Newspaper Page Text
7 ' i3 1 DAILY EYENINGEDITIOH .. wm& lAara1 that tha 1 unless yu u" .ion rA&chei nearly all I WEATHER FORECAST. J Tonight and Sunday rain or now. e-gf UrtB"'' - desirable customer!, you have inem tooth to out. roi l7 .1 PENDLETON, OTTEGOX, SAtUKDAY, DECEMttEK 24, 1904. . 1 Ubtr Pi v .... , . x - a CHURCHESTD g04th. Anniversary of the Birth of Uhrist Appropriately Celebrated. ' 7" 'CATIIXA COVNTT HAS THE CHRISTIAN " 11. 1.a T..K Vibonllo Programs "--"" - V . ii.l'M.lfiii nf lrooelltl. Mild HP ilHI l-riiu" Biratltiilly Decorated- Trees and Sleighs Hi Delight U10 Children E,eJ0vhi.rc Si-lul',:,SefVlci Mftl ft Wndcd ''J' 4' L - 61 Ft !te tjeiigrrgiitloiml Church Tonior ni.Yhite Christmas. Ordered to Tieuve Fez. lU Tanglers, Dec. 24. The British minister has Instructed the British ttiunui aim mi nriusn suniects -To j" Christmas, tne auy 01 an auys, not . leave Fez. It Is believed the other M fete flay or a Teuy nuuon, uui iwna mtc receivea similar in OBSERVE THE SPIRIT. will take place at the church tomor row morning and evening. ine unurch of the Redeemer Sun day school pupljs are present at a Christmas tree, entertainment this af ternoon. . Candles and nuts are to be uixinuuiea among the children. i ne salivation Army will give a din ner tomorrow to the poor of the city. i.,..uiKemnis are being made to feed S"'0 persons. i, .. High mass will be celebrated t si .Mary's Catholic church tonight. , WILL OPEN KESE11VATIOX. 715.851 Amu May lie" Filed on By , Settlors Xcu Spring. Washington, D. C., Dec. 24. The presideht today signed the bill pro. vldlng for the opening of the Yakima Indian reservation, allotment of Linda in severalty and the sale of the resi due of the lands, amounting to 715. 31.1 acres. The bill appropriates md.uuu to iierniy the expense of classifying and appraising the lands and to mark the western boundary of the reservation. The reservation will ;i)c "opened by"jresldentiut proclama tion some tlm In the spring. ., . ? CONDITIONAL SURRENDER OF : nnnT irmnih nrrm nnnnnrrn .run inn i nun Dttn rnuruDtu The Japanese Refuse to AcCept Capitulation on the Terms - Desired bJthe Russians. Ji'.)viiucse Capture Now and Important Portion In Suburb of Port Arthur, anil Hold It Against a Counter Attack fair's Conservatism Is ObdurJ ate Mikado Congratulates Admi nil Togo English ' nsliermcn Have lleeu Approuclicd and Influence! by Russian Kmlswiries. " Nagasaki,- -Dec.- S4. A report froni j on by ships of the Russian' fleet Is Dalny states the Russians at Port probably nothing more than a repe- Utroted alike In all - countries Lbere the light of civilization gllm- . l tomorrow., Jn this country, L ihiitter wiiether tine be churchman anner, believer or agnostic, there L, i something in his heart that Llckena when he .thinks of Yuletide Mtr and there is a feeling of happl- itii and good-fellowship that mel- wj his soul when the time comes lit the celebration of the birth of the .Mvlour. i In Pendleton there are scores of kttqf men und old, who are away :ro their homes. Many or these, u liij distance Is not too great, will mke the journey so as to be aotheir ..n fireside "when the yuln-log ia ijnted. Othera jnuat remain, . In the, mi at strangers and these are the Um w4ie.have the -pangs of melaii- Mly on Chrlstnius day, for to he nay' from home on ChristmBS is to W lonesome. in mnidictun all the churcbus will ttlebrate with services and some kind tl entertainment for the children aud Mttday sclloo,! pupils, At Itiiptlat Cliurcli. At the First Baptist church the Oiriitmas tree exercises will be held Monday evening. Sunday there will be special serv 'fi all day. Evangelist Neill will men. The services of the day will tt u follows: 10 a. in., Bible school, Spencer Mmmoiis, superintendent. . 11 a. m., mdrnlug worship, Mr. Nelll Ui preacher. 1 p. m., baptismal service. ' I p. m., hoys' und girls' meeting. t: JO p. m., B. Y. P. U. prayer meet- Jai. i:30 p. m.. evangelistic service, by Hr. .Nelll At ('ongregtitional Church. The Christmas exerciBes of 'the Connregatlonal Hunday school will be Wd tomorrow evening at the church. T&e regular services will take place i the morning. The local Odd Fel- lodges will be present In a body. 'Ollowlng is the program to be ren k'wi In the evening: ,' Organ voluntary; song, "Welcome li Happy Day"; recitation, "Wel "" Gerald Qarrett; j Scripture ttading; prayer by the-pastor;- reclta "i. "A Christmas Carol," Cora Vner; song, ;';o, World, Be Glad!" Citation, "a; Christmas Hymn," jlaud Follett; cltuUon1-."The Three Sngs,"-Harold MdCultyr" Scripture 'adlng; song, Vhine Out, O Blessed Wr. Hazel and Wilmlna Egerton; Wtation, "Today,"' Emma Dlx; rec Ftkm, "A Christmas Thought"; song, . Christmas i Night";" recltutlon, ChrUtmas Bells"; recitation, ."For Sake." Basel. Egerton; song, g Ago," Stanley Egerton; teclui K "Babe Jesus Lay , on Mary's JP." Florence ; Warner; exercises, Mle stars for Jesus"; song, " Stars," primary , class; exercise, J Light of the World"; song, Jay Wards; recitaUon, "Gifts -to Jesus"; t, "'TIs True"; jXfBrlngusJlur'.s 'ew and song, "Beautlfut Star."" . Services at OtJuer Churches. the Methodist Episcopal church children will be treated to an en- j-'wnment this evening. A chimney !andy box bricks with a Santa " ' please the little ones. The ."Ices tomorrow will be held at o'clock. ;Rev. Mr. Lovell will "Mb. the Presbyterian church the ry department Is enjoying a ""tmas tree this afternoon. Services . Twelve Wore Killed. . . . structlons. Tipped Alphonso Ont. f. , Madrid, Dec. 24. While .driving n an auto yesterday King Alphonso had a narrow escape from injury. The wheel of the car broke and the car was overturned. Arthur have proposed to surrender to ' the Japanese under General Nogi on" conditlon-the -garrisons and ships be allowed to return to Russia. The Japanese rejected the' offer. " ' " 1 Did Not Make Peace Overtures. St. Petersburg, Dec. 24. The te pori. that the czar has made peace overtures through France, is official ly denied here. , Midlists Will Get Busy. Brussels, Dec. 24. It is learned that the Kusslun nihilist committee met here Tuesday and decided to recommence terrorist activity in Rus sia unless the czar grants certain re forms within & month. OREGOX HISTORIAN DEAD, H. S. I.ynuin of Astrt. Pies After a Lingering; Illnem. Portland. Ore..' Pee. 14. Horace 8. Lyman, one of the foremost edu cators In Oregon, and a, historian of note, died at the Portland Kanltotlum at 7 o'clock Thursday night, after an Illness of -several months. Mr. Uiiitn was born In Polk eoun tv.p near Dallas. In 18S5. and knew Oregon as few other men do. He was an active and energetic student all his life, and the author of "Ly man s History of Oregon," a compre hensive work In four volumes. Coming, from a family that had settled in Oregon In the forties, his father. Rev. Horace, Lyman, being pastor of the Congregational church in Portland at as early a date as Ik49. he studied from the practical side oC life. He prepared himself for the ministry, and filled several pulpits, but the greater iiart of his lite was spent In the public schools f the slate'. , Through his efforts the present text-book system was adopted, but not until he had made a campaign for superintendent of public Instruction, snd aroused the people to the neces sity of a change. . He was for several years superin tendent of the schools In Clatsop county, aud had been lu good neuitn HEW RACE TRUCK i SCHEME ON FOOT tltien ot Bimllar statements emanat ing from HUH and appearing in Lon don papers the lust few days. These ore circumstantial, and it would cer tainly appear that some men of the Gamwn'!; I !we made statements hotV-a Ilia I7.tsH.ltin PAncul The name of only one of these has ! "t to fn. Louis, several been revealed. He is the boatswain ! """ . to take charge of the OFFERS REWARD EEVKXGEFUi CTOXESE ,i tfciAMHMUtM IX PORTLAND. The IMMMituilllTcH of a Illghldnderd' War Exists In the Oregon Mntruim- lls The Tung Has liaised Money to Reward AshushIiis Who Arc In structed to Murder Seid llaik and due Kue, Mendinnts Who Have Jn-.fonued. Portland, Dec. 24. For the death of Held Back and Jue Sue, prominent merchunts of this city, there Is a re ward of $500 each, offered by Chinese! gamblers whose places have been raided by Sheriff Word and his dep uties. The public announcement of the offer has caused Intense excitement In Chinatown. Those whose lives are threatened went to the sheriff's office for protection. Sheriff Word under took lo thwart any effort that might be made to earn the reward by prov ing the rumors acalnst them to be unfounded. Spies Net on Word's Informants. sinne Sheriff Word began his reg ular raids upon the Chinese gambling houses he has made few mistakes In finding ihe places where games were operated. The accuracy ot nts uuor- mation and the certaituy oi a A..n..A ...t.ltl'fl as soon as a game w- - the Chinese to wonder as to nis soui of information. , Various schemes have been devised and tononeu u learn where he received his tips. Spies were j)Ht upon me Chinese who were suspected. Each Gumhli-r Contributes . . Then there was mealing of -the fhinese aaliiblers.- The reports oi me aples were submitted im-1 It was ..- .j .M..t.titP tiMiiurs mur-- Each gambler contributed the sum of ' .laps Gnin New Positions. Toklo, Dec. 24. The Japanese, yes terday stormed and now . hold: the heights east of Houyangshukou at Port Arthur: The prisoners reported that the Russian generals Kondra tanko and Lima had been killed, and general Pock is among the wounded. Counter Attack Repulmd. . London. Dec. 24. Baron Hayashl In reporting the capture of Houyang shuklu Hrlghts. says the Russians made a fierce, counter attack but were repulsed. The Japanese occu pation la now nearly assured. The heights are one and one-half miles south of 203 Metre hill. The bom bardment caused a great conflagara lion to the north of Port Heltayang. I I Ha"'"' Dec' 2 Twelve were , "d and 40 Injured In a wreck i " 1,11,0 last night The lllo I Pre crnshod I mo the express I om B"ulogne, and both trains , "re demolished. The dead In- llU1es th -v. , M'thelet, and a son of . th , 'nqij' senator, ipuvlno,' :i " 4, "'" " 7 ' ('car rucruiiiiMHiilslni;. Londnn. Dec. 24. The Berlin coj lespoiulent of the Central News la as sured by high authority that the czar rejects all peaceful advices that are being tendered him. The czar, it Is Maid, lias sent Co Paris through the French ambassador at St. Petersburg, tm Imnortuit letter favorable in tone with certain 'reservation, to the ac ceptance of mediation. v .lapHiiese at Doggwbauk. London. Dec. 24. The publication in St. Petersburg of the statement that Hull fishermen have voluntarily deposed that foreign torpedo boat were among the trawlers off Dogger bank when the latter were fired up- of the trawler Ava, and said today he was induced to make the state-1 merit while he was Intoxicated. He j admits he received a certain amount j of money, but now says the state ment he made is untrue. The extra ordinary tenor of his statements or any other has not been revealed. All , published reports from Hull say positively that these statements were secured by two agents of the Russian government, but the Russian embassy in London tonight repeated the denial communicated to the As sociated Press on December 21, say ing that there Is absolutely no truth in the statement that the Russian government or anyone in official ca pacity has been endeavoring to se cure statements from the Gamecock fishermen in support of Russia's posi tion before the Paris commission. 'T Site at Russia. The sensational press of England directly charges the Russian govern ment with using underhanded means, by bribing and Intoxicants, to secure false statements from men of the Gamecock flshmg fleet. The Rus sian consul at Hull tonight said the boatswain of the Ava was brought to his office, but that he sent him to the commissioner of oaths, where, the consul says, the boatswain swore he saw a Japanese torpedo boat with the trawlers. The consul says he knows of other trawlers who ae ready to make similar statements, but that they are afraid of consequences. Congratulate Togo. Tokto, Dec. 24. An Imperial re script addressed to Vice-Admiral Togo says: "We hear with great satisfaction that, our topedo flotilla engaged In and did the work required of them, and in so doing had to brave the dan ger of storms and shells by day and night. We especially note their brave and loyal performance to their duties. and express our appreciation of their gallant behavior." educational exhibit at the fair. He returned in failing health, and lapsed into a comatose state some time ago. and could not be rallied from the stupor. HI PATTERSON IS SEDATIVE XECESSART TO ALLAY NKRVOl'SXESH PLMUtltER OVEIlltlI.ED. - Certain Defendants Must Stand Trial for Responsibility. Z Xen- York, Dec. 24. Judge Thoni as of the I'ulted States circuit court, today overruled the demurrer of P. X Karnaby. president; J. K. Atkinsoa, secretary, and F. G. Defter,- director of the company which owned the steamboat Slocum, and who were in dieted for a share of the responsible iv in -the disaster. They demurred on t the craft. he ground they were not owners of WED AT PIEULO. Mrs. .Mmes llurtnett of This City. Dies at Pueblo While En Route Homo. :, " ' Mrs. James Hurtnett died this morning at 7:15 o'clock at Pueblo, Co, L. Hartnett Is the daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Robert Laing of his city - Yesterday they received a dis patch saying their daughter w ously ill. Her brocner, - --- sister, Mary, took to nighty .train , to be with her. This mor. u. - patch arrived saying she . "his morning- Mr. and Mrs. Hart net. were on their way home from the St. Louis fair when Mrs aiuie , was taken sick and they stopped off a Pueblo. Mrs. Hartnett was mar-' rW in this city about six years .go. She leaves a little daughter 4 years oTd and a baby boy six months old. Til is a peculiarly sad blow to th. be reoted Natives as til. yesterday they had no intimation that she was not in Wr usual health. ' ' Attention' Odd Fellows. All members he Odd FeUo ow atlO .-em for C pur-pose of, service a. Congregational church. STILL WORKING OX DEMOCRATS. Another Batch of Sentences Ground Out at Denver. Denver, Pec. 24. For participating iu election frauds in the recent elec Hon, the supreme court today serir lenced Isaac Goldman and Edward Sweeney, democratic election Judges; j to four months In Jail, and to pay a j Um!-o 4 10 Clarence Dixon, a dem ocratlc election officer, gets four months and a fine of.20; W. H. Hunter, a democratic Judge, has Jumped his bonds .and disappeared. - Need Another Judge. Astoria, Dec. S4. A bill will be In troduced at the coming session of the legi-U.tu e providi"g for an addl. tlomil judge for the Fifth Judicial district. The business of Judge Mo Itride Is growing, and It Is almost Im possible for one Judge to attena 10 it satisfactorily. At the session of the leKlslature In 1898 a bill was in troduced to divide the district, but this met with opposition from Clack amas and Washington counties, as thev did not want to lose the valua bleservices of judge McBrlde, An ad ditional Judge is necessary to facili tate the business of the district. IIERMAXX-MITCHELL HEARING. Probable Indictment of lr. Davis of - ; ' Albany. Portland,, Dec, 24. The federal grand jury adjourned at noon today. No further indictments were return ed 'this morning. t Hermann appeared, but was tujd he would be given a hearing Tuesday, when the Jury reconvenes. Mitchell is in the city, but did not appear. Dr. W. IS. Davis, mayor of Albany, Ore:, chairman of the Linn county republican committee, was a witness before the Jury this morning. The government, claims it has sufficient evidence to indict Davis. ' She Rraiim Her Spirits I mler Assur. anecs From Her Counsel That Slie Will He Granted a New Trial Whlcii Will lU-Mill In Acquittal Slio Is ReorltiiiR a I -urge Niiinlier of let ters mill Telegrams EiprosHiilg Sympathy. ' New York, Dec. 24. Nan Patter son spent a restless night in the Tombs, and Is iiulte depressed in spir its today. After she arose at S o'clock she was seized by a severe at tack of nervousness. A physlclun was summoned and after being given a sedative she became more quiet, Lawyer O'Reilly, of Miss Patter son's counsel, visited her this morn ing and told her a new trial would soon be granted, and acquittal Is as sured. This had a controlling effect upon her. She has received a large number of letters and telegrams ex pressing sympathy. DEKAl l.TERH CAUGHT. PARRICIDE AT CHEHALI8. Theri W neither thunder nor light-nlwithla..thercUcclroU. The Homestake mine In the Black i. , i,n nnerated over.2T years and 'has not missed ,Mrlv 56 ears during! which, tiros it has paid .over tl3,00,000. -- Father -and Son Quarrel and Former is Killed. ' Chehalls, Wash., Dec.. jjL--ThoiJMn Drown, aged 17, last night shot and killed his father,, on" a reach three miles west They had a-quarre) over herae Tb father threatened to kill the son. i The latter secured a gun and asked his father. If h meant what he said. Receiving an affirm ative reply, he shot bis father twice, killing him Instantly,'' The boy came to Chehalls and surrendered. . ' New. Hotel for Astoria. A meeting of the "hetal committee" was held last -; evening and O. W. Lounsberry was appointed to inter view the financial interests of the town and make an effort t Interest them tn a project that has the best Interests of all tn the city at stake. The project, as put forth, has In contemplation a hotel to cost In the neighborhood of 1100.000. to be up-to-date tn all Its appointments and such as will be advertised abroad as a place where those seeking rest domicile during business, or a place to stay during regattas, etc.. Is all Uiat can be asked. Astoria Astorian. Home From Denver. A. . Stlllman returned last night from Denver. ' ' ' ; While tlie Dogs Are lighting the Otliers Make Way With die Bone. San Frnnclsco, Dec. 24. Ted Mur phy, Eddie Santry, manager and trainer respectively of "Battling" Nelson, were brought to this city from Stockton by detective toduy, and locked up on a charge of felony and embezzlement. A lauuO draft on Murphy, which Nelson claims be longs to him, was turned over to the bank on which It was drawn. Mur phy admits that a portion of it be longs to Nelson, and says he never Intended to embezzle the fighter's share. The court will decide how It shall he divided when the charge against Murphy and Santry Is decided. Responsible Business Mop Stand Sponsor for Practical : Working Plans. ' : l RGE THE IMPORTANCE . TO IIVKIXESS INTEREST.. All llranohes nf Agriculture Would lie . UoiH-rilted Eiiiuilly With T'lint .Of ItnUIng liorsr. A Mii Mrettmt of (Ulceus Will Ito Held IhttMiiber Al. nt Parlors of Commercial .wi t'liitlot'i In Dlsen-M and Adopt Pinna signers Have an Option on Suita ble Intention. ' ' '. To the Citizens of Umatilla County: We have been requested by many of the eltlsens nf rmatllla county who ure interested In promoting the growth ot our stock and agricultural resources und encouraging the raising of fine- stock, fruit and vegetables to select a suitable location for a county fair grounds and race-track. After considerable trouble and ex pense we selected, In close proximity to Pendleton, the best location for that purpose that can be procured. A preliminary survey has been made, and a sufficient water supply arrang ed for. It now remains fur the people Interested in such an enterprise throughout the county to ml so the necessary funds to make It a success. We have thought It best to call a mass meeting of citizens of the coun ty for the purpose uf discussing the proposition. , This is the only location left, and if this opportunity is permitted to slip the county will probably never bo able to secure another location with out the expenditure of A deal more money. Now is the time to ait. If we all work together and for the best Inter ests of the county we will be able to secure this beneficial enterprise so esseulliil to the proper encourugo meiii of our stock and agricultural. Industries, therefore, we have select ed Saturday, December 31, 1904, at 2 o'clock p. nt., as the time for hold ing the nii'ftlng, and the Commercial AKsiM'intlon rooms In Ihe city of Pen dleton as the place. Come one and all, mid express your opinion. Kvery one Is requested to be present. This means you, and your neighbors and friends. Don't fall lo come. Von are personally In terested. Don't lev the work to some one else. FRANK FRAZIER, J. A. FEK. UKOUC.K PF.R1NGER, TOM THOMPHON. J. W. KIMBRELL. ' Cuaduk-k to Face tlie Musk', Cleveland, O., Dec. 14. Governor Herrick today Issued ..requisition pa pers on ths governor of New York for Dr. Chadwlck, who is Indicted lo connection with financial opera tions of his wife. Chadwick Is ex pected to arrive In New York from Europe next weekk ' - ' ' Motlier Wants Her Children. ' Berlin, ' Dec. SI. Former Crown Princess Louise left Lelpslc en route to Florence. It is reporter . from Rome that she has engaged rooms for her children, whom she says she In tends to have brought to Florence at all costs. King Alphonso to Harry.. ... Madrid, Dec 24. It Is anticipated the announcement will , shortly be made of the marriage of King Al phonso and Princess Victoria, daugh ter of the Duke ot Conoaughw King Edward's brother. Ths wedding. It Is said, will occur in June. ,. IMnners for the Poor. Dinners for the poor are at the Sal vation Army quarters, 610 West Railroad street this afternoon, and will be delivered this, evening by expressmen. Marriage Licenses. Frederick W. Beck and Lula Edna Rankin; Peter De Young and Myrtle Waters. I Khoplinors Discovered. Spokane, Wash., Dee. 21 Three women shoplifters were arrested hers yesterday with great quantities of stolen goods In their possession after the police department had made a systematic hunt for them for thee weeks. ' They are Mrs. Stevens, who keeps a corner store In t'nlnn park; Mrs. Rachel Stevens, sged It, her daughter-in-law. mid Miss Magdalene Htuveiia, her daughter, aged IK. The store was searched and revealed stol en articles, from axes and hsrdwars to silk skirts and children's underwear.- The women admitted their guilt.. The women did the stealing by going Into crowded stores together. Two would wear raglan coats, full at the bust, and would stuff plunder Into It, while th. other engaged ths attention of (ha clerk, ik'hool District Will Rornm. . .The 'county schuol superintendent has benn notified by th. rlerk of the school board at Pilot Rock that they have secured authority to solicit a loan of I1J00 for. the erection of a school house. In Police Court,. , in police court this morning Hen ry Pond and Francis, two Indians, were sentenced to threo days each for drunkenness. Thomas Clair, wbs sentenced tn three days for vagrancy. A Handsome Boavenlr. Ths Pendleton Savings Bank has gotten out one of the handsomest New Year's gieetings that has come to our desk. -. . Blie riff Arrested: . . Butte, Mont., Dec 24. War rants for the arrest of Sheriff Charles Benner of Cascade county have been issued for uttering numerous , . forged checks. - Benner has gambled heavily. A number of Spokane people are said to have been victimized. Benner'. official records will be experted. I V iV i V ----A.