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fAO"R TWO nmv pt nvvnciKiw. PFyTlT.ETON. OREGON, SATT'RDAV. APKTL 11. 1014: FTOTTT PAOFS Easter Goods and Easter Economies. The greatest stock and most varied assortments ever brought to. Pen dleton. Values not to be found elsewhere exclusive patterns and de signs, and always the best for the price no matter what the price. An Easter Special of Men's $20 Suits at $16.75 Here's- your last chance to Imy your Easter suit. We offer you a special price that will save you $3.25 on the season's newest $20.00 Miits. They are suits that are extra good values at $20.00. All wool, correctly tailored, smart and up-to-the-minute in style. All sizes from 3-1 to 44. Kegular, stout, stub and long. This is a special that no man can affoid to let pass. Come and look, you'll he surprised at the value we are showing. Easter bargain in boys9 Suits EASTER BARGAINS IX BOYS' SUITS Never have we shown such remarkable values in boys' suits, or such a variety of styles as this season. The new Xorfolks are very stylish. Extra well made. The Bestever. !Made for service such as a boy will give thtm. All wool material, patent but tons, strong linings. All for hard wear. OUR EASTER PRICES ARE $5.00 Suits for $6.00 Suits for .. $7.50 Suits for $10.00 Suits for $4.40 $5.35 $6.65 $8.85 HATS FOR BOYS AND LITTLE BOYS Easter always calls for a new hat for the boy as well as for father or big brother. We are prepared to meet "his" needs, new smart shapes in desirable colors, sizes 6 1-8 to 6 7-8 ; crash, silk or felt, also some new straw hats, '50, 65, 75, $1.00. LIEN'S SHIRTS THE CELEBRATED MANHATTAN "The best known, known as the best.'' Manhat tans are guaranteed fast color. .They are the best fitting, best wearing shirts made. Fine Soisette, Madras and Percale, soft or stiff cuffs $1.50 Fine Madras, French Cords, Etc., in most beautiful patterns, soft or stiff cuffs, pleated or plain fronts $2.00 to $3.00 Silk, French Flannel and Silk and Linen mixed $3.50 to $4.50 Women's, Misses and Children's SHOES Never in our history have we shown such, tremendous slocks and ivide varieties of as we now do. You'll have no trouble in finding exactly the style of shoe or pump here that ' will please vou best. SPECIAL DAY-BEFOKE-EASTER SALE OF WOMEN'S PUMPS. . We received by yesterday's freight four hundred pairs of women's pumps. These pumps were ordered to come much earlier than this but on account of a strike in the factory which makes the greater part of our shoes, shipment was delayed. Rather than carry them over they made us a price on them that enables us to ell a pump that was made to sell for $5.00 for $4.00. There are five styles of these pumps, and they come in triple A, double A, single A and to double EE width. Size3 run from 2 to 8. For style, sightliness and service they mav be imitated but they can not be duplicated. Men's Easter Neckwear Easter wouldn't hardlv be complete without a new tie. This season has brought forth some of the most attrao tive colorings and combinations ever shown. The new wide end ties lead. We want vou to see them. Come in. 50, 75 and $1.00. Men's Easter Hats There is no other day in the year when a man realv wants a new hat as badly as on Easter Sunda'. Q f -J Easter Sunday opens the Spring season of style Regardless of the rapid buying of spring garment?, frequent shipments of new suits have kept our stock fresh and inviting. This morning we, received fifteen new Spring suits bv express. THEY MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR US TO SHOW YOU THE BEST POSSIBLE VALUES IMAGINABLE for $25.00 New up-to-the-minute styles, new novelty materi als, silk linings, excellent tailoring, a wide variety of colorings and no two suits alike, make an appeal hard to resist by the woman who desires to be well dressed at a comparatively small cost. Other suits from $19.75 to $45.00 STICKEREI TRIMMINGS In all white, white with blue, lavender, red, pink, black, green and navy edges, bolt 8 to 25 RICE VOILE FLOUNCINGS Extremely novel and attractive are these new embroidered flancings. White Rice Voile embroid ered in colors, blue, green, pink and coral; 27 inches wide. The yard $1.00 Almost every man "springs'' a new one on Easter. Its a custom, we all follow it In our great stock of hats vou'll find every good new shape, and all the desirable new colors. Our hats have style, individuality and qualitv. At $3.50 we show the best values in America. Don't buy till you've seen them. SPECIAL REDUCTION MEN'S CARHARTT BIB OVERALLS, all styles, plain blue, stripe and painter's white. Your choice onlv, per pair 85 OTHER BIB OVERALLS, all styles, per pair E IMPORTED PONGEE 40 pieces imported Silk Pongee from the Orient. Best quality, widest and heaviest weight. The best wearing wash silk made. Comes only in natural shade but several qualities, 85, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. FOR GRADUATION DRESSES Especially selected white goods for graduation dresses of finest quality sheer effect Tare Chiffon, yard - $1.00 Marquisette, vard 50 to $1.00 Rice Chiffon' Voile $1-00 Plain Crepes- 50 t0 $2-00 Lyk Linen : 25 to 35? HAIR ORNAMENTS. Dainty little spangled butterflies in evening shades, make attractive hair or naments for evening wear. Priced 65 EMBROIDERED PIQUE Imported French Pique, embroidered in neat designs, soft finish for waists, guini7es, children's dresses, etc. Yd. 85 TRIMMING SILKS An assortment of trimming silks of the latest designs and colorings; 24 to 26 inches wide, in heavy and lisrht weight. Best quality. Yard $1.00 to $2.50 SPECIAL SKIRTINGS A lot all wool fabrics in plain and mixed comes in grey, tan, blue, etc, T.4 to 56 inches wide, worth from 82.00 to $2.50 yard. Special $1.00 to $1.50 CLUNY LACE MEDALLIONS Round, square and oblong, as well as low-knot and butterfly design,. 15 to 35 each. Peter Thomson Belts in black, brown and red, each .. 25 to 50 Peter Thomson ties and lares in black, red, navy and white. Ties 50; laces, 5, 10f and 15. GOLF FLANNEL 56 inch all wool Golf Flannel, for out ing coats and for children's wear. Comes in green, red. grey and navy. The yard 50to$1.25. .. PStMMjM COUPON The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE SAVE YOUR T. P. W. TRADING STAMPS CPU ROW Woman Her Varied Interests Social and Club News, Personals, Fashions, Home Hints and Other Items of Interest to the World Feminine. society Today Is the last day of the Lenten season and tomorrow Is Easter Sun day. In keeping with the custom of the day, the churches will have spe cial services and some of the musical rrogrnms will be of a high order. The following are the special programs as prepared by two of the churches: ' First M. E. Church. ' Morning. Prelude and Hymn "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" Davidica-Ashford Anthem, "Christ the Lord Is Risen" Wilson Organ Offertory In Q Lorens Soprano Solo, "Hall to the Risen Lord" Ashford Postlude, "The Heavens Are Tell ing'' . . . '. Hayden Evening. Prelude for organ, violin and clar ionet, "Whisper of the Lilies"... Betts Anthem, "The Risen Lord" Ashford Ladies' Quartet, "At the Cross"..'. Lorenz Duet soprano and tenor, "My Spirit Longs for Thee" Scott Anthem, "Jesus Revives Again".. Lorem Offertory for organ, violin and Clarionet. "Serenade". .Laurendeau Soprano solo, "Still, Still with Thee" Robarts. Male quartet, "Jesus Lives" Cresswell Anthem, "Hosanna". . Granier-Wilson Soprano solo, "Beyond the Dawn" Sanderson Anthem, "Lift Up Your Heads"..... Wilson Postlude for organ violin and clar ionet . Selected Sopranos Jirs. P. T. Belts, Mrs. A. D. Frost, Mrs. Sam Jlnkins, Mrs. Gil bert Mowry, Mrs. J. S. Landers, Miss Gladys Hamley, Miss Grace Oliver, Miss Edna Wisdom, MlssJ Helen Whipple. Altos Mrs. G. W. Rugg, Mrs. D. B. Waffle. Miss Grace Gilliam. Tenors Mr. Gilbert Mowry, Mr. J. S. Landers. Bassos Mr. Sam Jlnkins. Mr. Geary Kimbrell, Mr, A. J. Owen. Organist Mrs. A. J. Owen. Violin Mr. S Whipple Clarionet Mr. Wesley Whipple. Church of the Redeemer, Morning. Processional, "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today." 112 Easter Anthem, "Christ Our Pass over" Reade Gloria Patrl ...Rev. F. H. Potts Proper Psalms 2, 57, 111 First Lesson Exodus 12 Te Deum Laudamus. . . J. R. Thomas Second Lesson St. Matthew 2!) Jubilate Deo Rev. F. H. Potts Xicene Creed. Anthem, "Open the Gates of the Temple" J. F, Knapp Kyrie Elelson In B Flat Reade Gloria Tlbl In B Flat Reade Anthem "O Death Where is Thy Sting" W. Spinney Sermon The Rector Offertory Solo, "Hosanna". . .Granier Sung by T. H. Williams. Sursum Corda, Sanctus, Agnus Del, Eucharistic Hymn Gloria in Ex- celsis in B Flat Reade Recessional Hymn 1110 Evening. Processional Hymn 117 Proper Psalms 84, 85 Gloria Patrl R. Langdon First Lesson Exodus 15 Magnificent W. Hawes Second Lesson Acts 2:22 Nunc Dlmittls J. T. Harris Apostles' Creed. Hymn 116 Sermon Rev. Charles Qulnney Offertory. Vesper Recessional 118 Choir. Mesdames J. R. Dickson, C. Cranston, W. Mlchelson. G. W. Phelps, B. L Burroughs A. B Keenan, G. Baer, C. Power, R. Alexander, C. Qulnney. Misses Edna Zimmerman, Edna Thompson, Edith Johnson, Jenny Perry'. Ada Decker, Mabel Bick ers, Mildred Berkeley. Helen Johns Louise Deute, Gwendolen Carpen ter, Adele Poston, Gertdude Postort. Messrs. G. F. Edmond, J. B. 81m monds, A. C. Hampton, Frank Hays. George Baer T. H. Williams, Clarence Bean. Organist Mrs. W. C. E. Pruitt. Cruclfer 'Frank F. Dickson. The soloists for the day will be Mrs. B. L. Burroughs, Mrs. W. Michel' son Miss J. Perry, Miss A. Decker, Miss Edna Thompson, Mr. G. F. Edmond. Mr. J. B. Simmonds, Mr. T. H. Williams Another notable event hns been placed on the calendar of the post Lenten social season. Cards were sent out today for a dancing party t be given in the Eagle-Woodman hall on Thursday evening, April twenty thrrd. with Mrs. John Adams. Mrs. William L. Thompson, Mrs. George A. Hartman, Jr., Mrs. Roy Raley, Mrs. Roy Alexander and Mrs. Henry W. Collins as hostesses. The student of the high school last evening held a very successful and a very enjoyable athletic carnival and basket social In the high school gym nasium. Enough money was taken in at the door and from the sale of bas kets to cancel the student body debt. Many unique stunts and comical con tests were on the program and every one present, old and young, thorough ly enjoyed themselves. To observe Easter with their broth er knights of the Baker and La Grande commandorles, a delegation of Knights Templar of the Pendcton commnndery will leave In a special car tomorrow morning for La Grande, and most of them will be accompanied by their wives. The three command erles each year assembe at one of the three cities for Easter services. The special car will be attached to No. 6 in the morning and will return Sun day night. There will be not less than twenty-five In the party and probably more as the committee Is de siring of having the Pendleton com mandery represented by a large dele gation and is making every effort to Induce other members to make the trip. The following had signified their Intention of going by noon today: A. C. Funk, eminent commander; W. E. Brock, Dr. G. O. Holslngton and wife, Thomas J. Tweedy and wife; L. S. Bentley and wife; Edward E. KoonU and wife of Athena, John F. Robinson, Ralph B. Stanfleld. wife and two children of Echo; Herman Suhl and wife; Charles A. Guerfie of Athena and Delmar Thompson, Dr C. J. Smith of Portland, a member of the local commandery, will Join them at La Grande. The Care of Children IJst of Rooks for Mothers' Heading. "The Song of Life" Margaret Morley. "Tales' Come True and Tales Made New" Margaret Coulson Walker. "The Little Artist" Marfon Mac kenzie. "Sewing and Brush Work in the Kindergarten" Anna W. Devereaux. "The Message of Froebel" Nora Archibold Smith. "The Book of Nature Myths" Flor ence Holbrook. Home Hints and Recipes Worth Knowing. Fish boiled In stock Instead of wa ter will not taste flat. Baker milk puddings should be done very slowly in a gradual oven. If the cupboard Is damp, leave a quantity of quicklime In It for a few days. If the shelf of baby's high chair is covered with white oilcloth It will be much easier to keep clean. Cutting the bread at tlio table Is a real economy, as the praotce saves many slices from becoming stale. Dallas News. FARMERS ARE WARNED HOW TO CARE FOR PIGS WASHINGTON, April 10. "Pig typhoid." "lung plague," "Infective Pnemonla," and otHer alleged swine diseases are classed as snares and de lusions In a letter Just issued, by the department of agriculture, which says that out of every ten sick hogs in the country at least nine have the common variety of cholera. Farmers are urged to "forget" all high sounding diagnoses and go after their herds with cholera serum and to separate the sick porkers from the well ones forthwith. "From a practical standpoint the Important thing Is to recognize hog cholera as soon as possible after Its appearance in a herd in order that anti-hog cholera serum may be ap plied before the disease progresses i far. Good serum may be de pended upon to protect well hogs and even to cure a large percentage of those In the earliest stages of the disease but It will not be of much avail when used upon hogs that are already visibly sick. Remember the r cholera kills millions of hog where other diseases kill thousands." CATTLE M ILL RE A SHIPPED FROM ECHO (Special Correspondence.) ECHO, Ore., April 11. Gibson and Bowers, who have been feeding cattle here the past winter, will ship out ten carloads of cattle .tonight. They are Dined ror Seattle, via Wallula, on the Northern Pacific R. R., with the priv ilege of grazing In transit. Yesterday County School Supt. I. E. Young accompanied by J. Alton Yen ger and W. H. Musselman. mad the Echo public schools an official visit. Tne local W. C. T. U. hel.t their regular mothers' meeting on Wednes day at tne residence of Mrs. I. H. Gobbel. Mrs. Llnnle Garrett Carl, Oregon's state organizer of the Y. P. n. of tho W. C. T. U., was here Wednesday evening and In company with her husband gave an entertainment of ioy or Girl? Great Question f This brings to many minds an old and tried family remedy an external ap plication known asr "Mother's Friend." During the period or expectancy It Is ap plied to the ab dominal muscles and Is designed to sooths the intricate network of nerves Involved. In this manner it has such a splendid Influence as to justi fy Its use In all cases of coming, mother-hood. It has been generally rec ommended tor years and years and those who have used it speak In highest praise of the Immense relief It affords. Particu larly do these knowing mothers speak of the absence of morning sickness, absence of strain on tho ligaments and freedom from Minus many other distresses usually luoked forward to with such concern. There is no question but what "Mother's Friend" has a marked tondenoy to relieve the mind and this of Itself ln addition to tho physical relief has given it a very wide popularity among women. You can obtain "Mother's Friend" at lmoat any drug store. It baa helped m best of mothers to a complete recover. It la prepared only by Dradfleld Reg ulator Co., 801 Lamar Wdg., Atlanta, Oa, Avoid the many worthless substitutes. stereoptlcal views for the cause, of prohibition at the M. E. church. Chas. E. Ruckel of Asland, Ore., ls here visiting with friends. Miss Sunshine Gelvln of Pendleton. Is vLsltfng this week with her broth ers. Rev. H. F. and Glenn Gelvln. Chas. Lisle of Portland, Is looking; after business Interests here. Mrs. Anna Reeves of Stanfleld, vis ited here yesterday with friends. A. B. Thomson left Monday for Denver, Col., where he la to attend th'e Irrigation congress. Earthquake Shock IVlt. HEALDSBURG, Cal., April 9. Quite a stiff earthquake shock was felt at 9:45 a. m. People rushed lnto the streets. No damage was reported. Congh Medicine for Children. Too much care canot be used In se lecting a cough medicine for chil dren. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful substance and be most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets these requirements and Is a favorite with the mothers of young children everywhere. For sale by all dealers. Adv. V. M. C. A. Wd Accepted. LA GRANDE. Ore.. April 10. The contract for the building of the Y. M. C. A. building will be let to G. H. Rush, a local contractor, who was th low bidder at $24,487. The building will be started at onc wlth a view to early completion. Mr. Rush recently has constructed tho five-story Foley office building, tho four-story Bonekamp building, tho Carnegie Library and several others. MY ENDURE PIMPLES 100 BEAUTIFUL and COLORED POST CARDS CUTICURA. Soap and Ointment Do so much for pimples,: blackheads, red, rougrr hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, and cost so little that it is almost criminal not to use them.. Cutleura Soap ana) Otntmsoi aoM throtwbout ttw void. ' utxral sample of mth mated rm. wlia 3-p. book. Addnai "CuUeura," Dept. B. Bostoa. asrMaa who sbara aad shampoo whs Cattoun laap wUI Bod It bast lor skla ana scalp. Many are rich anj rare pictures of Ur.AUTIFUL MODELS AND ACTRESSES Also a Self Filling FOUNTAIN PEN All for only 60 cents. The greatest bargain In 'beautiful Miru ana Tare art pictures ever of fered. Many are hard to obtain and have sold singly for tho price we ask for all. These will go quickly to all lovers of the beautiful In nature who appreciate rare art pictures of well developed models. A reliable self-filling fountain pen free with order. These alone have sold for one dollar In stores. The 100 hoaiitlful cards and pen all for but BO cents. Sent postpaid CENTRAL MANUFACTURING CO. Dayton, Ohio. SEE For tloodlos Chop Suoy and China Dishos of all kinds, served to order. New hard wood fixtures; private booths for parties. Wo cater to the hih-class trade no rowdyism allowed. Kwong Hong Low 110 West Alta St Upstairs. Back of Tallman drug store. - Phone, 433.