ANT BUILDERS. BORPE & D11NLAP, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates given in short notice. Leave orders at offioe of Grays Harbor Lumber Company. C. E. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT AND Superintendent, room It Judd block, Pendleton, Oregon. T. P.-HOWARD. ARCHITECT AND Su perintendent. Makes complete and re liable olans for buildings In the cltv or country. Room 17 Judd building. F. E. VAN DU8EN ft CO., CONTRACTORS and builders: brick, stone and cement work; address Box 455, Pendleton. 8HBBK ft COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furnshed on short service. Shop on Bluff street, near Main. D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILD er. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, atone walls, etc. Leave orders at Eaat Oregonlaa of fice. . T. M. KELLER, PLA8TER1NO AND CB- mentlng. cement waits a specialty Estimates furnished free. Work guaran IamI r.ava orders at Bad lev ft Zehner's cigar store. Maui street P. O. Box 104. P. A. SWINGLE, ARCHITECT AND STJ perlntendent. Plans and specifications furnished for city sad county work. LaDow Block. BOARDING AND LODGING. THB ALTA HOU8B, OR THB WORKING People's Hotel, corner Alta and Mill sonable rates; clean beds, aeat rooms; feed yard in connscuon. o. v. diumt, Proprietor. ATHKtJA HOTEL, LEADING HOTEL IN tne city, si.uu to ei.ov w . Mlllen. proprietor. HELIX HOTEL UNDER NBW MANAGB ment Good meals and clean beds. If yon come once yon will keep a-comlng. Only white help employed. Especial at tention given to commercial travelers. Jar. and Mrs. J. P. Navln, proprietors. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES .. . . . -J . I ... A lanila renaDie anwwmcw vi miw . . , , , . r n-n- m. -Itw mnA farm property. Boys and sells all kinds or real estate, immm awr... business. Pays taxes and makes Invest- monn tnr non-rMldanta. Reference, any bank In Pendleton. ti. A. UAnmAn, rn G. A. HARTMAN, JR., Vice-Pres. UMATILLA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Don't buy a piece of property and after ward nod a ciona oo we mso. make you an accurate abstract of title at a reaaonauie v uni nr. wui yr . need of an abstract Umatilla Abstract Co., office In Barings Bank building. J M. BENTLBY REPRESENTS THB oldest and most reliable fire and acci dent Insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILBY, JR...U. 8. LAND COM- missioner. npwimiy wut lng and proof. Insurance and collections, office In JiMlrt building, room 11. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Wood In any quantity desired. LU us supply you with wood. Best solid wood furnished at right prices. Promt t delivery. Large and small orders solicited. Office at Pendleton Cold Storage Co. Henry Kopittke (Dutch Henry.) 'Phone Main 1781. Building Material OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to Order Building Pa per, Lime, Cement, Brick and Band, Wood Gutters for Barns and Dwellings a Specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta Street, Opp. Court House. LET US FILL TOUR PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE PARK AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON Established In 186. Open all the year. Private or class Instruc tion. Thousands of graduates in poslUons; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc, free. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL.B., PRINCIPAL. I 1 1 I 1 1 t Only 16 Days lore This Great Sale Positively Closes Christmas Eve Dec. 24 MY INSTRUCTIONS ARE: Not to ship ono dollar's north of goods back to Portland, and In order to dispose of the bulance of this magnificent HUK'k of Men's Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods I WILL MAKE SUCH REDUCTIONS Umt the name "Hub" will make tlio whole of Umatilla County ring. It Is not a question of price, You Price is My Price I BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognised as the beat and most eoenomlcal fuel. We are prepared to oon tract with you (or your " winter's supply. We de-i, 1 ' liver coal or wood to any. part of the dty. i Laatz Bros. MAIN STREET. NEAR DEPOT H. M. SLOAN ' BLACKSMITH Horaaahoeiag, general repair ing, wagon making and repair int. The way I have built up my business la by doing noth ing but cool work. Prices raa sonable. Cor. Cottonwood Alta Sta. Scott's SaMpsiQ Capsules iff ii a 1 J p POSITIVE CURE of ths Bladder ud Pltmued A-ianevs. no ear do pay. Ourea aaioklr aod Perma nently ifae worst owi at vMtrratv ud Ulrt, bo Kttrof how loic stand ing;. AbMlatelv nftmleu. Sold br afuirriste Prio i .on, or br BtUL i THE SANTAL-ftPSli 60, SLLBPOffT MHIi OHIO Sold br F. W. Schmidt Co. MEN AND WOMEN. flw BUI for annst-anl fJaa-hnrrM.tiitttunaialioaa, rrlUUunl or uicerttlon of mucous menibrftoat. THEtwyOHtmaiiOo. gt or poltopoui. s I 13 Mi-n'a $10.00 Worsted and Cheviot Suits $3.05 Men's $10.00 Overcoats $3.(5 Men's $2.50 Shoos 8o All Wool Underwear, $1.00 and $1.50 values 85o $2.50 and $3.00 Rate $1.00 And so on all through the house, for I will follow out my instructions, to the letter. . - I The Hii OOIl. COURT AND JOHNSON STS. ; (i r 1 .. 1 1 M 1 t i 'Good i DxyWood j ALL KINDS I hare good, sound wood whloh S la dellverecl at reasonable price - - - I ' a . fob'' CASH. W. C. MINNIS I Lea re Orders at "''Wre mea'e Cigar Score. . . , e TRAINING SCHOOL FOR HOUSES Wanted One hundred bead of un broke horsea I am located for the winter at the Dutch Henry feed yard, corner of Alta and Lllleth streets, where I conduct a first-class training and aale stable. If you want to buy a horse I will take your order and se lect the best horse for you, or If you have a horse to sell I am well ac quainted with the best buyers. I am Well equipped to break and handle any horse from the finest blooded stock to the wildest and most desper ate broncho. There Is no horse but can be broke and be made to drive or work nicely if he be handled cor rectly. I have broke one hundred and twenty-three head In Pendleton some TEETH EXTRACTED ' M THB MOD' ' ERH METHOD, $0C ' We are thoroughly equipped with all modern BMtl.ode and appliances, and guarantee) oar work to be of the highest stand-. ard, and our prioes the lowest' consistent with ttrst-elaa work. , White Bros. ' Ass eaattoa Block. Telephone Mala 1M1. j The French I I Restaurant i Best 25 Cent Heal In the City. Private Dining Parlors. Elegant Furnished Rooms la Connection. f f -rwanrnajn-aa,-- 1 1.