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PAILT KAtT ORBOOyiAW. WCXOLKTOX, OKTQOX, miOAY, XOVfeMBSIl 14, till. Only a F Teeth Giv Days Longer Extracted and Filled Uithoui Pain Ey MS. (SIH1AY NOW AT BOWMAN HOTEL TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN BY THE USE OE VITALIZED All!. TEETH FILLED WITHOUT l'AIX 1!V THE USE OE ELECTRICITY. As Drs. Crnv A; Co. have nlroflily operated uiwn soorea o lVndlt'lonV lost citizens, and as testimonials proving tlieir pain less work have been seen in every household, it makes further personal reference unnecessary. ALL KX1S OF DEXTAL WORK DOXE. GOLD CROWX AXI) BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. Only a Feu Days Longer GRAND THEATRE VAUDEVILLE Pendleton's Only . . . . High-class performances afternoons and evenings, show for the old folks atid children. and Picture Theatre A good clean Matinees 15c. Evenings, Adulus 25c Children 15 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH ENGAGEMENT EXTRAOItDINAKY. WM. KT SPARKS PRESENTS Miss Anna Day In Paul Kesters Dramatic Version of Charles Major's Romance of Chivalry F7 when Uas gmmml Ml ea IFiovr A Complete production same as presented here before. Costumes, scenery and furni ture of the. XVI Century carried complete. Owing to the length of the show the curttain will rise at 8:30 sharp. Carriages and automobiles at 11 P. M. Mail orders for seats in advance of regular sale will be taken care of two days ahead of the regular sale. All orders must be accompanied by check or money order. NO TICKETS HELD AFTER 7 P. M. DAY OF SHOW. PRICES: $1.50, $1.00, 75 and 50c Sale Pendleton Drug Store, Monday, Nov. 2710 A. M. Paint Kitchen Floors Don't Scrub Them Avoid the backache and sore knees caused by scrubbing bare floors. Painted floors are easy to keep bright and clean, are attractive and very inexpensive. ACMEQUAUTf FLOOR PAINT gives a hard, durable, sanitary finish for floors, steps or any inside surface to be walked on, easy to keep clean and hard to wear out. You can apply it yourself. It dries in a short time. Offered in appropriate and attractivo shades. HALE & McATEE Pendleton, Oregon AT THE PICTURE SHOWS The Orpheifttt. A swell program for Friday and Saturday's change: 1. "The Cabin Boy." Vitagraph. "The Cflbln Boy" Is a girl and brings her separated parents together. 2. "Miko'8 Hero." Edison. Mike falls headlong into the lake. Being unable to swim, a tramp rescues him with a boat hook. Mike rewards the tramp by taking him home, feed ing him and giving him his best and only suit of clothes, while he himself is obliged to go about in his overalls. In more ways than one the tramp takes advantage of Mike's kindness. He even goes so far as to become at tentive to Mike's sweetheart This is the la t straw and Mike decides to commit suicide by drowning. He goes to the very place where the tramp rescued him and deliberately jumps In, but finds shallow water. It now dawns upon him that the un grateful tramp did not save his life. 3. "The Gambler's Influence." Lu bin. When Jack Harper went west he got into trouble and was helped out by Tom Manley, a cmbler, who received him into his cabin Jack took to gambling and finally gambled away even a ring that his sweetheart had given him. Jack determines to rob the stage coach. It so happened that Elsie had decided to come to him. She arrived the very duy Jack had set for the holdup. Received by Manley, she was taken to the cabin. There Manley noticed a mask had been cut from iho blanket and his rifle was missing. Excusing himself he Jumped on a horse and was just In time to prevent Jack from becom ing a stage robber. 4. "The Tie That Binds " Eclipse. This film tells a strong story of a child's Influence over an improvident father. 5. "A Round-Up in Chila." Kos mlk. South America has to date fig ured very little In motion picture dis play but we have thrown our lines through the earth. Rodeo, a favorite sport. Fete day. Scenes in the Are na. Caballeros chasing a bull. In a Oh'lian Race Cour.-e. ground. Mountain background. Great voncourse. Arranging the events. Sad dl'ng and mounting a bull. Unusual scenes. Adaiting his enemies. Biped and quadruped. The Bull Goaded I Chased by dogs and norsemen. The bull victorious, horsemen dislodged. Full freed. Fri- The Pastime. The best in motion pictures, day's program. "The Veil of Happiness." By Geo Clemencean, ex-premier of France A striking Chinese drama of great beauty and a power of acting that forms a true feature film. The set tings both natural and artificial are fine. These pictures will seem like "a dream of picture galleries." The so many paintings from gifted hands scene beside the pagoda, where the wretched Chang sees his wife accept the attentions of a lover, the corner of the Chinese town where the blind man is cured by the sorcerer are all too short. "Three of a Kind." Edison. An un usually clever comedy played In the famous national park in Colorado Two pretty girls, an obdurate papa, and three young men go through a serie3 of adventures terminating in a final scene which Is side splitting. "The Adventures of Billy." Bio graph. This film pictures the influ ences that surround such a waif as Billy, a newsboy. A policeman who saw this picture was asked his opin ion and he said. "It is the best film I ever saw." "The Slavey's Affinity." Lubln. A pretty story of humble and Bincere devotion. Peggy, the little drudge of the boarding house, fairly worshipped the struggling lawyer. She Is the he roine but not the bride. IRRIGATION VENTURE CHANGES U. S. BOUNDARY Houston, Texas. When a Texas ir rigation company sought to-secure a flow of water from the Rio Grande by cutting an eighteen foot channel to supply its Texas farms, It unwit tingly changed the boundary of the United States and of Mexico, which today Is the subject of International litigation. In the litigation several Mexican landowners have combined with the United States government in filing suit at Brownsville. The defendant company admits that the course of the Rio Grande has been diverted from Its natural flow by cutting the channel through one of the large bends. This cut was made about 40 miles upstream from Brownsville. As a result several wealthy Mexi can land owners find their former Mexican ranches part of Texas in the United States. Although faithful to Madero and the Mexican flag, yet they are subject to the laws of the United States and the taxes of Texas, because the government survey says the Rio Grande shall be considered the lawful boundary line between the United States and Mexico. In the suit the government prays that the original course of the Rio Grande be restored, while the irriga tion company favors xpans on f.r the United States and would Indem nify the Mexicans, who in a night found their ranches moved into the United States. To their Immense surprise they disr I covered a number of unknown pas sages and secret entrances, admitting; to vurious rooms where most valuable I paintings and artistic treasures were stored. U is said that if the thief who stole 'La Gloconda" knew the Louvre onlv half as well as M. Pujalet now knows it he could make his escape In perfect safety by half a score of ways. direful and minute plans have now been drawn of all these secret ways, and arrangements are being made In all huste to have them either walled up or closed by strong iron gratings. Numbers of there passages were unknown to even the oldest attend ants at the Louvre. Their existence must have been forgotten for half a century at least. It does not inspire much confidence to find that in a building apparently so well guarded as the Louvre this condition of things could have existed for so long. The present investigation savors of locking the stable door after the horse hus been stolen but It will perhaps prevent other national property from going the same way as "La Gioncon-da." WOMAN FIGHTS SNOW WITH RARE IN ARMS Hotel McFeely The Only Strictly First-Class, Modern Priced Hotel in the City New House. New and Beautiful Furniture. Hot and Cold Water in Every Room. NO INSIDE ROOMS. Rotes $1.00 and $1.50 Per Day Corner Alder & 4th Streets Oppositt Keylor Grand Theatre, Walla Walla, Wash. Four-Day Battle. Against Hitter Bllz znnl in Montana Ig Won by Rangers. Bellingham. Caught by a blizzard on a goat trail eighty miles east of Bellingham, nuar the summit of the Cascades,' in the Washington forest, Forest Rangers Ridley, McGuire Monahan and Soil, accompanied by Mrs. Soil and a babe in arms, reached Bellingham in a pitiable condition. The storm raged for three days. Four days were spent in coming down the Upper Skagit Valley to Marble mount, over a trail usuully covered in half a day. There they rested up and doctored the frost bites, coming on to this city to report to the forestry bureau. The party had spent the summer near Baron, on the extreme summit of the Cascades, near the Eastern border of the reserve. The rangers were on their way out for the winter, when overtaken by the blizzard. A temperature of ton degrees below atro was experienced while they were wearing summer, clothing. Ail the provisions they carried were intended to last one day but were made to -last four days. KIDNEY OF DEAD MAN GRAFTED TO LIVING BODY Undulating land grows be'ter crops th;m a level surface. Trobably the worst thing about politics is the politicians. Renuirkiiblo Operation Performed Before Congress of Surgeons of North America by Philadelphia Surgeons. Philadelphia. A remarkablo clinic In surgery was held In connection with the Clinical Congress of Sur geons of North America being con ducted in the Methodist Episcopal Hospital by Dr. L. J. Hammond. The most Ingenious operation was one which only once before had been tried In this country, and then by Dr. Alexis Carroll of New York. That operation, as well as the one of to day, included an anastomoses of blood vessels, and the Joining of the veins, arteries and other ducts and glands, was highly satisfactory. Only In one particular did Dr. Ham mond's operation differ from that of Dr. Carroll, and in that respect it stood out far in advance of that of the New York surgeon. Dr. Carroll had transplanted the kidney of a dog to the place of the diseased kidney which he had removed. It was tak en from the dog a few moments be fore it was to be transplanted. In the case today, Dr. Hammond used the kidney of a man who was killed in an automobile" accident. CHAUFFEURS AND HUMAN LIFE Inexeusnblo Street Slaughter! in New York City by Joy Riders. New York. Responsibility for the killing of eighty-nine persons and the serious injury of 855 others In au tomobile and cab accidents in the streets of New York since January 1 was attributed yesterday by Colonel Edward S. Cornell, secretary of the National Highways' Protective society to "Joy riding, drunken chauffeurs, in nocent owners of cars and irrespon sible and reckless nighthawk cab men." "The 'Joy riders' and the night hawk cabmen aro the most danger ous factors to life and limb In this city, and they often get away with It because many of the accidents hup pen at night," said Colonel Cornell. "In thirteen cases during the month of October the operators of motor cars causing serious accidents fled, thus violating the law in another way." MALE GARBED WOMAN IS GIVEN HEK LIBERTY Spokane, Wash Nell PIckerell, al ias Harry Allen, was referred to as "a symphony In brown" by a govern ment official as she tripped down the stairs at the Spokane county Jail fol lowing her discharge by the federal grand Jury, the members of which de clined to return a "true bill" for al leged "bootlegging" among the In dians, south of here. Alexander Paul, an Indian, who, the federal au thorities say, purchased liquor from : the woman, was too Intoxicated to testify when called before the jurors and the dismissal resulted. Paul was held as a witness against the woman in a state case to be instituted. Miss Pickerelj wa arrested more than two months ago and held a prisoner. She wore men's garments and her sex was not nu'prcted until the Jail attend ants began searching for firearms and other dangerous weapons. "I guess you 'd better call the matron " she said, quietly, "as I am a woman, al though I have worn men's clothes since leaving my home In the east, more than nine years ago." Miss Pickerel, who Is 2S years of age, has ft physique that would do credit to a 'longshoreman. She worked as a man In the grain fields and forests throughout the northwest for years. Free speech ha enabled many a man to give himself away. A pint measure is said to hold Just !40 pennies. Read today's want ads. Read the want ads. St. George Cafe and Grill WHITE COOKS, SERVICE FIRST-CUSS Open Day and Night Prices are Reasonable Hot Merchants Lunch Daily 11:30 A M. to 2:00 P. M. French Dinner every Sunday from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. . , Entrance on Webb Street or through Hotel Lobby Independent Meat Market We have re-opened the Farmers' Heat Market on east Court street and will carry a fine and fresh line of FRESH AND CURED MEATS, SAUSAGES AND LARD. POULTRY EVERY SATURDAY. KURRLE & SON Phone Main 445. Prompt Delivery. LOl'VRE HONEYCOMBED I WITH ANCIENT F.XITS, London. The authorities of the"( Louvre, spurred on, no doubt, by the , outcry that has aren over t'io loss of "La Gloconda," have mndo a thor- ough exploration of the Immense piles where many national treasures are' stored. The result is not a little dls- concerting. M. Pujalet, accompanied by the, architect of the building and several of the oldest and most experienced of the caretaker-), spent five days in a complete Investigation of the in terminable corridors. li 7TI Wfiidh COOKINC A DELIGHT OR A DRUDGERY "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Cooking Utensils flffff "WEAR-EVER" ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS are solid metal, no glass coating to chip off cannot ru.sf, tin not contain and can nut form any poisonous substance, sava your food practically ever lasting. To Housewives of PeMietcft We have arranged for Mrs. Rearm, an expert direct from the factory, to l.c willi n.s one week commencing Mo-.idny, November :?7lh ami dem onstrate to the people of Pendleton I he i lent convenience, wearing iial iticji and general all-around iiscfuliicts. ;u the celebrated "We ir-Kvcr" Al : ...! IT. Il 'II- I- . . . .imiiiMMo i.iio.tiiig ijicribii.i. i ins line is camel it kPic 'ios;;id by TITe Taylor Hardware Ccut any. In.' vear The Taylor Hardware Co.