Newspaper Page Text
vi.'-y-:'ii'y. page niGnT. DAILY EAST OttEGOXIAN, PEXDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1012. EIGirT PAGES. That During 1912 You will buy your Groceries at this store. Fhone orders carefully attended. Stock crisp and fresh every day. Our prices will please you. WE WANT 1912 TO BE OUR. BANNER YEAR We'll make it worth while for you if you'll trade here. Standard Grocery Co., Inc. rilONE MAIN 98. FRANK O'GARA. Proa. WHERE ALL ARE PLEASED. BERNARD O'GARA. Soc-Treas. Newsy Notes of Pendleton 1 v Mon Draw Two Duys. .Judge Fita Gerald this morning handed out two day sentences In jnll each to Jack Hull and Albert Paine, both of whom pleaded guilty to the charge of disorderly conduct. Mrs. Rupc Slowly Improving. Word has been received here to the effect that Mrs. Ernest Ruppe, who recently underwent several operations for appendicitis and other internal complications in' a hospital at The Dulles, Is slowly recovering. Dr. Ulcnkney Resigns. Dr. V. II. Bleaknev. formerly pres ident of the Pendleton Academy and recently pastor of the Presbyterian church at Freewater, has resigned his pastorate and passed through Pen dleton this morning- enroute to Port land where he may locate permanently. McMullen that his mother, living in that state, was one of 11 heirs of the estate of her brother, who died -recently in Baltimore, leaving a for tune appraised at $148, 000,000. Her share of the estate, it is figured, will be nearly $15,000,000. At her death that .sum will descend to McMullen and his two brothers and two sisters, giving each oneflfth, or about $2, 000,000. , RAILROAD IU1LDER OF NOTE IN PADDED CELL Engineer Want to Wtxl Princess and Demands $50,000 Pension. Seattle, Wash. J. J. Harding, for mer supervising engineer for the Chi cago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railroad, was adjudged insane and committed to the state asylum at Stellncoon. Mr. Harding has the. hallucination that he is to receive a $50,000 pension from the Fllwaukee j railroad and that he Is to marry Prin cess Patricia, daughter of - the Duke of Connaught, Govei'nor-General of Canada. Two falls, In each of which Mr. . Harding sustained a fractured skull, are declared to be responsible for his plight. HELIX L 0. T. I. INSTALL OFFICERS (Special Correspondence). Helix, Ore, Jan. 17. The Ladies of the Maccabees installed their new of ficers for the following year as fol lows: Lady commander, Verna Wy rlck; lieut. com., Audry Shannon; past commander, Emma Zeuske; treasurer, Wlldy Smith, secretary, Net tie Myers; chaplain, Olive Frledly; sergeant, Gertrude Cook; sentinel, Jessie Warren; picket, Iola Piper, af ter which games were played until 10:30 when their guests were seated to a banquet of which everybody en Joyed until midnight. The snow has melted and nearly all of it went Into the ground. The late sowed grain nearly all came through the ground during the snow and promises are fine for a good stand. Work has commenced on the new commercial hall which will be a great Improvement to the city and ad jacent country. MOTHER WON'T VOTE, BVT SHE CONTROLS PA'S "You're for Taft," Woman Who Re fuses to Resistor, Tells Husband. f San Francisco. ratrick Connor, elderly hut vigorous, applied to be reg istered, his wife, of about his own age, accompanied him to the office. but standing modestly back from the desk. "Come up here, mother, and regis ter yourself." said Patrick. "You've as good a right to do it as I have now." "That is true, Mrs. Connor," said the clerk. "Oh, no, I don't want to register. I'd never think of voting," protested Mrs. Connor, blushing like a girl all over her pleasant, smiling face; and nothing would persuade her to change her mind. So Patrick proceeded to register alone. "What Is your politics," Inquired the clerk, when he har proceeded that far. Connor hesitated a moment, then looked toward his wife. "Mother," he questioned, "how do I vote?" Quickly and firmly came the ans wer. "You vote for Taft that's the way you vote." So Patrick was put down as a re publican and walked meekly away with the good woman who wouldn't think of voting herself. tcvlvnl Attendance Increases. The attendance Is increasing at the revival meetings in the Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Emmel de lighted his hearers with his plain, practical sermon on "Power" last night. He will sing the special solo tonight as- well as preach. The ser vice begins promptly at 7:30. All are invited and urged to come. DIVORCE TRIAL IX SECRET. Bancroft Case) Against Daughter of Alfred I. Du Pont Begins. Wilmington, Del. The trial of the suit for divorce of John Bancroft Jr. against Madeleine Du Pont Bancroft daughter of Alfred I. Du Pont,' and the cross-suit of Mrs. Bancroft for a divorce from her husband, was be gun in the Superior Court here be hind closed doors. All the sessions of the court dealing with both actions will be tried in secret. When the cases were called Chief Justice Penney will said: "In addition to sensational features and the repulsive nature of the test! mony that will be produced, there is In Issue the legitimary of an innocent child. This is a matter we think should not be given unnecessary put llcatlon," Restaurant Keeper Released. The city failed to make a case against Georgia Farmer alias Emma Holland, proprietress of the'Hpme res taurant, yesterday afternoon when she was brought up for trial on a charge of disorderly conduct. Con clusive evidence was not introduced and Judge Fltz Gerald decided she was not guilty. Judge James A. Fee was the defendant's legal counsel. Young man, get a piece of. land. 42 of ike Incomo of ihe Average Family is Spent for Eatables VTIAT are you receiving in return for money spent for eatables? You can be the judge of the r reshness and Wholesomeness of your purchase but you must depend upon the SCALES in use for the ' quantity We Protect Our Customers by Usind Toledo Scales No Springs HONEST WEIGHT GUARANTEED Yoa can see the goods automatically weighed and their money value is calculated by the machine NO WAITING NO ERROUS Come in and see this most modern weighing system. GROCERIES AND MEATS won't eot yon so much if you (ret full vnlue for your money. A littl" ivinir :.iy ly tUY oi l""r f'' supplier wiU umount to a i-oii'-iO' i-aMi- turn in a year. Wc- pi.-imutce to give you the most of tbe best quality for your mouny. Evangelist Speaks at P. H. S. Rev. Emmel addressed the high school this morning upon the theme of Athletics and Religion. Having been an enthusiast upon both subjects for years, he is well qualified to speak upon the topic. The students showed the'r appreciation of Ills remarks by heany rounds of applause. Reiiorts Prospects Fine. In a letter to Ray Ayers, his assist ant in the Pendleton Abstract com pany, James H. Gwinn, who with Roy Raley is in Los Angeles making pre parations for the presentation of a wild west show, declares the prospects confronting- them on their arrival were better than anticipated and he de clared they are now hard at work with their arrangements. PRIKST IS ADMITTED TO THE PRACTICE OF LAW Tho Rev. Father G lea son of Truckec Pn.sses Examination. Sacramento. The Rev. Father Francis Gleason of Truckee, Catholic priest, passed a successful examination before the Third - District Court of Appeal, and has been admitted to the practice of law In the state of California. Father Gleason, who is more than sixty years old, passed a good examination and was the first on the list of the class of eighteen. FAMILY IS IX STRANGE TANGLE. D. K. Dannels of Boulder, Colo., to no come Fathcr-ln-Law of Stepson. Boulder, Colo. Because of the issu ance of a marriage license here to D. K. Dannels, a sawmill proprietor, peo ple are puzzled to know how the fam ily relationship is to be determined through the approaching marriage of Dannels' daughter to his wife's son. Dannels will become the stepfather of his own daughter, while his step son will become his son-inlaw. The daughter will have a stepmother and mother-in-law all in one. Burns and Brltton Mntelied. San Francisco, Jan. 17. Frankle Burns and Jack Brltton were match ed to meet In a ten round contest be fore the Oakland Wheelman's club January 24. They will weigh 133 pounds at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of the contest. Man Loses Hi3 Pocketbook. J. W. Hicks, when he arrived in Pendleton last evening enroute from Lewlston to Huntington, discovered that he had lost a pocketbook con taining $112 on the train, and he was forced to borrow $1.50 from the local ticket agent In order to continue his Journey. . An effort has been made to locate the money but has heen una vailing. Former Local Girl Very III. A telegram was received last night by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bentley an nounc'ng that their daughter, Mrs. W. A. Pierce Jjad just been operated upon twice In a Spokane hospital for appendicitis and was about to under go the third operation. No hope of recovery was entertained by the phy sicians on Saturday and Sunday but they now announce that is a little hope left, says the message which was sent by Mrs. Carrie Alexander, another daughter who la at the bed side of her sister. Mrs. Pierce is well known here where she formerly lived as Is her husband, who is a member of the local K. of P. order. Dale Rothvell Optometrist Eyes examined by the latest and best methods. Glasses fitted, lenses duplicated - and frames repaired With Wm. Har.scom THE Jeweler, Pendleton CSl Teday end Try Ssijis ci Those iioidii Weighed on Our Electric Scates 1 Country Sausage Fresh Mince Meat Echo Honey, jars and bulk Fresh Package Cookies 4 Summer Sausage Swiss Cheese Johnson s Package Candies Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Quality Grocers RasketMH Games Tonight. Great interest is being manifested In high school circles over the two interclass basketball games to be played in the gymnasium tonight. The line-ups of the teams have been an nounced as follows: Girls Senior, center, Raley, Par-k-tt; guards, F. Baling, Coutts, Sat terly; forwards, H. Johns, M. Sallng. Junior, center, Louis Hampton, La zlnka, F. Smith; guards, Berkeley, Wagner; forwards, Lazinka, Mellon-lf-s. Subs, Ila Sturdlvant, Lillian Boy len. Boys Freshmen, center,- Rugg; guards, Russell, Cecil Hampton; for wards, Mentzer, Kirkpatrlck. Sophomores, center, Koch; guards, Krebs, Haw; forwards. O. Hampton, A. Ferguson. Sub, Straughn. The games commence at 7:45. REAL MEXICAN HOT TAMALES Notice. To members of Daphne Circle No. Women of Woodcraft: Commencing with January, 1912, I will receive assessments and dues at 301 Lewis street, Pendleton, Ore. Amanda Clark, clerk. Hot Clam ' Bouillon. , .10c Hot Malted Clams ..10c Hot Reef Tea 10c Hot Toninto Flip 10c .Hot Reef Broth 01'ROR BRIBER TO BE TRIED NEXT MONTH Los Angeles, Jan. 17. After Supe rior Judge W1119 today denied both motions to set aside the information, cha-ging bribery and attempted brib ery ( f McNamara jurors, Bert Frank lin, fomerly a - McNamaa detective, pleaded not guilty and his trial was set for February 15. Hot Chocolate .10c , .10c I Try our Hot Drinks they are Invigorating and will cheer you up during cold weather. O'DELL'S Cigars, Candles and Pool Room. 649 Main Street. Prone M. 4. LEAVE IT TO US. Four Killed In Collision. Louisville, Ky Jan. 17. Four train men are dead and two perhaps fatal ly Injured today as the result of a head-on collision at Long Run, 18 miles east of here, between an in bound Louisville & Nashville passen ger train, and a Chesapeake & Ohio train of empty cars. Virtually, all the passengers on the Louisville & Nash vllle train were slightly injured. ROSEBURG LABORER IS HEIR TO BIO FORTUNE Roseburg, Ore. That he will be the ultimate heir to a fortune running in to seven figures Is the Information conveyed In a letter received by C. F. McMullen, a resident and laborer of this city. The letter, which was from relatives In Indiana, informed Phone Main HI. and we will do your Cleaning and Dyeing to your perfect satisfaction, We take ladies' and gentlemen's gar ments and make them look like new by our process, which, however, will never injure the most delicate rao ric. We solicit a trial of our work, feeling certain that the first order will be the forerunner of many more from you. Our charges are moderate In all cases. Pendleton Dye Works Underwear, Shirts, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Furnishings all continue to go down in price at the. s. KostpOin Store A SNAP FOR $2500.00 7 room modern house, atone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath, toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground. Call at once as bargains of this character can't last. Must see It to appreciate It. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 K Court Street Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. A Few of Our Regular Prices Compare these with so-called sale prices then come in and see the fresh ness and quality of our lines and we'll prove to you WHO gives the greatest bargains in Pendleton Another Shipment of those $3.00 Corduroy Fants in dark preen and tan, at regular S1.08 Dark Blue Flannel Shirts, $1.25 value, regular C9 Covert Coat with blanket lining 98 Indigo Blue and Turkey Red Handkerchiefs, 3 for..- 10 Ribbed Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers, 50c value 25 Golden fkle Store Hs KNOWN FOR ITS STRENGTH THE First National 3an!i PENDLETON, OREGON Capital, Surplus and Undi vided Profits, $500,000.00 Resources $2,000,000.00 KNOWN FOR ITS SECURITY SOtVi H. Alt. Let Us Drive Your Kitchen Trouble Away Satisfactory Groceries at J Satisfactory Prices Just a few reminders Black Tea, per pound A very fine Broom for . Hermiston Strained Honey, per pound Lunch Beef, per can. Hot Tamales 7 in a can 251 501 121 201 25f CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 612 Main' Street