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PAfJE FOUTL DAILY EAST ORFfiOXTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 27, 1014. FUSES' AN 1 NUHl'KM H.T NKWPAfKU. I nl.(.h-1 imlly and 8ml Vvklj at lVu- tlr(in. tirrfuti, by the KAHT tmWioMAS ITllLlSUlNG CO Official "ltj ant County raper. MomlxT I nltfd l'resi Axuoriailon. Kntrrtd at th pfwtufflr at lVnilleton, Oregon, aa m-coiid-clan mall matter. ON KAI.K IN OTHKK CITIES. Imperial Hotel Ncwa Stand, l'ortland. Orifon. bowman Npk Co , Tort land, Oregon. ON KILK AT Chicago Itnrrnii, IMHt Seruruy RulUllne WanliltiKlnn, 1. C, Itureau. 501. Kour- j ti-enth atreet, N. W. 8l"B8CKirTION RATKS. ! !ally, one year, by mall $5.00 Ially, alz montha. by mall 2..0 1 Hilly, three, montha. by mall 1.2.1 Dally, one month, by mall .no 1 tally, one year, by farrier 7.IW laily, aU montha. by carrier S "" Pally, three montha. by carrier 1.95 Daily, one month, by carrier .tS5 Heml Weekly, one year by mail l.M Heml Weekly, alx montha. by mall 75 Rem I-Weekly, four montha, by mall... .50 Telephone 1 JuiIrp Per.nrtt seems to take the view the governor acted illegally at Copperfield. There Is no basis for that view. The circuit court of lin ker county has ruled that the Kover nor was within the law in what he did and an injunction against the governor was refused. The simple facts are the governor had two courses open to him, both within the law. There was one course that was roundabout, beset with un fair difficulties and delays and offer ing probable defeat. The other course was short and direct and offered a speedy remedy 'for a situation that nil admit was abominable. because he took the shortest and most effective 'course in clearing up Copperfield men like Judge Bennett hold up their hands in horror and bhout tyranny and militarism. It is THE SIXGF.KS. Still, still a thousand singers. And how they faint and fail Since Shelley sang the skylark And Keats the nightingale! II. And read us now the reason. Nor read that reason wrong; He only is true singer Who sings for love of song! F. I. Stanton. Building news is the finest news that can be published, particularly when It relates to a build Filling a ing that Is so much need Bis; Need, ed in Pendleton as a fine hotel. It Is news that will cheer local people and cheer vis itors who are required to spend time here. Only yesterday an eastern man of prominence was in the city and he commented upon our lack of good hotel facilities. He was surprised that a town otherwise so progressive would be backward in this respect. When the new Hotel Pendleton is completed there will be an end to that class of talk. According- to the archl tect there will be no finer equipped hotel between Portland and Salt Lake which includes Boise. In rebuilding and enlarging the Hotel - Pendleton Mayor Matlock Is rendering the city a distinct service. '.1 bosh. There is no more danger of militarism in this state than there is of an ice berg coming overland from Labrador. There is, however, another form of tyranny that is right with us and is no myth. It is the tyranny of law lessness under the law. It is the tyranny that comes when men who should enforce the laws connive at lawbreaking. It is the tyranny that comes when grand juries and prose cutors make a mockery of the law and of the constitution and in doing so are aided and abetted by able and well paid lawyers. It is too bad of course the gover nor was forced to do as he did at Copperfield. But if there is censure it should be directed at the cause, not at the cure. If a policeman has to use his club to subdue a thug who is fighting arrest no one can reasonably blame the policeman or his club. In the Copperfield case which is analog ous Judge Bennett takes the view they can. Judge Bennett s reasoning on this subject Is less clear and logical than is 'the reasoning of Governo: West and court decisions will bear out this statement. Judge Bennett's defense of his pro fession is needless: he was not at tacked on that score. FROM THE PEOPLE JUDGE BEXN'ETT EXPLAINS. "Kill Flies Now!" Is the title of a warning. notice issued by the commit' tee on pollution Swat The and . sewerage of "Left Over". Fly. the Merchants' as sociation of New York and the advice Is good in Pen dleton also. Figures are given to show how much more effective is fly-swat ting In the early spring than at the end of summer, when "the peBts are numerous. ' A single housefly is said to be cap able of depositing 150 eggs at one time and of producing five or six batches of eggs during its short life. The progeny of a single pair of flies, assuming that they all live if pressed together at the end of the summer, would occupy a space of over 14,000, 000 cubic feet, which would be equl valent to a building as large as one of the most massive of modern sky scrapers. In the light of these facts, house wives and others are earnestly urged to begin the swatting campaign now on the few winter flies before the breeding process begins. "Don't think because the flies do not annoy you now that they should not be swatted, Now Is when swatting is most effec tlve." Judge Bennett writes that his re marks before the Jackson Club of Portland were mis judge Bennett understood. He says Still Wrong. he does not think anyone pr esent . thought his speech to be a criticism of Governor West. It is apparent, however, that tha judge himself Is the man who is mis ! taken upon this score. In its report of the Jackson Club meeting the Port land Oregonlan said: "Judge A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles, candidate for the demo cratic nomination for governor, was a speaker at last night's meeting. He expounded demo cratic doctrines. "He declared that if elected governor he would give every person adequate protection be he saloonkeeper or minister. His remarks were generally accepted as being directed against Gov ernor West, when he said that 'no person Jn authority, be he good king or bad king, has a right to take away a man's lib erty or confiscate his property - without due process of law and ." -without giving that man a hear " ing.' ' On that same day the Oregonlan flevoted Its leading editorial to Judge Bennett's remarks and spplau led the views of Judge Bennett as being su parlor to thoe of Governor West. It Ij abut clear from Judge Bennett's own letter he disapproves of the governor's methods at Copperfield. man's helplessness and necessities to exact nn exorbitant f-e. I do not ac cuse Dr. Smith of being such a doctor. indeed I do not think he Is. And you. ho are supporting Dr. Smith, have no more right to insinuate that I am gainst law enforcement because I am a lawyer. Uinooin was a lawyer, so was Mc-Kinley. So was Jefferson r.d Jackson and Cleveland. No one would cliiim that there was any sus picion of their good citizenship or any: question about their prompt and v!g- j orous enforcement of the law, because hey were lawyers. I might answer your article' in a like bitter spirit and recriminate against Dr. Smith, but I shall not do It. He and I have been friends for ears. I valMe his friendship highly and hope that it may continue after this campaign and in the years to come. I see no reason why we or our friends should quarrel and bo come bitter because we both happen to be candidates for the same office.! No such result shall follow, If any reasonable self-restraint and courtesy upon my part will prevent It. Tou say In your article that I have "expressed antipathy to thoroughgo ing' and red blooded law enforce ment." You can not point to any thing that I have said In that speech or at any time or place which justi fies such an Inference. I am as much In favor of a vigorous enforcement of the law as you are and more. In conclusion. I want to say that 1 have lived a long time In Oregon and I think most of the people know me and I do not fear that any person with whom I have the slightest ac quaintance will think me "spineless." Or that any such person will think that I do not mean exactly what I saj when I declare myselrf In favor of a complete and vigorous enforcement of the law according to law. Trusting that as you have given such wide publicity to your article crtlclsing me, that . you will publish this answer, and give it equal public ity, I remain. Very truly yours, A. S. BENNETT. H. J. Firchan of the Albank bakerj has the backing of Montana capitalist for establishing a cracker factory. . The Oregon Welfare Commission is considering raising the apprenticeship period for women learners to eighteen months. MOTHER! IF CHILD'S TONGUE IS COATED If Cross, Feverish, Constipated. Bil lons, Stomach Sour, Give "Cali fornia Syrop of Figs." The Dalles, Ore.. March 25. 1914 Editor of the East Oregonlan: My attention has been called to an article in your paper in relation to a little speech I recently delivered at the Jackson Club, which seems to me to have been written in a rather bitter tone. In the first, place, you assume that I Jo not like- Governor West person ally. In this you are mistaken, but let that pass. There may have been some foundation for your assumption in the fact that we disagreed rather bitterly four or five years ago. You seem to think that my talk be fore the Jackson Club was Intended as a criticism of the governor. I do not think any one else who heard my talk or read the report, took it that way. r. Here Is what I said and all I said In relation to law enforcement as re ported for the Portland Journal. "As regards law enforcement, every candidate may be assumed to be in favor thereof. I believe In the most strict and vigorous enforcement of the law, but I don't believe that one law should be picked ont for en forcement and others avoided. 1 share with Governor West his vig orous, his bitter Indignation at the sale of liquor to boys and girls, and such Infractions shall have no mercy at my hands. "I would use every means at my disposal to see law enforced with utmost vigor. But I believe also that everv man should be entitled to a fair trial before punishment Is ad ministered or property is taken away. Law enforcement should fall on the Just and the unjust, the good and the bad. No man, whether mm later or saloonkeeper, should have his DroDertv taken away from him without a fair trial. No man s lib erty should be taken away without a fair hearing. If the laws are bad we can make oil the changes we want under our Oregon system. No king, whether he be good king or bad king, has a right to take away a man's liberty or his property without giving that man fair hearing." I do not think this can fairly be construed as a criticism unless such criticism is involved in the mere fact of a difference of opinion think on the contrary, that 1 plain lv expressed an approval of Gover' nor West's main policy of vigorous law enforcement. And that I will seek to continue that policy In the same spirit. It may be fairly Infer red perhaps that I do not agree with the governor as to the "methods" of such enforcement. But there are very few people that can always agree, and It Is a democratic principle, that each man can think for himself. You sneer at me In your article be cause I am a "lawyer" and assume (without any foundation, I think) that lawyers are not law abiding or in favor of enforcing the law. I am not ashamed of my profession. I know that there is some prejudice against lawyers, and perhaps there is a like prejudice to an equal extent against doctors. No doubt there are some "shysters' in both professions. I have always be'.ieved that a lawyer could be as honest and Just and patriotic, as a man In any other business and If I thought that my profession prevented mj from being a Just or a good citl len. I would have left Jt long ago. ;lo ficlbt some doctors keep a man sic!; to fret a bigger b!l!. No doubt oitio advantage of the sick A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach sour. I Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, or your child is listless, cross, feverish, treath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ail ment, give a teaspoonful of "CalIfor- nla Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, because it is perfectly harmless, and in a few hotfrs all this constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough "inside cleansing" oftlmes all that is necessary. It should be the first treatment given In any sickness. Beware of counferfelt fig syrups 1 Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs." which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that it la made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." Don't be fooled. City Scavenger Service We will haul yqur trash and garbage at the following email cost to yon: ONE TRIP A WEEK FOR 75 A MONTH. TWO TRIPS A WEEK AND FREE GARBAGE CAN FURNISHED FOR ?1.25 A MONTH Let us keep your premises sanitary and sightly at a cost to you bo small you'll never miss the money. Anything and Everything Hauled Away. E. T. MILLER Phone 553-J. 612 Walnut St, Pendleton. 1 uvu IS) The nightlv .III MIX) CIRCUS parties all over the county have assumed the proportion of a veritable JUMHO JUBILEE. The wide combinations and endless variations of arrnnge nieiit have given the JUMBO CIRCUS instant popularity. Parents and children enter into the fun with equal zest. It is the champion entertainer for rainy afternoons. The funny clowns amuse, the acrobats make you tingle with exciting thrills, the wild and tame animals furnish an instructive lesson in zoology, presented in the most acceptable form. Clothed in brilliant, beautiful colors, this 40-foot array of 20 circus acts is a perpetual joy to all the family. v headers Appreciate East QregoniaiVs Enterprise The remar kably large number of JUMBO CIRCUSES distributed to the boys, girls and grown-ups of Pendleton and Umatilla County during the past few days indicates how quickly the readers of this paper appreciate articles of merit when offered through these columns. 20 Big 10-inch Acts Gorgeous ly Colored There' is nothing to cut, sew or paste Placed upright on the floor the twenty acts make a glittering line 40 feet long. The JUMBO CIRCUS comes to you complete, ready to use and annfto. Such a beauti ful array of cut-out acts could not be bought, ordinarily for several times the small promo tion amount necessary to secure the jumi'.o Circus, it is the biggest value ever offered. A gigantic purchase by load ing newspapers is alone respon sible for the small distribution amount. The Jumbo 20-Act $5.00 Circus The JUMBO 20-ACT CIRCUS is composed of 20 groups of acrobats, clowns, bareback riders, performing animals, etc Each, act is mounted on cut-out card board, beautifully litho graphed on both sides. Each act is 10 inches high. Sixteen of them, are so mounted that a touch or a puff of air seta them in motion. The J UMBO CIRCUS is fully worth $5, and will be distributed by this paper for THREE FREE CIRCUS TICKETS, printed daily in an other column," and the adertising and promotion amount of 89. MAIL ORDERS Add 7c additional parcels post charge within l.r0 miles; add 17c from 150 to 300 miles. Don't Delay Another the FREE Circus Ticket Now! THE JUMBO CIRCUS FREE FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS. The Dally East Oregonlan Is delivered b7 carrier daily tcept Sunday at PeiiK-non. Athena, Echo, Stan field and Hermlston foi 65c per month, or by mall to any address for SOc per month, $1.25 for three months, $2 50 for six months or $5.00 per year. The Semi-Weekly Kant Oregonlan is 75c for six months or $1.50 per year. THIS IS HOW YOU CAN GET THE JUMBO CIRCUS WITH BUT LITTLE EFFORT: For 1 new. three months Dally cash subscription by carrier and 16c; or for 2 new three months Daily cash subscriptions by carrier to this paper you may have it ABSO LUTELY FREE. ' ' ' For 1 new three months Dally cash subscription by mall and SOc; or for 2 new three months Daily cash subscriptions by mall you may have it ABSOLUTELY FREE. For 1 new one year Semi-Weekly cash subscription and 25c; or for two new six montha Semi-Weekly cash subscriptions and 25c; or for two new one year Semi-Weekly cash subscriptions or four new six months Seml-We.kly cash may have it ABSOLUTELY FREE. By renewing your Semi-Weekly subscription two years in advance or your Dally subscription either by mail or carrier, one year In advance you can have it ABSO LUTELY FREE. ABSOLUTELY FREE Bring the cash at the above rates, with names of subscribers, or remit, includ ing Parcels Post charge at the above rates to this office and get YOUR Jumbo Circus. Now's the time forspring tonics get a bottle of dial's Hot Springs Blood Remedy An efficient and re Hable'remedy free from harmful ingredients. Koeppen's Tb Drag Store that erres yon bent. ROSES- roseQiif Pendleton, Walls Walla, RanW and Badweber Bottled B C Cool and Sparkling Beer on Draught. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. $17 MAIN STREET B REDING, HANSEN 6 MILLER I have 10,000 roses ready foi Immediate delivery, all grown In the open ground, and grown in Heppner. All are on own roots, comprising 170 varieties of the beet -ever blooming sorts; positive ly guaranteed true to label. Many prefer that I make their selection, giving their preference of colors. I will always give any rose of equal value in exchange for those that do not entirely please you. I will also donate, as a forfeit, ten choice ever blooming roses for ev ery error I make in filling your order. I refer you to J. L. Vaughan, the electrician, as to the merits of my . roses, Mr, Vsughan having over 60 of my roses growing In his yard. Address. HARRY COMMINGS Heppner, Oregon. LAND OFFICE Real Estate Exchange C E. Roosevelt. E. O. Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon Selling Agent for IRVINGTON HEIGHTS J.J.Wodaege 523 Uain St. Pill Shop Phone 32 Res.PhoitsSO? THE Phone 299 71 1 Main Street PENDLETON, ORE. F AMILY LIQUOR STORE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. Pastime Theatre "The Home of Good Pictures" ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplays :: Steady, Flickerlesa Pictures : : Abso lutely No Eya Strain. A Refined and Entertaining Show' for the Entire Family. Next to French Restaurant Changes Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Adults 10c Children under 10 years 5c A L T A Pendleton's Real Show House Devoted to the perfect screen ing of High-Class Photoplays Regular program consists of 4 reels of motion pictures and a singer. ... Admission 10c and 5c See program in today's paper PENDLETON'S P O P U LAR PICTURE SITOW THE COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a high-class motion picture show with comfort, Fun. Pathos , Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Even ing. Changes Sunday, Mon day, Wednesday and Friday. Kn-rt TWp fr. Rf riaM TTv I teL Admission 5c and 10a Orphoum Theatre J. P. MEDERNACH, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Program changes Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. See Program ia Today's Puper.