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EIGHT PAGES PAGE TTTREE. .DAILY EAST OKEQONIAN. PENDLETON. OttEOON. TODAY. FEBRUARY 27. 1014. A STAPLE MEDICINE FOR EVERY FAMILY TXo Self lleftportlng Group of People Should lie Without a Good Family Laxative. . It is Inconceivable In this day of general inetlllgence that any family "would be wlhout a simple remedy for the minor Ills of life, for often by glv 'ing such a remedy In time a serious disease can be frustrated and a life saved. For example, If at the first sign ot a cold a simple laxative-tonic like Dr. 'Oildwell's Syrup Pepsin were irlven, the bcglnlnng of a serious lung affec tion o. of a typhoid fever might be avoided. And also In headaches, ner vousi.ess, etc., a small dose of this remedy would relieve the congestion and replace distress with comfort. Mothers give it to tiny Infants and little children and grown people take It with equally good effect. Thousands of good American homes are never without It, amcni? them 'he home of Mrs. C. A. Wrlg'it, 1831 Pasadena Ave.. Long Beach, Ca'. She had considerable trouble raising little Lawrence, three years old, but titer regulating his bowels with small doses of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin he began to thrive an J she has had no further trouble with him. They use It generally In her home Syrup Pepsin saves the health of th family, and It saves doctor's bills It Is a guaranteed cure for any form o: stomach, liver and bowel trouble, constipation, indigestion, blllousnesj, gar on the stomach, headaches, drow- DEER PLENTIFUL IN UMATILLA THIS YEAR MOUNTAINS OF THE COUNTY ARB FULL OF TIIE ANIMALS SAYS AVERILL. b4rk Warden Returns From Trip Through South and Highlands Saw Thousands of Tracks and "Jompcd" Three Animals Within a Few Miles Never so Plentiful. Deer are more plentiful in the mountains of Umatilla county this year than for many years, according to District Warden B. F. Averlll who has Just returned from a trip through the south end highlands. He declares he "jumped" three of the animals within a few miles and saw thousands of tracks. Settlers in that country Also testify to Mr. Averlll's assertion, declaring they have never seen deer so plentiful. This they ascribe to the game pro MMM.,,,,,,M.,M.,,,,,,,M,assnansasassnsaw ' ,'l,l!';'.iM 'I iiiir mil1;! i f The Good Vy&LX$ TMF' without the Grease xmm "itdoeS1 Because of its purity and high shortening value sV't VS V Cottolene makes foods tender and delicious. It has been A't'rli" '&N 'J V'' favorite cooking fat for many years. "mmmmmrax m?, v it j ' WUW M LAWRENCE A. WRIGHT (Inesa after eating, etc. Have no hen I'oncy about giving It to any member of the family, however young or old, for It contains nothing Injurious to the youngest person. . A bottle can be obtained at any rtarby drug store for fifty cent or one dollar. The latter size Is more economical and Is bought by who have already convinced them stives of Its merits. Syrup Pepsin users learn to discard pills, salts, cnthartlc and purgatives generally nx they are too great a shock to an liv ers ge system. , Families wishing to try a free sam ple bottle can obtain it postpaid by Addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 419 Washington St., Montlcello, 111. A postal card with your name and ad dree on It will do. tection sentiment which has been ar oused In this county. Until the past few years, there was an open season the year round In the mountains of southern Umatilla county so far as ac tual conditions were concerned. Hun dreds of deer were killed each win ter, it is said, and the settlers stood In with each other to outwit the game officers. This condition Is now changed and the settlers are the best protectors which the game animals have. In fact so complete has been the change in the attitude of the settlers of that part and other parts of the county that the state fixh and game commission credits Umatilla county with having the best sentiment for game protection of all the counties In the state, thus paying a tribute not only to District Warden Averlll but to the citizenship of the county. Ackcrman Released. ALBANY, Ore, Feb. raul Ackerman was released from the county jail after serving six months for shooting X. E . Nicewood while driving in a buggy with his sweet heart Helen Brook a year ago. Ack erman fled to California, but return ed. Relatives Induced htm to give himself up. creams up beautifully when used in mixing pastry. i a firm fat when cool, but ; the right consistency to or sugar. You who make cakes, pies, cookies, biscuits and the like know what an advantage this is. Cottolene is especially excellent for all frying whether pan frying or deep frying. Foods fried in Cottolene do' not absorb grease, neither does Cottolene absorb odors. Using it over and over for frying, you not only find it eco nomical, but you produce food that is wholly digesti ble and most appetizing. A prominent physician says being essentially a vegetable product, forms the most healthful and nutritious cooking medium known to the food exnerts and medical profession." (From an article in the American Houstkeeper, entitled "The Most, Healthful of All Cooking Emery.) Every thoughtful mother be interested in the valuable FREE Cook Book, HOME HELPS. Send for your copy today, also order a pail of Cottolene from your grocer. I THE H.K. FAIRBANKCOWPANYI OHICAOO Woman ff4 Varied Interests Social and Club News, Personals, Fashions, Home Hints and Other Items of Interest to the World Feminine. S0CT6CV Tonight will mark the last lesson for Pendleton society In the popular new steps which are the rage this season and when It is finished local dancers will have been Instructed In; the eccentricities, peculiarities and, mysteries of the tango, the one-step, the hesitation waltz and the flirtation I waltz. Tills last is the bill for this evening, the other steps having been: previously mastered. At the conclu-j slon of the class there will be an. hour or bo devoted to rehearsing all of the steps learned, after which the Instructors will bid their pupils go forth and shine on the ballroom floor as exponents of the modern dance. About one hundred and twenty-five members of the Elk lodge No. 28S, enjoyed a clam supper last evening after their regular meeting. D. - D. Phelps has made the lodge a gift of a clam steamer that holds 200 pound of the shell food and it was tested out last evening almost to its full ca pacity. Frank Baling acted as chef and qualified for the office, accord ing to the testimonials of those who partook of the clams. At the next meeting the annual election of officer will take place. Miss Loralne Johnson of Moro Is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arle C. Hampton. She Is a niece of Mr. Hampton and was Just recently graduated from the state normal school at Monmouth. Members of the United Orchestra returned this morning from Stanfleld where they furnished music last even ing for a dance given by the baseball boys of that town. They report a large crowd out and a most enjoy able party. i Mrs. Charles W. Meighan has re turned to her home at Welser, Ida ho, after a visit of several weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Halley, Jr. Mrs. Clark Nelson Is reported to' be recovering rapidly from the operation which she underwent two weeks ago In Portland for appendicitis. Mrs. Eurl Glllanders and Mrs. C. E. Grltman are in Portland for a few days and are guests of the Perkins Hotel. Daphne Circle, Women of Wood- t seem a universal verdict about the nevertheless is always of blend evenly with the flour of Cottolene: "Cottolene, Fats," by Dr. James and careful housewife wul craft, enjoyed a social session last evening after the regular meeting. Home Hints and Recipes Grapefruit pie. Bake a bottom crust as for lemon pie. Make a filling as follows: Dis solve one tablespoonful of cornstarch in a little cold water and over this pour one cup of boiling water. Now add the Juice of two grapefruit, the grated rind and Juice of one orange. the beaten yolks of two eggs, the white of one egg and a small piece of butter. Put all In the double boiler and cook until thick, stirring all the time. When done, put on the crust. Beat the white of an egg with a half cupful of sugar until thick. Spread over the pie. Bake until brown and serve cold. Dictates of Fashion. Green is a modish color for street costumes. All draperies run high In front and long behind. The newest shade for the debutante Is rust red. Children's coats all hang straight from the shoulder. Favorite shades are rich dahlia. garnet and currant reds and brilliant myrtle, bottle and bronze greens, browns In a golden hue. Sable and seal brown rival taupe and elephant gray. Your Reading. We all read. America is a nation of readers. But, unluckily, we read a vast amount of trash. And that Is a huge waste of time! I am inclined to believe that read ing with a purpose is the best educa tion in the world, and I want to sug gest to you busy girls that you begin to read with a purpose. , You might as well read with a good purpose. Lay out a course of reading and stick to it. Almost every town and city has libraries enough to make any course practicable. Tou need not choose "heavy"' read' ing. Read for amusement If you like Suppose you want to improve your acquaintance with English history There are charming books of fiction which Illuminate nearly every phase and period of the subject. Get a list of them from your library and read them In order. Then supplement the novels, as you go along, with a few volumes of straight history or of bi ography read some of Green's Long History, or Macaulay (both fasclnat ing books!) and read a life of Dis- bit greasy," is the pleasant-to-use HOMINY CRESCENTS Pine hominy or corn meal may be used in the same way to serve with meats or for breakfast with syrup. Cook 2-3 cup hominy or meal in 1 pint boiling water over the fire until thickened, then place over boiling water to finish cook ing for about an hour, adding salt and more water if too stiff, also the yolk of an egg, or a little butter. When done, pour into flat pan and when cool cut into crescents, diamonds or strips, roll in egg and crumbs and fry in Cottolene. MRS. HELEN ARMSTRONG. Paisell 1 "-arV f 11 is , a iw.w sr x I it nt bV7 ii i mm Pciscnsd Blood Quickly Cbrscd d Any Form of Blood Trouble the Cure is Rapid. An astonishing record of serious blood poisoning Is dally brought to oar attention. And most If not all these startling calamities eoold be averted were the blood primed, toned and purified la adrance by that wonderful remedy known everywhere as 8. S. 8. Few people realise bow quickly the system becomes Infected with the acids and ferments from undigested food, con stipation and Inactive kldues. The symptoms are fever, thirst, excit ability, dry skin followed by rath, and many indications wrongly diagnosed a rtomaine poisoning, run condition la al most universal In all climates and is quickly overcome by the action of 8. 8. 8. The medicinal properties of 8. 8. 8. are relatively Jurt as esentlal to well balanced health as are the nutritive properties of the meats, grains, fats and sugars of oar dally food. And If you will bear this fact in mind and get your blood under the dominating Influence of 8. 8. 8. you will not only drive out those impurities that cause Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczema. Pim ples, Bolls and thin anemic blood, but yon 111 feel anew the thrill of health that can come only from a purified blood stream. Do not accept anything else In place of 8. 8. : pay no attention to the "Just as Oood" claims of those who would sacrifice your health to make an extra profit. 8. 8. 8. contains no minerals, no crude drugs. nothing but the most beneficial botanical materials. Ho be sure and get 8. 8. 8. and avoid disappointment. Get a bottle today and write for Tree advice to Tne Swift Specific Co., 122 Swift Bid., At lanta, Oa. raeli or Nelson, or some other great man. Do this, and at the end of the win ter you will have a very clear con ception of the whole great story of England. Or choose some favorite author read a picked list of his books and if possible, a biography of him. Read stories of his period, if he is dead and the stories are available. It won't be a task you'll find that you will enjoy doing It And you'll get a lot out of It. Books read with a plan do net drop out of the mem- ry. Each one supplements the other, strengthens your hold on It, and de velops your powers of Judgment and memory. Jessie Roberts in Chicago News. Concerning Women. New York has several women as members of the bar. The University of Vpsala, Sweden has 184 female students. Edinburgh council will ask parlia ment to grant women the franchise, Princess Wlgenstein, who Is 95 years of age, has Just completed a play. England has a society of women bookbinders and also one of women printers. Dr. Anna Shaw, the well known sur frag 1st, has refused to pay her in come tax. New York university has founded a night college for women who have to work In the day time. Salt Lake City will have a school for nurses in connection with the countv hospital. Miss Anita Grlsh has assumed her duties as superintendent of poor In Jersev City. Women may practice law in every state in the union except Virginia, Arkansas and Georgia. HEALTH AXD BEAUTY. After washing the hands lemon Juice and water makes a splendid bleach, but one curious thing should be remembered. Lemon Juice pure darkens the skin, so do not make the mistake of rubbing in plain lemon juice, instead of diluting it with wa ter. The skin is porous and as one gets along in life It becomes dry, and the natural oils do not circulate as free ly through it. But if you will feed it and keep it fed you will supply the nourishment which it requires and the skin will stay nice as long as you desire to have It do so. Hair that has become dry and brit tie and thin will be greatly benefited bv massaging the scalp for ten or fifteen minutes, and. then applying tonic made of resorcln, three drams tincture of cantharldes. one ounce oil rlcinl, four drama; oil of rosemary. ten drops; bay rum sufficient to make eight ounces. To Clean Coral. To clean coral, soak it in soda and water for some hours, then make lather of soap and scrub with a soft hair brush. The Care of Children Most homes are far . too serious. Why not let the children play and frolic to their heart's content? They will get rubs enough, hard knocks enough out In the world; they will get enough of the seamy side of life later. They should at least be just as happy as parents can make them while at home, so that however un fortunate their later experiences, they can look back upon their home aa the happiest spot on earth., " If children are allowed to give vent to all that Is joyous and happy and spontaneous In their natures, they will be Infinitely more likely to bios som out into helpful men and wo men. Instead of sedate, suppressed, sad-faced Individuals. Children who are encouraged in self-expression through their play instinct will not Rr J. WrirrEX only make much more normal hu flloKandQr's iroeocy Fendleton's ftigxest and Ik-st Department Store. , Saturday Swift's Premium Ham, per pound Swift's Premium Iiaeon, per pound Strictly Fresh Ilaneh Egs, per dozen : IJipe Olives, in class 35and75 Queen Olives, in pla.'W 20 to 75 Stuffed Olives 30 and 40 Snider'a Oyster Cocktail Sauce - 35 Chili Sauce 35 Kitchen Boquet Seasoninc at 35 Home Made Horseradish 15 and 35 Bayles Horseradish Mustard at ' 25 FE1UIY & CO.'S AND MORSE & CO.'S SEEDS. MANDEVILLE & KING'S FLOWEP SEEDS. PLACE YOUR SATURDAY'S ORDER WITH THE LEADER. 0 j Save trading stamps ness men. better professional men, better citizens, better men and wo men generally. O. S. Marden. President Eliot says: "The aim in modern education is Joy and gladness in achievement I need not say that freedom is necessary to this Joy. Schools used to set children to doing things they could not do well. This is the unpardonable sin In education ad ministration. It Is not for tne nappi ness of the children only that this new motlve to increase Joy has come to bless us. It brings new hap piness to the teacher also. It is a means of happiness for everybody throughout life. As a result of the advent of this new policy we are learnlne not to use witn cniiaren a motive that will not work when the children are grown up. To be sure, we must admit that this doctrine con demns almost all the school discip line of the past, and much of the famllv discipline: but the future will not mind that, if it finds the new doc trine beneflclent" Survey of Fisheries. WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Assistant RUB RHEUMATIC, ACHING JOINTS Rub rain Rlht Ont Willi a Small Trial Bottle of penetrating Old Time St. Jacobs Oil. Rheumatism is "pain only!" Not one case in fifty reaulres Inter nal treatment. Stop drugging! Rub soothing, penetrating . "St. Jacobs Oil" directly upon the "tender spot" and relief comes Instantly. "St. Ja cobs OH" Is a harmless rheumatism cure which never disappoints and can not burn or discolor the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of "St. Ja cobs Oil" from any drug store, and in Just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness and stiff ness. Don't suffer! Relief and a cure awaits you. "St. Jacobs Oil" is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia. lumbago, backache, sprains. IN ONE Ml MUTE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN-COLDS Stops Nasty Dtedutrg. dears Staffed Read, Heals Inflamed Air Paasae and Yon Breathe Freely. Try Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, just to try it Apply a little in the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped up air passages of the head will open; ou will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning the catarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet, fragrant FREE DOLL COUPON Bring or send ten of these Coupons properly sipned and 5 to the East Orcgonian office and get "Anna Belle" and her two dolls. No. EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO. - Herewith please find ten "Anna Belle" Coupons tad Zf for' which please give me "Anna Belle'' and Ikt two dolls. - - " Kama J ' ' - Addreaw ,1 . If "Anna Belle" is to be sent by mail add 2c IMPORTANT NOTICE. These cupons will not be imuod after Thursday. March 3, 1914. After that time free Anna BeJle'dolls will be given only with new subscriptions or the renewal of old subscriptions. Social 25 35 30 Snider Catsup 30 Azurna Boiled Crab Meat at 45 Iioval Club Shrimp, 3 cans for ; 50 Loiters, 3 cans for.- 81. 00 Cavier, can.- 50 and 00 Capers, bottle 20 and 35 Onion Salt 15 Celery Salt J5 Tabasco Sauce 50 Chili Powder 35 Brands A-l Sauce 35 Fish Commissioner Jones wilt attend tho canners' convention at Seattle, leaving here March (. He will also spend five months In ' Alaska and make a complete survey of the fish eries of the Pacific coast. A revenue cutter will be placed at his disposal. Rural Carriers' pay. WASHINGTON. Feb. 27. Senator Lane introduced in the senate a tele gram from the rural carriers of Lane, Linn, and Benton counties, favoring a salary of 11200 and $300 per year horse mainetance for rural carriers. IF BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS EAT LESS MEAT IF KIDNEYS FEEL LIKE LEAD OR BLAD DER BOTHERS. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasion ally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of gladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa ter before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with lit h la. and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neu tralizes the acids in the urine so it ni longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is harmless; Inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which everybody shoulJ take now and then to keep their kid neys clean, thus avoiding serious com plications. A well-known local druggist says he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. AND CATARRH VANISH balm dissolves by the beat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the In flamed, swollen membrane which Uhea the nose, bead and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold with its running nose, foul mu cous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Just once In "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or ca tarrh will surely disappear. PendUon, Om, Ftb. 27, 1914 man beings but will make better bust