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3 3 2 VKHF STY DUSKY BELLES MARRY LAZY H"I II si:. MAIDENS SEEK MATES AMI ENVOY SENT TO NEXT UK TllEM IX l S. Men of Desirable Kind are S In l'Ai-r stand Where Women are Mwli lu (he Majority In llnt of t N'umlMTH Maidens are W ealthy and on SuKit Uulihles In Stjlo. -SA.N FRANCISCO. Jan. 16. Major frank l'ooloy, UritiKh army officer, r-tired. 1m the bu.sient man in San .'lunci.seK. Oji hundred dusky N-IIeB of Easier Insland In the South S-u want as many white men for hus oands iind Major Pooley is here today o (ret them and arrange for their 'transportation. "Men of the desirable kind," said Wajor Tooley In an advertisement in-wr-rted in a San Francisco newspaper, "are m-arce in Easter Island. The 'romen outnumber the men three to The women want husbands and -"m here to pet them. I represent flUB RHEUMATISM PAIN RIGHT OUT itantJy Kelieve Sn Aching Joints "With a Small Trial Dottle of Old "St. Jacobs OH. What's rheumatism? Pain only. Stop drugging! Not one case in Tifty requires internal treatment Rub oothii:K, penetrating "St Jacobs Oil" directly upon the "tender spot" and vtlief comes , instantly. "St.. Jacobs Oil" U a harmless rheumatism and ciatica cure which never disappoints .nd can not burn the skin. Umber upt Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle from your drug Vlst, and In Just a moment you'll be : ree from rheumatic and sciatica pain soreness,. stiffness and swelling. Don't urrer: Relief and a cure awaits ou. -St. Jacobs Oil" has cured mil Mons of rheumatism sufferers In the "ast half century and is Just as good Sor sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back kche, sprains. I Con Dang Low I CHOP ! si iir y 5 u i ft CHINESE STYLE 3 NOODLES 3 LUNCHES ? COFFEE Everything clean and up-to- date; FIRST CLASS SERVICE TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor Webb and Cottonwood Sts. Phone 567 Pendleton. Ore. TWO OF A RIXD. A man walket on the railroad track. . Put didn't hear the whlvtla. And nil they found of his re mains. Was whiskers on a thistle. Just like the man who with ce ment Put bp a building tall, He was on top when the building fell And wasn't found at alL The moral is when youve got to walk Walk on a brick paved street And when you build, build out of brick For brick are hard to beat BEST COMMON BUILDING BKICK ALWAYS ON HAND. Correspondence solicited. Veslon Brick Yard P. T. Harbour, Manager. Weston, Oregon. Hohbach's Bakerr and Lunch Room Try Our "MOTHERS BREAD 10c Loaf Alio "Tip Top" Bread 5c Loaf MERCHANTS' HOT LUNCH 10:30 to 7 o'clock HOT DRINKS HOT TAMALES CHILE COX CARNE TRCSU OYSTERS. Any Style REAKrST SERVED. Short OroWi at All Hours ICE CREAM ALL WINTER. Court Street Thone 80 WOULD HUSBANDS one hundred of the best looking wo-( men on the island. They are veal- thy. Their husbands will not have to work. They will live in ease and comfort for the rest of their days." The next day more than f.00 men ujipeared at Major Pooley's head quarters in the Alaska Pacific Steam ship company offices to qualify as South Sea bridegrooms. It was esti mated today that more than 5,000 white men have volunteered since the advertisement was first inserted. Some of the would-be husbands are fat. Others are lean. Dozens are short and others are tall. A youth of nineteen weighing about 90 pounds was anxious to know if the Easter Is land belles are slight and slender creatures. He nearly wept when told that the average weight was not less than 175 pounds. Hundreds of letters from other applicants have been re ceived by Major Pooley. One signed A. Tennor and A. Mossum read: "We are both young and handsomo but we are too lasy to work." Another signed by John Hunter read: "I am the very finest specimen of manhood to be found in the United States. I am 33 years old; 6 feet 1 inch tall, and weight 290 pounds. I know I can liu around all day and be contented Just give me the proper instruction and I'll soon be on my way." Major Pooley is a particular person and is determined that only the best types of men shall go to the South Seas. Out of the hundreds who have applied, only 40 names were placed among the possibilities. "I shall take about a week longer for this registration." said Major Pooley. "by that time I expect to have the names of 300 physically perfec men. two thirds of those will be then be eliminated in the final selection. I have the moneyfurnished by the women to pay all transportations. The men accepted will travel first class." NEW" TAIUKF REDUCES PRICES OF W OOLENS NEW YORK. Jan. 15 Material re ductions in the wholesale price of sta ple woolen goods for the fall of 19 14 were announced in the trade. The cut is understood to be a direct result of the new tariff schedules, and anti cipated competition from abroad. Prices of serges, clays, unfinished worsteds and French backs are 20 to 37 cents below last fall. Clays show reductions of 20 to 27 cents. ' Unfin ished worsteds are 22 1-2 to 27 1- cents lower. The heaviest reduction, nearly 23 per cent is on Washington serge. ONLY ONE "BUOMO QUININE" That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN INE. Look for the signature of E W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip In Two Days. 25c Adv. A LESS'ON IN POLITENESS. . "P.ut daughter, why don't you tell the young man to stop kissing you?" asked . the mother. "v hy, mother, you know you taught me never to interrupt anyone' Yonkers Statesman. HY0F.1EI RELIEVES IN FIVE MINUTES Help Comes Quickly When Hyoniei Is Ued for Catarrh, Bronchitis or Cold In the Head. Uuick and effective relief comes from the Hycmel treatment for' ca tarrh and all troubles of the breath ing organs such as stopped up head sniffles, bronchitis, coughs 1 or that choked up feeling or money refund ed by Tallman & Co You breathe It, Hyomel as sold by druggists every where gives a tonic healing to the air you breathe, destroys the catarrhal germs, stops the poisonous secretions, soothes the. irritated mucous mem brane and. makes a marked improve ment in the general health. If you suffer from offensive breath, raising of mucous, husky voice, dis charge from the nose, droppings in the throat, watery eyes, or any other symptoms of catarrh, use Hyomei at once. It will banish the disease germs in the nose, throat and lungs and give quick and permanent relief. The complete outfit, including in haler and bottle of liquid, costs $1.00; extra bottles of liquid, if later need' ed, 50c. IF BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS EAT LESS MEAT IF KIDNEYS KEEL LIKE LEAD OR BLAD DER BOTHERS. Most folks forget that the kidneys like the bowels, get sluggish and clog ged and need a flushing occasionally, else we have backache and dull miser; in the kidney region, . severe ' head aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and ah sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kid neys active and clean, and the mo ment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounce of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful 'In a glass of water before breakfgst for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is mad from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined w;lth lithla, and Is harmless to flush clogged kidneys nnd stlmulte them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids In th urine so It no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is harmless; Inexpensive: makes a delightful effervescent lith la -water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding se rious complications. A well-known local druggist says he sells lots of Jad salts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trou ble while It is only trouble. DAILY KAST OTCFXIONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, FT? I PAY, Local Playhouses What the Preas Agent Has to Say of Present and Coming Attractions. Orphcuni Saturday. The dual existence of a man who is regarded as a leader of the com munity, forms the theme of the pow erful two part Kalem drama, "A Mod ern Jekvl and Hyde." This great feature is at the Orpheum for Satur day only. Irene Boyle and Robert Ellis are featured. The story Is of an outward ly respectable citizen who is In real ity a crook. No one even suspects this. His accomplice steals his daugh ter's necklace and he inadvertantly reveals his secret. A fight ensues and they are both killed. Nora i with her sweetheart when she receives a message that her father has been killed by a burglar and thus her su perb faith In her father remains un shaken. Teaching His Wife a Lesson. Edi son. Featuring Bliss Milfqrd and Robert Brower. Mrs. Dodd and Mrs Charters copied everything the other wore. So when Mr. Dodd for a joke walked up behind his wife on the street and stole her pocketbook he soon found out she was Mrs. Charters Instead. He was arrested but was re leased when the Judge himself could not tell the women apart in their striking similar attire. Father's Day. Selig. A beautiful story of the lesson taught a country boy by a rL'h city woman. Adele Lane and William Stowell are featured. Products of the Palm. Edison. The rich verdant scenery of the beautiful Isle of Jamaica makes this a splendid educational picture. Pastime Saturday. Perhaps the best comedy in months will be presented at this the ater Saturday when "Lady Madcap's Way," a two part Patheplay takes the screen. Asti Nlelson, the famous German actress has the lead. Its in tention Is to be spicy and to a large extent it is. It is very clever and most of it is fresh. It Is full of the most laughable situations. 'The story Is not improbable but seems real All lovers of good comedy pictures should see It. "A proposal Deferred." Edison Being the fifth story of "Who Will Marrv Mary?" Captain Bradford having invested In a new mine, -discovers that the Silver Star is really his own property and brings suit. Mary hurries west on hearing of the suit, meets Bradford, tells him her troubles, and Bradford, discontinuing the suit, sees Mary and his own for tune drifting from him. The "Pathe Weekly," for this change has several ' interesting illus trated news events. Cosy. Nichols and Sherwood will have a complete change for Friday and Sat urday, with matinee Saturday. Their act these two days will consist of songs, dances and funny stories. This lively time will keep everyone awake all the time they are on the stage. "The Harp of Tara," (2 reels) Do mlno. Story of Ireland s struggle for freedom, and is based on the old le gend that the person who found the lost Harp of Tara would be able to free Ireland. A great herd of goats in the moonlight is one of the beauti ful scenic effects, of which there are many. "Cohen Saves the Flag," Keystone. A laughable burlesque on war, In which Ford Sterling as a Yiddish sol dier performs wonderous deeds of valor. "A Circumstantial Nurse," Princess Little Marie Elaine, commonly called the "Thanhouser Kid," Muriel Os triche (the prettiest girl in pictures) and Boyd Marshall have the leads In this pretty, heart-interest drama Alta Theater Tonight. Firinkman and the Steele sisters have been retained to appear again tonight at the ' Alta theater with change in song numbers and special ties. .New pictures will also be shown in addition and the whole will be a bill which will be up to the former standard of this - popular playhouse. A large audience saw the vaudeville act last night and showed their ap preciatlon by continued applause, This trio of singers has received mud: favorable comment since their ap pearance at the Alta. Those who see the bill tonight will be pleased again by the talent these excellent persons display. The act is refined in every I articular. The singing Is far above adverse criticism and the song num bers are selected with a view to their tunefulness and popularity. Be sure and see the Alta tonight and you win be delighted with the excellent pro grams this theater Is offering at pop ular prices. Eminent Singers. Robert Dovell Wilson, the eminent English baritone and ballad singer. who will appear In Pendleton next Tuesday evening at the Alta theater In Joint recital with Dr. Emil Enna Portland's foremost pianist, has at different times appeared with great success as the soloist with the Chi cago, Minneapolis and Spokane Sym phonic Orchestras. Mr. Wilson is a finished pupil of the famous teacher Vinlnl. of Naples. Italy. . CLEVER MKIiODRAMATIC FARCE IS OFFICER 666 "It all seems so strange. It scem as If It couldn't happen ecept in a play,"- murmured the leading lady a she was enfolded In the arms of the leading man. "It couldn't dearie,'! said the latter and the curtain rang down on "Officer 6"66," one of the cleverest melodramatic farces on the road. The play appeared at the Oregon theater last evening and was witness ed by a pretty fair audience. The cast was not one of New York's best but it was good enough to carry on the action with laughable results which results is the whole purpose of the piece. "Officer 666" Is filled with an unusual number of funny sit uations an-1 reminds one to a great extent of "Stop Thief which appeared here earlier in the season. Miss Estelle Rellley as the girl who ate grape fruit was a remarkably pret ty lady and Marguerite Ratterson as her friend waa likewise aood to look upon. J. Francis Dillon, as the young millionaire, Arthur Ijiceby as his English friend and Henry W Pem- berton as the expert picture thief were all very clever in their Darts and the other characters worn wu taken care of. Altogether "Officer 666" is good for the svstpm IS ELEVATOU USED FOU CARRYING WK)1) DROPS SIXTEEN FEET WITH 3 PERSONS. Miss Ethel Cunning Sustains Sprained Ankles ami Fractured Knee Cap Were Riding on Conveyance When Set-screw In the Crank Gives Way letting Tliem Down. (Special Correspondence.) ATHENA, Ore., Jan. 16. A serious accident occurred at the school house Tuesday evening about 9:30, when Miss Ethel Cunning, teacher of the 2nd and 3rd grades. Miss Pauline My rick and George Winship attempted to take a ride on the elevator, which If used to carry wood upstairs. The three had no sooner stepped on tho elevator, when the set-screw in the crank gave way letting them fall the sixteen feet. Mr. Winship and Miss Myrick escaped uninjured but Miss Cunning did not fare so well. Real ising that she was hurt they tele- honed for doctors and Doctors Sharp and Plamondon responded, and Miss Cunning was taken to the home of Mrs. Sherman, where it was found upon examination that both of her ankles were badly sprained and that one knee cap was fractured. How ever, she is resting easy now but it will be three weeks before she is again able to resume her duties as teacher. Mrs. W. W. McPherson is teaching in her place, Hard CoUl.s People whose blood Is pure are not nearly so likely to take nard colds as are others. Hood's Sarsaparilhi makes the blood pure; and this great medicine recovers the system after a cold as no other medi cine does. Take Hoods. Adv. DOGS AUK DISAPPEARING BKCAUSE OP HIGH COSTS BERLIN'. Jan. 16. The canine population of Berlin Is decreasing steadily. From 39.926 in 1909. the number of dogs in the city had drop ped to 34.443 last year, according to tax statistics just Issued, and an even greater decrease Is estimated for this year. The Increasinglv high cost of living, which makes the saving of a tax of $7.50 yearly a big item to poor families. Is undoubtedly one explana FIVE MINUTE CURE IF STOMACH IS BAD When "lope's Diupcpsin' Roadies Gas anil Stomach AH Indigestion, Sounu'-' DlsapiHar, Tou don't want a slow remedy when your stomach Is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your stom ach is too valuable; you musn't Injure It with drastic drugs. Pape's Diapepsin Is noted for Its speed in giving relief; its harmless- ness; its certain unfailing action In regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures In Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made It famous the world over. Keep thU perfect stomach cV.ctor'ln your home keep It handy get a large fifty-cent case from any drug store and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them; if what they .at lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, dizziness and nau sea; eructation of ar:ld and undigest ed food remember ns soon aw Pape's Diapepsin comes H contpct with the stomach all such distress vanishes. Its promptness, certainty and ease in ov ercoming the worst stomach disor ders is a revelation to those who try it. GRANDMA NEVER LET HER HAIR GET GRAY KKIT HKU LOCKS DARK, THICK, GIXJSSV. WITH SAG: TEA AND SULPHUR. When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it's done so naturally, su evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home Is mussy and trou blesome. For 50 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use tonic called "Wyeth's .Sage and Sulphur hair Jtemedy. lou lust dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this tnrougn your hair, taxing one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. You will also discover dandruff is gone and hair has stop ped falling. Gray, faded hair, though no disgrace, is a sign Of old age, and as we all desire a youthful and at tractive appearance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur and look years younger. ATHENA TEACHER EMI JANUARY lfi, 10U. Families Are Buying "Sunkist" Oranges by the Box or Half -Box Enjoy the rich, delicious meat and sweet, tangy juice of ruddy, thin-skinned, seedless "Sunkist" oranges. Have this golden fruit for breakfast, dessert and " between meals." Cleanest of all fruits never touched by bare hands. oranges and lemons wear clean, white cotton gloves. "Sunkist" oranges are the fin est, juiciest oranges in the world. Tree-ripened, fiberless. Not a teed in "Sunkitt" Buy them by the box or half-box. That is cheaper than buy ing by the dozen. They keep for weeks. Ask for "Sunkist" lemons so full of juice that they go farther than other lemons. Try "Sun kist" lemonade hot or cold. Lemons add flavor to fish, meats' and salads. Get Rogers Silver with "Sunkist Wrapper (Cut the trademarks from "Sunkist" orange and lemon wrappers and send them to us. We offer27dif ferent premiums, all Rogers A-l Standard Guaran teed Silverware. Exclusive "Sunkist" design. For this orange spoon send 12 "Sunkist" Orange or Lemon Wrappers and 6 two-cent stamps. "Red BaH" orange and lemon wrappers count same as "Sunkist." Buy "Sunkist" Oranges and Lemons at Your Dealer's Send your name and full address for free premium sheet and Premium Club Plan. Address all orders for premiums and all inquiries to California iia Fruit Growers Exchange Sa 9 N. Clark Strtet, Chicago, I1L (148) 139 tion for the decrease. A further fac tor this year is the dog quarantine law, which has kept the animals muzzled and on leading strings for several months. There are 6740 tax-free dogs in the city. Eighty of these are owned by the emperor and the ambassadors and ministers of foreign nations. There are 1174 draught dogs exempt from NOSE AND HEAD STOPPED UP FROM COLD OR CATARRH, OPEN AT ONCE My Cleanslns. Healing Halm Instantly Clears Nom Head and Tliroat Stop Xasty Catarrlial Discharges Dull Headache Goes. Try Ely's Cream Balm. Get a small bottle anyway, Just to try it Apply a little In the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up afr passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning the catarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! ' Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet, fragrant THE Phone 299 711 Main Street PENDLETON, ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. F&rm and City Loans Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street Known For (First CJoiionol ionli PENDLETON, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 . OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES All the pickers mm tax. The city's income from the dog tax is more than $250,000 annually. The estimated production of rice for Japan Is 16,662,000 pounds, an In crease of 5.1 per cent over the crop of last year. Some surgeons manage to carve out big fortunes. balm dissolves by the heat of the nos trils; penetrates and heals the In flamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty dischargee and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nos trils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness Is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith just once In "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or ca I tarrh will surely disappear. Its Strength $2,500,000.00 EIGHT PAGES PENDLETON'S POP J. I.AB PICTURE SHOW COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a high-class motion picture show with comfort, Fun; Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Even ing. Changes Sunday, Holi day, Wednesday and Friday. Next Door to St George Ho- j tel. Admission So and 10c. I Orpheum Theatre J. P. MEDERNAOH, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN Program ehanffss Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. See Program in Today's Paper. Pastime Theatre "The Home of Good Pictures" ALWAYS TUB LATEST in Photoplays . :: Steady, Flickerless Pictures : : Abso lutely No Eye Strain. A Refined and Entertaining Show for the Entire Family. Next to French Restaurant Changes Sunday, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Adults lOo. Children under 10 years 8c A L t A THEATER. Pendleton's Real Show House Devoted to the perfect sereen- . ing f High-Class Photoplays Regular program consists of 4 reels of motion pictures and a singer. Admission 10c and Be See program in today's paper