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JI0T1TPA0FS DAI1T FAST OftkoOKTAy. PETf)LETQy. OTCEflOy. WTJXF,SI.y. .TAMWTiV 2. 1014 PAOE FIVK IX (.'. Pruwnell In up from I'mMllla today. J. L. Smith of TCilio spent laxi right in Pendleton. W. E. LewM of La Grande, nag In the t-lty 1h evening. - Merton It. De Long of Salens, 1 reg lutered at the St. George. O. A. Overton of Brownsville, I rrmmered ut the Jtowman. J. M. Shaw of Walla WaTla was an overnight visitor In Pendleton. John P. MeMunus returned to hi heme at Pilot Rock on the morning train. George Popper or Hermlston, was among the visitors in "the city last evening. J. D. Chenoweth of Raker, was anr otig the visitors from over the state yesterday. Mrs. S. F. Kharp, wife of the well known Athena physician, Is visiting relatives here today. Joe Doherty of Hermlston was up from the project town yesterday and spent the night here. Asa B. Thomson returned to his home In Echo this morning after spending the night here. J. C. Hurspool, Walla Walla attor ney, is here today conducting a case before the circuit court. Edgar F. Averlll, district game warden, went down to the west end of his district on the morning train. A. R. Lord, formerly of this city, came up this morning from Walla Walla. He is representing the I'p-to-the-Tlmes Magazine. ' Jack Watson, vice president of the Wohlenberg department store, arriv ed home this morning from a business nnd social visit in Portland. Prosecuting Attorney M. A. Staf ford and Attorney E. F. Barker of Walla Walla, are here today as wit nesses in a case before the court. LOSES E SUIT AGAINST ATHENA A verdict for the defendant was the outcome of the damage suit Instituted by Mrs. Mary B. Ireland of Walla Walla against the city of Athena and J. Oohlson for allged Injuries sus tained by tripping and falling upon a sidewalk in that city more than a year ago. The Jury yesterday after noon came In with a verdict after be ing out about two hours and by It the plaintiff does not secure a cent. Phe asked for 6000 ami It Is said the de fendant offered at one time to settle for JS00. The wenknere of the case against the city became apparent when Mrs. Ireland failed to produce as a wit ness the doctor who, she claimed, op. eratej upon her for an ailment re sulting from the fall or the young man who, she testified, assisted her In replacing a dislocated kneecap. The attorneys for the defendants dwelt to some extent spon her fail ure to produce these witnesses or any depositions from them. Today the ense of C5. F. Pmlley vs. J F. Temple Is being tried. Tin- case Involves some 1300 alleged to be due by one party nnd to have been paid by the other. J. C. Hurspool of Wal la Walla represents the plaintiff while J. B. Perry and J. A. Fee are acting as counsel for the defendant. The case of August Ottke vs. Frank Pedro for damages for Injuries al leged to have been received when a dog bit and muuled the plaintiff. Is set for trial tomorrow. HMkir9 Safe f Lb vigfe Stodd Better a threadbare coat than a breach of promise suit. LOCALS (Sb Advertising in Brief RATES. Per tine first Insertion 10c Per line, additional Insertion . . . .6c Per line, per mouth $1.00 Count 6 ordinary words to line. Locals will Dot m takes over the 'phone and remittance most accom pany order. Betes' Barber Shop, (SI Main. Wanted Sewing. 701 E. Court Flnh arrives dally. Oregon Market Wanted Girl to wait on table. 12 W. Webb. Try Estea' new barber shop "It's the work." Fresh milch cowa for sale. Inquire Grltman Brothers. Wanted Good, clean rags at the Eaat Oregonlan office. Joe Ell, Insurance, room I, Ameri can National Bank building. Freeh smelt every day, 5 lbs. for 26c, at Oregon Market Phone 444. For rent First class piano In fine condition. Inquire or phone this of fice. For rent S room house with stone cetlar, 1109 Raley street. Inquire Walters mill. Phone 444 for U. a Inspected meat and more of It by paying cash, at the Oregon Market Just ' received, several cars of the beat Bock Springs Coal. Oregon Lumber Tard. Wanted Position as cook or house keeper, city or country. Inquire Boom S. Quelle Hotel. i What can you use In home furnish ings 7 Graham's big sale enables you to get "It" at a big saving. t Old papers for sale; tied In bun dles. Good for starting fires, etc. 16c a bundle or two bundles for 36c. This offlct. NEVER wore su;h appr crowds seen at a gale 1M as late as this sale is beinjr held. It lias hardly born possible to keep tJie stock in shape to show 'the thronps of bargain seek ers who have literally swamped ns during the pa?t three furious selling days. The hundreds of bargains offered at this sale are "based upon an urgent and pressing de mand. F. E. Livengood is going to quit business here. The lease and fixtures have Wn sold. Possession will be given February 20th if the stock can lo reduced to $8,000 by that time. This offer is a good one and cannot be turned down. Mr. Livengood has made all arrange ments to leave Pendleton justas soon as the deal can be, eonsumated. There can be no such a tiling as disappointment The stock absolutely and positively has to be SOLD OR GIVEX AWAY. So the store and stock has'been placed ijt t) hands of A. H. Allen, Merchandise Rrofcer of Portland, Oreeon. His men have been here and positively WRECKED EVERY FORMER. SELLING PRICE. Under a contract to reduce the stock to tho required $8,000 by February 20th, Allen ha priced this new seasonable merchandise at prices that defy any and all competition. It is, ' without doubt, the greatest selling event in the history of all Oregon. A legitimate sale with a Legitimate Reason. Entire Livengood stock, stylish Suits Thrown in 3 Lots! Lot 1 Only .a few suits remain in this lot. The furious selling of the past three days have nearly depleted this lot. of splendid bargains. Think of it. Serges, Mannish Mixtures, Whip cords and Stnpes, well tailored and in the lates styles. Absolute former values to $32.50 and sac rificed by the Merchandise Broker at the absurd price of only ...... iue laics siyies. 7.98 Lot 2 "While they last here is your opportunity "to get a stylish suit at a truly sensation al price. Staple "Pine Serges and the popular Manni-h Mixture. The new Cutaway coat with Jiapol and slit skirts. The latot fashions. Suits that Liv engood cc Co. sold for up to $30.00, s slaughtered bv A; IT. Allen to make 1 good on his contract at onlv cf 11.98 Lot 3 The pick of the Livengood suit stock will U- found in this magnificent lot. The new fabrics and The new styles. Man- 11111111 A Tauorcu aim until vitn the very linest guaranteed satins. Suits that formerly sold up to $40. Slashed and Slaughtered bv Allen for only 'i piUUlilllll-fU SilUIlS. $14.69 Hundreds of Smart Fall and Winter Coats Slaughtered I Cold. This is the weather for that new coat. And here is the chance to buy a new, stylish coat of the latest warm ma- terials at a price that hardly covers the cost of the bare ma terial. Livengood had a fine stock of high grade coats when tliis stock was tnrned over to A. II. Allen for quick Clear ance. The former prices have been cut so low that there is no semblance. Take advantage of thjs wonderful buying opportunity. Come in today and secure Your Coat for less. 925 TO ?35 WOMEN'S COATS Small lot of Broad cloth coats, good styles. Lined with. Skinners' guaranteed satin. A wonderful value. Allen dictates that they go for only S12 TO 315 WOMEN'S COATS Here is a lot in which you are sure to find a coat that will please you. Light Mannish Mixtures and Caracules. Good styles and well made. Sacri ficed to move quickly at ; S15 TO $20 WOMEN'S COATS Scores of stylish Pondes. Chinchillas, and plain and fancv Mixtures. Maa up m the latest styles and of the best Workmanship. Forced to go at only ?25 TO $35 WOMEN'S COATS Beautiful Plushes, Tjimb's Wool. Mannish Mixtures, Boucles and Chinchillas. Absolutely latest models and best workmanship. A superb lot of stylish coats. Slaughtered at only . okinners guaranteed $4.98 Here is a lot in ivill please you. Light Scores of stylish --. " sr ncv jlixtures. Jiaae $4.98 Beautiful Plushes, ;les and Chinchillas. $9.89 UveEgood p C9s Stock Poatiy-Will Rediced to in nine Nest 20 Bays A. H. Allen Sacrifices Livengood's Shoe Stock 81 r'.TAr.vwri; mm i o Never were you able to save money t.stes. Nothing reserved and everything Come and see for yourself. TO $r.00 PARTY SLIPPERS GO FOR $2.00 to $5.00 PartySlippcrs. Patent and Vici Kid leathers and canvas. Small lot to clean up quick, pair.... 29 TO $."..00 LADIES' SHOES, ONJ.Y PAIR98 $3.50 to $5.00 Ladies' Shoes, Patent, Vici Kid and (Juumetal leathers. Bluchcr and soft toe. Button and lace. Only few pairs . i . 9S like this ou good shoes. RememlKT the entire stock goes at. the prices that Allen die included. We can only mention a few of the astonishing prices in this small space. $5.00 LADIES' STRAP PUMPS 98 $5.00 Ladies' Pumps, l and 2 straps. Black and Tan. Sizes 1 and 2. While ihev last, pair 98 TO $3.00 MISSES' SHOES, ARK NOW 9S $2.0i) and $:j.00 Misses' Shoes. Vici Kid, Gunmetal and Patent leathers. But ton and lace. Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, pair 98 TO $2.50 MISSES' SHOES CUT TO 98 $2.00 and $2.50 Misses' Shoes, all leath ers, styles and widths. Sizes to 2. Small lot, pair 89 $5.00 LADIESV SHOES CUT TO 98 $5.00 Ladies' Gunmetal Shoes. Button. Best quality leather, well made. Slaughter ed at, pair : . ' 98 $5.00 LADIES' SHOES, SPECIAL . . LOT S1.98 $5.00 Ladies' Shoes, Button styles in patent, with velvet and eravenette tops. Iarge run of sizes, and widths $1.9S $2.00 CHILDREN'S FANCY TOP SHOES 77 $2.00 Children's Fancy Top Sh.x-s, si, es up to 8. Colored tops. Scores of sizes and widths. While they last, pair 77 EXTRA 85c Outing GOWNS Ladies size Entire Stock Sacrificed No Reserves! a n ii A. H. Allen in Charge of Stock Sale For Cash Only! No Phone Orders fa) feu EXTRA 3000 yards LAWNS to 15c yard, all you want 3 c yd. We have received a shipment of Utah Lump Coal, and you will never regret riving It a trial. Oregon Lum ber Tard. For sale Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven blocks from Main street. Inquire ot Walters' mill. , , ' Now's the time to get that piece of furniture you have been planning on. while the big money raising sale Is on at Oraham's. Wanted to rent or buy, small dwell ing with modern equipment, located north, .side of the river. Address P. O. Box 78, Pendleton, Ore. Don't forget the big money raising furniture sale at Graham's. Prices have been reduced unmercifully. Pound, In postoffice, " receipt for cream from Hailewood Co., Portland, Oregon. ' Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. Penland Bros, new . furniture . van moves all you have In one load. Oood warehouse storage; rates reasonable. Phone 88 or call Penland Bros., 147 Main street. For sale Good seven room house with stone foundation; plenty of room If person wants to raise chickens. An excellent opportunity to get a nice home at a bargain.' For further par ticulars inquire at this office. patcH to lie Kept In Sllmt. Tupaduy, February ' 3 MltiNtrel Maids at Alta Theater. Wednesday and Thurs., Feb. 4 and B "Quo VaritM" at Alta Theater. (Adv.) laninjr Cla" Meet Thursday Even ing. The second of the series of danc ing lessons to be given by Miss Nor ma Alloway will take place Thursduy evenlng, January 29th, at Moose hall. First class will meet at class at o'clock. 7:30. Second Mulct) for Sale. One carload of well broke native mules from 8 to 8 years old. weight from 1000 to 1S50 lbs., at O.-W. R. A N. stockyards, Pendleton, Ore., Jan. 2Sth. (Adv.) Going Out of nuslnpa February 1st. We will sell everything In our cigar store on the corner of Court anj Cot tonwood, show cases, soft drink coun ter, chairs, card tables, three (S) pool tables, register, writing desk, etc Hredtng & Hansen. (Adv.) Perry olwm A satlsflej customer will be a per manent customer. To secure satis faction, the Life insurance Policy I Issue to you must be proof against criticism. Tou will ha t0 apologize for your policy. with Farmers' Union Gmln Agency Ad Anyone who knows the where abouts of V.rn U Strain, who work ed In harvest fields last fall, 21 years old, weighs about 1(5 lbs,, dark brown eves and hair nln nniir.. w ... j - ..v.,. jr rv. w. A. Strain, La Junta, Colo., or R. w. Fletcher, K. R. .?.. Knights of Pythias (Adv.) For Trade. San t,uls Ablspo county, Culiroriu. where there is no snow an.! sun shine year around. 18 miles beach, the flowt In the United States, a 14-roon room ing house, nicely furnished, hot ant cold water, electric llxht.d. pre $7000. 8S00O mortgage Will trade the 84000 equity for anything trj or near Pendleton, vacant lots, bustnea or acreage. AddreM, Room 4 It. Washington Hotel. 12th and Wb. Ington streets, Portland. Oregon,