Newspaper Page Text
"FTGHT PAOEfl TO CHICAGO, April 3. After an open, ing that was l-4c off for May and l-8c each for July and September, the wheat market developed considerable strength and the closing was at an advance of Ho to 5-8c a bushel over .Wednesday's finals. . ' Short covering was the principal cause of the advance in values yes terday. The market has been weak and dragging for so long that a huge short Interest has been created. Lead ers were shaking out the weaker ones. i Broomhall cabled from Liverpool that the weakness in Buenos Aires offset the steadiness in American ca bles. Later the market ruled com paratively quiet but with a steady un dertone. Joying" was stimulated by the forecast and lighter Argentine shipments and fewer La Platte pre diction! of moderate wr!d ship ments. . Wheat. ' May Open SI 1-8, high 91 8-8, low 61. Close 1 5-8B. f July Open 88 7-8, high 87 5-8, low, 86 8-4, close 87 1-2 B. Sept. Open 86 1-4, high 87, low 86 18, Close, 87. u 'v - " J . The Grain Markets. Wheat Producers' prices, track basis: Club, 93c; milling bluestem, 81.01; fortyfold, 94c; valley, 94c; red Russian, 91c. - Oats Buying price: No. 1 white feed, 823.50; gray, 8232S.S0 per ton. Barley Nominal producers' price, track basis: Feed, 822; brewing, 823 per ton. Flour Selling price: Patent, 4.80; Willamette valley, 34-80; local straight, 84.20; export, 83.90 4; bak ers 84.60 94.80. Hay Producers' price: Willam ette valley .timothy fancy, 813.50 14; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tim othy, 816 16.50; alfalfa, 813 13.50; vetch and oats, 311; clover, $909.10 per ton. Grain Bags No. 1 Calcutta, future delivery, 7 3-4c. Mlllstuffs Bran, $25 25.50; short 823- per ton. HIGHER III PORTLAND Rales for Future Delivery Made at Advance; Kales of Wool Yearlings at 96.50; Fancy Steers Are Moved at the 98 Mark Again. (Courtesy of The Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore.. April 3. The mutton market is showing increased strength at North Portland. Some sales for future delivery have been made at an advance of a quartet above the highest prices recently In effect here. Sales have been made for wool wethers, consisting of 1 and 2-year-olds, at $6.256 6.50 for wool offsetUngs and $5.50 for shorn stock. Salea of top lambs would be on the basis of 87.25 for top wool offerings. Puget sound killers are very much interested in the mutton and larr market at this time and some of the sales for future delivery have been made to them at the higher prices. General mutton market quotations: Spring lambs $ 10.75 Tbers is mors Catarrh In this section of the eountr than all other diseases pat together, sod antll the last few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors prononoced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and ay constantly railing to core wun new treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence has nroven Catarrh to be a consti tutional disease, and therefore reqalres constitutional treatment, nana catarrn . . L .--I m. r. urv, Ulau mav I u u vj r. tmurr ,v., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only Constitutional eare on the market It la taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to a teaapoonfuL It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one' hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. 3. CHENEY Co., Toledo, O. Hold br Drunlsta. 7Rc. Take Uaii's Family pills for constipation. SHORTS RUSH COVER MUTTON GOES Complimentary Ticket JUMBO a c t CIRCUS , , . A COURTESY OF EAST OhEGOHIAN 1914 THE JCMBO JO-ACT 8)8.00 , CIRCUS The JUMBO 20-ACT CIRCUS is composed of 20 groups of acrobats, downs, bareback riders, performing ani mals, etc. Each act Is mounted on cut-out card board, beautifully lithographed on both sides. Each act is U Inches high. Sixteen of them are so mounted that a touch or a puff of air sets them In motion. The JUM BO CIRCUS Is fully worth 85, and will be distributed for THREE FREE CIRCUS TICKETS, like the. 0 above, and the advertising and promotion am-l HUf ount of , I MALLi ORDERS Add 7c additional parcels post charge within 160 miles; add 17c from 160 to 800 miles; - ' THE JUMBO CIRCUS FREE FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS. Tha Dally East Oregonian Is delivered by carrier dally except Sun day at Pendleten, Athena, Echo, Stanfleld and Hermlston for 6 So per month, or by mall to any address for 60c per month, $1.25 for three months, $2.60 for six months or 85.00 per year. The 8eml-Weekly East Oregonian is 76c for six months or 1.60 per year. This Is how you can get the Jumbo Clrcns with bnt little effort: For 1 new three months Dally cash subscription by carrier and 16c Or for 2 new three months Daily cash subscriptions by carrier to this paper you may have it ABSOLUTELY FREE. '-' For 1 new three months Dally cash subscription by mall and 60a Or for 2 new three months Dally cash subscriptions by mail you may have It ABSOLUTELY FREE. ) For 1 new one year Semi-Weekly cash subscription and 25c. Or for two new six months Semi-Weekly cash subscriptions and 250. Or for two new one year Semi-Weekly cash subscriptions or four new six months Semi-Weekly cash subscriptions you may have it ABSO LUTELY FREE.. By renewing your Semi-Weekly subscription two years in advance r your Daily subscription either by mail or carrier, one year In ad vance you can have it ABSOLUTELY FREE. Bring the cash, or remit, Including parcels post charge, at the above rates, with the names of subscribers, to this paper, and get YOUR , JUMBO CIRCUS. i C Paint s Don't Scrub Them Sky mu Avoid the by scrubbing bare floors. Painted to keep bright and clean are very inexpensive. gives a hard, durable, sanitary finish for floors, steps or any inside surface to be walked on, LtTf 807 Main Street Best lambs 7.25 Poor larrfbs 5.50 6.00 Best ewes 5.25 Ordinary ewes .. 4.50 5.00 Best yearling wethers ... 6.236.60 Wethers 6.50 6.00 Cattle Market Is Firm. Sales of top steers were again made in the cattle market at North Port land today at $8, which was the high price in effect here at the opening of the week. The demand for top cattle, while rather firm, is not very exten sive, but the absence of heavier ar rivals recently have been a direct aid to the situation. . General cattle market range: Prime steers, 1100 to 1200 pounds .' . ..$ 8.00 Good to choice steers 7.75 7.85 Common steers 7.00 7.85 Common steers .......... 7.00 7.25 Prime spayed heifers .... 7.00 Good to choice dehorned cows '. . 6.85 6.95 Best bulls 5.506.00 Good bulls 5.00 5.50 Common bulls 4.00 5.00 Best light calves 9.00 9.50 Ordinary calves 8.00 8.75 ATLY EASTOEOOyTAy. PENDLETON1. OREGON. FRIDAY. APP.IL 3. 1014. Kitchen Floors backache and sore FLOOR PAINT easy to keep clean and hard to wear out. You can apply it yourself. It dries in a short time. Offered in appropriate arid attractive shades. HALE McATEE Hog Trade is Steady. There was no general change in the hog situation for the day at North Portland. Receipts were light and the general top of the market remained at $8.70, although during the last 24 hours a few odd head have been sold to small buyers at a nlqkel above this. The higher figure, however, does not represent general market conditions. General hog market range: Best live, 175 to 225 lbs... 8 70 Prime heavy 225 to 250 lbs . 8.65 Rough and heavy 7.00 8.00 Pigs, 75 to 125 lbs. 7.758.25 Today's Livestock Shippers. Hogs M. M. Hoctor, Goldendale, Wash., 1 load; Outlook Trading Co., Outlook, Wash. 1 load; John Bryant. Condon, 1 load! Cattle Ed T. Slayton, Redmond, 4 loads; E. E. Willard, North Powder, 2 loads. Mixed stuff Robert McSherry, Redmond, 1 load hogs and sheep. TRYING IT OX. Artist Your wife has such a mo bile face. Husband That's queer. We've only Just got one. Baltimore American. Don't Put Off seeking relief from the illnesses caused by defective action of the or gans of digestion. Most serious sick nesses get their start in troubles of the stomach, liver, bowels troubles quickly, safely, surely relieved by PILLS ftoU atMivasa. la Wise 10a IS Con Dang Low f CHOP SUEY CHINESE STYLE i NOODLES LUNCHES COFFEE! Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS SERVICE TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Sts. Phone 667 Pendleton, Ore. 1 8EECHAI knees caused floors are easy attractive and Pendleton, Oregon BAKER EDITOR POINTS TO PROGRESS OF PENDLETON I. B. BOWEX, VETERAN NEWSPA PERMAN, ENTHUSES OVER ROUND-UP CITY. Under the headline "Pendleton is Progressive, " I. B. Bowen, veteran editor of the Baker Democrat who was here several days ago, pays this city the following tribute In his paper: "With the construction of a gravity water system under headway to cost upwards of $250,000 and other im provements public and private soon to be carried out indicates a progres sive spirit at Pendleton that speaks volumes in praise of Its people. The writer had the pleasure of a brief visit to the Round-up city a few days ago and was pleased to see the op timism expressed by the residents of that thrifty town. And this optim ism is well founded, since there is everything to Impart confidence on the part of the people. "During the past few years the city has improved wonderfully. Its pav ed streets have had most to do with its improved appearance and prop erty owners are not through with this expense. Instead of crying about the cost of paving, the work is to go on to a considerable extent this year. Ce ment sidewalk bullding also, is to ex tend all over the city. "An enlargement of the Hotel Pen dleton is to be made at a cost of $40,000 or more, and when this la done the city will have one of the finest hotels in the Northwest "Situated as Pendleton is in one of the richest wheat belts in the North west, the merchants of the town safely bank on a good trade and this year, especially, on account of favorable weather conditions, they look ahead to prosperous times. "It Is very noticeable to the visitor that Pendleton has loyal citizens who believe in their town and boost it in season and out of season. It is this spirit that brings the good things to make prosperity and this United effort surmounts all obstacles." ONLY ONE "BROMO QUININE." That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN INE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip In Two Days. 26o. Adv. FARMERS' EDUCATIONAL CO OPERATIVE UNION OF AMERICA. Pendleton Local No. tl. Meets regularly the first and third Saturdays of each month. The "Farmers' Marketing Plan' and other matters of vital Importance to the farmer at this time, being dis cussed. YOU COME. ' MEETINGS CALLED SHARP AT IP, K, R. O. EARNHEART, President W. P. EVANS, Sec.-Treaa. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 62 Af A. F. and Af M meet .he 'NA . first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brothers are invited. , DAMON LODGE NO. 4 K. of P., meets every Mon day evening In L O. Or F hall. Visiting brothers cor dially Invite to attend Strain, C. C; J. H. Gwlnn, 8. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN & BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and . licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night Phone 76. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day ' or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 68. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, See, BENTLET LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 816 Main street Phone 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street Carney ft Bradley, Props Livery, feed and sale stable. Goo4 rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. Phone 70. mm.u. an Mai saffariaa aaj dancer. TheCAUSC ia alwaya tnlwiial, Dr. Leeaksrdt's m r u.nnm tabMa prodoe amarfcif renlta bp attartl the RteInaL CAUSE. fk ptom are iiUi as aa2 wianiilli earad. 14 dart i aefaaj (LSI ML IXONfbUUrr. 00 Belaia, M. Y. iftassiB The Feoaletoa Drag Co. sad all araggtsts. I. O. Commission Hearing On. WASHINGTON. Anrll 2. Railroad and lake steamship officials and rep resentatives oi scores or shippers gathered here today when the inter state commerce commission ooened a three day hearing on the much moot- ea suojeci or increased rates .ror lake and rail traffic. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Charles Marshall, a bankrupt To the creditors of Charles Mar shall, of Weston, in the County of Umatilla and District aforesaid, Bank rupt Notice is hereby given that on the 30th day of March, A. D. 1914, the said Charles Marshall was duly ad judicated a Bankrupt and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned Referee in Bankruptcy, at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on April the 14th, A. D. 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at which time and place the creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt and transact such ether business as may properly come before the said meeting. Done and dated at Pendleton, Ore gon, this Slst day of March, A. D. 1914. THOS. FITZ GERALD. Referee In Bankruptcy. NOTICE OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUC TION OF RETAINING WALL. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for the construction of a retain ing wall on Matlock Street on the west Bide thereof between Court Street and the south end of the Bridge serosa the Umatilla River on said Matlock Street will be received at the office of the City Recorder in Pendle ton, Oregon, up to 5 o'clock P. M. on April 8th. 1914. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check in the sum of $100.00 made payable to the order of the Mayor of the City ot Pendleton to be returned to the bid der if unsuccessful, and to be for feited to The City of Pendleton if .the bidder fails to enter into a contract according to the terms of his bid, if awarded the contract for said work Plans and specifications for said work are now on file in the office of the City Recorder, open for inspection; the Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. This no tice Is published by order of the Com mon Council and dated this 25th day of March A. t. 1914.- THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. BEAVER f EN QR AVI N G . -Mrrw COM FANY "-sr JJssaBBsnaUBwasaMi odorn Dontists Dr. Tboa. C. Ohmart, Manage . TAYLOR HARDWARE BLDG. Pendleton, Ore. C. P. K. R. PILES ; VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone 27; office teliephone 20. !, ATTORNEYS. RALEY St RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT .aw. Office in American National Bank Building, JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office in Despala building. CARTER ft SMYTH E. ATTORNEY8 at law. Office In rear ot American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms 8 and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 1, 1 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections msde. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND consullor at law. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Despaln building. PHYSICIANS. H, B. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathle physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd Block. Telephone: Office. 841 W: residence 618 J. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NJTW and second-hand goods. Cash paM for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to buj household goods. Call and get hit NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHARTER AM ENDMENTS. The Common Council has ordered a speci al election to be held AprU 28, 1914, to vote on measures proposed by Initiative Petition filed with the City Recorder and transmit ted to tbe Common Council, as follows : The following Is tbe form and number In which the measure will be printed on the official ballot: PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION. Charter Amendment aothorUing The City of Pendleton to Incur additional Indebt edness not exceeding $40,000.00 and to Issue bonds therefor, for purposes of con structing, and completing construction of, gravity system of water works, and ex empting bonds from taxation. Vote 1ES or NO. 400 Yes. 401. No. " ! The full title and text of sucb measure Is as follows: . . ...... . A BILL To proDoee by initiative petition an Act to amend the Charter of Tbe City of Pen dleton, Umatilla County. Oregon, and to au- tnorize and empower said city to incur an addition indebtedness, not exceeding $40, 000.00, to that already authorized, and to issue, aeii ana aisnose or negotiate oonos therefor, to an amount not exceeding $40.- 000.00, in addition to all bonds heretofore autborixed to be Issued, for the purposes of constructing, and completing the construc tion or. a cravitv system or water works to supply said City and Its Inhabitants and the tnnabttanta or the territory adjoining tne City and the territory In the vicinity of such gravity system witn water, to exempt aucn bonds from taxation, and declaring that none of them, nor any indebtedness evi denced by them, shall be taken Into ac count In computing tbe heretofore author ised indeDtednesa wnlcn Tne Llty ot Pen dleton may Incur. Be it Enacted oy tne reopie ot Tne city or Pendleton : Tbe People of The City of Pendleton do uraain as hollows: That the Charter of The City of Pendle ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, ahall be am ended by adding thereto a section to be numbered SECTION 1 A, wblcb shall read as follows: SECTION 1 A. That The City of Pen- dleton shall have power and authority, and is hereby empowered and authorized, to In cur an Indebtedness not exceeding $40, 000.00, In addition to the indebtedness al ready authorized, and to Issue, sell and dis pose of negotiable bonds to evidence such Indebtedness, to an amount not exceeding $40,000.00, In addition to all bonds here tofore authorized to be issued, for the pur poses of constructing and completing the construction of, a gravity system of water worse to snppiy said City and Its Inhabi tants and the Inhabitants of the territory adjoining the City and In the vicinity of said gravity system with water. The bonds Issued pursuant to this Section shall be known as "WATER BONDS, Series C C," shall bare those words written, printed or engraved thereon, and aball be numbered consecutively, commencing with number 1. ana u tne wnoie amount or Donda author, (zed by this Section shall not be Issued at the same time, any subsequent Issue shall be numbered commencing with the number next following the last number Issued In the next preceding Issue of said bonds.. No bond issued pursuant to the provisions ot this Section shall be subject or liable to any taxation, and none of tbem, nor any in debtedness evidenced by them, shall be taxen into account in computing the here tofore authorized Indebtedness which Tbe City of Tendleton may Incur. 11. Tbe following la the form and nnmber In which the measure will be printed on tbe official ballot: PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION. Charter Amendment providing for re-assess ment ot property assessed, or liable to assessment, for the opening, altering or In any manner improving of any street, construction or repair of sewers, or for any kind of local Improvement, hereto fore or hereafter made by The City or Pendleton. Vote TES or NO. 402. Tea. 403 No. Tbe full title and text of sucb measure Is as follows : A BILL To propoee by Initiative petition An Act to amend the Charter of The City of Pen dleton, Umatilla County, State of Oregon, and to provide for the re-assessment ot pro perty assesaed, or liable to assessment, foe the opening, altering, grading, paving or improng of any street, or the construc tion, reconstruction or repair of any sewer, or for any kind of local Improvement whlcb has been, or may hereafter be, made by said City. Be It Enacted by The People of The City of Pendleton : The People of The City of Pendleton do Ordain as Follows i That the Charter of The City of Pen dleton. Umatilla County, Oregon shall be amended by adding thereto a section to be numbered SECTION 111, to read as follows: SECTION 1 a That whenever an as sessment for the opening, altering, grading, paving or Improving ot any street, or tbe construction, re-conatructlon or repair of any sewer or for any kind of local improve PAGE SEVEN prices. 211 E. Court street Paoaw 817 W. AUCTIONEERS. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OM egonlan makes a specialty of aaa tlon sale bills, cards and advertising). We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will ass or you of having a successful sale. COL. W. r. YOHNKA, AUCTIONBBcl makes a specialty of farmers' stoats and machinery aalea. "The man thai gets you the money." Leave orders) at East Oregonian office. ' MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATION Si wedding announcements, embosaesl private and business stationery, 'eta. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonian office and see samples. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of sue tlon sale bills, cards and advertising, We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an advertising complete that will assure, you of having a successful sale. . . TRESPASS NOTICES, ST ALU OI SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLS of every description printed at rea sonable) prices at the East Oregonian, We have a fine lot of stock cuts that our patrons are allowed the free uae of. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY. De scription for county court circuit court Justice court real estate, etc for sale at East Oregoniaa office. WANTED FIVE HUNDR E X cowboys and cowgirls to take part In the greatest wild west contest stampede ever given. A aeries off four weeks commencing with Cleve land, Ohio, June 29th, 1914, on week. 8120,000 in prises for the se ries and 82.00 per day to each and) every cowboy and cowgirl who takes part In the contest and we furnish all feed for your horses while with us. Wm. Block, Luna Park, Stam pede Mgr., Cleveland Ohio. , ment, wblcb has been or may hereafter be made by tbe City, has been or shall here after be set aside, annulled, declared os , rendered void, or Its enforcement refusedb ' by any court of this state, or any Federal court, having Jurisdiction therein, whether directly or by virtue of any decision of sactt '. court, or when tbe council shall be la doe be as to tbe validity of sucb assessment or . any part thereof, tbe council may, by erdi-, ' nance, make a new assessment or re-assess- . ' mcnt upon tbe lots, blocks or parcels of , land which have been benefited by sacht Improvement to tbe extent of tbelr reaper- -tlve and proportionate shares of the full value thereof. SucU re-assessment shall be " based upon tbe special and peculiar bene- ' fit of such Improvement to the respective) parcels of land assessed, at tbe time of Its original making, but shall not exceed th terest thereon from tbe date of delinquency. ' Fit Ik. nplnln.l .M . k. - . . & --w - i in umj w wjuni at tbe discretion of the Council. Such re- ' cKHuwiit auaii ue uinue iu an equitanie m nnA, mm ttmmmtm k .... I . . -- , - f"" -J mm mtmj uw in acuorQUrV with the law in force at tbe time it la made; but the Council may adopt a dif ferent plan of apportionment of benefits, when In Ita Inifcrmant aM-a.i-l . an equitable re-assessment Tbe proceed ings required by this Charter to be bad) prior to the making of the original as sessment shall not be required to be takes. or had within ths Intmt nt thi. a,i oucn re-assessment snail a mart and IwnlM fhm rvrm nnM tha - 'htlll tVim asm., im tmlA ft.-. li Z 1 - mm umu, uuiMiiu-uUlUiaZ 1.119 omission, failure or neglect of any officer, body or person to comply, with the provision nf this Ph.HM . a i.l . . . to such Improvement and original assees ent and notwithstanding tbe proceeding of the Council or of any officers, contractor or other person connected with socb work or Improvement may have been brregnlar or defective, whether such irregularity or de fect be Jurisdictional or otherwise. Sucb, re-assessment shall not be made In ease of a street improvement wherein a reason trance sufficient in law to defeat tbe or Improvement shall have been filed. The Council shall by resolution declare tbe district that has been or will be. benefited) by the improvement for whlcb the re-as. ",mant to be or shall be made, and) shall direct the Recorder or City Engineer to prepare a preliminary re-assessment ap on the property Included therein within time to be fixed by said resolution. Upos, the passage of such resolution the Rwd4ii shall, as soon thereafter as such n aisius ment ia prepared, give notice by ten suc cessive publications In some dally newspa per nubllsh-a In Tha 1-1,- r . auch re-assessment is on file in his office. i jII "J""1" the making of the same . Inn th, t-lma a. akl.k .. ... . ,j "v " votincu win near u vv.umcr oojecuons to said re-asaeaa-menr h na.taa a -1 , . . . warning auch persons not to depart untM sucn re-assessment has been completed Tbo Recorder shall forthwith mall to the own. fa"-!. 5?,ch.'?u0r p"t thereof, or tract or hi- "ucn re-asseeament. or to his agent, if the postofflce address of either be known to the Recorder, a notice of each re-ssaessment and if such postofflce ad dress be unknown, then such notice shall be. airected to such owner or agent at Pendle ton. Oregon. The owner or owners ot any. property which is assessed on such ress- "..;, .' irom tne last PfjMon heraln provided, file with the vujwiwiM id writing to sura resMessment At the time appointed in such notice the Council shall hear and de termlne all objections which have been fllw! by any party Interested. The Council shall have power to adjourn auch hearing from time to time and ahall have-the power, lo Its discretion, to revise and correct, or to. set aside and order the remaking of suia-re-asaessment. and shall pass an ordluant-e . .a -uu nunrmiax aucn re-assess. men.t greeted and remade by it. and such decision shall be a final determination r rDlarltT' validity and cornvtnris except as nere n otn- ."'"' K."tcii. nnta saio re-assess ma at is completed and confirmed It shall be en- tered In thm Ika-kat n t' - t . - - v - - am, ,u.ii be enforced and collected in the same msa- ow atweaxmenta ror local Im provements are enforced and collected un. der this Charter and the laws governing the city. All sums paid upon tbe form-e assessment shall be credited to the propertv OD account nf mM-h tha ..... V..1.1 ? h lL?,e of ocn Psyaent. And wh-o "nompietr to sen property roe any assessment an auch sale Is found or declared void, upon the making of the r- aSSemmpnt thm .h.i, t 1 .1 i""!'-1 .nan i y i r 'iw auia the proceeds of such sale aball be paid ! the purchaser at tbe former void sale o his asslgna. But no proceeding ahall he Instituted for such re-ssseaament anV-4 within ten years of the passage of ths rt- lutloo of intention for tbe making of tbe original work, Improvement or repair. This notice Is published pursuant to or der of the Common Council, the first pub lication hereof being made March IS, 1914. Dated rtndleton, Oregon, ifarrh IS, TU03 riTZ HERALD, City Recorder. J