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EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREQOOTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1914. PAGE TOR EEL p FREE FREE with each $9.95 SUIT a $1.50 HAT with each $13.95 SUIT A 52.50 Hat U Pendleton's Biggest and Best Department Store ENO1RM0US SACRIFICE' CLTEG SALE Lot No. 1 -SUITS to 820.00 $ 1 .50' lHtot Ere Every Suit Included, Not One Reserved. All the latest models From the best known makers, such as Stein-Bloch, Sophomore and L System It's to your interst to choose early, they are sure to go fast. Note the Enormous Low Prices SOME EVEN LESS THAN ONE-HALF Lot No. 3-SUITS to S35.00 5 $3.50 '.Hat Erg FREE with each 19.95 SUIT A 33.50 Hat Men's Furnishings of all the latest styles obtain able in Shirts, Neckwear, Un derwear, Sox, Belts, Hats, Suspenders and Caps. Men's Welt Shoes S4.50 and S5.00 tf9 AC Grades, Special Lot No. 2-SUITS to S25.00 $2.50 free in Men's Shoes The Alexander Special Shoe is one that will please every man. Come in all leathers, black and tan. button and lace S3.50, 84 and g4.50 The ALEXANDER DEPARTMENT STORE We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps BOYS' SUITS worth to 9.00 Double Breasted Special during this Sale 83.95 Woman Her Varied Interests Social and Club Newa, Personals, Fashions, Home Hints and Other Itemsof Interest to the World Feminine. sociecv The present week promises to be a busy one In th nodal world. So ciety, now fully awakened from 1U Lenten sleep, la becoming more active than In the early part of the year. Last week saw a number of big events on the calendar and this week there will be a continuation of the same, on large dancing party, two big card parties and any number of smaller affairs have already been announced. CI1CC HALF DOZEN Ell CC rllCC Beautiful Spoon rilkC To acquaint you with the very la tent, dantlest, most dellclously flav ored surprising attraction In confec tion "LA RITA" Chocolates, we will give absolutely free nix beautiful "Cu Imn Pattern' Extra Crown Brand sil ver teaspoons. A fortunate purcHase of this celebrated silverware and our centalnty that you'll buy our LA RITA Chocolates after one taste, prompts us to make this generous of fer. LA RITA Chocolates are a dol lar a pound everywhere.- - Upon the receipt of 1.00 and the names of five lovers of good candy in your locality we will send you post paid a full slie box of LA RITA CtMwolaTcfl with the six teaspoons. There is no other way you can spend a dollar and get such delicious sur prising flovors and absolute purity. FTJIUTY CANDY COMPANY P. O. Box 91 MWuletown, Ohio Only a fair-sized house greeted the second performance of "The House That Jack Built" at the Oregon the ater Saturday evening and the big home-talent operetta, though a mark ed success In every other particular, gave but lttle money to the fund for which It was planned and for which those in It worked so patiently. It chanced that the dates conflicted with those of other attractions and many who wished to see It were deprived of the opportunity. The manner In which the 150 children went through their dances was really good to look upon and the operetta was undoubt cdlv one of the best amater attrac tions ever staged In Pendleton. Mrs. A. D. Sloan was hostess Inst Friday to the ladies of the Lucky Thirteen Bridge Club at her home on Bush street Honors were won by Mrs. Gideon Brown. ' Miss Daphne Stewart returned Sun day evening from Portland where she has been for the past two months as the guests of her sisters, Mrs. Rob ert Jenkins and Mrs. Robert Davis. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reetx and son left this morning for their home at Junction City after a three-day visit at the home of Mr. Beets' brother, 8. Reetx. Mrs. George Pembrooke arrived last evening from Portland to Join her husband, who Is the catcher on the Pendleton ball team. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Stanfleld of Stanfleld, were week-end visitors In the city. ' : Miss Irene Shea spent the week-end at the Strand ranch at Vansycle. Home Hints and Recipes' , To Put Name In Fillet Crochet., When making a name in fillet cro chet, intended for a towel end, the name should, of course, be In the ex act center. The only way this can be done Is to crochet the name and then add enough of the fillet meshes at each end to make the Insertion the inrrert lenfirth. A more finished appearance will re sult If some simple figure is added to each end. A rose, a tiny tree design or a shield, would be good motifs to use for this purpose. THE OFFICE Phone 299 71 1 Main Street PENDLETON, ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. Farm and City Loans Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street refreshed because he slept with his bedroom windows open. A quick in vigorating bath and perhaps a few minutes exercise will prepare him for a hearty breakfast. When he goes out in the cold, he will be comfort able, in Just sufficient clothing to keep him warm without Interfering with hla freedom of action. He knows that comfort and health go together and that if you sacrifice one, the other will suffer. It means Just commOn sense precautions without any cod dling. Children's comfort must be attended to. Fortunately, this does not entail much expense, but it does re quire a little systematic management. The Care of Children At this time of the year when the weather is so unsettled, mothers are apt to make mistakes in the care or their children in two ways. On the one hand, children are sent outdoors Dnorlv fed and poorly clothed, not so much from the want of means to sup nlv the necessities of life, but from want of thought or from a mistaken idea that children must he systemat ically exDosed to all kinds of weather in order to stand evil effects. On. the other hand the mistake Is made In kaeninir rhlldnui indoors for fear ih.i- will catch cold or that something dreadful will happen to them if they are allowed to go out when tne wea ther Is at all cold. Children are not 'hardened" by either method. Th ability to withstand moderate exposure Is only obtained by attention to the rules of health. Physical com fort Is of vital importance to a child's welfare: to Ignore it is to invite dls- tr Tn aenil a child outdoors With an unsatisfied appetite and not suf ficiently, clothed against tne weainer. will not make him accustomed to It On the contrary, It will quickly under mine his health and subject him to in fection from all kinds of diseases. A nhvaiclnn vlsltlnir Darents with Infecti ous diseases does not dose himself with any medicine to ward oft the ottork. nf nmnllno. measles and other diseases: neither floes he put a bag of camphor unaer nis waistcoat, as some people Imagine he does. He n'oria ntt olrknpfM nnlv bv keeping himself In physically good condition. On arising In the morning he will oe HAVE PRETTY HAIR Thick, Soft. Fluffy and No Dandruff Use Parisian sage. If your hair is losing its natural color, coming out and splitting, or lacks that enviable softness, gloss and beautv do not despair pretty hair Is largely & matter of care. If It Is too thin make It grow. If It Is harsh and brittle soften it up lubricate it If you have dandruff it is because the scalp Is too dry and flages off. Fresh en up the scalp with Parisian Sage all dandruff disappears, falling hair and itching head cease, your hair Is doubly beautiful. Parisian Sage, sold by Tallman A Co. and at all drug counters. Is Just what you need & large bottle costs but 50 cents. It surely makes the hair lustrous and seem twice as abun dant. Tou cannot be disappointed in Parisian Sage. If you cough all night you get no rest, nor does anyone else In the house. Keep within reach a bottle of BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SY RUP. It is then easy to stop the tickling which causes the - cough, whenever It appears. Price 25c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by all dealers. Adv. Local Playhouses What the Press Agent Has to ' Say of Present and Coming Attractions. Orplicum. For Tuesday's change. John Bunny and Flora Finch in "Bunny's Scheme." It is a good one and a funny one. Ethel has refused tc marry John for about the fiftieth time. A couple of his friends are to be married and leave on the Florida special for their honeymoon. So he and Ethel decorate the car. John secretly buys tickets and keeps Ethel there until the train pulls out. She finally sees the rumor of it all and John finds a preacher on the train and they are happily married. "When a Woman Guides." Bio- graph. Featuring Claire McDowell. To make the mayor see things as they were the president of the women's po litical league told him she lived in the tenements. His party bosses owned them and the bill passed his chance for governor would be gone. Yet It became a law and the mayor realised wherein lay his strength. "Dlnklesplel's Baby," Edison. An amusing comedy. "When Thieves Fall Out." Pelig. The story of a girl saved for a bet ter life. Cosy. The Hindle Trio In their dutch mu-i steal act are among the most pleas-1 ing and all-round satisfactory acts ever in this house. The character of! a near sighted and somewhat crab-i bed German musician putting his children through their music lesson' was most amusing and the mis chievous pranks of two pupils brings many laughs. The song In German by the two younger members of the trio causes lots of laughter also. They have a wide range of musical selec tions and their playing of the old fa vorite songs brings merited applause. This fine musical act will be here two more days, Monday and Tuesday. Nichols and Nichols In their com edy acrobatic act are most amusing, too. One' of this team works In a clown make-up and is continually pulling off some funny stunts. They will be on the bill Monday and Tues day, also. Miss Gladys Rahe, soprano soloist, in some new songs. "The Tie That Binds." Two reel Majestic. A beautifully told film story, so full of heart-interest and real humanity that it will long be re membered. . "One Hour of Youth." Thanhous er. Wonderful snow and ice scenes are features of this picture. In which a genie gives the old man his youth again for just one hour. "Too Much Turkey." Princess. Mu riel Ostrlche and the Princess players in a speedv comedy. Coming Wednesday, Major Wright and his dancing bugs. Vln Moore Returns to Alta Theater. The Vin Moore company, which played here a few weeks ago to such good business, will return tonight and play a week, with a change of bill nightly. The play tonight will be "Under Western Skies," a new play to this town, as Mr. Moore has the exclusive rights to It and it is one of the best they have. Mr. Moore will appear in an entirely new sort of part and will play an old rancher, who, on account of his scarcity of hair. Is nicknamed "Baldy." The fact that he is bald causes "Baldy" a great deal of trouble and the audience a lot of amusement, and Mr. Moore la a scream from start to finish. Mr. Moore is bringing the same company, with the exception of a new heavy man, Mr. Lee Harris, and he will be seen as the bad man. Mr. Van Dyke and Miss Mitchell will play the leading parts and the rest of the company is well cast During the week the company will present all new shows and the repertoire will consist of a new political play, "A Tramp Bill." and some snappy comedies. The doors open at T:30 and the show starts at 8 o'clock. There will also be the usual run of pictures be fore the curtain rises. DRINK MORE WATER IF KINDEYS BOTHER EAT LESS MEAT AND TAKE SALTS FOR BACKACHE Oil I1LAI IEH TROUBLE. Pastime Monday Only. "Shadows." Essanay. A two part offering featuring Francis X. Bush man as a secret service man engaged In rounding up a gang of counterfeit ers. And Irene Warefield as Fanny, the girl reported who also works on se case. The plot ho. da the atten tion. In places It is great and there is novelty In the settings and much attention is given to small details. The atmosphere of mystery Is also well In evidence. The love interest appears when the. detective meets the girl re porter. ' This Is a very Interesting and entertaining picture. "The Rube." Sellg comedy. The village "two-spot" becomes the king of a football game and gets his picture In the paper. Good comedy. "The Confiscated Count" Kalem. Featuring Ruth Roland and John E. Brennan. In this comedy you will see one of the funniest travesties on the craie for title ever presented. Uric acid in meat excites the kid neys, they become overworked: get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder Is Irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. 4Vhen the kidneys clog you anust help them flush off the body's urinous waste or; you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first ou feel a dull misery in the kidney region, you suffer from back ache, sick headache, dizziness, stom ach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather Is bad. Eat less meat drink lo of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad salts; take a tablespoon ful in a glass of water before break fust for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them tn normal activity, also to neutralise the acids in urine so it no longer Is a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent ltthla-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keeD the kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots or Jad salts to folks who believe in overcoming kid ney trouble while it is only trouble. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY CHINESE STYLE NOODLES LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS SERVICE TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Sta, Phone 567 Pendleton. Ore. ITS what you do WOT what you claim that makes yon successful We have got into a habit of "making pood" when it comes to doing SATISFACTORY PLDIUG An Ex&mple: We secured the contract for installing; the plumbing in the Pendleton high school. The job was completed and turn ed over more than two years ll'e have not had a comlack nor a call to correct a defect on the high school job. That's the wav YOUR plumbing will be done if you deal with Beddow& Miller Pendleton's only exclusive plumbers. ' Telephone 202. Uc sell "Kinkiest" Garden Hose guaranteed for two years. Duntley Vacuum Cleaners $5.00 without. $7.50 with Brush attachment like .-s 'wunu irom J1U.UO-J15.00. ELECTRIC! nrtvrm !h'Xtra atUchment" tor cleaning Upholstery, -ft alia, etc.. from $25.00 up Delivered Spccis discounts to Churches. Lodges and Charitable In stitutlons. We carry everything in the Vacuum cleaner line, are pioneers In the business, only exclusive Cleaner tore In the State. Prices reduced rrom so to 50 per cent. Save so Ilcltors profits. 17. L. DEtlTLEY & C?. j m naamngion. State Distributors. Portland, Ore. i. w mi m k. . -