Newspaper Page Text
oregonia.. Pendleton, Oregon, Friday, December bs. i4. pack nan. iMONG THE EXCHANGES HOTELS. business cards, societies professions And trades Hotel St. George GEORGE DARVEATJ, Proprietor. 10F THE INLAND EMPIRE A"- TRANSPORTATION LINES. IS f ...... rllOII of becoming county lenal county, In which both P located, and of which Rath rthe present Heat, li a very I1 nty extending along the Lite otO" panhandle of the f , the boundary. ktfw . unnilnnlnt are reDort- ! p.......'nr n division of the i hn formation of a new Lit to Inciuuc .. - r it of Shoshone county also and a.n,innitit the county seat. enrot Coeur d'Alene. It Is willing that a division 11 the " ihould be made, but don't "I idea of being obliged to oon Rathdrum for the honor of ' .,nmmt of the county. "J!Lfnr It Is now proposed to di- Ztt county Into three, thus giving mx a court house and a set of "((IcerB. Boise Capital News. Making No Promlw. arernor-elect Frank R. Gooding hone Is in the city looking -Imattere which he will have to L on in his forthcoming message ,u Mi8iaiure. "u ........... - ..ments to locate his family here C, hli term of office. Mr. Oood Lrfllned to suy anything about rtcommendatlons he would make L Hi message, aim " -f-Ltmmis would be announced until i . . .. .1 hAn Inatiiriirntnrl Q-nver wrneniiu " f u Wl bring his family here , litter part of next week, and ex s to find a house today in which Utate them. noise uapiuti m PoUoned 10.000 JucUrublilM. r am his crops, Mat McFall of lhone him hud to fight the Jack L'.u hard. After having lost 60 Eh of alfalfa from this peBt. be- in other crops and many iruit trees McFall concluded It. was lime to Mitiethlng. So three years ago he L mo loads of nice, clean alfalfa uid mattered them over his field, tmt previously invested in $20 rth of strychnine. ' He dissolved W Plv l,c Kootenai County. . -i-nint and Coeur d'Alene, rtnrt to be desirous of re m"-- - , ... the poison in hot water, using on. ounce to five gallon, of water Th,, f, iVT r - "Drlnkled over the al falfa, Just enough to moisten It. The result was he found the morning after the first application, (000 dead rab bits. This was followed up until 10. 000 or more Jackrabblts were laid out. He said previous to that time his farm was literally alive with the pests. The same year Hon. Frank Gooding captured 7000 of them In one day with an organized drive. Of course where poison Is used m this way, the hay must be kept so that domestic animals cannot get at it. Gem State Rural. PHYSICIANS. Weather In tlie I "ot latch. The weather on Big Potlatch ridge continues very mild, and the recent rains, together with a snow to the depth of two or three inches, which uun meiiea ana soaked into the eartn, nas put the ground In the best cunamon ior plowing that the fall ana winter this far have furnished. So the farmers are plowing here in full force, the latter part of Decem ber, some of whom are taking their large boys out of school to follow the plow. Lewlston Tribune. t R I. aiKon CDVOX,.. . un ... seoa. Room 8, Savin,. B.nk baudlng. k' i.' "' V:U'K' OPWCB IN JUDD sours. 111 tn I' n. ivieooonea : IRIIM Main 1871; residence mala 1881. H. 8 GARFIELD. 11. D HnvitnpiTnin """. lei-pnones: umce, black 1411 residence, black 24. ATTORNEYS. BEAN PEBBT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office over Taylor's hardware store, Pendleton, Oregon. (li JAMF8 A FEB, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD building. UA1LET LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office la Despaln block. BALLERAT A McCODRT, LAWYERS, AS aoclatlon building. CARTER RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT aw. umce la Savings Bank building. DR. D. J. M'EAUL. JUDD BIJVK TRIJt phone main 631 ; residence black 161. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSICIAN and inifMi nttirm i n..k building, room 1. Office 'phone suJo Mil : residence red 122S. DR. LYNN K. BLAKE8LE8, CHRONIC and nerroiu dleMees ' and dlmases of women. Judd building, corner Mala and Court streets. Office 'phone ruin 721 ; residence, red 1153. X-Ray Therapentka. DR. LENA ALLEN BOONE. OSTEOPATH Residence, Thompson street, "between Court and Water streets. 'Phone black 1024. Nervous diseases a specialty. MRS. M. N. 8AWTRLLS. COUNTY MAN ager of the Northwest Tlafl Ca 620 LoBDie street, rtnaieton, Oregon. YETERINAI Y SURGEON'S. Sheep and Wool In Crook. Sheepmen of this vicinity have had cause to rejoice in the fine weather which has prevailed up to this time. Not within their recollection hav sheep been In such fine condition at this season of the year, and with plen ty of hay on hand to feed the stock during almost any kind of a spell of weather that might come now, they have no apprehensions for the safety of their flocks during this winter. Ash wood Prospector. VETERINARY 8URCEON DR. D. C McNabh. Office at Tallman's drug store. DR. T. J. LLOYD. GRADUATE OF THE Grand Rapids Veterinary College of Grand Rapids. Mich. All ailments of do- mMitli. anlmata rluitlflcallv treated. Specialty ol dentlnrry. spOTine, and osiua- uni Tinseling norms, uross a Dnu Met omas drug store! Football at The Dalles. Unless all plans fail we will see a good game of football Monday after noon next, when the Heppner team will meet our high school team in a return game. There Is also tulk of a game with the Portland Y. M. C. A. on the following Monday, January 2, which will be the last game of the season. The Dalles Chronicle. Positively the Beat Beer made. Any quantity you desire. Delivered to your hoine Always call for OLYMPIA. A.N0LTE Telephone Main 881. DENTISTS. WINTER A COLLIER, LAWYERS Of. nee, rooms 7 and 8, Association baildlag. STILLMAN A PIERCE, ATTORNEYS AT law. Mr. Stlllmaa has bean admitted to practice la Ualted states patent of- ncea, and makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10. 11. la and ia Aaaorlattosi Dioca. ORVELLS RAUDABaUGH, ATTOkNKYAT. Law. Del pain Bldg., Room 4a. Pendleton, or. FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. P. O. ELKS. PENDLETON LODGE. No. ' SHE. Kecrnlar meetings first and intra Tnarsaars or eaca month. Ail brothers vleltlng In the city most corah sllv Invited to sttand. Hall In La Dow block. Court street Thomas Fits Qerald, B. C . Keen, aacretary. PENnLRTON LOIXII NO. St. A. F. A A. M. meeu the first and third Mondays of each month. All vltltlns brethren are Invited LIVERY AND FEET) STABLES. DEPOT STABLE. COTTONWOOD STREET Phono red 1381. Livery, feed and ssls stsble. Horses bought and sold. Good rigs at reasonable prices. Stock boarded by week or month. Ring as up, day or night, ss we have an nil night service. a tew art Ltaaaay, proprietors. OREGON Shojlihe b union Pacific jam TWO TRAIN'S TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pallntaa standard and Tnarbrt leepers dally to Osssha and Chicago; nrlat slewer dally to Kansas City; M-oasn Pullman toarlst sleeping can. innult, Mntdnrtadk weakly to Chi cago; meaning chair ear (seats (tea) to tea East dally. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDLE TON. BAST BOUND. Arrive. Depart No. S, Chicago Special i :80 a. av iOn. Sk No. a. Mall k Express 4:15 a. bl 4:45 am. WESTBOUND. Arrive. Depart No. 1, i-ortland Bp- : I DR. M. 8. KERN, Office, room Phone black 1261. DENTAL SURGEON IS Judd building. PITY LIVERY STARLR. ALTA STREET. Carney AKennedy, Props. Livery, feed and sales stable. Good rise at all times. Cab line In connection. 'Phone main 701. E. A. AFGHAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN Judd building. 'Phone red 141L BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA. Oreson. Capital, $50,000; surplus and profits, 12.!SOO.0O. Interest on time de- -I.. r 1 l. InHlm anil rinmMtlf OS- chance. Collections promptly sttended to. Henrv t.. Auame, preeiuui ; vlce-preeldent : F. S. Irow, cashier; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. , ELECTRIC MOTORS. Prices at Which They Will Be Fur. nlHlicd by the Northwestern Gas AEIcctric Company. The Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. will furnish patrons until further notice, at the following prices, f. o. b. Sun Francisco. Type 1, 1-4 horse puwer, 110 volts. price, $37.50. Type 1, 1-2 horse power, 110 volts, $40.20. horse power, 110 volts, 7 1-2 horse power. volts, $258.85. Type 1, 10 horse power, 110 viots, I79.75. Prices on larger motors furnished at the office of the company. Good Dry Wood ALL KINDS I have good, sound wood which 1 delivered at reasonable price FOR CASH. w. c. roiNNis bare Orders at Neumau's Cigar store. H. M. SLOAN BLACKSMITH Horseshoeing, general repair k. wagon making and repair to The war I hav built up Br huaineas la by doing noth to but good work, Prloea ree onabl. 0". Cottonwood Alia 8t. . Oreeoi Tannery '"all kinds of fancy leather and :"V Tana all ,...... en, - . - auuauni ana oioauiiua LIT? r tarmenta. Beat work. OTTKJC A sour. L 1415 West Alta Street :-tttfs Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CUHE Vor iBfltunnurttdii or 0rtTt of lbs Bituklnr vnd ) 1m Med Kidnajs. wo qi no py Can qulokif aUkd Penusv Bent It tha wortift OM Of (nroavll ! ftDd lthM, o BAtUlrof how iwatir uoti inff. Abaotatoly iianilrM. Sold Iw draarwlaU. Plia l.W, or hr k$UL DbMtodaid, nUsVs 1M, V. nRTHI iAITAl-atPSlI SO. jAJ gr by p. w. Schmidt O. THE rARMERH' BANK OP WESTON, Weston. Oreron. Does a general bsnlt. l KnalniMia F.Trhantre bonetat and sold. rnllm-tlons nromntlv attended to. R. Jame- ... nrmlilpnt- Georee W. ProeDstel, vice- president: J. R. Kllgore, cashier: directors O A Hartmon, M. M. Jones, T. J. Price, O n. Grow. J. F. Kllftore, Robert Jsme- on, 0. W. Proehstel. j THR PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, Pendleton. Orecon. Oreanlsed March t noni,ni cinnnon? anrnlns. $7n.000 : .. '-. in nn all tlma denoslts. Ex- rlinnite bnncht and sold on all principal points. Riieclal attention given to collec tions, w. J. mrnion, prraiurui, Tenl. vice-president: T. 1. Morris, cashier: J. W. Maloney, assistant cbuic. 1. 1 Tye 05.50. Type 1, 04.15. Type 1, 128.85. Type 1, 192.00. Type 1 2 horse power, 110 volts, 3 horse power, 110 volts, 5 horse power, 110 volts, 110 MISCELLANEOUS. THE MEN'S RESOBT. CLEANING AND pressing parlors. Ladles' and men s work given csrefol attention. Despaln hlork. East Court street. Telephone avals 1581. i :00 a. at. t:Ma.Bl No. a, ktall and Ei- press lltOOB.. UMbA SPOEANI DDVI8I0N. . Arrive, Depart No. T, Paodlrtoa Pas senger B:Un.av No. 8, Spoken Pas senger rrrrr..... :io.a. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. Arrive. Depart. No. 41, Mured trala, 1 :40 p at. No. 42, Mixed trala I 0 p s. No. T eoanerts with No. t. Na 41 connects with No. S. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE PROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates subject to change. For Baa Francisco every are days. SNAKE RIVER. RtDerla to Lewlston Leave Blparia dally, except Saturday, Leave lowuiob 7:00 a a B. C. SMITH, Agent, Pandlet on- European plan. Evsrything first elaa. Accommodation tha best. All modern convenience. Bteara heat throughout. Rooms en suit wlta bath. Large, new sample rooms. Th Hotel 8L George I pronounced cm of th moat modem and model hot! of Oregon. Telephone and fire alara connections to office tn all room. Room 60e to II. HO. CORNER MAIN AND WEBB nTm. Block and a Hall FVora Depot, PENDLETON STEAM PYB WORKS 7K0 Cottonwood street. Clesnlng, ayeing and repairing. Goods called for and dfr livered. 'Phone main 1881. FOR SALE A HOTKL WBLL E((DIPPK0 AND in good ruonlns order. Goon trails. Will sell cheap. Apply to Chang Kse, Umatilla, Oregon. 4 4IS dally, except Friday, HOTEL PENDLETON t. I. KELLY, Proprietof. The Best Hotel tn Pendletoo and as good as any. WALL PAPER SALE DURING TH K WINTER ntonthi prices cut In twoor halt price on lots of 200 pounni or more. We nay the freight. All the latest patterns. Mention kind wanted. 8poane Paint & Oil Co , snoaane, Wseh. a FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF rENnLE- ton. inplTHI, BUrpillB ohu proflts, $200,000. TTsnsscis ";": ernl blinking huelness. snd sold on all parts of the world. In terest paid on time '''i''". I" . lect ons on rcnwoiiRoi. viu.. knev, president: W. F. Manors, vice-prudent: G. M. Rice, cashier; George Hart mon. Jr.. annuitant csehler. . ARCHITECTS ANT BUILDERS. MOPRE & S' iL.rtnot ier huliuere. ' " " ' . t Uvoorderiatoniceoiurayinat- " Company. ARCHIWT AND Two lliuikH ut Condon. Condon is to have two new bunks. nn. la to be conducted by local men and local capital. Organization nas ot been perfected, but It is qun- n otil..i that 8. B. Barker win . it hoar! which will make it quite ..rnns- f liiaiiclnlly. Mr. Barker is the i. tuTiiiiver ill tlie county, is known as a careful and shrewd business man. This will make the second bank In prospect for this place as. Lord & Co. of Arnngu.i.. given out that they win erect u building and open anomei ... aprlnn. . .. ., ,,.m The coming or tne rain Arlington has caused the unusua, prosperity. Now mat " has been secured, worV ,"".. ed as fast a possible during the pre vnlllng fine weathers-Condon Globe. Trust Those Wlio Have Tried. , I suffered from catarrh of Uav worst kind and never nopeu Elv's Cream Balm seems to do even fh-o7ca Ostrom. 46 Warren Ave.., , . I suffered from "a,v.. bad I could not wor. Ceam Balm and am A. C. Clarke, 341 Shawmut Ave.. Bos ton, ju. . -tune The Balm does not.rr.---- sneeslng. Sold by orugs..- .. . . t.. i .. KrninBn. u mailed oy St., New York. McClay Arraigned. ,..dv who forged "' - J . . veral checks. me ' .: d before Jus- was yesterou, . ,nd Peace ah. - L. r,. '"W,.V. 1 io Buperlntennent. ruuu, -Pendleton. Oreaon. - nnn..n a npttlTRCT AND BH- nerlntendent. 'Makes complete end re- country, noon. . . - VAN DltSEN A CO., CONTRACTORS F'ak.niH.! brick, stone snd cement work: enuress Box 4r,5, Pendleton. SHEF.K COLE. CONTRACTORS AND Service. Shop on Bluff street, near Mala. - - .,...-,. . f-vi AND BUILD- ,rA- .iinites furnl-hed on ... k.nd. Mmnr w bib, m- - fit. - 1 ' .ssitiailiin A Kin PR- T. M. KHLLER. "1anir...v -.,,t. nAtirlnaT. lemUl tss.W- cVimatM furnished free. or. p.. ipd Leave orders at uooom.o ..... Main street, r. v. - F. A. ... . ix-'t. i -m.-PT AND 8TJ- perintendent. PlaM i ana " furnished for city and county work. Blocr.. TTT Z nrrtnartNO TH'a H5?l rnVr Alta "d M1U .tVPrs-cdaUoastjea. nonable rates, 1 c. Bitter, rPM vat va nas Proprietor. Mvrtrr. IX ATHENA HOTEL. MA" H. P. toe city. ' ' - - Mlllen, proprietor. the He was placed tloe of the --X l7.TbS."i't- await the action . " " . i. ..rt. He nas so i. or tne i' - ..J.Rker been unable to turnisn u.. City Democrat. ' nM in One Day. Tkromo Quinine Tab- """';j: ,( the money lets. All druggie- i. it fails to cure. 1 on eacn - nature IS. Private Clark, of 'the 10th infantry but instead, -"- , at Fort a gunshot so WI"-- de. putatea. ", . mented from alcoholism. ,n " benefit for rrlenos " him. . for Xma P res- Warm felt slippers ents, at Teutich'. Department Store. lr,r.y order, at kST Oregonlan of- BOARDING AND LODGING. nMIINDER NEW MANAOIt B Good mesla and clean beda. ment. uooo M a t-i l". . "7Dro,ed. Kapecial at- Rock Spring Coal : In any quantity desired. It us J supply you with wood. Best solid wood furnished at right . prices. Promrt delivery. Large and small orders solicited. s Office at Pendleton Cold Storage Co. Henry Kopittke (Dutch Henry.) 'Phone Main 1781. Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, St. Paul, St. Loula, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha ana ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Portland d Point on the Sound. TIME CARD. Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wed. nesday and Friday, 1:45 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 11:45 a. tn. Leave Pendleton T p. m. Leave Walls Walla dally, eastbonnd, 11 :00 d. m. Arrive Walla Walla dally, westbound, 10:45 a. m. For information regarding rates and accommodations, call on or address W. A DA MB, agent. Pendleton, Oregon. I. CALDERHEAD, U. r. A., Walla Walla, Washington. ! The French I Restaurant I Best 15 Cent Meal In the City. Private Dining Parlor. Elegant Furnished Room In Connection. ; GUS UF0NTAINE, Prop. US Main Street. eeee)oeeeo I. L. VAUGHN ELECTRICIAN. Prompt attend flvea and all work soon ted properly. Electrical Supplies ot all kinds. OFFICE 111 West Coast BC (Tribune Building.) i I tontlon given .a lira 1. P- wavm. INSURANCE AND LANDJBU8ISE88 MAKES CO. HARTMAN AMTILAIT hi. abstracts of. tl in BtsadHa. unty. "11. all kind, f.nn nrooerty. Buys jtaram of real esttts. , -'A mtm invest Loa general brokerage maaea Beterence, any oTfor no.;ridt. 2 "f liMffiSZ-TPr-. U. Fmatilla county act: Don't buy P' We will ward find a cloud oa Wfrf ti, at make yon aa acenrate anstrs rt ? :rt cmatlll Abstract So7 I- savlag Bank bonding. d BKPKKMKW I O if" HftrtTOfcD nW""- LAND COM lOHN MMl'hy D."de land nlBstmier. BPfTm,l' aiitrtloDi SWww" P"m, SECOND-HAND DEALERS. naiiai IN SECOND ..nV"..ra'3 aranltewar. and eraesery. , Jet his price. Ne. 212 court str-n. V. 6TR0BL8, need Dry Cottonwood Leave your order for a splendid grade of dry cotton wood at Chris Ranley's, In th rear ot the Saving Bank. $4.(0 per, and delivered, or nee W. M. Coffman V. ' '' VTia iiiiaaijww'MMa' The Hotel Pendleton haa juat been refitted and refurnished throughouL 'Phone and fir alarm connection with all room Baths In suite and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Mem. Commodious bumple Rooms. Rates $2 00 and $2.50 Special rate by week or month. Excellent Cuisine, Prompt Dining Room Bervto. Bar and Rllliiird Room In Connection Only Three Hlork From Depot. THE RUNS PULLMAN 8I.EEPING CARS ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS , ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH ' FARQO nan , OKANLl runao CROOKHTOW WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTT HI THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW TORK BOSTON And all points Bant and South. Through tickets to Japan and Chin, via Taeossa sad North era facine ueewoin Co. and AawrlcaB line. TIME SCHEDULE. Trains lesv Pendlstea dally except Sun day, at T w p. as. War fnrthar lBIOnUtloa, sup, sad tickets, call ea . . iWilutM. fti aaan. or ' ilD. CHAHLTON. Third and Morruoa its., rortiaaa, ur. Hotel Bickers i (Formerly Golden Rule.) COURT STREET. -, . ; t . t . . ffsawr rAra I & 7 Af 1st I "aaJ. m f-T(l .-.tHH and refurnlshsd through out Everything neat, clean and ap to-daU. Steam heat and aleetrt light. Best cuudn. Prompt senrlo. H. E. BICKERS, Proprtetotv, eards, sa r wrlu W. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this In mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask tor th International Poultry and 8tock Food. Us Kow Kur for your cow trou bles. , . CeF.Coleswoftliy IJT-ltP East Alt 84. 'Agent tor Lee's Lio Killer. fecial DELIGHTFUL ROUTE AYLIGHT RIDES IZZT CRAGS EEP CANTONS A Golden Opportunity See nature In all her glorious beauty, and then th acme ot man' handiwork. Th first I found along th lin of th DENVER BIO GRANDE RAILROAD, th Utter at th St. Louis World' Fair. Tour trip will b on of pleasure make th most of It For In formation and Illustrated liter ature write C. McBRIDE, General Agent, Portland, Ore;". THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORCOON. . i.. aa aa a.w an aa ar A Baadouartsrs for tonrlats and eommerctal travelera, NpecUl rates saed t fasilHae aad sisals (entlmau.' Tns aaan.gan.ens will be pleased at all tl- to sa r and give prices. A nodera Tnrklsh bat iJijiMMt In tha hotel. a. v. Insure in Reliable Companies That pay their loses promptly. Ota eompanlM stand at tha head of th 114. ' Asset. Hartford Fir Imuran c Co., lt.ll.0Td Alliance Assurance Co. .. I,01,MI London At Lancashlr Fir Insurance Co. t,l44,HI North British A Mercantile Co. iMM.m Royal Insurance C. .... 1I,I1,IH FRANK B.CLOPTON AGENT. 1 ' lit EAST COCBT STREET.