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PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREOONTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 10U. EIGHT PAGES AN IXDErnNDENT NEWSPAPER. Pefcltatw Imi'T and Sml Wr-kl at I'aav tfkrluo. crfua. by tb EAfT OkHtrUMAS IXbLISHING CO. Onvtal Oltj and County Paper. Mtabr lailrd ITm Aaociatloa. at t nratoffke at Pendlttoa, Cfreroa. a rrra4-rian mall natter. ON fALE IX OTHER OT1ES. Tb . Na Co.. Portlaod. Oregon, HI V Lutcn fru. at ta. iaciwai HxW Nura Stand. Partlaa. tirmaaa Xm Co.. Portland. Orcm. w KII.K AT CVin Barwao. S Sorority Bclldlsf. VaaaMtrtaa. L C, Bureau, Zbl. 'oar aaatta atret. X. W. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Datty, aa year, by Ball 13.00 aMotaa. by Ball 1W tMy. tana aoatba. by mall 125 naat. cm taoatfc. by aull 50 IMly. as iar. by carrier 7. SO liaBy, all aaootha. by carrier S.7J ry. three nootbe. by carrier 1.95 IUy. ooe Boot a, by carrier OS becaVWeekly, ooa year by mall l.M Meat Weekly, all moatba. by miM 73 liaal Tr't'r. low nootba. by mail .... .50 Tatapbcm AM) TIIK I)KF.n. Genius of Labor, all men sing to the Hour beautiful and fine and true thou art AUi! the few who know thee from the heart Fail of their guerdon thro' the subtlety Of those who Rather In thy fruita; and they. Weak in their strength, so foil themselves by greed They miss unto the uttermost the meed Thou wouldst bestow; so, no man hath to say Who tolls In bond: who reaps that hath not sown; "1 know the sweets that tabor brines her own." San Francisco Star. To eliminate unnecessary l"sses is one of the first desires of every busi ness corporation and ;uardlajr the O.-W. R. & X. Against Waste. Co. is spending con s i d e r a ble money teaching the gospel of economy and safety first, as Is shown by the work being done by Mr. Perley. The cam paign being conducted Is significant because It is In line with the reuire ments of modarn business. The loss es that occur In any line of industry vitally affect the margin of profits and hence unnecessary losses are something to be guarded as closely a a plague. The principle applies not only to the railroad business but to ever)' class of work, large or small. An encouraging feature of the pres ent political situation in Umatilla county is the fact ef Vut l'p Your forts are being made Best Men. by leading men in both the republican and democratic parties to drum up good clean men to become candidates for office. It seems to be realized j more than ever that politics is com petitive business and that to insure party succeas the first essential step I- to nominate men of such standing that people can vote for them In good grace. It is realized and should be realized more and more that it Is bad politics to nominate grafters or men whose only requisite is that they have been good party men. The grafter is always open to dangerous attack; the "good party man" cannot get far In a political race if that is his only recommendation. The call Is for men of personal ability and personal integrity and peo ple do not care very much for mere partisanship. In drafting their can didates for the coming election it will be well for both parties to recognize this fact. The best way to prepare to win an election is by making sin cere efforts to put up the best men. Furthermore such tactics will do much to elevate politics and politic ned elevating. Februury S was the 10th anniver sary of the birth of Samuel J. Tllden and on that oc A XuW-d American, casion the New York World de-ot-d the following to a review of his political life and the Influence of the Kume; Horn one hundred years ago toduy Famuel J. Tildm held no Important office except that of Governor of New York, and he held that for onlr a single term. Yet he will remain for ever among the greut leaders of the republic who shaped the destinies of the nation. To have been def rallied of the pres idency in a crisis that threatened to plunge the country Into another civil w ar Is in itself a passport to historical immortality; yet, at beat, this is only a negative claim to fame. Tllden's title rests upon a far more suostanllal fi undaUon than this, a lesser man might have been cheated of the presi dency. Hut only an eminently great ritlsen and patriot could have render ed all the various public services to which American institutions are In debted to Samuel J, Tllden. With the popular reputation he had acquired in overthrowing Tweed and In destroying the Canal King. Tllden ppeared upon the acme of national politics at a time when the federal government at Washington was in the depths of such degradation and cor ruption that men who had never de al aired of the republic in the darkest hours of the civil war were beginning to lose hope and courage. We know now that Grant was personally hon est; but for all practical purposes he rrlght ns well have been us venial a the thieves and 'scoundrels who sur rounded him and who alone seemed 1 1 have his complete confidence. His unfathomable Ignorance of the science and art of government, his enormous incapacity in civil administration, his sorry inability to Judge men except for military' purposes and his strong prejudices, which shut his eyes to everything thatwas going on around him, brought the government of the United States as near to ruin as it could well get in time of peace. The democratic party was not only discredited but damned damned by its antebellum alliance with slavery damned by its dalliance with seces sion, damned by its copperhead sym pathies during the war, and damned by its lake of courage, conscience and conviction after the war. Yet oul of this welter came Tilden. with a rec ord of constructive service and a plat form of principles which made pos sible the dawn of a new era in Amer ican politics. Elected to the presidency by a pop ular majority of more than a quarter of a million, and cheated out of the office by a political crime hardly lesi infamous than secession, Tilden never theless accomplished a work of po litical regeneration the Importance of which can hardly be overestimated Senator Root In his letter printed else where in today's Issue of The World says: "We were trembling on the erge of the Mexican method of decid ing elections, and he would have none of it. I think he rendered a greater service in that than he possibly could have rendered In the presidency." This is true, and the service thai Tilden rendered was a continuing one The counrty suddenly perceived that it had been standing face to face with disaster. The work of setting the na tion's house in . order began at once Not only was the democratic party rehabilitated Into an intelligent instru ment of government which could per form the service of an effective oppo sition even though it were denied power, but the republican party was sobered and chastened and purified by the experience. It can be said of Tilden that he set both parties on their feet again, to re-establish constitution al government in place of the outo cracy that corruption and absolutism had created in the name of a mili tary idol. The nation swung back to Itr original political moorings, from w hich it has never since departed. WMemore's 11 Shoe Polishes FINEST QUALITY LARCCST VARIETY 3-" : "CUT EDCE."iu only Mi'aiio drcoaing that BnoiLiveW cotilauia Oil. Blarks and I'ohahvaladiea' aiul children's bouta and aliora, abinea Wtlbwl rab-bie.S-c "TBENCR CL0SS." UK. "MJIDT" coniljuiaiiuB for ckaabif and aaHiblnf allliind nf mwt or tan ahoe, use. "STAR" aize, l"c. TLttV eorauination for gentlemen who take pride in baring their than look A 1. Keiloreaeolor aud I nut re to all biack abort. Polish with a bruah or rlrHh. taenia. "BatT ELITE" aiza, 10 eenta. "BULLY SR1NE." a waterproof paate pullah foraB kinda of black ahoea. - Con ulna afla and wain to aalkfe and arearrrt the leather. Hoxea open with akry. 10c "BDS6ET (OUT SltNE" aama price. 1 r )-ourd-ftlr not ki the fc in4 " want, ten! oa tbm uric In -"im f.r fnll nt f''kace. rharata pe4 WHITTEMORI BROS. CO., tO-tt Albany Straat, Cambridge, Maaa, Tht OUfnt and fargtsi Hanytfotturtrt 0 - SJux Poliiku in th Wtrld. odorn Dontists Dr. Tboa. C. Olimart, Manager. TAYLOR HARDWARE BLDG. Pendleton, Ore SOME PKRTIXEXT FACTS. A man who wants to build a house writs, "why should i Pay more for a brick house than for eny other kind?" Now aint that a foolish thing to ask? You can go to the drug store and get a kids ball. for a dime and you can get a noaconst kind for five cents, but neither of them Is no good and you can buy a ball for a quarter, and one for fifty cents, but if you want a ball that is a ball you gotter get a dollern a quarter ball that Is a bait. I can lam the stuffln outer a five cent or a dime ball In one lick, and a quar ter ball won't last a whole gaim the fifty centers are better but they are no good neither but the dollern a quarter ball is a ball as U a ball and you can pound it around and it la just the same as It was before you took it outer the box." VJoslon Drick Yard P. T. Harbour, Manager. Weston, Oregon. BY THt SCISSORS HOW XKW YORK DIES. The 5S0 persons killed by vehicles In New York last year equal the local death-rate of a population as larg as Salem, Mass. Add 194 homicides and we have the deathrate for a Mo bile, Ala., or a Canton, O. Add 453 suicides and we have the death-rate for u Trenton or a Hartford. As In the general mortality lists, these vie time of violence were of all Rges, of both sexes, of every walk In life. They formed a regiment of 1237. InclueU&c those wo died violent deaths less cul pable, the total of 265 furnished the death-rate for u Patterson and Pas sulc combined. The homicides alone are more than half the record of . all England in 1906. Nearly 200 human lives are part of the price we pay yearly for our toleration of the gunman, the bomb-planter, the wlelder of knife and stiletto. Yet the New Yorker has a 55 per cent greater chance of being gllled by an automobile than by a murderer; the preponderance is much greater if he Is of steady habits. Au tomobile killings in 1913 were S02, against 112 in 1910. The rapid In crease was due solely to careless driv ing. If greater carelessness of pe destrlans were at fault, the figures of deaths by trolley cars and wagons would show It; but they declined from 359 in 1910 to 278 in 1913. Pedestrians apparently grow more careful, yet are killed at the rate of almost one a day by motor cars. For a city standing so high in many of the attributes of civilization. New York's record of deaths by violence is a shameful one. Suicide no public care can prevent. For the rest, the remedy is In strict enforcement of the law and there Is no other rem edy World. Remarkable House Building in Poland. 4 Poland is a country which possesses a marked Individuality of its own but the Italian Renaissance still holds unlversay sway over modern building, although it utterly fails to express the life of the country. Peculiar Interest therefore attaches to a "house now being built there from the designs of M. H. Bailiie Scott, the Studio (Lon don) says, as it probably constitutes the first departure from the Renais sance traditions in Poland since the sixteenth century. It is built of local stone, flint and handmade bricks. It has no architectural embellishments, and relies for its effect on the quali ties of color and texture to be obtain ed by the arrangement of the mater ials of which its walls are built. Its plan encloses a center court, and Is ad up ted to the levels of the site. At the southeast corner of the building, where the ground falls, the library is placed as a two story room, ROSES I have 10,006 roses ready foi immediate delivery, all grown la the open ground, and grown hi .Heppner. All are on own roots, comprising 170 varieties of the best ever blooming sorts; positive ly guaranteed true to label. Maiy prefer that I make their selection, giving their peference of colors. I will always give any rose of equal value in exchange for those that do not entirely please you. I will also donate, as a forfeit, ten choice ever blooming roses for ev ery error I make in filling your order. I refer you to J. I Vaughan, the electrician, as to the merits of my roses, Mr. Vaughan having over 50 of my roses growing in his yard. Address, HARRY COMMIX OS Heppner, Oregon. LAND OFFICE Real Estate Exchange C E. Roosevelt, E. O. Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon c li; , a -s a veiling iigeiu j for ! IRVINGTON HEIGHTS Now's this time forspring tonics &t a bottle of dial's Hot Springs Dlood Ikscdy An efficient and re liable remedy free from harmful ingredients. Koeppen's The Drug store that yon beat. MYMi Baking Fowdleir Makes the lightest most delicious and tasty hot biscuit Eoyall Baking Powder i is indispensable to the prepa ration, of the finest cake, hot-breads, rolls and muffins. ROYAL Has No Substitute No other baking powder equals it in effective ness, purity and wholesomeness. approached from the hall on the level of the gallery, from which access Is gained to the lower floor of the room by the small spiral staircase In the angle. The hall Itself as the princi pal apartment in the house, has an open timber roof, a large recessed fire place and stage. The dining room Is connected with the hall by an arched opening, and has also a recess with a fixed seat for use on occasions when the room Itself is not required. A small staircase in the dining room gives access to the study over it, a room which opens on to a gallery overlooking the hall. On the north west angle of the building the kitchen Is placed, and this room is carried up through the two stories with an open timber room. The southwest angle of the building Is occupied by a suite of bedrooms, with bathrooms, etc. The exterior walls are thick, the windows small, and the walls and ceilings are finished white inside. Happily there are no building by laws to insist on useless glass area, which would go far to neutralize the protective effect of the thick walls. The kind of workmanship which such a house demands Is necessarily that of the hand. It will be a house built by. hands Instead of machines. And this hand-workmanship, com blntvl with its simple outlines, may perhaps give It, something of an air of being the natural product of the soil, which was the chief charm of the old houses. FARMS 1YR THE YOUXG MAX. According to the president of the Illinois Dairymen's Association the young man nowadays can purchase farm land at $200 an acre more eas ily than his grandfather could buy It for $1.25. All he needs Is a funda mental knowledge of scientific farm ing and a fund of common sense. "The farmer today has every ad vantage that science and the machine shop can supply," says Mr. Mason, "and information on every phase of farming Is sent to him by the gov ernment colleges and various institutions." mayor with the approval of various women s organizations. Her purpose is to better the condi tlons of girls in her home town. She has adopted a distinctive uniform wholly feminine, but she has all the powers of the policeman and will en force the laws against men as well as against women. Even some impossibilities are possible. A M1M.IOXA1RE POMCEWOMAX. Muntic, Indiana, has a millionaire policewoman. Mrs. T. F. Hart Is now on duty, having been sworn In by the For the HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA poa aaaaaa the extracted values of tha bast vegatable remedies pre scribed by leading phyaioiana. That its formula has proved won derfully potent is proved by its reeord of great auccaaa. For your blood medicine get HOOD'S. 30 Head of Young Work MULES AT PRIVATE SALE at the OREGON FEED YARD Monday, February 16th BWMaaavaaBasHBiBBMBBTaBTBVaaHilBas 1 will'offer for sale 30 head of large mules; four years old; ranging from 15 to 17 hands high and broke to halter 'and harness. Here's your oppor tunity to get some of the best young work mules ever offered for sale in Pendleton TERMS: CASH OR APPROVED NOTES A. WAM, Owner ENTERPRISE, OREGON A L T A TAT1T Pendleton's Real Show House Devoted to tbe perfect screen High-Cltss Photoplays Regular program constat of 4 reels of motion pictures and a ginger. Admission 10c and 5c See program in today's paper PENDLETON'S P 0 P TJ. IAR PICTURE SnOW THE COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a high-class motion picture show with comfort, Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Even ing. Changes Sunday, Mon day, Wednesday and Friday. "Ktrw TW in Sf Clanma TT,T I SVSftV A-Wa) W WM vwtu AAV teL Admission 5c and 10a Orphoum Theatre J. P. MEDERNACn, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Program changes Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. See Program in Today's Paper. Pastime Theatre "The Home of Good Pictures" ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplays :: Steady, Flickerle&a Pictures : : Abso- lutely No Eye Strain. A Refined and Entertaining Show for the Entire Family. Next to French Restaurant Changes Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Adults 10a Children under 10 years 5a