Newspaper Page Text
PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OTtrOONTAK. PENDLETON OHEQOy. TlTnAY. MARCH 1. 19U. EIGHT PAGES There's good cheer in a cup of Qw Sfe It's refreshing and invigorating All the best known brands and blends carried here 1 lb. cans of Coffee from . 35c to 45c 3 lb. cans of Coffee from $1.15 to 1 .25 5 lb. cans of Coffee from $ 1 .75 to 2.00 When you want GOOD Coffee, Phone 96 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Where all are Pleased Court and Johnson Sts. Newsy IMes of Pendleton Ralph lkom HI. Ralph Folsom, well known furni ture dealer and undertaker. Is con fined to his home with Illness. slats tn furniture and outfitting and la a large enterprise, occupying a six story building In Wheeling. 425,000 PERSONS PAY ' GOVERNMENT INCOME TAX Hc-Id for larceny. Joseph Callahan, arrested for be Ing drunk, was found to have In his possession a pair of gloves and a palt of overalls. Investigation showed 1 they had been stolen from The Hub store and the man is being held on 1250 bonds on a charge of larceny. T)R. HODGE URGES CAMPAIGN STARTED AGAINST FLY (Continued from page one.) eople enter into the campaign with the right spirit they will have no dlf Ticulty in having a flyless city by June. But he warns against laxness in ihe late summer. "By ceasing the warfare for a few etiks, you will have enough flies by xhe Round-up," he said, "to stock the country." Last evening the speaker advocated, esides traps, poisoning, as partic ularly applicable to this climate. "Indoor poisoning methods have long been in vogue, and since flies are thirsty creatures, it Is quite pos sible that, used consistently out of -doors, this line of attack may prove the easiest solution of the whole prob lem. The common germicide, forma lin, is now recommended as the safest poison to use and for ease of appllca tion a bottle filled with S per cent so lution (eight teaspoonfuls to a quart of water) may be Inverted over a sau cer and stood on a shelf or hung on a bracket in any sunny corner about a stable or back porch. It should be set out of reach of dogs, and birds may be protected from drinking It by surrounding it with coarse meshed netting. A nick is broken In the mouth of the bottle so that the liquid will partially fill the saucer, and a slice of bread covered with sugai placed in the saucer, will add attrac tion to flies; milk may also be used for this purpose." Borrow vour neighbor's SDectacles and have a look at your own faults. Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon A few of the best bargains to be found in the county: 470 acres, 240 of same in grain, good house and barn, price 125 per acre. Including all the crop. Easy terms. - TOO acres, 230 In wheat, has produced 43 bushels to the acre; good house, two barns, abundance of water, all goes for $33. 50 per acre. 500' acres, 200 in wheat, 3 miles to R. R.. house, barn, and ab undance of water piped into house and barn; ISO summer fallowed. Price $1( per acre. 80 sacks of ' potatoes was raised on half acre last year on this farm; wheat made 35 bu. per acre. Easy terms. C4t acres, 85 per cent tillable. North slope, good Improvements, orchard and etc, 2 miles to town and depot. A bargain at 120 per acre; terms. 960 acres, 410 in grain, lies pretty; all goes at 135 per acre. Two sections adjoins city limits, and close to depot and ware house, half in grain, and nearly all tillable, and lies nearly level, can be bought Including 1-3 of growing crop, at $35 per acre. 1200 acres, 100 set to alfalfa, 75 more nearly ready to seed, and -can be irrigated from stream that runs through premises without ex tra cost. There are two houses, barns and orchards. The hill land Is the same as the famous reservation land, and has produced 100 bushels of barley per acre. It Is only one and a half miles down grade to town and depot. Tou can buy it for $35 per acre- and pay half down, and the balance when it is convenient. This Is a dandy hog ranch. Large tract of land suitable for colony, $15 00 per acre. E. T. WADE, PEXDLETOX, ORE. Office In Temple Building. Phone 479. Two More New Houses. Cecil Cole, son of Contractor C. A Cole, yesterday took out a permit to build a $2500 5 -room bungalow on Wilson street near ' its intersection with Bush. Ida Olcott secured a permit to build a one-story dwelling at 512 Jane street for $1200. A third permit gave C. F. Hargrove permis sion to move a dwelling from, lot 6, Block E, Jacob's addition to an un plotted piece of ground at the foot of Beauregard street. WASHINGTON', March 10. The income tax law bids fair to live up to the expectations of the administration by producing about $50,000,000 annu ally in revenue patd by close to 425, 000 Individuals. Although ' treasury officials decided not to make public, for the present, reports of Internal revenue collectors on the Income tax MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY IS ORGANIZED MINISTERS MEET HERE AND CHOOSE OFFICERS AND . ARRANGE" MEETINGS. Marriage licenses Issued. Marriage licenses were today issued to John Mumm and Hazel Smith, a prominent young local couple, and to Edwand P. Enright and Chrystal Me rlna Rhlnehart of Albee. The for mer couple were married this morn ing and left this on No, 17 for Port land and- Seattle. A license was is sued yesterday to Ben W. Lee and Bertha Viola Ferguson of Weston. Alexander Demurrer Argued. The Indictment returned by the last grand ' jury against H. H. and Laura Alexander for obtaining; mon ey under false pretenses from John Bannister was argued yesterday and the judge has the matter under ad visement. Attorneys for the defend ants contend that the law denying al lottees the right to make leases with out government sanction makes the complaining witness culpable. Two Indians Pass Away. Report reached the city this morn ing that two well known Indians passed away last night on the reser vation. One was James Pond, son of Amos Pond, and the other Sau-wl-kus. mother of Toy Toy. Pond, who was about 40 years old, succumbed to tu berculosis. He will be buried tomor row at the Tutuilla mission. The mother of the notorious Indian who assisted in the murder of Anna Edna was a victim of senility, having reach ed that age when the life forces were broken down. She will be buried at the old agency tomorrow. Walker Allen Makes Deal A copy of the Wheeling Sunday Register of Wheeling, West Virginia, devotes an entire page to a story of the firm of House & Hen-man and the nurchase of that business by Walker Allen, a brother in law of Len Sharon, former councilman oi Pendleton. Mr. Allen was here for several years many years ago and at that time was with the Boston btore here. Previously he had been In Im portant positions in Portland. The business of House & Herrman con- Sen W!f9 By JACK LONDON IN SEVEN REELS nmmmmmmmmmwmMwmmmmmmmL igftwmmMrsmmmmmmmmtammwsmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm jBr ' (it I . w '- t- 'Jin Vur " ft' Mi"- -ftewt am .mmmrtiW- ft -vt .ft,. TIE PSSnQE, Thursday - Friday March 11 and 12 -- ADMISSION 20c and 10c With twenty of the thirty ministers of the gospel In Umatilla county in attendance at a meeting held yester day afternoon at the tabernacle, the Ministerial Association of Umatilla It became known that more than 400,- County was formally organized for 000 individuals had made returns up the purpose, as expressed In the con to Monday midnight, when the time stltutlon, "to foster unity and cooper limit expired. " I atlon among the , ministers and From these Individuals It was un- churches for more efficient county derstood the government probably service." ' . would collect more than $40,000,000. It has been the opinion among offi cials that thousands of individuals would take advantage of the R0 days' Rev. S. L. Grlgsby, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city. was chosen president. Rev. J. E Crutehfleld of the M. E. Church. extension of time granted in case or South, of Milton. Was named vice sickness or absence, and they expect president. Rev. Tolbert F. Weaver of the final figures to show at least 25,- the local Christian church, was elect 000 more reporting than were given ed secretary-treasurer and the fol- in the preliminary lists from collec- lowing committees appointed: tors. On programs Rev. S. O. Rogers of Milton. Rev. O. W. Healy of Milton CHURCH DEAN RARS TANGO. and Rev. J. W. Stockton of Adams. 1 Temperance and good citizenship limitation and one-Step Approve! Dy new C. A. Hodshlre of Pendleton. Spokane Pastor. Kev. a. K. McRae of Hermlston, and SPOKANE. Wash., March 10. The Rev. N. D. Wood of Weston; finance, Very Rev. W. C. Hicks, dean of All Saints' Episcopal Cathedral, has barr ed the dancing pf the tango in his parish. The current issue of the cath edral paper published today contains the dean's prohibition against .the tan go, but gives his approval of the hesi tation waltz and one-step. The dean In his announcement says: "Two young people interlocking knees and putting their chests togeth er and then pushing each other across the floor with a ducklike walk are not dancing, and until society can become sane and return to those dances which express true rhythm, no dance where an admission fee is charged can be given by any society of the cathedral parish." Rev. E. W. Warrington of Pilot Rock, Rev. A. M. Meldrum of Athena and Rev. W. F. MeCormlck of Helix. ' The association will hold monthly meetings in this city, the time deslg nate.l being n o'clock on the second Monday of each month. The following ministers were pres ent: -Baptists Rev. A. K. McRae, Hermlston, Rev. O. W. Getvm, of Pendleton. .Rev. W. T. R. Hatfey of Helix, Rev. J. W. Stockton of Adams; M E. South Rev. J, E. Crutehfleld of Milton, Rev. N. D. Wood of Wes ton, Rev. S. Q. Rogers, Milton; Chris tlan Rev, A. Mackenzie Meldrum of Athena, Rev. W. F. MeCormlck of Helix, Rev. T. F. Weaver of Pendle ton: United Brethren Rev. E. Z. Whitman of Weston; Methodist Rev of Pendleton Rev. H. B. Emmel of Hermlston, Rev, Presbyterian T inln NEW YORK. March 10. Samuel cha"les A. Hodshlre K Findlev. one of the elsht defend nntfl on trial for defraudlnir investors H- F- Gelvtn of Echo In the stock of the Oxford Linen Mills Rev. G. W. Healy of Milton. Rev. R th toww nf tABtlmnnv - uriRsoy or renaieion. itev. j. m -niHv uww onri nthpr'i. Cornellson of Tutuilla. Rev. E. W Warrington of Pilot Rock. Rev. J. E. Faucett of Stanfield. Rev. R. E. were Indicted for misuse of the malls. Thrmiirh the Sterling Debenture com pany, which handled the stock of the Blackman, of Milton Oxford Linen Mills, It is alleged they obtained $1,500,000 from Investors by representing they had a new process tit make linen thread out of flax straw. 1 Enos KImber, who had charge of the mailing department of the Ster-. ling Debenture company, testified In the federal court today that the com pany had a list of 1. 000,000 names. In mailing department,; he said, had at times as many as '500 employes and sent out 20,000 circulars a day. FEDERAL TROOPS REPORTED TO HAVE DEFEATED REBELS HEAVY IXSSES SAW TO HAVE BEEN INFLICTED IN TOR IlEON FIGHT. EXPERTS ON PROBLEMS OF CITY WILL HOLD CONVENTION OAKLAND, Cal.. March 9. The World's Congress of Municipalities the greatest gathering of experts in city problems, will be held tn Oakland in EL PASO. March 10. That the federals of Torreon defeated the reh els with heavy losses Sunday was re eelved In mall advices today. It wai said over 600 rebels were killed. 600 wounded and 180 captured. Gener alg Argumendo and Pens are named as having commanded the federals and General Ortega of the rebels 1915. Invitations were some time The story was telegraphed to Villa, ago Isued to omportant municipali ties in all the nations of the world to send representatives to this con vention, and enough favorable re plies have been received to assure Oakland of the congress. Every feature of municipal affairs Is discussed at the congresses, and each delegate tells of the problems of his own city and hoy they have been solved or asks for information on their solving by others. The congress Is who denied that such a battle had taken place, saying that Ortega was at Chihuahua Cltv at ine time fot supplies. .1ACK IjONDON'K "SEA WOLF" AT PASTIME THURSDAY In the days of big things In fllmdom t!'ere occasionally flashes across the horizon something good and this Is of Immense value to both small an true of Jack London's "Sea Wolf." irge cities, and It is thought that every California municipality will have representative here. RANGERS USE SNOWSIIOES. Men in Mountain Are Mapping anil Crni.slnir Overripe Tlmlier. Snow in the Cascades has made lt terious character. impossible for the forest rangers to perform their regular duties, so they have been ordered by the hendquar ters office in Portland to cruise tim ber. But the snow Is so deep that they have to travel about on snowshoes. There is no author In America more popular than Jack London, and, his stories are as eagerly sought after as those of Rudyard Kipling. Among his stories none created a wore profound impression than "The Sea Wolf." It Is a physiological de velopment o'f a man of cruel and mys- When It was announced that this film had been made and that it re quired seven reels, most of the ex perts thought It would consist of a lot of padding, but when the picture was first shown on the screen the critics discovered that every reel was They are mapping and cruising the crowded with excellent material, operrlpe timber, and It la probable It will take from an hour and a half that the government will offer It for to an hour and three quarters to run sale this summer. this picture and It will be exnioiteu . . for two days, commencing Thursday, It's more difficult for a man to March the 12th. and the admission keep a secret after his wife discovers price will be, adults, 20c; children that he has one. 10c. ft f? x jil 1st IF You Buy Your Mer chandise at the Golden Rule you c&n t be well dressed. Apron Gingham. - : -. 5, l-4f 8 l-3f, lOf 6 lAf. 8 1-3. 10f , 12 124 Dress Gingham . !Xcw Percales Brocaded Silks a yard 49f IiOng Gingham Aprons : ; 4&4 I,adies' Cotton HcmstiU-hcd Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5 and 5 Ladies' All Ijnen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 5, 10, ' 2 for 25. IyaJitJs' Cfoss Barr Handkerchiefs - -. Ladies' Ijnh. Corner Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 5f, 10, . 2 for 25. ChiKl's White Hemstitchixl Handkerchiefs L 1 Men's White Handkerchiefs ...M , 3 for 25 15f , 25 Men's Whipcord Pants - 1'J5 Men's Khaki' Pants . - Men's Dress Pants : ?1.8, ?2.40, ?2.98 Men's Blue Lalel Overalls ..: .- - Men's ('arhartt Overalls .'. 83f Mon's Drew Shirts - $1.69 Men's Work Shirts 25f , 30f , 45f , 40f Boys' Blouwvj ,. . 25f , 49 Canvas Gloves - 5 48 Busy Stores Goldon Rulo We Lead, Others Follow ARMY OF UNEMPLOYED IS ' HELD AT BAY BY CITIZENS YOLO COITNTY RESIDENTS AILM TnKMSELVES TO PREVENT AN INVASION. SACRAMENTO. March' 10. Penn ed between the ocean and flood wa ters on one side, preventing the fur ther invasion by the unemployed army in Tolo county an army of 300 officers and civilians, armed with clubs and guns and fire engines held them at bay today. -Governor John son refused the aid of troops because there was no apparent attempt of the "army" to destroy property. Resi dents of Yolo county are Indignant because of the embnrgo'forblddlng the "army" to reenter Sacramento. Of ficials declared they will not permit them to enter the city again under any circumstances. flap Is dobled over and locks In the letter, which remains open for Inspection. I,A GRANDE PUTS BAN ON DANCING THE RAG LA GRANDE, Ore.. March .Ta boo has been placed on' the "violent" or Indecent dances In La Grande. Last night the city commission stamped disapproval on a preliminary order to dance hall owners and proprietors which is to be followed by an ordi nance, carrying the amount of fines and the license money. Not only are the vulgar 'rag'' dances to go but the commission has adopted the latest remedy against ill effects of public dances now used In Portland. No person who has paid his way and gained entrance to a . public dance hall, can leave the hall and return without paying his entrance money again. This Is said by Portland au thorities to be a far-reaching and ef fective step. GIRL INVENTS A NEW STYLE OF ENVEUH'K Young Miss of Oakland Has Simple Devliv for Return Repl)1 Capital 1st I Interested. . OAKLAND, Cal., March 10. A de vice to save a penny became for Mis Rebecca M. Donohue, an Oakland school girl, a device to earn thou sands. A return reply envelope that will eliminate the trouble of the Inclosed stamped and 'addressed envelope Is the simple but highly practical In vention of the young pupil at the Oakland Polytechnic high school, which grew out of a casual talk on ways and means of saving the elu sive copper. The envelope Invented by thin Oakland girl looks Just like any oth er, except that It has a dark blue line across the top, atong which It Is to be opened. On opening, It is found that the back of the envelope has an ex tension flap which is addressed to the sender. This flap can be folded down over the original address and pasted neatly into place. The envelope Is then ready for the return. An Oak land capitalist has taken up the In vention and It will be put on the mar ket. Another, feature of the new envel ope Is that It can be sent unsealed with absolute security against the In- closure falling out. The extension Don't l"so Your Telephone To order meat until you read this. Ask for 444 and get V. S. govt. In spected meats; You'll get more meat, pay less and run no risk of Its being tainted. (Adv.) Sit-no from "The Las Dayn'of romp'ell at ho AIU Theater, Tonight and Notice to Children. All children are warned not t iim roller skates on the paved streets. of Pendleton. By order of the chief of police and street committee. Adv. Dale Rothwell o o o o o OPTICIAN Glauet Ground and Fitted. Lenses Duplicated with Hanicom, THE JJeweUr k. u. BUD. ooooo o o o o o ooooo Pendleton Government Blue, Silk Weave Serge SUITS for : S15 Fine Qyality, Hand Tailor ed, Standard Style and Pure Silk Lined. Other Suits $6.45, $7.50, $8.00, $8.50, $9.00, $10, $11.25 and $12.50. New shoes, 'new hats, new shirts, new furnish ing goods and new work ing clothes. I'JOUWU'S CLOTHI KG CO. Opposite St George Hotel The Handy Place to Buy Tomo rrow.