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PAOTJRTT DAILY EAST QREnONTATT. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY, FEDRTTARY 2. 1014. EIGHT PAGES Local Playhouses What the Pi-am Ajmtt Dm to 8a r of Premit ad Oomln Attraction. I onilinim. Yur Puridny's change a iwt and liathotic story of the life of a little Jar nncxp Klrl out on the Taclflc coast. 1 well told in "The Love of Toklwa," h tn part Vitaitraph feature drama. TamrtVa Iovps nn American who only ib-'wn her kindness through sympathy nTiin ho poos how hard a life she leads at the hands of, a cruel father, nd rathen than be sold In matrimo nii bnndaRe she froes to the "Amer Jit.n Heaven." The American with Ms Amoriean bride stands sorrowful ly upon the beach, and looks out to fca, where the upturned boat tells that the little Japanese girl has gone beneath its kindly waves. The Faddists. Blograph. When Mr. Jenks came home to dine, Mrs. .lenks was always off at bridge. He tincides housework must take the place of bridge and disguised himself as a Swam I Hasheesh. The ladies tot the housework habit all right. Beating Their Board Bill Bio frraph. They have to disguise them selves as corpses to get away and then after all they don't succeed. Pathe's Weekly with the Interesting news of the week concludes this in teiesting program. Pastime Saturday Only. "The Temple of the Lions," in two giarts, or ..The Adventure of Kath lyn." Number 3. After the daring and running american engineer blew up the Ampitheater. saving Kathlyn from the hungry lions, he dragged he from the wreck and ruin to a seclud es! spot close by, whede Ramabai and fundita were waiting with elephants. Then follows a flight through the Jungle. A baboon runs close to the trail, frightening Kathlyn's elephant mount, which runs away. The driver is thrown against a tree, leaving Kathlyn alone on the elephant's back. Finally the weary animal halts at the Kates of a strangs city, and Kathlyn Again finds herself a captive. The in habitanas are about to cremate her on a huge funeral pyre, when Kath lyn's eratic mount recognizes his mis tress and reaches up to the top of the jjyre and takes her from the flames that are now biting her garments. The big beast rushes away with the lair Kathlyn and as night comes on they approach the ruins of a temple. The elephant kneels and she dis mounts, weary from the long Journey. Across the pillared portico strolls a prowling lion. ' She observs the lion and leaps Into a carved cavity. Thus she spends the night, as the blacked mained Hon passes and repasses In search of prey. With the coming of morning the Hon has grown bolder and Kathlyn is close pressed. She flees from the temple to the river. Jt would appear that only a miracle could save her now. How Bobby Called her Bluff" and "The Call of the Footlights" are two Edison comedies that will be shown as will be "Fathe Weekly." Pastime Sunday Only. It Is not in the exultant fury of a victorious charge that one should Judge man, but in the cold helpless fight against odds. "Rorke's Drift" a two part Edison depicts this kind of a man. Tommy Brandon is his name and he was a young soldier In the British army. Tommy was very much in love with Grace, the sister of Kenneth Linden, a brother soldier. Since Kenneth was pitifully weak, Tommy had promised Grace to watch over him. Hence one evening when Kenneth was caught cheating at cards Tommy allowed the guilt to rest upon his own shoulders. His generous ef fort cost him Graces affection, as well as the contempt of the entire company. Richard Tucker, Mabelle Trunnelle and Harry Gripp are fea tured. A split reel comedy is entitled "A Stage Door Flirtation" and "An Un intentional Hero." "Playing for a Fortune" is a strong Kalem drama featuring Helen Holmes, Cosy Sunday. Return engagement of Beile and Gerrard- "the Yankee and the Swede" in an entirely new Swede dialect act their other act was a scream and this one is still funnier. Josephine Harrity and Company, featuring the world's greatest novelty dancer are on the bill also. The only man in the world who dances on his head. "Between Showers." Keystone. Ford Sterling and his company of Jumping jacks in another riot of fun. "The 'Pote Lariat' of the Flying 'A' " American. A prairie fire and a stampede of wild cattle make thrills In this western comedy drama. "The Raiders," (2 reels) Kaybee txciting story or love and "moon shine'' in the Kentucy mountains. filled with tense struggles and fierce battles. HAD CATARRH FIVE YEARS. Mr. John son of St. Elmo. l!li i i s, was troubled five years with catarrh. The catarrh was so severe in lils cast that his lift e e m e d t h r eatened. As he ex P r e s s es it iJras-lf. he htd "one fool In the grave." Ol course he tried to pet relief. Many prac titioners were con sulted and a catarrh . fepocialist in "St Louis was tried. Alta Tinnier. Tonight is the last time that the in Moore company will appear in this city, and for this occasion, the company will rresent the three act comedy, "The Three Twins." This is well known and widely advertised it has been on the road in mu sical form for a number of years. Mr. Moore is playing the dramat is version, and the play has been very successful. It it sbuilt for laughing purposes only, and as Vin Moore 13 well known as a laugh producer, the play ought to please the most exact ing. Mr. Moore is cast for the prin cipal comedy role, and is guaranteed t play the funniest part vet. This will be the last opportunity to see them, in this last plav. Mr. Van Dyke and Mr. Shellworth, play the parts opposite Mr. Moore, while How ard Foster, Miss Mitchell, and Mis-j Rundele, all have good parts. Tonight. "The Three Twins," a omedy you canont afford to ml:-s. MR. S. S. JOHNSON St Elmo, Illinois. He got so weak and thoroughly run down that he de clares he could not walk more than a. hundred yards without resting. Few people understand that catarrh Is a constant drain on the system. The discharge of mucus which is frolng on in such cases is largely com posed of blood serum, and Is a great waste. Sooner or later it will weaken the strongest man. According to reports received from Mr. Johnson, he was in a desperate condition, but he found relief from lils trouble. We will let him say how lie found it His own words say: "My friends told me to take Pe runa. and I did so. I now feel that Feruna has saved my life. It is the best medicine on earth, and I would not be without If This, seems almost too good to be true. TCo doubt there are some read rs that will think so. The above statements, however, can be verified toy writing Mr. Johnson. Every home should be provided with the last edition of "The Ills of Life," sent free by the Peruna Co., Colum bus, Ohio. AU Your Drugsrlxt for Free Peruna Luck- Day Almanac for 1914, Here, Beginning March S. The Adelie Penguin, which inhabits the south polar continent Is the only living creature recognized by scien tists to be deteriorating to any no ticeable degree. Apropos of which Mr. Herbert G. Ponting. F. R. O. S., the official camera artist of the Brit ish Antarctic Expedition, who accom panied the late Captain Robert Fal con Scott to within 12 degrees of the pole, recites the following: "I was explaining some of the ex periences we encountered and yarn ing about the animal life of the frozen south to a roomful of people in Switzerland one day when I chanced to remark that the penguin was a de renerate blrl, slowly changing Into a fish, whereupon the assemblage was thrown Into convulsions of laughter by Mrs. Lavery, wife of the eminent painter, who commented, 'What a pity. Can't they be stopped.' " WESTON PIONEER Methodist Minister Recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Rev. James A. Lewis, Mllaca, Minn., writes: "Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy has been a needed and welcome guest in our home for a number of years. I highly recommend It to my fellows as being a medicine worthy of trial and we are confident you will find It very effectual and con ISSUES BOOKLET Woman, Who Passed Through Tills County 88 Years Ago, sots Down ItcminlHtvnoes. Mrs. Sarah J. Cummins, now living with a son at Weston, has Just issued a 66 page booklet of early day rem iniscences which will prove of Inter est to early as well as present day in habitants of Umatilla county. Mrs. Cummins, a bride at the age of 17 years, passed through the Uma tilla valley in 1845, some 69 years ago, being or.e of the earliest Oregon settlers to make the trip overland. Their party was a large one, and to Its strength they owed their success ful though arduous trip from the Mis souri river to the Willamette valley, which was their objective point. At the head of the Grand Ronde valley they were halted two days by a large war party of Walla Walla and Cause Indians, who came across with the express purpose of murdering the whites or forcing them to return. The bold front presented by the emigrants A "Helping Hand" Efcteafled to tfco Lliddle Aged woman THERE comes a time In every woman X nkan hi renUm tinderaoM an Important change, mis is a cnucai. JinA it u m. time when a woman neeas liooltk and atrencrth. For VOUr OWH sake you should anticipate this turning point Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription tlnue to use it as occasion reaulres for years to come, as many others C0UPled wUn tne arrl.val of Dr Wnlt have done. Adv. For sale by all dealers. Foreign Officers Study in France. PARIS, Feb. 27. According to an announcement today the French mil itary academy have enrolled morj foreign officers who have come to France to study than at any previols time. They hall from all parts of the world. The Best Cough Medicine. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ever since I have been keep ing house." says L, C. Hames, of Marbury, Ala. "I consider it one of the best remedies I ever used. My children have all taken It and It works like a charm. For colds and whoop ing cought it Is excellent" For sale by all dealers. Adv. man and a party of Nez Perce Indians averted the calamity and the Journey was continued. These and many other incidents of like nature make the book interesting reading. TbalatMt in med ical science le contained in Dr. Pierce's Common Seas Medical Aitkt iwfilr- has been recommended for oyer forty years as a tonic for women wno are aoout 5 tarn of life." It is helpful In the equalteation of the circulation of the blood and in action of the bowels. Nervousness and low sp ntfBs. appear. Happiness ana conienunem taw Sold in tablet or liquid form ft MtdlelM DtaUrm-or md SO emnta foriampUhve Hey Fatty: Here's a Cure. PARIS, Feb. 28. Fat folks, atten tion! If you would be thin have your doctor put platnum under your skin. Dr. Tissier has declared that after many experiments he has succeeded in reducing bulky persens' weight by hyperdermically injecting from five , to ten subic ctnti meters of an isotonic solution containing 0.25 grammes of platnum per litre. Musical Comedy Sunday. Sunday, Brown's Musical Comedy company opens at the Alta theater in tabloid playlets. Mr. F. B. Brown or ganized this company in the last two months and has been very fortunate in getting together an aggregation ol exceptional talent. The people com prising the company are all new to Pendleton and include the following George Kellhack and Ethel Marcher, famed for their superior voices; W. J. Malcolm, Jack Burroughs and Irene Dale, well known comedians and comedienes; T. B. McCoy is the musi cal director. The Brownie girl chor us consists of Josephine Loo mis. Ma rle Harley, Midget Daley, Irene Fa versham, Gertrude Lindsay, Hazel Crosby, Jessie Douglas and Ruby Fa vershara, . Wardrobe and scenic effects re ported to be the best. This company has been playing Sa lem. Albany, Corvallis and that neigh borhood since organization and have made good at each place. The program they will offer here runs about one hour and fifteen min utes an-1 two performances each even ing will be the schedule with two reels of pictures before between and after tr.elr appearance. They have a rep ertolre of seven bills so will change program nightly. The opening bill will be entitled "A Tramp's Feast." PLAN'S FOR SALE OF WESTERN VMOX UPHELD WASHINGTON", Feb. 28. Plans by which the American Telephone & Telegraph company will dispose of Its $29,000,000 of Western Union Tele graph stock , through Kuhn, Loeb & Co., of New York, acting as under writers, have been approved by the department of Justice, and according to information here, the stock will be transferred within a short time. The underwriters will dispose of the Western Union stick to parties other than the American Telephone & Tele graph company, so that the separa tion of the two concerns may meet the Ideas of Attorney General McRey-nolds. COST RAILROAD $30,000 TO GET RID OF ECHO OAKLAND, Cal., Feb. 29. The qualities of the famous Whispering Gallery In the Vatican at Rome were Ik. MW. aw "fTW-VT A JBBUSa CI IRRITATING COUGHS. DISTRESSING, DEPRESSING COLDS. Surely and quickly yield to Dr. King's New Discovery. It soothes the inflamed and irritated bronchial tubes, stops the cough, in many cases instantly loosens the cold and aids expectoration. Don't be annoyed and suffer from coughs and colds. Take Dr. King's New Discovery and be cured. "Owing to a severe cough and lung trouble I could not work at all for several months," writes Lewis Chamblin, of Man chester, Ohio. "Two of the best doctors could not help me. My weight ran down to 115 pounds. Dr. King's New Diovery cured me, and I now weigh 160 pounds." "I am an old lover of your most valu able Godsend to suffering humanity Dr. King's New Discovery," writes Jennie Fleming, New Dover, Ohio, "for it cured me of a dreadful cough of three years' standing. It was eo bad that I would cough until I would be speechless, but, for the quick relief of your wonderful remedy gave me, W worth more than all the remedies I ever used before." Thousands have been helped in the same rvay, by Dr. King's New Discovery. It it not a new medicine, but one that has been used effectively more than forty-three year for the cure of coughs and colds. Your drug gist will refund your money if Dr. King! New Discovery does not help you. Start taking right now. Sold by KOEPPENS' duplicated to some extent in the new $500,000 passenger station at Six teenth street, Oakland, and it has cost the Southern Pacific raildoad $30, 000 to do away with it. When the big structure was open ed, it was found that the waiting room had one defect- Every sound, even a low-voiced conversation, echoed from the ceiling,' and could be heard distinctly in the far corners of the room. The railroad called In its architect and after a series of consultations that lasted several months, they de cided on the unique idea of placing heavy pads In various parts of the room. These did the work and the echo vanished. Its killing, however, necessitated the redecoratlon of the entire room. SALEM, Ore., Feb. 27. The state 0) Bud Or weak blood governs for good or ill every part of the body. The medicine that makes weak blood pur snd strong Is HOOD'S 8ARSAPARILLA. For over a third of a century it has been the leading blood purifier. Insurance department has . issued li censes to 6252 insurance agents since the first of the year. Of these 4278 were for agents writing fir lnsur a nee, 783 for agents writing life in surance and 1186 were miscellaneous yiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiu! I MONEY S In aay amount 3Jto S yean with S re-payment pttvuefei LOANS F i m i on wheat;lands f 6V2 i Netherlands Ancri-1 I can LlorfgagQ Dank i Frank R. Atkins, Representative E I 120 Cait Covrt St. Pendleton E niiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic 5 it 8 rjriMs pctrnxs cxLoaarota nnxrsocn. Mi sjnsii smasexi mmamm. EL CHICAGO. ILL. TUB This is an age of SPECIALISTS and the rule applies to trades as well as professions It is a known fact that In professional work, the man who makes a specialty OF ANY ONE THINO has always been con sidered AN AUTHORITY on that one thing. So, also, the culmination of Inventions, and modern require ments have made specialists out of MECHANICS plying differ er.t crafts and trades. PLUMBING alone Is one of the MOST IMPORTANT branch es of your home or business. GOOD PLUMBING gives you GOOD SERVICE and PERFECT SANITATION. It is as CHEAP TO INSTALL and FAR LESS EXPENSIVE TO MAINTAIN, while hit-and-miss or experimental pipe screwing masquerad- ing in the disguise of plumbing, will always be a source of I .OTHER and EXPENSE. When YOU have plumbing done, GET THE BEST. We are Pendleton's ONLY EXCLUSIVE PLUMBERS the ONLY PLUMBING SPECIALISTS IN THIS CITY. BEDDOW 6 MILLER PENDLETON'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE PLUMBERS Phone 202, For your cold buy a box of South IH)1p pictures. It is seldom that we feel warranted in giving editorial endorsement to any amusement enterprise, but the F. S.i Cold Cure Guaranteed and sold only by Tollman & Go. Leedmf Dru!itf 'r -i:r Is o v i 11M n n. moving pictures of Captain Scott's ex pedition to the couth pole are so su relatively fine and of such Immense educational value we urge all who can possibly do so to see them. Boise Statesman. Coming Snftday 9 ASto Theatre BROWN'S MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY ;SbTy15-People-Mostly Girls-15 iZZ A Clean Showfor everybody 1 1 j 1 1 Wm, 11 1 11 - - J l;i SOME Or THE BROWNIE GIRLS The Best of Comedians, Superior Singers, and a Dancing, "Singing Lively Bunch of Brownie Girls. Special Scenery and Electrical Effects. THIS Company is not to be confused with another company under a somewhat similar name that played Pendleton last year. THIS IS AN ENTIRELY NEW COMPANY this season 2 Shows Nightly 7:15 & 9:30 a& PENDLETON'S P O P U LAR PICTURE SHOW COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a high-claes motion picture show with comfort, Fun. Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Even ing. Changes Sunday, Mon day, Wednesday and Friday. Next Door to St George Ho tel. Admission 5o and 10a Orpboum Theatre J. P. MEDERNACH, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN Program change Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. See Program in Today's ' Paper. Pastime Theatre "The Home of Good Pictures" ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplays :: Steady, Flickerless Pictures : : Abso lutely No Eye Strain. A Refined and Entertaining Show for the Entire Family. Next Ho French Restaurant Changes Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Adults 10c Children under 10 years Be ALT A THEATER. Pendleton's Real Show House Devoted to the perfect screen ing of High-ClMs Photoplays Regular program consist! of 4 reels of motion pictures and a singer. . . . Admission 10c and 5c. i See program in today's paper