Newspaper Page Text
TEN PAGES. IL !T X' PEyPIJ;TOy. PRECOX. FRIDAY. PECEMBKR t, 1804. " FAOjt ttVX. tt....i..i.ii.......ii8!ii. i.ih..,ri - nlTf imm Ur- . V Buy Winter Underwear T Women's Swiss ribbed, fleece-lined union suits, t 8 i Women's Oneltn (clove fitting, seamless Jersey XX I XX 1 14 UMLUUII U lliUIIIIL s it s-' r ( - X M ; ;:! SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE OUR SPLENDID PREPARATION FOR THIS EVENT MAKES IT THE BUYERS' OPPORTUNITY t mrk C4V1T' MONEY ON TiTVTTOV m'DPDAci? -- . i . ' ' r "'KM MENTIONED HERE IS A DISTINCT 1 AND POSITIVE VAIiUE. 40c -values lit '. 2.I0 union suits, 75e value 48c Women's extra qunlity, Jerwy rililicd, fleece lined vests or pants, hoc value 39c Women's silk and wool Jersey ribbed vests or iwuts, Oxford rut, $1.75 values $1.25 New pillows, all ready for use at Sc and 83c Made with neat ruffles and new designs. See window dlxpluy. Ic for Women' Women's 5c Hose It black cotton hose, with finished feet. .regular 25c value, special ltc pair B5c buys a regular 50c value pillow tops. 15c buys Easy Catch 25c hose supporters for ba bies, children and misses. 15c buys any 25c ladles' embroidered handerchlcfs. 20c buys a S5e ladles' Rolf gloves In black or white. $2.85 for any ladles' $3.00 shoes In the house, sell nothing but guaranteed shoes. We warranted, turn soles. Every pair In vlcl, velour, box calf; In welt and ALEXANDER DEPT. STORE I ?! THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES. H f f f IH I. AsasJiaiaw. I -- mm t l 1 tt tt Expert Collectors We have located a branch office In Pendleton, and will make collecting defunct bills a specialty. No ac count too old for us to handle. Our plan Is: "No collections, no charges. Suits Instituted, Judgment advertised. Tlie Vim AlHtlne-Gordon & Co., Mer cantile Aitencr, II. V. I.lpe A Co., Mgrs. 119 E. Court St. Teleihone Main $11. I. L. VAUGHN ELECTRICIAN. Prompt attend n given and all work xecuied properly. Electrical Supplies of all kinds. OFFICE 121 West Court St. (Tribune Building.) Christmas Activity filtEAT ACTIVITY AT THE PEN DLETON WOOLEN MILLS. The near approach of Christmas Is evident If one will but go up to the Woolen Mills. There everything Is bustle and activity. Every maohlne In' the mill Is being worked to its full capacity to flu the rush orders that have come In. On one order alone from a firm In Gallup, New Mexico, It will require 1200 robes. The money spent in advertising the past few years Is Just beginning to how returns and the Christmas trade for this year will be the largest In ths history of the Institution. The requests for catalogues and In formation regarding those famous ods come from all over the world, nd it iR a common occurrence to have to call an express wagon to take the duy's mail to the postofflce. The number of these robes being forwarded on individual orders alone sufficient to prove that these goods are more popular than ever for j-nrujtmas. These orders come irom points where the goods cannot be found In the local stores, n when these are added to ths re numbers being distributed over " counters of the various stores "roughout the country, Pendleton J"Ple can see what an Interest has createu In the products of the 'Wal mills. tTil!e garment have not been shown ,,.,?. trade at large- yet the demand . new l,ne ha far exceeded the Sea ' th" """"'n61 now ,n- ('lhe Present time more orders " these garments are on file than ZTy turnea out betore j,'' PhllP. treasurer of the .Root wspaper Association, publishers of "ry Gods Economist, The Dry jman The Dry Goods Reporter the :? Paclflc Merchant, called at lnT.lne any tnl week and upon 0Ur8hLal. lounging Ion rw " -acneis ana todox 9at;?? now Dln manufactured. greater success for these had bl an even the Indian Robes M beTfr.' .lnd ,f th" e P 41 hot th. t mercha't next year he able i t tne present ml would 'or th. Z. out even CIotn enough I ' rments alone. ''ton T? Up Christmas Hats Pen- hlnr "bould Include some '"'1 fiv, inciuae some- help n ,m our home town and thus ,h local i "if to dvertlse not only pdW.n,tltut,on' but the city of Grand h Im, '"miture, and Pendleton Robes and Blankets. "T'im "T fln"8t and ,are,t '"oght to o stoneware ever hh high f'ndleton- We will sell r-'ow -other, sell The YOU ARE Gifts WANT HERE Our stock Is an assortment of the world's bent gifts; tliose that combine every element that Is desirable In gifts usefulness, ieriiuinen and beauty. It Is the kind of stock that appeals to critical buyers. CHINA Fine china Is a xpecttlt.v itli us. We have a beautiful linn of liiiHiied chlnaware, French. Italian. Cierman and Austrian, and an assortment of our best American goods.. Full sets, single pieces and a variety of combination sets. CUT GLASS No wtniiau ever has too much cut gluss. Like Oliver Twist, she nlways wants more. Our assortment Includes all the most artistic cuttings. Sugar and cream sets, water sets, bowls, nap pies, vases, etc Triplicate Mirrors We have a nice line of these, all sizes at reasonable prices. TOYS AND DOLLS We have the most complete line in tills city and we are going to sell at bed-rock pi-lees. Come In and see for yourself. OTHER GIFT LINES Too many to even name them lie re, but come In and see them. The earlier you come In the easier It will be to make selec tions. COME SOON. TALLMAN & CO LEADING DRUGGISTS. HIGHEST NVMRER REACHED IX NOVEMBER ISIS. Appropriation of $100,000 Will Be Asked From the Coming Session of the Ijefrlstatiire for Improvements and Additions Superintendent Recommends Branch Asylum to Relieve ttto Certain Congestion. The asylum report for November shows a total of 1S7S patients In the institution at the highest tide for the month. The superintendent recommends that a branch asylum be built its the present rate of Increase will over crowd the present quarters. The statistical report shows the following movement of Insane asylum population: In asylum October 1. 1902 125S Admitted during term 841 Escapes returned 51 Under treatment 2148 Discharged recovered 162 Discharged much Improved .... 92 Discharged Improved RS Discharged, not improved 56 District Alnskn Insane, 48 Died 292 Ksenped . . . 77 Total 77c Remaining Sept. 30, 1904 137S In transmitting the superintendent's report to the legislature, the board of trustees suggests that there Is no reason why the state should, alone bear the expense of caring for those patients who are committed to the asylum because they are aged or In firm, and It Is recommended that a law be enacted requiring the several counties to pay to the state the cost of caring for these patients. Appropriations Needed. Appropriations to be asked from the coming legislature for permanent Improvements are ns follows: Building and furnishing new win t 40,000 Finishing and furnishing quarantine building 1,600 Five new lavatories at 13250 each 16,250 450 850 5.000 2.500 Constructing blacksmith shoo Hose cart house, asylum farm Two cottages for consump tives ; New cottage for physician . . New heating system for cot- taKes 3,000 Painting buildings and cot- tKes 10,000 Compartments for criminal 'nsane 7,600 Cementing walls of asylum building 6,900 Modern steam cookers for farm 900 Finishing Ward 28 1,650 Total $100,000 The Insane patients were commit ted from the following counties: Maker 68. Benton 28, Clackamas 65, Clatsop 69. Columbia 21, Coos 35. Crook 17. Curry 3, Douglas 48, Gil liam 16, Grant 16, Harney 9, Jackson 37. Josephine 23. Klamath 8, Lake 9, Lane 60. Linn 64, Lincoln 4, Malheur Marlon 125, Morrow 12. Multno mah 397. Polk 17, Sherman 2, Tilla mook 7. Umatilla 69, Union 36, Wal lowa 8, Wasco 63. Washington 44. Wheeler 4. Yamhill 28; total 1373. Monarch Ranges Malleable iron and the kind you cannot break. I have a full line f Ranges, Heaters, both wood and coal, and ln vite yon to call and examine die same before uylng. I C. TAYLOR The Hardware Maa .. Hicks Almanac. The Rev. Irl. R. Hicks Almanac for 1905 is now ready, being the flneBt edition ever issued. This splendid and costly book of 200 pages is a complete study of astronomy and storm and" weather for 1905. It Is too well known to need comment. The price, postpaid to any address, Is 30 cents per copy. The Rev. Irl. R. Hicks' scientific, re ligious and family Journal, "Word and Works," now abreast with the best magazines, Is 75c a pear. Both Word and Works and the Almanac $1.00 per year. No better Investment possible for any person or family. Word and Works Publishing Co., 2201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Revolution Imminent A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble In your system Is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never falls to tone ths stomach, regu late the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under Its searching and thorough ef fectiveness. Electric Bitters la only 60c, and that la returned If It don't give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by Tallman A Co., druggist. COMING EVENTS. December 11-16 Oregon Good Roads Association, Salem. December 20-21 Oregon Dairy men a Association, Portland. December 22 Washington Live stock Association, Spokane. January 9 Oregon legislature con. venes at Salem. January 14-11 Oregon Historical Society, Portland. January 10-14 National Livestock convention, Denver. February 12 100th anniversary of the birth of Sacajewea'a baby at Fort Mandan, with Lewis and Clark's ex pedition. June 1, 1906 Opening Lewis and Clark exposition. prominent club woman, Mrs. Dan- forth, of St. Joseph, Mich., tells how she i was cured of falling of the womb and ; : its accompanying pains and misery by ? Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound- "Dear Mrs. Pinko-am: Life looks dark Indeed when vromaa ; feels that her strength is fading away and she has no hopes of eret V being restored. Such was my feeling a few months ago when I m 1 ' advised that my poor health was caused by prolapsus or falling of th 1 womb. The words sounded like a knell to nie I felt that my sun had . : ' set; but Lydia K. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound came to me tt'. ' ' an elixir of life ; it restored the lost forces and built me up until my ' good health returned to me. For four months I took the medicW"?! . daily and each dose added health and strength. I am so thankful k tne neip I obtained through, its use." JUrs. IxoRCNca Damtoxti 1007 iluos Ave., Pit, Joseph, Mich. A medicine that has restored so many women to health can produce proof of the fact must he regarded with respect. ' Is the record of Lydia 13. lMnkliam's Vegetable Compound, W' cannot be equalled by any other medicine the world has ever r duced. Here Is another case 1 " Dear Mrs. Pnncn am : For years I troubled with fulling of the womb, irregt and painful menstruation, leueorrhoeabearl down pains, backache, headache, dirty t " I doctored for about five years hut dl I not seem to lmnrove. I beoran the use of voir 1 medicine, and nave taken seven bottles o; Lydla K. Pink hum's Vegetable Compound, ., ' three of Blood luriiier, and also used the U Sanative Wash and Liver lllls. and am now 1 enjoying good health, and have gained in flesh. 1 1 . caul r'i r V,, 4 I thank you very much for what J have done for mo. and heartily reco vtmvwl lrnnn mnflinlna tst all ariTTavito XI JU lilt, jwm uiivWiKinu nr mt ouut; i ua women." Miss Emma Snydeb, 818 Earn Center St, Marion, Ohio. i "FICTIB MEDIC AIi ADVICE TO WOMEN.' I Women would save time and much sickness If they would! Write to Mrs. IMukham for advice as soon as any distressing lynsp-, toms appear. It Is free, and has put thousands of women on the right road to recovery. Mrs. Plnkhuin never violates the confidence thus entrusted to her, and although she publishes thousands of testimonials from women who have been benefited by her advice and medicine never In all her experience has she published such letter withoat the full consent, and often by special request of the writer. SpAA FORPCITIf w""t forthwith proaao th orliinsl lattan sad slgastans d Vhllllll atiuvs UalUuonlsIs, kkh will pn their sliaoluM gttuulmmm. , UwUUU LrUa K. lluktajua Medici Oa Ljra, Maaa AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAt.i Don't Go Elsewhere To buy a Mandolin, Ouitar, Violin or Banjo until ' ou see the wonderful bargains we are offering this year. Never have these Instruments been so popular among young people as at the present time. . If you wish to buy a holiday present that will Instantly please, take one of these beautiful Instruments. Our line Is now complete, having recently received a large shipment from the east, and they are all noted for their beautiful finish, fine tone and durability. EILERS MUSIC HOUSE The pianos. home of the Weber, Chlckerlng and Decker Boa t .- - 3 1 5 Court Street, Pendleton, Ore. VvTTTTTVTv'TTTTTTTTyTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTT?T A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very ex pensive. Occasionally life Itself Is the price of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong If you take Dr. King's New Life Pills for dyspepsia, dlaslness, head ache, liver or bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough, tic at Tall man Co.'s drug store. . For Rent. Four acres good garden and or bard, all under Irrigation, at Echo, t.. Address I. H. Koonu. Echo, Or. You Enjoy Bowling to Get the Benefit Bowling is an exercise that brings Into play all the i It develops tlie system and Is recommended by pbystoUaa and Instructors In athletics everywhere. Pool and billiard hull In connection. . "Get in the Game" Alleys reserved for private parties If spoken for la advaaea. Brunswick Bowling Alley WADE SILER, Prop. i 3 A Standard for Quality. Cleanliness and Workman: Hand Madcdtar Havana. FlYKN&C0.Hakcr$: v. 4W.i . , r .