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PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGON! AN. PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2S, 19U. EIGHT PAGES All Royal Worcester, Bon Ton, Adjusto and Gossard Corsets will be found on 2nd floor forming the strongest line of corsets shown in the country. Corsets for every figure, of the newest and latest effects as well as for the more conser- f vative. In connection with this department is a fitting room. An expert fitter in attendance. You can have any corset fitted. $1.00 to $10.00 COUPON ) Tlio PGoplos UarohousQ Where It Pays to Trade. Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps MS 34 PrESujH coupon ADAMS LOCALS. (Special Correspondence.) ADAMS, ore., Feb. 25. A farewell surprise party was given on Saturday night in honor of Master Paul Gem xnell by his schoolmates, and those present were Gerildean and Blanch Morrison. Rena Hale. Dan and Laur ence Mclntire, Dora Chestnut Harold Carlton. Ivan Blake. Ester Reid. Ila Blake. Quendoline Mclntire, Helen Blake, Beula Spencer, Gladis Spencer and John Hale. The played games and had rereshments and all had a fine time. INDIGESTION ENDED STOMACH FEELS FINE Time "Pape'a WapepeU;- 1 Five MtaMn SM. fio -mum. flaw. Heart burn and DyspefM I Gone. Sour, gassy, vpeet stomach, indi gestion, heartburn, dyspfpsla; when the food yc at ferments into gases and stubborn lumps; your head aches and you feel sick: and miserable, that's when you realise the magic in Fape's Diapepetn. It makes all stomach mis ery vanish in five minutes. If your stomach is in a eontinoeus revolt if you can't get it regulated, please, for your sale, try Pipe's VS& pepein. If so needles te have a bad stemach make yvnr next meal a fa vorite food meal, then tike a little Dlapepstn. There will not be any distress eat without fear. It's be cause Pape's Diapepsln "reatly does" regulate weak. cnt-f-order stomachs that gives it Us millions of sales an nually. Get a Urge jlfty-cent case of Pipe's Diapepsln from any drug store. It is the quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known. It acts almost like magic it is a scientific, harmless and pleasant stomach preparation which truly belong In every home. odorn Donticts Dr. Tboe. C. Ohmart, Manager. TAYLOR HARDWARE BLDG. Pendleton, Or. SOME PERTINENT FACTS. A man who wants to build a house writs, "why should i Pay moro for a brick house than for eny other kind?" Now alnt that a foolish thing to ask? Tou can go to the drug store and get a kids ball for a dime and you can get a noa const kind for five cents, but neither of them is no good and you can buy a ball for a quarter, and one for fifty cents, but It you want a ball that is a bail you gotter get a dollera a quarter ball that is a ball. I can Jam the stuffln outer a flvs cent or a dime ball ia on lick, and a quar tar ball won't last a whole gala the fifty centers are better but they are ao good neither but. the aollvrn a quarter ball la a ball as is a ban and you eea pound It arosnd and it is just th same as It was before you took K outer the bo." k VJecIca Crfcl Ycrd P. T. Harbour, Manager. Weston, Oregon. Ruth Chidenten of Athena was the guest of Mrs. Davison Sunday. Guendoline and Mildred Rogers of Pendleton were the . guests of Geril dean Morrison Sunday. Elleene Bowling of Pendleton came up Friday to spend Sunday at home. Otis Lieuallen of Weston spent Sun day at home in Adams. Mrs. Mclntire and sons Dan and Laurence were Pendleton visitors Saturday. Ivan Blake was a Pendleton visitor Saturday, Paul Gemmell left for his home in Heppner Monday after spending the past month in Adams. Rena Hale returned to school in Pendleton Monday after spending Sunday at home. Dr. Plamondon and Dr. Xeusom of Athena were business visitors in Ad ams Monday. Ivan Blake and Gladis Spencer were Pendleton visitors Sunday. Jery Stone and Frank Kribs were Pendleton business visitors Saturday. Mrs. G. M. Lewis is visiting relatives In Pendleton for the past week. Mr. and. Mrs. T. M. Whitley were Pendleton business visitors Monday. Chester Spencer was a Pendleton visitor Monday. ' C. llarrette was among " the' Pen dleton visitors Monday. Mrs. Wallace was a Pendleton vis itor Monday. -s Will Holdman visited the county seat Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis' and son were in Pendleton Monday. Charley Smith was in Pendleton Monday. Joe Plant was a Pendleton visitor Monday. 'Farmers have been busy. up to the recent rain plowing for summer fallow as the weather has been fine A M.W IS WHAT HIS THOCGHTS nAVE MADE HIM PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 25. "The, Man for Men His Thoughts" was the topic of the third of a Beries of ser mons delivered by Rev. Delmar H. Trimble at the' Centenary M. E. chMrch. "The mind Is so constituted that it must be busy and you must think about something," declared the preacher. "Ton determine what you think about, the brain is the field on which the army of thoughts deploy and move, but you are the creator and commander of these armies. Every person who has ever tried to live a pure and holy life knows that again and again, he does force some thought out of his mind and bring others In. It is when we are disposed to soothe our conscience and indulge in Idle dreaming, covetous, foul or lustful im aginings that we say we cannot deter mine what thoughts we will have. We cannot prevent a thought from ob truding into our mind, but we can prevent Its remaining there. "What you think about determines you. Life Is won or lost in its mast er thoughts. Tou gradually but In evitably become like the thoughts you think, morally and even physically. It was said of John Keats the poet, that his fact was like one who has seen a vision, so long had his thoughts been fixed on beauty, so long had he lived with it. "This law explains the coming of husband and wife through thinking the same thoughts and loving the same objects through years to look like brother and sister. This under lies the teachings of Jesus Christ in his sermon on the Mount: "He that hateth is a murderer; he that looketh to lust has already committed adult ery in his heart.' "The secret of high life Is then to keep your thoughts in the neighbor hood of high causes and great per sonalities. Character is caught, not taught." The King of All Laxatives. For constipation, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo, N. T., says they are the "king of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family and I al ways keep box at home." Get a box and get well again. Price 25c. At druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Adv. JUST HOW. . It was a wizened little man who appeared before the Judge and charg ed his wife with cruel and abusive treatment. His better half was a big, square-Jawed woman, with a de termined eye. "In the first place, where did you meet this woman who has treated you so dreadfully?" asked the Judge, "Well," replied the little man, mak ing a brave attempt to glare defiant ly at his wife, "I never did meet her. She Just kind of overtook me." A scald, burn or severe cut heals slowly if neglected. The family that keeps a bottle of BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT on hand Is always pre pared for such accidents. Price 25c, 50c and 11.00 per bottle. Sold by all dealers. Adv. ArtlHtlc Economy. Of course, I want my daughter to have some kind of artistic education. I think I'll let her study singing." "Why not art or literature?" "Art spoils canvas and literature wastes reams of paper. Singing mere ly produces a temporary disturbance of the atmosphere." Hank. "Is he an actor of rank?" "Yes, very." UGH! NOT CALOMEL, OIL OR SALTS," TAKE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" Delicious "Fruit Laxative" clean Stomach, Liver and Bowels of Old s, and 1'ounC Folks. f " A harmless cure for sick headache, biliousness, sour stomach, constipa tion. Indigestion, coated tongue, - sal lowneae take "California Byrup of Figs." For the cause of all such mis ery comes from a torpid liver and sluggish bowels. A tablespoonful tonight means all constipation poison, waste matter, fer menting food and sour bile gently moved out of your system by morning without griping. Please don't think of ."California Syrup f Figs;; as a phy sic. Don't think you are drugging yourself or your children., because jthia delicious fruit laxative can not cause injury. Even the most delicate child can take it as safely aa a robust man It Is the most . harmless. , effective stomach, liver and bowel cleanser, regulator and tonic ever devised. - Tour only difficulty may be In get ting the genuine, so ask your drug gist for a 50 cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." then see that It Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company. This city has many coun terfeit "fig syrups," so watch out. Woman Varied Interests Social and Club New. Personals, Fashions, Home Hints and Other hems of Interest to the World Feminine. soeiecv At 'nine o'clock yesterday morning at St, Mary's church, the wedding of Miss Helen Mousu and Edward Owen Williams 'was celebrated In the presence of Immediate relatives only. Rev. Father John Durgan officiating. The bride entered on the arm of her father as Miss Alma Scheer played Lohengrin's wedding march. Her sister. Miss Elgantine Mousu, Leted as bridesmaid while Mr. Williams was attended by John Watson. "I Dwell a Captive" by Ambrose, was sung Just before the ceremony by Miss Sarah Cunningham and the wedding party left the church to the strains of Mendelssohn's march. The bride looked very attractive in a suit of violet crepe de chine with a hat to match. She wore orchids and lilies of the valley.' The bridesmaid was attired In a neat suit of tan silk and wore violets and red roses. The members of the wedding party left the charch immediately after the ceremony for the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Mousu, 1801 West Webb street, where a wed ding; breakfast was served. In the afternoon an Informal reception was held and about a hundred friends called to shower the young couple with congratulations. The rooms were beautifully decorated in delicate pink for the occasion. Assisting in the serving of refreshments were Misses Sidney and Evelyn Sommer vllle, Miss Viola Shea and Miss Cella Cuningham. The bride has lived In Pendleton most of her life and has won an en viable popularity among her many friends. Her husband, who Is a salesman In the Clarke hardware store, has likewise won manv friend ships and the young couple enter up on their married life with a host of well wishers. They will make their home at 811 West Court street. A quiet wedding was celebrated yes terday at the Grigsby home, 120 Lee street yesterday afternoon at '4:30 o'clock when Miss Lllla Miriam Grigsby became the bride of Herman Otto Purucker. Only the members of the bride's family were present to witness the ceremony, which was per formed by the bride's father. Rev. S. L. Grigsby, pastor of the First Pres byterian church. The bride wore a traveling suit and was unattended. The' young couple left on the even ing train via Walla Walla for Port land where they will spend several days before going on to Medford, their future home Mrs. Purucker Is a charming and accomplished young lady and during the year she has spent In Pendleton has become quite pop uar In church and club circles. Her husband is an electrician in Medford and is quite prominent in his profession. Mrs. Robert N. Stanfield entertain ed four tables of Five Hundred last evening at her home. 414 Jackson street, in honor of her sister, Mrs. Alfred E. Blomqulst, who is Soon to leave with her husband for Portland to live permanently. Prizes In the play were won by Mrs. James Shanard Johns and Henry. W. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Taylor and daughter, Miss Hazel Taylor, who have been spending the past three months and a half in Portland, are expected home tomorrow. Mr. Tay lor is grand master of the I. O. O. F. lodge and made Portland his head quarters while he visited the valley lodges. ' The young ladies' sodality of St. Mary's church gave a very pleasant pre-lenten dancing party last evening in the Eagle-Woodman hall and It was well attended. Dancing was en- Joyed until a late hour. Mrs. William M. Sluaher left es- terday for Portland where she -.will visit her daughter, Mrs. Fred Gulick, who returned to Portland Monday aft er spending a few days here. Miss Rita Howland, formerly of this city, was over from Walla Walla Mon day on a visit and was accompanied by Mrs. Fred Ross of Ellensberg. Mrs.-George Goodman and children. who recently moved from this city to Pasco, returned to the latter city yes terday after a visit with friends here Mrs. S. L. Morse, pioneer resident of this county and the mother of Mrs. Frank Sallng, left today for Scoby, Montana, for a visit. Miss Opal Calllson was in Echo last evening to attend the basketball game and dance given there. . . " Mrs. Laura ' B. Davis of Hermiston Visited Monday In the city. Mis. R. r. Raymond .returned this morning from Helix. " -' Vittv i The Care of Children Of the many Important . tlaooveries which modern, phycbology haa put to its credit, undoubtedly there la none of greater importance than its dem onstration of the last effect of experi ences of early childhood on the course of adult life., ,. . , The Ignlflcance of this to physi cians, educators and most of all to parents, cannot be over-estimated. It has, in fact opened up an entirely new vista In child training, on the one hand by pointing out hitherto unsus pected dangers to be carefully guard-1 ed against and, on the other, by sug gesting novel ways and means where by foundations may be laid for the Duitamg or a strong physical, moral and Intellectual development. For the psychologist has found rea son for affirming that not Infrequent ly the achievements of men recognised as preeminent In their chosen voca tions may properly be attributed. not so much to innate talent as to the fortunate occurrence in infancy of events which, by appealing with ex ceptional force to the imagination, had the effect of turning their thoughts insistently to matters that afterward became the chief concern of their Uvea More than this, the psychologist has observed that In many cases such early awakening of Interest, leading to an ardent desire for the acquisition of knowledge, has been followed by unusually rapid men tal growth. i Thus, the famous French composer Salnt-Saens, who first became Inter ested In the study bf music through the pleasure he experienced In listen ing to "the symphony of the kettle on the hob," was writing waltzes and gallops of his own at the are of five and at ten gave a successful pub lic concert with the accompaniment of an orchestra. He was still only fifteen when, as he relates In a letter to a friend, "I composed songs that people sing today without for a mo ment suspecting the youthful age at which they were written." H. Ad dington Bruce in "Good Housekeeping." Home Hints and Recipes To Remove Paper. An excellent way to remove paper from the wall when about to repaper a room, says Modern Priscllla. is to make a rather thin paste of flour and A Kidney Remedy That Has ' Thousands of Friends I believe Dr. Kilmer & Company of Blnghamton, N. T., manufacture one of the best medicines for the kidneys, liver and blood, called "Swamp-root" ever produced, and I take pleasure In recommending It to others. After trying several remedies for the kidneys and liver trouble, which apparently had taken on chronic form, I was urged to give Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root a fair trial and wrote for a trial bottle, which was promptly mailed to my address. 1 was so well pleased with the action of the remedy that I purchased It in five bottle lots and continued taking the remedy until I was fully satisfied that my kidneys and liver were re stored to a healthy condition. Prior to accepting this remedy was almost dally afflicted with hem orrhage from the nose which nhv- slcians were unable to check or pre scribe a remedy for, unquestionably caused by the condition of my kid neys, my heart at times affected. m stomach and other organs in sympa thy, all of which have been complete ly restored to a normal condition. I weigh fifteen pounds more than I aia tnree years ago, the result of com plying with the printed directions found With a bottle of Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root. , - . I have been In the rallwav nervW for the past forty-two years and have been a resident of this city for the past twenty-three years. very truly yours, E. B. vvniv.-v. . 338 West Patten St., Paxton, Illinois. Personally, appeared before me this J 7th day of June, 1912, Mr. E. B. Pitney who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same Is true In substance and In fact RUDOLPH L. SCHNEIDER. . . , . Notary Public. ' Letter, to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root W1U Do For Ton. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. T., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. Tou will also receive a booklet of valu able Information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Pendleton Daily East Oregonlan. Regular fifty cent and one dollar size .bottles for sale at all drug stores. For your cold buy a box of Cold Cure : Guaranteed and sold only by Tollman d Go. Leedini Drutgltts water and go over the paper with a large brush or cloth, wetting even' part. After allowing this to stand for a little while the paper may be taken off in great strips without spreading a particle of dirt or dust. Brightening up a Daughter's Room. There are rooms where a. little in genuity and taste are sufficient to con vert them from dull uninteresting ones to bright and cheerful abodes. This Is especially true of a child's room. I have In mind a small second storj back bedroom of the conventional city house, writes a contributor to the Chicago Inter Ocean. . The girl's mother used plenty of paste and many large highly colored pictures, posters and panel pictures. These she cut and pasted artistically on the walla In the same room stood an-old Jap anese screen, and this was given the same treatment with smaller pictures of every variety. . . This room proved a delight to the little 10-year-old girl. Each picture became a playmate, a companion, a visitor to her. and ntrhtiv h.. .k. "at at the foot of her bed, before kiss ing ner good night, and told her stor ies about the picture children. Shoe Duster and Remover. A shoe duster and a long-handled overshoe remover are things that will add to the comfnri r ... .. " J ittmiiy ii they are hung in a convenient place near the hall entrance throughout the winter and early sprln seasons They can be homemade. The duster may be made from a piece of old blanket wm mores Shoe Polishes" NNIST QUALITY . LARGEST VAfttCTY "CUT UfisVU" only ladlea'anoa disaalot that Boaiiivdjr ooouist aft. Blacks and IoihMls(HMr. ndchUdna'i boots sod (hoei, sMa Wttksal raV MMHc TIDICI O.MS." lOe. - t t III f" coai biuttlun (or tkl a sssssaaf all kindiof ruMetorUa snow, WctTUT m.10c "fipT ombhMtioa fat gcnUflOMa whe Use pridclnliSTiacUeirsbOMlookAl. Rsrtonseoior snd luatr te all buck staoN. roHth with a bteta or emits. "BUT DJTT Use, JO noU. "BOUT SBW," wturproof puts polUh tot klndi of bUtck (hoM. Contains OAs sad mm to MMtfe and pnwrv Um I tfaor. Box epos wit afcn.ioc "BUSSET BOUT WT saaM pries. If jourdMlw do ant kors th kind jraa uI.in4 Um arloo I a Hnia tit ta iolw parkaira. etiugw 14 WNITTIMORB MOB. A CO- tO-ta AMmii Street. CamfcrMie, JTu OUttt 4 Larttit Maflttr a m Poliitut in th WetU. or any thick woolen material, cut in to a frlngle and tacked to an . bid , handle of a featner ouster, or just a stick, so the dust may be flicked from, the shoes without any stooping. A Big Carload Just Received, - of IFrosh Poultry IppJigs Every thing; in foods, tonics and remedies for your chickens and stock now to be found here in endless variety. Our stock is largo, yet kept fresh by fast sellinp. Low prices account for this and our low prices are made pos sible by our buyinpr direct from the largest wholesale houses on the Pacific coast in carloads for spot cash and thereby getting jobber's discounts. Our goods are guaranteed to bo of the best. The hen is & noble bird, but it takes Proper Food to Make the Hens Lay The analysis of the dry matter in any egg averages: protein 12 per cent, carbohydrates 11 per cent, shell and ash 11 per coat On this basis our "EGO PRODUCER" Is composed and constructed first, to nour ish the hen's body, and second, to provide additional material and energy from which she constructs and present you with eggs. All experienced poultrymen will bear wit ness: To get eggs, the feed you give your chickens must contain the right amount of the right food elements in digestible form otherwise, NO EGOS. The hen Is a noble bird. Her worthy in clination to reproduce the species gives mil lions of people eggs for breakfast. YOU must provide her with the proper foods to get best results for all concerned. Tone up your hens now for Spring hatching : . To get good, strong and health chicks that will mature into good profitable layers you should commence at once to put your pullets into the prime of conditionwe havo . all the necessary ingredients. TRY OUR PLANT FOOD, an odorlees fertilizer for , house and potted plants it does the work . KORINEK'S STOCK FOODS AND TONICS Every farmer needs these to put his stock in good condition for spring work. , ALFALFA LEAVES AND BLOSSOMS, a ground-up ffreen natural food free .from stems, for old and young We sell the BEST, laid down in Pendleton at lower prices, and guaranteed. Bone, beet grade, lb. 4c; " IS.S5 Shell, best grade lb. 4c; cwt . $1.15 Shell, cheaper grade, lb. 8c; cwt $1.10 Grit lb. 4c; cwt. $1.50 Beef Scraps. . . .lb. 6c; cwt $4.50 Blood Meal., lb; 6c; cwt. $450 Chick Food, best lb, 5c; cwt I $3.25 Growing Food, lb. 8 l-2c; cwt $2.75 Scratch Food, lb. 3 l-c; cwt. . $j.5o Crack Corn, lb. X l-2c; , cwt. . $$.50 Charcoal 8c lb., 7 for 50c . Sun Flower Seed. lb. 12 1-Jc Flax Meal lb.. 15c; cwt $18.50 , Oil Meals.. Ac; cwt. $4.50 CALF FOOD lb. Be; cwt $4-60 , Bran, sack . , , Ho ' Shorts, sack tl.lft ' Mill Feed. Back .....V.;. Egg Producers.. 25c, 50c, $1.00 Lawn and Flower Fertiliser, eliminates weeds, lb. $ l-ao; ct $75 Lice Killers.... S5o, OOo. $140 Lice Powder 25c, 60o Germazone goo Cholera Cure . 25c Mo Roup Cure 500 White Diarrhoea 'Remedy. 6O0 Bronchitis Remedy 500 Limber Neck Remedy 60c Rheumatto Remedy 500 Chicken Pox Remedy . . . ,' 6O0 Egg Carriers,. 12 dos. slie $1.00 Drinking Fountains too Self Feeder.' . Folding Egg Box, 15 egg... 25o Fresh Egg Box, 12 egg; dos 25o Wirt Neat. AMhi .. v., 20 , Leg Bands, per doi ;20o... Toe Punch 25o Spray Pumps 50c, $8.00, tdJO uaponizing instruments. $8.t Price vary on whole wheat, cracked wheat, oata and rotted barley w mjw nwin, v f wiu nma ear prtcea th A.T. Matthews Go. Dealer in Hay, Grain, Feed. Poaltry and Stock Pood. We are agents for celebrated CON KEY and KORINEK'S Remedies. .Cor. Cottonwood and Alt Sta. PENDLETON, OREGON.