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Not Good Not Here Not Good Not Here Jecember Special Saving Sale "Like Putting Money m a Bank." IS THE PURCHASE OP YOUR GROCERIES DURING THIS MONTH. AHOY THERE, 19051 TOO BAD TO END A GOOD YEAR LIKE liml WITH A FEW WEEKS OP.Tl'ST SO BUSINESS. WHAT 1)0 WE PROPOSE TO DO ABOUT IT? JUST THIS. WE ARE GOING TO QUOTE YOU PRICES THAT Willi JUST DOUBLE OUR VOLUME OK BUSINESS FOR DECEMBER. IT'S THE TURN-OVEH OF GOODS THAT COUNTS, NOT THE PROMTS. , - 20 Cases Catsup 1 0 Cases Postum Cereal 10 Cases Olive Oil 1 2 Cases Bottled Olives Snider', and Blue Label brand.; Regular price 25c per package. CROSSE & Ill.At'KWELLS. DIAMOND W BRAND. regular price 36c per bottle. Special Special price Special price Special price pr,c ' , j,,'.' .....45c Regular 1.2B ize (l.oo -r ni 20c. Per Package ; '" " BU Regular -5c sie soc 25c. Per Bottle 80c it..Kmar 40c size & ,4 10 Cases Force VlVv llS 10 Cases Malta Vita neans nir. N. , , Regular price 15c per package. ucaiio KJCe, no. 1 Japan Regular price 15c per package; ape- snni,ii ri fWK V clal price . Atlt "Peciai price I M gm I White or Pink. Regular price 10c per pound. 12 l-2c- Per Package ' 12 1 -2c. Per Package U 11 IU1 Rc per pound. 5c Per ?omA 250 Cases Corn 1 50 Cases Tomatoes 300 Boxes Laundry Soap jrJcases Fels Nahali Regular price 12 l-2c per can. " Regular price 12 l-2c per can. Spe- SpecIlU prlce Golden Star, Diamond C or Silk. Regular price 8 l-3c per bar. clal price.: brands, special price a.,, . I can corn 10c 1 can tomatoes 10c Special price II cans corn $1.00 11 cans tomatoes $1.00 blrs for 250 4 bar. for JJe I caK corn $2.15 1 case tomatoes $2.15 20 bar box for 70c 1 carton, 10 barn (Oc THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE BARGAINS WE HAVE FOIt THE MONTH OF DECEMBER. IF YOU WILL CALL AND LOOK THROUGH OUR LARGE STOCK, YOU WILL FIND THAT YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON EVERY ARTICLE IN THE GROCERY LINE. INCREASE YOUR BANK ACCOUNT BY BUYING YOUR GROCERIES OF US NOW. Not Good Not Here Fo Younger 823 MAIN STRET. Son I'HONE MAIN 281. Not Good Not Here THEIR ORIGINAL COST TEN MILLION DOLLARS. Are Being Tom Away to Afford Ter minals for the Pennsylvania Rail road 81x Hundred Men and One Hundred Eighty Teams Are Clear ing Away Debris, Supplemented With Steam Shovel That Lifts Sev enty Tons at One Load. XT n vAb Tam Q nnK . U n wont wrecks of the many made here T the great building operation., I. the site of the Pennsylvania railroad terminal, bounded by Seventh and Ninth avenue., and Thlrty-firat and Thirty-third streets. The work of razing the 300 build ings on the property, which cost $10, 000,000, has been completed. But there Is still much debris to be re moved, and the district looks like a city that has been devastated by fire. The work of preparation for the building of the great terminal has been carried on with remarkable ce lerity. On an average, (00 men and 180 jeams have been employed dally In getting rid of the hundreds of well built brick and stone structure that arooa on ine property. Three Im mense steam shovels, each capable of lifting 70 ton. in one effort, and 50 sicum onus capaoie or coring tnrougn 67 feet of solid rock In a day, are used In hollowing out the large space which will be used by acres of rail road tracks and underground at rue tures of the terminal. WILL BE SATURATED WITH HOT PARAFFIN. The Stuff is Not Affected by Acids, Alkalies, Water, or Atmospheric Gases Is Applied Hot and Driven Into the Stone a Quarter of an Inch One Treatment Expected to Suf fice for a Hundred Years. To Discuss Labor Unions. Carlisle, Pa., Dec. . The debate between Dickinson and Pennsylvania State colleges takes place here this evening, and it promises to be the event of the college year. The visit ing team will support the affirmative and Dickinson the negative side of the question: "Resolved, That labor un ions are Inimical to the public wel-. fare." The winning team will meet I he winners of the Swarthmore Franklln and Marshall contest. For Next G. A. R. Encampment. Chicago, III., Dec. . Members of the executive committee of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the staff of the commander in chief. General Black man of Boston, have gathered in this city preparatory to leaving for Denver, Col., to attend a meeting at which arrangements for the next na tional encampment will be discussed. The encampment will be held In Denver on dates to be selected at the coming meeting.. The party will re main In toe West about 10 days. Warm felt slippers for Xmaa, pres nts, at Teutach's .Department.. Store. New York. Dec. fi Tn nTttv in ripo vent further danger from leakage to tne interior as well as the exterior of Grant's tomb, it has been decided to render the monument waterproof, and the work of preservation is al ready well under way. The system used I. Identical with that employed in saving the Obelisk in Central park. It consists in filling all the pore, and interstices of the stone with paraffin, which is unaffected either by acids, by alkalies, by water or by the gases in the atmosphere. The melting point of paraffin wax i. about 140 degree. Fahrenheit, so the .tone, to undergo the waterproof ing, must be heated by hot compress ed air to a temperature a little above this. The parafrin was Is then melt ed and .prayed over the surface, and this coating i. finally driven by com pressed air Into the pore, of the .tone to a depth of about a quarter of an inch. It is estimated that by means of this treatment stone may be kept in a state of excellent preservation for a hundred year, or more. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they caonot reach tbe dlaeased portion of tbe ear. There is ooly one way to cure doafness, and tbat Is by constitutional remedies. Deafnas Is caused by an Inflamed condition of Uie mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling: sound or imoerfeot when it la entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unleaa the inflammation can be taaen out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, bearing will be destroy ed forever: nine cases out of ten sre caus ed by catarrh, which Is nothing but nn In- uamea condition or the mucous surfsces. We will slve One Hundred Dollars for any case of desfness (csused by cstsrrh) tbst cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh .ure. nna lor circulars Tree. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pill, for constlpa Debate Canteen System. Athens, Go., Dec. 9. In student circles much Interest is manifested in the debate thin evening between rep resentatives of the University of Geor gia and the University of the South. Sewanee has the affirmative and Georgia the negative side of the prop osition to re-establish the canteen system In the United States army. Pupils of the Albany. Or., central school are suspected of trying to burn the building the night of December 7. No arrests as yet. though there are liable to be. )) ...Owing to the Fact... THAT T1US SEASON HAS BEEN VERY UNFAVORABLE TO THE SALE OF HEAVY CLOTHING AND 'JT A i'-'aiilJHjOSil K.Uillll overcoats We Are Overstocked WITH A BRAND NEW STOCK, POSITIVELY THIS SEASON'S GOODS YOU KNOW THFV ARE NEW. FOR WE DID NOT GO IN BUSINESS UNTIL JUNE 10 '04 uuuuh YOU KNOW THEY ARE NEW, MOSTMERCII THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. LIKE tSSK lSUOUROFFER: VU WE WILL GIVE YOU FOR TEN DAYS, COMMENCING DEC. 3, ALL $12.00. $15.00, $1.50 AND $.8.00 SUITS, YOUR CHOICE FOR r . . $1.0 Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods, 1-4 Off Our Already Low Pnce$ OvArrnnt.c tzlOC C9 tr t- -- v pc..u, $.UU, $12.UU t 3 !il i 'if I ' AUK l'"iTrnv miiiv ..w.n,,. TUG MONEY J i COME AND BE CONVINCED THAT YOU GET WHAT WE ADVERTISE. Workingme CORNER MAIN AND WEBB 8TS. n's Clothing Co. f Pendleton, Oregon 1